Spelling suggestions: "subject:"correction,""
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Development of a Low Speed Wind Tunnel Test Campaign / Utveckling av Testkampanj för Vindhastighetstunnel med Låg HastighetSuewatanakul, Siwat January 2021 (has links)
This study was performed to investigate aerodynamic characteristics of the 37.5% scaled down Green Raven MK18 airframe, to evaluate boundary corrections method, and to investigate on support interference. A wind tunnel test was originally planned on June 2021 at a LargeLowSpeed Wind Tunnel at University of Bristol; however, due to COVID19 travel restrictions, the test has been postponed to November 2021. In order to supplement the work and data directly required for the test, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) investigations were performed in free air and in wind tunnel conditions, both with and without support interference, at a Reynolds number of 7E+05. The simulations utilized an incompressible Reynolds-Averaged-Navier.Stokes equation accompanied with k − ω SST for turbulent modelling. Corrections factors were obtained to compensate for wall interference, and results indicate a satisfactory agreement between free air and wind tunnel corrected data for wall interference. The sup port structure interferes with the aerodynamic loads produced by the model. Lift and drag decrease, and pitching moment increases compared to WT without support structure condition. / Denna studie utfördes för att undersöka aerodynamiska egenskaper hos det nedskalade Green Raven MK18flygplanet för 37.5%, för att utvärdera gränskorrigeringsmetoden och för att undersöka stödinterferens. Ett vindtunneltest planerades ursprungligen i juni 2021 vid en storlåghastighets vindtunnel vid University of Bristol. Men på grund av resebegränsningar för covid19 har testet skjutits upp till november 2021. För att komplettera det arbete och de data som direkt krävs för testet, utfördes CFD under sökningar (Computational Fluid Dynamics) i fri luft och i vindtunnelförhållanden, både med och utan supportinterferens, med ett Reynoldstal på 7E+05. Simuleringarna använde en inkompressibel ReynoldsAveragedNavierStokesekvation tillsammans med k − ω SST för turbulent modellering. Korrigeringsfaktorer erhölls för att kom pensera för väggstörningar, och resultaten tyder på en tillfredsställande överensstäm melse mellan frilufts och vindtunnelkorrigerade data för väggstörningar. Stödstruk turen stör de aerodynamiska belastningar som modellen producerar. Lyft och drag minskar och stigningsmomentet ökar jämfört med WT utan stödstruktur.
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A Density-Matrix Renormalization Group Study of Quantum Spin Models with Ring ExchangeChan, Alexander 10 1900 (has links)
<p>In this thesis we discuss in detail the density-matrix renormalization group (DMRG) for simulating low-energy properties of quantum spin models. We implement an original DMRG routine on the S=1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain and benchmark its efficiency against exact results (energies, correlation functions, etc.) as well as conformal field-theoretical calculations due to finite-size scaling (ground-state energy and spin gap logarithmic corrections). Moreover, we apply the DMRG to a two-leg square ladder system, where in addition to bilinear exchange terms, we also consider an additional cyclic four-spin ring-exchange. The transposition of four spins gives rise to biquadratic exchange terms which are non-trivial to implement in the DMRG. Intermediate results of the ring-exchange are presented along with the difficulties presently encountered.</p> / Master of Science (MSc)
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Quantitative, non-destructive estimates of forest coarse root biomass using 3-D ground-penetrating radar (GPR)Molon, Michelle M. 10 1900 (has links)
<p>We evaluated 3-D imaging of coarse root structure and biomass using ground-penetrating radar (GPR). GPR surveys were conducted in a white pine forest in southern Ontario, Canada. GPR profiles were obtained across two test plots (6 and 17 m<sup>2</sup> area), using 1-GHz GPR and a MEMS (micro-electro-mechanical systems) accelerometer. Test plot surveys evaluated the effects of micro-topography, soil moisture content, and root diameter and spacing. In addition, with the aid of the outcome of the control test plots two other plots (25 and 400 m<sup>2 </sup>area) were surveyed with varying line sample spacing to investigate the restraints on resolution brought about by line sampling density.</p> <p>Accounting for antenna tilt is necessary to determine an accurate and more precise position of root mass. The antenna tilt was >45<sup>o</sup> pitch, >28<sup>o</sup> roll and up to 10<sup>o</sup> yaw due to surface micro-topography of the forest floor. Vector 3-D imaging enhanced the diffraction amplitude (15.5% increase) and centralized the position of the root. Radial surveys provided root continuity and produced better root imaging.</p> <p>GPR largely underestimates coarse root biomass when a line spacing of 25 cm is used. However similar results are found with smaller line spacing (12.5 cm). A maximum line spacing of 10 cm provided continuous root structure and differentiation of roots spaced 10 cm apart and greater. A sampling line spacing of 5 cm and an inline sampling interval of 0.5 cm in low soil moisture conditions provided the detection of roots that were a minimum of 1.4 cm in diameter.</p> / Master of Science (MSc)
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La gestion du risque dans le système correctionnel fédéral pour délinquants adultesVacheret, Marion January 1995 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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Radiative corrections to hadron production in e+e- annihilations at DA(Phi)NE energiesHoefer, Axel 08 March 2002 (has links)
Strahlungskorrekturen zur Hadronproduktion bei niedrigen Energien, wie man sie an den e+e- -Beschleunigern DAFNE und VEPP-2M misst, werden untersucht. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, die von QED--Korrekturen befreiten hadronischen Wirkungsquerschnitte aus den hadronischen Daten mit einer Praezision auf Promille-Niveau zu extrahieren. Hadronische Praezisionsdaten werden benoetigt, um den theoretischen Fehler zur laufenden Feinstrukturkonstanten alpha(s) und zum anomalen magnetischen Moment des Myons a(mu) zu senken und sie stellen daher einen Schluessel zur moeglichen Entdeckung ``neuer Physik'' dar. Insbesondere die Paarproduktion geladener Pionen e+e- -> pi+ pi- unterhalb einer Energie von 1 GeV ist von grosser Wichtigkeit. Zu diesem Prozess werden die vollstaendigen O(alpha)-QED-Korrekturen zum Anfangszustand, Endzustand sowie die Interferenzkorrekturen berechnet. Analytische Formeln zu den virtuellen und reellen photonischen Korrekturen werden angegeben. Der totale Wirkungsquerschnitt sigma, die Pion-Winkelverteilung dsigma/dcos(theta) und die Invariantemasseverteilung des Pionpaars dsigma/ds' werden fuer den Fall realistischer kinematischer Schnitte untersucht. Es wird gezeigt, dass zusaetzlich zu den vollstaendigen O(alpha)-Korrekturen zusaetzlich die photonischen Anfangszustandskorrekturen der Ordnung O(alpha^2) und fuehrende Photonbeitraege der Ordnung O(alpha^3) sowie Beitraege zur e+ e- -Paarabstrahlung vom Anfangszustand beruecksichtigt werden muessen wenn mindestens eine Genauigkeit auf Prozent-Niveau verlangt wird. Fuer die Datenanalyse wird der Schwerpunkt auf eine inklusive Behandlung aller Photonen gelegt. Die Messung sowohl des totalen Wirkungsquerschnitts als auch der pi+ pi- Invariantemasseverteilung betreffend wird der theoretische Fehler dieser Behandlung der Strahlungskorrekturen mit 2 Promille abgeschaetzt. Ausserdem wird die Modellunsicherheit als Folge der Pion-Substruktur diskutiert. Um den Formfaktor mit der gewuenschten Praezision aus den experimentellen Daten extrahieren zu koennen, wurde ein auf diese Fragestellung zugeschnittenes Fortran-Programm geschrieben, welches die Beruecksichtigung realistischer kinematischer Schnitte erlaubt. Insgesamt erfuellt die Genauigkeit der theoretischen Vorhersagen die Erfordernisse der Niedrigenergie- e+ e- -Experimente wie diejenigen bei DAFNE oder VEPP-2M. / Radiative corrections to low energy hadron production as measured at the e+ e- colliders DAFNE and VEPP-2M are investigated. The goal of this work is to provide the theoretical condition for extracting hadronic cross sections undressed from QED corrections from the measured data with a precision of per mill level. High precision hadronic data are required to reduce the theoretical error of the running fine structure constant alpha(s) and the muon anomalous magnetic moment a(mu) and therefore represent a key to a possible discovery of ``new physics''. Especially the channel of charged pion pair production e+e- -> pi+ pi- below 1 GeV appears to be of great importance. To this process the complete O(alpha) QED initial state, final state and initial-final state interference corrections are calculated. Analytic formulae are given for the virtual and for the real photon corrections. The total cross section sigma, the pion angular distribution dsigma/dcos(theta) and the pi+ pi- invariant mass distribution dsigma/ds' are investigated in the regime of experimentally realistic kinematical cuts. It is shown that in addition to the full O(alpha) corrections also the O(alpha^2) and leading log O(alpha^3) photonic corrections as well as the contributions from IS e+ e- pair production have to be taken into account if at least per cent accuracy is required. For the data analysis I focus on an inclusive treatment of all photons. The theoretical error concerning this treatment of radiative corrections is then estimated to be 2 per mill for both the measurement of the total cross section and the pi+ pi- invariant mass distribution. In addition the model uncertainty due to the pion substructure is discussed. To be able to extract the pion form factor from the experimental data with the desired accuracy a dedicated Fortran program was written which allows to take into account experimentally realistic kinematical cuts. Altogether the precision of the theoretical prediction matches the requirements of low energy e+ e- experiments like the ones at DAFNE and VEPP-2M.
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Hard scattering cross sections and parton distribution functions at the LHCKovačíková, Petra 19 August 2013 (has links)
Über einen Mellinraumzugang werden Methoden zur Auswertung von Wirkunsquerschnitten für verschiedene Prozesse mit Hadronen im Anfangszustand entwickelt. Die Arbeit geschieht im Hinblick auf drei Prozesse, für die die analyischen Ergebnisse für perturbative QCD Korrekturen zu “next-to-next-to-leading order” bekannt sind; diese sind: die Produktion der Vektorbosonen Z0 und W± über einen Drell-Yan-Prozess in der “narrow width”-Näherung, die Produktion eines Standardmodell-Higgs-Bosons über die Fusion zweier Gluonen im Grenzfall schwerer Top-Quark-Massen und die tiefinelastische Lepton-Hadron-Streuung über neutrale und geladene Ströme. Die Implementierung der Mellinraumtechniken erfolgt in dem c++ Paket sbp. Das Programm ermöglicht auf elegante Weise eine schnelle und präzise Auswertung von inklusiven Wirkungsquerschnitten. Wir vergleichen sbp mit den herkömmlichen Impulsraumtechniken, und präsentieren Studien der asymptotischen Konvergenz den perturbativen Reihen und von Skalenabhängigkeiten. Als Anwendung untersuchen wir welchen Einfluss die Behandlung der Faktorisierungs- und Renormierungsskala auf den Wirkungsquerschnitt hat. / In this thesis we will explore a Mellin space approach to the evaluation of precision cross-sections at hadron colliders. We consider three processes with known analytic results for perturbative QCD corrections up to the next-to-next-to-leading order, namely: the production of vector bosons Z0, W± via the Drell-Yan mechanism in the narrow width approximation; the production of the standard model Higgs boson via gluon-gluon fusion using the large top quark mass limit and the neutral and charged current deep inelastic lepton-hadron scattering. We develop a c++ package sbp that implements the Mellin space technique. The resulting program provides an elegant, fast and accurate solution for the evaluation of inclusive cross sections. We compare our program with available results that use standard momentum space techniques. We present studies of asymptotic convergence and scale dependence of the perturbative series. We use the package to study different treatments of factorisation and renormalisation scales in cross sections.
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A model for implementation of restorative justice in the South African correctional systemPlaatjies, Minette Feona 30 June 2008 (has links)
This report is the culmination of literature study and semi-structured interviews which assisted in developing a Model for Implementation of Restorative Justice in the South African Correctional System. The study explores the use of Restorative Justice as part of rehabilitation in a prison setting.
Literature focuses mainly on Restorative Justice as part of diversion, in cases of first offenders and less serious offences. Restorative Justice with sentenced offenders has been gaining momentum, though. Diversity in terms of language, cultural and religious practice as well as social background, should be considered as it affects the decision to enter into a Restorative Justice process. Restorative Justice with sentenced offenders is challenging and in the main a largely unsupported field. The study draws on experience from other countries, while at the same time advocate for uniquely South African practice.
The involvement of the most important role players, namely victim, offender and the community is emphasized. Attitude and insufficient training seem to be some of the challenges for the implementation of Restorative Justice. Successes are reported in the few sites where Restorative Justice is implemented in the Correctional System, but a change of mindset, of being open to possibilities other than lock-up and punish in the entire Criminal Justice System is needed. Restorative Justice in the Correctional System seems to have been approached as yet another new programme, and not as a paradigm shift for the entire Criminal Justice System. Dealing with conflict in a restorative way should be at the front end of the chain, with young children whose behaviour can be directed, as changing behaviour of adults proves to be difficult.
Repentance and forgiveness in different cultures and spiritual backgrounds are some of the issues that are grappled with, although forgiveness is nowhere indicated as a requirement for a successful Restorative Justice process. Voluntary participation is required from victims and offenders with support from communities. It remains a deeply spiritual and individual journey for those who choose to turn away from anger, fear and hatred, and start the process of personal healing and restoration. Restorative Justice with sentenced offenders can assist in dealing with the aftermath of crime. / Penology / D. Litt. et Phil. (Penology)
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The impact of prison reform on the inmate population of SwazilandBruyns, Hennie, 1959- 11 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to contextualise the Swaziland correctional services environment and inmate population, analysing how best to respond to the needs of the organisation and providing strategies that can have an impact on crime and recidivism.
Offenders in Swaziland are incarcerated because alternatives to imprisonment or the resources necessary to make a visible impact on the inmate population are not provided. There is also very little scientific information available on the profiles of inmates to determine who really needs to be incarcerated, who could be incarcerated for a shorter time and who could be taken care of in the community.
In addition to the above, Swaziland correctional services finds itself in a predicament where it has to provide concrete evidence that it is effective and adding value to the social and economic reconstruction of the country. This implies the frequent assessment of the organisation's performance to ensure the continuous delivery of cost-effective, innovative and high quality correctional services.
In an attempt to understand the breadth of the problems faced by Swaziland correctional services, this thesis sets out to assess the environment in which Swaziland correctional services operates and to suggest mechanisms which can be used to rehabilitate and reduce the inmate population in order to add value and sustain the delivery of an effective correctional service.
This study would seem to be of value not only to correctional practitioners, but also to the police and judiciary in that they will have a better understanding of dilemmas faced by Swaziland correctional services. This will assist the police and judiciary to take more informed decisions with regard to effective law enforcement, detention of awaiting-trials and sentencing practices. With Swaziland and other African countries embarking on a new route in corrections, the academic world can also play a major role in enlightening reform in legislation, policies and practices. / Penology / D.Litt. et Phil. (Penology)
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The role of correctional supervision in curbing overpopulation in prisonsVisser, Johannes Gresse 10 1900 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation is to place the phenomenon of the overpopulation of South African prisons in perspective and to rectify the current situation in search of possible solutions. Since 1981, when this phenomenon reached unmanageable proportions, government has made numerous amnesties. This was only a short-term alleviation of the problem due to the high levels of recidivism.
Correctional supervision as a sentence option was advocated by both the Lansdowne and Viljoen Commissions, enacted during 1986 and finally implemented during 1991. Initial expectations soon became blurred by factors such as insufficient development programmes and specialised personnel, enormous caseloads and the exclusion of supervision cases from development programmes.
This study endeavours to analyse the current application of correctional supervision to determine the stumbling blocks and to create a foundation for new perspectives and possible solutions. / Penology / M.A. (Penology)
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The motherhood penalty : exploration mothering experience as a pathway to crime for women incarcerated in the Johannesburg Female Correctional CentreParry, Bianca 25 September 2018 (has links)
Text in English, abstract in English, Zulu and Afrikaans / Globally there has been a rise in the population of incarcerated women over recent decades. Yet, despite this increase, female offenders only represent about 5% of the total incarcerated population. South Africa is no different – female offenders on average total less than 3% of the incarcerated population in South Africa, one of the ten largest correctional systems in the world. This small representation of women in the correctional system often leads to the interpretation that their pathways to offending and experiences of incarceration are the same as those of male offenders, delegitimising any role that gender may play in offending behaviour.
The research topic of this doctoral study aims to investigate whether these women’s symbolic or pragmatic status as mothers motivated their crimes and how this occurrence may argue that the socioeconomic challenges faced by these women play a role in their criminalisation. By utilising a feminist pathways research approach, the unlawful actions of seventeen women incarcerated in the Johannesburg Female Correctional Centre is contextualised and reveals conduits to women’s incarceration that primarily involve victimisation and socially constructed “gendered vulnerabilities” that are indissolubly interconnected with poverty and oppression. As seen through their life history narratives, this confluence of factors, coupled with fulfilling the dual roles of provider and caregiver as a mother, contribute to their pathway to offending. Ultimately the research allows for a gender-sensitive analysis of the unique challenges incarcerated women in South Africa face, and the role agency and patriarchy has played in their pathways taken. / Isihloko:
Inhlawulo yokuba ngumama – ukuhlolisisa izimo zokuba ngomama okudlula kuzo abantu besifazane baseNingizimu Afrika ababoshiwe njengento ewumzila obaholela ekwephuleni umthetho.
Isishayelelo ngokufingqiwe:
Emhlabeni jikelele, kulawa mashuminyaka asanda kudlula sandile isibalo sabesifazane ababoshiwe. Yize kunalokho kwenyuka kwesibalo, abesifazane abasuke bephule umthetho bayingxenye ethi ayibe ngama-5% enani selilonke labantu ababoshiwe. NeNingizimu Afrika nayo akwehlukile kuyo, kubantu ababoshiwe lapha eNingizimu Afrika abesifazane balinganiselwa kuma-2.2% kuphela esamba sesisonke sabantu ababoshiwe, kanti futhi iNingizimu Afrika iyingxenye yalezo eziyishumi okuyizona ezinkulu kunazo zonke emhlabeni kwezokuqondisa izigwegwe. Lesi sibalo esincane sabesifazane abasezindaweni zokuhlumelelisa izimilo sivamise ukuhunyushwa kuthiwe leyo mizila yempilo ebaholela ekuphuleni umthetho kanye nezimo abadlula kuzona ngenkathi beboshiwe iyefana neyabesilisa abasuke bephule umthetho, ngalokho bese lingashaywa ndiva noma iliphi iqhaza lezobulili kulezo zenzo zokwephula umthetho.
Okokuqala, lesi sihloko esihlongoziwe salolu cwaningo lweziqu zobudokotela sihlose ukucacisa ubunjalo bezimpawu zomuntu ngamunye futhi nalezo zinto ezihambelana ngokufanayo kubantu besifazane abasezindaweni zokuhlumelelisa izimilo eNingizimu Afrika. Okwesibili, kuhloswe ukucubungulisisa ukuthi ngabe lesi simo abazithola bekusona njengabantu abangomama akusona yini noma cha esadala ukuthi benze lawo macala, kanye nokuthi ekwenzekeni kwalokho, zizathu zini ezingaba khona zokuthi izinselelo kwezenhlalo nezomnotho ezibhekana nalaba bantu besifazane yizona eziba negalelo lokuthi bazithole sebengene kwizenzo zokwephula umthetho.
Ngokusebenzisa indlela yokucwaninga evuna amalungelo nesimo sabesifazane, lolu cwaningo luhlose ukuthi ekugcineni kube nokuziqondisisa izinto ezenzeka kumuntu ngayedwana kanye nakumphakathi, okuyizona zinto ezidala ukuthi laba bantu besifazane bagcine sebeqe inqubo elandelwayo emphakathini. Ngokusebenzisa ingxoxo-mibuzo ecubungula umlando wempilo, ngalokho kubhekisiswa ukungena ezenzweni zokwephula umthetho kwabantu besifazane abayishumi nesikhombisa ababoshwe eSikhungweni Sabesifazane Sokuhlumelelisa Izimilo saseJohannesburg, ngokubheka ubunjalo besimo okwenzeka ngaphansi kwaso lokho kwephulwa komthetho. Lokhu kuveza ithuba lokuhlaziya ngokusebenzisa indlela ebhekela ezobulili mayelana nezinselelo ezingefaniswe nalutho ababhekana nazo abesifazane ababoshiwe eNingizimu Afrika, futhi ngalokho-ke bese kunikwa laba bantu besifazane ulwazi lokuguqula izindlela abasuke sebehamba ngazo.
Izindikimba ezingumongo:
UMnyango Wezokuhlumelelisa Izimilo, iNingizimu Afrika, owesifazane ophule umthetho, isifundo sezobugebengu eseibhekelela ezobulili, izimo ophile kuzona, imizila eholela ekwephuleni umthetho, ingxoxomibuzo mayelana nomlando ngempilo, isayikholoji, ezobulili, indaba yezinto ezihambelanayo. / Titel:
Die straf van moederskap – verkenning van die moederskapervaring van vroue in gevangeskap in Suid-Afrika se ervaring as 'n pad tot midaad
Daar was die afgelope dekades wêreldwyd 'n toename in die populasie van vroue in gevangeskap. Ten spyte van die toename, verteenwoordig vroue slegs omtrent 5% van die totale populasie in gevangeskap. Suid-Afrika is in geen opsig anders nie – vroue-oortreders verteenwoordig gemiddeld slegs 2.2% van die populasie in gevangeskap in Suid-Afrika met een van die tien grootste korrektiewe stelsels in die wêreld. Hierdie klein verteenwoordiging van vroue in die korrektiewe stelsel lei dikwels tot die verklaring dat hul pad na oortreding en ervaring van gevangeskap dieselfde as dié van manlike oortreders is, wat enige rol wat gender ook al mag speel ongegrond maak.
Die onderwerp van die navorsing wat vir die doktorale studie voorgestel is, is eerstens daarop gemik om die individuele kenmerke en dit wat vroue in gevangeskap in Suid-Afrika se korrektiewe fasiliteite gemeen het, uit te stip. Dit is tweedens daarop gemik om te verken of hierdie vrouens se simboliese of pragmatiese status as moeders hul misdade motiveer het, en hoe daar as gevolg van die voorkoms geredeneer kan word dat die sosioekonomiese uitdagings wat deur die vroue in die gesig gestaar word 'n rol in kriminalisering speel.
Deur die feministiese benadering van navorsing te volg, word daar met dié studie daarop gemik om uiteindelik 'n begrip te vorm van individuele en sosiale prosesse wat daartoe lei dat hierdie vroue sosiale norme oortree. Deur lewensgeskiedenisonderhoude te gebruik, word die kriminalisering van die handelinge van 17 vroue in gevangeskap in Johannessburg se korrektiewe sentrum vir vroue gekontektualiseer. Dit bied geleentheid vir 'n gendersentitiewe ontleding van die unieke uitdagings wat vroue in gevangeskap in Suid-Afrika in die gesig staar, en voorsien vroue van die kennis om alternatiewe paaie te volg.
Departmenent van Korrektiewe Dienste, Suid-Afrika, vroueoortreder, feministiese kriminologie, geleefde ervaring, pad na misdaad, lewensgeskiedenisonderhoude, sielkunde, gender, narratief. / Psychology / D. Phil (Psychology)
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