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Interaktivní výuka pozičních soustav na ZŠ / Place-value system and interactive teaching at secondary schoolDVOROŽŇÁK, Marek January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with teaching of place-value systems in secondary school with use of created computer program. The theoretical part of the thesis deals, apart from other things, with some good reasons to teach non-base ten systems. The main part of the thesis deals with created computer program that contains teaching of binary number system and with created computer model of a counting device. These programs are also accessible from the internet. Results of experimental teaching that took place in two secondary schools are included in the thesis as well.
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Détecteurs radiologiques grande surface, multi-énergie / Large area, multi-energy radiological detectorsHabib, Amr 30 September 2014 (has links)
L'objectif de la thèse est de proposer une solution pour un circuit intégré matriciel pour l'imagerie de rayons X fonctionnant, soit en mode spectrométrique où l'énergie de chaque photon X est mesurée, soit en mode d'intégration de charges où l'énergie totale déposée par les rayons X pendant une image est mesurée, la solution devant être à terme compatible avec un détecteur de grande surface typiquement de 20 cm x 20 cm. Un circuit de test (ASIC), ‘Sphinx' de 20 x 20 pixels au pas de 200 µm x 200 µm, en technologie CMOS 0.13 µm a été conçu pour servir de preuve du concept proposé. L'architecture de pixel retenue permet la quantification de la charge incidente par des paquets de contre-charges aussi bas que 100 électrons, ces contre-charges étant comptabilisées, soit pour chaque photon X (mode spectrométrique), soit pour la totalité des photons détectés pendant une image (mode intégration). Les premières mesures de caractérisation prouvent la validité du concept avec de bonnes performances en termes de consommation, bruit et linéarité. Une partie des pixels est dédiée à la détection directe des rayons X, ceux-ci étant alors convertis en charges électriques dans un semi-conducteur, tel que CdZnTe par exemple, lequel semiconducteur est couplé pixel à pixel à l'ASIC. Une autre partie des pixels est dédiée à la détection indirecte des rayons X, ceux-ci étant alors convertis en photons visibles dans une couche scintillatrice, telle CsI : Tl par exemple, et chaque pixel de l'ASIC possédant alors une photodiode. Pour ce dernier mode, de nouvelles formes de photodiodes rapides et peu capacitives ont de plus été conçues, simulées, et fabriquées en technologie CMOS 0.13 µm sur un autre ASIC. Enfin, la thèse se conclut en proposant des idées d'amélioration de performances à réaliser potentiellement dans un futur prototype. / The objective of the thesis is to propose a solution for a 2D integrated circuit X-ray imager working, either in spectrometric mode where each X photon energy is measured, or in charge integration mode where the total energy deposited by X-ray during an image is measured, the solution being compatible with large area detectors typically of 20 cm x 20 cm. A proof of concept prototype ASIC 'Sphinx' was designed and fabricated in CMOS 0.13 µm technology; the ASIC being formed of a matrix of 20 x 20 pixels with a 200 µm pixel pitch. The designed architecture allows the quantification of the incoming charge through the use of counter-charge packets as low as 100 electrons. The injected packets are counted for each X photon (in the spectrometric photon counting mode), or for all charges integrated during the image period (in charge integration mode). First characterization measurements prove the validity of the concept with good performance in terms of power consumption, noise, and linearity. A first part of the ASIC is dedicated to X-ray direct detection where a semiconductor, e.g. CdZnTe, hybridized to the ASIC's pixels converts X-photons to electrical charge. Another part of the ASIC is dedicated indirect X-ray detection where a scintillator, e.g. CsI:Tl, is used to convert X-photons to visible photons which are then detected by in-pixel photodiodes. For the latter mode, new forms of photodiodes characterized by fast detection and low capacity were designed, simulated, and fabricated in CMOS 0.13 µm technology on a different ASIC. Finally, the thesis concludes with proposing performance enhancing ideas to be potentially implemented in a future prototype.
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Hnízdní chování amazoňana pomoučeného (\kur{Amazona farinosa virenticeps}) v přírodě / Nesting behavior of Mealy Amazon (\kur{Amazona farinosa virenticeps}) in the wildJEŘÁBEK, Zdeněk January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study was observing the Mealy Parrot (Amazona farinose virenticeps) in the open air nature, also the study found out their eating and nesting habits. Description of behavior in their natural environment and a description of the habitat in the study area. Monitoring, which took place at the census was made 3 weeks in September 2015. Other investigations in which observation was focused on finding nesting cavities and bird watching in the stream and this was performed three weeks in February 2016. Observation was carried out in Costa Rica on the southeast by the Caribbean Sea in the nature reserve Gandoca Manzanillo. Part of the observations was the liner census of Mealy Parrots with the use of the Passau methods to chart a path along the road leading from the village of Manzanillo to Puerto Vijejo. Length of the strip to the census was fixed at 2.1km about the width of 250m. At the counting was found out how Mealy Parrots was fed and what type of food. Also there was observe at what time Mealy Parrots swoop for food, and what trees were occupying them and in which part of tree crowns they were sitting in. Other research showed their behavior in the presence of other birds and other animals and how they were behaving in danger of predators. In another part of observing, that took place in February 2016 was searched two nests in tree hollows (Manilkara zapota) and (Pterocarpus officinalis). Only in one of the nesting cavity was found one egg, which was measured.
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Contagem numérica e recuperação de fatos aditivos em estudantes com síndromes do x-frágil e de prader-williRosso, Telma Regina França January 2012 (has links)
As dificuldades de aprendizagem matemática constituem um campo bastante complexo e ainda relativamente pouco explorado. Pesquisas com síndromes associadas ao baixo desempenho matemático indicam que há diferentes perfis cognitivos subjacentes às dificuldades na matemática e nos mostram que nem toda dificuldade de aprendizagem matemática é originada da mesma maneira. Esta dissertação de mestrado apresenta dois estudos de caso: um realizado com estudante com Síndrome do X-Frágil e o outro com estudante com Síndrome de Prader-Willi. O objetivo foi investigar e compreender a aquisição dos princípios e procedimentos de contagem numérica e recuperação de fatos aditivos da memória em cada estudante. Os dados foram obtidos a partir de análise documental, observações em sala de aula e no espaço escolar e aplicação de tarefas para investigação do senso numérico, dos princípios e procedimentos de contagem e da recuperação de fatos aditivos da memória. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que os sujeitos pesquisados apresentam lentidão no processo de aprendizagem, especialmente na construção dos princípios da contagem numérica, falhas no desenvolvimento do senso numérico e não utilizaram recuperação dos fatos aditivos da memória. As implicações educacionais resultantes deste estudo, principalmente no que diz respeito à educação inclusiva, determinam a necessidade de um novo olhar para o processo de inclusão de estudantes com diferentes síndromes em salas de aulas regulares, pois suas características cognitivas e comportamentais indicam que a inclusão por si só não garante o sucesso escolar. / The difficulties in learning mathematics are a very complex field and still relatively unexplored. Researches of syndromes associated with low mathematical performance indicates that different cognitive profiles underlie math learning difficulties and show us that not all of these difficulties have the same origins. This dissertation presents two case studies: one with Fragile X Syndrome (FXS) and another with Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS). The objective was to investigate and understand the acquisition of the principles and procedures of numerical count and recovery additive facts from memory in each student. The data obtained were from documental analysis, observations in the classroom and in the school playground and applying tasks to investigate the number sense, the principles and procedures of numerical count and recovery additive facts from memory. The results indicated that the subjects studied show slow learning process, especially in the construction of the principles of counting, flawed development of number sense and did not recovery additive facts from memory. The educational implications, particularly in inclusive educations, determine a new look at the process of students with different syndromes in regular classrooms because their cognitive behavioral characteristics indicate that the inclusion only does not guarantee school success.
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Efeitos do ensino de contagem sobre a aquisição de comportamento conceitual numérico em crianças préescolaresFioraneli, Rogério Crevelenti 15 March 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-03-15 / Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais / Abstract Although the studies regarding the role of counting in the acquisition of the numeric conceptual behavior has grown and developed in the past few decades, results available in the literature still show experimental and theoretical disagreements. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of training on oral counting in the acquisition of numeric conceptual behavior through the comparison to the performance of children who were not exposed to the training on counting. Participants consisted of eight children, between three and four years old, from a private elementary school in Araraquara city, Sao Paulo, Brazil. The battery of numeric tasks used for this purpose consisted of the following stimuli, all them ranging from 1 to 9: arabic digits (A); sets of pictures of objects and animals with a random spatial distribution (B); printed number-words (C), spoken numbers (D) and naming (E). Participants in both groups were submitted to the following initial tests: oral counting, identity matching (AA, BB, CC), symbolic relations (AB, AC, BA, CA, BC, CB), auditive-visual matching (DA, DB, DC) and naming (EA, EB, EC). Equivalence relations between numbers and quantities (AB, AC and DA) were trained on both groups, experimental (EG) and control (CG), and oral counting was taught to the EG only. Training on counting consisted of the following steps: verification, training and production of the numeric verbal sequence repertoire, and establishment of oneto- one correspondence between numbers and names of elements in a set. The emergence of the BA, BC, CA, CB, DB, DC, EA and EB relations was observed with the EG participants. By the other hand, subsequent tests of training on relations (same as the initial tests) showed the emergence of the BA, DB, DC, EA and EB relations with the CG. In general, EG participants presented better overall scores compared to the CG. The results presented herein point to oral counting as a facilitator for the numerical equivalence. / Ultimamente tem crescido o número de estudos acerca do papel da contagem na aquisição do comportamento conceitual numérico. Os resultados disponíveis dessas pesquisas demonstram controvérsias teóricas e experimentais. O presente estudo teve por objetivo analisar o efeito do treino da contagem oral sobre a aquisição do comportamento conceitual numérico e comparar esse efeito com o desempenho de crianças que não foram expostas ao treino da contagem. Participaram oito crianças pré-escolares, entre três e quatro anos de idade de uma rede privada de ensino de Araraquara/SP. Aplicou-se uma bateria de tarefas que envolveram valores de 1 a 9 e os estímulos: algarismos (A); conjuntos de figuras de objetos e animais, cuja distribuição espacial era aleatória (B); nome escrito dos números (C); ditado (D); e nomeação (E). Os participantes de ambos os grupos foram submetidos a testes iniciais, apresentados na ordem que se segue: contagem de desenhos de objetos e animais, pareamento por identidade (AA, BB, CC), relações simbólicas (AB, AC, BA, CA, BC, CB), auditivovisual (DA, DB, DC) e nomeação (EA, EB, EC). Nos dois grupos, experimental (GE) controle (GC) foram treinadas as relações AB, AC e DA, porém a contagem oral foi ensinada apenas ao GE. O treino de contagem consistiu das seguintes etapas: verificação, treino e produção do repertório de sequência verbal numérica e estabelecimento da correspondência termo a termo entre nomes de números e elementos de um conjunto. Nos testes posteriores ao treino das relações (os mesmos dos iniciais), os participantes do GE apresentaram a emergência das relações BA, BC, CA, CB, DB, DC, EA e EB. Já os participantes do GC apresentaram emergência das relações BA, DB, DC, EA e EB. O desempenho dos participantes do GE foi superior ao dos participantes do GC. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo apontam para a contagem como facilitadora para a equivalência numérica.
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Práticas de contagem no contexto de lendas: manifestações orais de crianças de cinco anos em atividades de ensinoJacomelli, Cristiane Vinholes 22 February 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-02-22 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / This work studies the oral manifestations of five years old children in activities of counting practice, where they are exposed to problem-situation involving the conceptual nexus of numbers in the legends context. The methodology is based in a qualitative perspective, specifically in one case study in which the peculiar case is a group of children of five years old inserted in a non-formal space of learning, that seeks to work toward a historical-cultural perspective. The analysis is based on an interpretative vision, the expressed manifestation of the children during four teaching activities. The manifestations have been divided in three units of significance where we present the episodes that represent the children dialog during the activities, transcribed from video-graphic records. Through the analysis of the children speech it became evident that some of them have used the conceptual nexus of numbers to answer to the proposed situations. The children also showed some influence of the school practices while answering the activities, given the difficulty of using diversified practice of counting. Ultimately, it was perceived that many times the children worried more about the legends and that they forgot the mathematical problems addressed in the activities. We realized that the Teaching Guiding Activity can be a fertile terrain to develop mathematical concepts with children in elementary school education. / Este trabalho busca analisar as manifestações de crianças de cinco anos, em atividades de ensino sobre práticas de contagem, em que são submetidas a situações-problema que envolvem os nexos conceituais do número no contexto de lendas. A metodologia fundamentase numa perspectiva qualitativa, mais especificamente em um estudo de caso, onde o caso particular é a turma de crianças de cinco anos que está inserida em um espaço não-formal de aprendizagem, que busca trabalhar em uma perspectiva histórico-cultural. A análise se baseia em uma visão interpretativa das manifestações expressas pelas crianças durante quatro atividades de ensino. As manifestações foram divididas em três unidades de significado, em que apresentamos episódios que representam os diálogos das crianças no decorrer das atividades, transcritos de registros videográficos. Pela análise das falas das crianças ficou evidente que algumas delas utilizaram-se dos nexos conceituais do número para responder às situações propostas. As crianças também demonstraram a influência de práticas escolares no momento de responder às atividades, dada a dificuldade de se utilizarem de práticas diversificadas de contagem. Por fim, percebemos que muitas vezes as crianças preocuparamse tanto com as lendas que se esqueceram dos problemas matemáticos abordados nas atividades. Percebemos que as Atividades Orientadoras de Ensino podem ser terreno fértil para desenvolver conceitos matemáticos com as crianças da Educação Infantil.
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Medida do fluxo de neutrons termicos do reator IPEN/MB-01 com detectores de ativacao de fios de sup197AuMARQUES, ANDRE L.F. 09 October 2014 (has links)
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02755.pdf: 2809959 bytes, checksum: a21b5dc47bef9cb4b424a52336924fa8 (MD5) / Dissertacao (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN/CNEN-SP
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Aplicação do método de Monte Carlo no estudo da padronização de radionuclídeos com esquema de desintegração complexos em sistema de coincidencias 4-pi-beta-gamaTAKEDA, MAURO N. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:52:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:00:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Tese (Doutoramento) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN/CNEN-SP
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Estudo de incertezas no monitoramento in vivo utilizando a tecnica de Monte CarloVENTURINI, LUZIA 09 October 2014 (has links)
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09672.pdf: 6449551 bytes, checksum: fc741e642f1069dc9671f312a9c4532b (MD5) / Tese (Doutoramento) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN/CNEN-SP
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Desenvolvimento de um sistema eletronico com registro simultaneo de amplitude e instante de ocorrencias dos pulsos, aplicado ao metodo de coincidencias 4'pi''beta''gama' / Design of an electronic system with simultaneous registering of pulse amplitude and event time applied to the 4'pi''beta'-'gama' coincidence methodTOLEDO, FABIO de 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:27:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:03:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Dissertacao (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP
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