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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluation of PM2.5 Components and Source Apportionment at a Rural Site in the Ohio River Valley Region

Deshpande, Seemantini R. 27 September 2007 (has links)
No description available.


ROBERTA BECK TABAJARA 05 December 2019 (has links)
[pt] Nesse artigo, eu estudo a relação de alocação de crédito e contribuições de camapanhas políticas. Para atingir tal objetivo, eu uso dados de emprestimo das opereções indiretas do banco nacional de desenvolvimento economômico e social (BNDES) no nível da firma entre 2003 e 2014. Explorando variação da mesma empresa contribuindo e não contribuindo para campanhas políticas e de tipos de bancos, eu testo se firmas que contribuíram para campanhas políticas no nível federal têm acesso preferencial a credito por meio de efeito fixo de firma-banco, firma-tempo e de banco-tempo. Eu encontro que empresas conectadas politicamente vêem sua probabilidade de receber um empréstimo de bancos federais aumentar. Por outro lado, elas têm uma probabilidade menor de receber de bancos privados. Resultados na margem intensiva indicam que empresas conectadas com políticos no nível federal recebem, em média, contratos de crédito maiores de bancos federais. Além disso, essas empresas tomam emprestado valores menores de bancos privados. Esse efeito é concentrado na linha de crédito usada para financiar máquinas e equipamentos. Efeitos heterogêneos de conexões com candidatos ganhadores e perdedores variam de acordo com o modelo econométrico. / [en] In this paper, I study the relationship between allocation of credit and political campaign contribution. In order to achieve this goal, I use loan data on indirect operations from Brazilian development bank (BNDES) at the firm level between 2003 and 2014. Exploring variation for the same firm contributing and not contributing to political campaign and for type of bank, I test if firms that contribute to political campaign at the federal level have preferential access to credit through firm-bank, firm-time and bank-time fixed effect. I find that politically connected firms increase their likelihood of receiving a loan from state-owned banks. On the other hand, they have a lower probability of receiving a loan from private banks. Results for intensive margin show that companies connected with politicians at the federal level receive, on average, greater credit from federal banks. In addition, these companies borrow lower amounts from private banks. This effect is concentrated on the credit line used to fund machine and equipment. Heterogeneous effects of connections with winning and losing candidates vary according to the econometric model I use.

Sufficient Dimension Reduction in Complex Datasets

Yang, Chaozheng January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on two problems in dimension reduction. One is using permutation approach to test predictor contribution. The permutation approach applies to marginal coordinate tests based on dimension reduction methods such as SIR, SAVE and DR. This approach no longer requires calculation of the method-specific weights to determine the asymptotic null distribution. The other one is through combining clustering method with robust regression (least absolute deviation) to estimate dimension reduction subspace. Compared with ordinary least squares, the proposed method is more robust to outliers; also, this method replaces the global linearity assumption with the more flexible local linearity assumption through k-means clustering. / Statistics

The Mississippi timber severance tax: Its economic impacts to forestry and the state economy

Nepal, Sakar 12 May 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Millions of dollars are collected through Mississippi’s timber severance tax every year which then funds the Forest Resource Development Program (FRDP). This study analyzed their contributions to Mississippi’s economy and found that the total possible contribution was estimated to be $6.0 million in industrial output and 222 full-time and part-time jobs in 2019. However, only about 70 percent of the FRDP funds were expended in that year, and the actual contribution was short by $1.80 million in output and 80 full-time and part-time jobs. This study also examined the impact of the severance tax and FRDP on forest investment, using Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS). Results suggest that participation in the program is the most important factor to increase the returns from forest investment and the incentives offered by the program are more important for some landowners than others.

How does Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) contribute to trust building - through effective social contribution to the society?

Aldalaty, Moaath, Piranej, Tea January 2024 (has links)
Background: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a strategic tool for Swedish companies that promotes long-term success and competitiveness via transparency and ethical behaviour. While the EU emphasises on human rights across the world, ISO 26000:2010 provides non-certified guidance for organisations seeking sustainability. Despite substantial CSR research, there is a lack of knowledge of its role in building trust and generating effective social contributions. Purpose: This research intends to investigate the complex interaction between Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities, trust-building, and effective social contribution in the context of contemporary corporate practices. This study seeks to evaluate how CSR efforts might create stakeholder trust while addressing the growing societal concerns caused by fast development. This study examines how Swedish companies integrate CSR into their operations to achieve both social and financial value. Method: A qualitative study was conducted utilising a constructivist approach and an interpretivist philosophy. Furthermore, the methodology used a purposive sampling technique followed by snowballing to provide a wide range of sustainability experts.  Secondary data was gathered through semi-structured interviews and analysed using the Gioia method, which classified the data as first-order and second-order themes, and third-order aggregate dimensions. Conclusion: The study created a seven-step framework for effective social contribution and highlighted the significance of an integrated framework for analysing CSR benefits. Finally, the study shows how CSR builds trust by making effective social contributions and defines it by saying that a social contribution is effective when it aligns with the company's objectives, management, and skill set.

Le peuplement fondateur de la région de Lotbinière et ses conséquences démogénétiques

Sergerie, François 04 1900 (has links)
Un effet fondateur survient lorsqu’un petit nombre d’immigrants forment une nouvelle population et qu’ainsi les descendants ont une majorité de gènes provenant de ces quelques ancêtres. L’effet fondateur québécois, qui résulte de l’établissement de quelques milliers d’immigrants français aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles, est bien documenté. Mais des effets fondateurs régionaux ont aussi été identifiés. Ce mémoire de maîtrise vise à déterminer si un effet fondateur régional est à l’oeuvre dans la région de Lotbinière (Chaudière-Appalaches), dont le peuplement initial remonte à la fin du XVIIe siècle. Le fichier BALSAC et le Registre de la population du Québec ancien ont permis de constituer deux groupes de descendants, 715 individus mariés à la fin du XVIIIe siècle, et 60 autres mariés à la fin du XXe siècle. Par généalogies ascendantes et descendantes, les fondateurs immigrants et régionaux de la région ont par la suite été identifiés. Les résultats indiquent que l’effet fondateur régional avait encore une forte empreinte chez le groupe de descendants du XVIIIe siècle, mais que l’impact s’atténue en ce qui concerne les descendants contemporains. L’homogénéité démontrée par les coefficients d’apparentement et l’indice de contribution génétique uniforme, le petit nombre de fondateurs régionaux et le fait que 65 % des gènes contemporains étaient déjà introduits en 1800 sont des signes qui pointent vers un effet fondateur régional. Par contre, le nonisolement de la région, la proportion modérée de gènes contemporains introduits par les premiers fondateurs régionaux et les niveaux de consanguinité semblables aux autres régions du centre du Québec, incitent à nuancer cette conclusion. En fait, il y a possiblement deux Lotbinière : le Lotbinière ancien, sur la rive et le Lotbinière nouveau, dans les terres; chacun ayant son pool génique et son historique de peuplement propre. / A founder effect occurs when a small number of immigrants form a new population and thus the descendants carry a majority of genes from these few ancestors. Québec’s founder effect, which resulted from the settlement of a few thousand French immigrants during the 17th and 18th centuries, is well documented. But regional founder effects have also been identified. This master’s thesis aims to determine whether a regional founder effect is at work in the Lotbinière region (Chaudière-Appalaches), where the initial settlement goes back to the 17th century. With the BALSAC database and the Registre de la population du Québec ancien, two groups of descendants have been set up: 715 individuals married during the late eighteenth century, and 60 others married during the late twentieth century. By reconstituting ascending and descending genealogies, immigrant founders and regional founders of the area have been identified. The results indicate that the regional founder effect still had a strong footprint among the group of eighteenth century descendants, but that this impact diminishes for the contemporary descendants. The homogeneity demonstrated by kinship coefficients and the founder’s uniform number, the small number of regional founders and the fact that 65 % of contemporary genes were already introduced in 1800 are signs that point to a regional founder effect. However, the nonisolation of the region, the moderate proportion of contemporary genes introduced by the first regional founders and inbreeding levels which are similar to other regions of central Quebec, suggest a less straightforward conclusion. In fact, there are possibly two Lotbinière: the old Lotbinière, on the river bank, and the new Lotbinière, inland, each one having its own gene pool and settlement history.

Industrie et développement territorial : l’insertion des sociétés agro-industrielles dans le Delta et la Basse Vallée du fleuve Sénégal (rive gauche) / Industry and territory development : the insertion of agricultural societies in the Delta and the lower Valley of the Senegal River (left River)

Sy, Karalan 18 December 2014 (has links)
L’objectif de la thèse est d’étudier l’insertion des agro-industries dans les territoires et surtoutleur contribution au développement local et régional. Nos recherches ont été effectuées dansle Delta et la basse vallée du fleuve Sénégal (région de Saint Louis du Sénégal). L’étude desentreprises (CSS, SOCAS et GDS) situées dans notre zone d’étude a mis en évidencecertains lieux stratégiques : le Delta et la basse Vallée (espace de production), la région deDakar et l’international comme espace d’approvisionnement et de commercialisation. Cesentreprises contribuent très peu au développement du Delta et de la basse Vallée. Le rôleprépondérant de Dakar au détriment de Saint Louis, les incohérences des politiquesfoncières et de développement régional ainsi que le contexte international et sous-régional(concurrence et fraude) sont autant de facteurs qui expliquent l’impact limité des agroindustriesdans notre zone étude. Notre étude révèle aussi que les prises de terrescristallisent particulièrement des tensions entre les agro-industries et les populations hôtes.D’où la nécessite pour les entreprises d’adopter la politique de RSE, mais aussi pour l’État,de réformer le foncier. La prise en compte des agro-industries dans les plans dedéveloppement local et régional est également une piste à explorer par les élus locaux. / This thesis aims to examine the integration of agricultural industries in the areas andspecifically assess then contribution to the local and regional development. Our research hascovered the Delta and the lower Valley of the Senegal River (the region of Saint Louis ofSenegal). The study of societies (CSS, SOCAS, GDS) located in this area has highlightedcertain strategic places: The Delta and the lower Valley (production area), the region ofDakar and the international market as supplying and marketing area. These societiescontribute very little to the development of the Delta and of the lower Valley. Among thefactors that account for the limited impact of these agricultural industries one can mention theparamount role played by Dakar to the detriment of Saint Louis, the inconsistencies of landand regional development policy as well as the regional an intercontinental context(competition, smuggling). This investigation has also revealed that the appropriation of landsparticularly causes time conflicting relations between agricultural societies and the localpopulations, hence the necessity for these companies to adopt the social responsibility ofcompany’s policy and to reform the land policy. The local councillors should also considertaking into account the agricultural companies in their local and regional development plan.

A Review And Analysis Of The Sustainability And Equity Of Social Security Adjustment Mechanisms

Andrews, Douglas January 2008 (has links)
This thesis examines stabilizing mechanisms in social security retirement systems (“SSRS”), especially those purporting to be automatic balancing mechanisms (“ABM”). It develops a consistent approach to identifying whether an ABM is robust, partial or transitory and establishes a terminology to classify balancing mechanisms. Both financial and equitable balances are considered in assessing whether an ABM achieves balance. Families of definitions of equity are presented and a benchmark by which to measure equitable balance is defined and applied. The balancing mechanisms of Canada, Germany, Japan and Sweden are described, evaluated and classified. None of these mechanisms are found to be robust. This thesis provides a critical analysis of an approach referred to as integration to financial markets and the approach is found to be deficient. In analyzing the Swedish SSRS a critical error in the way assets are calculated is identified and a suitable correction is proposed. A further weakness in the application of the Swedish ABM is identified that means that once an imbalance occurs, balance is unlikely to be restored. The thesis also discusses some of the unusual characteristics of the steady-state contribution rate calculation for the Canadian SSRS and shows that although it has limited application and does not appear to depend on any actuarial principle, the steady-state contribution rate calculation creates a tension between the near and distant future, which is a factor in achieving financial balance over a seventy-five year horizon. With respect to the balancing mechanism in the Canadian SSRS, the thesis proposes a change in how the mechanism is defined so that the mechanism would be robust, within certain ranges.

A Review And Analysis Of The Sustainability And Equity Of Social Security Adjustment Mechanisms

Andrews, Douglas January 2008 (has links)
This thesis examines stabilizing mechanisms in social security retirement systems (“SSRS”), especially those purporting to be automatic balancing mechanisms (“ABM”). It develops a consistent approach to identifying whether an ABM is robust, partial or transitory and establishes a terminology to classify balancing mechanisms. Both financial and equitable balances are considered in assessing whether an ABM achieves balance. Families of definitions of equity are presented and a benchmark by which to measure equitable balance is defined and applied. The balancing mechanisms of Canada, Germany, Japan and Sweden are described, evaluated and classified. None of these mechanisms are found to be robust. This thesis provides a critical analysis of an approach referred to as integration to financial markets and the approach is found to be deficient. In analyzing the Swedish SSRS a critical error in the way assets are calculated is identified and a suitable correction is proposed. A further weakness in the application of the Swedish ABM is identified that means that once an imbalance occurs, balance is unlikely to be restored. The thesis also discusses some of the unusual characteristics of the steady-state contribution rate calculation for the Canadian SSRS and shows that although it has limited application and does not appear to depend on any actuarial principle, the steady-state contribution rate calculation creates a tension between the near and distant future, which is a factor in achieving financial balance over a seventy-five year horizon. With respect to the balancing mechanism in the Canadian SSRS, the thesis proposes a change in how the mechanism is defined so that the mechanism would be robust, within certain ranges.

Le peuplement fondateur de la région de Lotbinière et ses conséquences démogénétiques

Sergerie, François 04 1900 (has links)
Un effet fondateur survient lorsqu’un petit nombre d’immigrants forment une nouvelle population et qu’ainsi les descendants ont une majorité de gènes provenant de ces quelques ancêtres. L’effet fondateur québécois, qui résulte de l’établissement de quelques milliers d’immigrants français aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles, est bien documenté. Mais des effets fondateurs régionaux ont aussi été identifiés. Ce mémoire de maîtrise vise à déterminer si un effet fondateur régional est à l’oeuvre dans la région de Lotbinière (Chaudière-Appalaches), dont le peuplement initial remonte à la fin du XVIIe siècle. Le fichier BALSAC et le Registre de la population du Québec ancien ont permis de constituer deux groupes de descendants, 715 individus mariés à la fin du XVIIIe siècle, et 60 autres mariés à la fin du XXe siècle. Par généalogies ascendantes et descendantes, les fondateurs immigrants et régionaux de la région ont par la suite été identifiés. Les résultats indiquent que l’effet fondateur régional avait encore une forte empreinte chez le groupe de descendants du XVIIIe siècle, mais que l’impact s’atténue en ce qui concerne les descendants contemporains. L’homogénéité démontrée par les coefficients d’apparentement et l’indice de contribution génétique uniforme, le petit nombre de fondateurs régionaux et le fait que 65 % des gènes contemporains étaient déjà introduits en 1800 sont des signes qui pointent vers un effet fondateur régional. Par contre, le nonisolement de la région, la proportion modérée de gènes contemporains introduits par les premiers fondateurs régionaux et les niveaux de consanguinité semblables aux autres régions du centre du Québec, incitent à nuancer cette conclusion. En fait, il y a possiblement deux Lotbinière : le Lotbinière ancien, sur la rive et le Lotbinière nouveau, dans les terres; chacun ayant son pool génique et son historique de peuplement propre. / A founder effect occurs when a small number of immigrants form a new population and thus the descendants carry a majority of genes from these few ancestors. Québec’s founder effect, which resulted from the settlement of a few thousand French immigrants during the 17th and 18th centuries, is well documented. But regional founder effects have also been identified. This master’s thesis aims to determine whether a regional founder effect is at work in the Lotbinière region (Chaudière-Appalaches), where the initial settlement goes back to the 17th century. With the BALSAC database and the Registre de la population du Québec ancien, two groups of descendants have been set up: 715 individuals married during the late eighteenth century, and 60 others married during the late twentieth century. By reconstituting ascending and descending genealogies, immigrant founders and regional founders of the area have been identified. The results indicate that the regional founder effect still had a strong footprint among the group of eighteenth century descendants, but that this impact diminishes for the contemporary descendants. The homogeneity demonstrated by kinship coefficients and the founder’s uniform number, the small number of regional founders and the fact that 65 % of contemporary genes were already introduced in 1800 are signs that point to a regional founder effect. However, the nonisolation of the region, the moderate proportion of contemporary genes introduced by the first regional founders and inbreeding levels which are similar to other regions of central Quebec, suggest a less straightforward conclusion. In fact, there are possibly two Lotbinière: the old Lotbinière, on the river bank, and the new Lotbinière, inland, each one having its own gene pool and settlement history.

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