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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Codes with locality : constructions and applications to cryptographic protocols / Codes à propriétés locales : constructions et applications à des protocoles cryptographiques

Lavauzelle, Julien 30 November 2018 (has links)
Les codes localement corrigibles ont été introduits dans le but d'extraire une partie de l'information contenue dans un mot de code bruité, en effectuant un nombre limité de requêtes à ses symboles, ce nombre étant appelé la localité du code. Ces dernières années ont vu la construction de trois familles de tels codes, dont la localité est sous-linéaire en la taille du message, et le rendement est arbitrairement grand. Ce régime de paramètres est particulièrement intéressant pour des considérations pratiques.Dans cette thèse, nous donnons une rapide revue de littérature des codes localement corrigibles, avant d'en proposer un modèle combinatoire générique, à base de block designs. Nous définissons et étudions ensuite un analogue, dans le cas projectif, des relèvements affine de codes introduits par Guo, Kopparty et Sudan. Nous établissons par ailleurs plusieurs liens entre ces deux familles, pour finir par une analyse précise de la structure monomiale de ces codes dans le cas du relèvement plan.Une deuxième partie de la thèse se focalise sur l'application de ces codes à deux protocoles cryptographiques. D'abord, nous proposons un protocole de récupération confidentielle d'information (private information retrieval, PIR) à partir de codes basés sur des designs transversaux, dont la taille des blocs s'apparente à la localité d'un code localement corrigible. Les protocoles ainsi construits ont l'avantage de n'exiger aucun calcul pour les serveurs, et de présenter une faible redondance de stockage ainsi qu'une complexité de communication modérée. Ensuite, nous donnons une construction générique de preuve de récupérabilité (proof of retrievability, PoR) à base de codes admettant une riche structure d'équations de parité à petit poids. Nous en donnons finalement une analyse de sécurité fine ainsi que plusieurs instanciations fondées sur des codes à propriétés locales. / Locally correctable codes (LCCs) were introduced in order to retrieve pieces of information from a noisy codeword, by using a limited number of queries to its symbols, this number being called the locality. Three main families of LCCs reaching sublinear locality and arbitrarily high rate have been built so far. This specific range of parameters is of particular interest concerning practical applications of LCCs.In this thesis, after giving a state of the art for LCCs, we study how they can be built using block designs. We then give an analogue over projective spaces of the family of affine lifted codes introduced by Guo, Kopparty and Sudan. We exhibit several links between both families, and we give a precise analysis of the monomial structure of the code in the case of the lifting of order 2.The second part of the thesis focuses on the application of these codes to two cryptographic protocols. We first build a new private informatin retrieval (PIR) protocol from codes based on transversal designs, whose block size defines the locality of the code. Our construction features no computation on the server side, low storage overhead and moderate communication complexity. Then, we propose a new generic construction of proof-of-retrievability (PoR) that uses codes equipped with an elaborate structure of low-weight parity-check equations. We give a rigorous analysis of the security of our scheme, and we finally propose practical instantiations based on codes with locality.

Bootstrapping Secure Sensor Networks in the Internet of Things / Konfiguration av säkra sensornätverk i sakernas internet

Edman, Johan January 2022 (has links)
The Internet of Things has become an integral part of modern society and continues to grow and evolve. The devices are expected to operate in various conditions and environments while securely transmitting sensor data and keeping low manufacturing costs. Security for the Internet of Things is still in its infancy and a serious concern. Although there are several schemes and protocols for securing communication over insecure channels, they are deemed too costly to perform on these constrained devices. As a result, substantial effort has been committed to developing secure protocols and adapting existing ones to be more lightweight. What remains seemingly absent in protocol specifications and key management schemes, however, is how to bootstrap and secure the initial communication. While it is possible to use pre-shared keys, such solutions are problematic with security and administrative overhead in mind. When the sensor networks grow in scale, with an increasing number of devices, this becomes especially problematic as autonomous deployment becomes necessary. By reviewing proposed bootstrapping techniques and evaluating suitable candidates, this work aims to provide an overview of approaches, their trade-offs and feasibility. Results of the study show that advancements in high-speed, lightweight and elliptic curve implementations have made public-key cryptography a viable option even on the very constrained platform, with session keys established within the minute. When analysing the node’s capability to generate randomness, a cornerstone of cryptographic security, initial findings indicate that it is not well equipped for the task. Consequently, sources of entropy must be evaluated thoroughly in resource-constrained devices before use and dedicated hardware for randomness might be necessary for the most constrained nodes if any security is to be guaranteed. / Sakernas internet har blivit en central del i dagens samhälle och fortsätter att utvecklas och integreras allt mer. Enheterna förväntas fungera i många typer av miljöer och förhållanden samtidigt som de ska skicka data säkert och vara billiga att producera. Trots att utvecklingen gått framåt, är säkerheten fortfarande väldigt rudimentär och i behov av ytterligare utveckling. För vanliga nätverk finns det många väletablerade protokoll för att säkra kommunikation, men dessa anses oftast vara för komplicerade för de resursbegränsade enheterna. Till följd av detta har forskning inriktats på att effektivisera existerande protokoll men även på att utveckla enklare varianter. Det som fortfarande kvarstår som ett problem och ofta inte diskuteras, är hur den initiala distributionen av kryptografiska nycklar ska genomföras. Att använda sig utav förinstallerade nycklar är en möjlighet, men det brukar oftast bli problematiskt utifrån säkerhet och administrering när sensornätverken växer i storlek. Genom att granska och utvärdera föreslagna metoder för initial konfiguration av sensornätverk, ämnar detta arbete att ge en översikt i vilka olika metoder som finns tillgängliga och deras lämplighet. Resultat från arbetet visar att tack vare framsteg inom elliptisk kurvkryptografi är publik nyckelkryptografi ett rimligt alternativ att använda, då en sessionsnyckel kan etableras inom loppet av en minut. Vid utvärdering av enheternas förmåga att generera slumptal visar initiala resultat däremot att A/D-omvandlaren inte är en lämplig källa för detta då dess entropi är låg och genererad slumpdata har en dålig fördelning och hög upprepning. Det går därför att dra slutsatsen att om någon nivå av kryptografisk säkerhet ska erhållas, så måste källor till entropi utvärderas noggrant. De resursbegränsade enheterna kan även ha ett behov av dedikerad hårdvara för att generera slumptal.

Advanced Features in Protocol Verification: Theory, Properties, and Efficiency in Maude-NPA

Santiago Pinazo, Sonia 31 March 2015 (has links)
The area of formal analysis of cryptographic protocols has been an active one since the mid 80’s. The idea is to verify communication protocols that use encryption to guarantee secrecy and that use authentication of data to ensure security. Formal methods are used in protocol analysis to provide formal proofs of security, and to uncover bugs and security flaws that in some cases had remained unknown long after the original protocol publication, such as the case of the well known Needham-Schroeder Public Key (NSPK) protocol. In this thesis we tackle problems regarding the three main pillars of protocol verification: modelling capabilities, verifiable properties, and efficiency. This thesis is devoted to investigate advanced features in the analysis of cryptographic protocols tailored to the Maude-NPA tool. This tool is a model-checker for cryptographic protocol analysis that allows for the incorporation of different equational theories and operates in the unbounded session model without the use of data or control abstraction. An important contribution of this thesis is relative to theoretical aspects of protocol verification in Maude-NPA. First, we define a forwards operational semantics, using rewriting logic as the theoretical framework and the Maude programming language as tool support. This is the first time that a forwards rewriting-based semantics is given for Maude-NPA. Second, we also study the problem that arises in cryptographic protocol analysis when it is necessary to guarantee that certain terms generated during a state exploration are in normal form with respect to the protocol equational theory. We also study techniques to extend Maude-NPA capabilities to support the verification of a wider class of protocols and security properties. First, we present a framework to specify and verify sequential protocol compositions in which one or more child protocols make use of information obtained from running a parent protocol. Second, we present a theoretical framework to specify and verify protocol indistinguishability in Maude-NPA. This kind of properties aim to verify that an attacker cannot distinguish between two versions of a protocol: for example, one using one secret and one using another, as it happens in electronic voting protocols. Finally, this thesis contributes to improve the efficiency of protocol verification in Maude-NPA. We define several techniques which drastically reduce the state space, and can often yield a finite state space, so that whether the desired security property holds or not can in fact be decided automatically, in spite of the general undecidability of such problems. / Santiago Pinazo, S. (2015). Advanced Features in Protocol Verification: Theory, Properties, and Efficiency in Maude-NPA [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/48527

Modeling and Analysis of Advanced Cryptographic Primitives and Security Protocols in Maude-NPA

Aparicio Sánchez, Damián 23 December 2022 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] La herramienta criptográfica Maude-NPA es un verificador de modelos especializado para protocolos de seguridad criptográficos que tienen en cuenta las propiedades algebraicas de un sistema criptográfico. En la literatura, las propiedades criptográficas adicionales han descubierto debilidades de los protocolos de seguridad y, en otros casos, son parte de los supuestos de seguridad del protocolo para funcionar correctamente. Maude-NPA tiene una base teórica en la rewriting logic, la unificación ecuacional y el narrowing para realizar una búsqueda hacia atrás desde un patrón de estado inseguro para determinar si es alcanzable o no. Maude-NPA se puede utilizar para razonar sobre una amplia gama de propiedades criptográficas, incluida la cancelación del cifrado y descifrado, la exponenciación de Diffie-Hellman, el exclusive-or y algunas aproximaciones del cifrado homomórfico. En esta tesis consideramos nuevas propiedades criptográficas, ya sea como parte de protocolos de seguridad o para descubrir nuevos ataques. También hemos modelado diferentes familias de protocolos de seguridad, incluidos los Distance Bounding Protocols or Multi-party key agreement protocolos. Y hemos desarrollado nuevas técnicas de modelado para reducir el coste del análisis en protocolos con tiempo y espacio. Esta tesis contribuye de varias maneras al área de análisis de protocolos criptográficos y muchas de las contribuciones de esta tesis pueden ser útiles para otras herramientas de análisis criptográfico. / [CA] L'eina criptografica Maude-NPA es un verificador de models especialitzats per a protocols de seguretat criptogràfics que tenen en compte les propietats algebraiques d'un sistema criptogràfic. A la literatura, les propietats criptogràfiques addicionals han descobert debilitats dels protocols de seguretat i, en altres casos, formen part dels supòsits de seguretat del protocol per funcionar correctament. Maude-NPA te' una base teòrica a la rewriting lògic, la unificació' equacional i narrowing per realitzar una cerca cap enrere des d'un patró' d'estat insegur per determinar si es accessible o no. Maude-NPA es pot utilitzar per raonar sobre una amplia gamma de propietats criptogràfiques, inclosa la cancel·lació' del xifratge i desxifrat, l'exponenciacio' de Diffie-Hellman, el exclusive-or i algunes aproximacions del xifratge homomòrfic. En aquesta tesi, considerem noves propietats criptogràfiques, ja sigui com a part de protocols de seguretat o per descobrir nous atacs. Tambe' hem modelat diferents famílies de protocols de seguretat, inclosos els Distance Bounding Protocols o Multi-party key agreement protocols. I hem desenvolupat noves tècniques de modelització' de protocols per reduir el cost de l'analisi en protocols amb temps i espai. Aquesta tesi contribueix de diverses maneres a l’àrea de l’anàlisi de protocols criptogràfics i moltes de les contribucions d’aquesta tesi poden ser útils per a altres eines d’anàlisi criptogràfic. / [EN] The Maude-NPA crypto tool is a specialized model checker for cryptographic security protocols that take into account the algebraic properties of the cryptosystem. In the literature, additional crypto properties have uncovered weaknesses of security protocols and, in other cases, they are part of the protocol security assumptions in order to function properly. Maude-NPA has a theoretical basis on rewriting logic, equational unification, and narrowing to perform a backwards search from an insecure state pattern to determine whether or not it is reachable. Maude-NPA can be used to reason about a wide range of cryptographic properties, including cancellation of encryption and decryption, Diffie-Hellman exponentiation, exclusive-or, and some approximations of homomorphic encryption. In this thesis, we consider new cryptographic properties, either as part of security protocols or to discover new attacks. We have also modeled different families of security protocols, including Distance Bounding Protocols or Multi-party key agreement protocols. And we have developed new protocol modeling techniques to reduce the time and space analysis effort. This thesis contributes in several ways to the area of cryptographic protocol analysis and many of the contributions of this thesis can be useful for other crypto analysis tools. / This thesis would not have been possible without the funding of a set of research projects. The main contributions and derivative works of this thesis have been made in the context of the following projects: - Ministry of Economy and Business of Spain : Project LoBaSS Effective Solutions Based on Logic, Scientific Research under award number TIN2015-69175-C4-1-R, this project was focused on using powerful logic-based technologies to analyze safety-critical systems. - Air Force Office of Scientific Research of United States of America : Project Advanced symbolic methods for the cryptographic protocol analyzer Maude-NPA Scientific Research under award number FA9550-17-1-0286 - State Investigation Agency of Spain : Project FREETech: Formal Reasoning for Enabling and Emerging Technologies Scientific I+D-i Research under award number RTI2018-094403-B-C32 / Aparicio Sánchez, D. (2022). Modeling and Analysis of Advanced Cryptographic Primitives and Security Protocols in Maude-NPA [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/190915 / Compendio

Analyse de nouvelles primitives cryptographiques pour les schémas Diffie-Hellman / Analysis of new cryptographic primitives for Diffie-Hellman schemes

Kammerer, Jean-Gabriel 23 May 2013 (has links)
L'objet de cette thèse est l'étude de diverses primitives cryptographiques utiles dans des protocoles Diffie-Hellman. Nous étudions tout d'abord les protocoles Diffie-Helmman sur des structures commutatives ou non. Nous en proposons une formulation unifiée et mettons en évidence les différents problèmes difficiles associés dans les deux contextes. La première partie est consacrée à l'étude de pseudo-paramétrisations de courbes algébriques en temps constant déterministe, avec application aux fonctions de hachage vers les courbes. Les propriétés des courbes algébriques en font une structure de choix pour l'instanciation de protocoles reposant sur le problème Diffie-Hellman. En particulier, ces protocoles utilisent des fonctions qui hachent directement un message vers la courbe. Nous proposons de nouvelles fonctions d'encodage vers les courbes elliptiques et pour de larges classes de fonctions hyperelliptiques. Nous montrons ensuite comment l'étude de la géométrie des tangentes aux points d'inflexion des courbes elliptiques permet d'unifier les fonctions proposées tant dans la littérature que dans cette thèse. Dans la troisième partie, nous nous intéressons à une nouvelle instanciation de l'échange Diffie-Hellman. Elle repose sur la difficulté de résoudre un problème de factorisation dans un anneau de polynômes non-commutatifs. Nous montrons comment un problème de décomposition Diffie-Hellman sur un groupe non-commutatif peut se ramener à un simple problème d'algèbre linéaire pourvu que les éléments du groupe admettent une représentation par des matrices. Bien qu'elle ne soit pas applicable directement au cas des polynômes tordus puisqu'ils n'ont pas d'inverse, nous profitons de l'existence d'une notion de divisibilité pour contourner cette difficulté. Finalement, nous montrons qu'il est possible de résoudre le problème Diffie-Hellman sur les polynômes tordus avec complexité polynomiale. / In this thesis, we study several cryptographic primitives of use in Diffie-Hellman like protocols. We first study Diffie-Hellman protocols on commutative or noncommutative structures. We propose an unified wording of such protocols and bring out on which supposedly hard problem both constructions rely on. The first part is devoted to the study of pseudo-parameterization of algebraic curves in deterministic constant time, with application to hash function into curves. Algebraic curves are indeed particularly interesting for Diffie-Hellman like protocols. These protocols often use hash functions which directly hash into the curve. We propose new encoding functions toward elliptic curves and toward large classes of hyperelliptic curves. We then show how the study of the geometry of flex tangent of elliptic curves unifies the encoding functions as proposed in the litterature and in this thesis. In the third part, we are interested in a new instantiation of the Diffie-Hellman key exchange. It relies on the difficulty of factoring in a non-commutative polynomial ring. We show how to reduce a Diffie-Hellman decomposition problem over a noncommutative group to a simple linear algebra problem, provided that group elements can be represented by matrices. Although this is not directly relevant to the skew polynomial ring because they have no inverse, we use the divisibility to circumvent this difficulty. Finally, we show it's possible to solve the Diffie-Hellman problem on skew polynomials with polynomial complexity.

Two-player interaction in quantum computing : cryptographic primitives & query complexity

Magnin, Loick 05 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
This dissertation studies two different aspects of two-player interaction in the model of quantum communication and quantum computation.First, we study two cryptographic primitives, that are used as basic blocks to construct sophisticated cryptographic protocols between two players, e.g. identification protocols. The first primitive is ''quantum bit commitment''. This primitive cannot be done in an unconditionally secure way. However, security can be obtained by restraining the power of the two players. We study this primitive when the two players can only create quantum Gaussian states and perform Gaussian operations. These operations are a subset of what is allowed by quantum physics, and plays a central role in quantum optics. Hence, it is an accurate model of communication through optical fibers. We show that unfortunately this restriction does not allow secure bit commitment. The proof of this result is based on the notion of ''intrinsic purification'' that we introduce to circumvent the use of Uhlman's theorem when the quantum states are Gaussian. We then examine a weaker primitive, ''quantum weak coin flipping'', in the standard model of quantum computation. Mochon has showed that there exists such a protocol with arbitrarily small bias. We give a clear and meaningful interpretation of his proof. That allows us to present a drastically shorter and simplified proof.The second part of the dissertation deals with different methods of proving lower bounds on the quantum query complexity. This is a very important model in quantum complexity in which numerous results have been proved. In this model, an algorithm has restricted access to the input: it can only query individual bits. We consider a generalization of the standard model, where an algorithm does not compute a classical function, but generates a quantum state. This generalization allows us to compare the strength of the different methods used to prove lower bounds in this model. We first prove that the ''multiplicative adversary method'' is stronger than the ''additive adversary method''. We then show a reduction from the ''polynomial method'' to the multiplicative adversary method. Hence, we prove that the multiplicative adversary method is the strongest one. Adversary methods are usually difficult to use since they involve the computation of norms of matrices with very large size. We show how studying the symmetries of a problem can largely simplify these computations. Last, using these principles we prove the tight lower bound of the INDEX-ERASURE problem. This a quantum state generation problem that has links with the famous GRAPH-ISOMORPHISM problem.

Secure Electronic Voting with Flexible Ballot Structure

Aditya, Riza January 2005 (has links)
Voting is a fundamental decision making instrument in any consensus-based society. It is employed in various applications from student body elections, reality television shows, shareholder meetings, to national elections. With the motivation of better eciency, scalability, speed, and lower cost, voting is currently shifting from paper-based to the use of electronic medium. This is while aiming to achieve better security, such that voting result reflects true opinions of the voters. Our research focuses on the study of cryptographic voting protocols accommodating a flexible ballot structure as a foundation for building a secure electronic voting system with acceptable voting results. In particular, we search for a solution suitable for the preferential voting system employed in the Australian Federal Election. The outcomes of the research include: improvements and applications of batch proof and verication theorems and techniques, a proposed alternative homomorphic encryption based voting scheme, a proposed Extended Binary Mixing Gate (EBMG) mix-network scheme, a new threshold randomisation technique to achieve receipt-freeness property in voting, and the application of cryptographic voting protocol for preferential voting. The threats and corresponding requirements for a secure secret-ballot voting scheme are rst discussed. There are significant security concerns about the conduct of electronic voting, and it is essential that the voting results re ect the true opinions of the voters - especially in political elections. We examine and extend batch processing proofs and verifications theorems and proposed applications of the theorems useful for voting. Many instances of similar operations can be processed in a single instance using a batch technique based on one of the batch theorems. As the proofs and verications provide formal assurances that the voting process is secure, batch processing offers great efficiency improvements while retaining the security required in a real-world implementation of the protocol. The two main approaches in cryptographic voting protocols, homomorphic encryption based voting and mix-network based voting, are both studied in this research. An alternative homomorphic voting scheme using multiplicative homomorphism property, and a number of novel mix-network schemes are proposed. It is shown that compared to the mix-network approach, homomorphic encryption schemes are not scalable for straight-forward adaptation of preferential systems. One important requirement of secret-ballot voting is receipt-freeness. A randomisation technique to achieve receipt-freeness in voting is examined and applied in an ecient and practical voting scheme employing an optimistic mix-network. A more general technique using threshold randomisation is also proposed. Combination of the primitives, both the homomorphic encryption and mixnetwork approach, yields a hybrid approach producing a secure and ecient secret-ballot voting scheme accommodating a exible ballot structure. The resulting solution oers a promising foundation for secure and practical secret-ballot electronic voting accommodating any type of counting system.

Implantations et protections de mécanismes cryptographiques logiciels et matériels / Implementations and protections of software and hardware cryptographic mechanisms

Cornelie, Marie-Angela 12 April 2016 (has links)
La protection des mécanismes cryptographiques constitue un enjeu important lors du développement d'un système d'information car ils permettent d'assurer la sécurisation des données traitées. Les supports utilisés étant à la fois logiciels et matériels, les techniques de protection doivent s'adapter aux différents contextes.Dans le cadre d'une cible logicielle, des moyens légaux peuvent être mis en oeuvre afin de limiter l'exploitation ou les usages. Cependant, il est généralement difficile de faire valoir ses droits et de prouver qu'un acte illicite a été commis. Une alternative consiste à utiliser des moyens techniques, comme l'obscurcissement de code, qui permettent de complexifier les stratégies de rétro-conception en modifiant directement les parties à protéger.Concernant les implantations matérielles, on peut faire face à des attaques passives (observation de propriétés physiques) ou actives, ces dernières étant destructives. Il est possible de mettre en place des contre-mesures mathématiques ou matérielles permettant de réduire la fuite d'information pendant l'exécution de l'algorithme, et ainsi protéger le module face à certaines attaques par canaux cachés.Les travaux présentés dans ce mémoire proposent nos contributions sur ces sujets tes travaux. Nous étudions et présentons les implantations logicielle et matérielle réalisées pour le support de courbes elliptiques sous forme quartique de Jacobi étendue. Ensuite, nous discutons des problématiques liées à la génération de courbes utilisables en cryptographie et nous proposons une adaptation à la forme quartique de Jacobi étendue ainsi que son implantation. Dans une seconde partie, nous abordons la notion d'obscurcissement de code source. Nous détaillons les techniques que nous avons implantées afin de compléter un outil existant ainsi que le module de calcul de complexité qui a été développé. / The protection of cryptographic mechanisms is an important challenge while developing a system of information because they allow to ensure the security of processed data. Since both hardware and software supports are used, the protection techniques have to be adapted depending on the context.For a software target, legal means can be used to limit the exploitation or the use. Nevertheless, it is in general difficult to assert the rights of the owner and prove that an unlawful act had occurred. Another alternative consists in using technical means, such as code obfuscation, which make the reverse engineering strategies more complex, modifying directly the parts that need to be protected.Concerning hardware implementations, the attacks can be passive (observation of physical properties) or active (which are destructive). It is possible to implement mathematical or hardware countermeasures in order to reduce the information leakage during the execution of the code, and thus protect the module against some side channel attacks.In this thesis, we present our contributions on theses subjects. We study and present the software and hardware implementations realised for supporting elliptic curves given in Jacobi Quartic form. Then, we discuss issues linked to the generation of curves which can be used in cryptography, and we propose an adaptation to the Jacobi Quartic form and its implementation. In a second part, we address the notion of code obfuscation. We detail the techniques that we have implemented in order to complete an existing tool, and the complexity module which has been developed.

Formas e normas de [jus]validação da informação: das marcas pessoais ao logical e à assinatura digital

Cunha, Mauro Leonardo de Brito Albuquerque 21 February 2006 (has links)
Submitted by Valdinei Souza (neisouza@hotmail.com) on 2015-10-06T20:49:45Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTACAO LEONARDO COM CAPA.pdf: 1273238 bytes, checksum: 45cf92815aa55e73d2858f881116bc64 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Urania Araujo (urania@ufba.br) on 2015-11-13T17:59:16Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTACAO LEONARDO COM CAPA.pdf: 1273238 bytes, checksum: 45cf92815aa55e73d2858f881116bc64 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-11-13T17:59:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTACAO LEONARDO COM CAPA.pdf: 1273238 bytes, checksum: 45cf92815aa55e73d2858f881116bc64 (MD5) / Esta dissertação buscou explorar a validação jurídica dos processos de informação jurídica ou juridicisada pelo referido processo. São dois, portanto, os objetivos: conceituar os processos de informação jurídica e conceituar os processos de sua validação jurídica. Buscou-se, pois, recompor ponto a ponto o itinerário do surgimento à validação jurídica das tecnologias de validação da informação desde as marcas pessoais pré-históricas até a tecnologia criptográfica assimétrica que proporcionou o advento da assinatura digital. Os conceitos de forma, de norma e de padrão são analisados com o fulcro na problematização do tema da validação nos processos humanos de comunicação da informação. / Abstract- This paper means to explore legal validation of information processes, wether the information is legal or legalized by its validation process. It had, thus, two main objectives, i.e.: to conceptualize legal information processes and to conceptualize legal validation processes pursuant to the latter. A step-by-step trace of the path from the advent to the legal validation of information processes – since the beginning of it as pre-historical personal marks, up to the latest asymmetric cryptographic technologies that allow the upcoming of digital signatures. The concepts of norm, form, pattern and standard are thus analyzed, meaning to further comprehend the ever-evolving quest for validation in human information communication processes.

Hashovací funkce - charakteristika, implementace a kolize / Hash functions - characteristics, implementation and collisions

Karásek, Jan January 2009 (has links)
Hash functions belong to elements of modern cryptography. Their task is to transfer the data expected on the entry into a unique bite sequence. Hash functions are used in many application areas, such as message integrity verification, information authentication, and are used in cryptographic protocols, to compare data and other applications. The goal of the master’s thesis is to characterize hash functions to describe their basic characteristics and use. Next task was to focus on one hash function, in particular MD5, and describe it properly. That means, to describe its construction, safety and possible attacks on this function. The last task was to implement this function and collisions. The introductory chapters describe the basic definition of hash function, the properties of the function. The chapters mention the methods preventing collisions and the areas were the hash functions are used. Further chapters are focused on the characteristics of various types of hash functions. These types include basic hash functions built on basic bit operations, perfect hash functions and cryptographic hash functions. After concluding the characteristics of hash functions, I devoted to practical matters. The thesis describes the basic appearance and control of the program and its individual functions which are explained theoretically. The following text describes the function MD5, its construction, safety risks and implementation. The last chapter refers to attacks on hash functions and describes the hash function tunneling method, brute force attack and dictionary attack.

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