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Cytomégalovirus et survie à long terme des greffes d'organes solides : étude clinique et génétique / Cytomegalovirus and long-term survival of solid organ transplantation : clinical and genetic studyForconi, Catherine 17 December 2013 (has links)
Suite à une transplantation, les patients présentent un affaiblissement de leur système immunitaire laissant ainsi place libre aux infections opportunistes et principalement au CMV. L’implication de ce virus dans l’accélération de la mise en place du rejet chronique du greffon reste controversée et largement incomprise. Nos objectifs ont été d’une part de déterminer l’impact de l’infection à CMV du donneur sur la survie du greffon rénal et d’autre part d’identifier certains facteurs liés à la réponse immunitaire de l’hôte pouvant moduler ce risque. Selon nos résultats, l’infection à CMV du donneur est un facteur de risque indépendant de la perte des greffons rénaux, d’autant plus si le receveur est aussi infecté. Le SNP PD-1.3 est un facteur de risque génétique fort de la perte du greffon rénal associé au CMV du donneur et ce résultat est confirmé grâce à une cohorte de validation de patients transplantés pulmonaires. Ce travail suggère un lien fort entre ce SNP et l’épuisement de la réponse immunitaire anti-CMV et met en avant l’importance de la physiopathologie liée au CMV sur l’association clinique observée. / Following a solid organ transplant, and to prevent the risk of rejection, patients take immunosuppressive treatments that weaken their immune system and promote tumors and infections, including cytomegalovirus (CMV). This virus is the cause of clinical infectious syndromes but also many "indirect" effects which are not yet clearly understood. Our objectives were firstly to determine the impact of the CMV donor infection on the renal graft survival and secondly to identify factors related to the immune response of the host which can modulate the risk. We showed that the CMV donor is an independent risk factor for kidney graft loss, especially if the recipient is infected. The SNP PD-1.3 is a strong genetic risk factor for renal graft loss associated with CMV donor and this result is confirmed by a validation cohort of lung transplant patients. This work suggests a strong link between this SNP and the exhaustion of the immune response specific anti -CMV and highlights the importance of the pathophysiology associated with CMV on the observed clinical association.
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Periphere T-Zellen bei Patienten nach OrgantransplantationKern, Florian 26 March 2002 (has links)
Mit durchflusszytometrischen und molekularbiologischen Verfahren wurden verschiedene Subpopulationen peripherer T-Lymphozyten bei gesunden Spendern und Nierentransplantatempfängern phänotypisch und funktionell untersucht. Wir fanden, dass eine T-Zell-Population, welche unter anderem die Oberflächenmarker LFA-1 und CD57 exprimierte, nicht aber CD28, terminale Effektorzellen enthielt. Wegen der bekannten Assoziation der Expansion CD57-positiver CD8-positiver T-Zellen mit einer Infektion mit dem Zytomegalievirus (CMV), wollten wir untersuchen, ob auch CMV-spezifische Effektorzellen darin enthalten waren. Um diesen möglichen Zusammenhang zwischen Phänotyp und Spezifität zu untersuchen, wurde ein bekanntes durchflusszytometrisches Verfahren zur Erfassung antigen-spezifischer CD4-T-Zellen so modifiziert, dass damit auch antigen-spezifische CD8-T-Zellen erfasst werden konnten. Dazu wurden frisch isolierte periphere mononukleäre Zellen in vitro mit löslichen Peptiden oder Peptidgemischen inkubiert (anstelle von Erregerlysaten oder Proteinantigenen wie im bekannten Verfahren), so dass durch direkte externe Beladung von MHC-I- und MHC-II- Molekülen nicht nur CD4- sondern auch CD8-T-Zellen stimuliert wurden. Anschließend konnten CD4 - und/oder CD8-positive T-Zellen nachgewiesen werden, in welchen es zur Synthese von Interferon-gamma gekommen war (intrazelluläre Färbung), wodurch diese Zellen als antigen-spezifisch identifiziert wurden. Diese Zellen konnten dann weiter phänotypisch analysiert werden. Unter Verwendung bekannter CD8-T-Zellen-stimulierender CMV-Peptide konnte der Phänotyp CMV-spezifischer CD8-T-Zellen untersucht werden, wobei sich zeigte, dass das CD57-positive Subset tatsächlich den gößeren Teil der CMV-spezifischen CD8 T-Zellen enthielt. Andererseits konnte das neue Verfahren verwendet werden, um weitere Peptide zu identifizieren, welche eine T-Zellstimulation bewirkten (Epitopkartierung). In zwei von uns untersuchten Proteinen des CMV (pp65 und IE-1) wurden so mehrere neue CD4- und CD8-T-Zellepitope beschrieben. Die Vewendung komplexer Peptidgemische erlaubte darüber hinaus die Untersuchung der T-Zellantwort gegen ganze Proteine (repräsentiert durch die Gesamtheit aller denkbaren Epitope), was insbesondere für die Untersuchung von CD8-T-Zellen eine große Bereicherung darstellte und vom MHC-Typ unabhängig war. Wir verwendeten dieses neue Verfahren bisher zur Analyse und zum Monitoring der T-Zellantwort gegen bestimmte Erregerproteine oder -peptide (z.B. aus CMV oder HIV). Es eignet sich darüber hinaus auch zur Untersuchung der Immunantwort gegen Impfstoffe, welche zur Induktion von T-Zellen führen sollen. / Using flow-cytometric and molecular-biology methods subpopulations of peripheral blood T-lymphocytes were examined in healthy donors and renal transplant recipients with respect to phenotype and function. We found that a T-cell population that expressed the surface markers LFA-1 and CD57 (among others), but not CD28, contained terminal effector cells. Because of the known association of an expansion of CD57-positive CD8-positive T-cells with an infection with Cytomegalovirus (CMV), we wanted to examine if CMV-specific effector cells were also contained in this subset. In order to investigate this association between phenotype and specificity, we modified a known flow-cytometric method for the detection of antigen-specific CD4 T-cells in such a way that antigen-specific CD8 T-cells could also be detected. For this purpose freshly isolated mononuclear cells were incubated in vitro with soluble peptides or peptide mixes (instead of pathogen lysates or protein antigens as used in the original method) so that following direct external loading of MHC-I and MHC-II molecules not only CD4 T-cells but also CD8-T-cells were stimulated. Subsequently, CD4 and/or CD8 T-cells that had synthesized Interferon-gamma (intracellular staining), which identified them as being antigen-specific, could be detected. These cells could then be analyzed with regard to phenotype. Using known CD8-T-cell stimulating CMV-peptides, the phenotype of CMV-specific CD8 T-cells could be analyzed. Thus it was demonstrated that the majority of CMV-specific CD8 T-cells was indeed contained in the CD57-positive subset. On the other hand, this new approach allowed the identification of additional peptides that stimulated T-cells (epitope mapping). In two CMV-proteins that we examined (pp65 and IE-1) several new CD4 and CD8-T-cell epitopes were described. The use of complex peptide mixes in this approach allowed the analysis of T-cell responses to complete proteins (represented by the entirety of all possible epitopes), which was a great benefit to the analysis of CD8 T-cells and independent of MHC-type. Until now, we have used this new method for the analysis and the monitoring of the T-cell response to specific pathogen proteins or peptides (e.g. from CMV or HIV). It is suitable, moreover, for the analysis of the immune response to vaccinations that aim at the induction of T-cells.
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A novel method for measuring IgG-dependent triggering of host FcgammaRs CD16, CD32 and CD 64 reveals a selective inhibition through herpesviral FcgammaRsCorrales-Aguilar, Eugenia 16 December 2008 (has links)
Um die Wirkung herpesviral-kodierter FcgammaRezeptoren auf wirtskodierte zelluläre FcgammaRezeptoren und IgG-vermittelten Effektorfunktionen untersuchen zu können, einen methodisch neuen Ansatz wurde entwickelt, der die Detektion FcgammaR-aktivierender Antikörper ermöglicht. Dieses neuartige Assay beinhaltet die Kokultivierung virusinfizierter Zellen, die mit virusspezifischen IgG-Antikörpern opsoniert sind, mit FcgammaR-zeta BW5147-Transfektanten als Reporterzellen. Diese stabilen Transfektanten exprimieren chimäre Rezeptoren, die aus der extrazellulären Domäne der zellulären FcgammaRezeptoren bestehen, welche mit der TM und intrazellulären Domäne der murinen CD3zeta-Kette fusioniert wurden. Die Aktivierung der CD3zeta-Kette führt zu einer IgG-dosisabhängigen mIL-2 Sekretion, die im ELISA gemessen werden kann. Die FcgammaR-spezifische immune IgG könnte eine wichtige biologische Rolle in der antiviralen Immunabwehr spielen. Herpesviren exprimieren auf der Oberfläche infizierter Zellen viral-kodierte Fc-bindende Glykoproteine. Um zu bestimmen, ob virale FcgammaRezeptoren die IgG-abhängige Aktivierung von wirtskodierten FcgammaRezeptoren beeinflussen können, wurde das oben beschriebene Assay angewandt. Es wurde festgestellt, dass der HCMV-kodierte FcgammaR gp68 die Aktivierung und die nachfolgende Signalkaskade von CD16>CD32=CD64 inhibiert, während der HCMV-kodierte FcgammaR gp34 die Aktivierung von CD16>CD64>CD32 inhibiert. In klarem Kontrast dazu wirkt der HSV-kodierte FcgammaR gE, der CD16 Aktivierung vermindert, CD32 hingegen nur sehr schwach und CD64 gar nicht beeinflußt. Der MCMV-kodierte FcgammaR m138/fcr-1 vermindert die Aktivierung des murinenCD16. Zusammenfassend betrachtet zeigen die ermittelten Daten, dass es sich bei den herpesviral-kodierten FcgammaRezeptoren um hierarchische und redundante Antagonisten der wirtskodierten zellulären FcgammaRezeptoren handelt. Herpesviral-kodierte FcgammaRezeptoren wirken somit der Aktivierung des Immunsystems entgegen. / To study the possible interference of the herpesviral vFcgammaRs with the host FcgammaRs and IgG-mediated effector functions, a new methodological approach to detect FcgammaR activating antibodies was developed. The novel assay comprises the co-cultivation of virus infected cells upon opsonization with immune IgG antibodies and the stably transfected FcgammaR-zeta BW5147 transfectants as responder cells. The transfectants express chimeric receptors bearing the extracellular domain of the host FcgammaRs fused to the transmembrane and tail domains of the murine CD3zeta chain. Triggering the CD3zeta chain is sufficient to elicit IL-2 secretion in a dose dependent manner which is measured in an ELISA. The setup of the new assay provides a defined effector cell population bearing one Fcgamma receptor on the surface, which becomes activated in the presence of immune IgG antibodies bound to the native viral antigens displayed on the surface of infected cells. The assay system allows us to detect and quantify Fc gamma receptor-activating immune IgG in an FcgammaR-specific way, which is thought to have an important biological function in antiviral defense. Several alpha- and beta- herpesviruses express on the surface of infected cells virally encoded Fc binding glycoproteins. The assay described above was applied to determine if the viral FcgammaRs are able to impair IgG-mediated activation of host FcgammaRs. In a systematic approach, the effect on each host FcgammaR by each of the herpesviral FcgammaR was investigated. It was found that HCMV FcgammaR gp68 affects activation and downstream signaling of CD16 > CD32 = CD64, while gp34 attenuates CD16 > CD64 > CD32. In clear contrast, HSV gE impairs CD16 activation and weakly CD32, but has no effect on CD64. Furthemore, MCMV m138/fcr-1 diminishes activation of mouse CD16. Taken together, this data uncover herpesviral FcgammaRs as hierarchical and redundant antagonists precluding host FcgammaRs from triggering immune responses.
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Papel da resposta celular antígeno-específica na tolerância operacional / The role of antigen-specific cellular response in operational toleranceCarmona, Priscila 30 September 2016 (has links)
A tolerância operacional (TO) é um raro fenômeno que ocorre em indivíduos transplantados, que permanecem com função estável do aloenxerto, sem rejeição, após a suspensão de drogas imunossupressoras, por pelo menos um ano. A compreensão de mecanismos envolvidos na tolerância operacional poderá contribuir para a elaboração de novas terapias imunorreguladoras, na clínica do transplante. Investigamos se, no estado de tolerância operacional, há um perfil funcional diferencial de resposta imune celular antígeno-específica, dirigida a três grupos de antígenos relevantes no alotransplante: aloantígenos do doador (peptídeos HLA-DR), antígenos de patógenos (peptídeos do CMV - citomegalovírus) e autoantígenos (peptídeos da Hsp60 - Proteína de choque térmico 60, com funções imunológicas, imunorreguladora (REGULA) e pró-inflamatória (INFLAMA). Analisamos a produção de citocinas (por Luminex) e a proliferação de diferentes subpopulações de células T CD4+ (por FACS), com funções, predominantemente, REGULA ou INFLAMA, frente aos três tipos de antígenos, comparativamente entre TO (n=6) e Rejeição Crônica (RC: n=8), indivíduos com função estável do enxerto, usando imunossupressores (EST: n=8) e indivíduos saudáveis (SAU: n=7). Em concordância com nossa hipótese, a resposta celular é modulada, de forma diferencial, na tolerância operacional, ocorrendo um desvio funcional da resposta a peptídeos HLA-DR do doador para um perfil REGULA, enquanto é preservado o perfil INFLAMA na resposta a peptídeos do patógeno (CMV). Apesar das diferenças nas respostas aos peptídeos do CMV entre TO e RC (p=0,02 e p=0,02 para citocinas e subpopulações regula e p=0,008 e p=0,003 para citocinas e subpopulações inflama), houve preservação do perfil INFLAMA na TO, em relação ao estado fisiológico, com indução/aumento das citocinas inflamatórias IL-1B, IL-17, IFNy, MCP-1 e MIP-1B, com algum grau de inibição de citocinas imunorreguladoras, e inibição da proliferação de células Tregs, sugerindo serem importantes mecanismos na preservação da imunocompetência, na tolerância operacional. Na resposta celular a autoantígenos, destacamos o peptídeo N6 que induziu um perfil significativamente diferente na TO (mais REGULA), em relação à RC (mais INFLAMA) (p=0,001 para citocinas regula; p=0,04 para citocinas inflama), principalmente pelo aumento/indução da produção de IL-4, IL-5, IL-10 e IL-13, na TO, sugerindo que o peptídeo N6 possa ter uma contribuição nos mecanismos na TO, favorecendo a produção dessas citocinas com atividade imunorreguladora. Considerando a diferença significativa do perfil funcional de resposta aos aloantígenos do doador entre TO (REGULA) e RC (INFLAMA) (p=0,0007 para citocinas regula e p < 0,0001 para citocinas inflama), principalmente pela inibição das citocinas próinflamatórias, como IL-1B, IL-8, IL-12, IL-17, G-CSF, IFN-y e MCP-1, na TO, concluímos que o desvio REGULA da via indireta de alorreconhecimento dirigida a peptídeos HLA-DR do doador, com inibição dessas citocinas, tenha um papel importante nos mecanismos envolvidos na tolerância operacional. Em conclusão os mecanismos em curso na tolerância operacional, modulam a resposta celular antígeno-específica dirigida a desafios antigênicos no transplante, envolvendo o desvio REGULA da resposta a peptídeos HLA-DR do doador, a participação da autoimunidade imunorreguladora à Hsp60, ao mesmo tempo em que há preservação da resposta inflamatória a patógenos / Operational tolerance (OT) is a rare phenomenon, taking place in transplanted individual who do not reject, following the complete withdrawal of immunosuppressive drugs for at least one year. Understanding the mechanisms involved in operational tolerance will contribute to opening new pathways for the development of novel immunoregulatory therapies, in transplantation. We investigated whether the state of operational tolerance displays a functionally differential profile of the antigen-specific cellular response, directed to three groups of antigens, relevant in the context of allotransplantation: donor alloantigens (HLA-DR peptides), pathogen-derived antigens (cytomegalovirus peptides - CMV) and autoantigens (peptides derived from the Hsp60 - selfantigen displaying immunoregularory (REG) and proinflammatory (INFLAMMA) properties). We determined cytokine production (by Luminex) and the proliferative response of different CD4+ T cell subsets (by FACS), displaying predominantly REG or INFLAMMA activities, in response to the three types of antigens, comparing OT (n=6) with Chronic Rejection (CR: n=8), individual with stable graft function, taking conventional immunosuppression (Sta: n=8), and healthy individuals (HI: n=7). In concordance with our hypothesis, the cellular immune response is differentially modulated in operational tolerance, giving rise to an immunoregulatory deviation in the response to HLA-DR donor peptides, preserving the proinflammatory response to pathogen peptides (CMV). Despite significant differences in the responses to CMV peptides, between OT and CR (p=0.02 and p=0.02 for REG cytokines and CD4+ subsets; p=0.008 and p=0.003 for INFLAMMA cytokines and CD4+ subsets), OT is able to preserve the INFLAMMA response in relation to the physiologic state (HI). This INFLAMMA profile of the response to CMV peptides is maintained by the induction/increase of the proinflammatory cytokines, IL-1B, IL-17, IFN-y, MCP-1 and MIP-1B, some inhibition of REG cytokines and inhibition of Treg proliferation, suggesting that these are important mechanisms in the preservation of immunocompetence to deal with pathogens, in OT. In the cellular response to autoantigens, we highlight the N6 peptide that induced a differential profile in OT (REG profile) compared to CR (INFLAMMA profile) (p=0.001 for REG cytokines; p=0.04 for INFLAMMA cytokines), due to the induction/increase of IL-4, IL-5, IL-10 e IL-13, in OT, suggesting that N6 may contribute to the underlying mechanisms in OT, favoring the production of these immunoregulatory cytokines. Taken the marked differences in the response to donor alloantigens, between OT (predominantly REG) and CR (predominantly INFLAMMA) (p=0.0007 for REG cytokines and p < 0.0001 for INFLAMMA cytokines), due to the inhibition of the proinflammatory cytokines, IL-1B, IL-8, IL- 12, IL-17, G-CSF, IFN-y and MCP-1, in OT, we conclude that the immunoregulatory deviation in the indirect pathway of allorecognition, directed to donor HLA-DR peptides, leading to the inhibition of these cytokines, has an important role in the mechanisms of tolerance. In conclusion, the ongoing immunoregulatory mechanisms in operational tolerance, modulate the antigenspecific cellular response to relevant antigenic challenges in allotransplantation, involving a REG deviation in the response to donor HLA-DR peptides, together with the participation of immunoregulatory autoimmunity to Hsp60, while preserving the proinflmammatory response to pathogens
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Avaliação da infecção pelo citomegalovírus em pacientes com doença inflamatória intestinal / Cytomegalovirus infection evaluation in inflammatory bowel disease patientsCarmo, Alexandre Medeiros do 12 February 2014 (has links)
Introdução: Citomegalovírus (CMV) é um DNA vírus de alta prevalência, e tem uma capacidade peculiar de infectar e permanecer integrado ao DNA das células do hospedeiro, mantendo-se na forma de infecção latente. O vírus também pode ocasionar doença, o que normalmente ocorre em pacientes imunocomprometidos, promovendo o aumento da morbidade e mortalidade nestes pacientes. As doenças inflamatórias intestinais (DII), doença de Crohn (DC) e retocolite ulcerativa (RCU), são enfermidades crônicas que afetam o trato gastrointestinal. A fisiopatologia e o tratamento destas doenças, muitas vezes, pode induzir um estado de imunossupressão. Isso incitou a ideia de que os pacientes com DII são mais susceptíveis à infecção e doença por CMV. Ainda há dúvidas e controvérsias sobre a relação entre a doença inflamatória intestinal e o CMV. Objetivos: Avaliar a frequência de infecção por CMV em pacientes com doença inflamatória intestinal, e se existe associação entre replicação viral do CMV com a atividade da DII, mediante índices clínicos e laboratoriais. Metodologia: Pacientes com DII previamente diagnosticada foram submetidos à entrevista, revisão de registros e coleta de amostras de sangue e fezes. Foram realizados os seguintes exames: pesquisa de citomegalovírus por IgG e IgM no sangue, pela técnica de reação em cadeia por polimerase (PCR) em tempo real no sangue e pela técnica de PCR qualitativa nas fezes. Estes resultados foram correlacionados com os valores de hemoglobina, proteína C-reativa, velocidade de hemossedimentação, calprotectina fecal e índices clínicos. Resultados: Quatrocentos pacientes foram elegíveis, sendo 249 com DC e 151 com RCU. No grupo de pacientes com DC, 67 apresentavam doença moderada ou grave pelo índice clínico, porém 126 se mostravam com doença ativa mediante a avaliação da calprotectina fecal. No grupo de pacientes com RCU, 21 exibiam doença moderada pelo índice clínico, mas 76 se encontravam com doença ativa, mediante a avaliação da calprotectina fecal. Drogas imunossupressoras foram amplamente utilizadas pelos pacientes, 143 pacientes com DC faziam uso de azatioprina e, destes, 48 usavam terapia combinada (anti TNF-alfa + azatioprina). Na RCU, a azatioprina foi usada por 41 pacientes e, destes, sete faziam uso de terapia combinada. Avaliando os dois grupos, 90,9% dos pacientes apresentaram anticorpos IgM contra o CMV no sangue e dez pacientes também exibiram IgG. A detecção do DNA CMV PCR em tempo real no sangue apresentou valores abaixo do limite inferior (150 cópias/mL) em todos os 400 pacientes. Enquanto isso, o DNA CMV PCR qualitativo, realizado na amostra fecal, indicou nove pacientes expressando valores positivos. Com efeito, nos 400 pacientes, identificaram-se 332 infectados sem replicação viral, 19 pacientes com replicação viral e 24 não infectados. Os pacientes com DII em uso de terapia combinada apresentaram uma chance maior de replicação viral 3,63 vezes em comparação aos pacientes que não fizeram uso deste tratamento. Conclusão: A infecção latente pelo CMV foi bastante prevalente, mas a infecção ativa foi rara. A utilização de terapia combinada, entretanto, em doentes com DII, tem associação com a replicação viral do CMV, mas sem indicar relação com a atividade inflamatória da DII / Background: Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a highly prevalent DNA virus that has a peculiar ability to infect the host and remains integrated to his DNA as a latent infection. The virus can also appear in the form of disease, which most commonly occurs in immunocompromised patients, increasing their morbidity and mortality. Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), Crohn\'s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) are chronic diseases that affect the gastrointestinal tract. The pathophysiology and treatment of these diseases often induce a state of immunosuppression, hence the assumption that patients with inflammatory bowel disease may be at greater risk for cytomegalovirus disease. However, there are still doubts and controversies about the relationship between IBD and CMV. Aim: Evaluate the frequency of CMV infection in patients with IBD correlating it with clinical and laboratorial activity indices of IBD. Methods: Patients with a previous diagnosis of IBD underwent interviews, a medical record review and collection of blood and fecal samples. The search of CMV was performed by IgG and IgM blood serology, real-time PCR in blood and qualitative PCR in feces. These results were correlated with red blood cell levels, Creactive protein, erythrocyte sedimentation rate and fecal calprotectin. Patients with CD were evaluated by Crohn\'s disease activity index and UC patients, by Truelove & Witts index. Results: Four hundred patients were eligible: 249 patients with CD and 151 with UC. In the CD group, using clinical index, 67 patients had moderate or severe disease, but 126 patients presented with active disease by evaluating fecal calprotectin. In patients with UC, 21 exhibited moderate disease by clinical index, but 76 patients presented with active disease by evaluating fecal calprotectin. Immunosuppressive drugs were widely used by patients. On CD, 143 patients of them were using azathioprine, and of these, 48 were using combo therapy (anti TNFalpha + azathioprine). On the UC, azathioprine was used in 41 patients, and seven of these were taking combo therapy. The great majority of patients (90,9%) had positive CMV IgG, ten patients had positive CMV IgM, nine patients had positive qualitative detection of CMV DNA by PCR in faeces, and in all 400 patients quantitative detection of CMV DNA by real-time PCR in blood was negative. In the 400 patients, we identified 332 CMV infected without viral replication, 19 patients CMV infected with viral replication (active infection) and 24 non-infected CMV patients. Analyzing the 19 patients with active infection, we only found an association with the use of combo therapy (anti TNF-alpha + azathioprine), and patients on combo therapy have a viral replication chance 3.63 times compared to patients who do not use this treatment. Conclusion: Latent cytomegalovirus infection is extremely frequent in the inflammatory bowel disease population, but the active cytomegalovirus infection is rare; and the use of combination therapy in patients with IBD is associated with viral replication of CMV, but without presenting relation to inflammatory activity of IBD
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Papel da resposta celular antígeno-específica na tolerância operacional / The role of antigen-specific cellular response in operational tolerancePriscila Carmona 30 September 2016 (has links)
A tolerância operacional (TO) é um raro fenômeno que ocorre em indivíduos transplantados, que permanecem com função estável do aloenxerto, sem rejeição, após a suspensão de drogas imunossupressoras, por pelo menos um ano. A compreensão de mecanismos envolvidos na tolerância operacional poderá contribuir para a elaboração de novas terapias imunorreguladoras, na clínica do transplante. Investigamos se, no estado de tolerância operacional, há um perfil funcional diferencial de resposta imune celular antígeno-específica, dirigida a três grupos de antígenos relevantes no alotransplante: aloantígenos do doador (peptídeos HLA-DR), antígenos de patógenos (peptídeos do CMV - citomegalovírus) e autoantígenos (peptídeos da Hsp60 - Proteína de choque térmico 60, com funções imunológicas, imunorreguladora (REGULA) e pró-inflamatória (INFLAMA). Analisamos a produção de citocinas (por Luminex) e a proliferação de diferentes subpopulações de células T CD4+ (por FACS), com funções, predominantemente, REGULA ou INFLAMA, frente aos três tipos de antígenos, comparativamente entre TO (n=6) e Rejeição Crônica (RC: n=8), indivíduos com função estável do enxerto, usando imunossupressores (EST: n=8) e indivíduos saudáveis (SAU: n=7). Em concordância com nossa hipótese, a resposta celular é modulada, de forma diferencial, na tolerância operacional, ocorrendo um desvio funcional da resposta a peptídeos HLA-DR do doador para um perfil REGULA, enquanto é preservado o perfil INFLAMA na resposta a peptídeos do patógeno (CMV). Apesar das diferenças nas respostas aos peptídeos do CMV entre TO e RC (p=0,02 e p=0,02 para citocinas e subpopulações regula e p=0,008 e p=0,003 para citocinas e subpopulações inflama), houve preservação do perfil INFLAMA na TO, em relação ao estado fisiológico, com indução/aumento das citocinas inflamatórias IL-1B, IL-17, IFNy, MCP-1 e MIP-1B, com algum grau de inibição de citocinas imunorreguladoras, e inibição da proliferação de células Tregs, sugerindo serem importantes mecanismos na preservação da imunocompetência, na tolerância operacional. Na resposta celular a autoantígenos, destacamos o peptídeo N6 que induziu um perfil significativamente diferente na TO (mais REGULA), em relação à RC (mais INFLAMA) (p=0,001 para citocinas regula; p=0,04 para citocinas inflama), principalmente pelo aumento/indução da produção de IL-4, IL-5, IL-10 e IL-13, na TO, sugerindo que o peptídeo N6 possa ter uma contribuição nos mecanismos na TO, favorecendo a produção dessas citocinas com atividade imunorreguladora. Considerando a diferença significativa do perfil funcional de resposta aos aloantígenos do doador entre TO (REGULA) e RC (INFLAMA) (p=0,0007 para citocinas regula e p < 0,0001 para citocinas inflama), principalmente pela inibição das citocinas próinflamatórias, como IL-1B, IL-8, IL-12, IL-17, G-CSF, IFN-y e MCP-1, na TO, concluímos que o desvio REGULA da via indireta de alorreconhecimento dirigida a peptídeos HLA-DR do doador, com inibição dessas citocinas, tenha um papel importante nos mecanismos envolvidos na tolerância operacional. Em conclusão os mecanismos em curso na tolerância operacional, modulam a resposta celular antígeno-específica dirigida a desafios antigênicos no transplante, envolvendo o desvio REGULA da resposta a peptídeos HLA-DR do doador, a participação da autoimunidade imunorreguladora à Hsp60, ao mesmo tempo em que há preservação da resposta inflamatória a patógenos / Operational tolerance (OT) is a rare phenomenon, taking place in transplanted individual who do not reject, following the complete withdrawal of immunosuppressive drugs for at least one year. Understanding the mechanisms involved in operational tolerance will contribute to opening new pathways for the development of novel immunoregulatory therapies, in transplantation. We investigated whether the state of operational tolerance displays a functionally differential profile of the antigen-specific cellular response, directed to three groups of antigens, relevant in the context of allotransplantation: donor alloantigens (HLA-DR peptides), pathogen-derived antigens (cytomegalovirus peptides - CMV) and autoantigens (peptides derived from the Hsp60 - selfantigen displaying immunoregularory (REG) and proinflammatory (INFLAMMA) properties). We determined cytokine production (by Luminex) and the proliferative response of different CD4+ T cell subsets (by FACS), displaying predominantly REG or INFLAMMA activities, in response to the three types of antigens, comparing OT (n=6) with Chronic Rejection (CR: n=8), individual with stable graft function, taking conventional immunosuppression (Sta: n=8), and healthy individuals (HI: n=7). In concordance with our hypothesis, the cellular immune response is differentially modulated in operational tolerance, giving rise to an immunoregulatory deviation in the response to HLA-DR donor peptides, preserving the proinflammatory response to pathogen peptides (CMV). Despite significant differences in the responses to CMV peptides, between OT and CR (p=0.02 and p=0.02 for REG cytokines and CD4+ subsets; p=0.008 and p=0.003 for INFLAMMA cytokines and CD4+ subsets), OT is able to preserve the INFLAMMA response in relation to the physiologic state (HI). This INFLAMMA profile of the response to CMV peptides is maintained by the induction/increase of the proinflammatory cytokines, IL-1B, IL-17, IFN-y, MCP-1 and MIP-1B, some inhibition of REG cytokines and inhibition of Treg proliferation, suggesting that these are important mechanisms in the preservation of immunocompetence to deal with pathogens, in OT. In the cellular response to autoantigens, we highlight the N6 peptide that induced a differential profile in OT (REG profile) compared to CR (INFLAMMA profile) (p=0.001 for REG cytokines; p=0.04 for INFLAMMA cytokines), due to the induction/increase of IL-4, IL-5, IL-10 e IL-13, in OT, suggesting that N6 may contribute to the underlying mechanisms in OT, favoring the production of these immunoregulatory cytokines. Taken the marked differences in the response to donor alloantigens, between OT (predominantly REG) and CR (predominantly INFLAMMA) (p=0.0007 for REG cytokines and p < 0.0001 for INFLAMMA cytokines), due to the inhibition of the proinflammatory cytokines, IL-1B, IL-8, IL- 12, IL-17, G-CSF, IFN-y and MCP-1, in OT, we conclude that the immunoregulatory deviation in the indirect pathway of allorecognition, directed to donor HLA-DR peptides, leading to the inhibition of these cytokines, has an important role in the mechanisms of tolerance. In conclusion, the ongoing immunoregulatory mechanisms in operational tolerance, modulate the antigenspecific cellular response to relevant antigenic challenges in allotransplantation, involving a REG deviation in the response to donor HLA-DR peptides, together with the participation of immunoregulatory autoimmunity to Hsp60, while preserving the proinflmammatory response to pathogens
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Adoptive T Cell Therapy of Viral Infection and Cancer : Ex vivo Expansion of Cytomegalovirus- and Prostate Antigen-specific T CellsCarlsson, Björn January 2005 (has links)
<p>The main focus of my thesis has been to develop protocols for generating antigen-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) and T helper cells (T<sub>H</sub>) for adoptive transfer to treat cytomegalovirus (CMV) disease and prostate cancer. CMV viremia is a severe complication in immunocompromised stem cell transplanted patients. Prostate cancer is a leading cause of death for men in Western countries. Although different in nature, CMV-infected cells and prostate cancer cells can both be eliminated through specific activation of the adaptive immune system. </p><p>To generate CMV pp65-specific T cells, I utilized dendritic cells (DCs) modified with an HLA-A*0201/pp65<sub>495-503</sub> peptide, a recombinant adenovirus coding for pp65, <i>in vitro</i> transcribed pp65 mRNA and a recombinant pp65 protein. Peptide stimulation yielded large numbers of peptide-specific CD8<sup>+</sup> T cells with high lytic activity while adenovirus or mRNA stimulation resulted in the expansion of CTLs against multiple pp65 epitopes. The recombinant protein activated primarily CD4<sup>+</sup> T<sub>H</sub> cells. Stimulation with DCs co-modified with pp65 mRNA and pp65 protein simultaneously generated both pp65-specific CTLs and T<sub>H</sub> cells. Such T cells would cover all pp65 epitopes while avoiding potential virus related biohazards. The mRNA/protein combinatory approach can be used to stimulate T cells <i>ex vivo</i> from virtually all stem cell donors for adoptive T cell transfer. </p><p>I have identified two immunogenic HLA-A*0201-restricted peptide epitopes from the prostate tissue antigen TARP. Repeated stimulations with TARP peptide-pulsed DCs yielded up to 20% TARP-directed CD8<sup>+</sup> T cells even when starting from undetectable frequencies (<0.01%). The T cells could be sorted to 99% purity and expanded 1000-fold with retained specificity and activity. We also detected TARP-directed CD8<sup>+</sup> T cells in the blood of prostate cancer patients. Therefore, TARP seems to have potential as antigen in DC vaccination or adoptive T cell therapy of prostate cancer. </p>
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Adoptive T Cell Therapy of Viral Infection and Cancer : Ex vivo Expansion of Cytomegalovirus- and Prostate Antigen-specific T CellsCarlsson, Björn January 2005 (has links)
The main focus of my thesis has been to develop protocols for generating antigen-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) and T helper cells (TH) for adoptive transfer to treat cytomegalovirus (CMV) disease and prostate cancer. CMV viremia is a severe complication in immunocompromised stem cell transplanted patients. Prostate cancer is a leading cause of death for men in Western countries. Although different in nature, CMV-infected cells and prostate cancer cells can both be eliminated through specific activation of the adaptive immune system. To generate CMV pp65-specific T cells, I utilized dendritic cells (DCs) modified with an HLA-A*0201/pp65495-503 peptide, a recombinant adenovirus coding for pp65, in vitro transcribed pp65 mRNA and a recombinant pp65 protein. Peptide stimulation yielded large numbers of peptide-specific CD8+ T cells with high lytic activity while adenovirus or mRNA stimulation resulted in the expansion of CTLs against multiple pp65 epitopes. The recombinant protein activated primarily CD4+ TH cells. Stimulation with DCs co-modified with pp65 mRNA and pp65 protein simultaneously generated both pp65-specific CTLs and TH cells. Such T cells would cover all pp65 epitopes while avoiding potential virus related biohazards. The mRNA/protein combinatory approach can be used to stimulate T cells ex vivo from virtually all stem cell donors for adoptive T cell transfer. I have identified two immunogenic HLA-A*0201-restricted peptide epitopes from the prostate tissue antigen TARP. Repeated stimulations with TARP peptide-pulsed DCs yielded up to 20% TARP-directed CD8+ T cells even when starting from undetectable frequencies (<0.01%). The T cells could be sorted to 99% purity and expanded 1000-fold with retained specificity and activity. We also detected TARP-directed CD8+ T cells in the blood of prostate cancer patients. Therefore, TARP seems to have potential as antigen in DC vaccination or adoptive T cell therapy of prostate cancer.
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Regulation of natural killer and cd4+T cell function by NKG2 C-type lectin-like receptorsSáez Borderias, Andrea 20 February 2009 (has links)
This work is centered on the study of the NKG2 C-type lectin-like receptors on NK and CD4+T cells. We provide evidence supporting that CD4+T cells specific for Human Cytomegalovirus (HCMV) may express different NK cell receptors, and demonstrate that the C-type lectin-like receptor NKG2D is expressed on cytotoxic CD4+T cells with an effector/memory phenotype, enhancing their TCR-dependent proliferation and cytokine production. A second part of the work is centered on the study of the CD94/NKG2 receptors on NK cells. We show that NKG2A can be induced on NKG2C+ NK cells upon activation with rIL-12 or when cocultured with HCMV-infected dendritic cells, and that NKG2A expression inhibits the response of NKG2C+NK clones against HLA-E-expressing targets, providing a potential regulatory feedback mechanism to control cell activation. Altogether, our results support that expression of NKG2 C-type lectin like receptors may be shaped during the course of viral infections, providing mechanisms to finely regulate both NK and CD4+T cell functions. / Aquesta tesi es centra en l'estudi dels receptors lectina de tipus C NKG2 en cèl·lules Natural Killer i T CD4+. Demostrem que les cèl·lules T CD4+ específiques pel Cytomegalovirus Humà poden expressar diferents receptors NK, i que el receptor lectina tipus C NKG2D s'expressa en cèl·lules citotòxiques i de memòria, potenciant la proliferació i secreció de citocines depenent del TCR. La segona part d'aquesta tesi es centra en l'estudi de l'expressió dels receptors CD94/NKG2 en cèl·lules NK. Mostrem com l'expressió de CD94/NKG2A s'indueix en cèl·lules CD94/NKG2C+ estimulades amb IL-12 o cultivades amb cèl·lules dendrítiques infectades pel Cytomegalovirus Humà, i que l'expressió de CD94/NKG2A inhibeix la resposta de clons NK CD94/NKG2C+ envers dianes HLA-E+, constituint un possible mecanisme de feedback negatiu per controlar l'activació cel·lular. En resum, els nostres resultats demostren que l'expressió dels receptors lectina tipus C NKG2 pot ser modificada durant les infeccions víriques consitutint un possible mecanisme per regular la resposta tant de cèl·lules NK com T CD4+.
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Rôles des kinases IKK et IKK-related dans les maladies inflammatoires chroniques : implications dans l’athérosclérose et la réponse hypoxiqueGravel, Simon-Pierre 12 1900 (has links)
L’inflammation est un procédé complexe qui vise l’élimination de l’agent causal de dommages tissulaires en vue de faciliter la réparation du tissu affecté. La persistance de l’agent causal ou l’incapacité à résoudre l’inflammation mène à un dérèglement homéostatique chronique qui peut avoir une incidence sur la morbidité et la mortalité. L’athérosclérose est une condition inflammatoire chronique des vaisseaux sanguins dont l’origine est multifactorielle. L’hypertension et l’état infectieux représentent respectivement des facteurs de risque classiques et émergents du développement de cette maladie. Les fondements initiaux de l’inflammation font intervenir l’immunité innée, la première ligne de défense dont disposent les cellules pour répondre à un signal de danger. Le but de cette thèse est d’examiner le rôle pro-inflammatoire d’une famille de kinases essentielles à l’immunité innée, soit celle des kinases de IkappaB (IKK) et des kinases IKK-related. Les kinases IKKalpha et IKKbeta forment le complexe IKK avec la molécule adaptatrice NEMO/IKKgamma. Ce complexe est chargé d’effectuer la phosphorylation de l’inhibiteur de NF-kappaB, IkappaBalpha, ce qui mène à sa dégradation et à la libération du facteur de transcription NF-kappaB. Nous montrons que le peptide vasoactif angiotensine II (AngII) induit l’activité phosphotransférase d’IKKbeta dans les VSMC par immunoprécipitation de NEMO puis essai kinase in vitro. Grâce à une approche ARN interférence (ARNi) dirigée contre IKK, nous montrons que cette kinase est responsable de la phosphorylation de p65/RelA. Nous montrons que le mécanisme d’induction de NF-kappaB par l’AngII est atypique, puisqu’il ne module pas IkappaBalpha, et montrons à l’aide d’inhibiteurs pharmacologiques que l’activation de p65 est indépendante des voies MEK-ERK-RSK, PI3K et de la transactivation du récepteur de l’EGF. Les kinases IKK-related Tank-binding kinase 1 (TBK1) et IKK-i sont quant à elles principalement activées suite à une infection bactérienne ou virale. Ces kinases phosphorylent directement le facteur de transcription interferon regulatory factor (IRF)-3. Nous montrons que le cytomégalovirus humain, un pathogène associé à l’athérosclérose, a la capacité d’induire l’activation de TBK1 dans les VSMC. L’usage d’ARNi dirigé contre TBK1 et IKKi montre que les 2 kinases sont impliquées dans l’activation d’IRF-3. De plus, nous montrons à l’aide d’une lignée de VSMC exprimant une version dominante négative d’IRF-3 que ce dernier est essentiel à la synthèse des chimiokines RANTES et IP-10, tel qu’analysé par RT-PCR. Par ailleurs, il a récemment été montré que les kinases IKK-related étaient étroitement liées à la transformation oncogénique, et que TBK1 était pro-angiogénique. Or, l’angiogenèse est le plus souvent modulée par la réponse hypoxique qui est d’ailleurs commune à la majorité des processus inflammatoires. Le facteur de transcription hypoxia inducible factor (HIF)-1 module l’angiogenèse, l’inflammation et la survie cellulaire. Nous montrons à l’aide de cellules Tbk1 et Ikbke -/- et d’une approche lentivirale que TBK1 est spécifiquement impliquée dans l’induction traductionnelle de HIF-1alpha en condition de stress hypoxique. L’expression de TBK1 est induite sous ces conditions, et cette kinase module la phosphorylation de ERK, RSK, Akt et TSC1. Les résultats originaux présentés dans cette thèse montrent donc que les kinases IKK et IKK-related exercent leurs actions pro-inflammatoires par des mécanismes distincts. / Inflammation is a complex process that allows elimination of tissular damaging agents and thus facilitates wound repair. Persistance of a damaging agent or the incapacity to resolve the inflammatory state leads to chronic homeostatic deregulation with putative incidence on morbidity and mortality. Atherosclerosis is an inflammatory state of blood vessels which origins are multifactorial. Hypertension and the infectious state represent classical and emerging factors of atherosclerosis development, respectively. The innate immune response takes place in the initial steps of inflammation, and represents the first cellular line of defense against danger signals. The goal of this thesis is to examine the pro-inflammatory roles of the IkB kinases (IKK) and the IKK-related kinases, which are essential innate immune response protein kinases. IKKalpha and IKKbeta form, together with NEMO/IKKgamma, the IKK complex. This complex is responsible of the phosphorylation of the inhibitor of NF-kappaB, IkappaBalpha, a process that leads to its degradation and NF-kappaB release. By immunoprecipitation of NEMO and assessment of the IKK complex activity in vitro, we show that the vasoactive peptide angiotensin II (AngII) induces IKKbeta phosphotransferase activity in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC). The use of RNA interference (RNAi) against IKKbeta reveals that this kinase is responsible for p65/RelA phosphorylation. AngII modulation of NF-kappaB is atypical since it does not modulate IkappaB. Moreover, the use of pharmacological inhibitors shows that p65 induction is independent of both MEK-ERK-RSK and PI3K pathways, and that it does not involve EGF receptor transactivation. IKK-related kinases Tank-binding kinase 1 (TBK1) and IKK-i are known to be induced by bacterial and viral infections. These kinases are able to phosphorylate directly interferon regulatory factor (IRF)-3 transcription factor. Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) seropositivity was shown to be linked to atherosclerosis development. We show that TBK1 activity is induced in HCMV-infected VSMC. RNAi directed against TBK1 and IKK-i reveals that both kinases are required for IRF-3 activation. The use of a VSMC line that express a dominant negative version if IRF-3 shows that this transcription factor is involved in the induction of RANTES and IP-10 chemokines, as assessed by RT-PCR. In addition, IKK-related kinases were recently shown to be implicated in oncogenic transformation. TBK1 was also shown to be pro-angiogenic. Angiogenesis is known to be regulated by the hypoxic response, a common condition of inflammatory processes. Hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-1 is a transcription factor that modulates angiogenesis, inflammation and cell survival. We show with the use of Tbk1 and Ikbke -/- cells combined with the use of a lentiviral approach that TBK1 is specifically involved in HIF-1alpha translational induction under hypoxic stress. We also show that TBK1 expression is enhanced under theses conditions, and that this kinase modulates the phosphorylation of ERK, RSK, Akt and TSC1. In conclusion, the results presented in this thesis show that the IKK and IKK-related kinases are both pro-inflammatory, and exert their actions by distinct mechanisms.
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