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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ανάπτυξη εφαρμογής βιομηχανικού αυτοματισμού με Προγραμματιζόμενο Λογικό Ελεγκτή και τεχνητούς πνευματικούς μύες

Αμπλάς, Γρηγόριος 10 March 2014 (has links)
Η διπλωματική εργασία συνίσταται στο σχεδιασμό, την κατασκευή και τον έλεγχο μιας πειραματικής διάταξης παράλληλου ρομποτικού μηχανισμού, η οποία περιλαμβάνει ηλεκτροπνευματικό εξοπλισμό, όπως τέσσερα πνευματικά έμβολα τύπου τεχνητών μυών, ισάριθμες ανάλογικές βαλβίδες πεπιεσμένου αέρα και έναν προγραμματιζόμενο λογικό ελεγκτή (PLC) που ελέγχει τη λειτουργία της διάταξης. Η πειραματική διάταξη που σχεδιάσαμε και κατασκευάσαμε είναι ένας παράλληλος ρομποτικός μηχανισμός πέντε βαθμών ελευθερίας, ο οποίος αποτελείται από τέσσερις δοκούς, δύο βασικά γρανάζια περιστροφής, δύο οδοντωτούς ιμάντες, μια βάση στήριξης και επιπρόσθετα βοηθητικά στηρίγματα. Οι δοκοί συνδέονται μεταξύ τους μέσω περιστροφικών αρθρώσεων και αποτελούν μια κλειστή κινηματική αλυσίδα, στα άκρα της οποίας τοποθετούνται οι κινητήριες αρθρώσεις (γρανάζια). Στόχος είναι με τον έλεγχο της περιστροφής των γραναζιών να εξασφαλίζεται μια επιθυμητή τροχιά του τελικού σημείου. Ο έλεγχος της περιστροφής των γραναζιών επιτυγχάνεται μέσω της ανταγωνιστικής λειτουργίας των μυών της διάταξης μας. Η τροφοδοτούμενη πίεση στους μύες, ελέγχεται μέσω του PLC. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, οι επιθυμητές τροχιές που επιχειρήθηκαν ήταν η παράλληλη, η κατακόρυφη και η κυκλική τροχιά. Οι έλεγχοι που χρησιμοποιήθηκαν ήταν ένας έλεγχος ανοιχτού βρόχου και ένας PID έλεγχος κλειστού βρόχου. Συμπερασματικά, τα ζητήματα που μας απασχόλησαν κατά τη διεξαγωγή της διπλωματικής εργασίας είναι ο προγραμματισμός του PLC, οι πνευματικοί μύες, η ανταγωνιστική τους λειτουργία, η μαθηματική περιγραφή του μοντέλου του παράλληλου μηχανισμού και ο έλεγχος για την επίτευξη των επιθυμητών τροχιών. / The thesis consists of designing, manufacturing and controlling a parallel robotic mechanism, including electro-pneumatics equipment, such as four pneumatic artificial muscles, four analogue pneumatic valves and a programmable logical controller (PLC), in order to control the structure's operation. This structure is a 5-degrees-of-freedom robotic mechanism, consisting of four beams, two basic rotating gears, two toothed belts and other complementary brackets. Beams are connected to each other by use of rotary joints and, therefore, constitute a closed kinematic chain. At the ends of the chain are placed the rotating gears. The thesis goal is to achieve the mechanism's end successful move through a certain track by controlling the gears' rotating angles. This is achieved by the competitive operation of pneumatic artificial muscles. Pneumatic muscles' pressure is controlled through the PLC. A parallel, a vertical and a circular track were executed. An open loop and a PID closed loop controller where designed. In conclusion, issues taken into consideration in this thesis were PLC programming, pneumatic artificial muscles and their competitive operation, parallel mechanism's mathematical model description and control implementation.

Intelligent methods for complex systems control engineering

Abdullah, Rudwan Ali Abolgasim January 2007 (has links)
This thesis proposes an intelligent multiple-controller framework for complex systems that incorporates a fuzzy logic based switching and tuning supervisor along with a neural network based generalized learning model (GLM). The framework is designed for adaptive control of both Single-Input Single-Output (SISO) and Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO) complex systems. The proposed methodology provides the designer with an automated choice of using either: a conventional Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller, or a PID structure based (simultaneous) Pole and Zero Placement controller. The switching decisions between the two nonlinear fixed structure controllers is made on the basis of the required performance measure using the fuzzy logic based supervisor operating at the highest level of the system. The fuzzy supervisor is also employed to tune the parameters of the multiple-controller online in order to achieve the desired system performance. The GLM for modelling complex systems assumes that the plant is represented by an equivalent model consisting of a linear time-varying sub-model plus a learning nonlinear sub-model based on Radial Basis Function (RBF) neural network. The proposed control design brings together the dominant advantages of PID controllers (such as simplicity in structure and implementation) and the desirable attributes of Pole and Zero Placement controllers (such as stable set-point tracking and ease of parameters’ tuning). Simulation experiments using real-world nonlinear SISO and MIMO plant models, including realistic nonlinear vehicle models, demonstrate the effectiveness of the intelligent multiple-controller with respect to tracking set-point changes, achieve desired speed of response, prevent system output overshooting and maintain minimum variance input and output signals, whilst penalising excessive control actions.

De l’immersion à l’engagement, la perspective des concepteurs de jeux vidéo sur l’expérience de jeu

Chabot, Pierre-Luc 08 1900 (has links)
De nos jours, la notion d’immersion est largement utilisée, voire galvaudée, par l’industrie du jeu vidéo pour décrire les nouvelles expériences de jeu vécues par les joueurs, notamment lorsqu’ils utilisent des contrôleurs de mouvement. Il est donc intéressant de comprendre comment cette notion s’insère dans le processus de conception des jeux vidéo et comment les concepteurs de jeux vidéo mobilisent cette notion. Pour essayer de comprendre comment les concepteurs de jeux vidéo conçoivent leurs expériences de jeu dans ce contexte, nous avons réalisé une série de cinq entrevues avec des concepteurs de la région montréalaise. Nous avons porté une attention particulière à recueillir le discours de concepteurs indépendants et de concepteurs œuvrant dans de grands studios afin d’obtenir une diversité dans le type d’approches. Nous avons relevé que les concepteurs de jeux vidéo sont loin de partager la même définition de la notion d’immersion. Qui plus est, cette notion n’est souvent pas directement mobilisée par les concepteurs. En effet, les résultats de notre recherche ont démontré que les concepteurs recherchent plutôt à intéresser les joueurs par des stratégies d’engagements plutôt que de les « immerger ». Selon nos concepteurs, un joueur engagé signifie qu’il éprouve un plaisir sincère dans l’acte même de jouer. / Nowadays, the concept of immersion is widely used or overused by the video game industry to describe new gaming experiences for players, especially when using motion controllers. It is therefore interesting to understand how this concept fits into the process of designing video games and how game developers mobilize this notion. To try to understand how video game designers design their gameplay experiences in this context, we conducted a series of five interviews with designers in the Montreal area. We paid particular attention to interview independent developers and designers working in major studios to obtain a diversity of approaches. We found that game developers are far from sharing the same definition of immersion. Furthermore, this notion is often not directly mobilized by the designers themselves. Indeed, the results of our research have shown that designers use strategies of engagement rather than "immersion". According to our designers, an engaged player means he feels a sincere pleasure in the act in itself of playing.

Commande robuste par façonnement d’énergie de systèmes non-linéaires / Robust energy shaping control of nonlinear systems

Romero Velázquez, José Guadalupe 08 February 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la conception de commandes robustes pour les systèmes non linéaires, mettant l'accent sur les systèmes mécaniques. Des résultats concluants sont présentés pour résoudre deux situations très abordées dans la théorie du contrôle : 1) La stabilité des systèmes non linéaires perturbés ; 2) Le suivi global de trajectoire dans les systèmes mécaniques en ayant seulement connaissance de la position. Nous avons commencé par donner une méthode de conception des commandes robustes pour assurer une régulation de sortie non passive. En outre, si le système est perturbé (pas appariés), des preuves rigoureuses pour les rejeter sont fournies. Ce résultat est principalement inspiré d'un changement de coordonnées et de l'action intégrale dynamique. Si le scénario à traiter concerne des systèmes mécaniques avec des perturbations variant dans le temps, nous dotons le système de propriétés comme IISS (Integral Input- State Stable) et ISS (Input-State Stable). Ce résultat est obtenu en modifiant la procédure de conception de manière à rejeter les perturbations constantes (pas appariés). Cependant, en raison de la non-linéarité du système, les commandes qui en résultent ont une grande complexité. Pour le même problème, un deuxième et élégant résultat est donné au cas où un changement préalable de variable (impulsions) est réalisé. Finalement, une réponse convaincante au problème de suivi de trajectoire pour les systèmes mécaniques est donnée en tenant compte uniquement des informations de position. Nous résolvons ce problème en deux étapes. Premièrement, quelques modifications sont apportées à la preuve de stabilité d'un observateur de vitesse basée sur la théorie de l'invariance et l’Immersion récemment publié. Notez que ceci est un observateur satisfaisant la convergence exponentielle de vitesse dans les systèmes mécaniques. Deuxièmement et sur la base du changement de coordonnées (impulsions), un contrôleur de suivi avec stabilité exponentielle, tenant compte de la position et de la vitesse, est proposé. De telle sorte qu'avec la combinaison des deux résultats, le suivi de trajectoire exponentielle avec retour de position est donné. / This thesis focuses on the design of robust control for nonlinear systems, mainly on mechanical systems. The results presented are to two situations widely discussed in control theory: 1) The stability of nonlinear systems disturbed; 2) The global tracking trajectory in mechanical systems having only knowledge of the position. We started giving a design method of robust controls to ensure regulation on non-passive output. In addition, if the system is perturbed (constant unmatched), rigorous proof to its rejection is provided. This result is based mainly on change of coordinates and integral dynamic control. When the scenario to deal are mechanical systems with time-varying matched and unmatched, disturbance, the system is endowed with strong properties as IISS (Integral Input-State Stable) and ISS (Input-State Stable). This is achieved based on the design method to rejection of constant disturbances (unmatched). However, due to the nonlinearity of the system, the controllers have a high complexity. For the same problem, a second and elegant result is given making a initial change of coordinate on the momenta variable, such that the controller significantly simplifies, preserving the aforementioned robustness properties. Finally, a convincing answer to the problem of global exponential tracking of mechanical systems is given taking into account only the position information. We solve this problem in two steps. First, some slight variation is presented to the proof of stability of a speed observer based on Immersion and Invariance theory recently published. Note that this is a speed observer satisfying the exponential convergence speed in mechanical systems. Secondly, and based on the change of coordinates (momenta), a globally exponentially stable tracking controller with position and velocity known is proposed. The combination of both results give the first global exponential tracking controller of mechanical systems without velocity measurements.

Projeto de controladores para o amortecimento de oscilações em sistemas elétricos com geração distribuída / Design of controllers to damp oscillations in electrical systems with distributed generation

Kuiava, Roman 04 March 2010 (has links)
Essa pesquisa se propõe a investigar o uso de Inclusões Diferenciais Lineares Limitadas por Norma (IDLNs) para projeto de controladores de amortecimento de tipo PSS (Power System Stabilizer) para sistemas elétricos com a presença de geração distribuída. Uma vez definida de maneira adequada, uma IDLN pode ser capaz de englobar um conjunto de trajetórias do modelo não-linear do sistema em estudo. Assim, é possível garantir certas propriedades (estabilidade assintótica, por exemplo) para as trajetórias da IDLN e, consequentemente, as mesmas propriedades terão validade para as trajetórias do modelo não-linear. Inicialmente propõe-se um procedimento para cálculo dos parâmetros do modelo de IDLN proposto de forma que ela seja capaz de agregar um conjunto de dinâmicas de interesse do sistema. Tal procedimento divide-se, basicamente, em duas etapas. Na primeira etapa, o objetivo é englobar um conjunto de trajetórias do modelo não-linear do sistema numa Inclusão Diferencial Linear Politópica (IDLP). Já na segunda etapa, os parâmetros da IDLN são calculados a partir da solução um problema na forma de LMIs (Linear Matrix Inequalities) que utiliza informações da IDLP obtida anteriormente. Em seguida, essa pesquisa propõe um procedimento sistemático na forma de LMIs para projeto de controladores de amortecimento de tipo PSS para sistemas de geração distribuída usando-se os modelos de IDLNs propostos. Restrições na forma de desigualdades matriciais são incluídas ao problema de controle para garantir um desempenho mínimo a ser atingido pelo controlador. Como resultado, a formulação do problema de controle é descrita por um conjunto de BMIs (Bilinear Matrix Inequalities). Entretanto, através de um procedimento de separação pode-se tratar o problema em duas etapas, ambas envolvendo a solução de um conjunto de LMIs. Uma planta de co-geração instalada numa rede de distribuição composta por um alimentador e 6 barras é utilizada como sistema teste. / This work proposes an investigation about the use of Norm-bounded Linear Differential Inclusions (NLDIs) for the design of PSS-type damping controllers for electrical systems with the presence of distributed generation. When the NLDI is properly defined, it is possible to guarantee certain properties (for example, asymptotic stability) to the trajectories of the NLDI and, consequently, the trajectories of the nonlinear model have these same properties. Initially, this research proposes a procedure to calculate the NLDI parameters in such way it can be capable to aggregate a set of dynamics of interest. Such procedure is constituted by two steps. In the first step, the objective is to aggregate some trajectories of the nonlinear model to a Politopic Linear Differential Inclusion (PLDI). In the second step, the NLDI parameters are calculated by solving a problem in the form of LMIs (Linear Matrix Inequalities) that uses the IDLP previously obtained. After that, this research proposes a systematic method based on LMIs for the design of PSS-type damping controllers for distributed generation systems. Such method uses the proposed NLDI models. Constraints in the form of LMIs are included to the control problem formulation in order to guarantee a desirable performance to the controller. As a result, the control problem formulation is structured by a set of BMIs (Bilinear Matrix Inequalities). However, it is possible to deal with such problem in two steps,both involving the solution of a set of LMIs. A cogeneration plant added to a distribution network constituted by a feeder and six buses is adopted as test system.

Uma metodologia de projeto de controladores de ganho programado para sistemas não lineares / not available

Costa, Eduardo Fontoura 26 March 1998 (has links)
Neste trabalho apresenta-se um procedimento de projeto para sistemas dinâmicos com não linearidades do tipo setor. Um sistema linear com incerteza estruturada é utilizado para descrever o sistema não linear, permitindo encontrar funções de Lyapunov, subconjuntos do domínio de atração e regiões invariantes do sistema não linear de forma relativamente simples. O controlador de ganho programado utiliza os estados do sistema para chavear controladores lineares robustos em subconjuntos do domínio de atração do sistema em torno do ponto de operação. O procedimento garante a estabilidade do sistema em malha fechada e reduz o conservadorismo que resulta quando uma grande região de atração é considerada. Além disto, também considera-se o problema de transição garantida entre pontos de operação, utilizando um caminho pré especificado no espaço de estado. Para o controle do sistema linear com incerteza, apresenta-se uma técnica de controle de custo garantido utilizando desigualdades de matrizes lineares. Um sistema de suspensão magnética e um sistema de bioxidação microbiana de sorbitol a sorbose são apresentados como exemplos de aplicação do controlador de ganho programado. / In this work a gain scheduling controller design procedure for dynamic systems with sector nonlinearities is given. An uncertain linear system with structured uncertainty is used to describe the nonlinear system, yielding an easy way to obtain Lyapunov functions, invariant sets and subsets of the system domain of attraction. The gain scheduling controller proposed uses the system state to switch linear robust controllers in subsets of the system domain of attraction around the operating point. The procedure guarantees the stability ofthe closed loop system and reduces the amount of conservatism that results when a large region of attraction around the operating point is considered. In addition, we also consider the problem of guaranteed transition between operating points by using a pre specified path in the state space for the system operating points. A guaranteed cost control law for uncertain linear systems using linear matrix inequalities is also presented. A magnetic suspension system and a sorbitol to sorbose microbial oxidation system are presented as applications of the gain scheduled controller.

Vérification des contraintes temporelles de bout-en-bout dans le contexte AutoSar / Verification of end-to-end real-time constraints in the context of AutoSar

Monot, Aurélien 26 October 2012 (has links)
Les systèmes électroniques embarqués dans les véhicules ont une complexité sans cesse croissante. Cependant, il est crucial d'en maîtriser le comportement temporel afin de garantir la sécurité ainsi que le confort des passagers. La vérification des contraintes temporelles de bout-en-bout est donc un enjeu majeur lors de la conception d'un véhicule. Dans le contexte de l'architecture logicielle AUTOSAR standard dans les véhicules, nous décomposons la vérification d'une contrainte de bout-en-bout en sous-problèmes d'ordonnancement sur les calculateurs et sur les réseaux de communication que nous traitons ensuite séparément. Dans un premier temps, nous présentons une approche permettant d'améliorer l'utilisation des calculateurs exécutant un grand nombre de composants logiciels, compatible avec l'introduction progressive des plateformes multi-coeurs. Nous décrivons des algorithmes rapides et efficaces pour lisser la charge périodique sur les calculateurs multi-coeurs en adaptant puis en améliorant une approche existant pour les bus CAN. Nous donnons également des résultats théoriques sur l'efficacité des algorithmes dans certains cas particuliers. Enfin, nous décrivons les possibilités d'utilisation de ces algorithmes en fonction des autres tâches exécutées sur le calculateur. La suite des travaux est consacrée à l'étude des distributions de temps de réponse des messages transmis sur les bus CAN. Dans un premier temps nous présentons une approche de simulation basée sur la modélisation des dérives d'horloges des calculateurs communicant sur le réseau. Nous montrons que nous obtenons des distributions de temps de réponse similaires en réalisant une longue simulation avec des dérives d'horloge ou en faisant un grand nombre de courtes simulations sans dérives d'horloge. Nous présentons enfin une technique analytique pour évaluer les distributions de temps de réponse des trames CAN. Nous présentons différents paramètres d'approximation permettant de réduire le nombre très important de calculs à effectuer en limitant la perte de précision. Enfin, nous comparons expérimentalement les résultats obtenus par analyse et simulation et décrivons les avantages et inconvénients respectifs de ces approches / The complexity of electronic embedded systems in cars is continuously growing. Hence, mastering the temporal behavior of such systems is paramount in order to ensure the safety and comfort of the passengers. As a consequence, the verification of end-to-end real-time constraints is a major challenge during the design phase of a car. The AUTOSAR software architecture drives us to address the verification of end-to-end real-time constraints as two independent scheduling problems respectively for electronic control units and communication buses. First, we introduce an approach, which optimizes the utilization of controllers scheduling numerous software components that is compatible with the upcoming multicore architectures. We describe fast and efficient algorithms in order to balance the periodic load over time on multicore controllers by adapting and improving an existing approach used for the CAN networks. We provide theoretical result on the efficiency of the algorithms in some specific cases. Moreover, we describe how to use these algorithms in conjunction with other tasks scheduled on the controller. The remaining part of this research work addresses the problem of obtaining the response time distributions of the messages sent on a CAN network. First, we present a simulation approach based on the modelisation of clock drifts on the communicating nodes connected on the CAN network. We show that we obtain similar results with a single simulation using our approach in comparison with the legacy approach consisting in numerous short simulation runs without clock drifts. Then, we present an analytical approach in order to compute the response time distributions of the CAN frames. We introduce several approximation parameters to cope with the very high computational complexity of this approach while limiting the loss of accuracy. Finally, we compare experimentally the simulation and analytical approaches in order to discuss the relative advantages of each of the two approaches

Procedimento de projeto de controladores robustos para o amortecimento de oscilações eletromecânicas em sistemas de potência. / Robust controller design procedure for electromechanical oscillation damping in power systems.

Ramos, Rodrigo Andrade 16 December 2002 (has links)
Este trabalho propõe uma nova metodologia de projeto de controladores para o amortecimento de oscilações eletromecânicas de baixa freqüência em sistemas de potência. Considerando a necessidade de se aumentar a robustez dos estabilizadores clássicos frente a variações nas condições de operação, este estudo analisou uma série de requisitos práticos a serem atendidos pelos novos controladores de amortecimento e desenvolveu a metodologia proposta, de tal forma que os controladores projetados pudessem satisfazer a todos os requisitos analisados. Foram tratadas questões relativas à estrutura de controle (realimentação dinâmica descentralizada de saída), à robustez de estabilidade e desempenho (através da modelagem politópica e dos critérios de posicionamento regional de pólos) e da não atuação dos controladores em regime permanente (com a inclusão de filtros washout na modelagem). A principal vantagem desta metodologia proposta é a possibilidade de se garantir formalmente um desempenho robusto dos controladores, dentro de uma região pré-especificada de pontos de operação. Os resultados, obtidos através de simulações não lineares da resposta (para uma série de perturbações) dos sistemas escolhidos para teste, em diversas condições de operação, mostram que os controladores obtidos com a aplicação desta metodologia são capazes de manter seu desempenho frente às variações consideradas. Além disso, a obtenção de resultados satisfatórios com a aplicação desta metodologia a um sistema com 45 variáveis de estado indica boas perspectivas para a utilização conjunta da mesma com técnicas de redução do modelo de estados, para o projeto de controladores de amortecimento em sistemas reais de grande porte. / This research proposes a new methodology for the design of controllers to damp low frequency electromechanical oscillations in power systems. Considering the need to improve the robustness of the classical stabilizers, with respect to variations in the operating conditions, this study has analyzed a series of practical requirements to be met by the new damping controllers and developed the proposed methodology, so the designed controllers could satisfy all the analyzed equirements. Questions regarding the controller structure (decentralized dynamic output feedback), the robustness of stability and performance (through the polytopic modelling and the regional pole placement criteria) and the non influence of the controllers over the steady state behavior of the system (with the inclusion of washout filters in the model) were treated. The main advantage of the proposed methodology is the possibility to ensure, formally, the performance robustness of the controllers, within a previously specified region of operating points. The results, obtained through the eigenanalysis of the closed loop system and the nonlinear simulations of the system responses to a series of disturbances, in various operating conditions, show that the controllers provided by this new methodology are capable of maintaining their performance, despite the considered variations. Moreover, the satisfactory results obtained with the application of this methodology to a system with 45 state variables indicates good perspectives for the joint utilization of the methodology and model order reduction techniques, for the design of damping controllers for real-sized systems.

Méthodes de commande avancées appliquées aux viseurs. / Line of sight stabilization using advanced control techniques

Hirwa, Serge 29 October 2013 (has links)
La stabilisation inertielle de ligne de visée est essentiellement un problème de rejet de perturbations : il faut rendre la ligne de visée de la caméra embarquée dans le viseur insensible aux mouvements du porteur. Les méthodes de commande robuste du type H-infini sont bien adaptées à la résolution de ce type de problème, et plus particulièrement l’approche Loop-Shaping qui repose sur des concepts de réglage de l’automatique fréquentielle classique. Cependant, les correcteurs obtenus via cette approche sont généralement d’ordre élevé et donc difficilement implémentables sur le calculateur embarqué du viseur.Dans cette thèse, nous avons proposé des méthodologies de synthèse de correcteurs robustes d’ordre réduit et/ou de structure fixée. Pour cela, nos travaux ont été axés sur :- L’optimisation pour la synthèse H-infini à ordre et/ou structure fixée. Tout d’abord nous avons exploré les possibilités offertes par l’optimisation sous contraintes LMI (Linear Matrix Inequalities). Celles-ci se sont avérées limitées, bien que de nombreux algorithmes aient été proposés dans ce cadre depuis le début des années 90. Ensuite, nous avons opté pour l’optimisation non lisse. En effet des outils numériques récemment développés rendent accessible cette approche, et leur efficacité s’est avéré indéniable.- L’adaptation au cadre particulier du critère H-infini Loop-Shaping.La structure particulière de ce critère de synthèse a été exploitée afin de mieux prendre en compte les pondérations, et d’améliorer la réduction d’ordre du correcteur final. Enfin, une approche basée uniquement sur le réglage graphique d’un gabarit de gain fréquentiel en boucle ouverte est proposée. Ces différentes méthodologies sont illustrées, tout au long de la thèse, sur un viseur dont le modèle a été identifié à partir de mesures expérimentales. / Inertial line of sight stabilization is a disturbance rejection problem: the goal is to hold steady in the inertial space, the line of sight of a camera, which is carried on a mobile vehicle. H-infinity robust control techniques are well suited for this type of problem, in particular the Loop-Shaping approach which relies on classical frequency domain concepts. However, this approach results in high order controllers which are hardly implementable on the real time embedded electronic unit of the sight system.In this thesis, fixed order and fixed structure controller design methodologies are proposed. This development follows two main axis: - Fixed order H-infinity Optimization. First, fixed order controllers have been investigated through the LMI (Linear Matrix Inequalities) optimization framework. However the numerical efficiency of this approach is still limited, despite the large amount of research in this area since the 90’s. Then, we used recently developed and more efficient tools that recast the fixed order H-infinity synthesis problem as a nonsmooth optimization problem.- Adaptation to the H-infinity Loop-Shaping frameworkWe adapted the 4 block H-infinity criterion in order to include the weighting filters in the fixed order controller optimization, which enhance the final controller order reduction. Then, we proposed a fixed order controller design approach, based only on graphically tuning a target open loop frequency gain.

Projeto de controladores de amortecimento para sistemas elétricos de potência / Design of damping controllers for electric power systems

Oliveira, Ricardo Vasques de 21 February 2006 (has links)
O presente trabalho propõe, como inovação, o limite superior para a energia da saída do sistema em malha fechada como índice de desempenho a ser usado no projeto de controladores robustos para amortecer oscilações eletromecânicas de baixa freqüência em sistemas de potência. A saída do sistema em malha fechada é especificada de forma que a energia da saída corresponda ao valor acumulado do desvio da energia cinética do sistema. O índice de desempenho proposto mostrou-se adequado ao problema de oscilações eletromecânicas. Tal índice de desempenho é utilizado na formulação de uma metodologia sistemática de projeto. O problema de controle é estruturado na forma de desigualdades matriciais lineares, permitindo a obtenção de uma solução numérica para o problema. A obtenção da solução do problema de controle proposto (energia da saída como índice de desempenho) exige menos dispêndio computacional, quando comparado com o tradicional fator de amortecimento mínimo na forma de posicionamento regional de pólos. Tal característica pode ser significativa para o tempo computacional requerido pelo projeto de controladores envolvendo modelos sistemas de potência de ordem elevada. O projeto de controladores de amortecimento robustos, baseados em modelos multimáquinas que dispensem a hipótese de existência de um barramento infinito, constitui a segunda parte da pesquisa proposta. Os problemas inerentes à hipótese do barramento infinito são resolvidos pelo uso de duas abordagens que não adotam tal hipótese. A primeira abordagem adotada refere-se ao uso de um modelo multimáquinas com o ângulo de uma das máquinas do sistema como referência angular. A segunda alternativa proposta é a incorporação do sistema primário de controle de velocidade no modelo multimáquinas referente à primeira alternativa. Além de resolver o problema referente ao uso do barramento infinito, o presente trabalho também propõe análises da influência da hipótese de tal barramento no projeto de controladores de amortecimento. A influência da hipótese do barramento infinito no projeto dos controladores é delineada por meio dos fundamentos expostos e dos resultados obtidos com as diferentes alternativas utilizadas / The present work proposes, as innovation, an upper bound for the output energy of the closed loop system to be used as a performance index in the design of robust controllers to damp low-frequency electromechanical oscillations in electric power systems. The output of the closed loop system is specified so that the output energy corresponds to the accumulated value of the kinetic energy deviation of the closed loop system. The performance index used in the procedure has shown to be suitable to the oscillation problem. The proposed performance index is used in the formulation of a systematic design methodology. The control problem is structured in the form of linear matrix inequalities, allowing a numerical solution to the control problem. The adopted performance index is less costly in terms of computational effort when compared with the traditional minimum damping ratio (performance index usually accepted in power system as small signal stability margin) via regional pole placement in the LMI formulation. This characteristic may be significant to the computational time required for the controller design involving large power system models. The robust damping controller design, based on multimachine models without the infinite-bus assumption, constitutes the second part of this research proposal. The problems inherent to the infinte-bus assumption are solved by means of two approaches which do not use such assumption. The first proposed approach refers to the use of a multimachine model adopting one machine angle of the system as angular reference. The second adopted approach is the incorporation of the primary speed control in the multimachine model regarding to the first approach. Besides solving the problem regarding to the use of infinite-bus assumption, the present work also proposes analyses of such assumption influence in the design of damping controllers. The influence of such assumption, in the design of the controllers, is outlined by means of exposed fundamentals and results obtained with the proposed approaches

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