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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die geelpers in Suid-Afrika : 'n analise van die Kaapse Son, Daily Voice en Daily Sun / M. Botha

Botha, Marzahn January 2009 (has links)
Although the yellow press has been in existence in Great Britain and the USA since the start of the 19th century, it has only recently been introduced in the South African media environment. The mainstream press like Rapport and Beeld have showed certain characteristics of the yellow press for a while now, but rather present a combination of both trivial and more serious news to the reader. The arrival of the yellow media which brought along a more sensational approach to news became also visible in more serious papers. This phenomenon is called "tabloidisation". The yellow press can be distinguished from serious papers on the basis of its nature and presentation. These characteristics can be divided into three categories, namely news themes, language and style, and presentation. The yellow press can be recognised by the amount of news items that focus on scandals and gossip involving celebrities, sex and crime. These media communicate in a informal and an easy understandable way with the readers,. These publications often make use of crude language and the stories are mostly people-driven. The yellow press publication can be seen as an entertainment package, because the aim is to entertain the reader. A vivid news package is presented to the reader by using bold headlines, large photos, graphics, colour and a captivating front page. This study investigates the characteristics of the yellow press. It investigates whether and how these characteristics are presented under the categories news themes, language, style and presentation of three local daily tabloids, namely the Kaapse Son, Daily Voice and the Daily Sun. / Thesis (M.A. (Communication Studies))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2009.

Estudo do uso de corantes artificiais em alimentos e estimativa de ingestão de tartrazina pela população brasileira

Rodrigues, Patrícia da Silva January 2015 (has links)
A atração dos seres humanos pelas cores é um fenômeno instintivo. Cores agradáveis em alimentos geram no consumidor a sensação de um produto com características sensoriais mais prazerosas e fornecem a sensação de maior qualidade global. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram verificar quais os alimentos comercializados por uma das maiores redes de supermercados do país que continham corantes na sua formulação, selecionar aqueles que continham o corante artificial tartrazina, estimar a Ingestão Diária Teórica Máxima (IDTM) deste corante e realizar análises laboratoriais para avaliar a quantidade de tartrazina em refrescos em pó e isotônicos. Observou-se que de 3475 alimentos comercializados 28,7% continham pelo menos um corante na formulação e que os mais utilizados foram urucum (presente em 8,43% dos alimentos), caramelo (7,68%), cúrcuma (5,47%), carmim de cochonilha (4,52%) e carotenos (4,23%). O corante Tartrazina (INS 102) ocupa a sexta posição na lista dos corantes alimentícios mais utilizados, com frequencia de uso de 2,62%, sendo o corante artificial mais utilizado nos produtos desse estudo. Por meio do uso dos dados da Pesquisa de Orçamento Familiar (POF) 2008-2009, do limite máximo de uso permitido por lei e da prevalência de consumo, observou-se que, considerando o consumo de tartrazina médio per capita, a Ingestão Diária Aceitável (IDA) não foi ultrapassada em nenhuma das distribuições: gêneros, regiões brasileiras, classes de rendas familiares per capita e por grupos de faixas etárias. Mas, quando é considerada a prevalência de consumo alimentar, a (IDMT) foi superior à IDA em alguns casos: para mulheres nas regiões Norte, Centro-Oeste e Nordeste; mulheres nas classes de renda familiar per capita “até R$ 296” e “mais de R$ 296 a R$ 571”; e para as faixas etárias “Adolescentes” (para ambos os sexos) e “Adultos” para “19 anos” e “20 a 24 anos” do sexo feminino. Para os “Adolescentes” de 10 anos a IDMT foi o dobro da IDA. Os produtos da categoria “sucos/refrescos/sucos em pó reconstituídos” apresentaram contribuição expressiva no total de tartrazina consumido ao longo de um dia para todas as distribuições populacionais estudadas. Posteriormente foram analisadas por Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficiência (CLAE) 34 amostras de refrescos em pó e 8 de isotônicos sendo que todas estavam de acordo com a legislação vigente para o conteúdo de tartrazina (máximo de 10mg/100mL) com exceção de um refresco em pó sabor pêssego que apresentou 20,92mg/100mL, o que representa mais que o dobro da quantidade permitida por lei. Outras amostras também apresentaram conteúdo expressivo de tartrazina: os refrescos em pó sabor maracujá (72,4% do limite máximo permitido por lei), manga (71,1%) e laranja com mamão (65,2%) e os isotônicos sabores frutas cítricas (57,7%) e laranja (49,4%). As análises laboratoriais mostram que não existe uniformidade no uso do corante tartrazina entre os produtos analisados, sendo utilizada em quantidades que variaram de 4% do valor máximo permitido até valores acima de 70%. A partir do exposto, observa-se um uso mais freqüente de corantes naturais em alimentos quando comparado aos artificiais, provavelmente devido à demanda dos consumidores, atualmente mais preocupados com a saúde. Porém, ainda existe um número expressivo de produtos coloridos artificialmente no mercado. Estudos relacionam o uso de corantes alimentícios com potencial efeito tóxico aos seres humanos. Dentre os corantes “azo”, a tartrazina tem enfoque maior para os toxicologistas e alergistas, sendo relacionada com várias reações adversas à saúde. A preocupação de que a IDA seja ultrapassada para alguns compostos é uma realidade quando se utiliza o limite máximo de uso e a prevalência de consumo como aproximação dos cálculos de ingestão. / The attraction of human by the colors is an instinctive phenomenon. Nice colors in foods generate the feeling of a product with more pleasurable sensory characteristics and give the feeling of greater overall quality. The objectives of this work were to assess which foods marketed by one of the largest networks in the country supermarkets containing dyes in its formulation, select those containing the artificial dye tartrazine, estimate the Theoretical Maximum Daily Intake (TMDI) of this dye and perform laboratory tests to assess the amount of tartrazine in powdered soft drinks and isotonic drinks. It was observed that 28.7% of the products (n=3475) contained at least one dye in its formulation and the most used are annatto (present in 8.43%), caramel (7.68%), turmeric (5.47%), carmine cochineal (4.52%) and carotenes (4.23%). The dye Tartrazine (INS 102) ranks sixth in the list of the most used food colors, with frequency of use of 2.62% and it was the most widely used artificial coloring in the product of this study. By using the Family Budget Survey (HBS) 2008-2009 data and the maximum amount permitted by law, it was observed that, considering the average intake per capita of tartrazine, Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) was not exceeded in any of the distributions: gender, Brazilian regions, classes of Family income per capita and age groups. But when considering the prevalence of food consumption, the TMDI was higher than the ADI in some cases: for women in the North, Midwest and Northeast; women in per capita family income classes "up to R$ 296" and "more than R$ 296 to R$ 571"; and for the age groups "Adolescents" (for both sexes) and "Adults" to "19 years" and "20 to 24" female. For the "Adolescents" of 10 years IDMT was twice the ADI. Products category "juices / soft drinks / juices reconstituted powder" had a significant contribution in the amount of tartrazine consumed over a day for all population distributions studied. 34 samples of powdered drinks and 8 samples of isotonic drinks were analyzed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). All of them were in accordance with Brazilian law (maximum of 10mg/100mL of tartrazine) with one exception: a peach flavor soft drink that presented 20,92mg/100mL, which is more than the double amount permitted. Other samples also showed expressive content of tartrazine: passion fruit flavor soft drink (72.4% of the maximum extent permitted by law), mango (71.1%) and orange with papaya flavor (65.2%). In addition to these, the isotonic citrus fruits flavors (57.7%) and orange (49.4%). Laboratory tests show that there is no uniformity in the use of the dye tartrazine between analyzed products and it is used in amounts ranging from 4% to values above 70% of the maximum permitted. Therefore, it is observed a more frequent use of natural dyes in foods when compared to artificial, probably due to consumer demand, currently more concerned with health. However, there are still a significant number of artificially colored products on the market. Studies have linked the use of food colors with potential toxic effects in humans. Among the dyes "azo", tartrazine is greater focus on toxicologists and allergists, being related to several adverse reactions to health. Concern that the ADI is exceeded for some compounds is a reality when using the maximum amounts permitted and the prevalence of consumption for the intake calculations.

Produção animal em pastagem nativa diferida e adubada com nitrogênio, no outono-inverno / Animal production on native pasture deferred and fertilized with nitrogen, on autumn-winter

Guma, José Mauro Costa Rodrigues January 2009 (has links)
O experimento foi conduzido na Estação Experimental Agronômica da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul durante a estação de outonoinverno, com o objetivo de avaliar os parâmetros produtivos de uma pastagem natural fertilizada com diferentes níveis de N e submetida a diferimento e a sua influência sobre a produção animal. A fertilidade do solo foi corrigida 7 anos antes deste experimento (1996) com calcário e adubação de P e K. A área experimental foi roçada e diferida em 15/01/2003, quando foram aplicados os três níveis de nitrogênio (zero, 50 e 100 kg N/ha/ano). O período experimental ocorreu de 15 de abril (entrada dos animais) a 1º de setembro (final do inverno). Foram utilizados novilhos de sobre-ano (18 meses) em lotação contínua com carga variável de forma a manter uma oferta média de forragem de 10 kg de MS/100 kg PV/dia. O delineamento utilizado foi o de blocos completos casualizados com parcelas subdivididas no tempo sendo o tempo considerado na parcela principal e o N na subparcela. A pastagem nativa fertilizada quando diferida no verão por um período de 90 dias permite manter altas cargas animais durante o outono e inverno e em níveis crescentes conforme a adubação nitrogenada (958, 1072 e 1443 kg PV/ha, para zero, 50 e 100 kg N/ha respectivamente). Este efeito é devido fundamentalmente às taxas de crescimento observadas durante o período de diferimento. A performance animal somente é adequada durante o primeiro mês de utilização do pasto, ocorrendo perdas de peso a partir de meados de maio. Os níveis de nitrogênio utilizados não contribuem para atenuar estas perdas. Ainda assim é possível chegar ao final do inverno com o mesmo peso individual inicial dos animais. O diferimento de áreas de pastagem natural adubada revela-se uma estratégia interessante dentro de sistemas de produção animal a pasto, desde que integrado num planejamento forrageiro global da propriedade. / The experiment was conducted at the Agronomic Experimental Station of Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, at Eldorado do Sul district, during the autumn-winter seasons of 2003, aiming the evaluation of the parameters of natural pasture and animal production at different levels of nitrogen fertilization and submitted to deferment. Soil fertility was amended seven years before this trial (1996) with limestone and P and K fertilizers. Experimental area was mowed and deferred in 15/01/2003, when three levels of nitrogen fertilization (zero, 50, 100 kg N/ha) were applied. Evaluation period extended from April 15th (beginning of grazing period) to September 1st (final of winter), using eighteen months steers in continuous grazing an variable stocking in order to maintain average dry matter (DM) allowance of 10 kg DM/100 kg LW/day. A randomized complete block design with two replications was utilized, with time considered as main plot and N as sub-plot. Deferring fertilized native pasture at mid summer by 90 days make possible to maintain high stocking rates during the critical autumn-winter period dependent on nitrogen level (958, 1072 e 1443 kg LW/ha, for zero, 50 e 100 kg N/ha respectively). This differential effect is due to the forage growth rate verified during rest period. Animal performance was adequate only during the first month of pasture utilization and losses occur after mid may. The utilized N levels do not contribute to avoid these losses. Instead the observed weight losses, it is possible to keep the animals with the same initial weight of the beginning of autumn by the final of the winter. Deferring areas of natural pasture is a useful strategy inside animal production systems, if integrated on a global feed budget.

Produção animal em pastagem nativa diferida e adubada com nitrogênio, no outono-inverno / Animal production on native pasture deferred and fertilized with nitrogen, on autumn-winter

Guma, José Mauro Costa Rodrigues January 2009 (has links)
O experimento foi conduzido na Estação Experimental Agronômica da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul durante a estação de outonoinverno, com o objetivo de avaliar os parâmetros produtivos de uma pastagem natural fertilizada com diferentes níveis de N e submetida a diferimento e a sua influência sobre a produção animal. A fertilidade do solo foi corrigida 7 anos antes deste experimento (1996) com calcário e adubação de P e K. A área experimental foi roçada e diferida em 15/01/2003, quando foram aplicados os três níveis de nitrogênio (zero, 50 e 100 kg N/ha/ano). O período experimental ocorreu de 15 de abril (entrada dos animais) a 1º de setembro (final do inverno). Foram utilizados novilhos de sobre-ano (18 meses) em lotação contínua com carga variável de forma a manter uma oferta média de forragem de 10 kg de MS/100 kg PV/dia. O delineamento utilizado foi o de blocos completos casualizados com parcelas subdivididas no tempo sendo o tempo considerado na parcela principal e o N na subparcela. A pastagem nativa fertilizada quando diferida no verão por um período de 90 dias permite manter altas cargas animais durante o outono e inverno e em níveis crescentes conforme a adubação nitrogenada (958, 1072 e 1443 kg PV/ha, para zero, 50 e 100 kg N/ha respectivamente). Este efeito é devido fundamentalmente às taxas de crescimento observadas durante o período de diferimento. A performance animal somente é adequada durante o primeiro mês de utilização do pasto, ocorrendo perdas de peso a partir de meados de maio. Os níveis de nitrogênio utilizados não contribuem para atenuar estas perdas. Ainda assim é possível chegar ao final do inverno com o mesmo peso individual inicial dos animais. O diferimento de áreas de pastagem natural adubada revela-se uma estratégia interessante dentro de sistemas de produção animal a pasto, desde que integrado num planejamento forrageiro global da propriedade. / The experiment was conducted at the Agronomic Experimental Station of Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, at Eldorado do Sul district, during the autumn-winter seasons of 2003, aiming the evaluation of the parameters of natural pasture and animal production at different levels of nitrogen fertilization and submitted to deferment. Soil fertility was amended seven years before this trial (1996) with limestone and P and K fertilizers. Experimental area was mowed and deferred in 15/01/2003, when three levels of nitrogen fertilization (zero, 50, 100 kg N/ha) were applied. Evaluation period extended from April 15th (beginning of grazing period) to September 1st (final of winter), using eighteen months steers in continuous grazing an variable stocking in order to maintain average dry matter (DM) allowance of 10 kg DM/100 kg LW/day. A randomized complete block design with two replications was utilized, with time considered as main plot and N as sub-plot. Deferring fertilized native pasture at mid summer by 90 days make possible to maintain high stocking rates during the critical autumn-winter period dependent on nitrogen level (958, 1072 e 1443 kg LW/ha, for zero, 50 e 100 kg N/ha respectively). This differential effect is due to the forage growth rate verified during rest period. Animal performance was adequate only during the first month of pasture utilization and losses occur after mid may. The utilized N levels do not contribute to avoid these losses. Instead the observed weight losses, it is possible to keep the animals with the same initial weight of the beginning of autumn by the final of the winter. Deferring areas of natural pasture is a useful strategy inside animal production systems, if integrated on a global feed budget.

Estudo do uso de corantes artificiais em alimentos e estimativa de ingestão de tartrazina pela população brasileira

Rodrigues, Patrícia da Silva January 2015 (has links)
A atração dos seres humanos pelas cores é um fenômeno instintivo. Cores agradáveis em alimentos geram no consumidor a sensação de um produto com características sensoriais mais prazerosas e fornecem a sensação de maior qualidade global. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram verificar quais os alimentos comercializados por uma das maiores redes de supermercados do país que continham corantes na sua formulação, selecionar aqueles que continham o corante artificial tartrazina, estimar a Ingestão Diária Teórica Máxima (IDTM) deste corante e realizar análises laboratoriais para avaliar a quantidade de tartrazina em refrescos em pó e isotônicos. Observou-se que de 3475 alimentos comercializados 28,7% continham pelo menos um corante na formulação e que os mais utilizados foram urucum (presente em 8,43% dos alimentos), caramelo (7,68%), cúrcuma (5,47%), carmim de cochonilha (4,52%) e carotenos (4,23%). O corante Tartrazina (INS 102) ocupa a sexta posição na lista dos corantes alimentícios mais utilizados, com frequencia de uso de 2,62%, sendo o corante artificial mais utilizado nos produtos desse estudo. Por meio do uso dos dados da Pesquisa de Orçamento Familiar (POF) 2008-2009, do limite máximo de uso permitido por lei e da prevalência de consumo, observou-se que, considerando o consumo de tartrazina médio per capita, a Ingestão Diária Aceitável (IDA) não foi ultrapassada em nenhuma das distribuições: gêneros, regiões brasileiras, classes de rendas familiares per capita e por grupos de faixas etárias. Mas, quando é considerada a prevalência de consumo alimentar, a (IDMT) foi superior à IDA em alguns casos: para mulheres nas regiões Norte, Centro-Oeste e Nordeste; mulheres nas classes de renda familiar per capita “até R$ 296” e “mais de R$ 296 a R$ 571”; e para as faixas etárias “Adolescentes” (para ambos os sexos) e “Adultos” para “19 anos” e “20 a 24 anos” do sexo feminino. Para os “Adolescentes” de 10 anos a IDMT foi o dobro da IDA. Os produtos da categoria “sucos/refrescos/sucos em pó reconstituídos” apresentaram contribuição expressiva no total de tartrazina consumido ao longo de um dia para todas as distribuições populacionais estudadas. Posteriormente foram analisadas por Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficiência (CLAE) 34 amostras de refrescos em pó e 8 de isotônicos sendo que todas estavam de acordo com a legislação vigente para o conteúdo de tartrazina (máximo de 10mg/100mL) com exceção de um refresco em pó sabor pêssego que apresentou 20,92mg/100mL, o que representa mais que o dobro da quantidade permitida por lei. Outras amostras também apresentaram conteúdo expressivo de tartrazina: os refrescos em pó sabor maracujá (72,4% do limite máximo permitido por lei), manga (71,1%) e laranja com mamão (65,2%) e os isotônicos sabores frutas cítricas (57,7%) e laranja (49,4%). As análises laboratoriais mostram que não existe uniformidade no uso do corante tartrazina entre os produtos analisados, sendo utilizada em quantidades que variaram de 4% do valor máximo permitido até valores acima de 70%. A partir do exposto, observa-se um uso mais freqüente de corantes naturais em alimentos quando comparado aos artificiais, provavelmente devido à demanda dos consumidores, atualmente mais preocupados com a saúde. Porém, ainda existe um número expressivo de produtos coloridos artificialmente no mercado. Estudos relacionam o uso de corantes alimentícios com potencial efeito tóxico aos seres humanos. Dentre os corantes “azo”, a tartrazina tem enfoque maior para os toxicologistas e alergistas, sendo relacionada com várias reações adversas à saúde. A preocupação de que a IDA seja ultrapassada para alguns compostos é uma realidade quando se utiliza o limite máximo de uso e a prevalência de consumo como aproximação dos cálculos de ingestão. / The attraction of human by the colors is an instinctive phenomenon. Nice colors in foods generate the feeling of a product with more pleasurable sensory characteristics and give the feeling of greater overall quality. The objectives of this work were to assess which foods marketed by one of the largest networks in the country supermarkets containing dyes in its formulation, select those containing the artificial dye tartrazine, estimate the Theoretical Maximum Daily Intake (TMDI) of this dye and perform laboratory tests to assess the amount of tartrazine in powdered soft drinks and isotonic drinks. It was observed that 28.7% of the products (n=3475) contained at least one dye in its formulation and the most used are annatto (present in 8.43%), caramel (7.68%), turmeric (5.47%), carmine cochineal (4.52%) and carotenes (4.23%). The dye Tartrazine (INS 102) ranks sixth in the list of the most used food colors, with frequency of use of 2.62% and it was the most widely used artificial coloring in the product of this study. By using the Family Budget Survey (HBS) 2008-2009 data and the maximum amount permitted by law, it was observed that, considering the average intake per capita of tartrazine, Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) was not exceeded in any of the distributions: gender, Brazilian regions, classes of Family income per capita and age groups. But when considering the prevalence of food consumption, the TMDI was higher than the ADI in some cases: for women in the North, Midwest and Northeast; women in per capita family income classes "up to R$ 296" and "more than R$ 296 to R$ 571"; and for the age groups "Adolescents" (for both sexes) and "Adults" to "19 years" and "20 to 24" female. For the "Adolescents" of 10 years IDMT was twice the ADI. Products category "juices / soft drinks / juices reconstituted powder" had a significant contribution in the amount of tartrazine consumed over a day for all population distributions studied. 34 samples of powdered drinks and 8 samples of isotonic drinks were analyzed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). All of them were in accordance with Brazilian law (maximum of 10mg/100mL of tartrazine) with one exception: a peach flavor soft drink that presented 20,92mg/100mL, which is more than the double amount permitted. Other samples also showed expressive content of tartrazine: passion fruit flavor soft drink (72.4% of the maximum extent permitted by law), mango (71.1%) and orange with papaya flavor (65.2%). In addition to these, the isotonic citrus fruits flavors (57.7%) and orange (49.4%). Laboratory tests show that there is no uniformity in the use of the dye tartrazine between analyzed products and it is used in amounts ranging from 4% to values above 70% of the maximum permitted. Therefore, it is observed a more frequent use of natural dyes in foods when compared to artificial, probably due to consumer demand, currently more concerned with health. However, there are still a significant number of artificially colored products on the market. Studies have linked the use of food colors with potential toxic effects in humans. Among the dyes "azo", tartrazine is greater focus on toxicologists and allergists, being related to several adverse reactions to health. Concern that the ADI is exceeded for some compounds is a reality when using the maximum amounts permitted and the prevalence of consumption for the intake calculations.

Estudo do uso de corantes artificiais em alimentos e estimativa de ingestão de tartrazina pela população brasileira

Rodrigues, Patrícia da Silva January 2015 (has links)
A atração dos seres humanos pelas cores é um fenômeno instintivo. Cores agradáveis em alimentos geram no consumidor a sensação de um produto com características sensoriais mais prazerosas e fornecem a sensação de maior qualidade global. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram verificar quais os alimentos comercializados por uma das maiores redes de supermercados do país que continham corantes na sua formulação, selecionar aqueles que continham o corante artificial tartrazina, estimar a Ingestão Diária Teórica Máxima (IDTM) deste corante e realizar análises laboratoriais para avaliar a quantidade de tartrazina em refrescos em pó e isotônicos. Observou-se que de 3475 alimentos comercializados 28,7% continham pelo menos um corante na formulação e que os mais utilizados foram urucum (presente em 8,43% dos alimentos), caramelo (7,68%), cúrcuma (5,47%), carmim de cochonilha (4,52%) e carotenos (4,23%). O corante Tartrazina (INS 102) ocupa a sexta posição na lista dos corantes alimentícios mais utilizados, com frequencia de uso de 2,62%, sendo o corante artificial mais utilizado nos produtos desse estudo. Por meio do uso dos dados da Pesquisa de Orçamento Familiar (POF) 2008-2009, do limite máximo de uso permitido por lei e da prevalência de consumo, observou-se que, considerando o consumo de tartrazina médio per capita, a Ingestão Diária Aceitável (IDA) não foi ultrapassada em nenhuma das distribuições: gêneros, regiões brasileiras, classes de rendas familiares per capita e por grupos de faixas etárias. Mas, quando é considerada a prevalência de consumo alimentar, a (IDMT) foi superior à IDA em alguns casos: para mulheres nas regiões Norte, Centro-Oeste e Nordeste; mulheres nas classes de renda familiar per capita “até R$ 296” e “mais de R$ 296 a R$ 571”; e para as faixas etárias “Adolescentes” (para ambos os sexos) e “Adultos” para “19 anos” e “20 a 24 anos” do sexo feminino. Para os “Adolescentes” de 10 anos a IDMT foi o dobro da IDA. Os produtos da categoria “sucos/refrescos/sucos em pó reconstituídos” apresentaram contribuição expressiva no total de tartrazina consumido ao longo de um dia para todas as distribuições populacionais estudadas. Posteriormente foram analisadas por Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficiência (CLAE) 34 amostras de refrescos em pó e 8 de isotônicos sendo que todas estavam de acordo com a legislação vigente para o conteúdo de tartrazina (máximo de 10mg/100mL) com exceção de um refresco em pó sabor pêssego que apresentou 20,92mg/100mL, o que representa mais que o dobro da quantidade permitida por lei. Outras amostras também apresentaram conteúdo expressivo de tartrazina: os refrescos em pó sabor maracujá (72,4% do limite máximo permitido por lei), manga (71,1%) e laranja com mamão (65,2%) e os isotônicos sabores frutas cítricas (57,7%) e laranja (49,4%). As análises laboratoriais mostram que não existe uniformidade no uso do corante tartrazina entre os produtos analisados, sendo utilizada em quantidades que variaram de 4% do valor máximo permitido até valores acima de 70%. A partir do exposto, observa-se um uso mais freqüente de corantes naturais em alimentos quando comparado aos artificiais, provavelmente devido à demanda dos consumidores, atualmente mais preocupados com a saúde. Porém, ainda existe um número expressivo de produtos coloridos artificialmente no mercado. Estudos relacionam o uso de corantes alimentícios com potencial efeito tóxico aos seres humanos. Dentre os corantes “azo”, a tartrazina tem enfoque maior para os toxicologistas e alergistas, sendo relacionada com várias reações adversas à saúde. A preocupação de que a IDA seja ultrapassada para alguns compostos é uma realidade quando se utiliza o limite máximo de uso e a prevalência de consumo como aproximação dos cálculos de ingestão. / The attraction of human by the colors is an instinctive phenomenon. Nice colors in foods generate the feeling of a product with more pleasurable sensory characteristics and give the feeling of greater overall quality. The objectives of this work were to assess which foods marketed by one of the largest networks in the country supermarkets containing dyes in its formulation, select those containing the artificial dye tartrazine, estimate the Theoretical Maximum Daily Intake (TMDI) of this dye and perform laboratory tests to assess the amount of tartrazine in powdered soft drinks and isotonic drinks. It was observed that 28.7% of the products (n=3475) contained at least one dye in its formulation and the most used are annatto (present in 8.43%), caramel (7.68%), turmeric (5.47%), carmine cochineal (4.52%) and carotenes (4.23%). The dye Tartrazine (INS 102) ranks sixth in the list of the most used food colors, with frequency of use of 2.62% and it was the most widely used artificial coloring in the product of this study. By using the Family Budget Survey (HBS) 2008-2009 data and the maximum amount permitted by law, it was observed that, considering the average intake per capita of tartrazine, Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) was not exceeded in any of the distributions: gender, Brazilian regions, classes of Family income per capita and age groups. But when considering the prevalence of food consumption, the TMDI was higher than the ADI in some cases: for women in the North, Midwest and Northeast; women in per capita family income classes "up to R$ 296" and "more than R$ 296 to R$ 571"; and for the age groups "Adolescents" (for both sexes) and "Adults" to "19 years" and "20 to 24" female. For the "Adolescents" of 10 years IDMT was twice the ADI. Products category "juices / soft drinks / juices reconstituted powder" had a significant contribution in the amount of tartrazine consumed over a day for all population distributions studied. 34 samples of powdered drinks and 8 samples of isotonic drinks were analyzed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). All of them were in accordance with Brazilian law (maximum of 10mg/100mL of tartrazine) with one exception: a peach flavor soft drink that presented 20,92mg/100mL, which is more than the double amount permitted. Other samples also showed expressive content of tartrazine: passion fruit flavor soft drink (72.4% of the maximum extent permitted by law), mango (71.1%) and orange with papaya flavor (65.2%). In addition to these, the isotonic citrus fruits flavors (57.7%) and orange (49.4%). Laboratory tests show that there is no uniformity in the use of the dye tartrazine between analyzed products and it is used in amounts ranging from 4% to values above 70% of the maximum permitted. Therefore, it is observed a more frequent use of natural dyes in foods when compared to artificial, probably due to consumer demand, currently more concerned with health. However, there are still a significant number of artificially colored products on the market. Studies have linked the use of food colors with potential toxic effects in humans. Among the dyes "azo", tartrazine is greater focus on toxicologists and allergists, being related to several adverse reactions to health. Concern that the ADI is exceeded for some compounds is a reality when using the maximum amounts permitted and the prevalence of consumption for the intake calculations.

An experience sampling study of hotel employees' subjective well-being: The job demands-resources approach

Xiaolin Shi (8797526) 05 May 2020 (has links)
<div>To capture the dynamic nature of frontline employees’ subjective well-being (SWB) and turnover intention in the hotel industry, this study used Affective Events Theory (Weiss & Cropanzano, 1996) and the unfolding model of employee voluntary turnover (Lee & Mitchell, 1994) to argue the short-term variability in SWB and turnover intention. Using the job demandsresources model (JD-R model) as the framework, this study examined the role of daily job</div><div>demands (challenge stressors, hindrance stressors, and emotional dissonance) and the role of daily job resources (supervisor support, coworker support, and job autonomy). Given that hotel employees work with different supervisors and co-workers and face various guest situations during each shift, these employees may face high work stress and workload. Furthermore, employees in this industry are often requested to perform non-routine tasks. Therefore, their work is highly associated with high job demands and resource variability. Moreover, the study results stress the importance of the moderating role of day-level job resources and the multilevel moderating effects of employees’ individual levels of resilience and self-efficacy. </div><div>The design of the study employed an experience sampling method. Participants were employees who are in guest-facing positions from food & beverage and front office departments in full-service or luxury hotels in the United States. Sixty-five participants completed a one-time baseline survey and a daily diary study twice per day for at least five working days, resulting in a total of 416 day-level observations. The data structure is day nested within each person. The multi-level data was analyzed by using multilevel linear modeling. </div><div>In summary, this study shows that SWB and turnover intention may not always be stable phenomena among hotel employees due to the daily influences of job demands and job resources. In addition, both personal resources and daily job resources were found to mitigate the negative daily influences of job demands. This study helps managers to better understand employees’ feelings on a daily basis and apply strategies for daily management of employee SWB and turnover intention.</div>

Aktivní senioři, jejich každodenní aktivity a mobilita: příklad Městské části Praha 12 / Active seniors, their everyday activities and mobility: the example of City District Prague 12

Kotlínová, Lucie January 2017 (has links)
Active seniors, their everyday activities and mobility: the example of City District Prague 12 Abstract Regarding to ageing of the Czech population the daily mobility of seniors is becoming still more current topic. The aim of the thesis is to describe daily motion and implemented activities of seniors that are moving into the territory of the City District Prague 12. The first part of empirical research is based on the findings of the questionnaire survey. The second part uses information detected in semi-structured interviews. It was found, that the respondents are quite satisfied with their mobility and other aspects of daily life. The most common activities are motion activities and small purchases. Though the respondents have to deal with several difficulties during their day-to-day travel, a variety of strategies have been identified to help them overcome these complications. Research reveals that measures which might encourage seniors in daily motion should involve great spectrum of actions realized by many different participants. Key words: daily mobility, active seniors, daily activities, City District Prague 12

Special Education Elementary Teachers' Perceptions of Daily Living Skills Instruction for Students With Autism

Spencer, Jamala 01 January 2017 (has links)
The question of which strategies for teaching daily living skills (DLS) are most effective for students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) requires increased attention. Special education elementary teachers may not have the instructional strategies necessary to teach DLS to students with ASD. DLS instruction for students with ASD is important because these skills are essential to functioning in school as well as society. The aim of this study was to identify elementary special education teachers' perceptions about their ability to teach DLS to students with ASD. The study's conceptual framework was rooted in a synthesis of ideas from current refereed literature, along with Bandura's social cognitive theory. Purposeful sampling identified 10 participants for individual interviews. Findings indicated 2 themes that emerged from Bandura's (1993) self-efficacy theory: lack of competency to teach DLS and teachers' beliefs about DLS instruction. Thematic and open coding indicated the following themes: lack of time, lack of administrative support in formally addressing DLS deficits, and strategies influencing DLS acquisition. The results indicated that special education elementary teachers did not feel efficacious about their ability to teach DLS to students with ASD and did not feel that they had time and support to provide DLS instruction to students with ASD. This study suggests a need for ongoing, sustainable professional development opportunities for special education teachers related to teaching DLS to students with ASD. Social change implications include improved teacher practice focused on increasing DLS performance for students with ASD so that they will be able to independently perform DLS in various environments, along with increased awareness and comprehension of the value of teacher voice in DLS instructional practices for students with ASD. From ProQuest: https://search.proquest.com/docview/1964903175/.

Daily Activity Monitoring and Health Assessment of the Elderly using Smappee

Garg, Shobhit January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

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