Spelling suggestions: "subject:"correspondente"" "subject:"correspondentes""
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Killed in the line of duty: who is killing foreign correspondents and why?Barton, Verena January 2009 (has links)
The world of journalism is becoming increasingly dangerous, as figures published by international media organisations demonstrate. But the Western news media suggests, that particularly Western foreign correspondents are facing incredibly high risks and cases of abducted, tortured and murdered foreign correspondents are reported regularly. The question arises “Have they become targets?” Foreign correspondence has been a dangerous occupation since it first emerged during the Crimean War, when the first consistent war reporting was established. Ever since then, foreign correspondents have had to face opposition, criticism and harsh realities. However, they have also always been highly valued journalists and well-respected for their courage to travel overseas, often into conflict-riddled areas, to report important news to their audiences back home. Sometimes they have even lost their lives in the pursuit of truth. Daniel Pearl, Christian Struwe and Karen Fischer or Trent Keegan are just a few examples of the many correspondents and journalists who have died as martyrs for their profession. As the actual data published by international media organisations, such as Reporters Without Borders, the Committee to Protect Journalists or Freedom House, suggests, it has rapidly become worse for all journalists in the last 20 years and there is worse to come. It appears as if the factors leading to their deaths are increasing and will be contributing to even higher death tolls in the future. The thesis will consider such questions as: Who is there to protect journalists and foreign correspondents? Independent media organisations are trying their best. The international press is bemoaning the many deaths and governments have promulgated laws to protect their reporters, but does that actually help? Will those attempts make it better in future? And can the Western news media apparatus itself be held partly responsible for some of the deaths?
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Killed in the line of duty: who is killing foreign correspondents and why?Barton, Verena January 2009 (has links)
The world of journalism is becoming increasingly dangerous, as figures published by international media organisations demonstrate. But the Western news media suggests, that particularly Western foreign correspondents are facing incredibly high risks and cases of abducted, tortured and murdered foreign correspondents are reported regularly. The question arises “Have they become targets?” Foreign correspondence has been a dangerous occupation since it first emerged during the Crimean War, when the first consistent war reporting was established. Ever since then, foreign correspondents have had to face opposition, criticism and harsh realities. However, they have also always been highly valued journalists and well-respected for their courage to travel overseas, often into conflict-riddled areas, to report important news to their audiences back home. Sometimes they have even lost their lives in the pursuit of truth. Daniel Pearl, Christian Struwe and Karen Fischer or Trent Keegan are just a few examples of the many correspondents and journalists who have died as martyrs for their profession. As the actual data published by international media organisations, such as Reporters Without Borders, the Committee to Protect Journalists or Freedom House, suggests, it has rapidly become worse for all journalists in the last 20 years and there is worse to come. It appears as if the factors leading to their deaths are increasing and will be contributing to even higher death tolls in the future. The thesis will consider such questions as: Who is there to protect journalists and foreign correspondents? Independent media organisations are trying their best. The international press is bemoaning the many deaths and governments have promulgated laws to protect their reporters, but does that actually help? Will those attempts make it better in future? And can the Western news media apparatus itself be held partly responsible for some of the deaths?
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O Brasil nas palavras deles: a cobertura jornalística de correspondentes estrangeiros em tempos de megaeventos esportivos no país / Brazil according to their words: the journalistic coverage of foreign correspondents during sportive mega-events in the country.Maria Clara Nicolau Vieira 02 October 2017 (has links)
O Brasil sediou dois megaeventos esportivos com repercussão global nos anos de 2014 e 2016: a Copa do Mundo FIFA e os Jogos Olímpicos. A grandeza de ambos, juntamente com uma série de acontecimentos políticos e econômicos relevantes, fez com que o país estivesse presente frequentemente no noticiário mundial. Tal cobertura jornalística foi realizada, em parte, por correspondentes estrangeiros fixados em território brasileiro. Esta dissertação teve por objetivo o estudo da atual conjuntura da profissão e a análise de conteúdo do material jornalístico produzido por correspondentes estrangeiros vivendo no Brasil durante os dois anos em questão. Foram estudados 214 textos publicados nos sites dos jornais The Washington Post, The Guardian e Clarín. O estudo extrapolou o âmbito esportivo e analisou as publicações independentemente do assunto tratado, com o objetivo de compreender o que foi escrito sobre o Brasil e quais mensagens foram propagadas internacionalmente a respeito do país / Brazil hosted two mega-events with global repercussion in 2014 and 2016: the FIFA World Cup and the Olympic Games. Their greatness, along with a series of relevant political and economic events, made the country frequently present on the world news. Such journalistic coverage was made, in part, by foreign correspondents established in Brazilian territory. This dissertation aimed to study the current situation of the occupation and to do a content analysis of the journalistic material produced by foreign correspondents living in Brazil during those two years. We studied 214 texts published on the websites of The Washington Post, The Guardian and Clarín. The study extrapolated the sporting scope and analyzed the publications independently of their subject, in order to understand what was written about Brazil and which messages were propagated internationally about the country.
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Maintaining a News Perspective Remotely through Online Information Retrieval: Task-based Web Experiences of Foreign News CorrespondentsLin, Kuanyuh Tony 01 January 2009 (has links)
A two-stage mixed methods approach was used to examine how foreign correspondents stationed in the United States use World Wide Web technology to maintain their news perspectives remotely. Despite emerging technology playing an increasingly significant role in the production of international journalism, the subject under investigation has been subject to little empirical research. This is the case even though it is an important topic since what and how the foreign press corps report about the United States to their home audiences affects the way the rest of the world sees America.
Open-ended observations and interviews were used in the first stage to collect qualitative data, which was analyzed to inform the development of a quantitative questionnaire. Six full-time foreign correspondents participated in the first stage and 173 completed the survey in the second stage.
The results of the qualitative data analysis led to the development of seven themes regarding foreign journalists' use of the Web to maintain their news perspectives. They are, "substitution: a goal-specific alternative," "function: few social needs fulfilled," "competency: Internet use," "self-efficacy: a valid perspective regardless of location," "scanning: a major strategy," "intention: actively seeking currency," and "blind spot: further augmentation necessary." Statistical analysis of the quantitative data in the second stage confirmed the existence of these seven themes in reporters' Web use. Bivariate analysis also discovered relationships between seven journalistic characteristics and these seven dimensions. Those who spent more time online, for instance, were found to associate with higher scores in their intention to seek actively currency of their news perspective with the home office. Additionally, an updated portrait of the foreign press corps was also identified through the quantitative data set, including heavier Web use than has previously been documented, suggesting journalists are spending more time online than on the front line. Based on these investigations into foreign correspondence, online activities such as Web information retrievals alone seem insufficient to replace physical proximity in the shaping of the user's overall value structure.
While this research investigated an issue within a specific context, research findings pertain to Web users in general. However, further research is necessary to operationalize these qualitative themes, with findings in such exploratory research as here subject to additional empirical confirmation.
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Stepping Outside of the Mainstream Network : The Concept of Paradiplomacy and its Relevance to Journalism / Das Konzept der Paradiplomatie und ihre Relevanz im JournalismusSchmidt, Julius Harro January 2023 (has links)
This thesis explores the journalistic network, sourcing, and interactions with regard to reporting on international conflicts. As a contribution to the field of media and communication studies, this paper offers a new theoretical model of paradiplomacy in journalism and explains its relevance to the profession. After presenting literature on journalistic sourcing, paradiplomacy in related research fields, and media-related theoretical strands, findings from semi-structured interviews with German Public Broadcasting correspondents are categorized through thematic analysis and presented in two coherent graphics. The following explanation of this new model aims to describe the phenomenon of paradiplomacy in journalism to gain new theoretical assumptions. It helps to understand the possible influence of journalism on political decision-makers and society, without evaluating or criticizing the quality of the correspondents’ work or practices. The model suggests that journalists as internal players can be seen as mediators that deliver information between influencing external players like politicians, lobbyists, and NGOs and the audience. Thus, they create social debates and political pressure which in turn influences themselves in a repetitive cycle. / Denna avhandling undersöker det journalistiska nätverket, källor ich interaktioner i relation till rapporteringen om internationella konflikter. Den syftar till at bidra till området för medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap genom att presentera en ny teoretisk modell för paradiplomati inom journalistiken och förklara dess relevans för yrkesområdet. Först ger arbetet en översikt över redan befintlig litteratur om journalistiskt arbete, paradiplomati från relaterade forskningsfält och relaterade medieteorier. Därefter kategoriseras resultaten från halvstrukturerade interviuer med korrespondenter från tysk televisionsverksamhet i allmänhetens tjänst genom en tematisk analys och presenteras i två sammanhängande grafik. Den efterföljande förklaringen av modellen syftar till att beskriva feonomenet paradiplomati inom journalistiken och presentera nya teoretiska insikter. Modellen är avsedd att bidra till förståelsen av journalistikens potentiella inflytande på politiska beslutsfattare och samhället, utan att bedöma eller kritisera kvaliteten på det journalistiska arbetet eller vanorna hos korrespondenterna. Modellen betecknar journalister som interna aktörersom förmedlar information mellan inflytelserika externa aktörer som politiker, lobbyister och icke-statliga organisationer, samt publik. På så sätt genererar de både samhällsdebatter och politiskt tryck, vilket i sin tur påverkar dem själva i en cirkulär process. / Diese Thesis untersucht journalistische Netzwerke, Quellen und Interaktionen in Bezug auf die Berichterstattung über internationale Konflikte. Sie soll einen Beitrag zum Bereich der Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaften leisten, beinhaltet ein neues theoretisches Modell zur Paradiplomatie im Journalismus und erläutert deren Relevanz für das Berufsfeld. Zunächst verschafft die Arbeit einen Überblick über bereits vorhandene Literatur zu journalistischem Arbeiten, Paradiplomatie aus verwandten Forschungsfeldern und verwandten Medientheorien. Anschließend werden die Ergebnisse aus halbstrukturierten Interviews mit Korrespondent:innen des deutschen öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunks durch eine Themenanalyse kategorisiert und in zwei zusammenhängenden Grafiken dargestellt. Die darauffolgende Erläuterung des Modells soll das Phänomen der Paradiplomatie im Journalismus beschreiben und neue theoretische Erkenntnisse bringen. Das Modell soll dazu beitragen, den möglichen Einfluss des Journalismus auf politische Entscheidungsträger und die Gesellschaft verstehen zu können, ohne dabei die Qualität der journalistischen Arbeit oder die Gewohnheiten der Korrespondent:innen zu bewerten oder zu kritisieren. Das Modell bezeichnet Journalist:innen als interne Akteure, die Informationen zwischen einflussnehmenden externen Akteuren wie Politikern, Lobbyisten und NGOs und dem Rezipienten vermitteln. Damit erzeugen sie sowohl gesellschaftliche Debatten als auch politischen Druck, was sich in einem Kreislauf wiederum auf sie selbst auswirkt.
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A Plain Circle: Imagining Amish and Mennonite Community Through the National Edition of The BudgetCarey, M. Clay 20 July 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Los Corresponsales en el extranjero de prensa diaria española y el proceso de comunicación de la información internacionalTulloch, Christopher David 08 September 1998 (has links)
The foreign correspondent, in situ witness of world events, has enjoyed a privileged position within the profession. This Ph.D thesis contrasts the myth of the correspondent built up over the years thanks to cinema and the autobiographical literature of reporters with the harsh reality of their profession in the 21st century. The thesis carries out an exhaustive typology of this figure and similar agents -war correspondent, special envoy, freelance, etc- before revealing the modus operandi of this peculiar institution. Later on, the thesis analyses the role of the correspondent within the strategies of international news coverage, their news sources and the external and logistical obstacles which complicate their task. The thesis closes with an analysis of the oncorporation of new technologies within the day-to-day routine of the foreign correspondent. / El corresponsal en el extranjero, testido in situ de la actualidad mundial ha disfrutado de una trayectoria privilegiada dentro de los confines de la profesión periodística. Esta tesis doctoral contrasta el mito del corresponsal construido desde el cine pasando por la literatura autobiográfica de los propios reporteros con la realidad de su oficio en el siglo XXI. El trabajo lleva a cabo una tipologia exhaustiva de esta figura y agentes afines -corresponsal de guerra, enviado especial, freelance, etc- antes de revelar el modus operandi de esta singular institución. A posteriori, la tesis pasa a analizar el papel del corresponsal dentro de las estrategias de cobertura internacional de la prensa, sus fuentes informativas y aquellos obstáculos externos y logísticos que complican su labor. El trabajo cierra con un analisis de la incorporación de las nuevas teconologias en el trabajo cotidiano del corresponsal.
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衛星新聞台駐地記者勞動過程研究─控制與回應 / Investigating local correspondents' labour process:A Case study of Taiwan's satellite news channels高政義 Unknown Date (has links)
另外,這群駐地記者聯合起來,也發展出了包括限制產出、協調合作等趕工遊戲(the game of making out),伴隨這些趕工遊戲產生的場域文化,最後以一種難以被察覺的間接性破壞,慢慢的對新聞工作造成傷害。本研究即是探索勞動過程中,媒體組織的新聞產製結構對於駐地記者的控制,及其回應方式,所形成的場域文化,對駐地記者的主體重塑,以及對新聞工作的影響,進行相關理論概念的回顧整理,與現實面的質性探索。 / <Abstract>
Local correspondents of Taiwan's satellite news channels constitute a unique category of their own. Except for Taipei, Taichung and Kaohsiung, the metropolitan areas, local correspondents, responsible for covering news stories for their respective counties, work as cameramen and reporters at the same time.
Due to time and space constraints, they devise a strategy to fulfill designated jobs and overcome the challenges. They nonetheless are both exploited by overtime working practices and feel vulnerable to organizational demands. As its consequence, they formulate a casual but reliable network to scratch one another's back.
In addition, they develop a game of making-out, including a reduction of outputs…etc... The daily-working practice of local correspondents is such that its culture chips away spaces for developing a professional news production ethics
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Mediální obraz Ruské federace ve zpravodajství ČTK v komparaci se zpravodajstvím korespondenta ČT v první polovině roku 2012 / A media picture of the Russian federation made by ČTK and its comparison with ČT reporter's news in the first half of 2012Šafář, Vojtěch January 2014 (has links)
Objective of this paper is to analyse the media picture of the Russian Federation as it was presented in the two Czech public media - Czech press agency and Czech television. The notion of media picture is brought into wider perspective of current media theory. The main subjects - the two media and Russia - are presented. Special emphasis is taken while challenging the significance of foreign news as a whole, and in particular, and also describing the specific features of the work of foreign correspondents in Moscow. Analytic part of the work deals with setting a proper research of media content involving Russia. The four stage quantitative content analysis tries to discover the volume of foreign news from Russia presented by the media chosen in the first half of 2012; topical, agentive, tone and source agenda of Czech television and Czech press agency concerning Russia; topical, agentive, tone and source agenda of both the two foreign correspondents seated in Moscow at the time; comparison of the diverse outcome of each medium.
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Úloha a bezpečnost novinářů v ozbrojeném konfliktu / The role and safety of journalists in an armed conflictBártová, Gabriela January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the position of journalists in the situation of armed conflict, It is a category of persons, whose protection within the international humanitarian law has been discussed for many years. Mediation of information from the area of armed conflict is a growing phenomen and because of the technical equipment, it relates more and more to laymen, not just professionals. The question whether journalist should enjoy special protection in the situation of armed conflict was raised already in the process of adopting the Additional Protocols, the so far latest source of the "Geneva law". Since then, it has been subject to many iniciatives, whose aim is to emphasize the role and value of journalists on the battlefield and ensure them more safety. On the other hand, it is obvious that journalists are not an a priori object, which should be protected by the humanitarian law - victims of the armed conflict, either among combatants or civilists. The thesis therefore tries to map the current legislation (embodied mostly in the Geneva Conventions and the Additional Protocols) and its historical and factual context. In the second part, it introduces and evaluates different initiatives that address the legislation - both those which try to change it and strenghten the protection of journalist in...
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