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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mycoplasma genitalium: curva de crescimento e interação com células humanas de cérvix (HeLa) e endometriais (EM42). / Mycoplasma genitalium: growth curve and interaction with HeLa cervical epithelioid cells and EM42 endometrial cells.

Priscilla Megumi Ueno 19 September 2008 (has links)
Mycoplasma (M.) genitalium é um importante agente de doença sexualmente transmissível sendo, responsável por uma série de desordens do trato urogenital humano. A aderência do micoplasma é um dos principais fatores de virulência na sua patogenicidade e conseqüente colonização nas células hospedeiras. Neste estudo, obte-se a curva de crescimento de duas cepas de M. genitalium (G37 e 1019V) utilizando-se da dosagem proteíca (BCA), densidade óptica (OD600) e PCR em tempo real. A cepa referencial G37 é de alta passagem e foi isolada de homens e a 1019V é de baixa passagem, sendo recentemente isolada de amostra clínica de cérvix humana. Utilizando-se da fase logarítimica obtida pela curva, comparou-se a dinâmica de interação destas cepas na célula epitelial de carcinoma de cérvix humana (HeLa) e na célula endometrial humana (EM42), em diferentes intervalos de tempo com auxílio de microscopia confocal. Apesar destas cepas divergirem na seqüência dos genes relacionados a aderência houve poucas variações entre as curvas de crescimento. A aderência e a invasão de M. genitalium nas células não fagocíticas confirmou os dados de literatura. Entretanto, após 30 minutos de contato com as células, detectou-se o antígeno de aderência de ambas as cepas na região intranuclear Este achado, indica uma nova característica desta espécie ainda não conhecida entre os molicutes. / Mycoplasma genitalium (Mg) is an important cause of sexual transmitted disease and has been implicated in a range of genital tract disorders.The adherence of mycoplasmas is a key virulence attribute, pathogenic features and consequences of host-cell colonization. Herein, we characterize growth properties of two Mg strains (G37 and 1019V) using BCA assay, OD600, CCU assay, real-time PCR. Based upon these strategies, we compared the behavior of similarly grown Mg variants coincubated with HeLa cervical epithelioid cells and EM42 endometrial cells over a dynamic time course.using laser scanning confocal microscopy. Mg G37 is a multiply passaged type strain isolated from a male while 1019V was recently isolated from human cervical samples and only minimally passaged. Both strains further diverge by sequence heterogeneities within adherence-related MG191 and MG192 genes. Despite these differences, our results identified only subtle variations in axenic growth for the two strains. Further and consistent with previous studies, a subset of adherent Mg organisms invaded host cells. However, intranuclear localization was observed, which occurred as early as 30 minutes after infection.

Troncation conditionnelle de la protéine FUS chez la souris : un nouveau modèle animal du continuum sclérose latérale amyotrophique/démence fronto-temporale / Conditional truncation of the FUS protein in mice : a new animal model of the ALS/FTD continuum

Scekic-Zahirovic, Jelena 11 January 2016 (has links)
La sclérose latérale amyotrophique (SLA) et la démence fronto-temporale (DFT) sont deux maladies qui constituent un continuum clinico-pathologique. La mutation de FUS, une protéine nucléaire à fonctions multiples, provoque des cas familaux de SLA, et ces mutations provoquent une redistribution sub-cellulaire de FUS, du noyau vers le cytoplasme. Certains cas de DFT présentent une telles distribution anormale en l’absence de mutations de FUS. Il n’est pas connu si la maladie est provoquée par une perte de la fonction nucléaire de FUS et/ou un gain de fonction cytoplasmique.Nous avons généré et caractérisé une lignée de souris exprimant une forme cytoplasmique de FUS (Fus-ΔNLS). La localisation exclusive de FUS dans le cytoplasme provoque la mort des motoneurones via un gain de fonction dans les motoneurones eux-mêmes. Une localisation cytoplasmique partielle de FUS est suffisante pour développer un phénotype de la SLA et de DFT. Les mécanismes élucidés permettront de comprendre les bases des SLA/DFT. / Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and Frontotemporal dementia (FTLD) are now considered as a unique clinicopathological spectrum referred to as ALS/FTLD. Cytoplasmic aggregation of the physiologically nuclear FUS protein is a hallmark feature of a subset of ALS/FTLD. It remains unknonwn whether the critical pathogenic event relies on a loss of FUS normal nuclear functions, a toxic gain of function of FUS in the cytoplasm, or a combination of both.To answer this question we have generated a conditional mouse model expressing truncated FUS without nuclear localization signal - FusΔNLS. Our data showed that complete cytoplasmic mislocalization of truncated FUS protein within spinal motor neurons is a major determinant of motor neuron degeneration via toxic gain of function. A partial mislocalization of truncated FUS protein was sufficient to trigger key features of ALS and of FTLD.These studies allowed the elucidation of mechanisms underlying FUS role in ALS/FTLD, and will hopefully lead to development of therapies for these devastating diseases.

Vliv Arp2/3 komplexu na strukturu vakuomu, cytoplasmatické proudění a pohyblivost diktyosomů. / The effect of Arp2/3 complex on vacuolar structure, cytoplasmic streaming and dictyosome motility.

Semerák, Matěj January 2016 (has links)
In plant cells, actin filaments are nucleated in two different ways: The growth of single filaments or their bundles is enabled by various types of formins, whereas branched meshworks emerge due to Arp2/3 complex activity. Mutations in genes of these nucleators lead to various phenotypic traits. This thesis deals in the first place with influence of Arp2/3 complex subunits' dysfunction on intracellular motility (cytoplasmic streaming, stop-and-go movements of Golgi apparatus cisternae), since it had not been extensively studied before, and also attempts to quantify the already known impacts of mutations in genes for ARP2 and ARPC5 subunits on the vacuolar morphogenesis. For comparison, a few experiments with plants which carried a mutation in gene for FH1 formin were also realised when measuring the cytoplasmic streaming. The experiments were conducted with a model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. The methods particularly included transformation with fluorescent markers by Agrobacterium tumefaciens (or usage of a fluorescent dye), microscopy (both standard and confocal) and subsequent evaluation of the acquired data using a computer. During the cytoplasmic streaming research, effects of cytoskeletal drug latrunculin B were studied, too. The outputs did not prove that the Arp2/3 complex defects would manifest...

Genetic analysis of demography and selection in Lyrate rockcress (<em>Arabidopsis lyrata</em>) populations

Aalto, E. (Esa) 06 December 2013 (has links)
Abstract Demographic history and selection affect patterns of genetic diversity in nature. Timing of growth, reproduction and dormancy are important traits targeted by natural selection, because they are crucial for survival of plants growing in boreal and temperate climates, as reproduction must occur when conditions are favorable and in outcrossing plants it must be synchronized to assure pollination. In addition to adaptation to local environments, evolutionarily diverged populations may contain genomic incompatibilities that result in sterile hybrids in crosses between populations. In several plant families within population crosses can also lead to male sterile progeny, because of conflict between maternally and bi-parentally inherited genomes. In this thesis I used DNA-sequence data to estimate the demographic history of nine Arabidopsis lyrata populations and present genetic variation in some key flowering time genes, evolution of which natural selection has shaped. By crossing experiments I explored genetics of reproductive fitness in hybrids between divergent populations. I found that local climatic conditions have resulted in directional selection in addition to the demographic effects of bottlenecks during colonization events. Flowering time genes have reduced diversity compared to reference loci, which indicates selective sweeps. Selection on nucleotide variation in flowering time genes was found in Scandinavian and Icelandic populations that can be explained by selective sweeps at flowering genes when these populations colonized northern habitats after the last glacial maximum. Cryptic cytoplasmic male sterility was found in a Norwegian population, for which North Carolinian population did not have fertility restorers. It was confirmed that there is only one fertility restorer locus, the genomic location of which was mapped to a 600 kb interval at the top of chromosome two. / Tiivistelmä Populaatioiden levittäytymishistoria ja luonnonvalinta vaikuttavat geneettiseen monimuotoisuuteen ja sen vaihteluun genomin eri osissa. Kukkimisen ja kasvun päättämisen ajoitus ovat tärkeitä luonnonvalinnan kohteena olevia ominaisuuksia, sillä ne ovat välttämättömiä kasvien selviytymiselle lauhkeissa ja pohjoisissa ilmastoissa. Paikallisiin olosuhteisiin sopeutumisen lisäksi populaatioiden erilaistuminen voi johtaa genomisiin yhteensopimattomuuksiin, joiden vuoksi populaatioiden väliset risteymät ovat lisääntymiskyvyttömiä. Monilla kasvisuvuilla myös populaation sisäiset risteytykset voivat johtaa koirassteriileihin jälkeläisiin johtuen konfliktista vain äidin puolelta ja molemmilta vanhemmilta periytyvien genomien välillä. Tässä väitöskirjassa selvitän DNA-sekvenssimuunteluun perustuen yhdeksän idänpitkäpalkopopulaation demografista eli levittäymis- ja populaatiorakennehistoriaa sekä luonnonvalinnan osuutta kukkimisaikaan vaikuttavien geenien evoluutiossa. Risteytyskokeiden avulla tutkin erilaistuneiden populaatioiden risteymäjälkeläisiä selvittääkseni niiden lisääntymiskelpoisuutta ja siihen vaikuttavia geenejä. Geneettinen muuntelu kukkimisgeeneissä oli vähäisempää kuin vertailugeeneissä, joka on merkki kukkimisgeeneihin kohdistuneesta suuntaavasta valinnasta. Kukkimisgeeneihin kohdistuvaa valintaa löytyi eniten skandinaavisista ja islantilaisesta populaatiosta, mikä on selitettävissä niihin kohdistuneella suuntavalla valinnalla aikana, jolloin kasvit levittäytyivät jääkauden jälkeen pohjoisiin elinympäristöihin. Norjalaisesta populaatiosta löytyi piilevä sytoplasminen koirassteriliteetti, jolle Pohjois-Carolinan populaatiolla ei ollut hedelmällisyyden palauttavia geenejä. Tutkimus vahvisti, että hedelmällisyyden palauttaa yksi geeni, joka sijaitsee 600&#160;000 emäsparin kokoisella alueella kromosomin kaksi alkupäässä.

The Role and Regulation of p53-associated, Parkin-like Cytoplasmic Protein (PARC) in p53 Subcellular Trafficking and Chemosensitivity in Human Ovarian Cancer Cells

Woo, Michael G. January 2012 (has links)
Resistance to cisplatin (CDDP)-based therapy is a major hurdle to the successful treatment of human ovarian cancer (OVCA) and the chemoresistant phenotype in OVCA cells is associated with Akt-attenuated, p53-mediated apoptosis. Pro-apoptotic functions of p53 involve both transcription-dependent and -independent signaling pathways and dysfunctional localization and/or inactivation of p53 contribute to the development of chemoresistance. PARC is a cytoplasmic protein regulating p53 subcellular localization and subsequent function. Little is known about the molecular mechanisms regulating PARC. Although PARC contains putative caspase-3 cleavage sites, and CDDP is known to induce the activation of caspases and calpains and induce proteasomal degradation of anti-apoptotic proteins, if and how PARC is regulated by CDDP in OVCA is unknown. Here we present evidence that CDDP promotes calpain-mediated PARC down-regulation, mitochondrial and nuclear p53 accumulation and apoptosis in chemosensitive but not resistant OVCA cells. Inhibition of Akt is required to sensitize chemoresistant cells to CDDP in a p53-dependent manner, an effect enhanced by PARC down-regulation. CDDP-induced PARC down-regulation is reversible by inhibitor of calpain but not of caspase-3 or the 26S proteasome. Furthermore, in vitro experiments confirm the ability of calpain in mediating Ca2+-dependent PARC down-regulation. The role of Ca2+ in PARC down-regulation was further confirmed as ionomycin induced PARC down-regulation in both chemosensitive and chemoresistant ovarian cancer cells. The data presented here implicates the regulation of p53 subcellular localization and apoptosis by PARC as a contributing factor in CDDP resistance in OVCA cells and Ca2+/calpain in PARC post-translational processing and chemosensitivity.

Dynamique évolutive des bactéries endocellulaires Wolbachia et des incompatibilités cytoplasmiques chez le moustique Culex pipiens / Evolutionary dynamics of endocellular bacteria Wolbachia and cytoplasmic incompatibilities in the mosquito Culex pipiens

Atyame Nten, Célestine Michelle 27 June 2011 (has links)
Les Wolbachia sont des α-Protéobactéries endocellulaires transmises maternellement et qui manipulent la reproduction des Arthropodes pour augmenter leur transmission. Chez le moustique Culex pipiens, Wolbachia induit l'incompatibilité cytoplasmique (IC) qui se traduit par une forte mortalité embryonnaire lors de croisements entre individus infectés par des souches incompatibles de Wolbachia. Ce moustique se caractérise par une forte diversité génétique de ses Wolbachia (nommées wPip) et par des patrons d'IC complexes. Nous avons examiné les mécanismes qui façonnent la dynamique de cette association symbiotique aux niveaux génomique, phénotypique et populationnel. Nous avons montré que les souches wPip ont une origine génétique commune récente et qu'elles s'organisent en groupes génétiques présentant une structuration géographique. Nous avons mis en évidence des évènements de recombinaison entre souches wPip qui pourraient jouer un rôle majeur dans la diversité génétique des Wolbachia et dans l'évolution rapide des patrons d'IC. En croisant des lignées de moustiques d'origines géographiques diverses et infectées par des souches de différents groupes génétiques, nous avons montré que les IC (i) évoluent très rapidement chez Cx. pipiens; (ii) sont contrôlées par plusieurs déterminants génétiques, et (iii) qu'il y a une relation entre les patrons d'IC et les groupes génétiques des Wolbachia. Dans les populations naturelles, il apparaît que les IC sont contre sélectionnées au sein d'une population mais qu'une zone de contact entre populations infectées par des souches incompatibles peut se maintenir de façon stable. / Wolbachia are maternally inherited endocellular α-Proteobacteria that manipulate the reproduction of Arthropods to promote their own transmission. In the mosquito Culex pipiens, Wolbachia induce cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI) which results in high embryonic mortality in crosses between mosquitoes infected with incompatible Wolbachia strains. This mosquito is characterized by high genetic diversity of its Wolbachia (referred as wPip strains) and by complex CI patterns. We examined mechanisms that shape the dynamics of this symbiotic association at genomic, phenotypic and field population levels to understand how it evolves. We showed that wPip strains have a unique and recent evolutionary origin and that their diversity clusters into distinct genetic groups with a geographic structure. We revealed the existence of extensive recombinations among wPip strains, which could influence their adaptive dynamics by creating new wPip strains and thus allow the rapid emergence of new CI patterns. The analysis of crossing relationships between mosquito lines from different geographic origins and infected with wPip strains belonging to different genetic groups showed that CIs (i) evolve rapidly in Cx. pipiens; (ii) are controlled by several genetic factors, and (iii) there is a significant relationship between CI patterns and genetic divergence of wPip strains. In field populations, it appears that CIs are selected against within a population but a contact zone between populations infected by incompatible Wolbachia strains can be stably maintained.

Efeitos da Administação de Ômega Três e Vitamina B12 sobre Aspectos Reprodutivos de Ratos Wistar e sua Correlação com a Temperatura Corpórea / Effects of the Administration of Ômega Three And Vitamin B12 on Reproductive Aspects of Wistar Rats and its Correlation with Body Temperature

YAMADA, Luci Mara Miura 22 June 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Adriana Martinez (amartinez@unoeste.br) on 2017-09-05T12:53:44Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Luci.pdf: 503217 bytes, checksum: bcb750cc3835332fed12d8730ecb4254 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-05T12:53:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Luci.pdf: 503217 bytes, checksum: bcb750cc3835332fed12d8730ecb4254 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-06-22 / This work aims to study the effects of omega 3 and / or vitamin B12 administration on sperm and histomorphometric parameters of the reproductive organs of Wistar rats and their correlation with the temperature of these regions. Sixteen rats were divided into four groups (n = 4 per group) who received daily injections for 30 days, being: Control Group - saline solution; Group Omega three- fish oil (Equaliv®) 1g / kg; Group B12 - vitamin B12 (Monovin B12 ®) 3μg; And Group Omega + B12 - fish oil 1g / kg and vitamin B12 3μg. Analyzed sperm morphology and the histomorphometries were evaluated by the Motic Images Plus® version 2.0 program. On a daily basis, thermographic images of areas of the body (FLIR E40®, Sweden) were analyzed and analyzed by the Flir Tools 2.1® program. Data were submitted to analysis of variance and Tukey test at 5%. Omega 3 reduced the seminiferous epithelium and B12 minimized this deleterious effect (P ≤ 0.05). The surface temperature of the scrotum was higher in group B12 (P ≤0.05). There was a high positive correlation between scrotum surface temperature and distal cytoplasmic droplet percentage (P = 0.678). / Este trabalho tem como objetivo estudar os efeitos da administração do ômega três e/ou vitamina B12 sobre parâmetros espermáticos e histomorfométricos dos órgãos reprodutivos de ratos Wistar e sua correlação com a temperatura dessas regiões. Utilizou-se 16 ratos, divididos em quatro grupos (n=4 por grupo) que receberam injeções diárias por 30 dias, sendo: Grupo Controle – solução salina; Grupo Ômega três– óleo de peixe (Equaliv®) 1g/kg; Grupo B12 – vitamina B12 (Monovin B12®) 3µg; e Grupo Ômega + B12 – óleo de peixe 1g/kg e vitamina B12 3µg. Analisados morfologia espermática e as histomorfometrias foram avaliados pelo programa Motic Images Plus® versão 2.0. Diariamente, foram obtidas imagens termográficas de áreas do corpo (FLIR E40®, Suécia) e analisadas pelo programa Flir Tools 2.1®. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e teste de Tukey a 5%. O ômega 3 reduziu o epitélio seminífero e a B12 minimizou esse efeito deletério (P ≤ 0,05). A temperatura da superfície do escroto foi superior no grupo B12 (P ≤0,05). Houve alta correlação positiva entre temperatura da superfície do escroto e porcentagem de gota citoplasmática distal (P = 0,678).

The RNA helicase Dbp5/DDX19 regulates the ribosomal entry of eRF1-eRF3 and Dom34-Hbs1 in translation termination and cytoplasmic mRNA quality control

Beißel, Christian 16 May 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Analyse génétique d'une stérilité hybride chez Arabidopsis thaliana / Genetic analysis of an hybrid sterility in Arabidopsis thaliana

Simon, Matthieu 18 December 2015 (has links)
Un objectif central de la biologie évolutive est la compréhension des mécanismes qui conduisent à la formation de nouvelles espèces. Les stérilités hybrides constituent un type de barrières reproductives pouvant mener à la spéciation. Ce travail dissèque les bases génétiques d’une stérilité mâle observée chez l'hybride entre deux accessions naturelles d'Arabidopsis thaliana, Shahdara et Mr-0, lorsque Shahdara est le parent femelle. Par des approches génétiques et cytologiques, nous montrons que deux phénomènes interviennent dans cette stérilité. D'une part le cytoplasme de Shahdara induit une stérilité mâle cytoplasmique (CMS), en interaction avec plusieurs locus nucléaires. D'autre part, une létalité pollinique est due à plusieurs locus distorteurs de ségrégation (pollen killers). La stérilité de l'hybride résulte d'une liaison génétique entre les déterminants nucléaires de la CMS et les pollen killers. L'un des pollen killers a été localisé dans un intervalle de 70 Kb qui contient également des éléments nécessaires à la restauration de la CMS. Ce locus est complexe et présente de nombreuses variations structurales, notamment au niveau de gènes PPR. Ces résultats suggèrent que deux types de conflits génomiques, les distorteurs de ségrégation et la CMS, pourraient coévoluer dans des populations naturelles et conduire à l’élaboration de barrières reproductives au sein d'une même espèce. / Species differentiation and the underlying genetics of reproductive isolation are central topics in evolutionary biology. Hybrid sterility is one kind of reproductive barrier that can lead to differentiation between species. Here, we analyze the complex genetic basis of the intraspecific hybrid male sterility that occurs in offspring of two distant natural strains of Arabidopsis thaliana, Shahdara and Mr-0, with Shahdara as the female parent. Using genetic approaches as well as cytological observation of pollen viability, we demonstrate that this particular hybrid sterility results from two causes of pollen mortality. First, the Shahdara cytoplasm induces gametophytic cytoplasmic male sterility controlled by several nuclear loci. Second, several segregation distorters leading to allele-specific pollen abortion (pollen killers) operate in the hybrids. The complete sterility of the hybrid with the Shahdara cytoplasm results from the genetic linkage of the two causes of pollen mortality, i.e. CMS nuclear determinants and pollen killers. One pollen killer was localized in a 70 Kb interval which also contains restorer alleles for the CMS. This locus is complex and harbors many structural variations, particularly at PPR genes. Our results suggest that two types of genomic conflicts, CMS and segregation distorters, may coevolve in natural populations and contribute to reproductive isolation, and possibly to speciation.

Functional analysis of a cytoplasmic male sterility in Arabidopsis thaliana / Analyse fonctionnelle d'une stérilité mâle cytoplasmique chez Arabidopsis thaliana

Dehaene, Noémie 15 November 2017 (has links)
Les stérilités mâles cytoplasmiques (SMC) résultent d'une incompatibilité nucléo-cytoplasmique. Le cytoplasme (presque toujours la mitochondrie) peut porter un gène de stérilité mâle, et le noyau peut restaurer la fertilité pollinique ou non. Les mécanismes physiologiques conduisant à la mort pollinique restent largement incompris. Plusieurs hypothèses ont été proposées, parmi lesquelles une déficience en ATP. Une SMC gamétophytique a été découverte chez A. thaliana. Une phase ouverte de lecture codant possiblement un peptide de 117 acides aminés, appelée orf117Sha, a été identifiée comme facteur de stérilité candidat.Au cours de ma thèse, j'ai cherché à valider le rôle de l'orf117Sha, et à comprendre comment une anomalie mitochondriale pouvait induire cette SMC. Aucune différence n'a pu être détectée au niveau de l'ARNm de l'orf117Sha entre les lignées stérile et restaurée, mais sa protéine semble accumulée uniquement dans la lignée stérile. La phénocopie par transgénèse de la SMC a suggéré un effet délétère de l'ORF117SHA dans les gamétophytes mâle et femelle.La description cytologique de la SMC montre une mort pollinique progressive à partir du stade binucléé. Auparavant, les mitochondries du pollen gonflent puis éclatent, et le développement s'arrête. L’utilisation de senseurs génétiquement encodés mesurant la concentration en ATP (ATeam) et l'état redox du glutathion (roGFP2-Grx1) a permis la mesure de ces facteurs en microscopie confocale, dans des tissus végétatifs et dans le pollen. La production d'ATP ne semble pas affectée dans la lignée stérile, contredisant l'hypothèse de l'ATP. Le glutathion mitochondrial est suroxydé dans la lignée stérile, à la fois dans les tissus végétatifs étudiés et le pollen, qui serait liée à la SMC car annulée par la restauration génétique de fertilité.Avec cette étude, j'apporte des arguments en faveur de l'orf117Sha dans l'induction de la SMC Sha, et je décris les évènements préalables à l'avortement du grain de pollen. Mes résultats permettent de mieux comprendre les évènements physiologiques conduisant à la mort du pollen. / This work aims at better understand the events leading to pollen abortion in a recently discovered gametophytic cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) in Arabidopsis thaliana. Although CMS have been widely used in hybrid seed production in many crops, the physiological mechanisms leading to pollen death by the mitochondrial sterilizing genes in the permissive (maintainer) nuclear backgrounds are poorly understood. Association genetics previously identified orf117Sha as a candidate mitochondrial CMS-associated gene.In a first part, I analyzed the expression of the orf117Sha gene in sterile plants and in fertile plants carrying nuclear genes restoring male fertility. I observed unusual features of its mRNA, but detected no difference at this level between sterile and restored plants. Oppositely, the ORF117SHA protein seems to be accumulated specifically in the sterile line, supporting its role in CMS. A phenocopy attempt by transgenesis suggested a possible link between a female and male gametophytic lethality and the ORF117SHA, even though few individuals could be analyzed.In a second part, I observed pollen development in sterile plants and fertile controls using different cytological approaches. My results show a progressive pollen death starting from the binucleate stage in the sterile. Prior to abortion, pollen mitochondria swell before rupture, and the development stops. I used confocal microscopy combined with genetically encoded sensors to explore specific physiological features in pollen and vegetative tissues of sterile plants. With ATeam, which allows the assessment of ATP content in the cytosol, I could challenge the generally accepted hypothesis of an ATP deficiency leading to pollen abortion in CMS. Indeed, the ATP production does not seem to be affected in the sterile line. With a mitochondria-addressed roGFP2-Grx1, I was able to assess the redox state of the glutathione pool in vegetative tissues and in the male gametophyte. I observed an overoxydation of the glutathione pool in mitochondria of the sterile line, in vegetative tissue investigated and in the pollen grain. This overoxydation seems to be linked to the CMS as it is annihilated by the presence of restorer genes.My results pave the way for further exploration of the links between the sterility protein, mitochondrial morphology changes, mitochondrial overoxydation, and pollen development arrest and death in the A. thaliana CMS.

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