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Plataforma de reforzamiento de idiomas (SHARLANG APP) / SharLang: interactive platform between usersFernández Núñez, Mónica Lucia, Mejía Año, Aarón Enrique, Montes Garcia, Arlette Saomi, Torres Valverde, Valeria Consuelo 14 November 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene la finalidad de estudiar la viabilidad, continuidad y adaptabilidad de nuestra app. SharLang surgió a raíz de la tendencia de la nueva modalidad de enseñanza y aprendizaje que se viene dando en línea y que se adaptó a la coyuntura mundial que atravesamos del COVID-19, esto debido a que se interrumpieron los espacios para lograr compartir de forma presencial, recurriendo a los dispositivos electrónicos como celulares y laptops. Cabe señalar que esta tendencia ya se venía realizando antes de la pandemia, sin embargo, se intensificó debido a esta, potenciando la comunicación y aprendizaje a distancia.
De esta manera, encontramos una oportunidad donde podamos unir tanto a estudiantes de idiomas como personas interesadas a aprender la variedad de idiomas que existen, para ello creamos una plataforma online, una app donde las personas pueden aprender el idioma según su elección, además tendrán la oportunidad de interactuar con otras personas, reforzando su gramática y speaking con una experiencia única.
Para el desarrollo del presente proyecto, se llevaron a cabo diversos experimentos donde se pudo validar la idea y la percepción de las personas. En el desarrollo del proyecto se evaluarán puntos estratégicos que nos permitan medir la viabilidad del proyecto, así como la adaptabilidad con el público en general, con la finalidad de brindar una herramienta que sea beneficiosa. Finalmente, daremos una visión general del desarrollo del proyecto y nuestras recomendaciones para la sostenibilidad futura de la empresa. / The purpose of this research work is to study the viability, continuity and adaptability of our app. SharLang App arose as a result of the trend of the new teaching and learning modality that has been taking place online and that was adapted to the global situation that we are going through, which is the COVID-19 pandemic, this trend had already been taking place before the pandemic. However, it was intensified due to this, enhancing communication and distance learning. In this way, we find an opportunity where we can unite the community's languages, students and people interested in learning the variety of languages that exist. For this, we developed an online platform, an app where people can learn the language according to their choice. For the development of this project, a series of experiments were carried out where the idea and perception of the people regarding the presented project could be validated. In the development of the project, strategic points will be evaluated that allow us to measure the viability of the investigation, as well as its adaptability with the general public, in order to provide a tool that is beneficial and efficient. Finally, we will give an overview of the development of the project and our recommendations for the future sustainability of the company. / Trabajo de investigación
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Planner Go: Aplicativo freemium de organización para estudiantes universitariosLucero Vivanco, Rafael Alberto Elías, Mantilla Zapata, Key Leslie Juliette, Marca Lira, Melanie, Montilla Arenas, Maribed Alejandra, Ticona Samaniego, Alexis Enrique 25 November 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo encontrar una solución para los alumnos que tienen dificultad para organizarse en el día a día con sus estudios, vida personal y vida laboral, entre otras actividades adicionales. El proyecto refleja un modelo de negocio freemium, ya que se basa en un servicio que el usuario pueda probar de manera gratuita por un determinado período de tiempo y luego si cumple con sus expectativas, este busca adquirir el servicio premium, el cual tiene un costo adicional por no contar con restricciones y le permite al usuario contar con todas las funcionalidades del aplicativo móvil. Se estudiará la posibilidad de crear una aplicación móvil freemium que ofrezca funcionalidad y técnicas que permitan a los usuarios organizarse de la mejor manera y así mejorar su desempeño académico, así como reducir los niveles de estrés y ansiedad que puede ocasionar una vida universitaria desorganizada y caótica. El desarrollo del presente trabajo de estudio empieza con un primer paso, que es identificar una necesidad personal, que se ha visto en diferentes servicios por separado, pero hasta ahora no ha sido aplicado bajo un solo servicio. Por ello, se realizaron entrevistas a profundidad para poder empatizar con el usuario potencial y conocer su percepción sobre la idea de negocio planteada. Luego, se dividió el proyecto en dos segmentos relevantes para el negocio, que serían los usuarios que harían uso del aplicativo de manera gratuita y los usuarios que elegirían el servicio premium. Adicionalmente, se realizaron diferentes experimentos con la finalidad de validar la propuesta de valor y los diferentes aspectos del business model Canvas del negocio. Posteriormente, se realizaron diversos experimentos para validar la intención de compra y ventas del usuario, de tal manera que podamos comprobar la viabilidad del proyecto en términos de alcance y rentabilidad. Por ende, se elaboró un plan financiero basado en fuentes de investigación reales que nos permita lograr una visión real de la viabilidad y rentabilidad del modelo de negocio freemium en un contexto real. / The objective of this research is to find a solution for students who have difficulty organizing their day-to-day life with their studies, help them find balance between personal and work life, among other additional activities. This project reflects a freemium business model, since it is based on a service that users can try for free for a limited period of time and then if it meets their expectations, they can seek to acquire the premium service, which has an additional cost due to the fact that it no longer has restrictions and allows the user to have all the functionalities of the mobile application. The possibility of creating a freemium mobile application that offers functionality and techniques that allow users to organize themselves in the best way will be studied with special focus on improving their academic performance, as well as reducing levels of stress and anxiety that a disorganized and chaotic university life can cause.
The development of this study begins in a first step, which is to identify personal needs, which has been seen in different services separately, but until now it has not been applied under a single service. Therefore, in-depth interviews were conducted to be able to empathize with the potential user and find out their perception of the proposed business idea. Then, the project was divided into two relevant segments for business purposes, which would be group of users who would use the application for free and users who would choose the premium service. Additionally, different experiments were carried out in order to validate the value proposition and the different aspects of the model Canvas of the business. Subsequently, various experiments were carried out to validate the user purchase and sales intentions, in such a way that we can verify the viability of the project in terms of scope and profitability. Therefore, a financial plan was developed based on real research sources that allows us to achieve a real vision of the viability and profitability of the freemium business model in a real life context. / Trabajo de investigación
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Triagekunskap hos ambulanspersonal i ett scenario med autentiska patientfall : Sållningstriage vid händelse med många skadade / Triage knowledge of ambulance personnel in a scenario with authentic patient cases : Mass casualty incident TriageYoung, Robert, Jansson, Johan January 2022 (has links)
Syfte: Att kartlägga triagekunskap hos kliniskt verksam ambulanspersonal i en masskadesituation med patientfall från MACSIM. Metod: Studien är en kvantitativtvärsnittsstudie som baseras på en webenkät med 84 respondenter som arbetar inom ambulansverksamheten. Enkäten innehöll slutna bakgrundsfrågor och ett kunskapstest med 30 patientfall som bygger på simuleringsverktyget MACSIM. All data bearbetades med analytiskoch deskriptiv statistik. Resultat: Studien resulterade i totalt 2520 triageringar, inklusive 924 triageringar av barn. Resultatet visar total korrekt triage (66,8 %), undertriage (17,9 %) och övertriage (15,2 %) samt triage av barn som visar korrekt triage (72,7 %), undertriage (8,4 %) och övertriage (18,8 %). Studien visar signifikanta och icke signifikanta skillnader i ovanstående triageresultat beroende på bakgrundsfaktorer. Konklusion: Det framkommertydligt i denna studie att ambulanspersonal är i behov av mer utbildning i hur man triagerar enligt sållningstriage vid en masskadesituation. Sållningstriage är tänkt att vara ett enkelt tillvägagångssätt under det första triaget vid en masskadesituation. Trots detta var det bara ett fåtal av deltagarna som hade en acceptabel nivå av såväl korrekt triage som undertriage.Däremot visar det totala resultatet en acceptabel nivå av övertriage. / Aim: The aim of this study is to identify triage knowledge of clinically active ambulance personnel in a mass casualty incident (MCI) with patient cases from MACSIM. Method: The study is a quantitative, cross-sectional study based on a digital survey with 84 respondents working in the prehospital organization. The survey included closed background questions and a knowledge test with 30 patient cases based on the simulation tool, MACSIM. All data were processed with analytical and descriptive statistics. Results: The study resulted in total of 2520 triages, including 924 triages of children. Results showed a total correct triage (66,8 %), undertriage (17,9 %) and overtriage (15,2 %) and triage of children showing correct triage (72.7%), undertriage (8.4%) and overtriage (18.8%). The study shows significant and nonsignificant differences in the above triage results depending on the background factors.Conclusion: It stands clear in this study that ambulance personnel need more education in how to triage according to MCI triage. MCI triage is supposed to be an easy approach during the first triage in an MCI. Even so, only a small number of the participants had an acceptable level of correct triage as well as undertriage. However, the overall result showed an acceptable level of overtriage.
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Student and Faculty Perceptions: The Impact of Synchronous Online Software as an Interactive Tool in a Web-Based College CourseJones-Ferguson, Natolyn 01 January 2012 (has links)
This applied dissertation was designed to provide current information for college administrators and instructors on the use of synchronous technology in online courses—a growing area in higher education. The focus of this analysis was on student and instructor perspectives regarding experiences with synchronous technology in the online classroom setting. The researcher used surveys and interviews to glean data related to accessibility and efficiency of online learning technology, communication; instructional content, information and strategies; aspects of instructional delivery; technical support; and overall impressions. Results revealed that students are satisfied with synchronous technology in their online classes. Instructors use the synchronous web-based computer system tool as a part their instructional strategy and to enhance dialogue and interaction. However, there are technical issues that can present challenges.
The findings can be used by higher education leaders to address concerns about student and instructional experiences in a non-traditional environment. Instructors are being encouraged to include synchronous activities as a part of their curriculum. The study provides an opportunity to assess and determine what works or needs improvement. Students and instructors must have the appropriate skills to navigate the technological revolution that continues to change the dynamics of the collegiate experience in the virtual classroom. It is recommended that instructors receive detailed training that will greatly enhance satisfaction and comfort levels. Not only does the instructor need the technological skills, but the ability to engage students. Students who feel a sense of community and engagement will remain active and are less likely to drop out.
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Plan de negocios para la implementación del emprendimiento educacional - ambiental: Reeco / Business Plan for the Implementation of an Educational and Environmental Startup: ReecoCarlos Rojas, Sofia, Elias Pacheco, Fabrizio Jorge, Lizárraga Anaya, Gianella, Montenegro Gutierrez, Alejandra, Tello Flores, Sara Elizabeth 28 November 2021 (has links)
El objetivo de la idea de negocio detrás de Reeco es otorgar un reconocimiento a los jóvenes y las familias peruanas que van tomando más conciencia sobre el cuidado del medio ambiente. Este proyecto genera valor en ellos porque genera contenido educativo de cursos artísticos y creativos mediante el uso de una plataforma online, con el fin de que se nutran de conocimientos como ciudadanos responsables con su entorno. Este trabajo será posible al tener como aliados estratégicos a empresas recicladores. La idea nació debido a que en estos últimos años ha habido un proceso de transformación digital en el que ha habido digitalización del comportamiento educativo de los usuarios. En adición a esto contamos con un incremento en la concientización del cuidado del medio ambiente. Es así como se forma Reeco, con la misión de cubrir estos cambios en el comportamiento y en las necesidades de la población. Bajo la perspectiva financiera del proyecto, se encuentra siendo rentable contando con un Valor Actual Neto (VAN) de 104 328 soles, una TIR de 23,39 % mayor al WACC (17, 49 %) y una PRD de menos de 5 años (4 años y 7 meses aproximadamente). / The objective of the business idea behind Reeco is to give recognition to the Peruvian youth and families locally who are becoming more conscious about the care for the environment each time. This project seeks to create value for them because it generates educational content consisting of mostly artistic and creative courses using an online platform, so that they are nurtured with knowledge as responsible citizens with their environment. These efforts are possible thanks to the forces joined with recycling enterprises. This idea was born because in recent years there has been a process of digital transformation in which there has been digitization of the educational behavior of users. In addition to this, we have an increase in awareness of caring for the environment. That is how Reeco takes place, with the mission of covering these changes in behavior and in the needs of the population. From a financial perspective, the project is profitable with a Net Present Value (NPV) of 104,328 soles, an IRR of 23,39 %, which is higher than the WACC (17,49%) and a PRD of less than 5 years (4 years and 7 months approximately). / Trabajo de investigación
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Modelo de negocio unifinder: aplicativo de orientación vocacionalAcevedo Espinoza, Diego Fernando, Casaverde Machaca, Eduardo, Cisneros Kasai, Namie Nicole, La Serna Caballero, Giovanni, Gutiérrez Santillán, Christian Samuel 04 December 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo determinar una solución a la problemática de no poder decidir que carrera reflejada los jóvenes en etapa escolar cursando cuarto y quinto de secundaria incluyendo a los que culminaron secundaria y no iniciaron sus estudios universitarios.
El proyecto refleja un modelo de negocio Freemium basado en un servicio dónde el cliente experimenta con la aplicación durante siete días de manera gratuita, en caso sea de su agrado y cumpla con sus expectativas, tiene la opción de adquirir el servicio premium en base a dos planes, uno para alumnos que no tienen en mente ninguna carrera y otro para los que tienen una noción de que estudiar. Este servicio no cuenta con restricciones y ofrece una variedad de herramientas dividida en tres bloques.
El desarrollo del trabajo de investigación empieza identificando una necesidad personal en distintos servicios, pero no en uno solo que aplique todos los demás. Por lo tanto, se aplicaron muchas entrevistas para identificar a mayor detalle la situación de los alumnos. Después, se realizó el planteamiento del proyecto al identificar las formas más eficientes de llegar al cliente, se establecieron dos segmentos, alumnos y profesores. Se prepararon los canales y medios de llegada a los dos públicos objetivos para vender mientras se cumplen las metas para poder adaptarse al mercado. Por ende, se realizó un plan financiero para lograr identificar una visión real sobre la rentabilidad y viabilidad del proyecto. / The present research work aims to determine a solution to the issue of not being able to decide which career choose reflected in youths studying in fourth and fifth grade of high school, including those who finished studies and haven’t started college.
The project reflects a Freemium business model based on a service where the client interacts with the application for seven days at no cost. If they feel comfortable and meets their expectations, they can invest in two service plans, the first one for students who have no profession in mind and the second one for those who would like to explore requirements for entering a career field. This service has no restrictions and offers a variety of devices divided into three blocks.
The development of the research work begins by identifying a personal need in different services, not only in just one but also one that applies to all others. Therefore, a considerable number of interviews were applied to identify meaningful details about the situation of the students. Afterwards, the project was carried out by identifying the efficient ways to reach the client, two segments were established, students and teachers. The channels and media to reach the two target audiences were prepared to market the service while achieving the objectives established to be able to adapt to the market. Therefore, a financial plan was made to identify a real vision about the profitability and viability of the project. / Trabajo de investigación
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Leopold II., velkovévoda toskánský, a bonifikace Maremmy (1824 - 1859) / Leopold II., Grand Duke of Tuscany, and bonification of Maremma (1824-1859)Kovaříková, Lenka January 2018 (has links)
The thesis describes a period of the government of Leopold II Grand Duke of Tuscany and his affiliation to the swampy territory along the Tuscany coastline called Maremma and its bonification. He was able to change fundamentally the most underdeveloped areas of his country during thirty years of his government. He succeeded even though political changes during the revolutionary years of 1847-1849, and though his government was finished by the unification of Italy and the incorporation of Tuscany into the newly established Kingdom of Italy, which was the goal of Italian risorgimento. This work further describes biography of Leopold II in short, his policy focused on overall development of Tuscany, and last but not least life fates and the principal works of his three closest collaborators - personalities with major influence at the realisation of the bonification works - Vittorio Fossombroni, Gaetano Giorgini and Alessandro Manetti. The thesis describes the bonification works in Maremma themselves, their organisation and results achieved. Part of the bonification overall plans of Leopold II was construction of the road network as well, with necessity of numerous bridges over canals and regulated watercourses. It was also necessary to solve the health problems in the region, especially malaria, where...
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Skrivevenemang i folkbildningens anda : en kvalitativ studie av arrangörers syn på folkbildning och mångfald vid skrivevenemangLindell, Julia January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur arrangörer av kortare workshops och kurser i kreativt skrivande förhåller sig till homogena deltagargrupper. Först undersöks deltagarnas sammansättning och sedan arrangörernas syn på mångfald utifrån sin organisations verksamhetsuppdrag. Arrangörerna arbetar på folkbibliotek och studieförbund och undersökningen genomförs med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer. Studien drar slutsatsen att arrangörerna har reflekterat över frågorna och har en vilja att skapa större mångfald under evenemangen. De grupper som anses delta i lägre utsträckning är män, ungdomar under trettio och kulturella minoriteter. Vidare beskrivs verksamheternas idéer och uppdrag som inte närvarande i själva evenemanget men i arbetet bakom, exempelvis i marknadsföringen. / The aim of this study is to examine how five organizers of shorter workshops and courses in creative writing reflect on and work with homogeneous groups of participants. First the composition of participants is examined and than the organizer’s view of diversity in relation to their organization’s purpose. The organizers work in public libraries and in organizations within the popular education, and the investigation is carried out using qualitative interviews. The study’s conclusion is that the organizers have reflected on the questions and have a will to create greater diversity during the events. The groups that are considered to participate less are men, young people under thirty, and cultural minorities. The organizers’ ideas are not described as present in the event, but in the work behind, for example in the marketing.
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Modelo de negocio Jelmi: Plataforma de cursos universitarios online / Jelmi Business Model: Platform for online university coursesChauca León, Miguel Enrique, Herrera García, Manuel Adrian, Navarro Arashiro, Ariana Alessandra, Leyva Arenas, Gabriel Alejandro, Velásquez Lazo, Iana Marie 07 July 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo identificar una solución para los alumnos que tienen poco tiempo para estudiar. El proyecto refleja un modelo de negocio on demand, ya que se basa en un servicio que es solicitado cuando el cliente lo necesita. Se estudiará la posibilidad de crear una academia virtual que ofrezca clases con disponibilidad inmediata gracias a las sesiones grabadas, aunque los usuarios también pueden pedir clases en vivo.
El desarrollo de la investigación parte del estudio de la identificación de una necesidad personal, buscando mejorar un servicio ya conocido. Por ello, se realizaron entrevistas lo que permitió conocer mejor la situación de los alumnos. Luego, se presentó un planteamiento del proyecto analizando las maneras más viables de llegar al consumidor estableciendo dos segmentos así se podría llegar tanto a estudiantes con necesidad de asistencia como personas calificadas de brindar asesorías. Por consiguiente, se preparó los canales y los medios de llegada a los dos públicos objetivos para proceder a vender y cumplir las metas previamente formuladas con la finalidad de adaptarse al mercado. Se analizó el comportamiento de los clientes para poder crear y analizar una proyección de ventas.
La rentabilidad del proyecto demostraría si la academia es rentable o no, por lo que la finalidad del estudio se basa en resultados financieros que con el objetivo de llevar esta idea de negocio a un contexto real y analizar su viabilidad. / The present research work aims to identify a solution for students who have little time to study. The project reflects an on-demand business model, since it is based on a service that is requested when the client needs it. The possibility of creating a virtual academy that offers classes with immediate availability thanks to the recorded sessions will be studied, although users can also request live lectures.
The development of the research starts from the study of the identification of a personal need, seeking to improve an already known service. For this reason, interviews were conducted which allowed us to better understand the situation of the students. Then, an approach to the project was presented, analyzing the most viable ways to reach the consumer, establishing two segments so that both students in need of assistance and people qualified to provide advice could be reached. Consequently, the channels and means of reaching the two target audiences were prepared to proceed to sell and meet the previously formulated goals in order to adapt to the market. Customer behavior was analyzed in order to create and analyze a sales projection.
The profitability of the project would demonstrate whether the academy is profitable or not, so the purpose of the study is based on financial results with the aim of taking this business idea to a real context and analyzing its viability. / Trabajo de investigación
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Comparing Recreational Amenities Of University Towns And Non-University TownsBisantz, Timothy Allen 11 August 2012 (has links)
Recreational amenities present great value for the community. Their existence provides an improved quality of life, offers a connection with the natural surroundings, and facilitates a healthy lifestyle. While communities continue to create and operate recreational facilities/areas, the presence of such facilities may have indirect effects on the general population. Specifically, this thesis will compare the presence of recreational amenities in metropolitan statistical areas that contain universities which are a part of the Association of American Universities (AAU) and metropolitan statistical areas with similar populations and geographic characteristics that don’t contain an AAU-member institution.
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