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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Brukarens individuella behov eller systemets behov? : en kvalitativ studie om hur personal på daglig verksamhet arbetar med brukarens individuella behov

Dazdarevic, Nina, Stünkel, Alexandra January 2020 (has links)
Enligt lagen om stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade (LSS) har de som tillhör personkrets 1 eller 2 rätt till insatsen daglig verksamhet. Av samtliga tio insatser enligt LSS är daglig verksamhet vanligast. De övergripande målen med daglig verksamhet är meningsfull sysselsättning, delaktighet i samhället, stärka individens självbestämmande och att brukaren ska tillförsäkras goda levnadsvillkor. Trots stora framsteg i funktionshinderpolitiken visar forskning att dessa mål kan vara svåra att uppfylla och att dessa människor ännu marginaliseras. Syftet med denna studie är att förstå och öka kunskapen om hur personal inom daglig verksamhet arbetar för att möta brukares individuella behov. Studien är baserad på åtta kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med personal på åtta olika dagliga verksamheter i Stockholms stad. För att analysera resultatet utgick vi från teori om empowerment och paternalism. Vi identifierade tre huvudteman under kodningen; Lära känna brukaren, Genomförandeplan och Vems behov styr som presentationen av resultatet sorterats efter. Resultatet visade att daglig verksamhet är ett forum där personer med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning har möjlighet kan få sina individuella behov tillgodosedda om rätt förutsättningar ges. Vi identifierade att personal stöter på hinder för att kunna tillgodose brukarens individuella behov som vanligtvis är av organisatorisk karaktär. Det är felaktiga nivåbedömningar, brist på ekonomiska resurser, handledning och vidareutbildning samt lokaler som inte var anpassade för brukarna. Vidare fann vi att det finns stora utmaningar med att kommunicera med personer som har kognitiva svårigheter varför det är av vikt att personal har tillgång till olika kommunikativa hjälpmedel samt kunskap för att använda dessa. För att kartlägga individuella behov använder personal olika verktyg men den huvudsakliga och centrala som vi fann var genomförandeplanen. I denna studie kommer vi beskriva närmare om personalens arbetssätt, möjligheter och dess utmaningar för att möta individuella behov som visat sig vara mycket komplext. / According to the Swedish act concerning support and service for people with certain functional impairment (LSS) those who meet the criteria 1 or 2 specified by the act have the right to daily activity centres. Of all ten initiatives according to LSS, daily activity centres are most common. The overall goals of daily activity centres are meaningful activities, community participation, strengthening the individual's self-determination and ensuring that the user is guaranteed good living conditions. Despite major advances in disability policy, research shows that these goals can be difficult to achieve and that these people are still marginalized.  The purpose of this study is to understand and increase the knowledge of how staff in daily activity centres work to meet users' individual needs. The study is based on eight qualitative semi-structured interviews with staff at eight daily activity centres in Stockholm. We used the theory of empowerment and paternalism to analyse our results. We identified three main themes during coding; Get to know the user, Implementation plan and Whose needs is in control? by which the presentation of the results is sorted. The result showed that daily activity centres is a forum where people with intellectual disabilities have the opportunity to get their individual needs met if given the right conditions. We identified that staff encounter barriers to being able to meet the user's individual needs, which are usually of an organizational nature. There are incorrect level assessments, a lack of financial resources, guidance and further education as well as facilities that were not adapted for the users. Furthermore, we found that there are major challenges in communicating with people who have cognitive difficulties, which is why it is important that staff have access to various communication aids and knowledge to use them. To identify individual needs, staff use different tools, but the main and central one we found was the implementation plan. In this study, we will describe in more detail about the staff's way of working, opportunities and its challenges in meeting individual needs that have proved very complex.

"För att kunna leva ett liv som alla andra" : En kvalitativ studie av personlig assistans i relation till sysselsättning / "In order to live a life like others" : A qualitative study regarding personal assistance related to occupational activities

Olofsson, Felicia, Wolf, Hanna January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the experiences and perceptions of representatives for user-organizations regarding personal assistance at occupational activities, such as labour, studies and daily activity centers. This in order to gain knowledge about the meaning of personal assistance in regard to these kinds of occupations. We used a qualitative method with a social constructionist approach and interviewed a total of eight representatives from six different user-organizations. The study was based on their experiences and perceptions regarding the possibilities and limitations to personal assistance related to occupational activities. In order to interpret our empirical material we used empowerment as a theoretical concept. The study shows that personal assistance makes it possible for many users to work, study and participate in daily activity centers, which also has effects on other aspects of the users life. These effects sometimes differ between users and type of activities. Improvements regarding self-perception, health, social relationships and inclusion occurs however within all categories.

Remote activity guidance for the elderly utilizing light projection

Asghar, M. Z. (Muhammad Zeeshan) 23 October 2018 (has links)
Abstract Natural ageing brings with it many physical and cognitive impairments in the elderly, which challenges them in independently performing their daily activities. Many assistive technologies such as alarms, mobile phones, and video conferencing are available to support the elderly and their caregivers. However, these technologies require constant interaction and attention. Augmented Reality (AR) can be used to remotely guide the elderly in their daily tasks. From all known techniques, projection-based AR is suitable for the elderly because the digital information can be displayed on any real surface or any object without interaction or holding the devices. This doctoral thesis focuses on developing solutions to remotely guide the elderly in their daily activities through a caregiver. We adopted the design science methodology to iteratively design, implement and evaluate these solutions. Two constructs were developed for navigation activities utilizing laser projection and four constructs were built for cooking activities using fixed projection. We evaluated each construct in terms of feasibility and usability with actual elderly people, some of them have some form of memory problem. The results demonstrate how remote collaboration systems can be developed to guide the elderly in daily activities through a caregiver. The existing devices can be equipped with projection-based AR technology and elderly are willing to use it. The findings also suggest that augmented reality could help design systems for other daily activities such as shopping, or cleaning dishes, in order to improve the autonomy, quality of life, safety and well-being of the elderly. / Tiivistelmä Vanhusten ikääntyminen tuo mukanaan fyysistä ja kognitiivistä kunnon heikkenemistä, mikä haastaa heidän kykyään suoriutua päivittäisistä askareistaan. Apuvälineet, kuten erilaiset varolaitteet, puhelimet ja videoneuvotteluyhteydet, ovat vanhusten ja heidän avustajien käytettävissä. Nämä apuvälineet vaativat yhteydenpitoa ja huomiota. Lisättyä todellisuutta (AR-tekniikkaa) voidaan käyttää etäopastamaan vanhuksia päivittäisissä askareissa. Näistä tekniikoista erityisesti projektiopohjainen lisätty todellisuus soveltuu vanhuksille, koska opastustieto voidaan näyttää millä tahansa pinnalla tai esineellä vaatimatta vanhukselta toimenpiteitä ja käyttämättä laitteita. Tämä väitöskirja kohdentuu kehittämään ratkaisuja vanhusten päivittäisten tehtävien ohjaukseen etäällä olevan avustajan toimesta. Menetelmällisesti tämä tutkimus soveltaa suunnittelutiedettä, jossa ratkaisuja suunnitellaan, toteutetaan ja arvioidaan toistuvina iteraatiokierroksina. Työssä kehitettiin kaksi ratkaisua ulkotiloissa tapahtuvaan jalan liikkumisen opastukseen laser-valolla ja neljä ratkaisua sisätiloissa tapahtuvaan ruuanlaittoon kiinteästi keittiöön sijoitetuilla projektoreilla. Näiden ratkaisujen käyttökelpoisuus ja käytettävyys arviotiin käyttäjäryhmällä, joka koostui vanhuksista, joista osa kärsi muistin vajaatoiminnasta. Tulokset demonstroivat joidenkin kohteeksi valittujen toimintojen osalta, miten voidaan kehittää vanhusten päivittäisen toiminnan opastusjärjestelmiä, joissa on etäavustaja. Olemassa oleviin vanhusten käyttämiin käyttöesineisiin, laitteisiin ja tiloihin voidaan lisätä lisätyn todellisuuden valaistusvarustus. Tutkimustulokset antavat myös viitteitä lisätyn todellisuuden laajemmasta soveltuvuudesta muihinkin päivittäisiin toimintoihin, kuten ostoksilla käyntiin ja astioiden tiskaukseen, ja siten parantaa vanhusten itsenäistä selviytymistä, elämänlaatua, turvallisuutta ja hyvinvointia.

Arbetstagares upplevelser av fysisk kontakt på en daglig verksamhet : En kvalitativ intervjustudie / Workers' experiences of physical contact at a daily activity : A qualitative interview study

Martinsson, Simon January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: 2019 drabbades världen av en global pandemi. Det har påverkat det sociala arbetet i Sverige på olika sätt. Rekommendationer och restriktioner gällande exempelvis social distansering har påverkat vissa grupper i samhället. För arbetstagare inom daglig verksamhet har detta inneburit att man inte fått kramas eller på annat sätt vara fysiskt nära varandra. Ibland har också den sociala distanseringen varit svår och ibland omöjligt att genomföra för denna specifika målgrupp. Det har rått en frustration bland arbetstagare kring detta och flera av dem har känt en avsaknad av att få vara nära andra och till exempel kramas och ta i hand. Syfte: Studien syftar till att undersöka arbetstagares behov av fysisk kontakt på en daglig verksamhet under coronapandemin. Metod: Kvalitativa intervjuer har genomförts inom ramen för denna studie. Detta innebär att sex arbetstagare har intervjuats.  Resultat: Resultatet presenteras utifrån tre olika teman som upptäcktes i och med intervjuerna. Det första temat, Bristen av fysisk kontakt, rör arbetstagarnas upplevelser av att hålla avstånd under pandemin. Det andra temat, Fördelar med restriktionerna, handlar om arbetstagarnas uttryck om de positiva sidor som de ansett pandemin fört med sig. Det sista temat, Upplevelsen av munskydd, sätter fokus på arbetstagarnas tankar om att coacherna på den dagliga verksamheten burit munskydd och visir under pandemin. Slutsats: Min slutsats är att arbetstagarna har olika upplevelser gällande behovet av fysisk kontakt på den dagliga verksamheten. Majoriteten anser att fysisk kontakt är någonting betydelsefullt som finns i deras vardag dagligen och som visar sig på olika sätt; man tar i hand, kramas eller gör high fives. Andra tyckte att det inte var lika viktigt med fysisk kontakt och hade inga problem med att pandemin innebar en begränsning av detta.  Diskussion: Då det faktiskt visade sig att arbetstagarna tycker olika gällande fysisk kontakt så kanske den dagliga verksamheten kan börja ta hänsyn till detta på olika sätt. Till exempel uttryckte arbetstagare att det var positivt att coacher besökte dem hemma under pandemin. Kanske kan detta vara ett, av eventuellt flera nya arbetssätt, som verksamheten kan fortsätta arbeta med? / Background: In 2019, the world was hit by a global pandemic. It has affected social work in Sweden in different ways. Recommendations and restrictions such as social distancing have affected certain groups in society. For workers at daily activities, this meant that they were not allowed to hug or otherwise be physically close to each other. Sometimes social distancing has also been difficult and sometimes impossible to implement for this specific group. There has been frustration among workers about this and several of them have felt a lack of being able to be close to others and, for example, hug and hold hands. Aim: This study aims to study workers need for physical contact at a daily activity during the corona pandemic. Method: Qualitative interviews have been conducted within the framework of this study. This means that six workers have been interviewed. Results: The results are presented based on three different themes that were discovered through the interviews. The first theme, Lack of physical contact, concerns workers' experiences of keeping distance during the pandemic. The second theme, Benefits of the restrictions, is about the workers' expressions about the positive aspects that they considered the pandemic brought with it. The last theme, Experience of face masks, focuses on the workers thoughts about the fact that the coaches wore face masks and visors during the pandemic in their daily activities. Conclusion: My conclusion is that the employees have different experiences regarding the need for physical contact in daily operations. The majority consider that physical contact is something significant that exists in their everyday life and that manifests itself in different ways; you hold hands, hug, or do high fives. Others thought physical contact was not as important and had no problem with the pandemic limiting this. Discussion: As it turned out that the workers have different opinions regarding physical contact, perhaps the daily activity can start to take this into account in different ways. For example, workers expressed housecalls as a positive element of the pandemic. Perhaps this could be one, of possibly several new ways of working, that the daily activity can continue to work with?

Samverkan mellan Arbetsmarknadsenheterna och daglig sysselsättning LSS : Möjligheter och hinder / Collaboration between municipal employment service and daily activity center LSS : Advantages and barriers

Ranström, Susanne January 2018 (has links)
ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to examine advantages and barriers that can appear when the municipal employment service and daily activity center work together in close collaboration. The study is based on semi-structured interviews with managers and employees in three municipalities in Värmland. The questions were:  How does the municipal employment service and the daily activity center work together?  Are the respondents experiencing any barriers in the collaboration processes between the municipal employment service and daily activity center?  Are the respondents experiencing any advantages when the municipal employment service and daily activity center work close together? If so, are the advantages primarily economical, professional or individual?  Does the collaboration processes in the three municipalities reflect the factors that supports as well as impedes collaboration that Danemark and Kullberg´s identified in their report (1999)? The results are analyzed from the new-institutional theory by Grapes (2006) and the factors that support and impede collaboration by Danemark & Kullberg (1999). The study shows three completely different ways of collaboration. In Hagfors the two sectors collaborate primarily in daily job tasks, in Grums there are no collaboration at all and in Kristinehamn they collaborate at some extent regarding external work training sites. Furthermore, the results show some of the barriers the municipalities experience such as inadequate information, differences in knowledge as well as economy. The respondents could see great advantages for the individual in enhanced quality, teamwork among staff and in work performance. The summary that compiles factors who supports and impedes collaboration shows that in comparison, Hagfors is best prepared when it comes to collaboration between the two sectors and Grums is least equipped for working together.

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