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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hårdare tag mot brottsligheten? : Tre etablerade politiska partiers syn på kriminalitet och kriminalpolitik

Karlsson, Julia January 2010 (has links)
This study analyzes the political view of criminality and crime politics in three political parties in the Swedish parliament, Socialdemokraterna, Folkpartiet and Moderaterna. The study seeks to describe which kind of view these parties present on the criminality in our society. The material for this study is the ideologies that the parties descend from which are, socialism, liberalism and conservatism, the political programs of these three parties have also been studied as well as the parties proposals, political documents in the Swedish parliament. The current public debate shows that the crime politics is an attractive question and the parties may seem to have similar proposals on how to lower the criminality in our society. The theory that has been used to describe the results of the study is “actors and structures” and the results are related to this theory as well as the theory has been used as an instrument to explain and sort the material and the results. The results of the study show that the parties are different in their views on criminality as a problem in our society. Socialdemokraterna has a structural view while Folkpartiet and Moderaterna have a actor-centered- view on criminality and crime politics. The results show that the parties have a different view of the source of criminality and this leads to different suggestions on which interventions that are desirable to reduce the criminality.

"Det är aldrig för sent" : Fyra berättelser om vägen ut ur kriminalitet.

Forsberg, Sandra, Wattberg, Maja January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att studera subjektiva upplevelser av vilka faktorer som varit bidragande till ett upphörande med brottsligt beteende, samt de faktorer som enligt egna upplevelser leder till ett upprätthållande av en mer konventionell livsstil. För att studera detta har en kvalitativ metod tillämpats och semistrukturerade intervjuer med fyra före detta kriminella individer genomförts. Studiens resultat visade att kärleksrelationer och föräldraskap, att sluta med alkohol- och narkotika missbruk, bryta upp från tidigare omgivning samt egen vilja är faktorer som i samspel med varandra påverkat de intervjuade att upphöra med brottsligt beteende. Rutiner, nytt socialt nätverk och stöd är faktorer som enligt intervjupersonerna möjliggjort ett upprätthållande av en mer konventionell livsstil. Studiens viktigaste slutsats är att samspel mellan yttre och inre faktorer även kallade vändpunkter, är av största vikt för att en upphörandeprocess skall vara framgångsrik. / ”It´s never too late.” - Four stories about the path out of crime. The purpose of this paper was to study the subjective experiences of factors that have contributed to desistance from criminal behavior, and the factors which, according to the interviewees own experiences lead to the maintenance of a more conventional lifestyle. The study was performed using qualitative semi-structured interviews with four ex-offenders. The results have shown that factors, such as love relationships and parenting, as well as desistance from alcohol and drug abuse and changing their environment are factors that in interaction with each other have affected the interviewed individuals desistance from criminal behavior. Routines, new social network and support are factors which, according to the interviewees made it possible to maintain a more conventional lifestyle. The study's main conclusion is that the interaction between external and internal factors so called ”turning points”, is crucial to a desistance process to be successful.

Senkt Viktimisierung das Sicherheitsempfinden (nicht)?

Mühler, Kurt 14 February 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Die Komplexität des Sicherheitsempfindens bringt es mit sich, dass nicht wenige Theorien vorhanden sind, mit denen versucht wird, das Zustandekommen von Kriminalitätsfurcht bzw. Sicherheitsempfinden zu erklären. Die Theorie der generellen Ängste, der sozialen Desorganisation, der sozialen Problemperspektive bezeichnen einige Pfade dieser Entwicklung. Die erste und scheinbar selbstevidente Theorie war jene der Viktimisierung. Es schien auf der Hand zu liegen, dass Viktimsierungserfahrungen die Kriminalitätsfurcht steigern.

Das Verlangen nach Überwachen und Strafen in der Leipziger Bevölkerung

Klimt, Oliver, Müller, Matthias, Rauhut, Heiko 26 August 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit basiert auf der Sekundäranalyse eines Datensatzes, welcher im Stadtgebiet Leipzig im Rahmen eines Forschungspraktikums erhoben wurde. Die Autoren folgen modernen sozialwissenschaftlichen Standards, indem sie theoretisch abgeleitete Hypothesen empirisch prüfen. Besonders hervorhebenswert ist dabei, dass sie ein komplexes Mehrebenenmodell zur Erklärung von Einstellungen zum Überwachen und Strafen theoretisch versiert entwickeln. Beides, Überwachen und Strafen, sind hochbrisante aktuelle Themen in der öffentlichen Diskussion. Gerade in diesen sensiblen Sicherheitsbereichen erweist sich die Bevölkerungsmeinung als ausgesprochen instabil. Immer wieder gelingt es über Mediendramaturgien beachtliche Teile der öffentlichen Meinung für die populistische Konstruktion der Erhöhung der Strafhärte zu mobilisieren. Beeinflussungen der Kriminalitätsfurcht erweisen sich dabei als besonders effektiv. Über die affektive Komponente gelingt es nicht selten auch die kognitive, die Urteilsbildung zu beeinflussen. Hinsichtlich der Einstellungen zum Überwachen ist die Situation ebenfalls nicht besser. Zumindest kurzfristig haben demoskopische Untersuchungen gezeigt, dass ein gewisser Teil der Bevölkerung bereit ist, demokratische Rechte zur Erhöhung der öffentlichen Sicherheit wenn nicht aufzugeben so doch zumindest merklich einschränken zu lassen.

Abúzus alkoholu a možnosti prevence / Abuse of alcohol and options for prevention

Kohoutová, Iva January 2014 (has links)
The Czech Republic belongs among states with the highest consumption of alcohol in the world. Consumtion of alcohol, particulary binge drinking, has negative influence on number of aspects of people's life and on society in general. This thesis focuses on level of consumtion of alcohol based on available data sources in The Czech Republic among adults as well as children and also on public attitudes to alcohol use. Thesis also examine possible consequences of alcohol abuse concerning family life, criminality and health. It also deals with factors influencing level of alcohol consumtion. Key words: alcohol, abuse, youth, family, criminality, health

Obyčejný život královského města Louny na konci 16. století / Ordinary Life in the Royal Town Louny at the End of the 16th Century

Paterová, Petra January 2012 (has links)
The history of everyday life is an interesting historical branch, which brings the researcher a lot of information about family, work, entertainment, problems and other things that surround everyone and every day. In the same way, these things have influenced lives of our ancestors. The fascination with ordinary lives of early modern history is actually a desire to get to know oneself. Despite the fact that the outlook on everyday things may have changed during the centuries, what has not changed were the topics. The libri testimoniorum are a more than suitable source of information for everyday life research. Owing to the testimonies of the witnesses of the particular trials, the books unwittingly reveal many details about the life of early modern towns. Studies of these books bring motivation for researching not only the everyday history, but also culture and mentality history. Last but not least, it is important to mention research into criminality of early modern towns.

Lima: Problémy latinskoamerické metropole v souvislostech a vzájemné interakci / Lima: Problems of Latin-American metropolis in context and mutual interaction

Rataj, Martin January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is devoted to the complex of problems which characterize Latin American metropolis on the threshold of the 21st century. It is illustrated in the example of the Peruvian capital Lima which cumulates high amount of the symptomatic maladies of the urbanized areas in this part of the World. The emphasis is mostly put on the issue of the internal migration in Peru and its consequence in a radical change of urbanization, especially the fast growth of the slums on the peripheries. The work also deals with the phenomena which are closely connected with it - criminality, decline in quality of life in the city and disruption of its structures, exhausted environment and predisposition to davastation caused by natural disasters. The aim is to show the coherence of above- mentioned aspects, their common origin and to put them in the context of problems in Peru when the main accent is on the aspect of poverty and cultural-racial barrier.

Problémy trestního soudnictví nad mládeží / The issue of juvenile criminal justice

Štemberková, Petra January 2014 (has links)
THE ISSUE OF JUVENILE CRIMINAL JUSTICE Key words: criminal justice, youth, criminality, the age of criminal responsibility This diploma thesis presents the summary of the most discussed problems and disagreements of the juvenile criminal justice. The main in this are children and juveniles in their specific evolution which needs protection and attention from the specialized public. This thesis includes the reactions of judges, prosecutors and officers of Probation and Mediation service and the specification of the problems they have in the practice. There are also included the opinions of the children and juveniles to the issue of the criminal justice which could possibly relate to them. There are six capitols where I summarize at first the development of the criminality, with attention to the causes and possible solutions for decrease. At the other point there is a brief historical overview of development of the juvenile criminal justice in the world and in czech countries. Further I focused on contemporary legal regulation which is presented by Law no. 218/2003 Coll. of juvenile justice. I tried to evaluate the law, analyze the purpose and all the changes both substantive and procedural which the law brought to the czech legal system and I could summarize that it is a modern and succesful act...

"Vad ska jag säga, alla var emot mig" : En kvalitativ studie om upplevelser av sociala insatsgrupper

Olsson, Johanna, Heldebro, Ulrica January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att försöka få reda på hur ungdomarna, som varit föremål för sociala insatsgrupper i flera stockholmsförorter norr om Stockholm, kan uppleva insatsen. Vi vill även försöka få reda på hur övriga aktörer, så som fältassistenter, samordnare och polis i samma förorter kan uppleva sociala insatsgrupper. Sociala insatsgrupper, även kallat SiG, kan beskrivas som en lokal samverkansgrupp kring ungdomen för att försöka förhindra att denne begår brott. Samverkansgruppens verksamhet innefattar ett ihållande och konsekvent arbete kring en ungdom som kan ha riskbeteenden gällande exempelvis kriminalitet och missbruk, med målsättningen att försöka minimera riskerna för ett brottsligt beteende. Vi har genomfört en kvalitativ undersökning genom olika typer av intervjuer med ungdomar, samordnare, polis och fältassistenter. Upplevelser som existerar är en skepticism gällande polisens roll i nätverksmötena och att det finns samarbetsproblem mellan övriga aktörer. Det är viktigt att arbetet utgår från ungdomarna och deras behov annars kan det finnas risk att ungdomarna känner sig stämplade och att önskad effekt av insatsen uteblir. / The purpose of this study was an attempt to discover what the youth participants in a suburbs north of Stockholm district, may have experienced during their involvement in “SiG”.  In our study we also tried to explore what the other instances, may have experienced during their involvement in “SiG”, north of Stockholm district. “SiG” is a shortening of “social insatsgrupp” in swedish, and can be explained as the persistent local work around a youth who holds a risky behavior such as criminality and addictions to prevent that the negative characteristics escalates. In this study we use a qualitative approach, including qualitative research, such as phoneinterviews, conversations, and computer-assisted interviews. The main result we believe we have found, indicates experiences as skepticism towards the roll of the police. But also that the other instances must be committed to the cooperation. The various instances and the youth, need to understand their roles, their limitations, their goals, but also respect each others missions. Only if that can be achieved, maybe then the experience of labeling can be avoided.

Trestněprávní aspekty korupce / Criminal Aspects of Corruption

Galovcová, Ingrid January 2017 (has links)
This doctoral thesis deals with the selected criminal aspects of corruption pointing out the possibilities to sanction its most severe forms by means of the Czech criminal law. From the substantive point of view, the core of the thesis is the analysis of the bribery crimes and the thorough analysis of their selected elements, which can bring about interpretative and related application problems. It also refers to the issue of corruption in the private sector and the manner in which the Czech national legislation of corruption crimes copes with a requirement for its sanctioning, which follows from international commitments. In terms of procedural aspects, the thesis focuses on certain particulars of detection, investigation and evidence procedure relating to corruption criminality. Corruption criminality is regarded as latent criminality and in its most serious forms it is also connected to organized crime, which consequently requires application of specific means and methods in criminal procedure. However, in the course of their realization they are predominantly connected with an interference with individual's fundamental rights, so, as a reaction to that, a consistent legislation of conditions for their realization ought to be adopted. The thesis points out the shortcomings or problematic...

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