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Improving Nutrition in Toddlers and Preschool Children with Cystic Fibrosis: Behavioral Parent Training InterventionHourigan, Shannon Estelle 27 April 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this single-case study was to pilot a developmentally sensitive adaptation of an evidence-based intervention aimed at improving nutrition in children with cystic fibrosis (CF). Children with CF must adhere to a high-calorie diet to prevent malnutrition and maintain health. Toddler and preschool age children present a unique feeding challenge to parents as they begin to exert independence and exhibit a variety of challenging behaviors. Parents trying to adhere to CF nutrition guidelines often use ineffective strategies that inadvertently encourage children not to eat. This six-week group parent-training intervention combined nutrition and behavior elements to provide parents with the nutrition and child behavior management strategies necessary to improve children’s intake and ensure adequate nutrition. Parents of four children (one girl) between the ages of 21 and 30 months of age participated in two groups; all children were Caucasian, and all parents were married. Two children were malnourished and had primary goals of increasing intake and weight; two were adequately nourished and had primary goals of improving diet quality. Primary and secondary treatment outcomes were established individually for each child. Families completed three-day diet diaries and video recorded mealtime interactions across two baseline weeks, six weeks of intervention, and a twelve-week post-intervention follow-up. Children’s weights were measured at baseline, post-treatment, and follow-up. Caloric intake was calculated for all meals, and video taped meals were coded using a behavioral coding system. Treatment fidelity was also assessed. The two malnourished children increased caloric intake throughout the intervention and demonstrated clinically significant weight gains at post-treatment. Further, these gains were maintained at follow-up. One of the two adequately nourished children demonstrated improved diet quality. Findings support the efficacy of this developmentally-sensitive adaptation to increase weight in toddler children with CF, and findings provide partial support for the efficacy of this intervention in improving diet quality in adequately nourished children. A parent group intervention provides training in CF-specific child management skills to multiple families and may provide significant benefits to parents who often struggle with the demands of nutrition requirements and toddler behavior.
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Les témoins de l'adaptation des bactéries pathogènes opportunistes associées à la mucoviscidose : des opérons ribosomiques aux implications thérapeutiques / Adaptation witnesses of opportunistic bacterial pathogens associated with cystic fibrosis : from ribosomal operons to therapeutic implicationsMichon, Anne-Laure 14 January 2013 (has links)
Les bactéries des microbiotes vivent avec l'homme une interaction mutualiste et tout facteur perturbant l'un ou l'autre des protagonistes peut rompre l'équilibre établi engendrant diverses modifications des interactions existantes. Dans ce contexte instable, les bactéries pathogènes opportunistes d'origine endogène et environnementale qui ont une grande adaptabilité vont pouvoir étendre leur niche écologique ou trouver une nouvelle niche. La diversité des bactéries atypiques ainsi que l'évolution génétique et génomique des bactéries du microbiote respiratoire des patients atteints de mucoviscidose (CF) illustrent ces phénomènes d'adaptation. Le déficit de l'immunité innée locale va en effet être à l'origine d'une colonisation des voies respiratoires (VRCF) par des bactéries endogènes et exogènes qui vont alors mettre en jeu divers mécanismes d'adaptation à cette niche écologique particulière. Le but de notre travail était d'étudier des marqueurs phénotypiques, génétiques et génomiques, témoins potentiels de l'adaptation bactérienne, en particulier au cours de la mucoviscidose. Pour cela, l'étude de la diversité intragénomique des copies du gène de l'ARN ribosomique 16S (rrs), reflétant la capacité d'adaptation bactérienne à des conditions environnementales fluctuantes, a été réalisée par une méthode de PCR et d'électrophorèse avec dénaturation en gradient de température (PCR-TTGE) sur un grand nombre de Veillonella spp. (n=149), d'Achromobacter xylosoxidans (n=164), ainsi que sur 6 autres espèces impliquées dans la colonisation des VRCF (Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, Staphylococcus aureus, Haemophilus influenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis et Streptococcus pneumoniae). L'étude de la dynamique du génome de 90 isolats de 12 patients colonisés chroniquement par A. xylosoxidans a été menée par PCR-TTGE, analyse du polymorphisme des fragments de restriction après électrophorèse en champ pulsé et PCR sur séquences répétées. Enfin, l'effet de contraintes environnementales chimiques sur la croissance d'une partie du microbiote CF a été évalué, incluant une étude approfondie de l'effet du NaCl sur 85 isolats de P. aeruginosa.Ces différentes approches nous ont permis de mettre en évidence : i) la diversité intra-génomique des copies de rrs chez Veillonella (74% d'isolats présentant des copies divergentes), H. influenzae (61%), S. maltophilia (38%), A. xylosoxidans (28%), et S. aureus (17%), ii) la clonalité des isolats d'A. xylosoxidans colonisant chroniquement les patients CF associée à une évolution génétique et/ou génomique intra-clonale, iii) l'effet de contraintes environnementales telles que la salinité, le pH et la température sur le microbiote cultivable des VRCF, iv) l'effet antimicrobien du NaCl inhibant la croissance de 100% des P. aeruginosa isolés des VRCF à une concentration de 6%, inférieure à celle utilisée en thérapeutique, et montrant une action bactéricide sur 90% des isolats à une concentration de 10%, v) l'effet multiple du NaCl sur la croissance, le biofilm et la mobilité de P. aeruginosa. Les rrs et le génome constituent des témoins de l'adaptation des bactéries au sein des microbiotes et permettent de mettre en évidence l'importance et la diversité de ces phénomènes dans la niche pathologique que représentent les VRCF. Les contraintes environnementales de la niche écologique influencent cette adaptation. Au cours de la mucoviscidose, le potentiel thérapeutique de la modification de facteurs environnementaux tels que la salinité ou le pH doit être considéré compte tenu de l'impact de ces perturbations sur les communautés microbiennes pathologiques adaptées aux VRCF. / Bacterial microbiotae and human beings developed mutualist interactions. All disrupting factors impacting this equilibrium can modify relationships among microbiota members with diverse consequences. In such an unstable context, opportunistic bacterial pathogens (OBPs) of endogenous or environmental origin showing great adaptability may find favorable conditions leading to ecological niche extension or to new niche colonization. This is illustrated by the diversity of atypical bacteria as well as by genetic and genomic evolution of members of the cystic fibrosis (CF) respiratory tract (CFRT) microbiota. The deficit in local innate immunity allowed colonization by endogenous and exogenous bacteria that will further develop adaptation processes to this particular ecological niche. The aim of this study was to evaluate phenotypic, genetic and genomic potential adaptation markers in different models of OBPs, particularly in CF. For this purpose, we described the variability in the multiple rrs gene copies using PCR and temperature-based denaturing electrophoresis (PCR-TTGE) on large collections of Veillonella (n=149) and Achromobacter xylosoxidans (n=164), as well as on isolates of six other species involved in the CFRT colonization (Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, Staphylococcus aureus, Haemophilus influenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis and Streptococcus pneumoniae). Genome dynamics of 90 isolates from 12 patients chronically colonized by A. xylosoxidans was studied by PCR-TTGE, restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis after pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and PCR on repetitive sequences. Finally, the effect of environmental stress was evaluated on part of the growing CF microbiota and a thorough study of NaCl effect on 85 CF P. aeruginosa isolates was performed.These different approaches highlight: i) the intragenomic heterogeneity of the rrs gene copies in Veillonella (74% of isolates), H. influenzae (61%), S. maltophilia (38%), A. xylosoxidans (28%), and S. aureus (17%), ii) a clonal chronic colonization with A. xylosoxidans in 12 CF patients associated with rrs genetic and/or genomic intra-clonal evolution, iii) the effect of environmental stress such as salinity, pH and temperature on the CFRT microbiota, iv) the antimicrobial effect of NaCl on CF P. aeruginosa isolates, a 6% NaCl concentration inhibiting the growth of all the isolates and a bactericidal action being observed for 90% of the isolates with 10% NaCl, v) multiple effects of NaCl on growth, biofilm and mobility of P. aeruginosa. This study shows that rrs genes and genome dynamics witness for bacterial adaptability within microbiota according to environmental constraints and underlines the diversity and importance of adaptation processes in the long-term pathological adapted microbial communities of the CFRT. Modification of environmental factors such as salinity or pH of the CFRT niche may impact the microbiota and should be considered as targets for CF therapeutics.
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Variabilité phénotypique et épissage : combinaison d'analyses in vitro et in silico du gène CFTR / Phenotypic variability and splicing : combined in vitro and in silico analyses of the CFTR geneAissat, Abdelrazak 30 October 2012 (has links)
Depuis plusieurs décennies, l’étude des conséquences des mutations pathogéniques a permisnon seulement de définir l’origine de nombreuses maladies génétiques humaines, héréditaires ou non,mais également de contribuer à l’interprétation de la variabilité phénotypique inter-individus au seind’une pathologie donnée. Les mutations induisant une perte de fonction de la protéine synthétisée ouune protéine incomplète ont été et sont encore les plus étudiées. Avec l’introduction des technologiesde séquençage à haut-débit, le nombre de variants faux-sens, silencieux ou introniques détectés auniveau des gènes humains augmente de façon continue. Distinguer les variations nucléotidiques quivont modifier significativement un phénotype de celles qui seront neutres est un véritable défi pour larecherche.De nombreuses variations nucléotidiques à signification clinique inconnue ont été identifiéesparmi les près de 2000 mutations décrites au niveau du gène CFTR (Cystic Fibrosis Transmembraneconductance Regulator) responsables de la mucoviscidose. Certaines de ces variations vont avoir unimpact sur les transcrits ARN modifiant leur qualité et leur quantité et par conséquent l’expression dugène CFTR. Elles vont notamment affecter l’épissage de l’ARN pré-messager en altérant des signauxreconnus par la machinerie cellulaire et perturber la fidélité de ce mécanisme. Malgré un recul de plusde 20 ans dans la description de la corrélation génotype-phénotype dans cette maladie, de nombreuxphénotypes inattendus et atypiques sont observés. Ils peuvent être dus à des facteurs autres que desvariations génotypiques, mais sans l’accès direct aux transcrits des individus porteurs de tels variants,il est difficile de mesurer les conséquences de ces variations sur la synthèse et la maturation de l’ARN.L’objectif de ce travail de thèse a été de montrer, par des approches in vitro etbioinformatiques, comment des variations nucléotidiques au sein du gène CFTR peuvent impacter surl’épissage de l’ARN pré-messager. Ce travail a permis dans un premier temps la découverte demécanismes d’épissage inattendus modificateurs de phénotypes sévères attendus pour une mutationnon-sens. En effet, par un épissage alternatif subtil de trois nucléotides au niveau d’un site d’épissageen tandem, le codon stop se retrouve délété et aboutit à des transcrits fonctionnels expliquant lesphénotypes modérés. Dans un second temps, nous avons montré que plusieurs mutations non-sensportées par le même exon 15 impactaient différemment sur l’épissage de l’ARN en modifiantsignificativement le taux d’inclusion de cet exon. La connaissance préalable des ratios de transcritsincluant ou non l’exon peut améliorer l’efficacité des traitements correcteurs de codons stopprématurés en les combinant avec des traitements modulateurs de l’épissage augmentant le taux detranscrits correctibles. Dans un troisième et dernier temps, une combinaison d’analyses in silico et invitro des exons du gène CFTR a permis de détecter des exons porteurs de signaux d’épissage plusfaibles les rendant plus sensibles à des mutations exoniques d’épissage. Des mutations faux-sens auniveau de l’exon 3 ont par exemple été montrées comme favorisant l’exclusion de cet exon, diminuantle taux de transcrits fonctionnels.L’ensemble de ces travaux a contribué à comprendre les conséquences de mutations au niveaude l’épissage du gène CFTR sur les variations du phénotype. La connaissance améliorée des variationspossibles du phénotype rattaché à un génotype donné permettra non seulement de prédire l’évolutionde la maladie, mais également d’ajuster et de proposer des thérapies personnalisées selon la mutationportée par le patient. / Over the past decades, studying the consequences of pathogenic mutations has allowed not only todefine the origin of several genetic diseases, but also to contribute to understand the phenotypicvariability between individuals within a disease. The CFTR gene was extensively analyzed since 1989,but among the over 1,900 mutations identified, the current challenge is to classify them as diseasecausingor neutral. These variants of unknown clinical significance (UVs) can alter multiple processes,from gene transcription to RNA splicing or protein function. The CFTR gene needs to include intactversions of all its 27 exons to be functional, and any mutation affecting its splicing process will reducethe amount of functional full-length transcripts. Previous studies have shown that mutations withinsome CFTR exons increase exon skipping. We hypothesized that a number of UVs occurring in otherCFTR exons could indeed affect splicing. By combining in vitro and bioinformatics approaches, weshowed how nucleotide variations within the CFTR gene could impact on the splicing of its premRNA.This work enabled us to provide the first experimental evidence of a premature terminationcodon removal by alternative splicing at a NAGNAG acceptor splice site. This unexpected phenotypemodifyingmechanism explains the much milder phenotype severity than expected for a nonsensemutation. The correction of premature termination codons (PTCs) by agents that promote readthroughrepresents a promising emerging tool for the treatment of many genetic diseases. Having demonstratedthat nonsense mutation could cause aberrant splicing, we postulated that the efficiency of thereadthrough treatment could be due not only to the stop codon itself but also to the amount ofcorrectible transcripts. We showed that a subset of nonsense mutations within the CFTR exon 15 has adifferent impact on the splicing efficiency by modifying the inclusion rate of this exon anddemonstrated that the total amount of transcripts together with the splicing profile should be assessedto anticipate and improve efficacy of readthrough therapy in CF patients. Finally, in order to anticipatethe occurrence of “splicing-causing” mutations, we used a combination of in silico and in vitroanalyses of all CFTR exons and pinpointed those harboring weak splicing signals, which render themmore sensitive to exonic splicing mutations.All these studies contribute to expand our knowledge on the phenotypic variability due to alternativesplicing of the CFTR gene. These studies will lead not only to predict the evolution of a disease, butalso to adjust therapy according to the mutation of each patient.
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Régulation épigénétique du gène CFTR / Epigenetic regulation of CFTR geneBergougnoux, Anne 16 December 2013 (has links)
La mucoviscidose (CF) est causée par des mutations sur le gène CFTR codant pour une protéine indispensable au maintien de l'homéostasie des transports hydro-électrolytiques au sein de l'épithélium des organes cibles de la pathologie, dérivés de l'endoderme (poumon, pancréas, appareil reproducteur). Entre ces différents tissus et au cours du développement fœtal, l'expression du gène varie, particulièrement dans le tissu pulmonaire où une répression est observée à l'âge adulte.Ce travail propose dans une première partie la caractérisation des modifications épigénétiques associées à la régulation spatio-temporelle physiologique de l'expression du gène CFTR dans les tissus humains sains adultes et fœtaux. Les résultats obtenus soulignent le rôle important des modifications post-traductionnelles des histones dans la régulation in vivo. Nous avons notamment observé i) un équilibre fin entre marques d'ouverture (acétylation) et de fermeture (H3K27Me3) de la chromatine sur la région promotrice du gène CFTR et ii) l'acétylation significative de régions cis-régulatrices intragéniques.La deuxième partie de ce travail consiste en l'évaluation des effets du SAHA, un inhibiteur d'histones déacétylases (HDACi) dans un modèle ex vivo d'épithélium nasal de patients atteints de mucoviscidose. Les résultats montrent que le SAHA ne restaure pas l'adressage membranaire de la protéine CFTR en contexte pathologique mucoviscidose (mutation p.(Phe508del)) dans des cellules CF différenciées en épithélium ex vivo. De plus, le SAHA induit une modification du profil inflammatoire des épithélia et une dé-différenciation épithéliale dans le modèle ex vivo montrant que les mécanismes d'action de cette molécule sont multiples et réversibles.Ce travail souligne la nécessité d'analyser in vivo les mécanismes physiopathologiques impliqués dans la mucoviscidose et d'évaluer l'impact des molécules thérapeutiques sur les protéines endogènes dans un modèle d'épithélium différencié. / Cystic fibrosis (CF) is caused by mutations in the CFTR gene encoding for a protein essential to maintain the homeostasis of fluid and electrolyte transport in the epithelium of endoderm-derived organs (lung, pancreas, reproductive tract) that are affected in CF patients. CFTR expression greatly varies between these tissues and during fetal development, particularly in the lung where repression is observed in adulthood .In the first part of this work, we characterized epigenetic modifications associated with the spatio-temporal regulation of CFTR gene expression in healthy human adult and fetal tissues. Our results emphasize the important role of histone post-translational modifications in this regulation in vivo. Specifically, we observed i) a fine balance between active (acetylation) and repressive (H3K27Me3) marks in the promoter region and ii) significant acetylation in intragenic cis-regulatory regions.In the second part of this work, we evaluated the effects of SAHA, a histone deacetylase inhibitor (HDACi) in an ex vivo model of nasal epithelium of CF patients. Our results show that SAHA can not restore CFTR protein to the apical membrane in a p.(Phe508del)-CFTR context in ex vivo CF differentiated epithelial cells. In addition, SAHA induces a change in the inflammatory profile of epithelia and epithelial dedifferentiation in the ex vivo model showing that the mechanisms of action of this molecule are multiple and reversible.This work highlights the need to analyze in vivo the pathophysiological mechanisms involved in Cystic Fibrosis and to evaluate the impact of therapeutic molecules on the endogenous proteins in a differentiated epithelium model.
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Mécanismes fonctionnels et signalisation intracellulaire dans les maladies allergiques et inflammatoires chez l'hommeGernez, Yaël 05 September 2011 (has links)
La première partie de ce travail se centre sur la recherche de tests sanguins (reposant sur les granulocytes) de dépistage, de suivi et d’efficacité thérapeutique dans différentes maladies allergiques. Elle débute par un travail réalisé dans la maladie asthmatique. Elle se poursuit par l’étude du rôle des granulocytes (polynucléaires neutrophiles et/ou polynucléaires éosinophiles et/ou basophiles) dans deux maladies allergiques : l’oesophagite à éosinophiles et les allergies alimentaires. Chez des patients atteints d’oesophagite à éosinophiles, nous avons étudier le profil d’activation des éosinophiles sanguins et de l’œsophage. Nous nous sommes focalisés sur certains marqueurs d’activation de surface (CD66b) et sur certains phosphoépitopes d’intérêt (Ph-STAT1 et Ph-STAT6). Nous avons démontré que les éosinophiles sanguins avaient un profil spécifique dans cette maladie. Enfin, cette première partie s’achève par deux études portant sur les basophiles sanguins dans les allergies alimentaires, plus précisément, dans les allergies aux fruits à coques ; Nous avons développé de nouveaux potentiels tests de dépistage de patients atteints d’allergies alimentaires, d’identification des allergènes responsables ainsi que de potentiels marqueurs d’évaluation d’efficacité de nouvelles thérapeutiques dans les allergies alimentaires par l’utilisation des marqueurs d’activation de surface des basophiles.La deuxième partie se centre principalement sur le rôle des polynucléaires neutrophiles (PNN) du sang et des voies aériennes des patients atteints de mucoviscidose. La mucoviscidose est la maladie génétique autosomique récessive la plus fréquente dans l’Europe du nord. Son pronostic est étroitement lié à l’atteinte pulmonaire, qui se caractérise par des infections à répétition, une obstruction et une inflammation à PNN. Notre équipe a tout d’abord démontré que les PNN sanguins de patients atteints de mucoviscidose présentaient un déficit en glutathion. Nous avons donc réaliser un essai clinique de phase IIa ou, N-acétyl-cystéine (précurseur du glutathion) était donné, à forte dose et par voie orale à des patients atteints de mucoviscidose. Ce traitement par N-acétyl-cystéine pendant douze semaines a permis une correction du déficit des PNN sanguins en glutathion. Cette correction de l’excès de stress oxydatif au sein des PNN a permis une diminution significative du nombre d’exacerbation chez les patients atteints de mucoviscidose. En revanche, possiblement en raison de la courte durée de ce traitement, aucune différence significative ne fut observée au niveau des paramètres de fonction respiratoire, tels que le VEMS. De plus, nous avons démontré que les PNN des voies aériennes des patients atteints de mucoviscidose dysfonctionnaient. En effet, alors qu’il était rapporté dans la littérature que les PNN nécrotiques des voies aériennes larguaient de manière passive l’élastase et la myélopéroxidase, nous avons démontré que les PNN vivants larguaient de manière active ces deux enzymes, dont la présence est en étroite corrélation avec le déclin de la fonction pulmonaire.. Nous avons alors émis l’hypothèse que les PNN, lors de leur migration du sang vers les voies aériennes, s’activaient anormalement. Nous avons donc décider d’étudier leurs cascade d’activations intracellulaire. Nous avons ainsi démontré que les PNN des voies aériennes des patients atteints de mucoviscidose présentaient une régulation positive de la voie mTOR. mTOR étaient possiblement activé par la pléthore d’acides aminés présents dans le poumon mucoviscidosique. mTOR pourrait refléter une possible survie prolongée des PNN des voies aériennes du poumon mucoviscidosique. Ces PNN pourraient aussi secréter de nouvelles protéines, alors même qu’ils sont « conventionnellement » définis comme cellules terminallement différenciées. [...] / Summary of the first part. We hypothesized that granulocytes were not only playing an effector role in atopic diseases, but also a regulatory role. Furthermore, we proposed that granulocytes, due to their rapid activation response, could be used in rapid non-invasive whole blood assays for Allergic Asthma (AA), Food Allergy (FA) and Eosinophillic Esophagitis (EoE), three allergic diseases. We first studied asthma. Then, we explored the profil of activation of blood eosinophils in patients with EoE. We explored some activation surface markers (CD66b) and some intracellular phosphoepitopes of interest (Ph-STAT1 and Ph-STAT6). We then focused our attention on blood basophils in food allergy. We developped a potential blood basophil assay (based on two basophil activation surface markers, CD203c and CD63), which could discriminate a patient with food allergy, which could also identify the offending allergen and, which could monitor the effect of new therapy.Summary of the second part. We focused our attention on the role of the blood and sputum neutrophils in cystic fibrosis (CF). Cystic fibrosis is the most frequent disease in Caucasians. While CF affects all exocrine organs throughout the body, its lung manifestation represents the main cause of morbidity and mortality. We first discovered that blood neutrophils were deficient in glutathion. We therefore started a clinical phase IIa, where N-acetyl-cystein were given orally in high dose to patients with CF for twelve weeks. Thanks to this regimen, the deficit in glutathion in blood PNN disappeared. The number of exacerbations significantly decreased, however, no positive effect were observerd on the lung function. Furthermore, we demonstrated that profound functional and signaling changes readily occur within viable PNN recruited to CF airways, compared to their blood counterparts. For a long time, neutrophil dysfunction in CF airways has been equated with necrosis and passive release of elastase, DNA and, actin. However, we established recently by direct ex vivo analysis of airway neutrophils from CF patients that a large fraction of these cells are viable and appear to actively release these enzymes-containing granules. We also show that neutrophils that entered CF airways have increased phosphorylation of key effectors in the amino acid-regulated mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway. An upregulation of the mTOR pathway might reflect an increase of the survival of the neutrophils in the airways. Another common view of peripheral neutrophils is that of terminally differentiated population, with little if any ability to become anabolic. However, we outlined the ability of human neutrophils to modify their transcriptional profile upon migration to the lung in CF. The last part of these thesis is a combination of knowledge that we acquired on the blood basophils in food allergy and on the neutrophils from the airways of patients with CF. We are currently trying to develop an unmet need blood (basophil) test which could discrimate the CF patients with allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis. We are also trying to understand the role of airways neutrophils and eosinophils in the pathogenese of these disease.
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Transforming growth factor beta 1 modulates electrophysiological parameters of vas deferens epithelial cellsYi, Sheng January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Anatomy and Physiology / Bruce Schultz / Transforming growth factor β1 (TGF-β1) is a cytokine that reportedly affects the severity of cystic fibrosis lung disease. The goal of this project was to define the effect of TGF-β1 on vas deferens, an organ that is universally affected in male cystic fibrosis patients.
In the first study, experiments were conducted using freshly isolated porcine vas deferens epithelial cells. Primary porcine vas deferens epithelial cells exposed to TGF-β1 exhibited a significantly reduced basal transepithelial electrical resistance (Rte). TGF-β1-induced reduction in Rte was prevented by SB431542, a TGF-β receptor I inhibitor, indicating that the effect of TGF-β1 requires the activation of TGF-β receptor I. Western blot and immunohistochemistry results showed the expression of TGF-β receptor I in native vas deferens epithelia, indicating that the impaired barrier function and anion secretion that were observed in cultured vas deferens cells can likely be observed in the native context. Immunohistochemical outcomes showed that TGF-β1 exposure led to loss of organization of tight junction proteins occludin and claudin-7. These outcomes suggest that TGF-β1 impairs the barrier integrity of epithelial cells lining the vas deferens.
In a parallel study that employed PVD9902 cells that are derived from porcine vas deferens, TGF-β1 exposure significantly reduced anion secretion stimulated by forskolin, forskolin/IBMX, and 8-pCPT-cAMP, suggesting that TGF-β1 affects downstream targets of the cAMP signaling pathway. Real-time RT-PCR and western blot analysis showed that TGF-β1 exposure reduced both the mRNA and the protein abundance of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR). Pharmacological studies showed that the inhibitory effect of TGF-β1 on forskolin-stimulated anion secretion was abrogated by SB431542 and attenuated by SB203580, a p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) inhibitor. These outcomes suggest that TGF-β1, via the activation of TGF-β receptor I and p38 MAPK signaling, reduces CFTR expression, and thus impairs CFTR-mediated anion secretion.
Outcomes from these studies suggest that, in epithelial cells lining the vas deferens, TGF-β1 exposure leads to an impaired physical barrier and/or reduced anion secretion, which is expected to modify the composition and the maintenance of the luminal environment and thus, is expected to reduce male fertility.
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Biophysical studies of m2glyr modified sequences: The effect of electrostatics on ion channel selectivityBukovnik, Urska January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Biochemistry / John M. Tomich / Channel replacement therapy represents a new treatment modality that could augment existing therapies against cystic fibrosis. It is based on designing synthetic channel-forming peptides (CFPs) with desirable selectivity, high ion transport rates and overall ability to supersede defective endogenous chloride channels. We derived synthetic CFPs from a peptide initially reconstituted from the second transmembrane segment of the α-subunit of Glycine receptor (M2GlyR). Our best candidate peptide NK4-M2GlyR T19R, S22W (p22-T19R, S22W) is soluble in aqueous solutions, has the ability to deliver itself to the epithelial cell membranes without the use of a delivery system, is non-immunogenic, but when assembled into a pore, lacks the structural properties for anion selectivity. Previous findings suggested that threonine residues at positions 13, 17 and 20 line the pore of assembled p22-T19R, S22W and recent studies indicated that an introduction of positively charged 2, 3-diaminopropionic acid (Dap) at either T13 or T17 in the sequence increases transepithelial ion transport rates across the apical membranes of Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) epithelial cells. This study focused on further structural modifications of the pore-lining interface of p22-T19R, S22W assembled pore. It was hypothesized that singly, doubly or triply introduced Dap residues modify the pore geometry and that their positively charged side chains impact discrimination for anions. Dap-substituted p22-T19R, S22W peptides retain the α-helical secondary structure characteristic for their parent p22-T19R, S22W. The sequences containing multiple Dap-substituted residues induce higher short circuit current across the epithelial MDCK cells compared to peptides with single Dap-substitutions or no Dap-substitutions. Whole-cell voltage clamp recordings using Xenopus oocytes indicate that Dap-substituted peptide assemblies induce higher levels of voltage-dependent but non-selective ion current relative to p22-T19R, S22W. Studies using the D-enantiomer of p22-T19R, S22W and shorter truncated sequences of a full length L-p22-T19R, S22W and L-Dap-substituted peptides provided evidence that peptide-induced ion transport rates can be attributed to formation of de novo pathways. Results of preliminary computer modeling studies indicate that Dap residues affect the pore geometry but not ion selectivity. Future studies focusing on modifying the existing electrostatic environment towards anion selectivity will focus on staggering the charged residues of Dap at various locations inside synthetic pores.
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Novel Computational Protein Design Algorithms with Applications to Cystic Fibrosis and HIVRoberts, Kyle Eugene January 2014 (has links)
<p>Proteins are essential components of cells and are crucial for catalyzing reactions, signaling, recognition, motility, recycling, and structural stability. This diversity of function suggests that nature is only scratching the surface of protein functional space. Protein function is determined by structure, which in turn is determined predominantly by amino acid sequence. Protein design aims to explore protein sequence and conformational space to design novel proteins with new or improved function. The vast number of possible protein sequences makes exploring the space a challenging problem. </p><p>Computational structure-based protein design (CSPD) allows for the rational design of proteins. Because of the large search space, CSPD methods must balance search accuracy and modeling simplifications. We have developed algorithms that allow for the accurate and efficient search of protein conformational space. Specifically, we focus on algorithms that maintain provability, account for protein flexibility, and use ensemble-based rankings. We present several novel algorithms for incorporating improved flexibility into CSPD with continuous rotamers. We applied these algorithms to two biomedically important design problems. We designed peptide inhibitors of the cystic fibrosis agonist CAL that were able to restore function of the vital cystic fibrosis protein CFTR. We also designed improved HIV antibodies and nanobodies to combat HIV infections.</p> / Dissertation
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Vývoj antibakteriálních protilátek pro pacienty s cystickou fibrosou / Development of antibacterial antibodies for cystic fibrosis patientsVašková, Michaela January 2019 (has links)
Cystic fibrosis (CF) is an autosomal recessive disease caused by mutations in the CFTR gene (CF transmembrane conductance regulator). These mutations result in absent or defective CFTR chloride channel function. The susceptibility to bacterial respiratory infections due to the accumulation of thickened mucus and altered glycosylation in lungs is typical for this disease. Bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA) is a major cause of these infections. Among other virulent factors, the pathogenicity of these bacteria is caused by fucose-specific PA-IIL lectin which plays a role as an adhesin. The effect of anti-PA-IIL egg yolk antibodies and multivalent fucose-based PA-IIL inhibitors on PA adherence to lung epithelial cells was studied in this work. Chicken antibodies were isolated from egg yolks before and after immunization with antigen PA-IIL. Specific anti-PA-IIL antibodies were obtained by affinity chromatography using a column with an immobilized PA-IIL. Reactivity of IgY was verified by ELISA. The presence of PA-IIL in the bacterial culture of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PAK, ST 1763) and the ability of antibodies to recognize this bacterial lectin were verified by Western blotting followed by immunodetection. Appropriate culture conditions have also been found for the expression of this lectin. The...
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Att drunkna utan vatten: en litteraturstudie om att leva med cystisk fibros / To drown without water: a literatur study about living with cystic fibrosisSvensson, Jamilah, Dahlgren, Lina January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Cystisk fibros (CF) är inte längre en barnsjukdom eftersom 95% lever upp i vuxen ålder. Sjukdomen har stor påverkan på kroppens organ där lungorna och mag-och tarmkanalen är främst utsatta. Behandlingen är krävande och består till stor del av egenvård. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa personers erfarenheter av att leva med CF. Metod: Studien är utformad som allmän litteraturstudie med induktiv ansats. Sökningar genomfördes i tre databaser och genererade i elva artiklar. Resultat: Fyra kategorier skapades: Oro över att vara annorlunda, Symtomens påverkan på livet, Hopp och lidande samt Vårderfarenheter. Konklusion: Personer med CF upplever en bristande normalitet, önskan om ett normalt liv och en relation med döden. Att vara delaktig i vården är en förutsättning för personer med CF och bidrar till självständighet. Fortsatt forskning inom sjukdomen behövs för att lindra lidandet hos personer med CF. / Background: Cystic fibrosis (CF) is no longer a pediatric disease since 95% live up to adulthood. The disease has a great impact on the organs especially the lungs and the gastrointestinal tract. The treatment is very demanding and consists mainly of selfcare. Aim: The aim of this study was to illustrate persons´ experience of living with CF. Method: The study was constructed as a general literature study with an inductive approach. The searches were conducted in three different databases and resulted in eleven articles. Result: These eleven articles resulted in four categories: The worry of being different, The symptoms effect on life, Hope and suffering and Health care experience. Conclusion: People with CF experience a lack of normality, a wish for a normal life and they have a relationship with death. Being involved in the care is a prerequisite for people with CF and it contributes to independence. Continued research within the disease is necessary to relieve the suffering of people with CF.
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