Spelling suggestions: "subject:"correction,""
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Extensão derivativa do modelo de Chern-Simons e correções quânticas à temperatura finita.HOLANDA NETO, Ozório Bezerra. 05 November 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Emanuel Varela Cardoso (emanuel.varela@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-11-05T18:32:08Z
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OZÓRIO BEZERRA HOLANDA NETO – DISSERTAÇÃO (PPGFísica) 2015.pdf: 1866080 bytes, checksum: a15052e3dc0bbf5bba2c805913e20d6a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-11-05T18:32:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
OZÓRIO BEZERRA HOLANDA NETO – DISSERTAÇÃO (PPGFísica) 2015.pdf: 1866080 bytes, checksum: a15052e3dc0bbf5bba2c805913e20d6a (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-07 / Capes / Nesta dissertação estudamos os aspectos clássicos e quânticos da extensão derivativa do modelo de Chern-Simons Abeliano na eletrodinâmica em (2+1) dimensões. No
contexto clássico, descrevemos suas principais propriedades, tais como a invariância de
calibre e a estrutura do propagador associado quando este modelo é adicionado à teoria
de Maxwell. A principal característica desse modelo é a de que ele nos fornece um par
de excitações (uma não massiva e outra massiva) para o modo de propagação das ondas eletromagnéticas. No contexto quântico, estudamos a possibilidade de induzir esse termo na ação efetiva da eletrodinâmica quântica via correções radiativas de determinante fermiônico em um laço. Neste caso, analisamos sua ocorrência em temperatura zero e nita. O resultado oriundo da temperatura nita tem como propriedade gerar novas excitações para os modos de propagação das ondas eletromagnéticas de pendentes da temperatura. / In this work we studied the classical and quantum aspects of derivative extension
of the Chern-Simons Abelian model in electro dynamics in (2+1) dimensions. In classical
context, we describe their main properties such as gauge in variance and the structure of
the associated propagator when this template is added to Maxwell's theory. The main
feature of this model is that it provides us a pair of excitation (one not massive and
another massive) for the propagation mode of the electromagnetic waves. In the quantum
context, we studied the possibility of inducing this term in thee active action of quantum
electrodynamics via radiative corrections of fermionic determinant in loop. In this case,
we analyze its occurrence at zero and nite temperature. The result a rising from the nite
temperature has the property to generate new excitement for the modes of propagation of electromagnetic waves dependent of temperature.
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Gender and Risk Assessment in Juvenile Offenders: A Meta-analysisJanuary 2016 (has links)
abstract: Although young males are still the primary perpetrators of juvenile crime, girls are increasingly coming into contact with the criminal justice system. While girls may have different pathways to crime and risks for recidivism than boys, their risk to reoffend is typically assessed using a gender-neutral tool that is based on social learning theory: a theory originally developed and tested on males. With the appropriateness of using gender-neutral tools to assess female criminality coming into question, a number of researchers have searched for a resolution. To date, mixed findings on the predictive validity of risk assessment tools have not provided any definitive answers. To help assess the predictive validity of the Youth Level of Service Inventory, separate meta-analyses were conducted for male and female juvenile offenders using previous studies. The mean effect sizes were compared in order to determine whether the predictive validity is similar for both males and females. With the exception of violent recidivism, results indicate that the YLS/CMI works equally well for male and female offenders. The implications of these findings for theory, research, and correctional policy are discussed. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Criminology and Criminal Justice 2016
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Sending Students to Prison: An Impact Evaluation of the Arizona Inside-Out Prison Exchange ProgramJanuary 2018 (has links)
abstract: The prison classroom offers a transformative educational opportunity for incarcerated and non-incarcerated students alike. The current study uses place-conscious educational theories and the intergroup contact theory to examine how a prison education program can offer deeply impactful experiences for students. Using a pre/post-intervention survey design, this thesis analyzes differences in attitudes, beliefs, and perceptions about crime and criminal justice between and within groups of incarcerated (n=24) and university (n=20) students participating in two semester-long prison-based criminal justice courses in Arizona. Results show that prior to participating in the Inside-Out Prison Exchange programs, inside students had less favorable views about the criminal justice system compared to outside students, and outside students had less favorable attitudes about people who are incarcerated. Throughout the course, positive attitudes toward the criminal justice system increased for inside students and positive attitudes about incarcerated people increased among outside students, such that at the end of the course, the differences in attitudes between the two groups were no longer significant. Additionally, outside students’ punitive attitudes decreased throughout their participation in the course. Overall, the magnitude of the changes experienced by each student group were different, such that outside students experienced more significant changes in attitudes and beliefs about crime and criminal justice than did inside students. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Criminology and Criminal Justice 2018
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'Doing your time right' : the punishment and resistance of women political prisoners in Northern Ireland, 1972-1995Corcoran, Mary Siobhán January 2003 (has links)
The thesis is a case study in prison resistance. It examines the imprisonment and penal treatment of women who were confined for politically motivated offences in Northern Ireland between 1972 and 1995. It comprises an historical account of the main events in the women's prisons during the period, and establishes links between successive phases in the administration of political imprisonment and qualitative shifts in the character of prison regimes. The account also links the various punitive, administrative and gendered regulatory responses by the prison authorities to different strategies of collective organisation and resistance by women political prisoners. In modelling the cycle of punishment and resistance in terms of a dialectic of prison conflict, the thesis also argues that this relationship was grounded in prison regimes that combined both politicised and gendered correctional influences. The theoretical basis of the thesis comes from the Foucauldian formulation that structures of power or authority produce the conditions by which they are resisted. However, the thesis also engages feminist analyses in order to explain how `general' penal procedures take on different forms and meanings according to the disciplinary population upon whom they are practiced. This supports the argument that, just as prison punishment acquires specific forms when applied to different prisoner populations, punishment also forms the context in which prison resistance materialises. The practical and empirical basis of the thesis is grounded in the oral narratives of women former political prisoners, staff, and other relevant participants and observers.
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Surveillance, power and social order : a case study of closed circuit television in LiverpoolColeman, Roy January 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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Fragile moralities and dangerous sexualities : a case study of 'deviant' women and semi-penal institutionalisation on Merseyside, 1823-1994Barton, Alana Roberta January 2001 (has links)
This thesis is primarily concerned with the social control and disciplining of women within a semi-penal institution. As a case study it critically analyses the history of one particular institution from 1823 to 1994, chronicling its development from a nineteenth century female reformatory to a twentieth century bail and probation hostel for women. Through an analysis of this history, the thesis fulfils three aims. First, it explicitly identifies the themes of continuity and discontinuity in the history of semi-penal institutionalisation, and thus contributes significantly to the feminist theoretical literature by establishing this oft forgotten arena as a significant site of social control for 'deviant' women, placed somewhere between the formal control of the prison and the informal regulation of the domestic sphere. Second, it deconstructs the dominant, hegemonic discourses around domesticity, respectability, motherhood, sexuality and pathology that have been mobilised to both define 'deviance' in women and to construct semi-penal institutional regimes aimed at reforming deviant behaviour. This analysis also makes an important contribution to this field of study in that it confirms that the discourses utilised to characterise and discipline women in reformatories during the nineteenth century, continue to be mobilised for the same purpose in a probation hostel nearly two hundred years later. In recognising this fact, the thesis dismantles the popular notion that such institutions are unproblematic simply because they are 'not custodial'. Finally, the thesis analyses the way in which women cope with or resist the disciplinary regimes and discourses imposed upon them. It concludes that women utilise a range of strategies through which they can re-gain and re-assert a sense of agency and authority within a regime that, whilst claiming to 'empower', actually serves to induce submission in women and to `infantilise' them, reducing them to a less-than-adult status. Through an examination of these strategies of resistance and coping it becomes apparent that the distribution of power in the semi-penal institution is not fixed, but can be subtly negotiated and redistributed. This thesis therefore complements and adds to the existing body of literature around women's resistance to custodial regimes by highlighting that these methods of survival are not only to be found in prisons but in semi-penal institutions also.
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Jemné efekty v atomech a molekulách / Subtle Effects in Atmos and MoleculesŠimsa, Daniel January 2018 (has links)
The thesis is divided into two parts. The first part deals with radiative cor- rections in muonic hydrogen. The effect of vacuum polarization is studied, and the simplified derivation of the Wichmann-Kroll potential is presented. The en- ergy shift caused by vacuum polarization to the Lamb shift in muonic hydrogen is calculated and it agrees with results in literature. Further, the concept of the extended Bethe logarithm is introduced and its advantages are shown and used to calculate the combined self-energy vacuum polarization contribution to the Lamb shift in muonic hydrogen. The results given here are more accurate and somewhat different from others given in literature. In the second part, the ground-state en- ergy splitting due to the tunneling in a two-dimensional double-well potential is calculated. A systematic WKB expansion of the energy splitting is given. An in- terplay between curvature of the classical tunneling path and quantum nature of motion is observed. A series is found that describes systems with strong coupling like the proton transfer in malonaldehyde. The results show a strong sensitivity of the splitting on slight variations of the parameters entering the Hamiltonian linearly. This indicates a presence of quantum chaos in this problem. 1
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Quebra da simetria de Lorentz na eletrodinâmica quântica / Lorentz symmetry breaking in quantum electrodynamicsDenny Mauricio de Oliveira 21 June 2010 (has links)
Nesta dissertação, estudamos implicações geradas pela quebra da simetria de Lorentz na Eletrodinâmica Quântica. Analisamos férmions interagindo com um campo eletromagnético nos contextos da mecânica quântica e ao efetuar correções radiativas. Na mecânica quântica, os termos de quebra da simetria de Lorentz foram tratados como perturbações à equação de Dirac, e seus valores esperados no vácuo foram obtidos. Nas correções radiativas, a quebra da simetria de Lorentz foi introduzida nessa interação para que o termo tipo Chern-Simons pudesse ser induzido em (3+1) dimensões. Também discutimos as consequências geradas por este termo sobre as velocidades de propagação de fótons clássicos. / In this dissertation, we study the implications generated by the Lorentz breaking symmetry in quantum electrodynamics. We analyze fermions interacting with an electromagnetic field in the contexts of quantum mechanics and we make radiative corrections. In quantum mechanics, the terms of the Lorentz breaking symmetry were treated as perturbations to the Dirac equation, and their expected values were obtained in a vacuum. In the radiative corrections, the Lorentz breaking symmetry was introduced in this interaction for the Chern-Simons like term could be induced in (3 +1) dimensions. We also discussed the consequences generated by this term on the propagation speeds of classic photons.
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Correções vibracionais para as segundas hiperpolarizabilidades de clusters AlnPn / Vibrational corrections to the second hyperpolarizabilities of the AlnPn clustersFeitoza, Luan da Silva 25 March 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2015-10-16T13:09:25Z
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Dissertação - Luan da Silva Feitoza - 2015.pdf: 1459165 bytes, checksum: 409bfe95fcdee1a99f5ff4761e12acfb (MD5)
license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2015-10-16T13:12:15Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
Dissertação - Luan da Silva Feitoza - 2015.pdf: 1459165 bytes, checksum: 409bfe95fcdee1a99f5ff4761e12acfb (MD5)
license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-10-16T13:12:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2
Dissertação - Luan da Silva Feitoza - 2015.pdf: 1459165 bytes, checksum: 409bfe95fcdee1a99f5ff4761e12acfb (MD5)
license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-03-25 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Goiás - FAPEG / This work presents the vibrational contributions for the static and dynamic second
hyperpolarizabilities of the clusters Al2P2, Al3P3, Al4P4, Al6P6 and Al9P9. The optimized
geometries and the calculations of harmonic vibrational frequencies, dipole moments ( ),
polarizabilities ( ) and first hyperpolarizabilities ( ) were performed at the MP2 level
along with the basis set aug-cc-pVDZ using the GAUSSIAN 09 program. The calculations
of vibrational corrections were performed using the perturbation theoretical method
of Bishop and Kirtman (PT) and a variational methodology (VAR) developed in our research
group. The outcomes show that the vibrational corrections have the same magnitude
order of electronic contributions, therefore cannot be neglected. The results also showed
that PT method is sufficient to obtain the most relevant terms, [ 2] and [ ], but there
are limitations to compute the term [ 2 ], which is related to the system anharmonicities.
The vibrational corrections by atom have a similar convergence trend to that exhibited
by the related electronic contribution by atom as the number of atoms increases. The
nonlinear optical processes IDRI, dc-SHG and dc-K were studied for the dynamic vibrational
corrections. Dynamic results reflect static vibrational results. In particular, the
frequencies of the modes that contribute most in the static limit are associated with the
peaks of the second dynamic hyperpolarizability. / Apresentamos neste trabalho as contribuições vibracionais para as segundas hiperpolarizabilidades
estáticas e dinâmicas dos clusters Al2P2, Al3P3, Al4P4, Al6P6 e Al9P9. As
geometrias otimizadas e os cálculos das frequências vibracionais harmônicas, momentos de
dipolo ( ), polarizabilidades ( ) e primeiras hiperpolarizabilidades ( ) foram realizados no
nível MP2 com o conjunto de funções base aug-cc-pVDZ, através do programa GAUSSIAN
09. Os cálculos das correções vibracionais foram feitos por meio de um método perturbativo
desenvolvido por Bishop e Kirtman (PT) e por uma metodologia variacional (VAR)
desenvolvida no nosso grupo de pesquisa. Os resultados obtidos mostram que as correções
vibracionais possuem a mesma ordem de grandeza das contribuições eletrônicas, portanto
não podem ser desprezadas. Os resultados também mostraram que o método PT é adequado
para obtermos os termos mais relevantes, [ 2] e [ ], mas possui limitações para
computar o termo [ 2 ], que está relacionado com as anarmonicidades dos sistemas. As
correções vibracionais por átomo apresentam uma tendência de convergência semelhante
à exibida pela respectiva contribuição eletrônica por átomo à medida que o número de
átomos aumenta. Para as correções vibracionais dinâmicas foram estudados os processos
óticos não lineares IDRI, dc-SHG e dc-K. Os resultados dinâmicos refletem os resultados
vibracionais estáticos. Em especial, as frequências dos modos que mais contribuem no
limite estático estão associadas aos picos da segunda hiperpolarizabilidade dinâmica.
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Advancements in Thermal Integrity Profiling Data AnalysisJohnson, Kevin Russell 17 November 2016 (has links)
Thermal Integrity Profiling (TIP) is a relatively new non-destructive test method for evaluating the post-construction quality of drilled shafts. Therein anomalies in a shaft are indicated by variations in its thermal profile when measured during the curing stages of the concrete. A considerable benefit with this method is in the ability to detect anomalies both inside and outside the reinforcement cage, as well as provide a measure of lateral cage alignment. Similarly remarkable, early developments showed that the shape of a temperature profile (with depth) matched closely with the shape of the shaft, thus allowing for a straightforward interpretation of data. As with any test method, however, the quality of the results depends largely on the level of analysis and the way in which test data is interpreted, which was the focus of this study. This dissertation presents the findings from both field data and computer models to address and improve TIP analysis methods, specifically focusing on: (1) the analysis of non-uniform temperature distributions caused by external boundary conditions, (2) proper selection of temperature-radius relationships, and (3) understanding the effects of time on analysis.
Numerical modeling was performed to identify trends in the temperature distributions in drilled shafts during concrete hydration. Specifically, computer generated model data was used to identify the patterns of the non-linear temperature distributions that occur at the ends of a shaft caused by the added heat loss boundary in the longitudinal direction. Similar patterns are observed at locations in a shaft where drastic changes in external boundary conditions exist (e.g. shafts that transition from soil to water or air). Numerical modeling data was also generated to examine the relationship between measured temperatures and shaft size/shape which is a fundamental concept of traditional TIP analysis.
A case study involving a shaft from which 24hrs of internal temperature data was investigated and compared to results from a computer generated model made to mimic the field conditions of the shaft. Analysis of field collected and model predicted data was performed to examine the treatment of non-linear temperature distributions at the ends of the shaft and where a mid-shaft change in boundary was encountered. Additionally, the analysis was repeated for data over a wide range of concrete ages to examine the effects of time on the results of analysis.
Finally, data from over 200 field tested shafts was collected and analyzed to perform a statistical evaluation of the parameters used for interpretation of the non-linear distributions at the top and bottom of each shaft. This investigation incorporated an iterative algorithm which determined the parameters required to provide a best-fit solution for the top and bottom of each shaft. A collective statistical evaluation of the resulting parameters was then used to better define the proper methods for analyzing end effects.
Findings revealed that the effects of non-uniform temperature distributions in drilled shaft thermal profiles can be offset with a curve-fitting algorithm defined by a hyperbolic tangent function that closely matches the observed thermal distribution. Numerical models and statistical evaluations provided a rationale for proper selection of the function defining parameters. Additionally, numerical modeling showed that the true temperature-to-radius relationship in drilled shafts is non-linear, but in most cases a linear approximation is well suited. Finally, analysis of both model and field data showed that concrete age has virtually no effect on the final results of thermal profile analysis, as long as temperature measurements are taken within the dominate stages of concrete hydration.
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