Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cooled""
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MODELOVANIE SYSTÉMOV VENTILÁTOR - CHLADIČ V HERMETICKEJ ZÓNE JADROVÝCH BLOKOV VVER 440 V213 / The Modeling of the Fan-Cooler Systems of the Containment VVER 440 V213 NPPBaláž, Jozef January 2013 (has links)
The topic of the thesis regards of problems of compilation the model of existing fan-cooler systems of VVER440/V213 NPP. These systems can be operated not only normal operation conditions but also during abnormal and accidental operation of the plant, which are significantly different from those operating conditions for which were systems dedicated and designed. An advanced model, compiled as one of the subjects of this thesis, capable to predict behaviour of these systems during accidental conditions of the plant, is described within this paper. The advanced model is a part of LEAKBOX model. LEAKBOX model represents a superordinated program dedicated to modelling overall VVER 440/V213 containment response during accidental conditions of the plant focusing onto small coolant leakage in to the containment.
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Performance of Marlow Materials in a Transverse Peltier CoolerVerosky, Mark 08 October 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Data center cooling solutions : A techno-economical case study of a data center in SwedenSjökvist, Joel, Magnusson, Fredrik January 2022 (has links)
Given the coinciding growth-trend in the production of consumer electronics and generation of data, the increase in server halls and data centers, as a means for hosting storage capacity for the generated data, has been prominent over the last decades. The establishment of data centers in already existing infrastructure can entail major changes in terms of energy system design. The activity of data processing and storage is power intensive and as the centers demonstrate substantial heat generation, one of the most important fractions of the energy use comes from the need to provide cooling. The study is a techno-economic analysis purposed for determining the feasibility of different cooling systems for a data center in Sweden. The investigated building currently hosts an industrial printing press hall in which paper printing has been conducted for the several decades. This press hall is subject to a refurbishment process to eventually be converted into a data center. In order to achieve the objectives, a data center building model is developed, designated for the estimation of the internal heat generation and demand for cooling. The design and energy requirements of a number of cooling solutions are then investigated and evaluated using a number of performance metrics: Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE), Capital Expenditure (CapEx), Operational Expenditure (OpEx) and Life Cycle Cost (LCC). More specifically the systems incorporate technologies for utilizing air-based free cooling, ground-source free cooling through borehole ground source heat exchangers (GHEs), mechanical cooling through compressor-driven machines as well as District Cooling (DC). The results of the study show that free cooling is a viable solution for covering the vast majority of the yearly cooling requirements, during sufficiently low outdoor temperatures. Free cooling, provided through borehole GHE’s, is feasible as a partial solution from a technical point of view, to provide cooling capacity during warmer periods. However, it can not alone act to provide a major part of the relatively high and constant cooling capacity requirements throughout the year. All of the investigated scenarios display a similar energy performance in terms of total PUE, at values well below the national average of 1.37. It is also seen, that the scenario that displays the lowest LCC includes a combination of free cooling and compressor-driven cooling. This holds for the studied sensitivity cases. It is found that a combined system incorporating borehole GHE’s and compressor cooling machines perform the best in terms of a low PUE. However, the relative difference in energy performance turns out to be lesser than the relative difference in LCC, when substituting the borehole GHE’s for additional cooling machine capacity. / I takt med digitaliseringen och en ökad global användningen- och produktionen av hemelektronik, vilket föranlett en ökad generering av data, har antalet datahallar blivit allt fler de senaste decennierna. Datahallens syfte är att hantera och bereda lagringskapacitet för den data som genereras vilket involverar en rad energikrävande processer. Upprättandet av datahallar i redan befintlig infrastruktur kan medföra förändringar när det kommer till utformningen av byggnadens energisystem. Att bedriva datalagring och informationsbehandling kräver påtagliga mängder elektricitet vilket medför stor intern värmealstring och därtill behov av aktiv kylning. Denna studie, som valt att benämnas som en tekno-ekonomisk fallstudie, undersöker lämpligheten i implementeringen av olika kylsystem för ett byggnadskomplex i Stockholm. I byggnadens lokaler återfinns idag en industrihall där det sedan flera decennier bedrivits tryckeriverksamhet. Industrihallen är föremål för en konverteringsprocess för att på sikt bli en datahall. Studien är centrerad kring denna konverteringsprocess. För att utvärdera kylbehoven för den framtida datahallen har en modell utvecklats som uppskattar interna värmelaster samt reglerar inomhusklimatet efter rådande krav på inomhuskomfort. Därefter studeras utformning och energibehov för flera olika typer av kylsystemlösningar där en utvärdering av dessa system görs utifrån indikatorerna Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE), Capital Expenditure (CapEx),Operational Expenditure (OpEx) and Life Cycle Cost (LCC). Mer konkret undersöks kombinerade kylsystem som utnyttjar luftburen frikyla, geotermisk frikyla via bergvärmeväxlare (GHEs), mekanisk kyla via kompressordriven kylmaskin samt regional fjärrkyla. Resultaten från studien visar att frikyla från kylmedelskylare är en lämplig lösning för att täcka majoriteten av datahallens kylbehov över ett år, med undantag för årets varmare perioder. Geotermisk frikyla via borrhål är möjlig som partiell lösning ur ett tekniskt perspektiv, men kan inte enskild leverera en majoritet av effekt- eller energibehovet av kyla. Resultatet visar också att alla undersökta scenarier uppvisar en liknande energiprestanda i termer av total PUE, med värden som underskrider det nationella genomsnittet 1,37. Lägst LCC påvisades för ett system som kombinerar luftburen frikyla via kylmedleskylare och mekanisk kyla via kompressordrivna kylmaskiner. Denna låga LCC är signifikant vilket påvisas i utförd känslighetsanalys. Slutligen konstateras att ett system innefattande luftburen och geotermisk frikyla i kombination med kompressordrivna kylmaskiner resulterar i lägst PUE bland de undersökta scenarierna. Den relativa skillnaden i energiprestanda visar sig vara mindre än den relativa skillnaden i LCC, när geotermisk frikyla ersätts med ytterligare kapacitet från kylmaskiner.
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Optimizing Energy System in a Supermarket : A case study analysisJosefsson, Filip January 2022 (has links)
With more restrictions regarding the use of refrigerants with high GWP-values, refrigeration systems that uses R744 (Carbon dioxide) as a refrigerant increases. Supermarkets are energy intense facilities where the refrigeration system utilize a significant part of the total utilized energy. Heat recovery have been proven beneficial and reduces the total energy utilization for the building. This master thesis evaluates an existing R744 refrigeration system with heat recovery, for the purpose to find an optimal system configuration and control strategy that minimizes the operational costs. Today the refrigeration system uses a water-cooled condenser/gas cooler that during the period from February to November 2021 consumed 8 194 m3 of cooling water, that resulted in high water costs for the supermarket. With the development of a model that takes historical data as input can different system configurations and control strategies be tested and compered to the historical analysis of the existing refrigeration system. Four system configurations with different heat recovery solutions were evaluated. The result of this study shows that the operational cost can be reduced by 31% (55 400 SEK) with a control strategy that adapts the discharge pressure to the facility’s heating demand. With maximized heat recovery the condenser/gas cooler load decreases and therefore the cooling water flow decreases too. With an additional heat exchanger in the supermarkets ventilation exhaust duct can the water consumption further be reduced, compared with similar system without an additional heat exchanger. The additional heat exchanger reduced the cooling water consumption by 1 400 m3 for the investigated period and reduced the total operational cost by 9 800 SEK. However, it is recommended to first apply the control strategy that adapts the discharge pressure to the heating demand, and from there evaluate the benefits of a heat exchanger in the exhaust duct. / Med ett allt strängare regelverk angående användandet av köldmedier med höga GWP-värden, ökar antalet kylanläggningar som använder R744 (Koldioxid) som köldmedium. Livsmedelsbutiker är energikrävande där kylsystemen är en stor del av den totala energimängd som nyttjas. Studier visar att värmeåtervinning för dessa system kan med fördel användas för att minska energianvändningen i fastigheten. Detta masterexamensarbete utvärderar en befintlig R744-kylanläggning med värmeåtervinning, i syfte att finna en optimal systemkonfiguration och styr-strategi som minimerar driftkostnaderna. Idag används en vattenkyld kondensor/gaskylare som under perioden februari till november 2021 förbrukade 8 194 m3 kylvatten, vilket resulterade i höga vattenkostnader för butiken. Genom att utveckla en modell som använder historisk mätdata som indata kan olika systemlösningar och styr-strategier testas och jämföras med analysen av det befintliga kylsystemet. Fyra systemkonfigurationer med olika grad av värmeåtervinning utvärderades. Studiens resultat visar att driftkostnaderna kan reduceras genom att anpassa kylsystemens högtryck till fastighetens värmebehov. Genom att maximera värmeåtervinningen minskar nyttjandet av kondensorn/gaskylaren och därmed flödet av kylvatten. Med en extra värmeväxlare i butikens frånluftskanal kan vattenförbrukningen reduceras ytterligare jämfört med liknande system utan denna värmeväxlare. Dock rekommenderas att initialt nyttja en styrstrategi som anpassar högtrycket efter värmebehov, för att sedan utvärdera fördelarna med en värmeväxlare i ventilationens frånluftskanal.
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Internal air thermal management strategies for high performance railway converters / Strategier för intern luftvärmehantering för järnvägsomvandlare med hög prestandaLainez Muñiz, Beatriz January 2024 (has links)
In the current climate crisis situation, the development and wide operating range of electric mobility is of great importance, with electric rail traction being the main form of electric transport over medium-long distances. In this sense, electric traction converters are undergoing a deep modification, moving towards more powerful, more compact converters with a wider operating range. This project addresses the problem of overheating of the internal air of a railway electric traction converter when it operates in extreme environments with high temperatures, around 50o C or 60o C. In these cases, the existing cooling system, which uses external air at ambient temperature as the coolant fluid, is not enough to ensure safe operation of the converter. This limits the operating range of electric trains with high power density converters, which cannot operate in hot climates. Furthermore, it poses a risk for other operating ranges in the near future, where the development of converters with higher current levels and thus higher power losses will again challenge conventional cooling systems. This project uses the MITRAC/TC1500TM traction converter developed by Alstom as a basis for proposing different additional cooling systems that complement the conventional one, with the use of different cooling technologies, including forced air convection, heat pipes, liquid-cooled cold plates and Peltier cells, also called thermoelectric coolers. The implementation of the different technologies is evaluated based on mathematical models developed in MATLAB® and computational fluid dynamics simulations in StarCCM+® . The results obtained allow to conclude that the use of heat pipes and Peltier cells is the most recommendable for the development of thermal management systems for electric traction converters, provided that they are implemented with a good external heat dissipation medium, preferably ambient temperature air flows already that already exist in the converter. Furthermore, it is shown that the same cooling technology can provide very different results depending on its implementation. / I den rådande klimatkrisen är det mycket viktigt att utveckla elektrisk mobilitet och att ha ett brett användningsområde, där elektrisk järnvägsdrift är den viktigaste formen av elektrisk transport över medellånga avstånd. Omvandlarna för elektrisk traktion genomgår därför en genomgripande förändring, mot kraftfullare och mer kompakta omvandlare med ett bredare driftsområde. Detta projekt behandlar problemet med överhettning av den inre luften i en elektrisk traktionsomvandlare för tåg när den används i extrema miljöer med höga temperaturer, runt 50o C eller 60oC. I dessa fall är det befintliga kylsystemet, som använder extern luft vid omgivningstemperatur som kylmedel, inte tillräckligt för att garantera en säker drift av omvandlaren. Detta begränsar användningsområdet för elektriska tåg med omvandlare med hög effektdensitet, som inte kan användas i varma klimat. Dessutom utgör det en risk för andra driftområden inom den närmaste framtiden, där utvecklingen av omvandlare med högre strömnivåer och därmed högre effektförluster återigen kommer att utmana konventionella kylsystem. I projektet används MITRAC/TC1500TM , en traktionsomvandlare som utvecklats av Alstom, som grund för att föreslå olika ytterligare kylsystem som kompletterar det konventionella, med användning av olika kyltekniker, inklusive luftkonvektion, värmerör, vätskekylda kylplattor och Peltierceller, även kallade termoelektriska kylare. Implementeringen av de olika teknikerna utvärderas baserat på matematiska modeller som utvecklats i MATLAB® och beräkningsflödesdynamiska simuleringar i StarCCM+®. De erhållna resultaten gör det möjligt att dra slutsatsen att användningen av värmerör och Peltier-celler är det mest rekommenderade för utvecklingen av termiska styrsystem för elektriska traktionsomvandlare, förutsatt att de implementeras med ett bra externt värmeavledningsmedium, helst luftflöden vid omgivningstemperatur som redan finns i omvandlaren. Dessutom visas att samma kylteknik kan ge mycket olika resultat beroende på hur den implementeras.
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Modelling of IC-Engine Intake NoiseKnutsson, Magnus January 2009 (has links)
Shorter product development cycles, densely packed engine compartments and intensified noiselegislation increase the need for accurate predictions of IC-engine air intake noise at earlystages. The urgent focus on the increasing CO2 emissions and the efficiency of IC-engines, aswell as new techniques such as homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) mightworsen the noise situation. Nonlinear one-dimensional (1D) gas dynamics time-domainsimulation software packages are used within the automotive industry to predict intake andexhaust orifice noise. The inherent limitation of 1D plane wave propagation, however, limitsthis technique to sufficiently low frequencies where non-plane wave effects are small. Thereforethis type of method will first fail in large components such as air cleaners. Further limitations,that might not be important for simulation of engine performance but indeed for acoustics,include difficulties to apply frequency dependent boundary conditions and losses as well as toinclude effects of vibrating walls. The first part of this thesis treats two different strategies to combine nonlinear and linearmodelling of intake systems in order to improve the accuracy of the noise predictions. Paper Adescribes how a linear time-invariant one-port source model can be extracted using nonlineargas dynamics simulations. Predicted source data for a six-cylinder naturally aspirated engine isvalidated using experimental data obtained from engine test bench measurements. Paper Bpresents an experimental investigation on the influence of mean flow and filter paper on theacoustics of air intake systems. It also suggests how a linear source, extracted from nonlinearsimulations can be coupled to acoustic finite elements describing the intake system and toboundary elements describing the radiation to the surroundings. Simulations and measurementsare carried out for a large number of engine revolution speeds in order to make the firstsystematic validation of an entirely virtual intake noise model that includes 3D effects for awide engine speed range. In Paper C an initial study on a new technique for the use of two-portsin the time domain for automotive gas dynamics applications is presented. Tabulated frequencydomaintwo-port data representing an air cleaner unit on the impedance form is inverselytransformed to the time domain and used as FIR filters in nonlinear time-domain calculations. The second part of the thesis considers detailed modelling of sound propagation in capillarytubes. Thermoviscous boundary effects and interaction between sound waves and turbulencecan, for sufficiently narrow tubes, yield significant attenuation. Several components in the gasexchange system of IC-engines are based on arrays of narrow ducts and might haveunderestimated silencing capabilities. In particular the sound transmission properties of chargeair coolers (CAC) have so far gained interest from very few authors. In Paper D a detailedinvestigation of the acoustic properties of CACs is presented. As a result the first linearfrequency-domain model for CACs, which includes a complete treatment of losses in the narrowtubes and 3D effects in the connecting tanks, is proposed. Interesting low frequency dampingmost likely due to interaction between sound and turbulence is observed in the experimentaldata. A new numerical model that describes this dissipative effect in narrow tubes is suggestedin Paper E. Validation is carried out using experimental data from the literature. Finally, inPaper F the CAC-model presented in Paper D is updated with the new model for interactionbetween turbulence and acoustic waves proposed in Paper E. The updated model is shown toyield improved predictions. / QC 20100723
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National Beef Quality Audit - 2011: Survey of Instrument Grading Assessments of Beef Carcass CharacteristicsGray, Gatlan 1989- 14 March 2013 (has links)
The instrument grading assessments for the NBQA-2011 evaluated seasonal trends of beef carcass quality and yield attributes over the course of the year. One week of instrument grading data—HCW, gender, USDA QG, and YG factors—were collected every other month (n = 2,427,074 carcasses) over a 13-month period (November 2010 through November 2011) from four beef processing corporations, encompassing 17 federally inspected beef processing facilities, to create an overview of carcass quality and yield attributes and trends from carcasses representing approximately 8.5% of the U.S. fed steer and heifer population. Mean yield traits were: YG (2.86), HCW (371.3 kg), FT (1.19 cm.), and LM area (88.39 cm^2). The YG distribution was YG 1 (15.7%), YG 2 (41.0%), YG 3 (33.8%), YG 4 (8.5%), and YG 5 (0.9%). Distribution of HCW was <272.2 kg (1.6%), 272.2 kg to 453.6 kg (95.1%), ≥453.6 kg (3.3%). Monthly HCW means were: November 2010 (381.3 kg), January 2011 (375.9 kg), March 2011 (366.2 kg), May 2011 (357.9 kg), July 2011 (372.54 kg), September 2011 (376.1 kg), and November 2011 (373.5 kg). The mean FT for each month was November 2010 (1.30 cm), January 2011 (1.22 cm), March 2011 (1.17 cm), May 2011 (1.12 cm), July 2011 (1.19 cm), September 2011 (1.22 cm), and November 2011 (1.22 cm). The mean marbling score was Small49. USDA QG distribution was Prime (2.7%), Top Choice (22.9%), Commodity Choice (38.6%), and Select (31.5%). Interestingly, from November to May, seasonal decreases (P < 0.001) in HCW and FT were accompanied by increases (P < 0.001) in marbling. These data present the opportunity to further investigate the entire array of factors that determine the value of beef. Datasets utilizing the online collection of electronic data will likely be more commonly used when evaluating the U.S. fed steer and heifer population in future studies. These data indicate the wide array of carcasses produced by the beef cattle industry, and how the frequency of both YG and QG traits change from month-to-month.
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Effektivisering av kylmedelskylare på Nybro Energis kraftvärmeverk. : Bibehållen kyleffekt även vid höga omgivningstemperaturer för full effekt på pannan utan att överstrida befintlig ljudnivå. Minskning av elförbrukning. / Improvement of cooling performance and the efficiency of the coolers at Nybro Energis combined heat and power plants. : Maintain cooling effect even at high ambient temperatures for full power on the boiler without exceeding the existing noise level. Reduction of electricity consumptionRehnström, Johan, Isak, Undestam January 2018 (has links)
Avfallseldade kraftvärmeverk får idag betalt för att ta emot och elda avfall. Dessa intäkter är ofta högre än intäkterna från elproduktion och värmeproduktion så man vill under de flesta förhållanden elda så mycket som det är möjligt. För att göra sig av överskottseffekten som kan uppstå kyler man bort det man inte behöver. Nybro Energis kraftvärmeverk i Transtorp använder sig utav 6 stycken kylpaket med 4 fläktar på varje för att kunna kyla bort denna överskottseffekt. Vid installeringen var målsättningen att kunna kyla bort 10MW men det visade sig att under sommaren när utomhustemperaturen blev högre kunde kyleffekten gå ner till 7MW. Vår undersöknings syfte var att med en ny motor med ett högre cos α göra tester på en av fläktarna och se om man kan öka kyleffekten och få ner förbrukningen på motorerna utan att kylpaketen ska ge ifrån sig högre ljudnivåer än tidigare. Ett alternativ till att enbart sänka strömförbrukningen för den befintliga motorn är att faskompensera och det framgick att elförbrukningen gick att sänka från 8.2A till 3.88A. Det framgick att den nya motorn när den frekvensstyrs på 40hz drar högre aktiv effekt men avsevärt mindre reaktiv effekt som gör den billigare i drift. Under mätningarna för att få fram kyleffekten uppmättes tvivelaktiga värden som visade att den kylde sämre på 40hz än den tidigare motorn trots ett högre varvtal. Detta stämmer inte teoretiskt och det är orimligt att den inte kommer kyla. På 40hz kommer den nya motorn även att ge ifrån sig mindre ljud. Detta trots att en fläkt ska låta mer på ett högre varvtal det konstaterades att bullret från själva motorn är lägre i den nya motorn. Går man upp i frekvens till 50hz och räknar med 28 stycken nya motorer få man en ljudökning på 5dB på 300m jämfört med den gamla motorn. Denna går att sänka 3dB om man lyckas eliminera den intilliggande väggens ljudreflekterande egenskaper. Den nya motorn rekommenderas då den har många fördelar och vill man köra på högre frekvenser kan man med fördel använda sig utav ljudabsorbenter längs väggen för att eliminera dennas dubblerande effekt på ljudnivån. / Waste-cogeneration plants are paid today to receive and burn waste. These revenues are often higher than the revenues from electricity generation and heat production, so you want to burn as much as possible in most circumstances. In order to take advantage of the surplus effect that may occur, it eliminates what you do not need. Nybro Energi's CHP plant in Transtorp uses 6 cooling packs with 4 fans on each in order to cool off this excess power. During installation, the goal was to be able to cool off 10MW but it turned out that during summer when the outdoor temperature became higher, the cooling power could go down to 7MW. Our purpose of investigation was to use a new engine with a higher cos α to test on one of the fans and see if you can increase the cooling power and reduce the consumption of the engines without the cooling packages giving higher noise levels than before. An alternative to only reducing the current on the old motor is to phase compensate and according to calculations the motors current can be reduces from 8.2A to 3.88A. It was found that the new engine when frequency controlled at 40hz pulls higher active power but significantly less reactive power that makes it cheaper in operation. During the measurements to obtain the cooling effect, doubtful values were measured which showed that it cooled worse at 40hz than the previous engine despite a higher fan speed. This is not correct theoretically and it is unreasonable that it will not cool better but a figure exactly how much could not be produced. At 40hz, the new engine will also produce less noise if you choose to replace all 28 engines. This despite the fact that a fan is going to run more at a higher speed, it was found that the noise from the engine itself is lower in the new engine. If you go up to 50hz frequency and expect 28 new engines, you'll get a sound boost of 5dB at 300m compared to the old engine. This can be lowered by 3dB if you manage to eliminate the properties of the adjacent wall sound reflectors. The new engine is recommended as it has many advantages and if you want to drive at higher frequencies, you can advantageously use sound absorbers along the wall to eliminate its double effect on the noise level.
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Zvýšení pružnosti zážehového motoru přeplňováním / Increasing SI Engine Performance by TurbochargingHájek, Daniel January 2010 (has links)
The master’s thesis deals with the question of petrol engine boosting by rotary turbochargers. The objective of the thesis is to project suitable turbocharger for defined single-cylinder petrol engine. After selecting the suitable turbocharger type it will follow the construction of the computational model of the single-cylinder turbocharged petrol engine in the Lotus Engine Simulation software. In the computational model is boost pressure regulated by the turbine waste gate valve. The result will be the boost pressure values scheme for the highest possible torque so that the maximum combustion pressures will not exceed the value of 9,5 MPa. There are summarized findings and results in the conclusion of the thesis.
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Hydraulický agregát pro regulaci parní turbíny / Hydraulic power unit for the regulation steam turbineMorávek, Aleš January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the design of high-pressure hydraulic unit to drive a regulation of condensation turbine. The aim is to calculate all the elements of the hydraulic system, piping design and the necessary drawings. The entire assembly consists of purchased parts from other manufacturers. Major oil tank and a safety catch tank is described in detail and will be made, not bought.
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