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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Opportunities and impediments in the implementation of environmental education within Curriculum 2005 : a Lusikisiki district case study

Ruhinda, Bernadette 31 December 2004 (has links)
This study investigated the opportunities and impediments that were present in C2005 and which impacted on the implementation of environmental education in selected schools in the Lusikisiki District of the Eastern Cape Province. The sample consisted of 12 learners from grade 2 to grade 7, 26 educators and 2 parents from 2 GET band schools. Two Department of Education Officials also formed part of the sample. Interviews were conducted and observations were made within the two schools to get an insight on the position and status of environmental education in the two schools. The study's findings indicated that the position and status of environmental education in the two schools were low although all the stakeholders had a desire to see things improving. The study puts forward some recommendations and review of environmental education implementation strategies. It also makes suggestions for further related investigation in this area. / Educational Studies / M.Ed(Environmental Education))

The role of parents, teachers and the state in the establishment of a culture of teaching and learning : a study in time perspective

Shiluvane, Samuel Mugebisa 11 1900 (has links)
This thesis reflected upon the historical roots of the problems which prevent parents, teachers and the state from fulfilling their societal functions in such a way that a culture of teaching and learning is established. It was emphasised that during the traditional period (1554-1799) parents, teachers and the state (chiefs) played a leading role in the upbringing of children to the extent that there were few factors militating against the establishment of a culture of teaching and learning. From 1799 up to 1910 education was under the control of missionaries. Missionaries made the mistake of encouraging the weakening of traditional values once effectively employed in raising children. Parents were not given an opportunity to play an effective role in the education oftheir children. Schools lacked resources. Teachers were poorly paid and ill qualified. In spite of these shortcomings, missionaries did more good than harm in creating favourable conditions for teaching and learning. It was also indicated that from 1910 up to 1953 education was under the control of the missionaries and provincial administrations (backed by the Union Government). The era was characterised by: • The state giving increasing financial assistance to schools • The teachers' fight for the improvement of their conditions of service and resources. • The limited participation given to parents in educational matters concerning their children. It was further indicated that when Bantu Education was introduced in 1953, schools became political battle-fields. Through the influence of political organisations, parents, teachers and school children organised strikes took place in protest against the Bantu Education system. The state relied on repressive measures to control education. The activities of political organisations and the state led to the breakdown of the culture of teaching and learning. The threatening situation in the country towards the late 1970s caused the state to realise the urgency of bringing reforms into education. The reforms brought about by the state were rejected by parents, teachers and school children. This resulted in the continuation of the crisis in education. Despite the dawn of the New Dispensation in 1990 parents, teachers and the state are worried by the deepening education crisis manifested in factors such as violence, increasing use of drugs and the Aids epidemic. Finally, it was indicated that there are no instant solutions to the deepening education crisis. What is important is that parents, teachers and the state should make a united effort to bring about a gradual improvement. / Educational Studies / D. Ed.(History of Education)

Teacher attitudes towards the implementation of the learning area technology

Pudi, Thabo Israel 30 June 2002 (has links)
Educational Studies / D. Ed.(Psychology of Education)Educational Studies

'n Histories-opvoedkundige ondersoek na die invloed van die sinkretisme op die moderne onderwys

Aucamp, Barend Bernardus 01 January 2002 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Summary in Afrikaans and English / This study is an attempt to analyse and describe syncretism as an encompassing phenomenon from a historical-educational perspective. In recent times, the ideas of globalization, the influence of modern science, as well as certain ideas concerning modern education, are closely related to the manifestation of syncretism. A study of various exemplars from the past and present disclosed the essences of syncretism, thus unveiling the religious growth-motives that underlie syncretism, which also played an important role in the development of Western civilization and the modem world. The multi-faith idea (the idea of unity and synthesis), the idea of secularization, and the idea of relativity, were identified as prominent characteristics of syncretism. The identification and analysis of the essences of syncretism and supporting religious principles. become possible when syncretism is set in opposition to the Biblical and reformational thought processes. Bible-based education provides an alternative to syncretism in a fast changing and post-modern world. It gives perspective on the instruction to people to care for and develop God's creation. The intrinsic characteristics of Bible-based education were used as evaluation criteria in an attempt to expose syncretism. The characteristics of Bible-based education which also provide a framework for establishing a corrective to the problematic educational situation, are the following: • the acknowledgement of the Holy Trinity as central to man's existence; • the Bible/Holy Scriptures as essential for a Christian world and life view; • the essence of a Christian anthropology; • education as the fulfilment of God's covenant with man; • the directive role of Bible-based norms; • the transfer of culture through education • Biblical cosmology as an expression of the Christian faith; • the reformational aspect of Bible-based education. In the evaluation of syncretism, it was discovered that the relationship between man and the Holy Trinity would be negatively affected if the Christian religion were not regarded as the only source of truth concerning the salvation of man and the true meaning of life. The influence of syncretism necessitates a reformational and antithetical approach, which constantly emphasises the importance of the educator's role in the teaching and education of the child in the modem educational system. / In hierdie studie word gepoog om die sinkretisme as omvattende verskynsel vanuit 'n histories-opvoedkundige perspektief te ontleed en te omskryf. Die globaliseringsverskynsel, die inwerking van die modeme wetenskap en bepaalde idees in die moderne onderwys hang saam met die manifestasie van die sinkretisme in die eietyd. In 'n eksemplariese verlede- en eietydse studie is grondig ondersoek ingestel na tendense en verskynsels wat die wesenlike van die sinkretisme openbaar. Religieuse grondmotiewe in die Westerse beskawingsontwikkeling het 'n wesenlike bydrae gelewer tot die opkoms van die sinkretisme van die moderne wereld. Die wesenskenmerke wat prominent in die eksemplariese ondersoek betreffende die realisering van die sinkretisme gemanifesteer het, was die multireligieuse/intergeloofsidee en sintesedenke (eenheidsidee), die sekulariseringsverskynsel en die relatiwiteitsverskynsel. Die identifisering en ontleding van die wesenskenmerke van die sinkretisme en ondersteunende religieuse grondmotiewe word moontlik indien die sinkretisme teenoor die Bybelse en reformatoriese denkhouding gestel word. Bybelgefundeerde onderwys bied 'n altematief vir die sinkretisme in 'n snel veranderende en postmodeme wereld en gee perspektief aan die mens se beheersingsopdrag in die skeppingswerklikheid. Die wesenskenmerke van Bybelgefundeerde onderwys is as evalueringskriteria aangewend in 'n poging om die sinkretisme in sy ware gedaante te ontbloot. Die wesenskenmerke wat terselfdertyd die raamwerk vir die daarstel van 'n korrektief vir die problematiese onderwyssituasie bied, is: • God Drie-enig as sentrale uitgangspunt; • die Bybel/Heilige Skrif as essensieel vir 'n Christelike lewens en wereldbeskouing; • die Christelike mensbeeld (antropologie) as voorwaarde vir Bybel-gefundeerde onderwys • onderwys en opvoeding as die bevestiging van God se verbond met die mens; • die rigtinggewende rol van Bybelgefundeerde norme; • kultuuroordrag en Bybelgefundeerde onderwys; • die Bybelse skeppingsleer as 'n uitdrukking van die Christelike geioof; • die refonnatoriese/gereformeerde inslag van Bybelgefundeerde onder­wys In die evaluering van die sinkretisme is bevind dat die mens se grondverhouding met God Drie-enig aangetas word indien die Christelike godsdiens nie as die enigste bron van waarheid betreffende die mens se redding en toekomsverwagting beskou word nie. Die inwerking van die sinkretisme noodsaak in die moderne onderwyssisteem 'n reformatoriese en antitetiese denkhouding wat die mens deurlopend opskerp ten opsigte van sy rol as opvoeder in die opvoeding en onderwys van die kind. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (History of Education)

Issues and challenges regarding the implementation of environmental education policy in formal education in South Africa

Maila, Mago William 11 1900 (has links)
Issues and challenges that teachers and educator encounter in implementing school-based Environmental Education have been established, described and explored against the background of the South African education system. In a succinct manner sources upon and from which Curriculum 2005 (C2005) is founded have been explored. Within C2005 the foundations of EE have been traced. International and national trends and developments have been illuminated and the contributions of these endeavours are eminent in school-based EE. The methodology and research process of study does not claim to be the only one appropriate for this research question. However, the research focus has been studied through the chosen methodology as the socio-historical context demanded. The research process has been dynamic with the researcher responding to the emerging data and being guided by the research activities outlined in the research design. The two case studies have provided the researcher with valuable data necessary for making sound judgements about issues and challenges encountered during the implementation of environmental learning in formal education structures. Although the research question has been adequately explored, the study does not claim to be exhaustive and with no limitations. It is hoped that the recommendations made in the study, based on the findings, will be valuable to teachers, educators and education policy makers involved with EE implementation in formal education. / Educational Studies / D.Ed. (Didactics)

The role of the senior management team in managing outcomes-based assessment

Saib, Mariam 30 June 2004 (has links)
Assessment is an integral component of outcomes-based education which requires a paradigm shift in assessment processes. Outcomes-based assessment is more intense than traditional assessment since it reports on many dimensions of performance. Performance is analysed in relation to outcomes and the learning demonstrated and record-keeping is more complex. This study explored the experiences of the Senior Management Team and Foundation Phase educators of a selected primary school regarding outcomes-based education, outcomes-based assessment and its management. A literature review of outcomes-based education, outcomes-based assessment and instructional leadership and an empirical study using a qualitative approach were conducted. Document analysis and semi-structured interviews with educators and school management were used for data-gathering. Findings indicated that the initial implementation of outcomes-based education was problematic, however, effective instructional leadership had improved educators' understanding and implementation of assessment. Thereafter recommendations were made for the improvement of practice. / Educational Studies / Thesis (M.Ed.)

Evaluating the impact of the principles of the National curriculum statement on grade 10 Life Orientation

Skosana, Petrus Sizani 11 1900 (has links)
Effective implementation of the principles of the National curriculum Statement (NCS) for Life Orientation has various requirements. Thus, with a specific focus on Life Orientation in grade 10, the study aimed at investigating various issues around the implementation of these principles. To this end, a mixed-methods approach was used. In the quantitative phase, questionnaires were used. In the qualitative phase, focus groups and interviews were used to collect data. Similar questions were asked in both phases. The sample was a group of 48 Life Orientation teachers from 48 secondary schools in the Gauteng West district. Ethical issues were considered. Techniques to ensure validity and reliability were also taken into account. The results showed that, in general: • the introduction of the NCS in Life Orientation had resulted in too much paperwork and administration for the teachers; • the principles of the NCS had not helped to transform education from the apartheid era system of education to the present democratic system of education; • the teachers were poorly trained with regard to implementing the principles of the NCS in the sense that there were not enough workshops and follow-up support provided; • the principles of the NCS were not implemented at schools, among others because there were problems with the distribution of policies to the teachers via the school management; • the implementation of the principles of the NCS did not make the envisaged impact on learner attitudes since the attitudes of many learners were often negative; • the implementation of the principles of the NCS did not make the envisaged impact on learner respect for other cultures; • the principles of the NCS did not have the ideal impact on morals, values and standards; or impact significantly on crime rate, learner pregnancy or disrespect at school; and• the principles of the NCS did not support learners well to acquire life skills. • However, the principles of the NCS in Life Orientation were more successful with regards to helping address barriers to learning. In line with the above, recommendations were made and the limitations of the study were pointed out. / Further Teacher Education / D. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)

The learning area life orientation within outcomes-based education

Toddun, Susan 11 1900 (has links)
The introduction of Outcomes-Based Curriculum 2005, has meant that the learning area of Life Orientation has undergone significant changes. These changes encompass both the scope of the learning area of Life Orientation, and the implementation of Life Orientation. The aim of this investigation has been to examine the implications of Outcomes-Based Curriculum 2005, for Life Orientation as well as to propose a method of assisting this implementation. The training of facilitators has met with mixed results and there is still confusion surrounding Curriculum 2005, and the learning area of Life Orientation. The development of an implementation model was therefore proposed and developed to assist Life Orientation facilitators to make the transition from a theoretical understanding to the practical implementation. The results of the study determined that the facilitators were overwhelmingly in support of the implementation model. They found it provided a logical and comprehensive framework, which would be helpful in assisting them with planning their learning programmes. In order to understand more fully the effectiveness of the implementation model in the classroom reality, it will however be necessary to undertake a study over a longer term with participating facilitators. A number of other issues also were investigated as part of this study. From this it was determined that facilitators feel they require more training to implement an Outcomes-Based appro'ach particularly with regard to assessment. Facilitators have also not yet fully understood what constitutes the learning area of Life Orientation, nor their tasks as a facilitator. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

Onderwysersopleiding vir uitkomste-gebaseerde onderwys in Suid-Afrika

Dreyer, Johannes Machiel 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English and Afrikaans / This study was undertaken because of the realisation that a new approach to teacher education will have to be followed if teachers are to be empowered to teach within the framework of the new educational dispensation, Curriculum 2005. Because such a change implies a new curriculumfor teacher training there is a need for research on how providers will have to adapttheir training approach and curriculum to meet the challeng.es of Curriculum 2005. In this study the development of a model for outcomes-based learning programme design is undertaken. To achieve this: outcomes-based education systems in the USA, Australie, New Zealand, Canada and England are investigated; he unique model of outcomes-based education that is being implemented in Soutr Africa is described and explained; requirements for the training of teachers in the context of outcomes-based education and Curriculum 2005 are identified and described; a model for outcomes-based learning programme design is developed to serve as a possible framework for the design of learning programmes for teaeher education for outcomes-based education in South-Africa. The study shows that outcomes-based teacher education has received only scant attention in the rest of the world. It is also shown that the design of learning programmes for outcomes-based education requires a somewhat different approach than traditional curriculum design, where content play such a dominant role. A model for outcomes-based teacher.education is suggested to facilitate the development of such programmes. It is hoped that the model will be of use and that it will contribute to sensible learning programmes which will empower teachers to function successfully in an outcomes-based education system. / Hierdie studie het ontstaan uit die besef dat 'n nuwe benadering tot onderwysersopleiding gevolg sal moet word as onderwysers in staat gestel moet word om die nuwe kurrikulum, Kurrikulum 2005, op uitkomste- gebaseerde wyse in die praktyk te fasiliteer. Omdat so 'n verandering 'n nuwe kurrikulum impliseer is daar 'n behoefte aan navorsing om te bepaal hoe onderwysersopleidingsinstansies hul opleidingsbenadering en-kurrikulum moet aanpas om aan die eise van die nuwe kurrikulum en die nuwe onderrigrnodel in Suid-Afrika te voldoen. In hierdie studie is daar gepoog om 'n model vir uitkomste-gebaseerde leerprogramontwerp, vir die·opleiding van Suid-Afrikaanse onderwysers te ontwikkel. Om dit te kon regkry is: 'n ondersoek geloods na uitkomste-gebaseerde onderrigstelsels in die VSA, Australie, Nieu-Zeeland, Kanada en Engeland; die ontstaan en ontwikkeiing van die unieke model van uitkomste-gebaseerde onderrig wat tans in Suid-Afrika geimplementeer word, beskryf en verklaar; vereistes vir die opleiding van onderwysers geidentifiseer en beskryf binne die konteks van 'n uitkomste-gebaseerde onderrigrnodel en Kurrikulum 2005; 'n model vir uitkomste-gebaseerde leerprogram ontwikkel wat as moontlike raamwerk kan dien vir die ontwerp van leerprogramme vir opleiding van onderwysers vir uitkomste-gebaseetde onderrig in Suid-Afrika. Hierdie studie toon aan dat uitkomste-gebaseerde onderwysersopleiding nog weinig aandag geniet het in die res van die wereld. Daar word ook aangetoon dat die ontwerp van leerprogramme vir uitkomste-gebaseerde onderwysersopleiding 'n ietwat ander benadering vereis as wat gegeld het in tradisionele kurrikulumontwerp, waar inhoude so 'n dominante rol speel. 'n Model vir leerprogramontwerp vir uitkomste-gebaseerde onderwysersopleiding word voorgestel om die ontwikkeling van sodanige programme te vergemaklik. Daar word vertrou dat die model van waarde sal wees en daartoe sal meewerk dat sinvolle leer-programme antwerp sal word wat onderwysers in staat sal stel om suksesvol binne die stelsel van uitkomste-gebaseerde onderrig te funksioneer. / Teacher Education / D Ed. (Didactics)

Towards relevance in language teaching : an outcomes-based approach

Lombard, Ilse 06 1900 (has links)
Chapter one of this study outlines some of the problems encountered in education today, with particular reference to the 'relevance gap'. This is taken to mean that the education which learners receive does not adequately prepare them for life, i.e. academic life, social life and their later career. The South African scenario is described briefly, with the focus on English language teaching and learning. The importance of English language skills is underlined. This chapter also includes a discussion on the writer's awareness of the problem, the research proposal, aims and method of the study plus a definition of terms. The next chapter argues that the curriculum is at the centre of the education endeavour and indicates that a relevant curriculum is one that (a) is dynamic, (b) focuses on the learner, (c) considers the context within which and for which the learning takes place and (d) includes all the relevant role-players and stakeholders in its design and development. A set of guidelines for developing and implementing a relevant curriculum, are then suggested based on this assumption. This is followed by a description of the traditional curriculum model, as proposed by Robert Zais (1976), and the outcomes-based approach to curriculum design, development and implementation proposed by William Spady (1993). The latter formed the basis for the development of Curriculum 2005 currently being implemented in South Africa. This section serves to illustrate the differences between these two approaches with regard to the principles underlying the approaches and the elements which determine the structure of the curriculum. In chapter four the researcher attempts to evaluate the traditional curriculum and the outcomesbased approach descn"bed in Chapter 3 on the basis of the guidelines for a relevant curriculum outlined previously, i.e. to what degree do these two models satisfy the need for: * a dynamic curriculum which is true to life and responsive to changes within society; * a focus on learner needs and aptitudes; * a careful consideration of the context within which and for which the learning is taking place; and * the inclusion of the relevant stakeholders and role-players in its design, development and implementation. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / M. Ed. (Didactics).

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