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A experiência de adultos com fibrose cística: um estudo fenomenológico / The experience of adults with cystic fibrosis: a phenomenological studyCordeiro, Samara Macedo 10 November 2017 (has links)
Introdução: a fibrose cística é uma doença crônica, multissistêmica, autossômica recessiva, de caráter genético. A expectativa de vida de quem convive com essa doença tem aumentado com os avanços no tratamento e com o controle das infecções. Por isso, o número de pessoas que chegam à idade adulta vem crescendo, o que faz surgirem novas demandas de atenção. Objetivo: compreender a experiência de pessoas adultas que convivem com a fibrose cística. Método: trata-se de um estudo qualitativo fundamentado na fenomenologia social de Alfred Schütz, realizado com doze pessoas adultas, que possuíam fibrose cística, residentes na cidade de São Paulo. Para obtenção dos depoimentos, utilizou-se a entrevista fenomenológica, com as seguintes questões norteadoras: como é para você conviver com a fibrose cística? Considerando que você tem essa doença crônica, quais são seus planos para o futuro? A Fenomenologia Social de Alfred Schütz permitiu a organização e a análise dos resultados. A discussão do conjunto de categorias que emergiram da experiência vivida foi realizada com base na literatura temática, tendo como fio condutor o referencial teórico-metodológico adotado. O projeto foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa com seres humanos da Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade de São Paulo, sob o Parecer nº 1.400.118. Resultados: o grupo de adultos com fibrose cística é aquele que convive com a doença e seu impacto desde a infância/adolescência, fases estas que foram representativas para eles, pois foi o momento em que os sintomas iniciaram e eles se perceberam diferentes dos colegas. As pessoas que fazem parte desse grupo social lidam com o preconceito e com o constrangimento causados pelos sinais e sintomas como a fadiga respiratória, a tosse e ainda o tratamento da doença, o que dificulta a realização das atividades cotidianas. Apesar das dificuldades de conviver com a fibrose cística, eles se mostram resilientes, otimistas e adaptam a rotina de tratamento ao seu cotidiano. No que tange ao futuro, os participantes deste estudo referem o medo da morte. No entanto referem-se ao transplante pulmonar como possibilidade de melhorar a qualidade de vida, isto é, estar livres da rotina rígida do tratamento, ter autonomia, independência, além de poder constituir família, dar continuidade aos estudos, conseguir um emprego e realizar atividades que lhes dão prazer. Conclusões: a fenomenologia social de Alfred Schütz possibilitou compreender a experiência de adultos com fibrose cística no contexto social onde estão inseridos, evidenciando elementos importantes para a elaboração de estratégias de cuidado centradas nas necessidades reais deste grupo. Essas necessidades devem ser refletidas no âmbito assistencial, do ensino e da pesquisa em saúde. / Introduction: Cystic fibrosis is a chronic, multisystem, autosomal recessive, genetic disease. The life expectancy of those living with this disease has increased with advances in treatment and control of infections. Therefore, the number of people who reach adulthood has been increasing, which brings new demands for attention. Objective: to understand the experience of adults living with cystic fibrosis. Method: This is a qualitative study based on the social phenomenology of Alfred Schütz, carried out with twelve adults, who had cystic fibrosis living in the city of São Paulo. To obtain the depositions, the phenomenological interview was used, with the following guiding questions: How do you cope with cystic fibrosis? Considering that you have this chronic disease, what are your plans for the future? The Social Phenomenology of Alfred Schütz allowed the organization and analysis of the results. The discussion of the set of categories that emerged from the lived experience was carried out based on the thematic literature, having as a guiding thread the theoretical-methodological reference adopted. The project was approved by the Committee of Ethics in Research with human beings of the School of Nursing of the University of São Paulo, under Opinion no. 1,400,118. Results: group of adults with cystic fibrosis is the one who lives with the disease and its impact since childhood / adolescence, these phases were representative for them, because it was that moment that the symptoms started and they perceived different from their colleagues. People who are part of this social group deal with the prejudice and the embarrassment caused by signs and symptoms such as respiratory fatigue, coughing and even treatment of the disease, which makes it difficult to perform daily activities. Despite the difficulties of living with cystic fibrosis, they are resilient, optimistic and adapt the routine of treatment to their daily lives. When thinking about the future, people with cystic fibrosis refer to the fear of death, but refer to lung transplantation as a possibility to improve the quality of life, that is, to be free of the rigid routine of treatment, to have autonomy, independence and be able to start a family, continue their studies, get a job and perform activities that give them pleasure. Conclusions: the social phenomenology of Alfred Schultz made it possible to understand the experience of adults with cystic fibrosis in the social context where they are inserted, showing important elements for the elaboration of care strategies focused on the real needs of this group. These needs must be reflected in the healthcare, teaching and health research.
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Revisão sistemática da literatura sobre o uso de probióticos em fibrose cística e perfil nutricional dos pacientes acompanhados no Instituto da Criança - HCFMUSP / Systematic review of the literature on the use of probiotics in cystic fibrosis and nutritional profile of patients treated at Children\'s Institute - HCFMUSPNeri, Lenycia de Cassya Lopes 31 March 2017 (has links)
Fibrose cística é uma doença hereditária, caracterizada por alterações no transporte de cloro nas membranas das células epiteliais, gerando a produção de muco espesso e anormal, o que pode obstruir os ductos de glândulas exócrinas de vários órgãos. As manifestações clínicas principais da doença abrangem os sistemas respiratório (com infecções pulmonares recorrentes e crônicas) e gastrointestinal (com insuficiência pancreática e consequente má-digestão e absorção de nutrientes, levando a desnutrição energético-protéica). Existem evidências de que a constituição da microbiota intestinal pode influenciar a colonização do trato respiratório de indivíduos com fibrose cística. Esta dissertação teve como objetivo realizar revisão sistemática e metanálise das publicações científicas sobre o uso de pré, pró ou simbióticos em fibrose cística, além de avaliar a situação nutricional dos pacientes com fibrose cística acompanhados no Instituto da Criança - HCFMUSP. A revisão sistemática e metanálise seguiu protocolo proposto pela Colaboração Cochrane, com buscas em bases de dados eletrônicas com os termos prebioticos ou probióticos ou simbióticos e fibrose cística. Foram incluídos ensaios clínicos randomizados que abordassem os desfechos de inflamação intestinal e/ou exacerbações pulmonares. O estudo de avaliação nutricional foi realizado através de levantamento de dados antropométricos e clínicos, além de questionários aplicados a pacientes e responsáveis sobre dados de consumo alimentar e características socioeconômicas. Na busca bibliográfica foram encontrados 48 diferentes estudos, e somente 6 atingiram os critérios para integrar a metanálise. Foi observado efeito protetor do uso de probióticos e simbióticos na taxa de exacerbação pulmonar em pacientes com fibrose cística quando comparados com placebo (OR= -1,01 (IC 95% -1,66; -0,37), p = 0,002). Os níveis de calprotectina fecal (indicador de inflamação intestinal) tiveram redução significativa após intervenção (OR= -12,18 (IC 95%: -22,50; -1,86), p = 0,02), e houve diminuição dos pacientes com inflamação intestinal (calprotectina > 50 mcg/g de fezes) com OR= 0,31 (IC 95%: 0,13; 0,79), p = 0,01. Na avaliação do perfil nutricional foram incluídos 101 pacientes (59,4% do gênero masculino, 86,4% caucasianos), e a mediana de idade na inclusão foi de 10 anos. A maioria dos pacientes foi classificada como eutrófica, com consumo alimentar adequado. Valores menores de escore Z de IMC foram observados em escolares e adolescentes, e a proporção de pacientes com peso abaixo do esperado aumenta de 10% entre pré-escolares para 35% na faixa etária escolar. As características socioeconômicas não demostraram relação com consumo alimentar ou estado nutricional. Os valores de função pulmonar foram mais baixos em adolescentes e indivíduos com pior estado nutricional, porém sem diferença significante. Dados da metanálise, apesar da limitação amostral, apontaram o uso de probióticos como fator de proteção para exacerbações respiratórias, bem como para inflamação intestinal. Resultados da avaliação nutricional indicam que a transição das faixas etárias pré-escolar para escolar é um momento crítico, portanto abordagens direcionadas para estas faixas etárias podem ser de grande importância para preservação da saúde nutricional. Sendo assim, recomenda-se que mais estudos de estratégias nutricionais preventivas sejam realizados em faixas etárias precoces, como suplementação de probióticos, visando a melhora do prognóstico de pacientes com fibrose cística. / Cystic fibrosis is a hereditary disease characterized by deficiency of chloride transportation in epithelial cell membranes, resulting in thick and abnormal mucus, which may obstruct ducts of exocrine glands in several organs. The main clinical manifestations include the respiratory (recurrent and chronic lung infections) and gastrointestinal systems (pancreatic insufficiency and consequent maldigestion and absorption of nutrients, resulting in malnutrition). There is evidence that intestinal microbiota composition may impact the respiratory tract colonization of individuals with cystic fibrosis. This study aimed to verify current evidence regarding the effects of supplementation of probiotics, prebiotics or both in cystic fibrosis patients, concerning gastrointestinal and respiratory outcomes. We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis, and additionally carried out a survey of the nutritional status of patients with cystic fibrosis attending the outpatient clinic of the Instituto da Criança HCFMUSP. The systematic review and meta-analysis was performed according to the protocol proposed by the Cochrane Collaboration, searching electronic databases using the terms \"prebiotics\" or \"probiotics\" or \"symbiotic\", and \"cystic fibrosis\". Randomized clinical trials addressing intestinal inflammation and/or pulmonary exacerbations were included. The assessment of nutritional status was carried out through a cross-sectional survey of medical records concerning clinical and anthropometric data, and also by applying a questionnaire to patients and caregivers concerning food consumption, and socioeconomic characteristics. The bibliographic search identified 48 different studies, but only 6 fulfilled criteria to be included in the meta-analysis. A protective effect of probiotic and symbiotic use was observed in the rate of pulmonary exacerbations when compared to placebo (OR = -1.01 (95%CI -1.66, -0.37), p=0.002). The levels of fecal calprotectin (indicator of intestinal inflammation) had a significant reduction after intervention (OR = -12.18 (95%CI: -22.50, -1.86), p=0.02) and there was a decrease in the proportion of patients with intestinal inflammation (calprotectin> 50 mcg/g feces) with OR = 0.31 (95%CI: 0.13, 0.79), p=0.01. Regarding nutritional assessment, 101 patients were included (59.4% male, 86,4% white race), and median age at inclusion was 10 years old. The majority of patients were considered to be eutrophic and have adequate food intake, but lower values of BMI Z-score were observed in schoolchildren and adolescents. The proportion of underweight patients increased from 10% among preschoolers to 35% of the school age group. The socioeconomic characteristics were not associated to the food consumption or nutritional status. Lung function was lower in adolescents and individuals with poor nutritional status, but without significant difference. Data from the meta-analysis, despite the limitations of sample size, indicated that the use of probiotics may be a protective factor for respiratory exacerbations as well as intestinal inflammation. Results of the nutritional assessment indicate that the transition from the pre-school to the school age groups is a critical period, and therefore approaches directed to these age groups may have a significant impact in the nutritional health. Towards that, further studies using preventive nutritional strategies such as probiotic supplementation, are recommended for younger age groups, aiming to improve the prognosis of patients with cystic fibrosis.
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Teste do suor para diagnóstico de fibrose cística: comparação do teste clássico com o teste simplificado / Sweat test for the diagnosis of cystic fibrosis: comparison between the classic and a simplified testMattar, Ana Claudia Veras 08 June 2010 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: apesar da identificação de mais de 1500 mutações para o gene CFTR (cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator), o teste do suor ainda é o teste diagnóstico para Fibrose Cística (FC). O teste quantitativo de iontoforese por pilocarpina (TQIP) é o padrão-ouro para coleta do suor e análise do cloro, mas está sujeito a erros se não for realizado por técnicos qualificados. Embora a técnica de coleta do suor pelo sistema macroduct® e análise pela condutividade seja simples e tenha boa correlação com os níveis de cloro em estudos prévios, a mesma ainda é considerada como um teste de triagem para FC. O melhor ponto de corte para confirmar ou afastar a FC pelo método da condutividade deve ser ainda estabelecido. OBJETIVOS: comparar os valores de cloro no suor obtidos pelo teste quantitativo da iontoforese pela pilocarpina (teste clássico) com os valores de condutividade do suor obtido pelo sistema de coleta por macroduct® (teste simplificado) em pacientes com e sem FC e em uma amostra aleatória de pacientes em investigação para FC. O custo e o tempo despendidos na execução de cada teste foram também analisados na fase inicial do estudo. MÉTODOS: o teste do suor, pelas duas técnicas, foi realizado simultaneamente em pacientes com e sem FC e posteriormente em pacientes em investigação diagnóstica da doença no período de fevereiro/2006 a outubro/2008. Os pontos de corte para a condutividade para excluir ou diagnosticar FC foram < 75 e ? 90 mmol/L, respectivamente, e para o teste clássico cloro ? 60 e > 60 mmol/L. Na fase inicial da pesquisa (casos com e sem FC) foram utilizadas tabelas de contingência para os cálculos de sensibilidade (S), especificidade (E), valor preditivo positivo (VPP) e negativo (VPN), além do teste exato de Fisher para avaliar a associação entre os testes e a presença ou ausência de FC. Na amostra aleatória de pacientes usou-se a curva ROC também para os cálculos de S, E, VPP e VPN e também para calcular a área sob a curva entre os testes, e, em ambas as fases da pesquisa, para avaliar sua acurácia. Os respectivos intervalos de confiança de 95% (IC95%) também foram analisados. Para avaliação da concordância entre os testes, na amostra aleatória de pacientes, utilizou-se o coeficiente de kappa e o teste de McNemar. Aplicou-se o teste de Wilcoxon para se comparar os tempos na execução de cada teste, sendo considerados significativos quando p<0,05. RESULTADOS: 52 pacientes com FC (29M/23F; 1,5 a 18,2 anos) realizaram o teste do suor pelas duas técnicas, apresentando valores medianos de cloro e condutividade no suor de 114 e 122 mmol/L, respectivamente. A condutividade foi ? 95 mmol/L em todos os pacientes, conferindo ao teste 100% de sensibilidade (IC95%: 93,1 a 100%). Cinquenta pacientes sem FC (24M/26F; 0,5 a 12,5 anos) apresentaram valores medianos de cloro e condutividade no suor de 15,5 e 30 mmol/L, respectivamente. Em todos os casos a condutividade foi < 70 mmol/L, conferindo ao teste 100% de especificidade (IC95%: 92,9 a 100%). Foram então realizados 918 testes nos pacientes em investigação para FC, mas, em 180, as amostras foram inadequadas. Dos 738 testes realizados pelas duas técnicas, em 714 pacientes se afastou a FC, encontrando-se mediana de cloro de 11 mmol/L (variação: 3 a 137 mmol/L) e de condutividade de 25 mmol/L (variação: 14 a 138 mmol/L). Foram confirmados 24 pacientes com FC, encontrando-se uma mediana de cloro de 87 mmol/L (variação: 54 a 132 mmol/L) e de condutividade de 103 mmol/L (variação: 50 a 126 mmol/L). Pela curva ROC, com valores de condutividade > 90 mmol/L, obteve-se S= 83,3%, E= 99,7%, VPP= 90,9% e VPN= 99,4% para o diagnóstico de FC. Com valores de condutividade < 75 mmol/L praticamente se pôde excluir o diagnóstico de FC (VPN=99,7%; IC95%:99,0-100%). Houve excelente concordância entre o teste clássico e o simplificado, tanto pelo valor de kappa (0,934; IC95% 0,86 a 1,009), quanto pelo teste de McNemar (p=1,0000). O tempo despendido na execução dos testes foi significativamente menor com o teste simplificado (p<0,0001) e o custo do método simplificado foi discretamente inferior. CONCLUSÕES: o teste da condutividade do suor, seja em pacientes com diagnóstico previamente conhecido (com ou sem FC) ou quando realizado aleatoriamente, mostrou resultados superponíveis ao teste clássico e foi capaz de diferenciar pacientes com e sem FC. O teste simplificado apresentou alta sensibilidade e especificidade e houve excelente concordância entre os testes. O tempo de execução foi mais rápido e o custo inferior ao teste clássico. / INTRODUCTION: despite the identification of over 1500 CFTR (cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator) gene mutations, the sweat test is still the diagnostic test for cystic fibrosis (CF). The quantitative pilocarpine iontophoresis test (QPIT) is the gold-standard method for collection of sweat and chloride analyses, but is subjected to errors if not performed by qualified technicians. Although the technique using the macroduct system for sweat collection and the conductivity analysis is simpler and has good correlation with chloride levels in previous studies, it is still considered a screening test for CF. The best cut-off point of sweat conductivity to confirm or rule out CF must yet be established. OBJECTIVES: to compare the sweat chloride values obtained by the quantitative pilocarpine iontophoresis test (classic test) with sweat conductivity analysis obtained by the macroduct (simplified test) in patients with a confirmed CF diagnosis, in patients without CF and in a random sample of patients being investigated for CF. The cost and time spent to perform each test were also analysed in the initial phase of the study. METHODS: both techniques of sweat test were simultaneously performed initially in patients with CF, afterwards in patients in whom CF had been ruled out and finally in patients referred for a sweat test between February 2006 and October 2008. The cut-off values for sweat conductivity to exclude or diagnose CF were = 90 mmol/L and for the QPIT were sweat chloride ? 60 e > 60 mmol/L, respectively. Contingency tables were used in the initial phase of the study (cases with or without CF) for calculation of sensitivity (Se), specificity (Sp), positive (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) and Fisher\'s exact test was used to assess the association between the tests and the presence or absence of CF. ROC curve was used in the random sample of patients also for calculation of Se, Sp, PPV and NPV and also to calculate the area under the curve between both tests in both phases of the study to assess their accuracy. The respective 95% confidence intervals (95%CI) were also analysed. Kappa coefficient and McNemar tests were used for evaluation of agreement between the tests in the random sample of patients. Wilcoxon test was used to compare the time spent to perform each test, with the significant difference set at p < 0.05. RESULTS: in 52 CF patients (29M/23F, age range 1.5 to 18.2y) the median value of sweat Cl and conductivity were 114 and 122 mmol/L, respectively. All patients had sweat conductivity values above 95 mmol/L (100% sensitivity; 95%CI: 93.1 to 100%). In 50 patients without CF (24M/26F, age range 6m to 12.5y) the median value of sweat Cl and conductivity were 15.5 and 30 mmol/L, respectively. All patients had conductivity values bellow 70 mmol/L (100% specificity; 95%CI: 92.9 to 100%). Nine hundred and eighteen tests were then performed in patients being investigated for CF but 180 had inadequate samples. Of the 738 tests performed with both techniques in 714 CF was ruled out, with median values of sweat Cl of 11 mmol/L (range: 3 to 137 mmol/L) and of conductivity of 25 mmol/L (range: 14 to 138 mmol/L). Twenty four patients had a diagnosis of CF presenting a median sweat Cl of 87 mmol/L (range: 54 to 132 mmol/L) and a median conductivity value of 103 mmol/L (range: 50 to 126 mmol/L). The ROC curve showed that with a conductivity value > 90 mmol/L sensitivity of 83.3%, specificity of 99.7%, PPV of 90.9% and NPV of 99.4% was obtained to diagnose CF. The best conductivity cut-off value to exclude CF was < 75 mmol/L (NPV=99.7%; IC95%:99.0-100%). Good agreement were observed between the tests (kappa: 0.934; IC95% 0.86 a 1.009; McNemar test: p=1.0000). The time spent to perform the tests was significantly lower with the simplified test (p<0.0001) and the cost was slightly lower with the conductivity test. CONCLUSIONS: sweat conductivity performed in patients with a known CF or non-CF diagnosis or randomly applied in subjects referred for a sweat test showed similar results as the classic test and could differentiate patients with or without CF. Conductivity test had a high sensitivity and specificity and good agreement was observed between the techniques. The time spent to perform the tests was lower with the simplified test, as well as the cost.
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Achromobacter & Pandoraea : diversité et évolution adaptative de populations persistantes au cours de la mucoviscidose et dans l'environnement / Achromobacter & Pandoraea : diversity and adaptive evolution of persistent populations in cystic fibrosis and in environmentDupont, Chloé 25 November 2016 (has links)
La persistance bactérienne implique une adaptation aux conditions et aux contraintes environnementales, parfois associée à une diversification des génotypes et des phénotypes des populations bactériennes impliquées. Dans le cadre des infections chroniques, la mucoviscidose (CF) est une des pathologies humaines parmi les plus étudiées en termes de persistance et d’adaptation de pathogènes opportunistes. Certains pathogènes opportunistes d’origine environnementale, comme les bactéries des genres Achromobacter et Pandoraea, considérés comme émergents dans cette pathologie, sont capables de coloniser chroniquement les voies respiratoires des patients CF (VRCF). La colonisation et la persistance impliquent des mécanismes d’adaptations étudiés pour P. aeruginosa mais mal connus pour les bactéries émergentes.Nous avons étudié la persistance de bactéries du genre Achromobacter dans les VRCF de 13 patients, ainsi que dans de réseau d’eau d’un centre de soins dentaires, et la persistance de Pandoraea pulmonicola dans les VRCF d’un patient, durant des périodes de colonisation allant jusqu’à 7 ans. En parallèle, nous avons étudié la diversité génomique et phénotypique de populations d’Achromobacter dans les expectorations de 9 patients. Enfin, une investigation environnementale au domicile de 3 patients colonisés chroniquement par Achromobacter a été menée dans le but de connaître la diversité et l’écologie des bactéries de ce genre dans l’environnement proche des patients. Lors de ces différentes études, les espèces d’Achromobacter et Pandoraea ont été identifiées par méthodes moléculaires et la dynamique du génome ainsi que la diversité phénotypique ont été étudiées.Nous avons observé une diversité d’espèces de bactéries du genre Achromobacter colonisant les VRCF, incluant une espèce non décrite. Les patients colonisés chroniquement l’étaient par un clone unique d’Achromobacter ou de P. pulmonicola, appuyant l’idée de l’acquisition initiale d’un clone environnemental qui persiste dans le temps. Une importante diversité génomique et phénotypique a été observée au cours du temps mais aussi au sein de populations à un temps donné. Nous avons également mis en évidence une importante diversité de profils d’antibiorésistance au sein de chaque expectoration, dont l’impact clinique reste à évaluer. Enfin, une diversité d’espèces du genre Achromobacter a été observée au domicile des patients alors que le clone d’A. xylosoxidans adapté aux VRCF des patients n’a pas été isolé dans leurs environnements domestiques. Ces résultats suggèrent qu’après la colonisation initiale et la spécialisation des clones colonisant les VRCF, ceux-ci seraient secondairement incapables de survivre dans l’environnement.Un clone qui colonise les VRCF s’adapte rapidement aux conditions environnementales particulières de cet habitat et subit une diversification génomique et phénotypique intense par spécialisation de génotypes à différentes niches écologiques, aboutissant à une population clonale diversifiée. Cette diversité assure certainement la persistance de la population clonale par "l’hypothèse d’assurance" selon laquelle quelle que soit la pression environnementale exercée, une bactérie ou un sous-groupe de bactéries sera capable d’y résister.Mots clés : Achromobacter, adaptation, colonisation chronique, diversité, écologie, environnement, épidémiologie, évolution, génomique, mucoviscidose, Pandoraea, persistance, phénotype, réseau d’eau, résistance aux antibiotiques. / Bacterial persistence involves adaptation to environmental conditions and constraints, sometimes associated with genotype and phenotype diversification of bacterial populations. In the context of chronic infections, Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is a human disease among the most studied in terms of persistence and adaptation of opportunistic pathogens. Some environmental opportunistic pathogens like Achromobacter and Pandoraea genera are considered as emerging in CF and are able to chronically colonize CF Respiratory Tract (CFRT). Adaptation mechanisms required for colonization and persistence were studied for P. aeruginosa but remain largely unknown for emerging bacteria. We studied Achromobacter spp. persistence in the CFRT of 13 patients and in a dental care unit water network, and Pandoraea pulmonicola persistence in the CFRT of one patient, during colonization periods up to 7 years. In parallel, we studied Achromobacter population genomic and phenotypic diversity in sputum samples from 9 patients. Finally, we made an environmental investigation to study the diversity and the ecology of Achromobacter spp. in household of 3 Achromobacter chronically colonized CF patients. During these studies, Achromobacter and Pandoraea species were identified by molecular methods and genome dynamic and phenotypic diversity were studied.Diversity of Achromobacter species colonizing the CFRT is described and included an undescribed species. Chronically colonized patients had a unique Achromobacter or Pandoraea clone in their CFRT, supporting the initial acquisition of one environmental clone which persists over time. A large genomic and phenotypic diversity has been observed over time and also at the intra-specimen level. A wide antibiotic susceptibility profile diversity was observed within samples and its clinical impact remains to be assessed. Finally, Achromobacter species diversity was observed in patient domestic environment but the Achromobacter clone adapted to the patient CFRT was not isolated. These results suggested that after initial colonization and specialisation the CFRT, colonizing clones might secondarily be unable to survive in the environment.A colonizing clone quickly adapts to the specific local conditions of the CFRT and undergoes intense genomic and phenotypic diversification with genotype specialization to the different ecological niches of the heterogeneous CFRT, resulting in a diversified clonal population. This diversity certainly insures the population persistence according to the “bet hedging” theory stating that regardless of the environmental pressures, a bacteria or a subgroup of bacteria will be able to persist.Key words : Achromobacter, adaptation, antibiotic susceptibility, chronic colonization, Cystic Fibrosis, diversity, ecology, environment, epidemiology, evolution, genomic, Pandoraea, persistence, phenotype, water network.
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A experiência de adultos com fibrose cística: um estudo fenomenológico / The experience of adults with cystic fibrosis: a phenomenological studySamara Macedo Cordeiro 10 November 2017 (has links)
Introdução: a fibrose cística é uma doença crônica, multissistêmica, autossômica recessiva, de caráter genético. A expectativa de vida de quem convive com essa doença tem aumentado com os avanços no tratamento e com o controle das infecções. Por isso, o número de pessoas que chegam à idade adulta vem crescendo, o que faz surgirem novas demandas de atenção. Objetivo: compreender a experiência de pessoas adultas que convivem com a fibrose cística. Método: trata-se de um estudo qualitativo fundamentado na fenomenologia social de Alfred Schütz, realizado com doze pessoas adultas, que possuíam fibrose cística, residentes na cidade de São Paulo. Para obtenção dos depoimentos, utilizou-se a entrevista fenomenológica, com as seguintes questões norteadoras: como é para você conviver com a fibrose cística? Considerando que você tem essa doença crônica, quais são seus planos para o futuro? A Fenomenologia Social de Alfred Schütz permitiu a organização e a análise dos resultados. A discussão do conjunto de categorias que emergiram da experiência vivida foi realizada com base na literatura temática, tendo como fio condutor o referencial teórico-metodológico adotado. O projeto foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa com seres humanos da Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade de São Paulo, sob o Parecer nº 1.400.118. Resultados: o grupo de adultos com fibrose cística é aquele que convive com a doença e seu impacto desde a infância/adolescência, fases estas que foram representativas para eles, pois foi o momento em que os sintomas iniciaram e eles se perceberam diferentes dos colegas. As pessoas que fazem parte desse grupo social lidam com o preconceito e com o constrangimento causados pelos sinais e sintomas como a fadiga respiratória, a tosse e ainda o tratamento da doença, o que dificulta a realização das atividades cotidianas. Apesar das dificuldades de conviver com a fibrose cística, eles se mostram resilientes, otimistas e adaptam a rotina de tratamento ao seu cotidiano. No que tange ao futuro, os participantes deste estudo referem o medo da morte. No entanto referem-se ao transplante pulmonar como possibilidade de melhorar a qualidade de vida, isto é, estar livres da rotina rígida do tratamento, ter autonomia, independência, além de poder constituir família, dar continuidade aos estudos, conseguir um emprego e realizar atividades que lhes dão prazer. Conclusões: a fenomenologia social de Alfred Schütz possibilitou compreender a experiência de adultos com fibrose cística no contexto social onde estão inseridos, evidenciando elementos importantes para a elaboração de estratégias de cuidado centradas nas necessidades reais deste grupo. Essas necessidades devem ser refletidas no âmbito assistencial, do ensino e da pesquisa em saúde. / Introduction: Cystic fibrosis is a chronic, multisystem, autosomal recessive, genetic disease. The life expectancy of those living with this disease has increased with advances in treatment and control of infections. Therefore, the number of people who reach adulthood has been increasing, which brings new demands for attention. Objective: to understand the experience of adults living with cystic fibrosis. Method: This is a qualitative study based on the social phenomenology of Alfred Schütz, carried out with twelve adults, who had cystic fibrosis living in the city of São Paulo. To obtain the depositions, the phenomenological interview was used, with the following guiding questions: How do you cope with cystic fibrosis? Considering that you have this chronic disease, what are your plans for the future? The Social Phenomenology of Alfred Schütz allowed the organization and analysis of the results. The discussion of the set of categories that emerged from the lived experience was carried out based on the thematic literature, having as a guiding thread the theoretical-methodological reference adopted. The project was approved by the Committee of Ethics in Research with human beings of the School of Nursing of the University of São Paulo, under Opinion no. 1,400,118. Results: group of adults with cystic fibrosis is the one who lives with the disease and its impact since childhood / adolescence, these phases were representative for them, because it was that moment that the symptoms started and they perceived different from their colleagues. People who are part of this social group deal with the prejudice and the embarrassment caused by signs and symptoms such as respiratory fatigue, coughing and even treatment of the disease, which makes it difficult to perform daily activities. Despite the difficulties of living with cystic fibrosis, they are resilient, optimistic and adapt the routine of treatment to their daily lives. When thinking about the future, people with cystic fibrosis refer to the fear of death, but refer to lung transplantation as a possibility to improve the quality of life, that is, to be free of the rigid routine of treatment, to have autonomy, independence and be able to start a family, continue their studies, get a job and perform activities that give them pleasure. Conclusions: the social phenomenology of Alfred Schultz made it possible to understand the experience of adults with cystic fibrosis in the social context where they are inserted, showing important elements for the elaboration of care strategies focused on the real needs of this group. These needs must be reflected in the healthcare, teaching and health research.
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Validação do instrumento DISABKIDS® - Módulo Fibrose Cística para crianças e adolescentes brasileiros / Validation DISABKIDS® - Cystic Fibrosis Module instrument for Brazilian children and adolescentsSantos, Danielle Maria de Souza Serio dos 05 July 2013 (has links)
A Fibrose Cística (FC) é uma condição crônica genética que pode acometer diversos órgãos. O desenvolvimento e validação de instrumentos de Qualidade de Vida relacionada à Saúde (QVRS) específicos para FC permitiram que as respostas psicossociais aos problemas de saúde desta população pudessem efetivamente ser consideradas como medidas em saúde em pesquisas clínicas. Este estudo metodológico, quantitativo, teve como objetivo realizar a validação para o Brasil da versão adaptada do instrumento DISABKIDS® - Módulo Fibrose Cística (DISABKIDS®- MFC) para crianças e adolescentes e seus pais ou cuidadores. Foram verificadas a existência de efeitos floor e ceiling, confiabilidade do instrumento por meio do coeficiente Alpha de Cronbach e pelo teste-reteste, validade de construto do instrumento, por meio da análise multitraço-multimétodo (MTMM) e concordância entre as versões self e proxy por meio do Índice de Correlação Intraclasse (ICC). A estrutura fatorial da versão adaptada do DISABKIDS®-MFC foi verificada por meio da utilização da Análise Fatorial Confirmatória (AFC), segundo índices de ajuste da Raiz Quadrada Residual Padronizada (RMSEA) e Índice de Ajuste Comparativo (CFI). Para este estudo, considerou-se uma amostra com 226 participantes em quatro estados do Brasil, sendo 102 deles do estudo piloto, coletados no ano de 2009 e 124 coletados de junho de 2011 a janeiro de 2013 para a etapa de campo. As dimensões do instrumento apresentaram altos graus de consistência interna, com valores para a estatística Alpha de Cronbach variando entre 0,71 e 0,87 para crianças e adolescentes e seus pais ou cuidadores. Em relação à validade de construto, segundo análise MTMM, observou-se validade convergente para ambas dimensões, com valores para o coeficiente de correlação linear de Pearson entre itens e sua dimensão maiores do que 0,40, na maioria das vezes, e para validade divergente foram encontrados valores de ajuste de 100% para as duas versões self e proxy. A concordância entre as respostas self e proxy foi moderada para a dimensão tratamento (ICC = 0,55) e substancial para a dimensão impacto (ICC = 0,60). O instrumento DISABKIDS®-MFC manteve sua estrutura fatorial, com valores de CFI =0,944 e RMSEA= 0,059, para a versão self e valores de CFI =0,872 e RMSEA= 0,139 para a versão proxy. Dessa forma, os resultados apontam para a validade e confiabilidade da versão self do instrumento DISABKIDS®-MFC e poderá ser incluído na rotina clínica de ambulatórios brasileiros. / Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is a genetic chronic condition that can affect several organs. The development and validation of instruments of Health-related Quality of Life (HRQoL) specifics to FC allowed that psychosocial responses to health problems of this population could effectively be regarded as health measures in clinical research. This methodological quantitative study, aimed to perform the validation of the instrument of HRQoL DISABKIDS®-Cystic Fibrosis Module (DISABKIDS®-CFM) for children and adolescents and their parents or caregivers. It was verified the possible presence of floor and ceiling effects, reliability accordingly to Cronbach\' Alpha coefficient and test-retest, construct validity of the instrument, according to Multitrait Multimethod analysis (MTMM) and agreement between self and proxy versions through intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). The factor structure of the DISABKIDS®-CFM was verified using of Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) according to Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) and Comparative Fit Index (CFI). For this study, it was considered a sample with 226 participants in four states of Brazil. 102 participants were from pilot test realized in 2009 and 124 from field sample collected between June 2011 and January 2013. The instrument has acceptable internal consistency, with values between 0.87 and 0.71 for children and adolescents and their parents or caregivers in both dimensions. In relation to the construct validity according to MTMM analysis, the convergent validity was often above than 0.40, and to discriminant validity the scale fit values were 100% for both versions. The agreement between self and proxy answer was moderate for treatment dimension and substantial for impact dimension. The DISABKIDS®-CFM kept its factor structure equal to the model originally proposed, with CFI= 0.944 and RMSEA=0.059, to self version, and for proxy version the values were CFI =0.872 and RMSEA= 0.139. The results point to validity and reliability of the DISABKIDS®-CFM, self version, may be included at routine clinical pratice.
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Adaptação cultural e validação do DISABKIDS - Cystic Fibrosis Module® para mensuração da qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde de crianças e adolescentes brasileiros: fase I / Cultural adaptation and validation of DISABKIDS - Cystic Fibrosis Module® to Health related Quality of Life\'s measurement of Brazilian children and adolescents: Fase I.Santos, Danielle Maria de Souza Serio dos 22 January 2010 (has links)
A Fibrose Cística (FC) é uma condição crônica genética que pode acometer diversos órgãos. A complexidade dos aspectos presentes na vida de pessoas com FC desafia pesquisadores e profissionais de saúde a cuidar e avaliar sua saúde de maneira ampla. Pesquisas sobre Qualidade de Vida Relacionada à Saúde (QVRS) se propõem a investigar e avaliar o impacto de enfermidades e seu tratamento na vida das pessoas. O projeto DISABKIDS, desenvolvido simultaneamente em sete países europeus, disponibiliza instrumentos, para mensuração da QVRS de crianças e adolescentes com condições crônicas, dentre estes, um instrumento específico para a FC. Esse estudo metodológico, quantitativo, teve como objetivo realizar a etapa piloto referente a adaptação e validação cultural para o Brasil do DISABKIDS - Cystic Fibrosis Module®. Após a tradução e retrotradução os dados foram coletados junto a crianças e adolescentes de 8 a 18 anos e seus pais ou cuidadores. A coleta de dados foi realizada de janeiro a outubro de 2009, compondo uma amostra composta de 128 participantes em 4 estados do Brasil. Os resultados encontrados foram muito satisfatórios, demonstrando que o instrumento foi bem aceito e compreendido pelos participantes e, dentro os dez itens, apenas um foi adaptado culturalmente. Em relação às propriedades psicométricas iniciais o instrumento apresentou consistência interna aceitável, com valores sempre acima de 0,70 e não maiores que 0,85 para crianças e adolescentes e seus pais ou cuidadores em ambas dimensões, validade convergente muito satisfatória, para as duas dimensões, impacto e tratamento, em ambas as versões self e proxy, com valores de ajuste sempre acima de 75% e concordância substancial entre as respostas self e proxy tanto para a dimensão impacto como para a dimensão tratamento, com valor igual a 0,65.Os resultados encontrados apontam que o DISABKIDS-CFM® poderá se constituir um instrumento válido e confiável, podendo ser inserido na rotina de seguimento de pessoas com FC. / Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is a genetic chronic condition that can affect several organs. The complexity of the issues involved on the lives of people with CF challenges researchers and health professionals to care and evaluate their health broadly. Researches about Health related Quality of Life (HRQoL) are proposed to investigate and evaluate the impact of illness and its treatment on people\'s lives. The DISABKIDS project, developed simultaneously in seven European countries, provides instruments to measure the HRQoL of children and adolescents with chronic conditions, among them, a specific instrument to CF. This quantitative methodological study, aimed to make the pilot phase of cultural adaptation and validation for Brazil DISABKIDS-Cystic Fibrosis Module®. After translation and back translations the data were collected from children and adolescents aged 8 to 18 and their parents or caregivers. Data collection was conducted from January to October 2009, and the sample was 128 participants in 4 Brazil\'s states. The results were very satisfactory, showing that the instrument was well accepted and understood by participants and within the ten items, only one was culturally adapted. The initial psychometric properties of the instrument showed acceptable internal consistency, with values always above 0.70 and no greater than 0.85 for children and adolescents and their parents or caregivers in both dimensions, very satisfactory convergent validity for the two dimensions , impact and treatment, in both versions, self and proxy, with scale fit values always above 75% and substantial agreement between self and proxy answer to both dimensions impact and treatment, with a value of 0.65. The results show that the DISABKIDS-CFM ® could constitute a valid and reliable instrument and can be inserted in the routine follow-up of people with CF.
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Survenue de grossesses chez les femmes atteintes de mucoviscidose : spécificités démographiques et sanitaires / Pregnancy occurence amongst cystic fibrosis patients : Demographic and sanitary characteristicsCastaing, Pauline 17 November 2017 (has links)
Concernant près de 7000 personnes en France, la mucoviscidose est une maladie génétique évolutive dont les atteintes sont multiples. Ces dernières décennies, l’amélioration de la prise en charge des malades a permis de faire évoluer leur durée de vie, et donc d’augmenter la part d’adultes dans la population touchée. Cela a naturellement amené à de nouvelles problématiques concernant la vie des malades, notamment en termes de procréation. A partir des données du Registre Français de la Mucoviscidose récoltées entre 1992 et 2011, ce travail avait d’une part pour objectif d’étudier la fécondité de cette population et de mieux cerner les caractéristiques des femmes atteintes de la maladie, et d’autre part d’identifier les interactions se jouant entre la mucoviscidose et la survenue d’une grossesse. Les résultats ont montré un certain décalage entre la fécondité de la population française générale et celle de la population malade, expliqué en partie par la jeunesse des patientes et leurs comportements conjugaux et scolaires. Une étude de leurs caractéristiques a permis de mettre en évidence l’évolution du nombre de femmes suivies chaque année et leur avancée en âge, mais également l’amélioration de leur état de santé et de l’offre de soin qui leur est proposée. Des analyses multi-variées ont permis par la suite de distinguer les caractéristiques les plus prédictives de la survenue d’une première grossesse : si certaines variables médicales apparaissent significatives, la plupart sont d’ordre sociodémographique. Enfin, ces analyses ont pu mettre en avant le fait que l’effet à court terme de la grossesse sur l’état de santé des patientes n’apparait pas de façon évidente, et lorsqu’il apparaît, reste modeste ; mais également que les modalités du déroulé de la grossesse peuvent avoir un impact sur la santé de la mère.Mots clés : Mucoviscidose, grossesse, fécondité, maladie génétique / Cystic fibrosis is a progressive genetic disease with multiple levels of harm that affects nearly 7000 people in France. Over the last decades, health care improvements has led to an increase in patients’ life expectancy and hence the proportion of adults in the affected population. This has naturally led to new issues relative to the life of patients, notably procreation. Data from the French Cystic Fibrosis Register recorded between 1992 and 2011 were used in this work, firstly to study the fertility of that population and to pinpoint the characteristics of female patients, secondly to identify any interaction between cystic fibrosis and the occurrence of pregnancy. Results showed a discrepancy between the fertility of general French population and that of the patients, which is partly explained when considering the young age of the patients and their conjugal and school behaviour. By studying their characteristics, an increase in both the age and the number of women being followed, as well as an improvement in their health and the treatments provided to them are observed. In the following multivariate analyses single out the most predictive characteristics of the occurrence of first pregnancy: while some medical variables appear to be significant, most of those are socio-demographic. Finally, those analyses showed that the short-term effect of pregnancy on the patients’ state of health does not appear to be evident and remains low when it occurs ; however specific modalities or events throughout the course of the pregnancy could have an impact on the mother’s health.
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The muscle-bone in children and adolescents with and without cystic fibrosisRiddell, Amy January 2016 (has links)
Introduction: Puberty is a crucial period for rapid changes in bone mineral, size, geometry, and microarchitecture. The mechanostat theory postulates that increased mechanical loading will affect bone phenotype and strength during development and in later life. Individuals with cystic fibrosis (CF) have an increased risk of developing osteoporosis and fragility fractures in young adulthood, which may be caused by poor growth. The aim was to investigate whether sex and disease status modified the relationship between: 1) puberty and bone, and 2) muscle and bone. This would contribute to the understanding of how sex (males vs. females) and disease group (CF vs.controls) alters the relationship between bone and muscle in children and adolescents as they transition through puberty and who, on a population level, differ in the prevalence of osteoporosis and risk of fracture in later life. Methods and Analyses: This observational study used novel imaging and muscle assessment techniques to measure bone and muscle parameters in White Caucasian children and adolescents, aged 8 to 16 years, living in the UK, with children with CF (n=65) and controls (n=151). Anthropometry and pubertal status were assessed. Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry, peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT), high-resolution pQCT, and jumping mechanography were used to measure bone and muscle outcomes. ANCOVA with Scheffé post hoc and multiple linear regression tests were performed. Data were adjusted according to the research aims and included covariates; sex, disease group, pubertal stage, age, quadratic age, height, weight, maximum force (Fmax), and maximum power (Pmax). Data are presented as beta-coefficient (%) and p-value, with the significance level set to p < 0.05. Results: In height adjusted analyses, among healthy participants, females had smaller bones and lower bone density compared to males. With pubertal maturation, females had lower apparent gains in the distal and proximal total area (Tt.Ar and CSA), distal cortical porosity (Ct.Po) and proximal bone strength (SSI) but higher apparent gains in distal and proximal cortical bone density(Ct.BMD, Ct.TMD, vBMD). Females had consistently lower distal total area (total CSA) and density (total vBMD), distal trabecular density(BV/TV) and number(Tb.N), and proximal cortical area(CSA) compared to males, across all stages of puberty. With increasing muscle force (Fmax), females had higher apparent gains in total body less head bone mineral (TBLH BMC) and bone area(BA), distal total and trabecular density (total and trab vBMD) compared to males. In contrast, with increasing muscle power (Pmax), females had higher apparent gains in distal total and cortical densities (D100, Ct.BMD and Ct.TMD), and distal trabecular thickness (Tb.Th), and proximal cortical density (cortical vBMD) but lower apparent gains in distal cortical porosity (Ct.Po) and trabecular number (Tb.N) compared to males. In height adjusted analyses, participants with CF had smaller bones and lower bone density compared to controls. With increasing pubertal maturation, participants with CF had lower apparent gains in total body less head bone mineral and bone area, and in distal trabecular density, cortical porosity, and trabecular thickness compared to controls. Participants with CF had consistently lower distal total and cortical area, distal total and trabecular densities and proximal bone strength compared to controls, across all stages of puberty. With increasing muscle force, participants with CF had lower apparent gains in total body less head bone mineral and bone area, distal total density, trabecular density, and trabecular number. In contrast, with increasing muscle power (Pmax), participants with CF had higher apparent gains in distal trabecular density (BV/TV) and trabecular number (Tb.N) compared to controls. Conclusion: These findings suggests that sex and disease status do modify the relationships between puberty and bone, and between muscle function and bone. Skeletal adaptation to muscle differs between sexes and in populations with chronic disease, which may explain sex and disease group differences in risks of osteoporosis and fracture. Bone adaptation to muscle in children with CF is altered, which may lead to narrow, under-mineralised bones, with lower bone strength in later life. Understanding better impairments in muscle functions may provide targets for intervention to improve skeletal health in later life.
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Limiares auditivos em altas frequências em pacientes com fibrose cística : revisão sistemáticaCaumo, Débora Tomazi Moreira January 2016 (has links)
Introdução: A audiometria de altas frequências pode contribuir para a detecção precoce de alterações auditivas causadas por medicações ototóxicas. No tratamento dos pacientes com fibrose cística, existem muitos fármacos ototóxicos que são amplamente utilizados. A detecção precoce de alterações auditivas deve permitir que estas sejam identificadas antes que o dano atinja as frequências da fala. A lesão causada pela ototoxicidade é irreversível, trazendo importantes consequências sociais e psicológicas. Nas crianças, a perda auditiva, mesmo restrita às altas frequências, pode afetar o desenvolvimento da linguagem. Objetivo: Investigar a eficácia e a efetividade do monitoramento da audição por meio da audiometria de altas frequências em pacientes pediátricos com fibrose cística. Método: Foram consultadas as bases de dados eletrônicas PubMed, MEDLINE, Web of Science e LILACS, de janeiro a novembro de 2015. Foram selecionados os estudos em que foi realizada audiometria de altas frequências em pacientes com fibrose cística em tratamento com medicamentos ototóxicos, e publicados em português, inglês e espanhol. Para a avaliação da qualidade metodológica dos artigos optou-se pela utilização do Sistema GRADE. Resultados No processo de busca realizado de Janeiro de 2015 à Novembro de 2015 foram encontradas 512 publicações, sendo 250 na PubMed, 118 na MedLine, 142 na Web Of Science e dois na LILACS. Desses, foram selecionados nove artigos. Conclusões: Identificou-se a ocorrência de perda auditiva em altas frequências, em pacientes com fibrose cística sem queixas auditivas. Admite-se que audiometria em altas frequências possa ser um método de diagnóstico precoce a ser recomendado para investigação auditiva de pacientes em risco de ototoxicidade. / Introduction: High frequency audiometry may contribute to the early detection of hearing loss caused by ototoxic medications. In the treatment of patients with cystic fibrosis, there are many ototoxic drugs that are widely used. Early detection of hearing loss should allow them to be identified before the damage reaches frequencies of speech. The damage caused by ototoxicity is irreversible, bringing important social and psychological consequences. In children, hearing loss, even restricted to high frequencies, can affect language development. Objective: Investigate the efficacy and effectiveness of hearing monitoring by high frequency audiometry in pediatric patients with cystic fibrosis. Methods: Electronic databases were searched PubMed, MEDLINE, Web of Science and LILACS, from January to November 2015 were consulted. We selected only the studies that was carried out high-frequency audiometry in patients with cystic fibrosis and treatment with ototoxic drugs, published in Portuguese, English and Spanish. For the evaluation of the methodological quality of the items we chose to use the GRADE system. Results: In the search process carried out from January to November 2015 were found 512 publications, and 250 of PubMed, MedLine 118, 142 Web of Science and 2 from LILACS. Of these, nine articles were selected. Conclusion: It was identified the occurrence of hearing loss in high frequencies, in cystic fibrosis patients without hearing complaints. It is assumed that high frequency audiometry may be an early diagnostic method to be recommended for hearing investigation of patients at risk for ototoxicity.
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