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Stereovizní systém pro počítání cestujících v hromadných dopravních prostředcích / Passenger Counting System Based on StereovisionVrzal, Radek January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with a concept of system for automatic passenger counting in different modes of transport. Counting units are placed in top of the door area in the vehicle. Passengers are detected at the disparity map counted from the stereo-camera images. Object tracking is achieved with Global nearest neighbor and Multiple hypothesis tracking algorithm. This system is used for public transportation surveys.
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Apport des structures ridge pour la détection et l’interférométrie à conversion de fréquence MIR en régime de comptage de photons / Contribution of ridge waveguides for MIR upconversion detection and interferometry in photon counting regimeLehmann, Lucien 21 November 2019 (has links)
La détection faible flux dans le moyen infrarouge (MIR) est fortement pénalisée par le rayonnement thermique de l’environnement. La principale solution à ce problème consiste à cryogéniser la plus grande partie possible de la chaîne de détection. Cette méthode atteint ses limites pour certaines applications,notamment l’imagerie haute résolution en astronomie par méthode interférométrique. Une solution alternative consiste à utiliser le processus non linéaire de somme de fréquences pour convertir ce rayonnement moyen infrarouge vers des domaines de longueur d’onde où les détecteurs ne sont plus limités par le rayonnement de l’environnement et fonctionnent efficacement en régime de comptage de photons. Les travaux effectués au cours ces trois années sont le prolongement direct de plus d’une décennie de recherche pour la détection et l’interférométrie par conversion de fréquence. Ils s’inscrivent dans la continuité des travaux de thèses de L. Szemendera et de P. Darré, ayant, pour l’un, posé les premières pierres de l’interférométrie par conversion de fréquence dans le MIR et, pour l’autre, démontré la possibilité d’utiliser cette technique sur le ciel à1550 nmen tirant parti de la technologie de guidage ridge. Cette thèse constitue donc la jonction fructueuse de ces travaux antérieurs, rendue possible par une collaboration avec l’institut Femto-ST. L’utilisation de leurs guides PPLN ridge nous a permis de nous placer au niveau de l’état de l’art pour la détection par conversion de fréquence dans le MIR (3,5 μm)avec des démonstrations expérimentales à la fois en laboratoire et sur le ciel (C2PU). Intégrée à un interféromètre à conversion de fréquence à ces mêmes longueurs d’onde, elle a également permis d’en améliorer significativement les performances et la répétabilité de cette technique, principalement dans le cas d’une source spectralement large bande. Parallèlement, notre collaboration avec le réseau de télescopes CHARA, nous a offert l’opportunité d’étudier les problématiques soulevées par une future mise en œuvre de l’instrument sur ce site. / Low flux detection in the mid infrared (MIR) is strongly penalized by thermal radiation from the environment. The main solution to this problem is to cryogenize as much of the detection chain as possible.This method is reaching its limits for some applications, including high-resolution imaging in astronomy using interferometric methods. An alternative solution is to use the non-linear process of sum frequency generation to convert this mid infrared radiation to wave length domains where detectors are no longer limited by the radiation from environment and operate efficiently in photon counting regime.The work over these three years is part of more than a decade of research into up-conversion detection and interferometry. It is the expansion of the these works of L. Szemendera and P. Darré. The first one laid the fondation of the up-conversion interferometry in the MIR and the second one demonstrated the possibility of using this technique on the sky at 1550 nm by benefiting from the ridge waveguide technology.Thus, this thesis constitutes the fruitful junction of these earlier works, made possible by a collaboration with the Femto-ST Institute. The use of their PPLN ridge waveguides has enabled us to place ourselves at the state of the art for up-conversion detection in the MIR (3,5 μm) with experimental demonstrations both in the laboratory and on the sky (C2PU). Integrated into a up-conversion interferometer at these same wave lengths, it has also significantly improved the performance and repeatability of this technique,in particular in the case of a spectrally broadband source. At the same time, our collaboration with the CHARA telescope array gave us the opportunity to study the problems raised by a future implementation of the instrument on this site.
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L'interféromètre à somme de fréquences ALOHA en bande H : Des tests en laboratoire jusqu'aux premières franges sur le ciel / The upconversion interferometer ALOHA operating in H band : From the laboratory to the first on-skyDarré, Pascaline 29 September 2016 (has links)
La technique de l'interférométrie en astronomie permet d'observer des objets avec une haute résolution angulaire comparativement à l'utilisation d'un unique télescope. L'observation dans l'infrarouge moyen représente aujourd'hui un enjeu en interférométrie notamment pour l'étude des noyaux actifs de galaxie ou de la formation des planètes. Cependant ce domaine spectral est particulièrement contraignant puisqu'il est soumis à l'émission propre des éléments optiques de l'instrument mais également de l'atmosphère. Ce manuscrit développe les travaux effectués sur un nouvel instrument utilisant un processus de conversion de fréquence pour transposer le rayonnement infrarouge vers un domaine spectral permettant de s'affranchir de l'émission propres des optiques. Un prototype fonctionnant dans le proche infrarouge à 1,55 µm et convertissant, via une processus de somme de fréquences, le rayonnement dans le domaine visible autour de 630 nm grâce à une pompe intense à 1064 nm, a été mis en place pour démontrer, en laboratoire, le principe de cette solution innovante notamment dans le cadre de l'analyse de la cohérence spatiale d'un corps noir. L'objectif est maintenant de démontrer la capacité de l'instrument à détecter un objet réel. J'introduis dans cette thèse les notions théoriques essentielles à la compréhension des travaux présentés pour ensuite détailler le fonctionnement de l'instrument et les éléments d'amélioration apportés, notamment en terme de transmission, au cours de ma thèse. Les études préliminaires en laboratoire du comportement de l'instrument ont permis d'aboutir aux premières franges sur le ciel en utilisant la plus petite base (34 m) du réseau interférométrique CHARA et de rechercher la magnitude limite de l'instrument. L'utilisation du processus de conversion de fréquence a pour conséquence de filtrer le spectre converti. Ainsi dans la configuration actuelle de l'interféromètre, seul 0,6 nm du spectre infrarouge en entrée du cristal est converti à travers le processus de SFG. Afin d'augmenter la sensibilité, une solution est de créer plusieurs processus de SFG simultanément dans chaque étage de conversion afin d'échantillonner le spectre infrarouge converti. Cette solution requiert d'utiliser plusieurs sources de pompe indépendantes qui vont créer des systèmes de franges incohérents. Je présente l'analyse de la cohérence temporelle d'une source infrarouge large bande convertie via l'utilisation de deux sources de pompe et un moyen de synchroniser les différents systèmes de franges afin de maximiser le contraste. / Interferometry is an instrumental technique suitable to perform astronomical observations at high angular resolution. Currently, the mid-infrared spectral domain is a real issue for the astronomical interferometry to characterize astronomical objects such as proto-planetary discs or active galactic nuclei. However, this spectral domain is subject to a large thermal background emission from the instrument and from the sky. This manuscript describes an innovative instrument using a nonlinear process of sum frequency generation to convert the mid-infrared radiation to a shorter wavelength domain where the thermal emission from the instrument is negligible. A prototype operating in the near-infrared at 1.55 µm and converting the radiation in the visible domain at 630 nm thanks to a strong pump at 1064 nm has already demonstrated its ability to analyse spatial coherence of a blackbody source. The present goal is to demonstrate its ability to detect an object on the sky. In this manuscript I introduce theoritical concepts necessary for an understanding of the overall operation of the instrument. Then, I describe the main improvements provided in this thesis, in particular concerning the instrumental transmission. The preliminary studies of the instrument operation resulted in the first on-sky fringes on the CHARA array and enabled to determine its limiting magnitude. The upconversion process acts as a filter on the converted spectrum. In the current instrumental configuration, only 0.6 nm of the input infrared spectrum is converted through the SFG process. For the purpose of increasing the instrumental sensitivity, we propose to sample the infrared spectrum by using several independent pump laser lines thus creating different incoherent fringe patterns. I present the temporal coherence analysis of a broadband infrared source converted by a dual-line pump laser and a method to synchronize the different fringe patterns to insure a maximum value of the contrast.
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Zeitaufgelöste Mikroskopie an einzelnen Molekülen zur Untersuchung der Polymerdynamik in dünnen FilmenSchmidt, Ruben 31 August 2005 (has links)
Gegenstand dieser Diplomarbeit ist die Untersuchung der Dynamik in dünnen Polymerfilmen anhand von einzelnen Molekülen. Zu diesem Zweck wurden dünne Filme (kleiner 100nm) hergestellt und mittels Einzelmoleküldetektion und zeitaufgelöster Einzelphotonenzählung analysiert, was eine orts- und zeitaufgelöste Untersuchung einzelner Farbstoffmoleküle ermöglicht.
Ziel war es, festzustellen ob, und auf welchem Weg, die Dynamik der Umgebung in Fluktuationen der Fluoreszenzlebensdauer einzelner Moleküle sichtbar wird.
Neben der Evaluierung der Untersuchungsmethoden wurden in dieser Arbeit zwei Arten von Sensormolekülen - DiD und Malachit Grün - näher untersucht. / The subject of this diploma thesis is the analysis of dynamics in thin polymer films using single molecules. Thin polymer films (less than 100nm) were produced and analysed by Single Molecule Detection (SMD) and Time Correlated Single Photon Counting (TCSPC). This allows a spatial and time resolved investigation of the single dye molecule.
The aim was to ascertain if, and in which way, the dynamics of the environment are reflected by fluctuations of the fluorescence lifetime of the single molecule.
In addition to evaluating the investigation methods two kinds of molecules - DiD and Malachite Green - were also analysed.
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Analytické přístupy vybraných "poradenských" veřejněpolitických dokumentů v oblasti bezdomovectví / Analytical approaches of selected public policy counselling documents from domain of homelessnessPoláková, Alžběta January 2018 (has links)
This thesis is focused on homelessness problem, particularly on documents of counting of people hit by this problem of public policy. Aim of this thesis is to identify and evaluate analytical approaches used by fourteen big cities in the Czech Republic, in the process of counting homeless there. At first this paperwork brings information about policy analysis and its ways of use in our country, with focus on advisory documents, which documents of counting belong. Further, I discuss problem of homelessness and the ways of understanding it in context of this thesis. Other chapters are dedicated to two disciplines from social sciences field - Public policy, and Social and Cultural anthropology. These served as optics for identification of analytical approaches via their key characteristics. I also mention interdisciplinarity as "canopy" for my own approach towards this topic. By using method of content analysis this work elicits in detail the ways in how the counting in above mentioned cities done in 2007-2017 and how these results may contribute to interdisciplinary solution of the given problem. The last chapter gives outcomes based on analysis, which implicates diversity of concepts used in these documents, their aims and methods, and also possible suggestions for applications of the achieved...
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An Evaluation of Protein Quantification Methods in Shotgun Proteomics and Applications in Multi-OmicsGARDNER, MIRANDA Lynn January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Utveckling av sensorbaserat system för personräkning i inomhusmiljö / Development of sensor-based system for indoor people countingSandström, Joakim January 2021 (has links)
I det här arbetet presenteras ett system som utvecklats i syfte att kunna räkna personer. Systemet är tänkt att användas i mötesrum för upp till tio personer och använder sig av infraröd teknik i form av thermopile arrayer. I arbetet har tre olika sensorer använts för utvärdering. Sensorerna som använts är Panasonic Grid-EYE med pixelupplösningen 8×8 och detekteringsvinkeln 60°×60° samt två stycken Heimann 32x32d, båda med upplösningen 32×32 pixlar, men med detekteringsvinkeln 90°×90° respektive 105°×105°. Systemet är programmerat med hjälp av utvecklingskortet STM32L476RG och är skrivet i språket C. I systemet används två metoder för att beräkna antalet personer. Den ena metoden jämför temperaturförändringen i ett rum i förhållande till då rummet är tomt och den andra metoden använder sig av bildbehandlingsmetoder som interpolering, filtrering och beräkning av area. Sensorerna utvärderas även individuellt utifrån egenskaper som noggrannhet, strömförbrukning och implementationskostnad. Script har även skapats i MATLAB som, i kombination med mikrokontrollern, används för att grafiskt presentera temperaturvärdena från sensorerna. Den sensor som visade sig vara bäst lämpad för att räkna personer är Heimann 32×32d med detekteringsvinkeln 105°×105°. Detta tack vare den större detekteringsvinkeln som resulterar i en större detekterbar yta samt upplösningen på totalt 1024 pixlar som sammantaget ger en högre noggrannhet för personräkning. Denna sensor kräver dock mer komplexa och tidskrävande beräkningar för behandling av data än Grid-EYE. Dessa skillnader är ändå marginella, där noggrannheten och den större detekterbara arean väger upp nackdelarna. De experimentella resultaten visar att Heimann 32×32d med 105°×105° ger en noggrannhet på c:a 98.3 % vid mätning på höjden 2.45 m. Detta motsvarar en yta på c:a 39.1 m2 och systemet kan räkna upp till minst 4 personer. För Grid-EYE och samma höjd har ej noggrannheten fastställts, men har endast en detekterbar yta på c:a 7.7 m2 där maximalt 4 personer bedöms kunna räknas. / In this work, a system is being developed with the purpose of counting people. The system is intended for use in meeting rooms for up to ten persons and utilizes infrared technique using thermopile arrays. For this work, three different sensor have been used for evaluation. A Panasonic Grid-EYE with a resolution of 8×8 and a Field of View (FoV) of 60°×60°, and two Heimann 32×32d sensors, both having a resolution of 32×32, but with the FoV 90°×90° and 105°×105° respectively. The system has been programmed using the microcontroller STM32L476RG, and with the programming language C. In this system, two methods for people counting has been implemented. The first method compares the total change in temperature of a room in relation to when the room is empty and the other method uses image processing methods, such as interpolation, filtering and area calculations. The sensors are also being evaluated individually, based on characteristics such as accuracy, current consumption and implementation cost. To graphically display the temperature values of the sensors, scripts has been made for MATLAB that uses information sent by the microcontroller. The sensor which seem to be best suited for counting people is the Heimann 32×32d with the FoV 105°×105°. The main advantage of this sensor is its wider FoV, covering a larger area, and its higher resolution, which overall yields a higher accuracy when counting people. However, this sensor requires more complex and time-consuming calculations when processing data than the Grid-EYE. Still, these differences are marginal where the accuracy and the larger detectable area for the HTPA outweighs its disadvantages. The experimental results shows that the Heimann sensor with 105°×105° FoV can achieve an accuracy of ≈98.3 % measuring at a height of 2.45 m. At this height, the detectable area for the sensor is ≈39.1 m2 and is being able to count up to at least 4 persons. As for the Grid-EYE and with the same scenario, the accuracy has not been determined, but has a detectable area of ≈7.7 m2 and is estimated being able to count up to a maximum of 4 persons.
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In 1972, professor Grigore Moisil, the most famous Romanian academician for Mathematics, said about Combinatorics, that it is “an opportunity of a renewed gladness”, because “each problem in the domain asks for its solving, an expenditure without any economy of the human intelligence”. More, the research methods, used in Combinatorics, are different from a problem to the other! This is the explanation for the existence of my actual paper, in which I propose to teach Combinatorics, using selected problems. MS classification: 05A05, 97D50.
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Assessing Journal Quality in Mathematics EducationNivens, Ryan Andrew, Otten, Samuel 01 July 2017 (has links)
In this Research Commentary, we describe 3 journal metrics–the Web of Science's Impact Factor, Scopus's SCImago Journal Rank, and Google Scholar Metrics' h5-index—and compile the rankings (if they exist) for 69 mathematics education journals. We then discuss 2 paths that the mathematics education community should consider with regard to these citation-based metrics of journal quality: either working within the system to enhance our positioning or resisting or modifying the system itself.
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Designing a fast and robust device for measuring and providing graphical visualization of the number of 60Co sources in a Leksell Gamma Knife® / Designa en snabb och robust anordning för att mäta och tillhandahålla grafisk visualisering av antalet 60Co källor i en Leksell Gamma Knife®Andersson, Simon January 2020 (has links)
The Leksell Gamma Knife® (LGK) is a device for performing radiosurgery. The LGK contains approximately 200 radioactive sources whose beams intersect in a focal point in order to treat brain tumours. Quality assurance tools are used at Elekta to indirectly assess the number of sources in an LGK from the total amount of radiation. In order to increase patient safety, regulatory agencies have been asking for evidential proof of the number of sources in the LGK. This thesis' goal is to directly measure each source in the LGK and optimize the total detection time. To do this, a source detection system was developed with two parts, a radiation detection system and a moving gantry. Initial tests of the design were performed at Elekta and a final test was performed on an LGK at Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset. The results show that the proposed design has the possibility of detecting all sources in an LGK.
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