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Exploring the Quality Needs of Saudi Electronic University Students: A Learner PerspectiveAlubthne, Fawzia O. 07 June 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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The Feedback Culture in Translator Education: A Comparative Exploration of Two Distinct University Translation ProgramsAlfayyadh, Hisham M. 21 April 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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A Study of Ohio High School Band Directors’ Perceived Preparation for Teaching High School Marching Band Through Participation in a Collegiate Marching Band, Marching Band Technique Classes, and Methods CoursesWilliamson, Brad Alan 26 August 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Module design in a changing era of Higher Education: academic identity, cognitive dissonance and institutional barriersBinns, Carole January 2017 (has links)
No / This book explores the module design experiences and practices of academics employed within one UK university, and during a period of social and economic change in which university staff are designing and delivering curricula for changing student populations, with different profiles and expectations than previous generations. The book raises issues such as why, in a climate of reduced resources, staff increase their own workloads by re-writing lectures to accommodate changing student needs, and how institutional practices that are used to encourage curriculum innovation are often having a perceived opposite effect. It will appeal to academic staff, students of higher education studies, and policy-makers within the education sector.
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Le roller derby à Québec : un espace de subversion des hétéronormes de genreDesplat, Charlotte 12 November 2023 (has links)
À travers une lunette théorique, méthodologique et épistémologique queer, ce mémoire identifie et discute les pratiques de subversion des hétéronormes de genre dans la ligue Roller Derby Québec (RDQ). En plus d'une revue de la littérature sur le roller derby, une période d'observation participante et neuf entrevues semi-dirigées avec des joueuses de la ligue de roller derby de Québec ont permis d'identifier la ligue comme un espace inclusif et sécuritaire pour des personnes se sentant en marge, notamment sur le plan du genre, de l'expression de genre et de l'orientation sexuelle. Il ressort de l'analyse que la ligue développe des pratiques afin d'inclure des personnes habituellement invisibilisées dans les sports de contact compétitifs, comme les personnes trans*, enceintes et celles considérées trop âgées pour pratiquer une telle activité. Malgré les efforts investis par la ligue et ses membres, les entretiens révèlent des zones d'ombres dans ces pratiques inclusives qui seraient en partie dues, selon les joueuses rencontrées, à un manque de connaissances sur les réalités des personnes concernées. Les joueuses identifient aussi RDQ comme un espace où elles « se sentent à leur place », et où elles peuvent être « elles-mêmes ». La ligue est alors un lieu où elles développent de nouvelles pratiques et connaissances, dans un espace ouvert au partage et à la fluidité. / Drawing upon a theoretical, methodological and epistemological queer perspective, this thesis identifies and discusses the subversive practices of gender heteronomrs in the Roller Derby Quebec (RDQ) league. Following a literature review on roller derby, a participative observation period and nine semi-structured interviews with players from the Quebec City roller derby league presents the league as an inclusive and safe space for people who are feeling marginalized, notably regarding gender, gender expression ans sexual orientation. The analysis suggests that the league develops practices in order to include invisibilized people in competitive contact sports, such as trans* and pregnant people and those considered too old to engage in such activity. Despite the efforts of the league and its members, the interviews disclose gray areas found in these inclusive practices, which, according to the players met during this study, are partly due to a lack of knowledge about other's realities. Players also state the RDQ is a space where they "feel at home" and where they can be "themselves". Therefore, the league is a place where they develop new practices and knowledge, in a space opened to sharing and fluidity.
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An analysis of marriage relationships among Tswana speaking Catholics in the Odi district : a theological ethical studySenekane, Clement Kokoana 11 1900 (has links)
This dissertation deals with an ethical analysis of marriage
relationships among Tswana speaking Catholics in the light of the
understandings of marriage of both the African and Christian traditions.
These traditions have certain practices and perspectives that, if they are put
together, can enrich marriage in all its aspects.
The first two chapters analyse the practices and perspectives of
marriage within the African and Christian traditions, while the third
compares and contrasts them. The aspects dealt with are a) compatible
values from African and Christian marriage and b) incompatible values
from African and Christian marriages.
In chapter four, the role of the Church in restoring the purpose and
the meaning of marriage and what it can do to improve Catholic marriage
relationships among Tswana speaking people are discussed and some
practical suggestions are proposed. / Philosophy, Practical & Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Theological Ethics)
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Výuka gramatice ve specifických formách výuky (firemní kurzy - výuka dospělých). / Teaching grammar in specific forms of education (in-company courses - adult learners).Pohořálková, Pavla January 2013 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on teaching grammar in the context of in-company language courses. What needs to be taken into consideration are both the psychological aspects of adult learners and the sociological characteristics of a typical course participant, their position of a client which is connected to high expectations of the service provided - language tuition. The role of the teacher in an in-company course is much less authoritative than in a traditional course and teachers become rather partners or coaches for the learners. The pedagogical research conducted among 172 Czech in-company learners with the help of an electronic questionnaire shows that the main aim of in-company students is to be able to communicate efficiently in real-life situations from their private and working lives. It is the role of the teacher, or the coursebook author, to choose which grammar structures are necessary to succeed in the respective situations. Therefore, the most suitable method for teaching grammar in the context of in-company courses is the Engage, Study, Activate method combined with the eclectic method.
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Cursinho popular do município de Jandira: uma experiência educacional visando ao acesso à educação superior / The preparatory courses for the vestibular of the city of Jandira: an educational experience aimed at the access to higher educationRuedas, Sílvia Maria Dias 12 September 2005 (has links)
A expansão de Cursinhos Preparatórios para o Vestibular no Brasil, na última década, motivou este estudo. Indicadores de acesso e qualidade da Educação Básica e da Educação Superior iluminaram a compreensão do contexto de emersão dos mesmos. Com o objetivo de analisar a organização, a dinâmica e os resultados do Cursinho Popular de Jandira, bem como as representações que sujeitos específicos envolvidos, especialmente alunos e professores (estudantes da USP), detinham sobre ele, em 2003 e 2004, 750 alunos (e desses, 20 mais especificamente) e 21 professores, foram investigados. Apoiando-se na perspectiva etnográfica e interpretativa (Erickson, F., 1986), utilizou-se de instrumentais e métodos relativos à pesquisa qualitativa focalizando um estudo de caso. O Cursinho Popular de Jandira insere-se num projeto de Política Pública para a juventude de baixa renda e sua proposta curricular e de gestão prevê o resgate da auto-estima de seus alunos, além de promover a aprendizagem, a sua evolução educacional e profissional. Os professores são referência para os alunos e na condição de estudantes Universitários, o Cursinho apresenta-se como uma oportunidade de exercício da articulação entre a teoria e a prática, assim como de responsabilidade social. Os professores e os alunos definem o CPJ como um facilitador de acesso à Educação Superior, ainda que a cada ano, apenas 6% dos alunos conseguem ingresso e desses, 0,6%, em Universidade Pública. E notável, contudo, o papel prospectivo que o Cursinho exerce perante os jovens e de como é capaz de impulsioná-los na concretização de empregos, de novos cursos e de projetos de vida. O estudo ainda deixa pistas para novas investigações, tais como: o papel regulador dos Cursinhos, a sua legalização perante o sistema educacional e propostas de Políticas Públicas para a juventude. / The expansion of Preparatory courses for the Vestibular contest in Brazil, in the last decade, motivated this study. Pointers of access and quality of the Basic Education and the Superior Education had illuminated the understanding of their context of emersion. With the objective to analyze the organization, the dynamics and the results of the Popular Jandira´s course, as well as the representations that involved specific citizens, especially pupils and \"teachers\" (students of the USP), withheld on it, in 2003 and 2004, 750 pupils (and of these, 20 more specifically) and 21 \"teachers\", had been investigated. Based in the ethnographic and interpretative perspective (Erickson, F., 1986), Instruments and relative methods were used to the qualitative research focusing a case of study. The Popular Jandira´s course is a project of Public Politics for the youth of low income and its proposal curricular and of management foresees the rescue of auto-esteem of its pupils, besides promoting the learning, its educational and professional evolution. The \"Teachers\" are reference for the pupils and in the condition of University applicant students, the curse is presented as a chance of exercise of the joint between the theory and the practical one, as well as of social responsibility. The \"teachers\" and the pupils define the CPJ as a facilitator of access to the Superior Education, still that to each year, only 6% of the pupils obtain ingression and of these, 0.6%, in Public University. It is notable, however, the prospective paper that the Course exerts in the youth and how it is capable to stimulate them in the concretion of jobs, new courses and projects of life. The study still it leaves tracks for new inquiries, such as: the regulating paper of the Curses, its legalization before the educational system and proposals of Public Politics for youth.
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A comparison of assessment methods used by community college faculty in face-to-face and online coursesWamsley, Lori H. 19 November 2012 (has links)
Online learning has grown exponentially within higher education in the past decade, especially at community colleges. As online course offerings expand community colleges need to assess student learning in order to ensure quality learning experiences for students and for accreditation purposes. The purpose of this study was to compare the assessment methods of community college faculty who teach the same course in both face-to-face and online formats, in order to determine the similarities and differences that exist in assessment practices. This study stemmed from the constructionist and pragmatic perspectives of the researcher. Additionally this study asked how community college faculty perceive the effectiveness of different assessment methods on student learning. The method for this research was a qualitative multiple case study in which community college accounting faculty were interviewed to explore how they assess student learning in both the online and face-to-face formats. Homework problems, exams, quizzes were the most commonly used methods of assessment of student learning in both formats by the study participants. Furthermore, exams and quizzes were believed to be most effective in assessing student learning, among the community college faculty members interviewed. Another discovery from this study included the prevalent use of publisher's software,called My Accounting Lab, among community college accounting faculty in administering assessments to students. Additional concerns around assessing online students effectively, managing online student group work, and mitigating online student cheating were also revealed during interviews with study participants. / Graduation date: 2013
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An analysis of marriage relationships among Tswana speaking Catholics in the Odi district : a theological ethical studySenekane, Clement Kokoana 11 1900 (has links)
This dissertation deals with an ethical analysis of marriage
relationships among Tswana speaking Catholics in the light of the
understandings of marriage of both the African and Christian traditions.
These traditions have certain practices and perspectives that, if they are put
together, can enrich marriage in all its aspects.
The first two chapters analyse the practices and perspectives of
marriage within the African and Christian traditions, while the third
compares and contrasts them. The aspects dealt with are a) compatible
values from African and Christian marriage and b) incompatible values
from African and Christian marriages.
In chapter four, the role of the Church in restoring the purpose and
the meaning of marriage and what it can do to improve Catholic marriage
relationships among Tswana speaking people are discussed and some
practical suggestions are proposed. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Theological Ethics)
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