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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gestion participative de la diversité cultivée et création de mélanges diversifiés de blé tendre à la ferme / Participatory management of crop diversity and on-farm breeding for diverse wheat mixtures

Van Frank, Gaëlle 06 December 2018 (has links)
La transition d'une agriculture diversifiée à un système productiviste a entraîné une perte de diversité cultivée et pose de nombreux enjeux environnementaux, sociétaux et de santé. Des alternatives telles que l'agro-écologie ont émergé, reposant sur la valorisation de l'agro-biodiversité, notamment de la diversité génétique au sein des agroécosystèmes. Constatant qu'aucune des variétés du catalogue n'est adaptée à leurs besoins, des paysan.ne.s et animateur.trice.s du Réseau Semences Paysannes (RSP) mènent depuis 2006, en collaboration avec l'équipe DEAP (Diversité, Évolution et Adaptation des Populations) de l'UMR GQE Le Moulon, un projet de sélection participative (SP) du blé tendre. Ces paysan.ne.s mobilisent la diversité pour sélectionner des populations adaptées à leurs pratiques, terroirs et débouchés, dans le but de retrouver une autonomie semencière et une cohérence de leur système. Ma thèse porte sur l'étude des impacts des pratiques de gestion collective et de sélection paysanne sur la diversité cultivée du blé et l'adaptation des populations. Elle vise à proposer des adaptations éventuelles des pratiques de SP existantes et d'appuyer la mise en place de nouveaux projets. Les impacts de pratiques de création et sélection à la ferme de mélanges de populations sur leur comportement agronomique et morphologique ont été évalués par une expérimentation en collaboration avec une quinzaine de paysan.ne.s et animateur.trice.s du RSP. Dans une deuxième partie nous avons étudié les impacts de la sélection naturelle et la sélection paysanne sur l'évolution des populations, leur stabilité et leur adaptation aux environnements au cours du projet de SP blé. Ensuite une étude prospective a porté sur les impacts de l'adoption de peuplements hétérogènes sur la diversité cultivée à l'échelle du paysage, par l'évaluation de la diversité des populations issues de SP, la simulation de scénarii d'adoption des peuplements hétérogènes et l'utilisation d'indicateurs de la diversité cultivée. Enfin, je me suis intéressée aux impacts qu'ont les paramètres du dispositif expérimental mis en place sur les fermes sur l'ajustement et la précision des estimations par les modèles Bayésiens utilisés, afin d'améliorer notre capacité à détecter des différences significatives entre populations et de donner des recommandations pour d'autres projets d'évaluation décentralisée de variétés utilisant les dispositifs et modèles développés dans projet SP blé français. / The transition from a diversified agriculture to a productivist system has led to a decline in cultivated diversity and raises many environmental, societal and health issues. Alternatives such as agro-ecology have emerged, based in particular on the enhancement of agro-biodiversity and genetic diversity within agro-ecosystems. Considering that there are no varieties adapted to their needs in the catalogue, farmers and facilitators from the Réseau Semences Paysannes (RSP) have been conducting a participatory breeding project (PPB) for bread wheat since 2006, in collaboration with the DEAP (Diversity, Evolution and Adaptation of Populations) team at UMR GQE Le Moulon. These farmers are mobilizing diversity to select populations adapted to their practices, terroir and outlets, with the aim of regaining their seed autonomy and a coherence of their system. My thesis focuses on the study of the impacts of collective management and peasant selection practices on wheat crop diversity and population adaptation. It aims to propose possible adaptation of existing PPB practices and to support the implementation of new projects. The impacts of on-farm creation and selection practices of population mixtures on their agronomic and morphological behaviour were evaluated through an experiment in collaboration with about fifteen farmers and facilitators from the RSP. In a second part we studied the impacts of natural selection and peasant selection on the evolution of populations, their stability and adaptation to environments during the wheat PPB project. Then a prospective study on the impacts of the adoption of heterogeneous varieties on cultivated diversity at the landscape level was conducted, by assessing the diversity of populations from PPB, simulating adoption of heterogeneous varieties scenarii and using cultivated diversity indicators. Finally, the impacts of the on-farm experimental design parameters on the adjustment and accuracy of estimates from Bayesian models were assessed, to improve our ability to detect significant differences between populations and to provide recommendations for other decentralized variety evaluation projects using the designs and models developed in the French wheat PPB project.

Réponses morphologiques et architecturales du système racinaire au déficit hydrique chez des Chenopodium cultivés et sauvages d'Amérique andine. / Morphological and architectural responses of the root system to water deficit in cultivated and wild Chenopodium of Andean America.

Alvarez Flores, Ricardo Andrés 18 December 2012 (has links)
Le genre Chenopodium comprend environ 150 espèces réparties sur l'ensemble du globe et établies dans une large gamme de milieux. En Amérique du Sud, différentes espèces, cultivées comme C. quinoa Willd. et C. pallidicaule Aellen, ou sauvages comme C. hircinum Schrader, sont distribuées sur des gradients pédoclimatiques allant du niveau de la mer au Chili, jusqu'à plus de 4000 m d'altitude sur l'altiplano boliviano-péruvien, sur des sols plus ou moins profonds et riches en nutriments, et sous des climats allant du tropical humide jusqu'au froid aride. Ces espèces sont phylogénétiquement apparentées, et on admet généralement que C. quinoa a été domestiqué à partir de C. hircinum et qu'une partie de son génome proviendrait de C. pallidicaule. Leur large distribution dans des écosystèmes naturels ou agricoles et leur plus ou moins grande tolérance aux contraintes du milieu, font de ce groupe d'espèces un modèle intéressant pour examiner la diversité des réponses des plantes, notamment face à la faible disponibilité en eau dans le sol. La totalité de l'eau nécessaire à la vie de ces plantes passant par le système racinaire, nous nous sommes intéressés aux variations intra- et interspécifiques de l'architecture et de la croissance des racines et à leurs réponses au déficit hydrique, en faisant l'hypothèse que les plantes provenant d'un milieu aride ou d'un système de culture à faible usage d'intrants, ont développé des traits racinaires qui leurs permettent d'accroître l'acquisition des ressources du sol. Pour tester cette hypothèse nous avons comparé la croissance et le développement racinaire de plantes de deux écotypes de C. quinoa de régions plus ou moins arides, et de populations de C. pallidicaule et de C. hircinum, placées dans des conditions de culture contrôlées non limitantes ou déficitaires en eau, en pots et en rhizotrons. Les principaux résultats de ce travail de thèse montrent que, malgré de grandes différences dans la production de biomasse et la morphologie aérienne, les populations étudiées présentent toutes la même typologie racinaire. Elles diffèrent entre elles par plusieurs traits d'architecture et de morphologie racinaire qui déterminent la capacité d'exploration et d'exploitation des ressources du sol. Certains de ces traits, comme la vitesse d'élongation de la racine principale, présentent une grande plasticité de réponse au déficit hydrique. D'autres traits, comme la longueur spécifique des racines, sont moins plastiques mais présentent des différences interspécifiques importantes. Ces variations de l'architecture des plantes forment des syndromes adaptatifs favorisant la survie des plantes dans les milieux les plus contraignants. Mots clés : Chenopodium quinoa, Chenopodium hircinum, Chenopodium pallidicaule, système racinaire, architecture racinaire, topologie racinaire, ontogénie, rhizotron, élongation racinaire, analyses de croissance, espèces cultivées, espèces sauvages, croissance racinaire, morphologie racinaire. / The genus Chenopodium comprises about 150 species distributed all around the world and over a wide range of environments. In South America, differents species, either cultivated as C. quinoa Willd. and C. pallidicaule Aellen, or wild as C. hircinum Schrader, are distributed over pedoclimatic gradients from the sea level in Chile, up to an altitude of 4000 m in the altiplano of Bolivia and Peru, on soils more or less thick and rich in nutrients, and under climates from tropical humid to arid and cold. These species are phylogenetically related, and it is generally admitted that C. quinoa was domesticated from C. hircinum and that part of its genome comes from C. pallidicaule. Their wide distribution in natural and crop ecosystems and their more or less strong tolerance to environmental constraints, make this group of species an interesting model for examining the diversity of responses of the plants, in particular facing a low disponibility of resources in the soil. As all the water necessary for the life of the pass through the root system, we focused our interest in the intra- and interspecific variations in the root growth and architecture, and their responses to the water deficit, with the hypothesis that plants from arid habitats or from low-input agrosystems, developed root traits that allowed them to increase the acquisition of resources in the soil. To test this hypothesis we compared the root growth and development in plants of two ecotypes of C. quinoa from more or less arid regions, and of populations of C. pallidicaule and C. hircinum, placed under non-limiting or water deficit growth conditions, in pots and in rhizotrons. The main results of this research show that, despite large differences in biomass production and morphology of the aerial plant part, the studied populations showed the same root typology. They differed by several traits of root architecture and morphology which control the capacity of the plant to explore and exploit the soil resources. Some of these traits, such as the taproot elongation rate, showed a high plasticity in response to the water deficit. Other traits, like the specific root length, were less plastic but showed large interspecific differences. These variations in plant root architecture conforms adaptive syndromes that favor the plant survival in the most limiting environments. Key words : Chenopodium quinoa, Chenopodium hircinum, Chenopodium pallidicaule, root system, root architecture, topological index, ontogeny, rhizotron, root elongation, plant growth analysis, cultivated species, wild species, root growth, root morphology.

Análise comparativa das distribuições espaciais de moléculas envolvidas na migração e invasão de um tumor cerebral de rato in vivo. / Comparative analysis of spatial distribution of molecules related to migration an invasion in a rat brain tumor in vivo.

Ramos, Karina Lawrence 12 March 2008 (has links)
O Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) é o mais maligno tumor cerebral e apresenta uma alta capacidade proliferativa, invasiva e angiogênica. Neste estudo foi avaliada a distribuição espacial de moléculas envolvidas nesses processos num modelo de GBM de rato in vivo (C6). Por imunohistoquímicas observou-se que o tumor foi capaz de expressar diferentes elementos de matriz extracelular (colágenos I, III e IV, fibronectina, tenascinas C e R, vitronectina e proteoglicanos), moléculas de adesão (RHAMM, CD44 e integrinas) e a enzima proteolítica MMP-2. Esses elementos parecem se organizar num padrão pericelular nas células invasivas das bordas do tumor e nas células C6 migrando pelos vasos. A expressão de moléculas de adesão mostrou que o RHAMM pode ter um papel mais importante que o CD44 no reconhecimento do ácido hialurônico. A expressão de flt-1 e flk-1 pelas células tumorais sugere um papel desses receptores do VEGF não apenas na proliferação endotelial, mas também na proliferação tumoral. Todas as moléculas aqui analisadas são potenciais alvos terapêuticos futuros. / Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most malignant brain tumour and presents high proliferative, invasive and angiogenic capacities. In the present study the spatial distribution of molecules involved with these processes was analyzed in a rat GBM (C6) in vivo. Immunohistochemical analysis showed that tumours expressed extracellular matrix elements (collagens I, III and IV, fibronectin, tenascin C and R, vitronectin and proteoglycans), adhesion molecules (RHAMM, CD44 and integrins) and the proteolytic enzyme MMP-2. At the tumour borders and around the cells migrating along blood vessels these molecules seemed to organize in a pericellular pattern. The adhesion molecules analysis showed that RHAMM could have a pivotal role in hyaluronic acid recognition. Flt-1 and flk-1 expression by tumour cells suggests a role for these VEGF receptors not only in endotheliocyte metabolism, but also in tumour proliferation. All of the studied molecules are potential targets for anti-cancer therapies.

Avaliação de diferentes fontes de nitrogênio em explantes de Cryptomeria japonica D.Don. "elegans" cultivados in vitro: análises bioquímicas e relações entre reguladores vegetais. / Evaluation of the different nitrate and ammonium concentrations in explants of cryptomeria japonica d. don. "elegans" cultivated 'in vitro'.

Capaldi, Flávia Regina 05 April 2002 (has links)
A Cryptomeria japonica D. Don. "elegans" é uma conífera pertencente à família Taxodiaceae, que apresenta crescimento rápido e boas respostas à fertilização. Dez variações nas concentrações de nitrato e amônio presentes no meio de cultura MS foram realizadas no cultivo 'in vitro' de brotações obtidas a partir de explantes primários de ápices caulinares durante 90 dias. A cada 30 dias foram avaliados, a taxa de crescimento relativo e o incremento em massa vegetal seca. Ao final de 90 dias, foram realizadas análises dos teores de proteínas solúveis totais, aminoácidos solúveis totais, carboidratos não-estruturais totais e eletroforese de proteínas totais em gel de poliacrilamida. Os tratamentos que exibiram resultados mais satisfatórios foram utilizados em um experimento com diferentes relações auxina/citocinina, onde foram avaliadas a produção de brotações e a altura média das mesmas aos 30, 60 e 90 dias de cultivo. As concentrações de nitrato e amônio entre 25 e 31mmol.L -1 e até 5mmol.L -1, respectivamente, foram as mais efetivas para o crescimento e desenvolvimento do material vegetal cultivado 'in vitro'. Durante o experimento com diferentes concentrações de ANA e BAP, foi possível observar que a produção de brotações, etapa essecial para um processo de micropropagação eficiente, foi superior quando as combinações entre nitrato e amônio foram 22,5 + 2,5mmol.L -1 e 25,0 + 5,0mmol.L -1. / Cryptomeria japonica D. Don. "elegans" is a fast-growing tree belonging to the Taxodiaceae and it is considered a responsive species 'in vitro'. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of ten different concentrations of nitrate and ammonium in morphogenesis 'in vitro' of Cryptomeria japonica D. Don. "elegans" explants. Analysis of relative growth rate, total soluble proteins, total soluble aminoacids, total non structural carbohydrates and electrophoresis of total proteins was performed in order to observe the role of different nitrogen sources on the growth and development of the explants cultivated 'in vitro'. The concentratios of nitrate and ammonium that showed the best results were selected and used in an experiment with different concentrations of NAA and BAP to observe the shoot production. Each experiment was analised at the 30 th , 60 th and 90 th days of culture. The biochemical analysis was performed only at 90 th day of cultive. Concentrations from 26 to 31mmol.L -1 of NO3 - and lower than 5mmol.L -1 of NH4 + were the most effective for growth and development of the explants. However, the experiment with different concentrations of NNA and BAP showed that the best shoot production was achieved on 22,5mmol.L -1 of NO3- + 2,5mmol.L -1 of NH4 + and on 25,0mmol.L -1 of NO3 - + 5,0mmol.L -1 of NH4 + and with 2,0mg.L -1 of BAP + 1,0mg.L -1 of NNA.

Reservas orgânicas, índice de área foliar e produção de forragem em Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu submetida a intensidades de pastejo por bovinos de corte. / Organic reserves, leaf area index and herbage yield in brachiaria brizantha cv. marandu submitted to grazing intensities by beef cattle.

Lupinacci, Adriano Vecchiatti 03 July 2002 (has links)
As áreas de pastagens no Brasil ocupam cerca de 180 milhões de hectares, que são responsáveis por cerca de 90% da carne bovina produzida no país. No entanto, em torno de 80% das pastagens cultivadas apresentam algum grau de degradação, sendo este apontado como o maior problema relacionado com a sustentabilidade da produção animal em pastagens. Uma das principais razões para esse fato está relacionada a erros grosseiros no manejo das pastagens, conseqüência do desconhecimento dos limites ecofisiológicos e de resistência ao pastejo das plantas forrageiras. Dentro desse contexto, o objetivo deste experimento foi determinar quantitativamente o índice de área foliar, os teores e estoques de carboidratos não estruturais e frações nitrogenadas (N total, N solúvel, N aminoácidos, N amônio, N nitrato) de reserva, a taxa de acúmulo e a produção de forragem em pastos de Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu pastejados por bovinos em regime de lotação contínua e taxa de lotação variável. O experimento foi realizado em área do Departamento de Produção Animal da USP/ESALQ, em Piracicaba, SP, entre 27 de agosto de 2001 e 28 de fevereiro de 2002. Os tratamentos corresponderam a quatro alturas de pasto (10, 20, 30 e 40 cm), mantidas em steady state, e foram alocados às unidades experimentais conforme um delineamento de blocos completos casualizados, com quatro repetições. Os valores de IAF (1,7; 3,5; 4,0 e 3,8) foram crescentes para as alturas de pasto estudadas (10, 20, 30 e 40 cm, respectivamente) e semelhantes para as alturas de 20, 30 e 40 cm. Comportamento semelhante foi identificado para as taxas de acúmulo (102,0; 118,5; 121,6 e 113,9 kg ha -1 dia -1 MS) e acúmulo total de forragem (10.300; 13.340; 12.620 e 13.880 kg ha -1 ). Os teores (88,5; 111,7; 109,8 e 118,4 g kg -1 ) e estoques (0,152; 0,167; 0,180 e 0,157 kg m -2 ) de carboidratos não estruturais foram crescentes com as alturas de pasto (10, 20, 30 e 40 cm, respectivamente), ao passo que o inverso foi detectado para os teores e estoques de todas as frações nitrogenadas (10,65; 8,93; 8,64; 8,04 g kg -1 N total e 0,018; 0,017; 0,014; 0,012 kg m -2 N total, respectivamente). Com relação ao meses, houve uma redução acentuada ao longo do período experimental nos teores (118,8 para 87,2 g kg -1 de setembro a fevereiro) e estoques (0,225 para 0,111 kg m -2 de setembro a fevereiro) de carboidratos não estruturais e, também nos teores e estoques correspondentes às frações nitrogenadas (12,76 para 3,98 g kg -1 N total e 0,031 para 0,005 kg m -2 N total de setembro a fevereiro), motivadas inicialmente pelo início do verão (estação de crescimento) e posteriormente pelo início do desenvolvimento reprodutivo das plantas. Os estoques de carboidratos e de frações nitrogenadas foram consistentemente maiores para a base do colmo relativamente às raízes, tendo sido utilizados como fonte preferencial de matéria prima para o crescimento das plantas, razão pela qual sofreram as maiores reduções ao longo do tempo. As inflorescências se mostraram drenos metabólicos muito fortes durante a fase reprodutiva, assim como os meristemas apicais durante a fase vegetativa. O teor de N total nas folhas dos perfilhos diminuiu com o tempo (17,4 para 13,1 g kg -1 de dezembro a fevereiro), sendo os valores crescentes para folhas senescentes, maduras e em expansão (11,4, 14,0 e 16,7 g kg -1 , respectivamente). A altura de pasto de 10 cm correspondeu a uma condição de desfolha drástica, de modo que o manejo do pastejo deveria ser efetuado entre as condições de pasto de 20 e 40 cm. A escolha da condição de pasto mais indicada deve ser feita mediante o objetivo da atividade e a natureza da exploração animal proposta. / Grassland areas in Brazil occupy around 180 million hectares and support about 90% of the country’s beef production. However, approximately 80% of the cultivated pasture areas present some degree of degradation, that being the main problem related to the sustainability of pasture-based animal production systems. One of the main reasons for this is the mismanagement of pastures, consequence of the lack of knowledge and understanding about the ecophysiological limits and tolerance to grazing of forage plants. Against this background, the objective of this experiment was to determine the leaf area index (LAI), concentrations and pools of non structural carbohydrates (NSC) and nitrogenous reserve compounds (total N, soluble N, amino acid N, ammonium N, nitrate N), herbage dry matter accumulation rates and forage yield from Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu pastures continuously stocked by cattle, with variable stocking rate. The experiment was carried out at Departamento de Produção Animal, USP/ESALQ, Piracicaba, SP, from 27 August 2001 until 28 February 2002. Treatments corresponded to four steady state conditions characterized by sward surface heights (SSH) of 10, 20, 30 and 40 cm, assigned to experimental units according to a complete randomized block design, with four replications. LAI values (1.7, 3.5, 4.0 and 3.8) increased with increasing SSH (10, 20, 30 and 40 cm, respectively) and were not different among the 20, 30 and 40 cm treatments. Similar trend was recorded for herbage accumulation rates (102.0, 118.5, 121.6 and 113.9 kg ha -1 ) and forage yield (10,300, 13,340, 12,620 and 13,880 kg ha -1 ). The concentration (88.5, 111.7, 109.8 and 118.4 g kg -1 ) and pool (0.152, 0.167, 0.180 and 0.157 kg m -2 ) of NSC increased with increasing SSH (10, 20, 30 and 40 cm, respectively), whereas the inverse occurred with the concentration and pool of all nitrogenous compounds (10.65, 8.93, 8.64 and 8.04 g kg -1 total N and 0.018, 0.017, 0.014 and 0.012 kg m -2 total N, respectively). In relation to time of the year, there was a sharp decrease in the concentration and pool of NSC throughout the experimental period (118.8 to 87.2 g kg -1 and 0.225 to 0.111 kg m -2 , respectively, from September to February) as well as in the concentration and pool of all nitrogenous compounds (12.76 to 3.98 g kg -1 total N and 0.031 to 0.005 kg m -2 total N, respectively, from September to February), initially motivated by the commencement of summer (growing season) and followed by the beginning of reproductive development of plants. Pools of NSC and all nitrogenous compounds stored in stem base were consistently higher than those stored in roots and comprised the prime source of substances for plant growth, that being the reason for presenting the greatest reductions throughout the experimental period. Reproductive stems proved to be very strong metabolic drains during the reproductive phase of plant development as well as tiller growing points during the vegetative phase. The total N concentration in tiller leaves decreased with time (17.4 to 13.1 g kg -1 from December to February), with values increasing for senescent, mature and elongating leaves (11.4, 14.0 and 16.7 g kg -1 , respectively). The 10 cm SSH corresponded to a drastic defoliation condition, indicating that grazing management should be conducted within the 20 to 40 cm SSH range. The choice of the most appropriate SSH condition must take into account the main objective and nature of the animal production system proposed.

Modelo computacional para determinação do risco econômico em culturas irrigadas / Computational model for economical risk determination in irrigated cultures

Marques, Patricia Angélica Alves 26 August 2005 (has links)
As empresas agrícolas atuam sob condições de risco, dessa maneira a utilidade de modelos determinísticos para fins de planejamento torna-se relativamente limitada. Isto implica na necessidade de não se desprezar a aleatoriedade de determinados coeficientes e introduzir o risco na análise do projeto. Com este objetivo, desenvolveu-se uma ferramenta na forma de um Modelo Computacional para Determinação do Risco Econômico em Culturas Irrigadas, para o ambiente Windows XP em linguagem Delphi 7.0, que permite simular situações de implantação e manejo da irrigação e suas conseqüências econômicas sob o horizonte de risco. Esse modelo considera, na forma de um projeto, as características agronômicas pertinentes ao solo, a cultura e ao clima, para estudar, de maneira regional, o armazenamento de água no solo, a evapotranspiração, o desenvolvimento da cultura durante as fases fenológicas e o preço de venda do produto. Para atingir o objetivo o modelo realiza simulações dos parâmetros de preço de venda do produto, taxa de manutenção do sistema de irrigação, horas de trabalho necessárias por hectare e por irrigação realizada, preço da água, vida útil do sistema de irrigação e taxa de juros; as quais são classificadas em classes, sendo: cinco classes para vida útil, taxa de manutenção, horas de trabalho necessárias por hectare e por irrigação realizada, preço da água e juros, e 10 classes para o preço de venda do produto. Com esses parâmetros o modelo computacional gera 31.250 valores de benefícios líquidos anuais combinados das classes com suas respectivas probabilidades de ocorrência, permitindo assim um estudo probabilístico dos possíveis resultados da decisão de aquisição do sistema de irrigação. Como resultados essa ferramenta simula e fornece a distribuição de probabilidades dos fatores econômicos e calcula os custos fixos, custos variáveis, custos totais e benefícios líquidos anuais da irrigação. Com os 31.250 valores de benefícios líquidos anuais e suas probabilidades realiza o teste de aderência às funções de densidade de probabilidade normal ou triangular e posteriormente exibe as probabilidades de viabilidade do projeto, a relação benefício/custo, valor esperado de benefício líquido, desvio absoluto, variância, desvio padrão e coeficiente de variação como índices econômicos envolvidos na decisão de irrigar ou não irrigar. Apresenta também uma análise de sensibilidade do benefício líquido anual em função da variação dos fatores econômicos e a participação em porcentagem dos fatores econômicos na formação do custo total da irrigação. Nas análises realizadas sobre a irrigação da cana-de-açúcar para região de Piracicaba, todos os sistemas testados apresentaram relação benefício/custo inferior a um e valores esperados de benefício líquido anual da irrigação negativos, indicando inviabilidade. A utilização do motor diesel apresentou para todos os sistemas, probabilidade nula de ocorrência de benefício líquido anual maior que zero. Dentre os sistemas analisados o pivô central apresentou a maior probabilidade de ocorrência de benefício líquido anual maior que zero (10,70%) utilizando energia elétrica. No caso da irrigação do tomate industrial na região de Piracicaba todos os sistemas testados apresentaram viabilidade, isto é, relação benefício/custo sempre maior que um e valores esperados de benefício líquido anual positivos. Dentre eles a aspersão convencional apresentou a maior relação benefício/custo (média de 4,74), o maior valor esperado de benefício líquido anual (R$ 1.582,60 ha-1 ano-1) e o menor risco com um desvio padrão de R$ 363,99 ha-1 ano-1. / The agricultural companies were submitted to risky conditions, so the utility of deterministic models to planning is relatively limited. That implies in not despise the randomness of some coefficients and to introduce them in the project analysis. As a proposal of this work a Computational model for risk determination in irrigated cultures was elaborated for Windows XP® in Delphi 7.0 language, that allow the simulation of implanting and managing irrigations projects and their economical consequences under the risk conditions. This model considers, in a project form, the agronomical characteristics of the soil, of the culture and of the climate, to study, regionally, the water storage in the soil, the evapotranspiration, the culture development during the phenological phases and the selling price of the product. To reach its objectives the model accomplishes simulations in the selling price of the product, maintaining cost of the irrigation system, hours of needed work by hectare and per irrigation, water cost, useful life of the system and the welfare taxes, that were classified in classes as: five for useful live, maintain tax, hours of needed work by hectare and per irrigation, water cost and welfare taxes; and ten for selling price. With those parameters the model generated 31,250 values of annual combined liquid profits of the classes with their respective probability of occurrence, allowing a probabilistic study of the possible results in the acquisition of an irrigation system, e.g., the probability of the project viability. This tool, as its results, simulates and displays the economical factor probability and calculates the variable and the non variable costs, total costs and annual profits of irrigation. With the 31,250 values of annual profits and their probabilities, it realizes the adherence test to the density functions of normal or triangular probability and exhibits the project viability probabilities, cost/profit relation, expected value of liquid profit, absolute deviance, variance, standard deviation and coefficient of variation as economical indexes involved in the decision of or not of to irrigate. It also presents a sensibility analysis of the annual profit as a function of the economical variation factors and the participation, in percentage, of those factors in the total cost of the irrigation. In the analysis of sugarcane irrigation in the Piracicaba region, all tested systems showed a cost/profit relation inferior to one and expected annual irrigation profit values negative indicating the inviability. The use of a diesel motor, for any system, showed the null probability of the annual profit to be higher then zero. Among the tested systems the center pivot showed the highest probability of annual liquid profits higher then zero (10.7%) using electrical energy. In the case of tomato culture for industry under irrigation, in the Piracicaba region, all systems were viable, e.g., the relation cost/profit ever higher then one and expected values of annual liquid profits positive. Among them the conventional aspersion showed the higher relation between cost/profit with a mean of 4.74, the highest expected value of annual liquid profit of R$ 1,582.60 ha-1 year-1 and with the lower risk with standard deviation of R$ 363.99 ha-1 year-1.

Diversidade e atividade funcional de cianobactérias das ilhas Rei George e Deception, Arquipélago Shetland do Sul, Antártica / Diversity and functional activity of cyanobacteria from King George and Deception Islands, South Shetland Archipelago, Antarctica.

Genuario, Diego Bonaldo 19 September 2014 (has links)
As cianobactérias caracterizam-se como o grupo de micro-organismos fotoautotrófico mais abundante encontrado nas regiões polares. Representantes deste grupo realizam a fotossíntese oxigênica e também podem fixar o nitrogênio atmosférico. A maioria dos levantamentos da comunidade de cianobactérias na Antártica tem sido realizada apenas por meio de observações microscópicas de amostras ambientais. O isolamento de linhagens e consequentes estudos fisiológicos, bem como, análises independentes de cultivo ainda são escassos. Neste estudo a comunidade de cianobactérias de duas ilhas oceânicas da Antártica foi investigada utilizando abordagens moleculares dependentes e independentes de cultivo. O papel ecológico das cianobactérias como fornecedoras de formas assimiláveis de nitrogênio e o potencial genético para biossíntese de produtos naturais também foi avaliado. Sessenta e oito linhagens de cianobactérias foram isoladas a partir de diferentes substratos coletados. Elas pertencem às ordens Chroococcales, Pseudanabaenales, Oscillatoriales e Nostocales, famílias Xenococcaceae, Dermocarpellaceae, Pseudanabaenaceae, Oscillatoriaceae, Nostocaceae, Microchaetaceae e Rivulariaceae. Análises filogenéticas baseadas nas sequências de RNAr 16S dessas cianobactérias revelou a existência de agrupamentos: formado exclusivamente por sequência de linhagem isolada nesse trabalho; composto por sequências antárticas oriundas desse e de outros trabalhos desenvolvidos em outras regiões antárticas; e por sequências originárias de diversas regiões do mundo. Quarenta e uma linhagens apresentaram fragmento do gene nifH, responsável pela codificação do complexo enzimático da nitrogenase, o qual está envolvido na fixação biológica do nitrogênio (FBN). Formas unicelulares (Chroococcales), homocitadas (Pseudanabaenales e Oscillatoriales) e heterocitadas (Nostocales) apresentaram potencial genético para realização da FBN, e 18 delas foram submetidas aos testes de redução de acetileno (ARA) com alta sensibilidade de detecção. Todas as linhagens testadas exibiram alguma atividade em resposta a diferentes concentrações de oxigênio e/ou a luminosidade em diferentes condições de temperatura. Filogeneticamente, as sequências do gene nifH apresentaram três padrões distintos de agrupamento, o que pode estar relacionado aos eventos evolutivos envolvidos na distribuição e ou manutenção deste gene. A presença de genes e ou regiões intergênicas evidenciaram o elevado potencial genético dessas linhagens para sintetizar produtos naturais com interesse biotecnológico. A abundância no número de cópias do gene nifH relacionado às cianobactérias nas amostras de biofilme reforça a importância desse grupo de microorganismos como fornecedor de formas reduzidas de N para o ambiente antártico. A análise da comunidade de cianobactérias por meio do sequenciamento do RNAr 16S de DNA metagenômico evidenciou predominância de UTOs relacionadas às ordens Nostocales, Oscillatoriales e Pseudanabaenales, famílias Pseudanabaenaceae, Phormidiaceae, Nostocaceae e Rivulariaceae. A árvore filogenética contendo as sequências de cianobactérias cultivadas e não-cultivadas mostrou que somente parte da comunidade presente em biofilmes foi acessada por isolamento, indicando a complementariedade entre as duas abordagens utilizadas na análise da comunidade de cianobactérias / Cyanobacteria are characterized as the most abundant group of photoautotrophic microorganisms found in the polar regions. Members of this group perform oxygenic photosynthesis and many of them can also fix atmospheric nitrogen. Investigations on the cyanobacterial community have been made mainly applying microscopic observations of environmental samples. Cyanobacterial isolation, physiological studies and cultureindependent analyses are scarce. In this study the cyanobacterial community from two oceanic islands in Antarctica was investigated using culture-dependent and independent approaches. Also, the ecological role of this group of microorganisms as nitrogen-fixing organisms and the genetic potential for biosynthesis of natural products were evaluated. Sixty-eight cyanobacterial strains were isolated from different environmental samples. They belong to the orders Chroococcales, Pseudanabaenales, Oscillatoriales and Nostocales, families Xenococcaceae, Dermocarpellaceae, Pseudanabaenaceae, Oscillatoriaceae, Nostocaceae, Microchaetaceae and Rivulariaceae. Phylogenetic analyses based on 16S rRNA sequences of these cyanobacteria revealed the existence of groups: exclusively formed by sequence of strain isolated in this work; intermixed sequences from this and other studies developed in other Antarctic regions; and sequences originated from different regions of the world. Fortyone cultured strains possess the nifH gene fragment encoding the nitrogenase enzyme complex, which is related to the biological nitrogen fixation (BNF). Unicellular (Chroococcales), homocytous (Pseudanabaenales and Oscillatoriales) and heterocytous forms (Nostocales) showed genetic potential for BNF, and 18 of them were subjected to acetylene reduction assay (ARA) coupled with a sensitive laser photoacoustic ethylene detector. All strains tested exhibited some nitrogenase activity in response to different concentrations of oxygen and or irradiance under different temperature conditions. Phylogenetically, the nifH gene sequences showed three distinct grouping patterns that may be related to the evolutionary events involved in the distribution and or maintenance of this gene. The presence of genes and or intergenic regions in these cyanobacterial strains underscores the genetic potential of them to synthesize natural products with biotechnological interest.The abundance of nifH gene copies related to cyanobacteria in biofilm samples highlights the importance of this group of microorganisms as suppliers of N reduced forms for Antarctic environment. The analysis of the cyanobacteria community revealed by 16S rRNA sequencing of metagenomic DNA showed a predominance of OTUs related to orders Nostocales, Oscillatoriales and Pseudanabaenales, families Pseudanabaenaceae, Phormidiaceae, Nostocaceae and Rivulariaceae. The phylogenetic tree containing Antarctic sequences from cultivated and uncultivated cyanobacteria showed that only part of this community in biofilms has been accessed by isolation, indicating the complementarity between the two approaches used in the analysis of cyanobacterial community

Architecture racinaire et stabilité chez le pin maritime (Pinus pinaster Ait.) au stade jeune / Root architecture and mechanical stability in Pinus pinaster Ait. saplings

Danquechin Dorval, Antoine 26 March 2015 (has links)
Les tempêtes sont responsables de la moitié des dégâts dans les forêts européennes. Lemassif landais a été touché par deux tempêtes. L’ancrage racinaire est une composante majeure de la stabilité des arbres. L'ancrage du pin adulte est dépendant du développement des racines au stade jeune puisqu’elles ne fourchent pas spontanément et ne possèdent pas d’axes à développement retardé. Notre but était de mettre en relation architecture racinaire, stabilité et itinéraire sylvicole. Nous avons mesuré et analysé de façon innovante l'architecture racinaire d'arbres âgés de 3 à 5 ans et de 13 ans ayant subi une tempête. Le pivot des arbres de 13 ans ne représente que 12% de la biomasse racinaire mais reste le composant majeur de la stabilité. Un ancrage efficace est assuré par un pivot vertical unique, petit et large ou long et fin, par le volume des racines profondes et par la rigidité des racines traçantes. Le maintien du tronc est uniquement lié à la rigidité de la partie centrale du système racinaire. La fonction d’haubanage des racines traçantes est faible. La taille du plus grand secteur sans racine traçante auvent et sous le vent tout comme une microtopographie importante au vent n’interviennent pas dans la stabilité. Au stade jeune, les arbres plantés présentent de nombreuses déformations des racines traçantes,déformations qui les redistribuent au hasard tout autour de la souche avant d’être rapidement incluses par la souche en croissance. Le développement du pivot est en général correct. Les différents types de labour n’impactent pas l’architecture racinaire. Les racines traçantes suivent la surface du sol et peuvent être coupées lors des entretiens de la strate basse. / Storms account for half of the damages in European forests; the Landes forest has beenheavily damaged by two major storms. Root anchorage is a major element in tree stability. The root anchorage of mature pine is strongly linked with the root development in seedlings as this species donot spontaneously fork and do not grow delayed branches. The aim of our research was to link rootarchitecture, stability and stand management practices. We measured and analyzed in an innovative way the root architecture of 3-5-year-old trees as well as 13-year-old trees from stands damaged by astorm.The 13-year-old trees, taproot only represented 12% of root biomass but still remained the maincomponent of stability. An efficient anchorage was provided by a unique vertical taproot, short andlarge or long and thin, together with a larger deep root volume. Windward shallow roots stiffness alsocontributed to stability. Stem leaning was solely prevented by the stiffness of the central part of theroot system. The guying of shallow roots did not contribute to stability. The size of the largest anglebetween shallow roots windward and leeward was not related to stem leaning. Similarly, a largerfurrow leeward did not weaken tree stability.Planted seedling show large deformations of their shallow lateral roots, randomly distributed around the stump before being later included in the growing stump. The taproot growth was generally correct. Root architecture of trees after strip ploughing was not different from those of full ploughing. Theshallow roots follow the soil surface and can be cut during mechanical weed control.

The molecular genotyping of flower development genes and allelic variations in ‘historic’ barley accessions

Aslan, Selcuk January 2010 (has links)
<p>This is a genetic study of flowering time in cultivated barley with the aim to identify the alleles contributing to rapid flowering and frost resistance. We have genotyped a collection of 23 historic barley varieties for the crucial genes [<em>VRN-1, VRN-2, VRN-3</em> (<em>HvFT</em>), <em>Ppd-H1, CO</em>, and <em>Vrs1</em>]. We have amplified the polymorphic mutations by PCR-based methods, and sequenced them to identify possible haplotype groups. The row type was not determined of all accessions, but all the Scandinavian varieties were found to carry mutant alleles of <em>Vrs1</em>, that indicates them to be six-row barleys. The deletion of the crucial segment of <em>VRN-1 </em>vernalization contributes dominant spring growth habit. We found haplotype groups 2 and 4 to be dominant in Northern barleys whereas haplotype groups 1 and 5 dominated in south. The presence of dominant allele <em>VRN-2</em> gene is addressed to floral repression until plants get vernalized. Most of the 23 varieties were found to have deleted allele of <em>VRN-2</em>, which is connected with a spring growth habit. The only four of the accessions that have the dominant allele of <em>Ppd-H1</em> that contribute flowering are generally from the south of Europe. <em>HvFT</em> and <em>CO</em> genes <em>CO</em>-interact to influence flowering time. <em>CO</em> haplotype grouping suggest a geographical distribution of different alleles but needs more disseminations. Certain <em>HvFT</em> alleles cause extremely early flowering during apex development in the varieties that have deletion of <em>VRN-2</em> alleles under long days. <em>VRN-3</em> alleles of 14 varieties were identified.</p>

The molecular genotyping of flower development genes and allelic variations in ‘historic’ barley accessions

Aslan, Selcuk January 2010 (has links)
This is a genetic study of flowering time in cultivated barley with the aim to identify the alleles contributing to rapid flowering and frost resistance. We have genotyped a collection of 23 historic barley varieties for the crucial genes [VRN-1, VRN-2, VRN-3 (HvFT), Ppd-H1, CO, and Vrs1]. We have amplified the polymorphic mutations by PCR-based methods, and sequenced them to identify possible haplotype groups. The row type was not determined of all accessions, but all the Scandinavian varieties were found to carry mutant alleles of Vrs1, that indicates them to be six-row barleys. The deletion of the crucial segment of VRN-1 vernalization contributes dominant spring growth habit. We found haplotype groups 2 and 4 to be dominant in Northern barleys whereas haplotype groups 1 and 5 dominated in south. The presence of dominant allele VRN-2 gene is addressed to floral repression until plants get vernalized. Most of the 23 varieties were found to have deleted allele of VRN-2, which is connected with a spring growth habit. The only four of the accessions that have the dominant allele of Ppd-H1 that contribute flowering are generally from the south of Europe. HvFT and CO genes CO-interact to influence flowering time. CO haplotype grouping suggest a geographical distribution of different alleles but needs more disseminations. Certain HvFT alleles cause extremely early flowering during apex development in the varieties that have deletion of VRN-2 alleles under long days. VRN-3 alleles of 14 varieties were identified.

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