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Крымская война в массовом сознании населения стран-участниц : магистерская диссертация / Crimean war in mass consciousness of the populace of participating countriesКарасюк, Р. Д., Karasyuk, R. D. January 2015 (has links)
В работе произведена попытка изучить Крымскую войну 1853-1856 годов с точек зрения противоборствующих сторон и рассмотреть ситуации, которые оставили след в культуре и массовом сознании населения Англии, Франции, Италии и России. Изучено как восприятие этой войны во всех указанных странах развивалось с 1853 года по 2006. / In my work I tried to study how the Crimean war of 1853-1856 is seen in participating countries and find out situations, that left marks in the culture and mass consciousness of people of England, France, Italy and Russia. Also in this work I studied how the perception of this war changed from 1853 to 2006.
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The Coming Past: A social psychological approach of the uses of historical analogies and their effects in political contextsGhilani, Djouaria 20 February 2019 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse a pour but d’examiner comment les individus utilisent des comparaisons entre des situations actuelles et des situations passées dans des contextes politiques. L’utilisation de telles analogies historiques a longtemps été documentée, en particulier au sein des sciences politiques, en histoire et dans les champs concernés par l’argumentation. Ces littératures ont mis en évidence la fréquence avec laquelle les responsables politiques et autres personnages publics utilisent les analogies dans des buts de délibération et de persuasion. Malgré leur omniprésence supposée, peu d’études en psychologie sociale se sont penchées sur ce processus. Les trois volets de cette thèse ont tenté de combler cette lacune en recourant à diverses méthodologies. Plusieurs études expérimentales nous ont d’abord permis d’investiguer si l’exposition à des analogies historiques influence les prédictions que posent les participants concernant des situations réelles incertaines. Les résultats montrent que l’effet, bien que de faible taille, tend à devenir plus fort à mesure que diminuent les connaissances actuelles des individus. Dans un second volet, au lieu de sélectionner a priori les analogies historiques, nous avons donné la possibilité aux répondant.e.s de générer leurs propres analogies et d’expliquer leurs choix dans des questionnaires récoltés en France, en Belgique et en Allemagne à la suite des deux attaques de 2015 en France. L’analyse des réponses ouvertes montre non seulement une grande diversité dans les manières de mettre en correspondance le présent et le passé – même lorsqu’il s’agit d’analogies avec le « même » événement (e.g. l’attaque du 11 septembre 2001) ;mais les participant.e.s utilisent de plus ces analogies pour formuler des arguments, plus ou moins implicites, par rapport à des débats actuels. Cette dimension argumentative dans l’usage des analogies historiques a été explorée plus avant dans un 3e volet. En analysant les articles du mois de mars 2014 relatifs à la crise de Crimée au sein de quatre journaux belges, nous avons relevé comment les individus s’y prennent pour établir des liens entre le passé et le présent, et comment ils procèdent pour les contester. Ensemble, les trois volets de cette thèse suggèrent que les personnes ordinaires, tout comme leurs homologues plus « experts », ne sont pas passives en utilisant les analogies historiques, mais participent activement, par leur biais, au processus éminemment politique de construction et de contestation des passé(s), présent(s) et futur(s). / Doctorat en Sciences psychologiques et de l'éducation / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Kdo se bojí číhajícího medvěda: Resekuritizace Ruska v postkrymském diskurzu národní bezpečnosti USA / Who's Afraid of the Lurking Bear: The Resecuritization of Russia in the Post-Crimean United States National Security DiscoursePrushankin, Keith January 2017 (has links)
This thesis presents a discourse analysis of American perceptions of Russia in their historical and contemporary context. Through the linguistic construction of security offered by the Copenhagen School of Securitization, we can trace the socio-political development of Russia as the threatening other in the American discourse. This thesis has demonstrated the consistency of linguistic devices in the American Russia discourse from the 18th century to the Crimean Crisis, and has identified specific linguistic packages which securitizing actors unpack according to their preferences and goals in a given situation. This thesis also demonstrates that the resecuritization of a previously desecuritized object may occur through the use of preexisting discursive devices that play on existing elements of the national consciousness. Keywords Resecuritization, Securitization, United States, Russia, Socio-Political Discourse, Crimean Crisis, Copenhagen School, Obama Administration, Vladimir Putin Range of thesis: 121 pages, 34,048 words, 240,229 keystrokes.
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Jazyková situace v původem českých komunitách na Jižní Ukrjině (zejm. na Krymu a ve vesnici Novgorodkovka) / The Language Situation in the Originally Czech Communities in South Ukraine (esp. In Crimea and in Novgorodkovka)Sukhanek, Oleksandr January 2014 (has links)
Abstract. The work is analysing the language situation in Czech communities in Crimea and Novgorodovka village. Fieldwork data from those communities and archive material studies present main reasons of migration from Czech lands to imperial Russia and development of Czech settlements in southern Russian regions. The description of Russian and Ukrainian influence on Czech language phenomena and transformations on all language levels is given, as well as some features of Northeast Bohemian preserved in spoken Czech of Crimean settlers. Key words: Crimean Czech, Crimea, Taurida governorate, Alexandrovka, Bohemka, Tabor, Carekvich, Novgorodkovka, Czechohrad, Czech community, ethnic minority, language community, migration, pronunciation deviation, Northeast Bohemian, cross- language interference.
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Český jazyk na Krymu / Czech Language in the CrimeaWildová, Zuzana January 2011 (has links)
The text deals with the current state of the language of the Czech minority in Crimea. Based on field research, it describes phenomena and changes that occurred in the language of Crimean Czechs that were caused by the influences of the foreign language and culture environment. Main focus of the text is phonetics, i.e. the way how speakers are affected by the Russian pronunciation standards. The text contains historical and cultural context relevant to the departure of Czechs to Crimea and the shape of the Czech minority nowadays. Individual chapters are dedicated to specific phenomena: deviations in the pronunciation of vocals in first syllables of words, changes in the pronunciation of the consonant [j], labialization in pronunciation of consonant [v], changes in the pronunciation of loanwords, pronunciation of consonants [ ] and [ ] in Czech words, pronunciation of toponyms, prosthesis and elimination of speech sounds from the beginning of words, deviations in the pronunciation of speech sounds from the middle of words, vocalization of prepositions and influences of Russian language standards on the use of their vocalized form.
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Οροεπιδημιολογική μελέτη του ιού του αιμορραγικού πυρετού Κριμαίας-Κογκό και των χανταϊών με τεχνικές ELISA και ανοσοφθορισμού σε πληθυσμό της βόρειας Πελοποννήσου / Seroepidemiological study of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus and hantaviruses in northern Peloponnese with ELISA and immunofluorescence techniquesΣαργιάνου, Μαρία 05 February 2015 (has links)
Ο ιός του αιμορραγικού πυρετού Κριμαίας-Κογκό (Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus, CCHFV), καθώς και οι χανταϊοί (hantaviruses) προκαλούν στον άνθρωπο αιμορραγικό πυρετό. Αυτοί παρουσιάζουν ευρεία γεωγραφική κατανομή και αποτελούν απειλή για τη δημόσια υγεία, λόγω του υψηλού ποσοστού θνητότητας που σημειώνουν και της απουσίας αποτελεσματικής θεραπευτικής αγωγής. Παρότι επιδημιολογικές μελέτες δείχνουν την παρουσία αντισωμάτων στον ελληνικό πληθυσμό, περιορισμένες είναι οι αναφορές κλινικών περιστατικών CCHF και HFRS στην Ελλάδα. Σκοπός της παρούσας μελέτης είναι να προσδιορίσει τον επιπολασμό της μόλυνσης με τον CCHFV και τους χανταϊούς στον Ν. Αχαΐας, που αν και παρουσιάζει ευνοϊκές συνθήκες για την κυκλοφορία των δύο ιών, δεν έχει μελετηθεί στο παρελθόν.
Σχεδιάσθηκε διατμηματική μελέτη και συγκεντρώθηκαν προοπτικά 207 δείγματα ορού φαινομενικά υγιών ατόμων-κατοίκων της περιοχής, τα οποία εξετάστηκαν με τη μέθοδο ELISA και έμμεσου ανοσοφθορισμού για την ύπαρξη αντισωμάτων έναντι του CCHFV και των χανταϊών.
Ο επιπολασμός για τη μόλυνση με CCHFV βρέθηκε 3,4% και 9,7% για τη μόλυνση με χανταϊούς, ενώ κανένα από τα οροθετικά άτομα δεν ανακαλούσε συμπτώματα παρόμοια με αυτά του CCHF ή του HFRS. Για τον CCHFV, βρέθηκε ότι η ηλικία, η αγροτοκτηνοτροφική ενασχόληση, η κατοχή/εκτροφή αιγοπροβάτων, το ιστορικό νύγματος κρότωνα, η μόνιμη διαμονή σε υψόμετρο ≥400μ., η μόνιμη διαμονή σε μη αρδευόμενες αρόσιμες εκτάσεις ή σε αγροτικές εκτάσεις με σημαντικό ποσοστό φυσικής βλάστησης, καθώς και η μόνιμη διαμονή σε αγροτική περιοχή είναι σημαντικοί παράγοντες κινδύνου. Από αυτούς, το νύγμα κρότωνα, η αγροτοκτηνοτροφική ενασχόληση και η μόνιμη διαμονή σε υψόμετρο ≥400μ. βρέθηκαν να προβλέπουν καλύτερα την οροθετικότητα ενός ατόμου. Επίσης, βρέθηκε ότι παράγοντες που σχετίζονται με τη μόλυνση με χανταϊούς είναι: η ηλικία, η θέαση τρωκτικών σε ακτίνα <200μ. γύρω από την οικία και η ιδιοκτησία υπόγειας αποθήκης. Από αυτούς, μόνο η ηλικία βρέθηκε να προβλέπει καλύτερα την οροθετικότητα ενός ατόμου. Επιπλέον, παρατηρήθηκε ότι σχεδόν το 75% των θετικών ατόμων για αντισώματα έναντι των χανταϊών παρουσίαζαν ήπια επηρεασμένη νεφρική λειτουργία. Εντοπίστηκαν, επίσης, ενδημικές εστίες των ιών στον νομό: ο Δ. Ερυμάνθου για τον CCHFV και ο Δ. Δυτικής Αχαΐας για του χανταϊούς. Λαμβάνοντας υπόψη τα παραπάνω αποτελέσματα, θα πρέπει οι κλινικοί γιατροί της περιοχής να συμπεριλαμβάνουν τον CCHF και τον HFRS στη διαφορική διάγνωση εμπύρετων νοσημάτων, ιδίως όταν αυτά συνοδεύονται από θρομβοπενία ή επηρεασμένη νεφρική λειτουργία. / Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus (CCHFV) and hantaviruses cause to humans fever with hemorrhagic manifestations. These viruses present wide geographic distribution and represent major threats for public health, because of the high fatality rate that they present and the lack of appropriate treatment. Although seroprevalence studies show the presence of antibodies against CCHFV and hantaviruses in the greek population, only some reports of human cases have been reported to date in Greece. The aim of the present study is to estimate seroprevalence for CCHFV and hantaviruses in humans in the prefecture of Achaia, where the local conditions potentially favor the circulation of these viruses and which has not been previously studied.
A cross-sectional study was designed and 207 human sera were collected from apparently healthy individuals living in Achaia, which were tested for CCHFV and hantaviruses IgG antibodies by ELISA and by indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA).
Seroprevalence for CCHFV infection was estimated at 3.4%, whereas for hantaviruses at 9.7%; none recalled any illness resembling CCHF or HFRS. For CCHFV, it was found that age, agro-pastoral occupation, tending sheep and/or goats, tick bite, living in areas at an altitude of ≥400m., living at rural areas, living on non-irrigated arable land or on land principally occupied by agriculture, with significant areas of natural vegetation are significantly related to seropositivity. Among them, tick bite, agro-pastoral occupation and living in areas at an altitude of ≥400m. better predict seropositivity of an individual. For hantaviruses, it was found that age, rodent sighting around home and the ownership of an underground shed are significantly related to seropositivity. Among them, it seems that only age can predict seropositivity of an individual. Moreover, it was observed that almost 75% of the seropositive for hantaviruses individuals presented mild renal dysfunction. In this study, endemic foci were also detected: the municipality of Erimanthos for CCHFV and the municipality of Western Achaia for hantaviruses. Clinicians should include CCHF and HFRS in the differential diagnosis of an acute febrile case, especially when thrombocytopenia or impaired renal function is encountered.
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Wartime huts : the development, typology, and identification of temporary military buildings in Britain, 1914-1945Draper, Karey Lee January 2018 (has links)
The use of temporary, prefabricated buildings in Britain during the twentieth century arose from wartime need to provide better, and perhaps more importantly, portable shelter for troops and equipment. This thesis provides the first comprehensive list of hut designs for the First and Second World Wars. The full lists and descriptions of each hut are given in the appendices. These lists, 20 types for the First World War and 52 from the Second World War, show the huge range and scope of the huts used and is the major contribution of this thesis. The concentration here is on generic types. Some huts were designed as one-offs and there is no possible way to catalogue these. This thesis has focused instead on those designs or industrially-produced types, which were meant to be produced en-masse as generic solutions to the problem: the sort of hut that might justifiably be given a name (such as a ‘Tarran’, a ‘Seco’, etc.). This thesis provides essential information enabling historians to be able to identify these types. It uses primary and secondary sources to trace the development of these huts and the effect that wartime shortages had on their design. Beginning with the earliest examples of temporary military building, it then focuses on the huts of the First and Second World Wars followed by a study of huts grouped in chapters by material. This research shows that the wartime period pushed industry to make giant leaps forward with construction methods and materials in just a few short years, where otherwise it may have taken decades. This thesis aims to provide the first overview of this process and to enable future researchers to identify and understand the development of these important wartime structures, many of which survive to this day.
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The Gothic versus the Russian. The conflict between the Church of the Goths and the Russian Orthodox Church : A comparison between the Church of the Goths (and similar churches) and the Moscow PatriarchateNygren, Isak January 2014 (has links)
This essay is mainly about the Church of the Goths and about the Russian Orthodox Church, and their conflict. The essay will be focusing about important persons in these two churches. This essay will be tracing back the roots of the Church of the Goths, since it is a church, that is unknown by most people in this world. My research will be making a distinction of the differences between the Church of the Goths and the Russian Orthodox Church. This essay will also be discussing the heritage of the Gothic people and the theories of the Goths.The methods in the essay, is academic sources, information from the Church of the Goths and from the Russian Orthodox Church. The results shows how the information was found, and now it is published for the first time about the Church of the Goths. This means the Church of the Goths has a stronger ground than first expected. The methods were comparing what the different sources says, and if it was possible to connect the Church of the Goths to the Metropolitanate of Gothia, and so on.
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President of Crimea. Constitution : Author(s) Autonomous Republic of Xena-MariaKulykivska, Mariia January 2020 (has links)
In this essay, two voices are heared, from two women: a certain artist Xena, who talks about her life and its dramas, interwoven with her own experiences from her diaries; and the voice of Maria, who analyzes Xena's life story and her art, diffracted through the prim of the history of 21stC art. Art the outset, "President of Crimea. Constitution", announces its author as Xena-Maria; but it is not yet clear whether the author is one person or two, nor who they are. Is it Maria who writes here, or Xena, or both? Or are they one and the same person? But at the end of the story, which is told rather in a form of certain legends and fairy tales, Maria and Xena turn into one whole, and meaningfully put an ellipsis after the words "to be continued". This reception was specially intended by the artist Maria Kulikovska, author of this essay, in order to protect both herself and the reader from possible persecutions by migration services and goverment officials of various countries, especially Russia. Also, for her it is an opportunity to step aside and analyze her own life and art form a third person, about which, perhaps, a fictional character from her childhood talks - a sensible step for Maria Kulikovska. The step that her creative language conceptually continues is to replicate casts of her own body and establish them in different spaces and contexts. So she fairly confuses the viewer as to where is the truth, and where is fiction; where is herself, and where is her clone - only now, here, she has applied the same trick in her text. This essay tells a very personal story of the life of a human body, a migrant woman in forced relocation, displacements, alienation and persecutions for her views on life and the conduct of society, and for her moral values expressed throught architecture, sculpture, drawings, performances, actions and public statements. Through the prism of geopolitical upheavals, it tells the artist's own story: How her analysis of own body position and boundaries helped her overcome stigma regarding the body of a woman from Eastern Europe, and how art can save and redeem in an unending inner drama.
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