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Abordagem contextual no âmbito do processo formativo do PIBIDReis, Nirly Araujo dos 23 February 2017 (has links)
The specific literature of science teaching has been discussing several trends and strategies in
the search for an improvement in the quality of teaching, to highlight the insertion of the
History of Science (HC) in the context of the classroom. In HC's perspective, the Contextual
Approach, whose basic principle deals with the incorporation of theoretical and
epistemological constructs as a perspective to teach science, gains a projection. Considering
the importance of these ideas for the area, this work had as objective, to investigate the
contributions of AC in the learning of the undergraduates inserted in the Programa
Institucional de Iniciação à Docência (PIBID). Based on this, it was sought to perceive the
epistemological change on History of Science from the speeches of the students in the scope
of the developed activities. This research was carried out by means of an accompaniment in a
group linked to the PIBID / Chemistry subproject of a IES of the agreste sergipano, whose
discussions were related to the investigation of historical episodes on certain chemical
concepts. Therefore, the methodology that approximates this study is the Focus Group, which
allowed the collection of data and particularities of information about the configuration of the
contextual approach in this formative stage. As the meetings progressed, it was noticed that
the undergraduates sought to explore certain historical episodes for the construction of
concepts and insertion of these into instructional proposals, based on the solution of problem
situations proposed by their trainer during the beginning of the actions in PIBID. However,
although the work evidences the appropriation of students with more elaborate ideas about
science and the nature of science - thus showing the contribution of the HC in this process, as
regards the approach used by the licenciandos in their materials - the proposal still Distances
itself in some aspects from the theoretical ideas defended by the AC and end up in distortions
in the work in History of Science. Therefore, the results indicate that there may be confusion
in undergraduates conceptions regarding the process of science elaboration (sometimes they
defend aspects of NdC, sometimes they fall into outdated perspectives), which ended up being
reflected in their didactic materials and allowed a distancing of the instructional proposal
Elaborated with those presented by theoretical references. In this case, it is possible to reflect
that the acquisition of new knowledge would not guarantee its application in the classroom.
Even so, the actions developed together with these students are configured as proposals that
are being produced, and therefore, contribute to their training as future teachers. / A literatura específica do ensino de ciências vem discutindo diversas tendências e
estratégias na busca de uma melhoria da qualidade do ensino, a destacar a inserção da História
da Ciência (HC) no contexto da sala de aula. Na perspectiva de HC, a Abordagem Contextual,
cujo princípio-base trata da incorporação dos constructos teóricos e epistemológicos como
uma perspectiva para se ensinar ciência, ganha projeção. Considerando a importância dessas
ideias para a área, este trabalho teve como objetivo, investigar as contribuições da AC na
aprendizagem dos licenciandos inseridos no Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação à
Docência (PIBID). Com base nisso, buscou-se perceber a mudança epistemológica sobre
História da Ciência a partir das falas dos estudantes no âmbito das atividades desenvolvidas.
Essa pesquisa foi realizada por meio de um acompanhamento em um grupo vinculado ao
subprojeto PIBID/Química de uma IES do agreste sergipano, cujas discussões ocorriam
atreladas à investigação de episódios históricos sobre determinados conceitos químicos.
Sendo assim, a metodologia que se aproxima desse estudo é o Grupo Focal, o qual permitiu a
coleta de dados e particularidades de informações acerca da configuração da abordagem
contextual nessa etapa formativa. Conforme avançavam os encontros, percebeu-se que os
licenciandos buscavam explorar determinados episódios históricos para a construção de
conceitos e inserção destes em propostas instrucionais, tendo como base a solução de
situações-problema propostas por seu formador durante o início das ações no PIBID. Todavia,
apesar de o trabalho evidenciar a apropriação dos estudantes com ideias mais elaboradas sobre
a ciência e a Natureza da Ciência – evidenciando assim, a contribuição da HC nesse processo,
no que se referem à abordagem utilizada pelos licenciandos em seus materiais – a proposta
ainda distancia-se, em alguns aspectos, das ideias teóricas defendidas pela AC e acabam
recaindo em distorções no trabalho em História da Ciência. Logo, os resultados indicam que
pode haver confusões nas concepções dos estudantes a respeito do processo de elaboração da
ciência (ora defendem aspectos NdC, ora recaem em perspectivas ultrapassadas), o que
acabou sendo refletido em seus materiais didáticos e permitiu um distanciamento da proposta
instrucional elaborada com aquelas apresentadas pelos referenciais teóricos. Nesse caso, é
possível refletir que a aquisição de novos conhecimentos não seria garantia da sua aplicação
em sala de aula. Ainda assim, as ações desenvolvidas juntamente com esses estudantes se
configuram como propostas que estão sendo produzidas, e por isso, contribuem para sua
formação enquanto futuros docentes.
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Les droits et libertés fondamentaux du salarié au travers du prisme de la relation d'emploiParent, Sébastien 02 1900 (has links)
Le salarié était destiné à devenir un citoyen dans l’entreprise. Titulaire de droits fondamentaux opposables aux pouvoirs étatiques dans la cité, il semblait normal qu’il puisse aussi les exercer devant la puissance patronale. Ces garanties sont en effet intrinsèques à tout être humain, universelles et inaliénables. Sous l’effet hiérarchique des instruments prééminents qui les consacrent, les droits et libertés se sont introduits au sein de la relation d’emploi. La nullité des normes du droit du travail qui sont incompatibles sera déclarée. La hiérarchisation des sources en droit du travail le réclame.
Ces droits et libertés sont formulés en termes généraux et abstraits, ce qui augure mal de leur usage immédiat dans le monde du travail. L’activité interprétative du juge apparaît indispensable. Dans sa quête du sens des libertés dans le travail, la méthode contextuelle qu’il privilégie débouche sur une aporie. Elle l’incite à prendre en considération l’ensemble du contexte normatif de la relation d’emploi. Les sources propres au droit du travail dictent ainsi le contenu des droits de la personne et posent des conditions à leur exercice en milieu de travail. Elles justifient également de nombreuses restrictions, voire suppressions, apportées par l’employeur. Les mutations subies par la liberté d’expression et le droit à la vie privée des salariés confirment l’effet réducteur de la relation d’emploi sur les protections offertes par la Charte québécoise.
Cette façon de juger renverse la pyramide des normes juridiques. Le noyau intangible de ces garanties est affaibli, car les libertés du travailleur ne possèdent plus la même signification que celles des autres citoyens. Des violations se multiplient sous le regard complice du juge, du fait que les intérêts purement privés de l’entreprise, axés sur la productivité et le profit, reçoivent une légitimité avérée. Le rapport de force et les pouvoirs de la figure patronale se fortifient par l’entremise du contentieux des droits fondamentaux en emploi. Le contrôle exercé par l’autorité patronale s’étend parfois jusque dans la vie personnelle du travailleur et compromet la jouissance des libertés hors du travail. Salarié dans l’entreprise, l’individu le demeure désormais dans la cité. S’impose alors la recherche d’un cadre d’analyse plus respectueux de la cohérence du système juridique et favorisant l’épanouissement des droits et libertés du travailleur. Les statuts de salarié et de personne humaine pourront enfin être réconciliés. / Citizenship in the workplace was destined to become a reality. As a holder of fundamental rights against state powers in society, it seemed normal that the employee could also oppose them to employers’ powers, as these guarantees are inherent to all human beings, universal and inalienable. Statutes granting a preponderance to human rights and freedoms have definitively contributed to their introduction into the employment relationship. Therefore, provisions of labour legislation or workplace rules that are inconsistent with human rights will be declared null and void. The hierarchy of sources of labour law requires it.
Rights and freedoms are stated in abstract and general terms, which makes it difficult to apply them instantly in the labour sphere. Judicial interpretation appears necessary to clarify what individual freedoms mean in the workplace. However, a contextual interpretation leads to aporia. This approach encourages the decision-maker to consider the whole normative context of the employment relationship. Specific sources of labour law dictate the content of human rights and set conditions to their exercise by the salaried person. They also justify many restrictions, or even deletions, imposed by the employer. The significant changes in the scope of workers’ freedom of speech and right to privacy confirm that the employment relationship has a reductive effect on the protections offered by the Quebec Charter.
This kind of reasoning inverts the hierarchical structure of the legal system. The core of human rights and freedoms is weakened. It no longer has the same meaning for workers as for other citizens. Moreover, the unchallenged legitimacy of business interests, motivated by the increase of productivity and profit, multiplies violations of the workers’ fundamental rights. The employer’s prerogatives and management rights are strengthened through the human rights case law in the field of employment. In some instances, the employer’s control can extend into the employee’s personal life and thus compromise the enjoyment of freedom beyond work. The employee status now follows the individual into his civil life. The search for an analytical framework that is more respectful of the coherence of the legal system and which fully ensures the protection and the development of human rights and freedoms at work is essential. The status of worker and of human being will finally be reconciled.
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