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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att förvägra dömda rösträtten. : En argumentationsanalys av debatten om förvägrandet av rösträtten i USA. / To deny felons the right to vote. : An argumentation analysis of the debate on the denial of the right to vote in USA.

Josefsson, Josefin January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study has been to present different arguments regarding felony disenfranchisement. What was also investigated was if the practice could be compatible with Robert A. Dahl and his model of democracy. Finally, the findings were presented and what they meant. The material of the study consisted of texts produced in the purpose of arguing either for or against the practice. The content of these texts was presented through an argument analysis. They were presented fractionated by themes depending on what the argument was stating.  The results of the analysis were that there were some recurring arguments, both for and against the practice. Furthermore, it became obvious through analyzing the arguments that the model of democracy and its five criterias could not be compatible with the practice. Lastly, it could be stated that what it meant was that nothing regarding the practice of felony disenfranchisement could be compatible with Robert A. Dahl’s idea of democracy.

Going Solo with Roald Dahl: Life Rewritten Through Memory

Huenemann, Jeannine 01 August 2011 (has links)
Roald Dahl does not easily fit into a category as a writer, contributing fiction and nonfiction to both children and adult audiences. Faced with this ambiguity, the literary community has mostly ignored his contributions since he is mainly viewed as a children‘s author. Late in life, Dahl created two autobiographies, Boy: Tales of Childhood (1984), and Going Solo (1986), as venues for sharing his many embellished, personal stories. This thesis focuses on Going Solo, the second of these two books which explores Dahl‘s three-year departure from England, including his enlistment in the Royal Air Force during World War II. During this same time period, he wrote 126 personal letters and telegrams to his family. He had experienced much change in his life during the nearly fifty-year gap from when the letters were written to when he crafted Going Solo for a more general audience. By comparing this personal correspondence to Going Solo, it is possible to see how memory and self-selection permitted the author to craft a personal narrative interested as much in reconstructing his public persona as recounting true events from his past. This thesis asserts that Dahl does not rely exclusively on his letters when reconstructing the narrative and instead inserts himself into a larger historical narrative. Dahl used Going Solo to point to the locations where his personal narrative collides with history and emotions. This is particularly true in the last half of the book where he comes to rely on historical touchstones. It is full of places and people which evoke memories and strong feelings for him. Dahl also relied on techniques and motifs found in folktales, features that make his work of particular interest to folklorists. The final chapter offers an examination of these techniques used in The BFG, Dahl‘s most autobiographical work of children‘s literature, written only four years prior to Going Solo. By paying closer attention to his methodology, we gain a clearer understanding of how folklore functions in the development of literary personal narrative.

En demokratisk kanon? : Demokratibegreppet i samhällskunskapsundervisningen

Burman, August, Bengtsson, Gustaf January 2023 (has links)
Föreliggande studies syfte är att undersöka om det finns en samstämmighet i hur samhällskunskapslärare definierar demokratibegreppet. Vidare syftar även studien till att undersöka huruvida det finns en samstämmighet i vilka arbetssätt och examinationsformer som används inom samhällskunskapen gällande demokratimomentet. Detta görs med hjälp av Öberg och Bäckströms studie (2021) som undersöker en eventuell kanon inom samhällskunskapen på högstadiet. I denna studie används Dahls polyarkidefinition och Schumpeters klassiska demokratidefinition för att analysera och utläsa kriterier för demokratier ur läroböcker och lärarsvar. Undersökningen genomförs med läroboksanalys samt en enkät och är därför en kvalitativ studie med kvantitativa inslag. Studien visar att det finns en samstämmighet gällande hur samhällskunskapslärare i stort arbetar och examinerar i delområdet demokrati. Vidare finns en överensstämmelse mellan hur lärare och läroböcker definierar begreppet demokrati. De båda fokuserar på att demokrati innebär att folket väljer företrädare för att föra deras talan, vilket pekar på att Schumpeters demokratidefinition är den som dominerar demokratiundervisningen. Dock förekommer Dahls kriterier, men beskrivs ofta som ett komplement till demokrati som ett folkstyre. Dessa kriterier (exempelvis yttrandefrihet) skildras mer som mänskliga rättigheter än en förutsättning för demokrati. Två läroböcker är tydligt kopplade till Schumpeters demokratidefinition, två läroböcker är ett mellanting men med Schumpeters definition i förgrunden. En lärobok, Arena 123, sticker ut och är mer präglad av Dahls demokratidefinition än Schumpeters.

”Hemskingarna” : En analys av gestaltningen av föräldrarna i Roald Dahls Matilda

Tengelin, Miranda January 2022 (has links)
I detta arbete analyseras föräldrarna herr och fru Vidrigsson i boken Matilda av Roald Dahl (1990). Föräldrarna analyserades genom att tolka, förstå och förmedla vilket är ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv. Syftet med analysen var att få vetskap om hur föräldrarna gestaltas, vilka normer de bryter och vad deras funktion var i boken. Bakgrunden till arbetet ligger i att jag själv uppskattar boken och att jag tidigare hört både bra och dåliga åsikter om Roald Dahl och hans karikeringsteknik. Även för att Roald Dahl har många olika böcker som är fantastiska att arbeta kring i skolan för alla olika åldrar.

Gustavo Dahl e a Embrafilme: discurso e prática / Gustavo Dahl and Embrafilme: practice and discourse

Rosa, Cayo Candido 03 October 2016 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo estudar a trajetória de Gustavo Dahl com ênfase nos anos de 1960 e 1970, quando atuou, em diferentes medidas, como cineasta, crítico e teórico de cinema e gestor da Embrafilme (Empresa Brasileira de Filmes S/A). Levando em conta o turbulento contexto histórico estudado, que abarca os anos que precedem até mais da metade do que se configurou como o Regime Militar, buscamos delinear como suas ideias e textos escritos ao longo do recorte estudado se configuraram na prática quando era responsável pela área de distribuição da companhia estatal Embrafilme, levando em consideração sua concepção de mercado e suas influências, tanto no campo cinematográfico quanto nas esferas de poder. / This study aims to analyse the life of Gustavo Dahl focusing in the 1960s and 1970s when he acted as a filmmaker, film critic and manager of Embrafilme (Empresa Brasileira de Filmes S/A). Taking into consideration the turbulent historical context ranging from the year before and during the military rule in Brazil, we try to understand how his ideas and articles written throughout the years in questions were put into practice when he was responsible for the distribution of films at the state company also taking into consideration his conception of market and his influences in the cinema fields and also in the high levels of power.

Gustavo Dahl e a Embrafilme: discurso e prática / Gustavo Dahl and Embrafilme: practice and discourse

Cayo Candido Rosa 03 October 2016 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo estudar a trajetória de Gustavo Dahl com ênfase nos anos de 1960 e 1970, quando atuou, em diferentes medidas, como cineasta, crítico e teórico de cinema e gestor da Embrafilme (Empresa Brasileira de Filmes S/A). Levando em conta o turbulento contexto histórico estudado, que abarca os anos que precedem até mais da metade do que se configurou como o Regime Militar, buscamos delinear como suas ideias e textos escritos ao longo do recorte estudado se configuraram na prática quando era responsável pela área de distribuição da companhia estatal Embrafilme, levando em consideração sua concepção de mercado e suas influências, tanto no campo cinematográfico quanto nas esferas de poder. / This study aims to analyse the life of Gustavo Dahl focusing in the 1960s and 1970s when he acted as a filmmaker, film critic and manager of Embrafilme (Empresa Brasileira de Filmes S/A). Taking into consideration the turbulent historical context ranging from the year before and during the military rule in Brazil, we try to understand how his ideas and articles written throughout the years in questions were put into practice when he was responsible for the distribution of films at the state company also taking into consideration his conception of market and his influences in the cinema fields and also in the high levels of power.

Roald Dahl: estudo comparativo de \'Chapeuzinho Vermelho e o lobo\' em língua inglesa e as traduções para o português / Roald Dahl: a comparative study of \'Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf\' in English and the translations into Portuguese

Alcantara, Valquiria Pereira 12 September 2018 (has links)
Para a elaboração desta dissertação tomamos como corpus a versão de Roald Dahl do conto Chapeuzinho Vermelho e o lobo e as traduções para a língua portuguesa publicadas no Brasil e em Portugal. Fazemos referência à versão de Os três porquinhos, do mesmo autor, porque a personagem Chapeuzinho Vermelho foi incluída na história; também nos referimos aos contos tradicionais de Perrault e dos Irmãos Grimm sempre que a menção se faz relevante. Este trabalho foi norteado por dois objetivos: o primeiro refere-se à análise dos elementos extra e intratextuais dos textos fonte em língua inglesa e de chegada em língua portuguesa nas edições brasileira e portuguesa; o segundo, diretamente associado ao primeiro, refere-se a como cada um dos textos verbais relaciona-se com as ilustrações de Quentin Blake elaboradas para a edição inglesa, mantidas com pequenas variações nas edições brasileira e portuguesa. Para o desenvolvimento de nossa análise utilizamos as questões propostas por Christiane Nord como fio condutor, expandimos a análise textual valendo-nos da identificação das modalidades da tradução segundo a revisão de Francis Aubert, bem como a conceituação das relações hipertextuais segundo a perspectiva de Gérard Genette, tomadas como instrumento para o estudo comparativo entre o texto em língua inglesa e as traduções para o português. Em seguida, analisamos as relações construídas entre textos verbais em inglês e português e as ilustrações de Quentin Blake conforme, principalmente, o ponto de vista de Sophie Van der Linden. Por fim, observamos aspectos mais abrangentes relacionados à releitura do conto tradicional realizada por Dahl, levando em conta como o texto dahliano relaciona-se com as versões de Perrault e de Grimm e implicações morais dos textos segundo o ponto de vista de André Jolles. A partir das análises, constatamos que a construção do efeito cômico do texto dahliano é pautado por precisa seleção lexical e concisão sintática, bem como pela relação entre textos verbal e visual. Observamos, ainda, que a inversão de papéis entre Chapeuzinho e o lobo, assim como a caracterização da personagem não como criança, mas como jovem adulta, possibilitam não só o final inesperado do conto, como também a relativização de valores. Concluímos que, assim como os contos tradicionais estão inseridos em uma tradição cultural que possibilita a compreensão do mundo, a obra dahliana está inserida em um espectro de releituras dos contos que estimula a criatividade e a leitura crítica do mundo. / The main object of this dissertation is Roald Dahls Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf and the translations into Portuguese published in Brazil and in Portugal. We also refer to The Three Little Pigs, another work by Dahl, because he has included Little Red in the story; besides, we refer to the traditional tales by Perrault and the Brothers Grimm whenever it is relevant. In our work we aim to analyse extra and intratextual elements of the source text in English and both target texts in Portuguese the Brazilian and the Portuguese ones; we also focus on how each text relates to the illustrations by Quentin Blake. We used Christiane Nords questions as a guideline to our analysis; to expand our work, we study the translation modalities according to Francis Auberts view and hipertextual concepts according to Gérard Genettes point of view comparing the text in English and the translations into Portuguese. The next step consists in studying how the illustrations by Quentin Blake relate to Dahls text and the translated texts having in mind, mainly, Sophie Van der Lindens view about the relation of verbal and visual texts. Finally, we also observe broader aspects of Dahls text relating his version of the tale with Perraults and Grimms considering André Jolless studies. Based on the analysis, we realised that the humorous effect present in Dahls text was elaborated with precise use of lexis, concise syntax and the articulation between verbal and visual texts. As a result, we could understand that the role swapping between Little Red and the wolf as well as portraying the character as a young woman rather than a child allowed both the unexpected ending and questioning moral values. A conclusion we reached is that as fairy tales are part of a wider cultural tradition, Dahls text is part of a myriad of re-interpreted tales which stimulate creativity and critical thinking.

Roald Dahl: estudo comparativo de \'Chapeuzinho Vermelho e o lobo\' em língua inglesa e as traduções para o português / Roald Dahl: a comparative study of \'Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf\' in English and the translations into Portuguese

Valquiria Pereira Alcantara 12 September 2018 (has links)
Para a elaboração desta dissertação tomamos como corpus a versão de Roald Dahl do conto Chapeuzinho Vermelho e o lobo e as traduções para a língua portuguesa publicadas no Brasil e em Portugal. Fazemos referência à versão de Os três porquinhos, do mesmo autor, porque a personagem Chapeuzinho Vermelho foi incluída na história; também nos referimos aos contos tradicionais de Perrault e dos Irmãos Grimm sempre que a menção se faz relevante. Este trabalho foi norteado por dois objetivos: o primeiro refere-se à análise dos elementos extra e intratextuais dos textos fonte em língua inglesa e de chegada em língua portuguesa nas edições brasileira e portuguesa; o segundo, diretamente associado ao primeiro, refere-se a como cada um dos textos verbais relaciona-se com as ilustrações de Quentin Blake elaboradas para a edição inglesa, mantidas com pequenas variações nas edições brasileira e portuguesa. Para o desenvolvimento de nossa análise utilizamos as questões propostas por Christiane Nord como fio condutor, expandimos a análise textual valendo-nos da identificação das modalidades da tradução segundo a revisão de Francis Aubert, bem como a conceituação das relações hipertextuais segundo a perspectiva de Gérard Genette, tomadas como instrumento para o estudo comparativo entre o texto em língua inglesa e as traduções para o português. Em seguida, analisamos as relações construídas entre textos verbais em inglês e português e as ilustrações de Quentin Blake conforme, principalmente, o ponto de vista de Sophie Van der Linden. Por fim, observamos aspectos mais abrangentes relacionados à releitura do conto tradicional realizada por Dahl, levando em conta como o texto dahliano relaciona-se com as versões de Perrault e de Grimm e implicações morais dos textos segundo o ponto de vista de André Jolles. A partir das análises, constatamos que a construção do efeito cômico do texto dahliano é pautado por precisa seleção lexical e concisão sintática, bem como pela relação entre textos verbal e visual. Observamos, ainda, que a inversão de papéis entre Chapeuzinho e o lobo, assim como a caracterização da personagem não como criança, mas como jovem adulta, possibilitam não só o final inesperado do conto, como também a relativização de valores. Concluímos que, assim como os contos tradicionais estão inseridos em uma tradição cultural que possibilita a compreensão do mundo, a obra dahliana está inserida em um espectro de releituras dos contos que estimula a criatividade e a leitura crítica do mundo. / The main object of this dissertation is Roald Dahls Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf and the translations into Portuguese published in Brazil and in Portugal. We also refer to The Three Little Pigs, another work by Dahl, because he has included Little Red in the story; besides, we refer to the traditional tales by Perrault and the Brothers Grimm whenever it is relevant. In our work we aim to analyse extra and intratextual elements of the source text in English and both target texts in Portuguese the Brazilian and the Portuguese ones; we also focus on how each text relates to the illustrations by Quentin Blake. We used Christiane Nords questions as a guideline to our analysis; to expand our work, we study the translation modalities according to Francis Auberts view and hipertextual concepts according to Gérard Genettes point of view comparing the text in English and the translations into Portuguese. The next step consists in studying how the illustrations by Quentin Blake relate to Dahls text and the translated texts having in mind, mainly, Sophie Van der Lindens view about the relation of verbal and visual texts. Finally, we also observe broader aspects of Dahls text relating his version of the tale with Perraults and Grimms considering André Jolless studies. Based on the analysis, we realised that the humorous effect present in Dahls text was elaborated with precise use of lexis, concise syntax and the articulation between verbal and visual texts. As a result, we could understand that the role swapping between Little Red and the wolf as well as portraying the character as a young woman rather than a child allowed both the unexpected ending and questioning moral values. A conclusion we reached is that as fairy tales are part of a wider cultural tradition, Dahls text is part of a myriad of re-interpreted tales which stimulate creativity and critical thinking.

Den (över)levande demokratin : En idékritisk analys av demokratins reproducerbarhet i Robert Dahls tänkta värld

Olsson, Karin January 2009 (has links)
Abstract Olsson, Karin (2009). Den (över)levande demokratin. En idékritisk analys av demokratins reproducerbarhet i Robert Dahls tänkta värld. (Sustainable Democracy. Exploring the Idea of a Reproducible Democracy in the Theory of Robert A. Dahl). Acta Wexionensia 185/2009, ISSN: 1404-4307, ISBN: 978-91-7636-677-6. With a summary in English.   Everybody loves democracy. The problem is that while everybody calls himself democratic, the ideal form of democracy is hard to come by in the real world. But if we believe in democracy and believe that it is the best form of government, I argue that we should try to design a theory of democracy that is realisable – and reproducible. This thesis, then, focuses primarily on the question whether we find support in democratic theory for an idea of a self-reproducing democracy. It proceeds by means of an investigation of Robert A. Dahl’s theory of democracy. He is one of the most well-known and highly regarded theorists in the field of democratic research, whose work covers both normative and empirical analysis. When analysing the reproducible democracy, I argue that it is essential to study both normative values and empirical assumptions: the values that count as intrinsic to democracy, the assumptions that are made about man, and the institutions that are needed for the realisable and reproducible democracy. In modern social science man is often pushed into the background. This is also the case in theories of democracy, even though man (the individual) is the one who has the right to vote, the one who has the autonomy to decide – the one who has to act democratically in order to preserve democracy. The study yields the following findings. First, in Dahl’s theory political equality and autonomy come out as intrinsic values. Second, the assumptions made about man show that even if he seems to be ignored, he is always present. When Dahl construes his theory, he does it with full attention to man’s qualities, interests, manners of acting and reacting, and adaptability to the values of democracy. Third, the institutions needed to realise and reproduce democracy go further than the institutions of polyarchy. They need support from the judicial system, political culture, education and the market. Fourth, when it comes down to making democracy work and reproducing democracy, Dahl puts the full responsibility on man as he is not willing to allow too rigid constitutional mechanisms. Fifth, even though Dahl puts the emphasis on the empirical situation of the real world, he does not alter his normative ideals in order to make the theory more adaptive. For him, political equality and autonomy are imperative demands, too important to alter. And the only way to get full procedural democracy is to trust the democratic man.

Bortom historiens slut : En jämförande undersökning av nio U-länders demokratiska utveckling

Nilsson, Caroline January 2007 (has links)
Bortom historien slut – Beyond the end of history According to Robert Dahl there are seven criteria that have to be fulfilled in order for a state to be democratic. Dahl also states that there are several factors that effect the development of democracy. In today’s world it is mostly developing countries that have failed to bring about democratic changes. It is the developing country that is in focus in this thesis. The purpose is to examine if there are any particularly advantageous factors that can bring about or promote the development of democratic institutions. The questions are: What factor has effected the development of democratic institutions? Which, if any, of Dahl’s seven criteria is found within each state today?; do they correctly reflect the democratic situation? Can any connection between the states democratic development be found in a comparison? In a comparison between nine countries the different factors have been examined. The result shows that pluralism is a key factor for development of democracy in a developing country. External influence is on the other hand not important. Keywords: developing countries, democratization, Robert Dahl Nyckerlord: utvecklingsländer, demokratisering

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