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A comparative Life Cycle Analysis of new and old designs of crane truck frames : Case study at VemserviceKhan, Mahmudur Aryan January 2018 (has links)
The main objective of this Bachelor’s thesis is to investigate and deliver the results of environmental impacts of two different designs of crane truck frames. The aim is to investigate if additional new design of crane truck frames, with less energy and transportation during manufacturing of the crane truck, can improve energy efficiency of crane trucks throughout their lifecycle. Case study object for this report is Vemservice in Vemdalen, Sweden. As basis for the report the The Life Cycle Analysis ISO 14040 and ISO 14044 are used in this report in order to evaluate and compare the environmental impacts related to the lifecycle of new and old designs of 92 tonmeter crane truck frames from cradle to grave. The data was mainly collected and calculated by using the SimaPro software 8.0.5 which is based on the Ecoinvent 3 database. This study mainly analyzes environmental impacts such as GWP (Global Warming Potential), CED (Cumulative Energy Demand) and ReCiPe environmental impacts. The results showed that although new design frame has less transportation and energy demand during the manufacturing phase of the crane truck, the overall life cycle of the new design crane truck frame has higher environmental impacts than the existing old design of the crane truck frame. This is due to that the new design frame is 213kg heavier than the old design frame, which the crane truck is carrying during its using period. This study also investigated whether the new design frame, with stronger steel (Ecoupgraded steel) and a reduction of 15% of the total weight of frame, has a lower environmental impact in the life cycle of the EcoUpgraded steel frame compared to the current new design and old design frames life cycle. / <p>2018-06-29</p>
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Potential for mitigating GHG emissions at a Swedish wastewater treatment plant – a life cycle approachAldén, Nina January 2020 (has links)
To meet the national and international climate goals every potential GHG mitigating effort needs to be addressed. The aim of this thesis is to investigate if the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), Ekebyhov, can reduce its GHG emissions by making changes inthe treatmentprocess. The main GHGs emitted from WWT areN2O, CH4and CO2. To begin with, Ekebyhov’scurrent carbon footprintwas calculated in a base line scenario, using a calculation tool (ECT). The results showed that the total footprintamounted to 522 tons CO2eqper year, with the majority of the emissions (83 %) from the activated sludge process. Five GHG-mitigating measures were identified and potential GHG emission reduction (PGER) was calculated from 1) optimized WWT, 2) urea treated sludge, 3) change of chemicals, 4) green transports and 5) added anaerobic digestion (AD) process. The largest PGER came from added AD, followed by optimized WWT. Finally, the PGER for all measures was calculated and resulted in net negative emissions of -95 tons CO2eq per year. The thesis shows that it is possible to reduce the carbon footprint of Ekebyhov WWTP, even to a net negative result. It is, however important to address other impact categories in a full LCA to be able to make fully informed decisions.
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Analys av påläggsvetsning av avända bromsskivor / Analysis of laser cladding of used brake discsEnglund, Felix, Johansson, Markus, Anticona, Walter January 2019 (has links)
Detta arbete undersöker om metoden ’laser cladding’ skulle kunna användas för att möjliggöra återanvändandet av bromsskivor som annars skulle deponeras. Olika material undersöks ur ett miljöperspektiv, det vill säga energiåtgång och CO2-utsläpp jämförs mot en vanlig gjutjärnsskiva. För att göra detta användes programmet CES EduPack samt ytterligare beräkningar med formler som komplement då programmets databas inte är heltäckande gällande specifika materialvarianter. För att lättare kunna beräkna massor användes CAD-programmet Solid Edge för att modellera en typisk bromsskiva. Resultatet blev att laserbeläggning på utslitna bromsskivor sparar på både energi och avger mindre CO2-avtryck, förutsatt att rätt tillsatsmaterial väljs. Som mest kunde en minskning med 80,5% uppnås i energiåtgång respektive 88% för CO2-utsläpp under materialframställning och tillverkning. Metoden medför alltså tydliga positiva miljömässiga effekter. / This report investigates Laser Cladding and especially the possibility to coat worn brake discs. A selection of materials are studied with an environmental point of view in focus, the life cycle of the coated brake discs are compared to a standard new gray cast iron brake disc. The program CES Edupack is used for the life cycle analysis and it is completed by formulas of energy consumption and CO2 footprint because not all processes and materials are included in the software. Solid Edge is used to create a CAD model of a typical brake disc to easily exam the volume and weight of the disc as a function of the thickness. The result is laser cladding on worn brake discs saves energy and produces a smaller carbon footprint if the right powders used for cladding are chosen. Laser cladding with stainless steel powders provided the best results with 80.5% savings in energy consumption and 88% in CO2-footprint savings. The laser cladding technique shows clear positive environmental effects.
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Pre-study and Conceptual Design of a Hydrogen Fuel Cell Driven Wheel Loader / Förstudie och Konceptuell Design av en Vätgas Bränslecell-driven HjullastareCaspari, Jana, Bernatavicius, Pijus January 2022 (has links)
Volvo Construction Equipment is one of the leading construction machinery manufacturers in the world. To stay amongst the leaders, research and development projects for new technologies are crucial. The most important path of development today is the reduction of emissions produced by these heavy duty vehicles. To tackle this challenge, several technologies are already used in industry. One example are hybrid machines that combine a conventional diesel engine with batteries, resulting in reduced engine size and pollutants. Another option are full battery-electric vehicles, which can reduce the on-site emissions to zero. The electrochemical processes within batteries are however comparable slow and result in long recharge times. A new focus of development within the industry are hybrid systems combining fuel cells and batteries. Since hydrogen can be refueled almost as fast as convenient fuel, it solves the issue of long recharge times. Additionally, the reaction is emission free, since there is no combustion process and the only byproduct that is emitted from the fuel cell is chemically clean water. This thesis aims to propose an architecture and packaging solution to replace the diesel engine in a large size wheel loader with a fuel cell power system. This also includes all respective auxiliary systems, i.e. energy storage, cooling and electric systems. Achieving the same performance as a conventional large size wheel loader as well as keeping the spatial envelope the same are the main objectives of this work. To achieve these goals, an extensive study on the most common drive cycles is carried out to understand the power demand of the machine. After the selection of an energy storage system based on a MATLAB simulation script, a cooling system is modelled and scaled to fulfill the operating requirements of the different components. Eventually, all systems are modeled and installed into the wheel loader in CATIA V5. The study showed, that the new system architecture of the vehicle can be fitted into the existing engine bay with a slight extension of the rear frame and hood. Two power optimized batteries are combined with one fuel cell. Hydrogen tanks with a filling volume of 478 [L] can be installed in the machine, covering 50% of the customer population curve without degradation of performance. This includes one refill of the wheel loader during the day. The performance parameters match the conventional machine up to a high degree, concluding that the conversion of a large size wheel loader into a fuel cell powered wheel loader is feasible.
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Jämförelse av klimatavtrycket från tre olika skivmaterial i ett vattenburet golvvärmesystem : EPS, kork och wellpappJacobson, Towa, Skogstad, Mathilde January 2022 (has links)
Byggbranschen står inför en brådskande omställning till en lägre klimatpåverkan från byggnader. Ett sätt att minska påverkan är att implementera byggvaruprodukter och material med lägre klimatavtryck, det vill säga produkter som ger upphov till mindre växthusgasutsläpp under sin livstid. För att kunna göra bättre val behöver branschen en noggrann utvärdering av växthusgasutsläppen från byggprodukter ur ett livscykelperspektiv. Den här studien undersöker vilket av materialen expanderad polystyren (EPS), kork och wellpapp som orsakar minst växthusgasutsläpp under 50 år som skivmaterial i ett golvvärmesystem producerat av företaget Flooré AB. Studien undersöker även skillnaden i klimatpåverkan för skivmaterialen under användningsstadiet, baserat på grundläggningsmetoderna isolerad platta på mark, vanligt för nyare svenska småhus, samt en äldre platta med bristande isolering, vanligt förekommande i hus uppförda i Sverige på 1970-talet. Beräkningen av utsläppen från respektive skivmaterial sker med livscykelanalys som metod och ämnar att bestämma materialens klimatpåverkan (GWP) som utsläppen av koldioxidekvivalenter (CO2e) orsakat av 1 m2 golvskiva i ett golvvärmesystem under ett år. Ettårsperspektivet lägger grunden för en enkel omvandling av skivans klimatpåverkan till valfri tidsram. Den här studien bedömer att golvvärmesystemet bör vara funktionellt i minst 50 år och tittar därför närmare på den livslängden. Studien fastslår att wellpapp i de flesta fall orsakar 14–29 procent lägre växthusgasutsläpp än EPS under ett år som skivmaterial i ett värmegolv beroende på grundläggningsmetod, och ungefär 13–23 procent lägre utsläpp än kork. Som svar på vilket av materialen EPS, kork och wellpapp som orsakar lägst klimatavtryck som 1 m2 skivmaterial i ett golvvärmesystem under 50 år multipliceras materialens utsläpp under användningsstadiet med 50. Resultaten belyser fördelarna med låga värmeförluster i ett golvvärmesystem över tid, då wellpapp orsakar störst växthusgasutsläpp för platta på mark med bristande isolering med 119 kg CO2e/m2 , medan EPS orsakar det lägsta utsläppet på 111 kg CO2e/m2. För fallet med isolerad platta är wellpapp det material som orsakar lägst utsläpp med 7,9 kg CO2e/m2, medan EPS orsakar det högsta utsläppet om 8,9 kg CO2e/m2. Avseende klimatpåverkan är wellpapp det bästa alternativet för implementering som skivmaterial i ett golvvärmesystem med en livslängd på 50 år i nya välisolerade svenska småhus. För äldre småhus som saknar tilläggsisolering är EPS det materialet som orsakar lägst klimatpåverkan, tack vare materialets isoleringsförmåga. / The construction industry is facing an urgent transition to a lower climate impact from buildings. One way to reduce this impact is to implement products and materials with a lower climate footprint, i.e. products that cause less greenhouse gas emissions during their lifetime. In order to make better choices, the industry needs a careful evaluation of greenhouse gas emissions from products used in building production from a life cycle perspective. This study examines which of the materials expanded polystyrene (EPS), cork and corrugated cardboard that causes the least greenhouse gas emissions during a 50-year lifespan as a floorboard in an underfloor heating system produced by the company Flooré AB. The study also examines the difference in climate impact for each floorboard material during the use stage, based on the founding methods thermally insulated slab on ground, common for newer Swedish single-family homes, and an older slab with insufficient insulation, common in houses built in Sweden in the 1970s. The calculation of the emissions from each board is performed with a life cycle analysis method and intends to determine the Global Warming Potential (GWP) of the materials as emissions of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e) caused by 1 m2 floorboard in an underfloor heating system for one year. The one-year perspective simplifies conversion of the floorboard climate impact during one year to any other time frame. This study estimates that the system will be functional for at least 50 years, and therefore examines this service time further. The study found that corrugated cardboard, in most cases, causes 14-29 percent lower greenhouse gas emissions than EPS during a year as a floorboard in an underfloor heating system depending on the building's foundation method, and approximately 13-23 percent lower emissions than cork. In response to which of the materials EPS, cork and corrugated cardboard that causes the lowest climate footprint as 1 m2 floorboard in an underfloor heating system for 50 years, the material’s emissions during the use stage are multiplied by 50. The results highlight the benefits of low heat losses in an underfloor heating system over time, as corrugated cardboard causes the greatest climate gas emissions when used with poorly insulated slab with 119 kg CO2e/m2, while EPS causes the lowest emissions of 111 kg CO2e/m2. In a case with insulated slab foundation, corrugated cardboard causes the lowest emissions of 7,9 kg CO2e/m2, while EPS causes the highest emissions of 8,9 kg CO2e/m2. In terms of climate impact, corrugated cardboard is the best alternative for implementation as a floorboard material in an underfloor heating system with a lifespan of 50 years in a newly built and well-insulated Swedish single-family home. For older detached houses that do not have additional slab insulation, EPS is the material that causes the least climate impact, thanks to the material’s insulating ability.
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Comparative analysis of linear and circular manufacturing system paradigms for a steel-based product. : A case study of a mailbox manufacturing companyALAGBADA, SAMUEL January 2022 (has links)
The manufacturing industry has exerted a tremendous impact on the natural environment. The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the consequences of shift from linear manufacturing system to circular manufacturing system in order to decouple the environmental burden of production and consumption process in relation to quantity of carbon footprint, cumulative energy demand, natural resource consumption, waste generated and recovered presently. In response to this, life cycle assessment (LCA) is used to quantify and compare the associated environmental impact of the current manufacturing system of both Linear manufacturing system and the circular manufacturing system. The thesis therefore asserts that circular manufacturing system (CMS) is more sustainable compared to linear manufacturing system (LMS) in relation to its reduction capacity of the prevailing environmental indicators most especially global threat of natural resources depletion and climate change confronting biodiversity. The result shown that CMS seems more sustainable compared to LMS in relation to the studied environmental indicators. Further to this, the emerging circular manufacturing system, its transitional shift, challenges, and its relationships with other manufacturing dynamics for consideration are also highlighted and discussed. It was concluded that these prominent challenges are caused by organizational management in relation to leadership and communication (OLC), has the highest impact value. Similarly, the consequential effect was seen on the level of implementation of government policy (GPI) and deployment of state of the art design, knowledge and technology (DTK) for the paradigm shift. So, it is suggested that OLC should be given due consideration.
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En utredning av olika miljöaspekters betydelse vid renovering / A study on the importance of different sustainability aspects in real estate renovationStanojlovic, Natalija, Nordström, Oscar January 2020 (has links)
De senaste åren har frågan om hållbar utveckling tagit allt större plats i samhällsdebatter. När det gäller fastighetssektorn har denna fråga och miljömål främst riktats mot nybyggnationer. Samtidigt byggdes majoriteten av fastigheterna i Sverige innan 1970 och ersätts av nya byggnader i en hastighet på 1–3% per år. Med det i åtanke påträffas ett stort gap som den här studien har för avsikt att adressera. Detta genom att undersöka miljöaspekters påverkan vid renoveringar av byggnader och specifikt med hänsyn till materialval av golv. Studien undersöker tre olika perspektiv. Genom en litteraturstudie har ett urval av golvmaterial utretts med avseende på klimatpåverkan mätt som Global Warming Potential (GWP100), energiåtgång och kemiska restprodukter. Därefter har en analys gjorts över vilka krav och riktlinjer som ställs från miljöcertifieringssystemets sida genom en dokumentanalys och slutligen har miljöaspekternas betydelse vid renovering ur ett fastighetsbolags perspektiv undersökts genom en fallstudie hos fastighetsbolaget Hufvudstaden. Litteraturstudien visade på, för de undersökta miljöaspekterna, att linoleumgolv presterar bäst på en kort tidshorisont på 8 år och parkettgolv presterar bättre än de andra golvtyperna i en tidshorisont på över 20 år. Ett flertal av de inhämtade studierna undersökte även kemiska restprodukter, slutsatsen blev att de ämnen som studierna tog upp inte anses att vara farliga. Däremot bör det ej uteslutas att golven kan producera andra kemiska restprodukter som kan ha en negativ påverkan på sin omgivning. Gällande certifieringssystemen framgick det att material har en mindre roll i certifieringsprocessen, maximalt 12—14 % av de totala poängen. Det visade sig att de lägger vikt på att renoveringsarbete tidigt planeras för hållbara processer, bland annat genom att välja material med hållbarhet i åtanke och underhålla det med omsorg. Utifrån certifieringssystemens villkor och rekommendationer ses parkettgolv som det mest lämpade valet utav de undersökta golvtyperna. I fastighets- och byggbranschen premieras oftast parkettgolv utav de undersökta golven i detta arbete. Både IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet och fastighetsbolaget Hufvudstaden anser att golvet är det mest lämpade vid renoveringar med en lång livslängd i åtanke. / The issue of sustainability has been highlighted more frequently in recent years. In the case of the real estate industry the environmental objectives have primarily been set with respect to new construction. However, the majority of the properties in Sweden were built before the 1970’s and buildings are replaced at a rate of only 1-3% per year. Keeping this in mind, an important research gap is present. This study aims to contribute to the narrowing of that gap by examining the environmental impacts of renovations in existing buildings and specifically with respect to the choice of flooring materials. The study was conducted through three perspectives. Firstly, by examining literature on a selection of flooring materials with regards to Global Warming Potential (GWP100), energy consumption and chemical residues. Secondly by analyzing guidelines provided by sustainability certifications through a document analysis. The last perspective was studying the choice of flooring material from a real estate company point of view, conducted through a case study. The literature study showed, for the investigated environmental aspects, that linoleum floors perform best on a short time horizon of 8 years and parquet floors perform in a longer time horizon of over 20 years. A number of the examined studies also investigated the chemical residues from the materials that may have a negative impact on the environment, but the conclusion was that the substances were not shown to be dangerous. However, it should not be ruled out that the floors may produce other chemical residues that may have a negative impact on their surroundings. Regarding the certification systems, it was found that materials play a smaller role in the certification process, a maximum of 12-14% of the total points. It turned out that certification systems place emphasis on early planning for sustainable processes in construction, including choosing materials with sustainability in mind and maintaining them with care. Based on the conditions and recommendations of the certification systems, parquet floors are seen as the most suitable choice of the floor types examined. The real estate and construction industry commend the parquet floors out of the examined flooring types, due to its ability to be maintained and its long life-span.
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Systematic Methodology for Improving the Resource Efficiency in Manufacturing IndustriesThangamani, Dillip January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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A Novel Design for Solar-Powered Thermal DesalinationAlsehli, Mishal B. 09 September 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Carbon dioxide sequestration: Chemical and physical activation of aqueous carbonation of Mg-bearing minerals and pH swing processPark, Ah-Hyung Alissa 24 August 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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