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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Desempenho reprodutivo da égua crioula / Reproductive performance of the Crioulo mare

Möller, Gabriella January 2014 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar alguns aspectos reprodutivos de éguas Crioulas a fim de verificar a influência destes nos índices de prenhez: idade das éguas, status reprodutivo, uso do cio do potro, presença de líquido intra-uterino (LIU), eficiência dos tratamentos pós-cobertura, presença de cistos endometriais, realização de vulvoplastia, incidência de ovulações duplas e gestações gemelares. Foram utilizados 517 ciclos de 406 éguas Crioulas de um rebanho comercial, com idades entre dois e vinte e dois anos. O índice de prenhez por ciclo foi de 80,5% aos 12 dias, 76,5% aos 42 dias e a mortalidade embrionária foi de 3,9%. O índice de prenhez foi influenciado pela idade das éguas (P < 0,01). O índice de prenhez no cio do potro foi de 85,4%, melhor que o índice obtido pelas éguas em que não se utilizou este cio e que foram cobertas no subseqüente (P = 0,07). O método de cobertura influenciou a prenhez, sendo a inseminação superior à monta natural (P = 0,01). A idade influenciou a presença de LIU sendo a incidência em éguas com mais de 12 anos maior que nas mais jovens (P < 0,01). A presença de cistos endometriais influenciou negativamente a taxa de prenhez aos 12 e aos 42 dias (P = 0,00). A correção cirúrgica da região perineal melhorou os índices de prenhez aos 12 e aos 42 dias (P < 0,05). A taxa de ovulações duplas foi de 4,84% e não influenciou os índices de prenhez aos 12 e aos 42 dias (P > 0,5). Em 6 ciclos (1,16%) de 5 éguas solteiras foram observadas gestações gemelares. Concluímos que a fertilidade das éguas Crioulas é influenciada pela idade das éguas, pela conformação vulvar, pela presença de cistos endometriais e pelo status reprodutivo. O acúmulo de LIU é um fator importante na reprodução da égua Crioula e deve ser observado e devidamente tratado para a obtenção de melhores índices de prenhez. / The aim of this study was to evaluate the reproductive aspects of Crioulo mares to verify the influence of the following aspects on the pregnancy rates: mare’s age, reproductive status, use of foal heat, presence of intrauterine fluid (IUF), efficiency of post-breeding treatments, presence of endometrial cysts, incidence of double ovulations and twin pregnancies. There were used 517 cycles of 406 Crioulo mares of a commercial herd, with ages varying from 2 to 22 years old. Pregnancy rate per cycle was 80.5% at 12 days, 76.5% at 42 days and embryo mortality was 3.9%. The pregnancy rate was influenced by the age of the mares (P < 0.01). Pregnancy rate on foal heat was 85.4%, better than the rate obtained by the mares which foal heat was not used and the subsequent cycle was (P = 0.07). The breeding method influenced pregnancy, being artificial insemination superior to natural breeding (P = 0.01). Age influenced the presence of IUF, once the incidence was higher in mares with more than 12 years old than in younger mares (P < 0.01). The presence of endometrial cysts negatively influenced the pregnancy rate at 12 and 42 days (P = 0.00). Surgical repair of perineal region improved the pregnancy rates at 12 and 42 days (P < 0.05). The rate of double ovulations was of 4.84% and did not influence the pregnancy rates either at 12 and 42 days (P > 0.5). In 6 cycles (1.16%) of 5 single mares there were observed twin pregnancies. We concluded that the fertility of Crioulo mares is influenced by the age of the mares, vulvar conformation, presence of endometrial cysts and reproductive status. The accumulation of IUF is an important factor on the reproduction of Crioulo mares and must be observed and correctly treated in order to obtain better pregnancy rates.

Ameloblastome, odontogene und nicht odontogene Kieferzysten in Leipzig in den Jahren 2000 bis 2010 - eine retrospektive Studie

Schubert, Axel 02 March 2016 (has links)
Zysten und zystenähnliche Erkrankungen sind häufig auftretende Krankheiten des Ober- sowie Unterkiefers. Das Ziel der durchgeführten Studie war es, die Prävalenz und die topografische Verteilung von Kieferzysten für eine Leipziger Population darzustellen. Dafür wurden aus 4245 oralpathologischen Fällen der Jahre 2000 bis 2010 jene herausgefiltert, die einen Bezug zur Zielstellung aufwiesen. Es wurden Daten von 1336 Fällen (31,5%) ermittelt und retrospektiv ausgewertet. Die Auswertung erfolgte an Hand folgender Merkmale: Alter, histologische Beurteilung, Geschlecht, Größe, Lokalisation, Vorliegen eines Rezidivs, sowie entzündliche oder regressive Veränderung. Mit 932 Fällen stellten radikuläre Zysten die größte Gruppe (69,8%), gefolgt von follikulären Zysten (n=257; 19,2%), keratozystischen odontogenen Tumoren (n=62; 4,6%) sowie Residualzysten (n=54; 4,0%). Jeweils mit Anteilen kleiner als 1% wurden die folgenden Entitäten festgestellt: Ameloblastome (n=12), laterale parodontale Zysten (n=5), solitäre Knochenzysten (n=5), nasopalatinale Zysten (n=3), aneurysmatische Knochenzysten (n=2), paradentale Zysten (n=2), sowie Eruptionszysten als auch glanduläre odontogene Zysten (jeweils n=1). Mit 62,4% aller Patienten waren Männer signifikant häufiger betroffen (833 zu 502). 52,5% aller Zysten traten im Unterkiefer auf, damit signifikant öfter als im Oberkiefer (701 zu 603 Fälle). Die Altersspannweite reichte von einem bis zu 92 Jahren. Durchschnittliche trat eine Zyste erstmals mit 42,86 ± 17,30 Jahre (n=1335) auf. Weiterhin betrug die Durchschnittsgröße einer Zyste 1,17 ± 0,9 cm (n=1327). In 1101 Fällen (82,5%) konnte eine entzündliche Komponente histologisch nachgewiesen werden, vordergründig bei radikulären (n=932) sowie follikulären Zysten (n=106). Rezidive einer Erkrankung wurden in 17 Fällen beschrieben, besonders oft in keratozystischen odontogen Tumoren (n=8) sowie Ameloblastomen (n=4). Regressive Veränderungen konnten an 9 Zysten festgestellt werden, mit 4 Fällen am häufigsten bei keratozystischen odontogenen Tumoren. Die Prävalenz als auch die Verteilung der Kieferzysten in Leipzig zeigte sich in weiten Teilen sehr ähnlich zu den aus anderen Populationen.

Eared Grebe Nesting Ecology and Chronology Along the Great Salt Lake, Utah

Delahoussaye, Leah M. 01 August 2019 (has links)
Eared Grebes (Podiceps nigricollis) are migratory birds that build their nests over water and in large groups called colonies. Their typical breeding range is in central southern Canada and northern United States; however, a previously uncertain number of Eared Grebes (grebes) also nest around the Great Salt Lake (GSL), Utah, at the southern edge of their breeding range. Little is known about the habitat requirements for grebe nesting colonies at such low latitudes and if they are different from colonies found elsewhere. My objectives for this research were to determine the status of the grebe nesting population as well as their habitat characteristics along the GSL in freshwater wetlands. I found over 4,280 grebe nests distributed among 35 colonies. Grebes built nests by mounding submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) beginning the first week of June. The results from my habitat study show that grebes prefer to nest in areas with an average water depth of 48 cm, high invertebrate density, and abundant areas of floating SAV. Water depth and vegetation type at colony sites as well as timing of nesting and average number of eggs per nest of GSL colonies differed from colonies located at more northern latitudes. The differences in nesting could be attributed to the need to wait for SAV to grow and form mats on the water’s surface, or a need to wait for their food source to reach harvestable size. After grebes leave their nesting grounds, they stop at the GSL where they prepare for their final migration southward by consuming their fill of brine shrimp (Artemia franciscana). Brine shrimp are tiny invertebrates that are well-adapted to salty environments; they produce hard-walled eggs called cysts which are of great economic value and are commercially harvested from the GSL. I compared cyst viability, which is the percentage of cysts in a condition conducive to hatching, for cysts that had passed through the digestive tract of grebes and cysts samples obtained from the GSL. Only 30% of the cysts that had passed through grebes were viable, whereas 63% of cysts from the GSL were viable.

The Physiology of Azotobacter Vinelandii Cysts

Aladegbami, Solomon L. 12 1900 (has links)
The value of the adenylate energy charge [(ATP)+1/2(ADP)/(ATP)+(ADP)+(AMP)] in Azotobacter vinelandii cells was monitored during growth and germination in flask cultures. The miximal value of 0.88 was attained during mid-log phase; this declined gradually to 0.50 by late stationary phase. When these cultures were transferred to encystment media, the adenylate energy charge decreased to an average value of 0.40 as the vegetative cells encysted and remained unchanged during the next 20 days. Encystment cultures wre composed of vegetative cells, encysting cells and mature cysts but the proportionate value of the energy charge could be assigned. Viability of the total population remained 95% or higher during the entire period studied. Azotobacter vinelandii cysts cultivated on phosphate-sufficient media. Although cell protein and nucleic acids were unaffected by phosphate deficiency, cell wall structures, oxygen uptake and sncystment were significantly affected. Phosphate-limited cysts contained much larger amounts of poly-beta-hydroxybutyric acid but had a lower adenylate energy charge than did control cysts. The ATP/ADP ratio was much lower in phosophate-deficient cysts than in the control cysts. The data indicate a "substrate saving" choice of three metabolic pathways available to cells of Azotobacter under different growth conditions.

What is the role of radiography in diagnosis and treatment of jaw lesions? - a retrospective study

Arnesson, Ida, Sölve, Josefin January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: Vid diagnostik av käkbenslesioner skickas ibland en remiss till röntgenspecialist för ett utlåtande. Röntgenspecialisten ger en eller flera tentativa diagnoser vilka kan underlätta vid beslut om behandling. Efter behandlingen skickas en biopsi till patolog för att erhålla en patologanatomisk diagnos. Syftet med denna studie är att 1) utreda hur väl tentativa röntgenologiska diagnoser överensstämmer med patologanatomiska diagnoser av käkbenslesioner och 2) utvärdera hur ofta röntgenutlåtanden kan leda till felaktig behandling av käkbenslesioner.Material och metod: Röntgenutlåtanden och motsvarande patologanatomiska diagnoser jämfördes retrospektivt under en tioårsperiod för nio vanliga käkbenslesioner. För varje käkbenslesion räknades antalet korrekta respektive inkorrekta röntgenologiska diagnoser som erhållits. Utöver detta jämfördes även den förväntade behandlingen av varje tentativ röntgendiagnos med den förväntade behandlingen av den korrekta patologanatomiska diagnosen. Utifrån detta gjordes sedan en bedömning av huruvida röntgenutlåtandet kunde leda till underbehandling, korrekt behandling eller överbehandling. Resultat: Röntgendiagnoserna överensstämde med de patologanatomiska diagnoserna i 191 av 394 fall (48%). Därutöver gav 61 röntgenutlåtanden (16%) den korrekta diagnosen tillsammans med en eller flera inkorrekta diagnoser. 142 utlåtanden (36%) gav endast en eller flera inkorrekta diagnoser. Drygt en fjärdedel av alla röntgenutlåtanden bedömdes kunna leda till felaktig behandling. Konklusion: Resultaten indikerar en anmärkningsvärd diskrepans mellan de tentativa röntgendiagnoserna och de patologanatomiska diagnoserna av de undersökta käkbenslesionerna. När röntgenspecialisten ger fler än en tentativ diagnos finns en ökad risk för överbehandling vilket kan leda till onödigt lidande för patienten samt en ökad kostnad för både patienten och samhället. Baserat på dessa resultat bör röntgenspecialisternas rutiner för hur många tentativa diagnoser de anger i sina röntgenutlåtanden ses över. / Background: When diagnosing jaw lesions, a referral may be sent to a radiologist for a radiographic report. The radiologist offers one or several tentative diagnoses, which help form the basis for treatment. After treatment a biopsy is sent to a pathologist for a pathoanatomical diagnosis. The aim of this study is to 1) determine the correspondence between tentative radiographic diagnoses and pathoanatomical diagnoses of jaw lesions and 2) evaluate how frequently radiographic reports may lead to incorrect treatment of jaw lesions. Materials and methods: Radiographic reports and pathoanatomical diagnoses of nine common jaw lesions were compared retrospectively over a ten-year period. The numbers of correct and incorrect tentative radiographic diagnoses were counted for each lesion. In addition, the expected treatments of the tentative radiographic diagnoses were compared with the expected treatments of the correct pathoanatomical diagnoses. Each report was then categorized as leading to undertreatment, correct treatment or overtreatment.Results: The radiographic reports corresponded with the pathoanatomical diagnoses in 191 out of 394 cases (48%). In addition, 61 radiographic reports (16%) stated the correct diagnosis along with one or several incorrect diagnoses. 142 reports (36%) only stated one or several incorrect diagnoses. Just over a quarter of the radiographic reports were deemed to lead to incorrect treatment. Conclusion: The results indicate a remarkable discrepancy between tentative radiographic diagnoses and pathoanatomical diagnoses for the studied jaw lesions. There is a tendency towards overtreatment when more than one tentative diagnosis is stated in the radiographic reports. Overtreatment may lead to unnecessary suffering for the patient and financial loss for both the patient and society. Based on these results, radiologists should review their practice of stating several tentative diagnoses in their reports.

Estudo retrospectivo de 24 tumores odontogênicos queratocísticos, com correlações clínico-imaginológicas, histopatológicas e cirúrgicas / Retrospective study of 24 keratocystic odontogenic tumors, with clinical, image, histopathological and surgical correlation

Ribeiro Junior, Ophir 17 October 2008 (has links)
O tumor odontogênico queratocístico (TOQ) é uma neoplasia cística benigna, que apresenta controvérsias no seu diagnóstico e no tratamento. Propôs-se analisar 24 TOQs, correlacionando seus aspectos clínico-imaginológicos, histopatológicos e cirúrgicos, para aplicação no diagnóstico, prognóstico e tratamento racional. As análises foram submetidas ao teste do qui-quadrado (2) de Yates, com nível de significância de 5%. O abaulamento lingual foi presente em 100% dos casos no ramo mandibular. O padrão radiográfico unilocular e o deslocamento dental tiveram prevalências de 79,2% e 70%, respectivamente. A ocorrência de fluido queratinóide foi de 50% e mostrou correlação significativa com a síndrome do carcinoma nevóide de células basais (SCNCB). Nos demais fluidos (translúcido, citrino, sanguinolento e turvo), 63,6% apresentaram precipitado queratinóide. Fenestrações ósseas chegaram a 80% no ramo mandibular e 100% na tuberosidade maxilar. Inflamação ocorreu em 85,7% dos casos, com alterações epiteliais em 88,9% deles. A prevalência de microcistos satélites foi de 66,6%, com maior freqüência na SCNCB, no contorno festonado e no padrão multilocular. Dois casos submetidos à excisão tegumentar evidenciaram microcistos na mucosa. Num período médio de 25,5 meses, apenas um caso (4,2%) recorreu. A exérese por curetagem ocorreu em 17,4% dos casos, sem nenhuma correlação com infecção secundária, atrofia epitelial e inflamação. Todos os casos marsupializados apresentaram microcistos na lesão residual. As deiscências relacionadas à solução de Carnoy ocorreram em 75% dos casos marsupializados e em 11,1% dos demais. Parestesias relacionadas à aplicação da substância na área posterior da mandíbula ocorreram em 30,8%, com diferença significativa nos casos com e sem exposição nervosa. Conclui-se que: 1) o abaulamento lingual é característico no ramo mandibular; 2) a unilocularidade e o deslocamento dental são freqüentes; 3) o fluido queratinóide é freqüente na SCNCB e o precipitado é aplicável no diagnóstico diferencial; 4) as fenestrações corticais são prevalentes na tuberosidade maxilar e no ramo mandibular; 5) a inflamação interfere no diagnóstico histopatológico; 6) os microcistos satélites são prevalentes na SCNCB, relacionados à multilocularidade e presentes nos tecidos moles; 7) a curetagem é determinada por fatores técnicos; 8) a exérese é recomendável depois da marsupialização; 9) as deiscências são influenciadas pela marsupialização; e 10) as parestesias dependem do contato da solução de Carnoy com o epineuro. / The keratocystic odontogenic tumor (KOT) is a cystic benign neoplasm, which presents controversies about its diagnosis and treatment. It was proposed to analyze 24 KOTs, correlating their clinical, image, histological and surgical aspects with application to diagnosis, prognosis and rational treatment. The data were submitted to the chi-square test (2) from Yates, with significance level of 5%. The lingual cortical expansion was present in 100% of the cases in the mandibular ramus. The unilocular radiograph pattern and the dental displacement had prevalence of 79.2% and 70%, respectively. The occurrence of keratin-like fluid was 50% and this was significantly correlated with the nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome (NBSCS). For the other fluids (translucid, citrin, bloody and cloudy), 63.6% presented keratin-like precipitation. Bone fenestrations achieved 80% of the mandibular ramus and 100% at the maxillary tuberosity. Inflammation occurred in 85.7% of the cases, with epithelial alterations in 89% of them. The satellite microcysts prevalence was 66.6%, with higher frequency in the NBSCS, at the fenestrated contour and at the multilocular pattern. Two cases submitted to tegument excision showed microcysts in the mucosa. In a mean period of 25.5 months, only one case (4.2%) recurred. The excision by curettage occurred in 17.4% of cases, without any specific correlation to the secondary infection, epithelial atrophy or inflammation. All marsupialized cases displayed microcysts in the residual lesion. The dehiscence related to the use of Carnoy solution occurred in 75% of the marsupialized cases and 11.1% of the others. Paresthesia related to the use of this solution in the posterior region of the mandible occurred in 30.8% of the cases, with significant difference among cases with and without nerve exposure. It can be concluded that: 1) the lingual cortical expansion is characteristic in the mandibular ramus; 2) the unilocular aspect and dental displacement are frequent; 3) the keratin-like fluid is frequent in the NBSCS and the precipitation in appliable for differential diagnosis; 4) the cortical fenestrations are prevalent in the maxillary tuberosity and at the mandibular ramus; 5) the inflammation interferes in the histopathologic diagnosis; 6) the satellite microcysts are prevalent in the NBSCS, related to multilocular aspect and present in soft tissues; 7) the curettage is determined by technical facts; 8) the exeresis is recommended after marsupialization; 9) the dehiscence is influenced by marsupialization; and 10) the paresthesia depends of the contact of Carnoy solution with the epineurium.

Wert der MR-angiographischen Technik für die Dignitätsbeurteilung von Ovarialraumforderungen

Stuhlemmer, Katja 19 May 2006 (has links)
Wert der MR-angiographischen Technik für die Dignitätsbeurteilung von Ovarialraumforderungen Ziel der Studie war die Überprüfung der Wertigkeit der kontrastmittelunterstützten MRT und der Aussagekraft der arteriellen und venösen Phase in der Charakterisierung ovarieller Raumforderungen. 51 Patientinnen (97 Ovarien) mit ovariellen Raumforderungen in der klinischen und sonographischen Kontrolle wurden in einem 1,5 Tesla MRT mit einer Body-phased-array-Spule untersucht. Dabei kamen T1- und T2-gewichtete Sequenzen zur Anwendung (axiale, sagittale und coronare). Zusätzlich wurde eine MR-Angiographie mit Aufnahmen in der arteriellen und venösen Phase durchgeführt. Als Kontrastmittel kam Gadolinium-DTPA zur Anwendung. 43 Patientinnen wurden operiert, die übrigen Patientinnen mit als gutartig gewerteten Tumoren im Verlauf von 13 bis 23 Monaten klinisch kontrolliert. Die Histologische Untersuchung zeigte 21 bösartige (einschließlich 4 Borderline-Tumoren) und 43 gutartige Tumoren. Die Sensitivität, Spezifität und Treffsicherheit wurde mit Hilfe der folgenden Kriterien berechnet: Größe der Tumoren, Wand- und Septendicke, Vorhandensein solider Anteile und die Kontrastmittelanreicherung in der arteriellen und venösen Phase. Zusätzlich wurde die Aussagekraft der Substraktionsangiographie sowie der maximum intensity projections (MIP) überprüft. Die MRT war korrekt bei 17 von 21 malignen Tumoren und 73 von 76 benignen Tumoren bzw. unauffälligen Ovarien und hat somit eine Sensitivität von 81%, eine Spezifität von 96% und eine Treffsicherheit von 93%. Die Treffsicherheit der Kriterien für Malignität liegt bei 85% für die Kontrastmittelanreicherung in der arteriellen Phase, bei 86% für die soliden Anteile, bei 78% für die Wanddicke und bei 69% für die Septendicke. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die kontrastmittelanreichernde MRT einen nützlichen zusätzlichen Faktor darstellt, um die Spezifität der MRT in der Charakterisierung gutartiger und bösartigen Tumoren zu erhöhen. / Role of MR Angiography in the Characterization of Ovarian Lesions The aim was to investigate the role of contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance (MR) angiography and the arterial and venous contrast medium enhancement for lesion characterization. Fifty-one patients (97 ovarian) with ovarian masses identified in the clinical examination and by endovaginal ultrasound underwent MR imaging on a 1.5-T scanner using a body phased-array coil. Images were acquired with T1- and T2-weighted sequences (axial, sagittal and coronal). An MR angiography sequence was performed before and after intravenous injection of Gd-DTPA during the arterial and venous phase after determination of the transit time of the contrast medium bolus. Forty-three patients were operated on; the remaining patients with benign lesions were followed up clinically for 13 to 23 months. Histology demonstrated 21 malignant lesions (including 4 borderline tumors) and 43 benign lesions. The sensitivity, specificity and diagnostic accuracy were calculated for the following criteria: size of ovarian mass, thickness of walls and septae, solid portions, and arterial and venous contrast medium enhancement. In addition, the diagnostic benefit of maximum intensity projections (MIP) and thin slices acquired with the MR angiography technique was evaluated. MRI correctly identified 17 of the 21 malignant tumors and 73 of the 76 benign findings (benign lesions or normal ovaries) and had a sensitivity of 81%, a specificity of 96%, and a diagnostic accuracy of 93%.The accuracies of the different malignancy criteria were 85% for arterial contrast medium, 86% for the solid portions, 78% for the wall thickness and 69% for septal thickness. The results presented show that arterial contrast medium enhancement is a useful criterion to improve the specificity of MRI in characterizing ovarian lesions.

Cisto ósseo simples: considerações sobre o diagnóstico e a possibilidade da cura espontânea / Simple bone cyst: considerations on the diagnosis and the possibility of self-healing

Battisti, Maíra de Paula Leite 03 July 2014 (has links)
O Cisto Ósseo Simples (COS) ou Cisto Ósseo Traumático (COT), é uma cavidade óssea não epitelizada, de conteúdo fluido sero-sanguinolento ou vazia. Muito se discute sobre sua etiopatogenia que ainda continua incerta. O tratamento de escolha ainda é a exploração cirúrgica, embora haja vários casos de sucesso descritos na literatura nos quais escolheu-se a proservação após criteriosa avaliação clínica e radiográfica. A porposta deste trabalho foi: 1) Analisar o estado atual de remodelação óssea espontânea em casos diagnosticados clínica e radiograficamente, sem cirurgia, que estão sendo seguidos por diferentes períodos de tempo (proservados). 2) Analisar a contribuição da Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico (TCFC) no diagnóstico imaginológico do COS. 3) Comparar características do COS na radiografia panorâmica com as características encontradas no exame tomográfico. Foram selecionados 22 pacientes diagnosticados com COS e em acompanhamento clinico e radiográfico, segundo protocolo proposto por Damante et al. (2002). Dos 22 pacientes, 13 foram avaliados clinica e radiograficamente e nove pacientes foram avaliados apenas radiograficamente, através do banco de imagens do Departamento de Estomatologia. Foram avaliados 7 exames tomográficos, sendo que 6 deles também estavam disponíveis no banco de imagens. Três examinadores avaliaram as radiografias panorâmicas dos 22 pacientes e apenas 1 examinador avaliou as tomografias computadorizadas. Foi realizado o teste Kappa para calibração intra e interexaminador e aplicada uma estatística indutiva e descritiva aos resultados. Apenas um paciente apresentou resposta positiva à palpação e percussão dos dentes na região afetada. A concordância intra e interexaminador foi calculada pelo teste Kappa e valores satisfatórios foram encontrados. A maioria dos cistos avaliados foram classificados nas categorias 3, 4 ou 5 (em involução, quase completamente resolvido ou completamente resolvido, respectivamente). Das 7 TCFCs analisadas 6 demonstraram presença de adelgaçamento e perfuração de pelo menos uma das corticais. A amostra estudada evidenciou um processo de resolução espontânea do COS, uma vez que a maioria das lesões encontrou-se em processo de regressão ou já resolvidos, após diferentes períodos de acompanhamento. Isso reafirma as hipóteses presentes na literatura, sobre a possível resolução espontânea do COS, diante da qual a cirurgia torna-se desnecessária, uma vez que em sua maioria, são assintomáticos e não apresentam sinais clínicos. O exame tomográfico forneceu maiores detalhes imaginológicos do COS em relação à radiografia panorâmica, uma vez que foi possível detectar a presença de adelgaçamento e perfuração das corticais ósseas em 86% dos casos. / Simple Bone Cyst (SBC) or Traumatic Bone Cyst (TBC) is a non- epithelialized bone cavity, with sero-bloody fluid or empty content. There is debate regarding its pathogenesis that still remains unclear. The treatment of choice is still the surgical exploration, although there are successful cases described in the literature in which just the follow-up with clinical and radiographic evaluation were done. 1)To analyze the current state of spontaneous bone remodeling (self-healing) in cases diagnosed clinically and radiographically without surgery, being followed by different periods of time. 2) Analyze the contribution of Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) imaging in the diagnosis of SBC. 3) To compare the characteristics of SBC panoramic radiograph with features found on CT scan. Twenty-two patients diagnosed with SBC without surgery and submitted to Damante et al. protocol of follow-up (2002), were selected. Thirteen patients (13/22) were evaluated clinically and radiographically and nine patients (9/22) were evaluated only radiographically. Of these 22 patients, 7 patients had CT scans in the images database and these exams were evaluated too. Three observers evaluated the panoramic radiographs of 22 patients and only one examiner evaluated the CT scans. Kappa test was performed for intra and inter-calibration and inductive an descriptive statistics was applied to the results. Only one patient had a positive response to palpation and percussion of the teeth in the cyst area. The intra and inter agreement was calculated by Kappa test and values were found satisfactory. Most of the cysts evaluated were rated as 3, 4 or 5 (\"remodeling,\" \"almost completely resolved\" or \"completely resolved,\" respectively). Six of the 7 TCFCs analyzed showed the presence of thinning and perforation of at least one bone cortical. The study showed a process of spontaneous resolution (self-healing) of the SBC, since most cysts found in the regression process and resolved after different follow-up periods. This reaffirms the assumptions in the literature about the spontaneous resolution of the SBC, since the majority are asymptomatic and do not exhibit clinical signs. A CT scan can give new information about the imaging aspects of SBC, since it was possible to detect the presence of thinning and perforation of cortical bone in 86% of cases.

Avaliação da estabilidade biológica do tumor odontogênico queratocístico em diferentes momentos / Biological stability evaluation of the keratocystic odontogenic tumor in different moments

Borba, Alexandre Meireles 27 January 2009 (has links)
O tumor odontogênico queratocístico é um tumor odontogênico benigno recentemente classificado como tal pela Organização Mundial de Saúde. O alto índice de recidiva, a similaridade com outras lesões odontogênicas císticas e mutações genéticas associadas, estimulam continuamente estudos com finalidade de aprimorar o diagnóstico e o entendimento do comportamento desta lesão. As citoqueratinas, principal componente do citoesqueleto epitelial, têm sido utilizadas como possíveis marcadores no diagnóstico do tumor odontogênico queratocístico, apesar da discrepância dos resultados publicados. O gene PTCH1, com mutação já relatada associada ao tumor odontogênico queratocístico, expressa proteína de mesmo nome que parece estar associada com a etiologia ou com o prognóstico do tumor odontogênico queratocístico. Vinte casos de tumor odontogênico queratocístico foram submetidos à técnica de imunoistoquímica para detecção da expressão das citoqueratinas 10, 13, 17 e 19 e da proteína PTCH1. Cada caso foi representado por dois momentos distintos da mesma lesão, sendo metade dos casos representados por lesões sem história de recidiva e a outra metade constituída de casos com história de recidiva. A marcação obtida em cada um dos momentos foi comparada, verificando assim a estabilidade de expressão. A influência da inflamação na expressão imunoistoquímica também foi avaliada. As citoqueratinas 10 e 17 se mostraram com maior porcentagem de positividade (82, 5% e 97,5%, respectivamente) e com maior estabilidade entre os momentos (65% e 95%, respectivamente). A proteína PTCH1 foi positiva em todos os momentos, apresentando assim estabilidade total para os casos estudados. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante, para nenhum dos anticorpos utilizados, entre os grupos sem ou com história de recidiva ou de expressão nas áreas de inflamação. A estabilidade das citoqueratinas 10 e 17 sugere que estas possam ser utilizadas associadamente como auxiliar de diagnóstico do tumor odontogênico queratocístico. A proteína PTCH1 demonstrou alta positividade e estabilidade; porém não pôde ser relacionado ao comportamento do tumor odontogênico queratocístico. / The keratocystic odontogenic tumor is a benign odontogenic tumor recently classified as such by the World Health Organization. The high recurrence rate, the similarity with other odontogenic cystic lesions and the genetic associated mutations continuous stimulate studies intending diagnostic enhancement and behavior understanding of such lesion. The citokeratins, main component of the epithelial cytoskeleton, have been used as possible diagnostic markers of the keratocystic odontogenic tumor, in spite the discrepancy of the published results. The PTCH1 gene, with already reported mutation associated with the keratocystic odontogenic tumor, expresses a protein with the same name that seems to be associated with the etiology or the prognosis of the keratocystic odontogenic tumor. Twenty cases of keratocystic odontogenic tumor were submitted to the immunohistochemical technique for detection of the expression of citokeratins 10, 13, 17 and 19 and the protein PTCH1. Each case was represented by two distinct moments of the same lesion, being half of the cases represented by lesion without recurrence history and the other half constituted of lesion with recurrence history. The obtained staining in each moment was compared, thus verifying the expression stability. The influence of inflammation in the immunohistochemical expression was also evaluated. The cytokeratins 10 and 17 demonstrated higher positivity percentage (82.5% and 97.5%, respectively) and greater stability among the moments (65% and 97.5%, respectively). The PTCH1 protein was positive in all moments, thus presenting total stability for the studied cases. There was no statistical difference, for none of the antibodies, either among the groups without or with history of recurrence or in the expression in areas with inflammation. The stability of the cytokeratins 10 and 17 suggests that they can be used together as auxiliary for the diagnosis of the keratocystic odontogenic tumor. The protein PTCH1 demonstrated high positivity and stability; however it could not be related to the behavior of the keratocystic odontogenic tumor.

Lesões primárias e recidivantes do tumor odontogênico queratocístico e cisto odontogênico ortoqueratinizado : casuística e análise histoquímica, imuno-histoquímica da proliferação celular e citoqueratinas /

Silva, Marceli Moço. January 2010 (has links)
Resumo: O queratocisto odontogênico paraqueratinizado foi recentemente reclassificado pela Organização Mundial de Saúde como tumor odontogênico queracístico (TOQ), sendo atualmente considerado uma neoplasia benigna com alta atividade proliferativa e marcada tendência à recidiva. O cisto odontogênico ortoqueratinizado (COO) ainda é classificado como cisto odontogênico, pois apresenta um crescimento mais lento e ausência de recidivas. A opção por um tratamento mais radical ou mais conservador para estas lesões depende destas variações microscópicas. Uma vez que microscopicamente ambas as lesões possuem algumas características em comum, é de interesse clínico e científico o estudo aprofundado delas, incluindo as suas casuísticas. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo realizar um estudo da casuística, histoquímico com AgNOR e imuno-histoquímica com marcadores de proliferação celular (PCNA, Ki-67 e P53) e citoqueratinas (K7, K10-13, K15, K18 e K19) dos casos de TOQ, recidivas desta lesão e COO diagnosticados no Laboratório de Patologia da Faculdade de Odontologia do Campus de Araçatuba, UNESP. Com base nos resultados observados e nas condições em que o trabalho foi desenvolvido, concluiu-se que a maior parte dos TOQs e todos COOs ocorreram preferencialmente em pacientes jovens da raça branca, com lesões assintomáticas, radiolúcidas uniloculares, localizadas principalmente na região posterior de mandíbula. Quanto ao comportamento clínico e características imuno-histoquímicas, o TOQ apresentou maior proliferação celular em relação ao COO, condizente com sua suposta natureza neoplásica, com destaque aos casos com história de recidiva, que apresentaram quantidade maior de células Ki-67 positivas / Abstract: The odontogenic keratocyst was recently reclassified by the World Health Organization as a keratocystic odontogenic tumor (KCOT), being currently considered a benign neoplasia with high proliferative activity and a marked tendency to recur. The orthokeratinized odontogenic cyst (OOC) is still classified as an odontogenic cyst, since it shows slower growth and no recurrence. Opting for a more radical or more conservative treatment for those lesions depends on those microscopic variations. Once microscopically those lesions have some common features, it is of clinical and scientific interest to study them in depth, including their casuistics. This study aimed to analyze the casuistics of KCOTs, of the recurrences of those lesions, and od OOC diagnosed at the Pathology Laboratory of Araçatuba Dental School, UNESP, as well as to conduct histochemical characterization of those lesions with AgNOR and immunohistochemical analysis with cell proliferation markers (PCNA, Ki-67 and P53) and cytokeratins (K7, K10-13, K14, K18 and K19). Based on the results observed and on the conditions under which the study was carried out, it was concluded that most KCOTs and OOCs occurred preferentially in young white patients, with asymptomatic radiolucent unilocular lesions, located mainly in the posterior mandible. As for the clinical and immunohistochemical features, KCOTs showed greater cell proliferation as compared to OOCs, consistent with their supposed neoplastic nature, especially in the cases with history of recurrence, which showed larger amount of positive Ki-67 cells / Orientador: Marcelo Macedo Crivelini / Coorientador: Gilberto Aparecido Coclete / Banca: Alessandra Marcondes Aranega / Banca: Glauco Issamu Miyahara / Banca: Luiz Eduardo Blumer Rosa / Banca: Décio Dos Santos Pinto Júnior / Doutor

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