Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cool""
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Diagnóstico de influência local no modelo de calibração ultraestrutural com réplicas / Local influence diagnostics in ultrastructural calibration model with replicasBruno Pinheiro de Andrade 09 December 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como proposta apresentar a metodologia de diagnóstico de influência local de Cook (1986) conjuntamente com a metodologia de seleção da perturbação adequada proposta por Zhu et al. (2007) no modelo de calibração ultraestrutural com réplicas. A metodologia de Cook (1986) ser´a utilizada para investigar a robustez e a sensibilidade do modelo, onde os esquemas de perturbação adotados foram ponderação de casos e na variável resposta. Perturbar o modelo e/ou os dados de forma arbitrária pode conduzir a interpretações sobre a análise de diagnóstico e a conclusões equivocadas. Portanto, este trabalho irá avaliar as perturbações propostas segundo a metodologia de Zhu et al. (2007) e caso as perturbações não sejam adequadas, iremos propor uma nova forma de fazer as perturbações. Foi utilizado como aplicação a análise de um conjunto de dados com réplicas balanceadas e foram avaliadas quais patamares e laboratórios exercem um efeito desproporcional nas inferências feitas sob o modelo. / This paper aims to present the local influence diagnostic methodology of Cook (1986) along with the selection of the appropriate perturbation schemes proposed by Zhu et al. (2007) in ultrastructural calibration model with replicas. The methodology of Cook (1986) will be used to investigate the robustness and sensitivity of model, where the adopted perturbation schemes were weighting cases and response variables. Perturbing the model and/or data in an arbitrary way can lead to miss interpretations of diagnostic analysis and wrong conclusions. Therefore, this study will evaluate the induced perturbations according to the methodology of Zhu et al. (2007) and if the perturbations are not suitable, we will propose a new way of perturbing the model or the data. As an application it was considered a data set with balanced repeated replication to evaluate which levels and laboratories exercise a disproportional effect on inferences made in the model.
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The Significance of Liquor-to-Wood Ratio on the Reaction Kinetics of Spruce Sulphate Pulping / Vätske/ved förhållandets inverkan på kinetiken vid sulfatkokning av granGustavsson, Maria January 2007 (has links)
<p>In 1957 Vroom presented an article that dealt with the kinetics of the sulphate cook. He showed that the lignin dissolution exhibited a temperature/time dependency that could be explained by the Arrhenius equation and that the reaction was of first order with respect to lignin. However, even before Vroom introduced the H-factor all wood components were assumed to react according to a first order reaction. In recent years progresses in this area have been made. Lignin for example is nowadays considered to dissolve during three parallel first order reactions, all with differences in activation energies.</p><p>When the kinetics are evaluated, several cooking series at different temperatures and concentrations of active cooking chemicals are needed. The data points obtained are then fitted into some equation. If the concentration of the active cooking chemicals is constant, the activation energies and the chemical dependency for the dissolution of wood components can easily be found. In order to simplify the evaluations of the kinetics, very high liquor-to-wood ratios are sometimes used, often as high as 50:1 or even 75:1. In this manner, the chemical concentrations are almost constant during the cook. The problem is that in the normal industrial cook where the liquor-to-wood ratio is about 4:1, the chemical concentration is not constant. This is due mostly to the alkali consumption that takes place in the cook for example when neutralising the acidic groups in the hemicelluloses.</p><p>A disadvantage with high liquor-to-wood ratios is the high dilution of the dissolved organic matter. A high concentration of dissolved lignin boosts the dissolution of the remaining lignin in the wood residue and xylan can redeposit on the fibres when its concentration in the cooking liquor is high.</p><p>The aim of this project was to describe how different liquor-to-wood ratios influence the kinetics during sulphate cooking of spruce.</p>
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Deposition and preservation of estuarine sediment, Turnagain Arm, Cook Inlet, AlaskaDeBoer, Darron G. January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Geology / Allen W. Archer / Turnagain Arm is the hypertidal (commonly exceeding 9 m) west-east trending extension of Cook Inlet in south-central Alaska. The inlet formed from a drowned glacial valley that was subsequently filled with tidal deposits of silt and fine sand. The tidal system is semidiurnal with a prominent diurnal inequality. There are also variations due to spring and neap tides. Turnagain Arm is home to a tidal bore generated during spring tides that can reach heights of up to 2 m and travel at speeds of up to 5 m/s. Current reversals can be dramatic with ebb tidal velocities of 6 m/s changing to flood velocities of 10 m/s over a period of a few minutes. During the initial flood tide, highly turbid water can rise as fast as 10 cm/min. This combination of elements results in a highly dynamic depositional setting. Measurements taken in the inner estuary during several neap-spring cycles in the summers of 2007-08 documented deposition upon mud bars of as much as 8.9 cm per tidal event. Conversely, erosion of up to 13.5 cm per tidal event has been measured. The highest rates of deposition and erosion occurred during the spring tides while much lower rates occur during the neap tides. Some portions of the inner estuary are only submerged during the extreme high tides. The magnitude of the high tide needed to cover each site increases with increasing distance into the upper estuary. Even if submerged, deposition does not always occur. Such a high percentage of non-depositional events has real implications when interpreting tidal cyclicity of the rhythmites found at these sites.
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Dibujando un nuevo paradigma: de Golden Lane (1952) a A Journey from A to B (1972)Capdevila Castellanos, Iván 22 November 2013 (has links)
Esta tesis tiene como objeto principal evidenciar la relación, aparentemente inexistente, entre el dibujo de Alison y Peter Smithson para la propuesta de concurso de Golden Lane en 1952 y el dibujo de 1972 del grupo italiano Superstudio titulado A Journey from A to B. Serán otros cuatro dibujos principales -Alison y Peter Smithson, Constant Nieuwenhuys, Yona Friedman y Peter Cook- los que servirán para establecer una relación lógica entre los dos citados arriba. En paralelo, la descripción de las relaciones entre estos dibujos y el análisis de significado de sus elementos gráficos permite revelar nuevos valores que éstos aportarán al pensamiento arquitectónico contemporáneo. En retrospectiva, la tesis busca evidenciar cómo el conjunto de ellos motivará la aparición de un nuevo paradigma arquitectónico: la realidad "tal cual". Y para ello, la investigación muestra cómo la estrategia común de todos estos dibujos será la desaparición progresiva de la Arquitectura (como construcción física) para ser sustituida, precisamente, por el nuevo paradigma que busca figurar. La pertinencia y relevancia de entender cómo aparece y cómo se construye este nuevo paradigma se sustenta en el planteamiento de que la capacidad proyectiva depende de la capacidad de restitución y descripción detallada de la Realidad. Y en el contexto de este interés no es otro que el de la docencia del Área de Proyectos Arquitectónicos de la Universidad de Alicante. Son, desde el punto de vista del autor de esta investigación, las distintas interpretaciones que de este planteamiento y este nuevo paradigma se ha ido haciendo, las que han situado la Escuela de Arquitectura de Alicante en relación con un contexto intelectual contemporáneo e innovador. La tesis, al final, acabará construyendo un tejido relacional entre seis dibujos principales -a través de otros muchos secundarios- que mostrará la formación de la base ideológica de este planteamiento.
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Teacher education programs, at James Cook University of North Queensland, for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander studentsMiller, Gregory P., n/a January 1988 (has links)
In this thesis I propose to address what are, in my
view, significant educational problems: how to tease out
and analyse those principles, concerning equity and social
justice, which underlie a particular program of teacher education. I want to discuss the kinds of principles,
issues and considerations which have to be faced when
designing such a program as the Diploma of Teaching (Early
Childhood Education) for Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander students at James Cook University. The issues I
will address are these:
(a) The extent to which the notion of equality of
educational opportunity is being addressed in the
provision of teacher-education programs in
Queensland in general, and James Cook University in
particular; (chapter 1).
(b) Ways in which the Diploma of Teaching (Early
Childhood Education) p r o g r am aims to produce
teachers able to act as agents of bi-cultural
transmission; (chapters 2 and 3).
(c) The value, usefulness and desirability of James
Cook University setting up a teacher-education
program specifically for Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander students from geographically remote
communities, thus increasing the participation
rates of Aborigines and Islanders in teacher-education programs; (chapters 4 and 5).
This process of analysis has led me to structure the
thesis around three dimensions:
(i) The historical context of the program;
(ii) The program as one response to the problems
faced by educational institutions in meeting
the educational needs of Aboriginal people;
(iii) A basis for the next phase in the development
of new programs of teacher - education for
indigenous students living in remote
This is a qualitative research project, based on my
interpretation of available documentation, my use of
relevant literature, and my own involvement as planner of,
and teacher in the program. It is not a quantitative
research project. The structure of the thesis has, as its
introduction, an analysis of the extremely complex situation
which exists at James Cook University. This analysis leads
to a search for a set of principles to provide the
theoretical underpinning of the program, which in turn leads
through a combination of theory and practice to the "praxis"
of the program as a model of equity and educational practice
in teacher-education. The thesis is concluded by the
presentation of the current stage in the development of a
program for teacher-education students in remote
communi ties.
The conceptual framework for my thesis has been
developed through my determination to increase my
understanding of the complexities of developing teacher-education
programs for indigenous students at James Cook
University. The thesis is developed through case study
techniques including: personal observation and recording of
my work as Program Planner; a situational analysis of the
historical background, leading up to the development of the
Diploma of Teaching (Early Childhood Education) ; a
discussion of the stages through which the development team
proceeded with intentionality and empathy towards its task
of constructing a specific program of teacher-education; and
my use of existing literature to comprehend the educational
and social problems which the program attemted to
Throughout my thesis the specificity of the "case", and
the eclectic position I have adopted, have acted as
boundaries of my conceptual framework. My thesis attempts
to show that the "case" of the development of teacher-education
programs for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
students at James Cook University, although an idiosyncratic
instance , is valuable as illumination , if not for
generalisation, and thus has a credibility and usefulness.
The characteristics of the case-study method are
frequently more appropriate to expansion is than
reductionist activities, and I have tried to show how the
different perspectives of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal
people, together with the beliefs, attitudes and values of
such different interest-groups as university academics,
Commonwealth and State Education Department bureaucrats, and
teachers and parents in schools, have emphasised both the
importance of questioning assumptions and the importance of
critical, experiential understanding.
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Aspects of extended impregnation kraft cooking for high-yield pulping of hardwoodWedin, Helena January 2012 (has links)
The long-term trend regarding wood is an increase in price. Because wood contributes to a large part of production costs, the efficient utilisation of wood is greatly desired to reduce production costs for kraft pulp producers. During the 1990s, the development of improved modified kraft cooking began, which led to higher yields. There was also a trend of terminating kraft cooking at a higher kappa number to maximise the overall yield. For hardwood, the defibration point became a critical setback in allowing this termination at a high kappa number. This thesis discusses how this issue has been tackled in the laboratory by using improved modified kraft cooking combined with extended impregnation to enable a decrease in reject content and shift the defibration point towards a higher kappa number for hardwood. This lab concept is referred to as extended impregnation kraft cooking (EIC), and this thesis reveals that EIC cooking efficiently reduces the reject content for both birch and eucalypt. By using EIC cooking, the defibration point was shifted to a kappa number of ca. 30 from ca. 20 using conventional kraft cooking. This study demonstrates the great potential for achieving a higher overall yield for eucalypt by terminating the EIC cooking at a high kappa number, but with the conditions used in this thesis, no improvement in yield was observed for birch. An important issue is that the termination of kraft cooking at high kappa number increases the demand for extended oxygen delignification to reach a similar kappa number into bleaching, i.e., due to cost and environmental reasons. Extended oxygen delignification was shown to be possible for both birch and eucalypt EIC pulps (i.e., from kappa number 27 to 10) with an acceptable pulp viscosity number. The other part of this thesis addresses aspects regarding the limitations in oxygen delignification. It has previously been shown in the literature that a high xylan yield of kraft cooking could negatively affect the efficiency of subsequent oxygen delignification. In this work, the increased xylan content in eucalypt kraft pulp within the range of 8–18% had only a marginally negative impact on the oxygen delignification efficiency after correcting for the HexA contribution to the kappa number. It is also desired to extend the oxygen delignification towards lower kappa number, i.e., below kappa number 10 to decrease the bleaching chemical requirement. In this study, the hypothesis that the reduced efficiency of oxygen delignification at low kappa numbers could partly be due to the formation of oxidisable carbohydrate-related structures (i.e., HexA and/or other non-lignin structures) was also tested. No formation was established. On the other hand, a final oxygen delignification stage in the bleaching could be an attractive alternative for reducing yellowing and enhancing brightness; in fact, this has led to the development of a patent (SE 528066). / Ved står för en stor del av produktionskostnaderna vid framställning av sulfatmassa. Då vedpriserna har ökat genom åren är ett effektivt utnyttjande av veden önskvärt för att kunna sänka produktionskostnaderna. Under 1990-talet förbättrades den modifierade sulfatkokningen vilket innebar möjlighet till högre massautbyte. För att maximera massautbytet styrdes kokningsprocessen mot ett högre kappatal. Detta har visat sig vara svårare för lövved än för barrved, eftersom defibrerbarhetspunkten utgör ett kritiskt hinder. I denna avhandling har laborationsstudier utförts där förbättrad modifierad sulfatkokning kombinerats med förlängd impregnering för att kunna sänka spethalten och därmed förskjuta defibrerbarhetspunkten mot ett högre kappatal. Detta koncept kallas för extended impregnation kraft cooking (EIC). EIC-kokning visade sig vara en effektiv metod för att minska spethalten hos björk och eukalyptus. Med EIC-kokning kunde defibrerbarhetspunkten höjas från cirka 20 till cirka 30. I denna avhandling klarläggs att det finns stora möjligheter att öka massautbytet för eukalyptus genom att avsluta sulfatkoket vid ett högre kappatal. För björk kunde ingen ökning av massutbytet uppnås genom ovanstående metod. Vid ett högre kappatal efter sulfatkoket ställs även krav på förlängd syrgasdelignifiering, för att kunna behålla samma kappatal in till blekeriet. Det visade sig vara fullt möjligt att förlänga syrgasdelignifieringen för de EIC-kokade björk- och eukalyptusmassorna (d.v.s. från kappatal 27 till 10) med accepterad massaviskositet. Den andra delen av avhandlingen tar upp aspekter på syrgasdelignifieringens begränsningar. Tidigare studier har visat att ett högre utbyte av xylan vid sulfatkokning kan vara negativt för syrgasdelignifieringens effektivitet. I denna studie har det påvisats att en ökad xylanhalt i intervallet 8–18 procent i eukalyptusmassa endast har en marginell negativ inverkan på syrgasdelignifieringens effektivitet efter att kappatalet korrigerats för HexA. Det är önskvärt att förlänga syrgasdelignifieringen till ett lägre kappatal än 10 för att minska förbrukningen av blekkemikalier. I den här studien prövades hypotesen att syrgasdelignifieringens begränsningar vid låga kappatal, under 10, delvis skulle kunna bero på bildning av oxiderbara kolhydratrelaterade strukturer (d.v.s. HexA och/eller andra okända ”non-lignin”-strukturer). Ingen bildning kunde dock observeras. Däremot indikerades att ett syrgassteg i slutet av bleksekvensen skulle kunna vara ett eftersträvansvärt alternativ för minskad eftergulning och ökad ljushet, vilket ledde till ett patent (SE 528066). / QC 20120507
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Apparence Matérielle: représentation et rendu photo-réalisteM. Bagher, Mahdi 19 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse présente quelques avancées sur la représentation efficace de l'apparence matérielle dans une simulation de l'éclairage. Nous présentons deux contributions : un algorithme pratique de simulation interactive pour rendre la réflectance mesurée avec une géométrie dynamique en utilisant une analyse fréquentielle du transport de l'énergie lumineuse et le shading hiérarchique et sur-échantillonnage dans un contexte deferred shading, et une nouvelle fonction de distribution pour le modèle de BRDF de Cook-Torrance. Dans la première partie, nous présentons une analyse fréquentielle de transport de l'éclairage en temps réel. La bande passante et la variance sont fonction de l'éclairage incident, de la distance parcourue par la lumière, de la BRDF et de la texture, et de la configuration de la géométrie (la courbure). Nous utilisons ces informations pour sous-échantillonner l'image en utilisant un nombre adaptatif d'échantillons. Nous calculons l'éclairage de façon hiérarchique, en un seul passage. Notre algorithme est implémenté dans un cadre de deferred shading, et fonctionne avec des fonctions de réflectance quelconques, y compris mesurées. Nous proposons deux extensions : pré-convolution de l'éclairage incident pour plus d'efficacité, et anti-aliasing utilisant l'information de fréquence. Dans la deuxième partie, nous nous intéressons aux fonctions de réflectance à base de micro-facette, comme le modèle de Cook-Torrance. En nous basant sur les réflectances mesurées, nous proposons une nouvelle distribution des micro-facettes. Cette distribution, Shifted Gamma Distribution, s'adapte aux données avec plus de précision. Nous montrons également comment calculer la fonction d'ombrage et de masquage pour cette distribution. Dans un deuxième temps, nous observons que pour certains matériaux, le coefficient de Fresnel ne suit pas l'approximation de Schlick. Nous proposons une généralisation de cette approximation qui correspond mieux aux données mesurées. Nous proposons par ailleurs une nouvelle technique d'optimisation, canal par canal, en deux étapes. Notre modèle est plus précis que les modèles existants, du diffus au spéculaire.
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Simulation of hard projectile impact on friction stir welded plateWang, Wei 12 1900 (has links)
A numerical simulation is conducted using LS-DYNA to simulate hard projectile impact on a friction stir welded (FSW) plate. As the hard projectile has a wide range of velocity, mass and shape, when referring to AMC 25.963(e) of CS-25, ―Fuel Tank Access Cover‖, the hard projectile can be defined as 9.5 mm cubic-shaped steel engine debris with an initial impact velocity of 213.4 m/s (700 ft/s). This preliminary study was to evaluate whether the fuel tank adjacent skin panel joined by FSW would pass the regulation. First, the geometry and Johnson-Cook material model of the FSW joint were developed based on previous experimental research and validated by comparison with the tensile test on the FSW specimen. Then the impact on an Aluminium Alloy 2024 (AA 2024) plate without FSW was modelled. The minimum thickness of a homogeneous AA 2024 plate which could withstand the impact from engine debris is 3 mm. Finally the impact on 3 mm thick AA 2024 FSW plate was simulated. The welding induced residual stress was implemented in the plate model. The impact centre was changed from the nugget zone to the thermo-mechanically affected zone, heat-affected zone and base material zone of the FSW joint. Penetration only occurred in the model with impact centre on the nugget zone. Additional simulation indicated that increasing the thickness of the FSW plate to 3.6 mm could prevent the penetration.
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The Significance of Liquor-to-Wood Ratio on the Reaction Kinetics of Spruce Sulphate Pulping / Vätske/ved förhållandets inverkan på kinetiken vid sulfatkokning av granGustavsson, Maria January 2007 (has links)
In 1957 Vroom presented an article that dealt with the kinetics of the sulphate cook. He showed that the lignin dissolution exhibited a temperature/time dependency that could be explained by the Arrhenius equation and that the reaction was of first order with respect to lignin. However, even before Vroom introduced the H-factor all wood components were assumed to react according to a first order reaction. In recent years progresses in this area have been made. Lignin for example is nowadays considered to dissolve during three parallel first order reactions, all with differences in activation energies. When the kinetics are evaluated, several cooking series at different temperatures and concentrations of active cooking chemicals are needed. The data points obtained are then fitted into some equation. If the concentration of the active cooking chemicals is constant, the activation energies and the chemical dependency for the dissolution of wood components can easily be found. In order to simplify the evaluations of the kinetics, very high liquor-to-wood ratios are sometimes used, often as high as 50:1 or even 75:1. In this manner, the chemical concentrations are almost constant during the cook. The problem is that in the normal industrial cook where the liquor-to-wood ratio is about 4:1, the chemical concentration is not constant. This is due mostly to the alkali consumption that takes place in the cook for example when neutralising the acidic groups in the hemicelluloses. A disadvantage with high liquor-to-wood ratios is the high dilution of the dissolved organic matter. A high concentration of dissolved lignin boosts the dissolution of the remaining lignin in the wood residue and xylan can redeposit on the fibres when its concentration in the cooking liquor is high. The aim of this project was to describe how different liquor-to-wood ratios influence the kinetics during sulphate cooking of spruce.
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Experimental And Numerical Analysis Of Compression On A Forging PressBicer, Gokhan 01 June 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Forging is a metal forming process which involves non-linear deformations. Finite element and finite volume software programs are commonly used to simulate the process. In these simulations, material properties are required. However, stress-strain relations of the materials at some elevated temperatures are not available in the material libraries of the related software programs. In this study, the stress-strain curves have been obtained by applying the Cook and Larke Simple Compression Test to AISI 1045 steel at several temperatures on a forging press with a capacity of 1000 tons. The stress-strain curves have also been determined by simulating the processes in a commercial finite element software. It is observed that experimental results are consistent with the numerical ones. A modular die set has been designed and manufactured to conduct the Cook and Larke Simple Compression Test. It has been shown that the forging press with data acquisition system can be used as a material testing equipment to obtain stress-strain curves.
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