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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Functional Characterization of Actin Sequestering Proteins in Plasmodium berghei

Hliscs, Marion 17 January 2012 (has links)
Plasmodien spp. sind obligat intrazellulär lebende Parasiten, welche einen evolutionär konservierten aktinabhängigen molekularen Motor für die Fortbewegung und den Wirtszellein- und -austritt nutzen. In dieser Arbeit werden die Aktinregulatoren Adenylyl- Zyklase- assoziierte Protein (C-CAP), Profilin sowie die Aktin depolymerizierenden Faktoren 1 und 2 (ADF1, ADF2) in Plasmodium berghei charakterisiert. Die Geninaktivierung von C-CAP besitzt keinen Einfluss auf die Entwicklung von pathogenen Blutstadien. C-cap(-) Ookineten bewegen sich jedoch deutlich langsamer, sind aber in der Lage den invertebraten Wirt zu infizieren. Defekte treten während der extrazellulären Replikationsphase im Mosquito auf und führen zu Abbruch des Lebenszykluses. Die erfolgreiche Komplementierung der Defekte mit dem orthologen Gen aus Cryptosporidium parvum CpC-CAP bestätigt die funktionale Redundanz zwischen beiden Proteinen. Profilin, als ein weiteres G-Aktin bindendes Protein, ist hingegen nicht in der Lage die Defekte des c-cap(-) Parasiten auszugleichen. Mittels transgener Parasiten welche ein C-CAPmCherry Fusionsprotein exprimieren, wird das C-CAP Protein im Zytoplasma lokalisiert. Erstmals wird mit dieser Arbeit ein G-Aktin bindendes Protein, C-CAP beschrieben, welches eine essentielle Funktion während der Oozystenreifung in Plasmodium berghei besitzt. Die Transkription der Aktinregulatoren Profilin, ADF1 und ADF2 wird in Sporozoiten drastisch herunterreguliert und Profilin kann als Protein nicht mehr nachgewiesen werden. Um die Funktion von C-CAP und Profilin zu überprüfen, wurden beide Proteine spezifisch in Sporozoiten überexprimiert. Diese Parasiten sind nicht in der Lage die Speicheldrüsen des Wirtes zu besiedeln, was zum Abbruch des Lebenszykluses führt. Anhand dieser Ergebnisse entwickele ich ein „minimalistisches“ Model zur Beschreibung der Aktinregulation in Sporozoiten in welchem das ADF1 als regulatorisches Protein im Mittelpunkt steht. / Plasmodium spp. are obligate intracellular parasites, which employ an conserved actin-dependent molecular motor machinery that facilitates their motility, host cell invasion and egress. In this work I report implications of the actin-regulators adenylyl cyclase-associated protein (C-CAP), profilin and actin depolymerization factor 1 and 2 (ADF1, ADF2) in distinct and previously unanticipated cellular processes during the life cycle of in the rodent malarial parasite Plasmodium berghei. Fluorescent tagging of the endogenous C-CAP genetic locus with mCherry revealed cytosolic distribution of the protein. Gene deletion demonstrates that the G-actin binding protein C-CAP is entirely dispensable for the pathogenic blood stages. Ookinetes show reduced motility, but are competent infecting the mosquito host. Defects emerging in the extracellular replication phase, leading to attenuation of oocyst maturation. Successful trans-species complementation with the C. parvum C-CAP ortholog, rescues the c-cap(-) phenotype and proves functional redundancy. The actin regulator profilin fails to rescue the defects of c-cap(-) parasites, despite sharing its actin sequestering activity with C-CAP. Taken together, C-CAP is the first G-actin sequestering protein of Plasmodium species that is not required for motility but performs essential functions during oocyst maturation. Characterization of the actin regulators profilin, ADF1 and ADF2 revealed dramatic transcriptional down-regulation and the absence of the profilin protein in sporozoites. To test whether G-actin binding proteins interfere with sporozoite functions, I ectopically overexpressed of profilin and C-CAP stage-specifically in sporozoites. This conducted to abolishment of salivary gland invasion and lifecycle arrest. Based on these unexpected findings and the available literature data, I developed a “minimalistic model” for actin regulation in sporozoites that predicts ADF1 as the main actin-turnover regulating factor.

Untersuchungen über Konsequenzen einer deregulierten Chlorophyllsynthese und funktionelle Analyse des YCF54/LCAA-Proteins in Cyanobakterien und Pflanzen

Girke, Annabel 18 August 2015 (has links)
Die Biosynthese von Chlorophyll ist komplex und umfasst mehr als ein Dutzend enzymatische Schritte. Es ist nur allzu selbstverständlich, dass eine Deregulation der Chlorophyllsynthese globale Effekte auf die Zelle hat. Um diese Konsequenzen näher zu beleuchten, wurden Arabidopsis thaliana Pflanzen mit chemisch induzierter Deaktivierung von zwei Chlorophyllbiosynthesegenen (CHLH bzw. CHL27) erzeugt sowie photoautotophe Zellsuspensionskulturen von Arabidopsis thaliana hinsichtlich kurzzeitig induzierter Signalprozesse untersucht. Die Resultate verdeutlichen, dass durch Fehlregulationen innerhalb der Chlorophyllbiosynthese erzeugte reaktive Sauerstoffspezies die Transkriptionskontrolle kernkodierter Gene beeinflussen. Die Untersuchung eines enzymatischen Schrittes der Chlorophyllbiosynthese trat in dieser Arbeit in den Hauptfokus: Die Bildung des fünften, isozyklischen Ringes im Chlorophyllmolekül, katalysiert durch das bisher unzureichend erforschte Enzym Mg-Protoporphyrin-IX-monomethylester-Cyclase (Cyclase). Anhand von transgenen Cyanobakterien und Pflanzen sollte das noch unbekannte Gen ycf54 hinsichtlich seiner physiologischen Funktion in dem Cyclase-Enzymschritt analysiert werden. Das Fehlen von Ycf54 in Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 bzw. des homologen LCAA-Proteins in Nicotiana tabacum und Arabidopsis thaliana führt zu starken Cyclase-Substrat-Akkumulationen, verringerten Chlorophyllgehalten und reduzierten Ycf59- bzw. CHL27-Proteingehalten. Ein Mangel von Ycf54/LCAA beeinträchtigt daher die Funktionalität des Cyclase-Komplexes und scheint sich zudem interessanterweise auch auf die Stabilität photosynthetischer Antennenkomplexe auszuwirken. Mittels Pulldown-Assays konnte für Arabidopsis thaliana die direkte physikalische Interaktion zwischen LCAA und CHL27 bestätigt werden. Darüber hinaus sind erste Hinweise für die Ferredoxin-NADP-Reduktase als potenziellen Interaktionspartner gezeigt. / Synthesis of chlorophyll is a complex metabolic process and encompasses more than a dozen enzymatic reactions. It is self-evident that a deregulation of chlorophyll biosynthesis evokes global cellular impacts. To elucidate these consequences Arabidopsis thaliana plants with chemically inducible deactivation of two chlorophyll biosynthesis genes (CHLH and CHL27, respectively) were generated and photoautotrophic cell suspension cultures of Arabidopsis thaliana were used for short induced signal processes. The results illustrate that reactive oxygen species provoked by a deregulated chlorophyll synthesis affect the control of transcription of nuclear genes. The investigation of one enzymatic step of chlorophyll biosynthesis was placed as main focus: The formation of the isocyclic ring of the chlorophyll molecule catalyzed by the Mg protoporphyrin IX monomethyl ester cyclase (short: cyclase), an enzyme which is not fully investigated so far. The still unknown hypothetical chloroplast open reading frame (ycf) ycf54 should be analyzed concerning it’s physiological function in the enzymatic step of the cyclase using transgenic cyanobacteria and plants. Lack of Ycf54 in Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 and the homologous LCAA protein in Nicotiana tabacum and Arabidopsis thaliana, respectively, leads to chlorophyll deficiency, a strong accumulation of the cyclase substrate and reduced protein contents of Ycf59 and CHL27, respectively. A deficit of Ycf54/LCAA impairs the functionality of the cyclase complex and also might compromise the stability of photosynthetic antenna complexes. Using pull-down assays a direct physical interaction between LCAA and CHL27 could be confirmed. Additionally, first evidences for ferredoxin NADP reductase as a potential interaction partner was given.

Effects of Orexins, Guanylins and Feeding on Duodenal Bicarbonate Secretion and Enterocyte Intracellular Signaling

Bengtsson, Magnus Wilhelm January 2008 (has links)
<p>The duodenal epithelium secretes bicarbonate ions and this is regarded as the primary defence mechanism against the acid discharged from the stomach. For an efficient protection, the duodenum must also function as a sensory organ identifying luminal factors. Enteroendocrine cells are well-established intestinal “taste” cells that express signaling peptides such as orexins and guanylins. Luminal factors affect the release of these peptides, which may modulate the activity of nearby epithelial and neural cells.</p><p>The present thesis considers the effects of orexins and guanylins on duodenal bicarbonate secretion. The duodenal secretory response to the peptides was examined in anaesthetised rats <i>in situ</i> and the effects of orexin-A on intracellular calcium signaling by human as well as rat duodenal enterocytes were studied <i>in vitro</i>.</p><p>Orexin-A, guanylin and uroguanylin were all stimulants of bicarbonate secretion. The stimulatory effect of orexin-A was inhibited by the OX<sub>1</sub>-receptor selective antagonist SB-334867. The muscarinic antagonist atropine on the other hand, did not affect the orexin-A-induced secretion, excluding involvement of muscarinic receptors. Orexin-A induced calcium signaling in isolated duodenocytes suggesting a direct effect at these cells. Interestingly, orexin-induced secretion and calcium signaling as well as mucosal orexin-receptor mRNA and OX<sub>1</sub>-receptor protein levels were all substantially downregulated in overnight fasted rats compared with animals with continuous access to food. Further, secretion induced by Orexin-A was shown to be dependent on an extended period of glucose priming.</p><p>The uroguanylin-induced bicarbonate secretion was reduced by atropine suggesting involvement of muscarinic receptors. The melatonin receptor antagonist luzindole attenuated the secretory response to intra-arterially administered guanylins but had no effect on secretion when the guanylins were given luminally. </p><p>In conclusion, the results suggest that orexin-A as well as guanylins may participate in the regulation of duodenal bicarbonate secretion. Further, the duodenal orexin system is dependent on the feeding status of the animals.</p>

Vliv adenylát cyklázového toxinu na imunitní funkce dendritických buněk / Immunomodulation of dendritic cells by adenylate cyclase toxin from B. pertussis

Jáňová, Hana January 2010 (has links)
Adenylate cyclase toxin (CyaA) produced by the causative agent of whooping cough Bordetella pertussis, is a key virulence factor important for colonization of the host. CyaA targets preferentially myeloid phagocytes expressing CD11b/CD18 integrin. By elevating cytosolic cAMP in the host cells, CyaA interferes with their phagocytic, chemotactic and oxidative burst capacities. Furthermore, CyaA modulates the secretion of cytokines and the maturation state in LPS-stimulated dendritic cells (DC) by affecting the expression of costimulatory molecules. In this study, we investigated the effects of CyaA on the capacity of murine bone-marrow DC to prime CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in response to ovalbumin epitopes delivered by the CyaA-AC- toxoid, as a model antigen. Further, we examined the possible impact of CyaA on the antigen uptake and processing for MHC class I and II-restricted presentation by DC, as we previously observed a decreased T cell stimulatory capacity of CyaA-treated DC in response to soluble ovalbumin. We found out that the high levels of cAMP generated by CyaA in LPS-stimulated DC account for the decreased presentation of ovalbumin epitopes carried by CyaA-AC- toxoid on MHC class I and II molecules, thereby impairing the CD8+ and CD4+ T cell responses. Whereas CyaA did not influence the...

Úloha RTX domény v aktivitě adenylátcyklázového toxinu z Bordetella pertussis / The role of RTX domain in the activity of adenylate cyclase toxin from Bordetella pertussis

Klímová, Nela January 2015 (has links)
The adenylate cyclase toxin (CyaA) of Bordetella pertussis is a 1706-residue protein comprising an amino-terminal adenylate cyclase (AC) domain and a carboxy-terminal Repeat-in-Toxin (RTX) domain. The RTX domain is a hallmark of the family of RTX proteins, which are secreted from the cytosol of Gram-negative bacteria to the cell environment through the Type I Secretion System (T1SS). The RTX domain of CyaA consists of five blocks of RTX nonapetide repeats with a consensus sequence X-(L/I/V)-X-G-G-X-G- X-D. The aim of this work was to determine the role of the RTX domain in biological activities of CyaA and its role in the secretion of the toxin molecule from Bordetella pertussis. Systematic deletion analysis revealed that none of the prepared CyaA constructs was able to translocate its AC domain across the cytoplasmic membrane of host cells and make pores in target membranes. Moreover, deletion of individual RTX repeat blocks resulted in a very low efficacy of secretion of CyaA mutants into cell exterior. These data suggested that structural integrity of the RTX domain of CyaA is essential not only for cytotoxic activities of the toxin molecule but also for its secretion through the T1SS.

Identificação e caracterização de proteínas que se ligam a actina (ABPs) no apicomplexa Neospora caninum / Identification and characterization of actin binding proteíns (ABPs) from the apicomplexan Neospora caninum

Baroni, Luciana 26 April 2017 (has links)
Neospora caninum é um parasita intracelular obrigatório pertencente ao filo Apicomplexa, conhecido por ser uma das principais causas de aborto parasitário em bovinos e por apresentar transmissão transplacentária. Para locomoverem-se e acessarem o conteúdo intracelular de células hospedeiras, organismos apicomplexas fazem uso de um mecanismo não convencional que se utiliza de uma maquinaria celular cujo papel central é exercido pelo motor actina-miosina, auxiliado por proteínas intermediárias e de acoragem, que realiza a propulsão do parasita na direção do movimento. Para o funcionamento dessa maquinaria, é essencial que actina esteja em sua forma filamentosa (actina-F). Porém, actinas de apicomplexas são conhecidas por serem funcional e estruturalmente não convencionais, formando filamentos pequenos e instáveis in vitro, assim como pelo predomínio de grande maioria de actina monomérica (actin-G) nas células in vivo. Desse modo, para formar e manter actina-F a dinâmica de actina desses organismos requer uma regulação precisa, que, em apicomplexas, é conduzida por um arsenal conhecidamente pequeno de proteínas que se ligam a actina (ABPs). Nosso objetivo neste estudo foi identificar e caracterizar ABPs de N. caninum. Para isso, duas ABPs de N. caninum foram estudadas: fator de despolimerização de actina (NcADF) e proteína associada a ciclase (NcCAP); também, foi gerado e caracterizado soro contra região de actina de N. caninum entre aminoácidos 201 e 310 (anti-NcAct201-310). NcADF (correspondente ao acesso NCLIV_012510 em ToxoDB) foi submetida a caracterização molecular e bioquímica. A sua estrutura terciária foi gerada por modelagem molecular baseada em homologia, apresentando folding conservado, porém com F-loop de menor tamanho, quando comparada a ADF/cofilinas canônicas. A forma recombinante de NcADF foi expressa E. coli BL21 por plasmídeos pET32a(+) e pET28a(+) e solubilizada em tampão desnaturante e nativo, respectivamente. NcADF_pET32 foi purificada e utilizada para geração de soro anti-NcADF, que detectou ambas NcADF recombinantes, assim como proteínas endógenas em western blot 1-D e 2-D com peso molecular e pI próximos aos preditos. O soro anti-NcADF também localizou NcADF difusa no citoplasma, com menos intensidade nos polos de taquizoítas de N. caninum extracelulares. NcADF_pET28 foi purificado na forma nativa e utilizado para caracterização funcional para avaliação de seu papel na dinâmica de actina liofilizada de coelho. Ensaios de cossedimentação, cinética de polimerização e despolimerização, viscosimentria de baixo cisalhamento (queda de bola), estado estacionário e ligação entre actina-G e NcADF, em conjunto, mostraram que NcADF causa despolimerização de actina-F, realiza sequestro de monômeros de actina e quebra de filamentos. NcCAP foi submetida a caracterização molecular e foi identificada como produto de expressão do gene de acesso NCLIV_054140. NcCAP recombinante foi expressa em pET32a(+) e pET28a(+) predominantemente em corpos de inclusão e foi solubilizada em tampão desnaturante. A forma purificada de pET32_NcCAP, identificada por espectrometria de massas, foi utilizada para imunização e o soro resultante detectou NcCAP recombinante e endógena por western blot 1-D e 2-D, apresentando bandas e spots de peso molecular e pI próximos ao esperado. O soro anti-NcCAP também localizou NcCAP em taquizoítas ii extracelulares de N. caninum difusa no citoplasma e/ou com predomínio na região periplasmática da célula. Por fim, o soro anti-NcAct201-310 foi gerado, sendo capaz de detectar proteínas em sua forma nativa e realizar marcação na região periférica e, possivelmente, nuclear de taquizoítas de N. caninum extracelulares. A caracterização de ABPs de N. caninum feita neste trabalho amplia o conhecimento sobre a conservação dessas proteínas ao longo do filo Apicomplexa. Ademais, representa uma contribuição para o entendimento da dinâmica de actina e, por consequência, futuramente, pode colaborar para a elucidação de mecanismos-chave para a sobrevivência e disseminação dos parasitas pelo seu hospedeiro / Neospora caninum is an obligate intracellular parasite that belongs to the phylum Apicomplexa. It is known as one of the main causes of infectious abortion in cows and for its efficient transplacentary transmission. Apicomplexan organisms use a phylum-specific mechanism of invasion and gliding motility, which use an unusual cellular machinery based on an actin myosin motor assisted by intermediary and anchoring proteins that creates the traction force to impulse the parasite forward. Filamentous actin (F-actin) is essential to the appropriate functioning of this machinery, although apicomplexan unconventional actin forms small and unstable filaments in vitro and is found preponderantly as monomer (G-actin) in cells. Thus, the parasites need actin-binding proteins (ABPs) to strictly regulate actin dynamics and to form and maintain F-actin when it is necessary to the cell. Here, we aimed at identifying and characterising ABPs from N. caninum. Two ABPs were characterised: actin-depolymerising factor (NcADF) and cyclase-associated protein (NcCAP) from N. caninum. In addition, a serum against the actin region between amino acids 201 and 310 (anti-NcAct201-310) was raised. NcADF, which corresponds to identification NCLIV_012510 on ToxoDB, was molecular and biochemically characterised. Firstly, the tertiary structure of NcADF was generated by molecular modelling based on homology. Comparing to canonical ADF/cofilins, NcADF presented a conserved folding, albeit its smaller F-loop. The recombinant form of NcADF was expressed in E. coli BL21 using pET32a(+) and pET28a(+) plasmids and solubilized in denaturing and native buffers, respectively. Polyclonal antibodies were raised in mice against purified NcADF_pET32, which was able to detect both forms of recombinant NcADF as well as proteins in 1-D and 2-D western blot with expected molecular weight and isoelectric point (pI). Additionally, NcADF was localised in extracellular N. caninum tachyzoites as a diffuse pattern on cytoplasm with less intensity in both poles. NcADF_pET28 was successfully purified in native form and used for functional characterisation to evaluate the role of recombinant NcADF on lyophilised rabbit actin dynamics. Together, co-sedimentation, polymerisation and depolymerisation kinetic, low shearing viscometry (falling ball), steady state, and G-actin and NcADF binding assays showed that NcADF was able to depolymerise actin-F, sequester actin monomers, and sever filaments. Moreover, NcCAP (identification NCLIV_054140) was also characterised. Recombinant NcCAP was expressed in pET32a(+) and pET28a(+) plasmids predominantly in inclusion bodies and was solubilised in denaturing buffer. NcCAP_pET32 was purified and identified by mass spectrometry. Then, the polyclonal antibodies against this recombinant protein was generated in mice. It was able to detect recombinant and endogenous NcCAP, presenting bands and spots in 1-D and 2-D western blot with molecular weight and pI quite near to the predicted ones. NcCAP was localised as a diffuse pattern on cytoplasm and/or predominantly on periplasmic regions of extracellular taclyzoites of N. caninum. Finally, the serum containing anti-NcAct201-310 polyclonal antibodies was raised in mice. It detected endogenous proteins mainly in native form and localised them on periplasmic and possibly nuclear region in extracellular N. caninum tachyzoites. The characterisation of N. caninum ABPs iv extends our understanding of these proteins conservation and their function throughout the Apicomplexa phylum. Furthrmore, it represents a contribution to the field towards the comprehention of actin dynamics and in the future might provide information for important mechanisms of dissemination and survival of the parasite at its host

Metabolismo de 3\',5\' - monofosfato cíclico de adenosina durante o ciclo evolutivo de Blastocladiella emersonii / Metabolism of 3\',5\'- cyclic adenosine monophosphate during the evolutive cycle of Blastocladiella emersonii

Gomes, Suely Lopes 15 October 1976 (has links)
Foram estudadas as enzimas implicadas no metabolismo de cAMP, bem como as variações na concentração deste nucleotídeo cíclico e na atividade de adenilato ciclase durante o ciclo biológico de B. emersonii. Demonstrou-se que os zoósporos contêm enzimas específicas e distintas para a hidrólise de cAMP e cGMP. Existe apenas uma espécie molecular da cAMP fosfodiesterase, que hidrolisa cAMP a 5\'-AMP com um Km aparente de 2-4 &#181;M; a presença de cGMP nas misturas de reação, não altera as propriedades cinéticas da enzima. A adenilato ciclase de B. emersonii é uma enzima particulada, provavelmente ligada à membrana plasmática do zoósporo, que exige especificamente Mn2+ para sua atividade. A enzima não é ativada por NaF, catecolaminas ou outros compostos de estrutura semelhante. O estudo das propriedades cinéticas da adenilato ciclase sugere um modelo simples no qual o verdadeiro substrato da enzima é o complexo MnATP2- e tanto ATP corno Mn2+ , nas suas formas livres, competem com o complexo pelo sítio catalítico da enzima, que apresenta uma afinidade maior pelas formas livres do que pelo complexo MnATP2-. A atividade especifica da adenilato ciclase, determinada durante o ciclo biológico do fungo, mostra-se elevada nos zoósporos, cai lentamente durante a germinação e permanece baixa em todo o período de crescimento, só voltando a apresentar um aumento na atividade após a indução da esporulação. Quando este processo e induzido na presença de cicloheximida, a atividade permanece baixa, sugerindo que a enzima é sintetizada \"de novo\" nesta fase do ciclo evolutivo. A concentração intracelular de cAMP foi também determinada nas várias fases do ciclo biológico de B. emersonii. No zoósporo encontrou-se um valor médio de 33 pmoles cAMP/mg proteína. Durante a germinação, os níveis de cAMP aumentam, atingindo um máximo (~ 100 pmoles/mg proteína)quando a quase totalidade dos zoósporos se transformou em esferócitos. A partir daí observou-se um declínio gradual nos níveis de cAMP, que permanecem baixos durante toda a fase de crescimento, voltando a elevar-se na fase final da esporulação até alcançar o nível de zoósporo. O grande aumento na concentração intracelular de cAMP na fase de esferócitos é parcialmente explicado pela predominância da atividade de adenilato ciclase sobre a atividade de cAMP fosfodiesterase neste período; a possibilidade de uma ativação \"in vivo\" da adenilato ciclase, neste estágio do ciclo, não pode ser excluída. A queda nos níveis de cAMP que ocorre na passagem de esferócito a gérmen, numa fase onde a atividade de cAMP fosfodiesterase já e muito baixa, é devido principalmente a excreção deste nucleotídio cíclico para o meio extracelular. O grande aumento nos níveis de cAMP durante a transição de zoósporo a esferócito pode estar relacionado com a ativação metabólica ocorrendo nesta fase e pode também refletir uma característica de sistemas em diferenciação, isto é, a necessidade de altos níveis de cAMP para a transição entre dois estados celulares diferenciados. / The enzymes involved in the metabolism of cAMP have been studied, as well as the fluctuations in the concentration of this cyclic nucleotide and in the adenylate cyclase activity during the life cycle of B. emersonii. Zoospores were shown to contain independent specific enzymes involved in the hydrolysis of cAMP and cGMP. A single molecular species was found for the cAMP phosphodiesterase activity, which catalyses the hydrolysis of cAMP to 5\'-AMP. This enzyme displays normal Michaelis kinetics with an apparent Km of 2-4 &#181;M; the addition of cGMP to the reaction mixtures does not modify the kinetic properties of the enzyme. Adenylate cyclase activity in B. emersonii is associated with particulate subcellular fractions, most probably bound to the zoospore plasma membrane. The activity requires Mn2+ and it is not activated by NaF, cathecolamines or other related compounds. The enzyme substrate is the MnATP2- complex and the kinetic data obtained studying the adenylate cyclase activity can be explained by a simple model where free ATP and Mn2+ compete with MnATP2- for the catalytic site of the enzyme, the affinity for MnATP2- being lower than for free Mn2+ and ATP. The specific activity of adenylate cyclase has been determined throughout the fungus life cycle. The enzyme activity is high in zoospores, falls slowly during germination remaining low at the growth phase and rising again during the later stage of sporulation. When this process is induced in the presence of cycloheximide, there is no increase in adenylate cyclase activity, suggesting that \"de novo\" synthesis of the enzyme occurs at this stage. Fluctuations in the intracellular levels of cAMP during the cell cycle of B. emersonii have also been shown. Zoospores contain an average concentration of 33 pmoles cAMP/mg protein. During germination, a significant increase in the cAMP levels is observed, reaching a maximum (ca. 100 pmoles/mg protein) when the majority of the zoospores have changed into round cells. From then on a gradual decline in the cAMP levels is observed. During the growth phase the cAMP contents of the cells remain low, increasing again late in the sporulation stage. The large increase in the intracellular concentration of cAMP in the round cell phase is partially explained by the predominance of adenylate cyclase activity over cAMP phosphodiesterase activity (during this stage); the possibility of an \"in vivo\" activation of the adenylate cyclase during this period, however, cannot be excluded. The decrease in the cAMP levels occurring during the passage of round cells to germlings, in a stage where cAMP phosphodiesterase activity is negligible, is mainly due to the excretion of this cyclic nucleotide to the extracellular medium. The rise in cAMP contents during encystment might be related to the activation of metabolism occurring in this phase and may also reflect a characteristic of differentiating systems, that is, high cAMP levels being necessary for a differentiative transition.

Em busca de proteínas solúveis de Neospora caninum / Searching for soluble proteins of Neospora caninum

Bueno, Bruno Bonamichi 03 June 2016 (has links)
O protozoário Neospora caninum é considerado um dos principais causadores de abortos infecciosos na pecuária de corte e de leite no mundo. No Brasil, a presença do parasita varia de acordo com a região do país e com o tipo de rebanho, com perdas maiores na agroindústria do leite que ultrapassam US$ 50 milhões ao ano. A neosporose possui como principal manifestação clínica as perdas fetais ou abortamentos em bovinos, além de comprometimento neuronal esporádico em cães. Apesar da sua importância, a neosporose não possui atualmente tratamento eficaz e as opções de controle envolvem basicamente medidas de prevenção. As vacinas ainda são uma alternativa de desenvolvimento exploradas, sobretudo aquelas que utilizam antígenos recombinantes. Uma dificuldade ao se produzir proteínas recombinantes em sistemas de expressão heterólogos é a formação de corpúsculos de inclusão que são agregados de proteínas insolúveis. Estes agregados devem ser submetidos a processos dispendiosos para tornarem-se ativos, resultando num baixo rendimento da proteína final. Diversos recursos são utilizados para obtenção de proteínas solúveis, desde o emprego de diferentes técnicas de purificação, solubilização até o uso de tags de afinidade. Nosso grupo de pesquisa desenvolveu e patenteou o vetor pET28/NcMIC2-like1/1081 que possui uma tag rica em ácido glutâmico acoplada, conhecida como Nc1081. Esta tag foi capaz de estimular a solubilidade da proteína micronêmica tipo 2 de N. caninum (NcMIC2-like1) fazendo com que a proteína recombinante (rNcMIC2-like1/1081) fosse expressa na forma solúvel. O presente trabalho procurou dar continuidade ao estudo com a rNcMIC2-like1/1080 e com a tag através da clonagem e expressão de uma outra proteína relacionada à invasão do parasita conhecida como proteína associada à adenil ciclase (NcCAP). A sequência codificadora da proteína foi clonada no vetor contendo a tag Nc1081, a proteína recombinante (rNcCAP/1081) foi expressa com um peso de 38 kDa na forma solúvel em tampão não desnaturante Tris-Cl. No teste de ELISA, as proteínas rNcMIC2-like1 e a rNcCAP acopladas ou não a tag foram detectadas com intensidade semelhante pelos respectivos soros policlonais anti-rNcMIC2-like1 e anti-rNcCAP, demonstrando que a presença da tag não influenciou no reconhecimento das proteínas. As proteínas recombinantes solúveis rNcMIC2-like1/1081 e rNcCAP/1081 ainda foram testadas através de ensaios in vitro de invasão e adesão. No ensaio de invasão, a forma solúvel de NcMIC2-like1 (rNcMIC2-like1/1081) na concentração de 5 ?g/mL, aumentou a invasão das células VERO pelo parasita, enquanto sua forma insolúvel (rNcMIC2-like1) diminuiu a invasão. Já no teste de adesão (binding), foi possível identificar que a rNcMIC2-like1/1081 aderiu à proteína serina treonina fosfatase 2C, ao fator de alongamento alfa 1 e a proteína hipotética identificada ii como NCLIV_029860, enquanto a rNcCAP/1081 aderiu à proteína hipotética NCLIV_041330. O presente trabalho permitiu o início de estudos das propriedades funcionais das proteínas NcMIC2-like1 e NcCAP que seriam inviáveis com suas formas recombinantes insolúveis, demonstrando a aplicabilidade do vetor com a tag 1081. / Neospora caninum parasite is considered as a major cause of infectious abortion in beef and milk cattle in the world. In Brazil, the presence of the parasite varies in dairy or beef herd and according to the region with greater losses in dairy industry that exceed $ 50 million per year. Neosporosis has as main clinical manifestation fetal losses or abortion in cattle, in addition to sporadic neuronal impairment in dogs. Despite its importance, neosporosis has currently no effective treatment and control options rely primarily on preventive measures. Vaccines still represent an alternative explored by the veterinary industry, especially those employing recombinant antigens. The difficulties regarding production of recombinant proteins in heterologous expression systems are formation of inclusion bodies, which are insoluble protein aggregates. These aggregates have to undergo costly procedures to become active, resulting in low yield of final protein. Many techniques are used to obtain soluble proteins ranging from different purification or solubilizing techniques to the use of affinity tags. Our research group has developed and patented a vector pET28/NcMIC2-like1/1081 that has a rich glutamic acid tag attached, known as Nc1081. This tag is capable of stimulating the solubility of the recombinant micronemic protein type 2 like 1 of N. caninum (rNcMIC2-like1), expressingsoluble rNcMIC2-like1/1081. This study aimed to continue the study with rNcMIC2-like1/1080 and the tag by cloning and expressing another protein related to parasite invasion known as cyclase-associated protein (NcCAP). The protein coding sequence was cloned into the vector containing the Nc1081 tag, recombinant protein (rNcCAP/1081) was expressed with a molecular weight of 38 kDa in soluble form in non-denaturing Tris-Cl. In the ELISA test, rNcMIC2- like1 protein and rNcCAP coupled or not with the tag were detected with similar intensities by the respective polyclonal anti-sera rNcMIC2-like1 and antirNcCAP, demonstrating that the tag did not decrease the recognition of the proteins. Soluble recombinant proteins rNcMIC2-like1/1081 and rNcCAP/1081 were also tested in vitro in invasion and binding tests. In the invasion assay, a soluble form of NcMIC2-like1 (rNcMIC2-like1/1081) at a concentration of 5 ?g/mL increased the VERO cell invasion by the parasite, while its insoluble form (rNcMIC2-like1) decreased invasion. In the binding test, the rNcMIC2-like1/1081 bound to protein serine threonine phosphatase 2C, the elongation factor 1 alpha and the hypothetical protein identified as NCLIV_029860, while rNcCAP/1081 bound to the hypothetical protein NCLIV_041330. The current work allowed the initial functional studies of the NcMIC2-like1 and NcCAP proteins, otherwise unfeasible with their insoluble recombinant forms, demonstrating the applicability of the vector with the tag 1081.

Um estudo renal das interaÃÃes entre uroguanilia, urodilatina e bradicinina na presenÃa dos bloqueadores da guanilato ciclase isatin e ODQ / A renal study of the interactions between uroguanilia, urodilatia and predry bradiciiana of the chokes of the guanilato ciclase isatin and ODQ

Messias SimÃes dos Santos Neto 23 April 2008 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e TecnolÃgico / IntroduÃÃo: Guanilinas, peptÃdeos natriurÃticos (ANP e urodilatina) e bradicinina estÃo implicados na fisiopatologia, com potencial terapÃutico, do metabolismo do sal e da hipertensÃo. Objetivo: Estudar o mecanismo de aÃÃo e possÃveis interaÃÃes destes peptÃdeos, pelo emprego de inibidores da guanilato ciclase isatina e ODQ. MÃtodo: Foram realizadas experiÃncias no rim isolado e perfundido de rato com ferramentas farmacolÃgicas, isatina (IS; 0,3 ou 10&#956;M) ou com ODQ (37&#956;M), nos estudos com uroguanilina (UGN; 0,3 ou 0,6&#956;M), bradicinina (BK; 0,3 ou 0,9 ou 1,8nM) ou urodilatina (UD; 0,03nM). Investigaram-se ainda possÃveis interaÃÃes entre os referidos petÃdeos. Resultados: Isoladamente, IS (0,3&#956;M), ODQ, UGN (0,3&#956;M), BK (0,9 ou 0,3nM) nÃo interferiram signficativamente na presssÃo de perfusÃo, na diurese ou na reabsorÃÃo tubular fracionada renal de eletrÃlitos (sÃdio - %TNa+; potÃssio - %TK+; cloreto - %TCl- ). Nas condiÃÃes experimentais, ODQ mostrou-se eficaz (p<0,05) em inibir os efeitos de BK (1,8nM) sobre a pressÃo de perfusÃo (ODQ+BK120min: 111+3mmHg; BK120min: 139+5mmHg) e %TNa+ (ODQ+BK120min: 80+1%; BK120min: 76+2%). IS (3&#956;M) mostrou-se parcialmente eficaz em inibir efeitos de UGN (0,6&#956;M; IS+UGN90min: 76+2%; UGN90min: 72+2%) e de BK (1,8nM; IS+BK90min: 81+2%; BK60min: 0,76+2%) sobre %TNa+. UD (0,03nM90min: 86+2%; UGN+UD90min: 73+4%; p<0,05) potencializou a natriurese produzida por UGN (0,3&#956;M90min: 83+2%), cujos efeitos vasculares foram inibidos com BK (0,3nM90min: 104+5mmHg; UGN0,6&#956;M; 90min: 135+4mmHg; UGN+BK90min: 110+2mmHg). ConclusÃes: IS e ODQ comprovaram a participaÃÃo da via de sinalizaÃÃo NO-GMP no mecanismo de aÃÃo dos peptÃdeos estudados. A perfusÃo simultÃnea com mais de um peptÃdio, comprovou que hà interaÃÃes em suas diferentes vias de sinalizaÃÃo. / Introduction: Guanylins, natriuretic peptides (ANP and urodilatina) and bradykinin are involved in the pathophysiology, with therapeutic potential, of salt metabolism and hypertension. Objective: To study the mechanism of action and possible interactions of these peptides, with the employment of guanylate cyclase inhibitors isatina and ODQ. Method: Experiments were performed on isolated perfused rat kidney with pharmacological tools, isatin (IS; 0.3 or 10&#956;M) or with ODQ (37&#956;M), in studies with uroguanylin (UGN, 0.3 or 0.6&#956;M), bradykinin (BK , 0.3 or 0.9 or 1.8nM) or urodilatin (UD, 0.03nM). It was also investigated possible interactions between those peptides. Results: Alone, IS (0.3&#956;M), ODQ, UGN (0.3&#956;M), BK (0.9 or 0.3nM) did not interfere significantly in perfusion perfusion (PP), in diuresis or in fractional renal tubular reabsorption of electrolytes (sodium - %TNa+; potassium - %TK+; chloride - %TCl-). In experimental conditions, ODQ proved to be effective (p<0.05) in inhibiting the effects of BK (1.8nM) on the PP (ODQ+BK120min: 111+3mmHg; BK120min: 139+5mm Hg) and %TNa+ (ODQ+BK120min: 80+1%; BK120min: 76+2%). IS (3&#956;M) proved to be partially effective in inhibiting effects of UGN (0.6&#956;M; IS+UGN90min: 76+2%; UGN90min: 72+2%) and BK (1.8nM; IS+BK90min: 81+2%; BK60min: 0.76+2%) on %TNa+. UD (0.03nM90min: 86+2%; UGN+UD90min: 73+4%, p<0.05) increased the natriuresis produced by UGN (0.3&#956;M90min: 83+2%), whose vascular effects were inhibited with BK (0.3nM90min: 104+5mmHg; UGN0, 6&#956;M; 90min: 135+4mmHg; UGN+BK90min: 110+2mmHg). Conclusions: IS and ODQ confirmed the participation of the NO-GMP signalling pathway in the mechanism of action of peptides studied. The infusion simultaneously over a peptide, proved that there are interactions in their different signalling pathway.

Effects of Orexins, Guanylins and Feeding on Duodenal Bicarbonate Secretion and Enterocyte Intracellular Signaling

Bengtsson, Magnus Wilhelm January 2008 (has links)
The duodenal epithelium secretes bicarbonate ions and this is regarded as the primary defence mechanism against the acid discharged from the stomach. For an efficient protection, the duodenum must also function as a sensory organ identifying luminal factors. Enteroendocrine cells are well-established intestinal “taste” cells that express signaling peptides such as orexins and guanylins. Luminal factors affect the release of these peptides, which may modulate the activity of nearby epithelial and neural cells. The present thesis considers the effects of orexins and guanylins on duodenal bicarbonate secretion. The duodenal secretory response to the peptides was examined in anaesthetised rats in situ and the effects of orexin-A on intracellular calcium signaling by human as well as rat duodenal enterocytes were studied in vitro. Orexin-A, guanylin and uroguanylin were all stimulants of bicarbonate secretion. The stimulatory effect of orexin-A was inhibited by the OX1-receptor selective antagonist SB-334867. The muscarinic antagonist atropine on the other hand, did not affect the orexin-A-induced secretion, excluding involvement of muscarinic receptors. Orexin-A induced calcium signaling in isolated duodenocytes suggesting a direct effect at these cells. Interestingly, orexin-induced secretion and calcium signaling as well as mucosal orexin-receptor mRNA and OX1-receptor protein levels were all substantially downregulated in overnight fasted rats compared with animals with continuous access to food. Further, secretion induced by Orexin-A was shown to be dependent on an extended period of glucose priming. The uroguanylin-induced bicarbonate secretion was reduced by atropine suggesting involvement of muscarinic receptors. The melatonin receptor antagonist luzindole attenuated the secretory response to intra-arterially administered guanylins but had no effect on secretion when the guanylins were given luminally. In conclusion, the results suggest that orexin-A as well as guanylins may participate in the regulation of duodenal bicarbonate secretion. Further, the duodenal orexin system is dependent on the feeding status of the animals.

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