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Développement d’une nouvelle génération de revêtements ultra-durs. Etude de leur comportement tribologique et anticorrosif. / Development of a new generation of ultra-hard coatings. Study of their tribological and corrosion behavior.Aouadi, Khalil 15 December 2017 (has links)
Le but de ce travail est de développer et de caractériser une nouvelle génération de revêtements multicouches anti-usure et anticorrosif à base de nitrure de chrome. A cause des conditions de sollicitations sévères auxquelles les outils de coupe sont soumis en plus des enjeux environnementaux liés à l’utilisation des fluides de coupe lors de l’usinage du bois, les monocouches qui constituent notre système multicouches doivent présenter des caractéristiques spécifiques. De ce fait, des couches minces de Cr, CrN et CrAlN ont été déposées sur un acier à outils de coupe du bois et sur des substrats de siliciums par pulvérisation magnétron réactive DC. Nous nous sommes intéressés dans un premier temps à optimiser les monocouches. Ensuite, ces revêtements ont été associés pour élaborer des multicouches Cr/CrN/CrAlN qui ont alors été caractérisées. Nous avons étudié les propriétés physico-chimiques, mécaniques, tribologiques et le comportement à la corrosion de différents revêtements multicouches. Les résultats obtenus indiquent que l’application d’un revêtement multicouches pouvait apporter des améliorations considérables à la résistance à l’usure et à la corrosion des outils de coupe du bois. / The aim of this study was to develop and characterize a new generation of wear and corrosion resistant multilayers Cr-N based coatings. Due to the severe conditions that wood cutting tools are subjected in addition to the environmental issue associated with the use of cutting fluids during wood machining, the monolayers that constitute our multilayers system must have specific characteristics. As a result, thin layers of Cr, CrN and CrAlN have been deposited on wood cutting tools steel and silicon substrates by DC reactive magnetron sputtering to be optimized. Then, the optimal monolayerscoatings were combined to develop the Cr/CrN/CrAlN multilayers. that were characterized to determine their physicochemical, mechanical, tribological properties and their corrosion behavior. The results obtained indicated that the application of a multilayer coating can greatly improve the wear and corrosion resistance of a wood cutting tools steel.
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Effects of concrete quality and cover depth on carbonation-induced reinforcement corrosion and initiation of concrete cover cracking in reinforced concrete structuresIkotum, Jacob Olumuyiwa January 2017 (has links)
A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Johannesburg, 2017 / Many reinforced concrete (RC) structures in inland environment deteriorate early due to carbonation-induced corrosion of their reinforcement. In some cases, the deterioration is visible within a few years of construction in the form of cover concrete cracking. This is widely accepted as one of the limit state indicators in defining the end of functional service life for existing RC structures undergoing corrosion. Many of the currently available service life prediction models are incapable of providing realistic service life estimates of RC structures beyond the corrosion initiation stage. Therefore, the need to incorporate the corrosion initiation and propagation stages in a comprehensive durability prediction approach has been receiving much research attention.
In this research, empirical models were developed for predicting carbonation rate and the amount of steel radius loss required to initiate a first visible crack in concretes exposed to Johannesburg environment. The experimental data for the models were obtained from investigations of carbonation-induced reinforcement corrosion, which were explored in three phases; (i) concrete early-age durability and strength characteristics (ii) carbonation rate of different concrete mixes exposed to the natural inland environment (iii) amount of steel radius loss required to initiate the first visible crack on the pre-carbonated cover concretes exposed to an unsheltered environment. The experimental variables for the earlyage durability and strength tests were; water/binder ratio (w/b) and binder type; w/b, binder type, initial moist curing duration and exposure conditions are the experimental variables for the carbonation rate test. Cover depth, reinforcement diameter, binder type and w/b variables were considered for the corrosion cracking test.
The results showed that an improvement in concrete quality (binder type, w/b ratio and extending the initial moist curing duration) and increment in cover thickness improved the durability of the RC structures exposed to the natural inland environment. Based on the trends in the observed experimental results, models to predict carbonation rate and the amount of steel radius loss required to initiate cover cracking in concrete were developed. The proposed models’ predictions are more closer to the measured values and compared well with the predictions of some previous models which indicate their respective predictive applications. They provide a general basis for durability analysis of RC structures in inland environment and can serve as basis for condition assessment of existing structures in the inland environment. Engineers can appreciate the consequences of design options on the service life of RC structures, while owners of RC structures can have information about how long their RC structures may last before any repair is envisaged / XL2018
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Design of cathodic protection using BEM for components of the piilot ocean energy systemUnknown Date (has links)
The Center for Ocean Energy Technology at Florida Atlantic University is developing an ocean energy turbine system to investigate the feasibility of harnessing Florida's Gulf Stream current kinetic energy and transforming it into a usable form. The turbine system has components which are prone to marine corrosion given the materials they are made of and to the harsh environment they will be exposed to. This study assumes a two-part system composed of a coating system acting as a barrier and sacrificial anode cathodic protection which polarizes the metal structures to a potential value where corrosion is significantly reduced. Several configurations (varying in anode quantity, size and location) were considered in order to cathodically protect the structures with various coating qualities (poor, good and excellent). These cases were modeled and simulated via Boundary Element Method software and analyzed so as to assess the most appropriate design. / by Nicolas Gantiva. / Thesis (M.S.C.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2010. / Includes bibliography. / Electronic reproduction. Boca Raton, Fla., 2010. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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Estudo dos oxiânions molibdato e tungstato como inibidores de corrosão localizada para aços inoxidáveis austeníticos 347 e 304L em água com elevado grau de pureza contendo íons cloreto e em condições hidrodinâmicas controladas / Study of molybdate and tungstate as localized corrosion inhibitors for 347 and 304L austenitic stainless steels in high purity water systems in the presence of chloride ions under controlled hydrodynamic conditions.Castanheiro, Sérgio Longhi 01 April 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo estudar a eficiência dos oxiânions molibdato (MoO4 2-) e tungstato (WO4 2-) na inibição da corrosão localizada em aços inoxidáveis austeníticos (347 e 304L) em sistemas de água com alto grau de pureza na presença de íons cloreto (Cl-). Para avaliar a ação dos oxiânions estudados foram empregadas técnicas eletroquímicas de monitoramento do potencial de circuito aberto (Eoc), espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica (EIS), polarização cíclica (PC) e cronoamperometria (CA). Para caracterização superficial foram utilizadas microscopia óptica (MO) e microscopia eletrônica de varredura (SEM). Os ensaios foram realizados em meios contendo somente água pura desoxigenada e água pura desoxigenada contendo íons cloreto (50, 100, 200, 300 e 500 ppm) variando a concentração (0, 10-4, 10-3 e 10-2 M) dos inibidores molibdato e tungstato de sódio. Todos os experimentos foram realizados à temperatura ambiente e em condições hidrodinâmicas controladas, empregando o sistema de eletrodo de disco rotativo (RDE) com velocidade constante de1200 rpm. Os resultados mostraram que os aços inoxidáveis 347 e 304L permanecem passivos em água pura, uma vez que o meio não é agressivo. Entretanto, a adição de íons cloreto tornou-os susceptíveis à corrosão por pites, pois os cloretos atuam como desapassivadores, fragilizando o filme passivo que fornece proteção aos aços inoxidáveis. O aumento da concentração dos íons cloreto no eletrólito aumentou a sua agressividade para os dois aços estudados, sendo observado o precoce aparecimento da corrosão. No entanto, a adição dos inibidores molibdato e tungstato de sódio melhorou a qualidade da camada passiva, aumentando os valores de potencial de pite (Ep) e de módulo de impedância, mantendo a passividade dos aços num amplo intervalo de potenciais. Ensaios cronoamperométricos mostraram que na presença dos oxiânions os valores medidos de densidade de corrente de resposta para os aços inoxidáveis 347 e 304L foram acentuadamente menores em relação aos valores obtidos na ausência dos mesmos, confirmando que os inibidores utilizados atuam na melhora da camada passiva, diminuindo a sensibilidade aos cloretos e conseqüentemente aumentando a resistência contra a corrosão por pites dos aços. O estudo mostrou que os melhores resultados para ambos os aços foram obtidos na presença de 10-2 M de inibidor, tanto para o tungstato quanto para o molibdato, sendo este com eficiência levemente melhor. Além disso, o aço 304L sem partículas incrustadas de alumina mostrou-se menos susceptível aos ataques dos cloretos do que o aço 347. Nas amostras que tiveram a superfície tratada com lixas de abrasivo de alumina, essas partículas foram incrustadas nos aços e isso levou ao desaparecimento de um potencial de pite bem definido. Na presença de alta concentração de cloretos, essas partículas foram arrancadas pelo ataque às regiões deformadas mecanicamente, localizadas ao redor das partículas incrustadas e as propriedades do aço em si puderam ser verificadas. / The aim of this work is to study the efficiency of molibdate (MoO4 2-) and tungstate (WO4 2-) oxianions in the inhibition of the localized corrosion in austenitic stainless steels (347 and 304L) in high purity water systems in the presence of chloride ions (Cl-). In order to evaluate the action of the oxianions electrochemical techniques as open circuit potential (OCP), electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), cyclic polarization (CP) and chronoamperometry (CA) were accomplished. For surface characterization optical microscopy (OM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were used. The experiments were carried out in deoxygenated pure water and deoxygenated pure water containing chloride ions (50, 100, 200, 300 and 500 ppm) adding different concentrations (0, 10-4, 10-3 and 10-2 M) of molibdate and tungstate ions. All the experiments were performed at room temperature under controlled hydrodynamic conditions using a rotating disk electrode (RDE) at constant rotation speed of 1200 rpm. The results showed that 347 and 304L stainless steels remain passive in pure water, since the environment is not aggressive. However, in the presence of chloride ions they become susceptive to pitting corrosion, with chloride ions acting depassivity agents weakening the passive film that supplies protection to the stainless steels. The increase of chloride ions concentration in the electrolyte enhanced the aggressiveness for both steels evidenced by a precocious accurance of pitting corrosion. On the other hand, the addition of sodium molibdate and tungstate inhibitors improved the quality of the passive layer, increasing the pitting potentials (Ep) and the impedance modulus, improving the the passivity of steels a large of potential range. Chronoamperometric measurements showed that in the presence of oxianions response current density for 347 and 304L stainless steels was strongly diminished in relation to the values obtained in the absence of the inhibitors, confirming that the inhibitors act in the improvement of the passive layer, decreasing its sensitivity to chlorides and consequently increasing the steels resistance against pitting corrosion. Results showed that the best results for both steels were obtained in the presence of 10- 2 M tungstate or molibdate, being this latter with efficiency lightly better. Moreover, the 304L stainless steel showed to be less susceptive to pitting corrosion compared to 347 stainless steel. For stainless steel specimens previously treated with Al2O3 emery papers, Al2O3 particles become embedded in the steel surface and led to the indefinition of the pitting potential values. In the presence of high chloride concentrations, the mechanically affected region of steel in the surrounding of Al2O3 particles was attacked and Al2O3 particles were removed reveling the stainless steel own resistance to chlorides.
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Fatigue behavior of corrosion notched weathering steel samplesUnknown Date (has links)
Weathering steel has been a primary construction material for bridges in the
United States. Notches caused by corrosion are observed on the flange of steel
I-beams. These notches reduce the cross section area of the structure and are
threats to bridge safety. A606-04 Type 4 cold rolled weathering steel samples
were studied in this thesis to understand the effect of notches that caused by
corrosion. Weathering steel samples were in the shape of plates, which simulated
flange of I-beams. The plate samples were notched across their surfaces by
applying electrical current through an electrochemical circuit composed of an
anode, a cathode and electrolyte. Sixteen samples were notched and cut into
appropriate shape for fatigue testing. S-N (Stress-Number of cycles to failure)
diagram established from fatigue data indicated that the fatigue strength
decreased below AASHTO category B. Weibull analysis was also performed to
understand the reliability distribution. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2014. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection
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Corrosion Propagation of Rebar Embedded in High Performance ConcreteUnknown Date (has links)
The FDOT has been using supplementary cementitious materials while constructing steel reinforced concrete marine bridge structures for over 3 decades. Previous findings indicated that such additions in concrete mix makes the concrete more durable. To better understand corrosion propagation of rebar in high performance concrete: mature concrete samples that were made (2008/2009) with Portland cement, a binary mix, a ternary mix and recently prepared (April 2016 with 50% OPC + 50% slag and 80% OPC + 20% Fly ash) concrete samples were considered. None of these concretes had any admixed chloride to start with. An accelerated chloride transport process was used to drive chloride ions into the concrete so that chlorides reach and exceed thechloride threshold at the rebar surface and initiate corrosion. Electrochemical measurements were taken at regular intervals (during and after the electro-migration process) to observe the corrosion propagation in each sample. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2017. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection
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Corrosion initiation and propagation on corrosion resistant alloys embedded in concrete by accelerated chloride transportUnknown Date (has links)
Two duplex stainless steels rebars: UNS32304SS and UNS32101SS, were selected to investigate the corrosion initiation and propagation in reinforced concrete specimens. The investigation is divided in two phases with two different methods to accelerate the transport of chlorides through the concrete and initiate corrosion in a short period of time. After corrosion had initiated and propagated for some time; selected specimens were terminated for visual examination. On specimens selected for autopsy, the rebars in the top row showed corrosion to various degrees. Corrosion had propagated to such extent on the terminated specimens that the specimen showed cracks. Stray current might have caused accelerated corrosion on rebars where corrosion had initiated. Based on chloride concentrations measured at the rebar trace, corrosion initiated: on S32101 rebars on average at 7.9 kg/m3, and S32101 rebars on average at 6.0 kg/m3. The findings suggest that S32304 rebars corroded at a slower than S32101. / by Francisco Gutierrez Tellez. / Thesis (M.S.C.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2013. / Includes bibliography. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / System requirements: Adobe Reader.
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Corrosão de liga 800GN em ambiente do circuito secundário da Central Nuclear de Angra 2Fabio Abud Mansur 24 February 2015 (has links)
Nenhuma / A liga 800GN (grau nuclear) é um material utilizado na fabricação de geradores de vapor para reatores de água pressurizada (PWR) de usinas nucleares devido à sua elevada resistência à corrosão. A resistência à corrosão da liga 800GN é devida ao caráter protetor da película de óxido formada na superfície do tubo em contato com a água pressurizada à alta temperatura. No entanto, a corrosão tem sido a principal causa de falhas nos tubos dos geradores de vapor de usinas nucleares. Os problemas gerados pela corrosão têm sido atribuídos a condições e excursões da química da água do circuito secundário, muitos dos quais resultantes da entrada de água de refrigeração do condensador no circuito secundário. A experiência adquirida em diferentes centrais nucleares mostra que a composição química da água tem um papel importante na manutenção da integridade da película protetora de óxido formada na superfície do tubo. Neste trabalho foi avaliada a resistência à corrosão por pites de tubos da liga 800GN, em meio similar ao do circuito secundário de um reator PWR contendo teores de contaminação por íons cloreto de 250 ppb, 1 ppm, 5 ppm, 10 ppm e 50 ppm. A susceptibilidade dos tubos de liga 800GN ao processo de corrosão por pites foi avaliada em célula eletroquímica à temperatura de 80 C e em autoclave à temperatura de 250 oC, empregando-se a técnica eletroquímica de polarização anódica potenciodinâmica cíclica. A observação da morfologia da superfície das amostras após os ensaios eletroquímicos foi realizada por meio de microscopia ótica e microscopia eletrônica por varredura e microanálise por EDS (Energy Dispersive Spectrometry). A 80 C, a liga 800GN apresentou resistência à corrosão por pites, mesmo quando concentrações 5 ppm de Cl- foram adicionadas ao meio similar ao do ambiente secundário de um reator PWR. Corrosão por pites foi observada somente com a adição de 10 e 50 ppm de Cl-. Os ensaios eletroquímicos a 250 C mostraram que na condição normal de operação de um reator PWR e com a adição de 250 ppb de íons cloreto a liga 800GN exibiu elevada resistência à corrosão por pites, não ocorrendo nenhuma modificação na superfície do material. No entanto, ficou evidenciado que com a adição de 1 ppm de cloreto ao meio PWR iniciou-se uma modificação no filme passivo formado na superfície da liga 800GN.
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Avaliação do molibdato de sódio, tungstato de sódio e um copolímero a base de silano como inibidores de corrosão para o aço carbono ABNT 1005 em meio de NaCI 3,5%. / Evaluate the sodium molibdate, sodium tungstate and one copolymer of silane as corrosion inhibitor of the carbon steel ABNT 1005 in sodium chloride 3.5%.Modesto, Marina Gracinda 25 August 2008 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho consiste em avaliar o molibdato de sódio (Na2MoO4), o tungstato de sódio (Na2WO4) e um copolímero a base de silano polioxialquileno e polidimetilsiloxano modificado (CPPM) como inibidores de corrosão para o açocarbono ABNT 1005 em meio de NaCl 3,5%. O estudo compreendeu na exposição do metal no meio proposto na ausência e presença de concentrações crescentes das substâncias estudadas. As técnicas utilizadas foram: ensaios de imersão com medida de perda de massa; medida de potencial de corrosão (Ecorr); espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica (EIE) e curvas de polarização potenciodinâmicas anódicas e catódicas (Cpol). Os resultados dos ensaios de imersão com medida de perda de massa mostraram que a velocidade de corrosão do aço-carbono ABNT 1005 em meio de água do mar é menor que a velocidade de corrosão em meio de NaCl 3,5%. Os valores de potenciais de corrosão mostraram que o Na2MoO4 e Na2WO4 deslocaram os potenciais para valores mais positivos indicando um comportamento de inibidores anódicos. Os parâmetros obtidos pela técnica de EIE mostraram que para o Na2MoO4 o melhor tempo de imersão foi de 6 horas e para o Na2WO4 foi de 12 horas, com eficiências de 70% e 77%, respectivamente. As Cpol confirmaram os resultados de potenciais de corrosão, ou seja, onde tanto o Na2MoO4 quanto o Na2WO4 comportaram-se como inibidores anódicos para o açocarbono ABNT 1005 em meio de NaCl 3,5%. O valor de perda de espessura com a presença de 1x10-2 mol.L-1 de Na2MoO4 com 24 horas de imersão comparado com o valor obtido em NaCl 3,5% sem inibidor forneceu uma eficiência de 82%, enquanto que na presença de Na2WO4, também com 24 horas de imersão e na concentração de 1x10-2 mol.L-1, a eficiência foi de 65%. Os resultados obtidos com o CPPM mostraram que esta substância não age como inibidor de corrosão para o açocarbono ABNT 1005 em meio de NaCl 3,5%. / The aim of this study is to evaluate the sodium molybdate (Na2Mo4), sodium tungstate (Na2WO4) and polydimethyl-siloxane modified copolymer (CPPM) as corrosion inhibitors for the carbon steel ABNT 1005 in 3,5% NaCl media. The metal substrate was exposed in the media with absence and presence of increasing concentrations of the investigated substances. The techniques used were: mass loss tests; open circuit potential; potentiodynamic polarization (Cpol) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). For comparative purpose, mass loss testes were carried out in seawater and in 3,5% NaCl. The results showed that carbon steel ABNT 1005 corrosion rate in seawater is lower than the corrosion rate at 3,5% NaCl. The Na2Mo4 and Na2WO4 corrosion potentials showed more positive values than their absence, indicating an anodic inhibitor behavior. The parameters obtained by EIS technique showed that for the Na2MoO4 the best time of immersion was 6 hours and the Na2WO4 was 12 hours, with efficiencies of 70% and 77% respectively. The Cpol results confirmed the anodic behavior as corrosion inhibitors of the Na2MoO4 and Na2WO4 for carbon steel ABNT 1005 in 3,5% NaCl. After 24 hours of immersion in 1,0x10-2 mol.L-1 Na2MoO4 presence, the corrosion inhibition efficiency estimed using Tafel extrapolation was 82%. In the 1x10-2 mol.L-1 Na2WO4 presence after 24 hours of immersion, the efficiency obtained was 65%. The CPPM results showed it not acting as corrosion inhibitor for carbon steel ABNT 1005 in 3.5% NaCl.
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Efeito da escovação na resistência à corrosão do titânio cp / The effect ofd brushingand corrosion on cp titaniumPinto, Gustavo da Col dos Santos 29 April 2014 (has links)
O uso de ligas metálicas na odontologia continua tendo aplicação em grande número de situações clínicas de próteses convencionais ou sobre implantes. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a corrosão superficial do Ti cp, submetido a processo de escovação. Foram confeccionados espécimes, com 15,0 mm de diâmetro e 2,5 mm de espessura, obtidos pelo método de fundição por cera perdida. Em seguida, divididos em 4 grupos (n=6). Ensaios eletroquímicos e escovação mecânica (abrasão) foram realizados. Para a análise de Potencial em Circuito Aberto (OCP), o período de mensuração foi de 1 hora, com leitura do potencial da amostra a cada 0,6 segundos. No Grupo G1 foi realizada a análise de Pontecial em Circuito Aberto (OCP), em seguida, aplicado um Potencial Anódico a -250 mV por 1 hora e logo após, realizada a Espectroscopia de Impedância Eletroquímica (EIS) à -250mV. Para o Grupo G2 foi realizada a análise de OCP, em seguida, aplicado um Potencial Catódico a +1000 mV por 1 hora e logo após, realizada a EIS à +1000 mV. Os Grupos G1 e G2 não foram submetidos ao teste de escovação mecânica. O Grupo G3 foi submetido, primeiramente, ao ensaio de escovação mecânica, sendo a máquina acionada até atingir 14.600 ciclos, que representa 1 ano de escovação por um indivíduo saudável52 e corresponde a 41 minutos de funcionamento do equipamento. Posteriormente, foi realizada a mesma sequência do ensaio corrosivo do Grupo G1, ou seja: OCP + Aplicação de Potencial anódico à -250mV + EIS à -250 mV. Para o Grupo G4 primeiro foi realizado o ensaio de escovação mecânica, (14.600 ciclos). Em seguida, foi realizado a mesma sequência do ensaio corrosivo do Grupo G2 , ou seja: OCP + Aplicação de Potencial Catódico à +1000 mV + EIS a +1000 mV. Os resultados obtidos mostram não haver alteração estatisticamente significante na rugosidade superficial dos corpos-de-prova entre os grupos testados. No entanto, as imagens obtidas através dos testes de Interferometria Digital 3D e Microscopia eletrônica de varredura, sugerem a formação de superfícies com menos irregularidades, para os grupos 3 e 4, os quais foram submetidos a escovação mecânica antes dos ensaios eletroquímicos. Os valores da resistência do óxido (Róxido) observada após a EIS á -250 mV (grupos 1 e 3) e á + 1000 mV (grupos 2 e 4) foram estaticamente diferentes entre si (p≤0,05), sendo que os grupos 1 e 2 , submetidos somente ao teste eletroquímico, demonstraram menor resistência do óxido, quando comparados com os grupos 3 e 4, escovados mecanicamente antes do teste eletroquímico. Concluiu-se que a escovação interfere positivamente na resistência a corrosão do Ti cp. / The use of metal alloys in dentistry continues to have application in many clinical situations of conventional prosthesis and implants. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of brushing and corrosion on the cp Ti surface. Specimens were prepared with 15.0 mm diameter and 2.5 mm thickness, obtained by the method of lost wax casting. Then divided into 4 groups (n=6). Electrochemical tests and mechanical brushing (abrasion) were performed. For the analysis of Open Circuit Potential (OCP), the measurement period was 1 hour, with the potential of sample reading every 0.6 seconds. For Group G1 Pontecial Open Circuit (OCP) analysis was performed, then applying a Anode potential at -250 mV for 1 hour and soon after, performed the Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) at -250mV. For the Group G2 OCP analysis was performed, then applying a Cathodic Potential at +1000 mV for 1 hour and soon after, performed the EIS at +1000 mV. The Groups G1 and G2 were not subjected to mechanical brushing test. The Group G3was submitted, first, the mechanical brushing, and the machine was thrown up to 14,600 cycles, which represents 1 year of brushing for a healthy individual [52] and corresponds to 41 minutes of operation of the equipment. Subsequently, the same sequence of G1 Group corrosive test was performed (OCP + Potential Application of anodic at - 250mV + EIS at -250 mV). For the group G4, first mechanical brushing (14,600 cycles) was performed. Then was performed the same sequence of Group G2 corrosive test, (OCP + Application of Cathodic Potential at +1000 mV + EIS at +1000 mV). The results showed no statistical significance change of surface roughness between the tested groups. However, the images obtained through the 3D Digital interferometry and scanning electron microscopy tests , suggest the formation of surfaces with less irregularities, for groups 3 and 4, which were subjected to mechanical brushing before the electrochemical tests. The oxide resistance values (Róxido) observed after the EIS at -250 mV (groups 1 and 3) and at +1000 mV (groups 2 and 4) were statistically different ( p ≤ 0.05 ), and the groups 1 and 2 ,subjected only to the electrochemical test showed less oxide resistance when compared with groups 3 and 4, mechanically brushed before the electrochemical testing. It was concluded that brushing positively interferes at the corrosion resistance of cp Ti.
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