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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Crossing the line : the English press and Anglo-German football, 1954-1996

Wagner, Christoph January 2014 (has links)
The primary focus of this thesis is on representations of Germany and Germans in the sports pages of English newspapers from the mid-1950s to the mid-1990s, when EURO 96 generated press coverage that prompted much comment and criticism, both in England and in Germany. Studies focusing on media representations from the mid 1990s onwards, such as those by Maguire, Poulton and Possamai (1999), Garland and Rowe (1999) and Garland (2004) have been helpful in deconstructing the language used by football journalists and in identifying negative national stereotyping. More recently, however, Ramsden (2007) and Young (2007) have developed our understanding of Anglo-German cultural relations and how they have changed since 1945. In the light of these recent developments this thesis seeks, firstly, to analyse the discourses embedded within the ‘Two World Wars and One World Cup’ meta-narrative which has characterized press coverage of Anglo-German football since international fixtures between the two countries were resumed in 1954 and, secondly, to contextualize them in the broader history of Anglo-German cultural relations and how they developed over the forty years or so that followed. Though drawing on some insights from both cultural and media studies the methodology employed is essential historical. This does not mean, however, that press reports and comment are regarded as unproblematic primary sources. Recent methodological approaches the history of sport, notably by Booth (2005) and Hill (2006), have pointed to the importance of viewing such sources as texts which are thus open to deconstruction. A complementary emphasis on historical context is nevertheless justified, principally because it is important to explain variations that have occurred over time. Though there were some similarities in the way that Anglo-German football was covered in 1954 and 1996 – and at various points in between - there are also striking differences which it is argued here are primarily explained by conditions prevailing at the particular historical junctures at which representations were generated. The relationship which existed between Britain and the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s was significantly different to that which existed between Britain and re-unified Germany in the 1990s. This was an important contingent factor and helps to explain variations in the deployment of journalistic discourses over the years. Thus this thesis breaks new ground in that it emphasizes the historical contextualization of representations over a long period and seeks to counter any tendency to look backwards from the viewpoint of the mid 1990s. The discussion proceeds chronologically from the 1950s to the 1990s in order to demonstrate variations in the way that discourses were deployed over the years. Thus the representations generated provide a way of reading the state of underlying Anglo-German relations at any given point. One chapter is devoted to the 1966 World Cup Final on account of its significance in press discourses relating to Anglo-German football and in what is popularly referred to in England as the 'thirty/forty years of hurt' that followed. Whereas academic attention in relation to football-related representations has previously concentrated on the downmarket tabloid press, this study is equally concerned with quality and middlemarket titles. Thus The Times and the Daily Express are considered alongside the Daily Mirror and the Sun. Finally – and in contrast to previous accounts which have considered the English press in isolation – a chapter on German newspaper coverage (principally Bild, Die Welt and Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung) has been included to allow some comparisons to be made and to point to directions in which future research might be pursued.

The Practice Of Counting Prayers: Use Of Tespih And Zikirmatik In Everyday Life In Turkey

Tonuk, Damla 01 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
This study explores the ways in which objects are used in the organization of daily life, by specifically focusing on the use of prayer beads and their mechanical and digital variations. For this purpose, a framework based on material culture and practice theory is employed to understand how Islam informs and guides the organization and the conduct of daily life around the pervasive prayer practices, the ways objects are used for these purposes and how practices and products co-evolve by influencing each other. Fieldwork with devout Muslims, who are using prayer beads together with mechanical and digital counters for their daily praying practices, is conducted by employing ethnomethodology. Findings on the ways in which objects are used, utilized, appropriated and adopted within the socio-cultural and political dynamics of Islam in Turkey are analysed regarding the social and practical aspects of daily life such as the organization of daily life and daily practices, the core issues shaping these practices, thus objects, how identity discourse reflected on/by the use of objects and the ensemble of products that is orchestrated for a meaningful organization of daily life around prayer practices.

Media construction of reality : a critical analysis of the reportage of land reform in Shona and English Zimbabwean newspapers : the case of Kwayedza, The Herald, The Daily News and The Daily Mirror, 2000-2008

Mushore, Washington 06 1900 (has links)
The study critically explored the language of reportage of the Zimbabwe Land Reform programme as presented in selected Shona and English newspapers in Zimbabwe. The study focused on Kwayedza, The Herald, The Daily News and The Daily Mirror. The objective was to find out whether or not the verbal and visual languages used in reporting the Land Reform programme left readers more knowledgeable about the programme, and then adopt a critical attitude towards the Land Reform exercise. The study used qualitative textual analysis to unpack the language frames used in representing Land Reform in the selected newspapers. Some relevant critical voices from readers were also enlisted in order to support or complicate interpretations of how Land Reform was portrayed in the selected stories. Kwayedza and The Herald unequivocally supported the Land Reform. This official stance was contested in Chapter Four in which The Daily News adopted an ideological position opposed to both the idea of the Land Reform and the confiscatory way the land was repossessed. The Daily News’ extremely negative criticism of the Land Reform was challenged and then modified in The Daily Mirror. The Daily Mirror criticised both the government’s extremely supportive view of the Land Reform. The Daily Mirror also openly criticised The Daily News for refusing to acknowledge the historical inevitability and necessity of the Land Reform. The Daily Mirror advanced a perspective that suggested that Land Reform programme should benefit the masses more than the elites. It was argued that in contexts of political change such as that of Zimbabwe, newspapers take a stance and support particular ideological interests. / African Languages / D. Litt. et Phil. (African Languages)

Diagnostika poruch paměti u pacientů s Alzheimerovou chorobou Podtitul: Vztah mezi poruchou paměti a vybranými všedními denními činnostmi / Memory disorders assessment in patients with Alzheimer's disease Subtitle: Relationship between memory disorders and selected Activities of Daily Living

Košnarová, Lenka January 2016 (has links)
THESIS ABSTRACT Name: Bc. Lenka Košnarová Supervisor: Mária Krivošíková, M.Sc. Opponent: Title of thesis: Memory disorders assessment in patients with Alzheimer's disease Abstract: Objective: The main objective of the thesis was to investigate the impact of memory disorders on self-care in patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD). Another objective of the thesis was to determine whether age of patients with AD affects occupational performance in daily living activities. Methods: The sample was consist of 50 probands (11 men, 39 women), who were diagnosed AD by physician. For data collection was used a questionnaire Bristol Activities of Daily Living scale (BADLS) evaluating self-care and Contextual Memory Test (CMT) for evaluation of memory disorders. Testing the hypothesis was performed by correlation the corrected Spearman correlation coefficient and regression analysis. Results: The thesis results confirmed a significant correlation between BADLS scores and CMT scores - immediate recall (rSp = .51; p<0.05), delay recall (rSp = .42; p<0.05), total (rSp = .48; p<0.05). Furthermore, research results suggest that memory impairment occur more with PADLS. There also was no statistically significant relationship between age and performance of activities of daily living (ADL) coefficient (rSp = .07; p<0.05)....

Dialética às pressas: interação entre jornalismo e pesquisa na obra de Marx e Engels / Dialectic hastily: interaction between journalism and research in the work of Marx and Engels

Nakamura, Danilo Chaves 28 August 2015 (has links)
A presente dissertação realiza uma análise dos artigos jornalísticos de Karl Marx e Frie-drich Engels publicados no jornal norte-americano New York Daily Tribune, entre 1851 e 1862. Durante esse período, Marx trabalhou como correspondente europeu e era o responsável pelos assuntos militares e financeiros do jornal. Engels, como uma espécie de ghost writer, ajudou Marx na tarefa de despachar semanalmente os artigos para Nova Iorque. Dentre os diversos assuntos abordados por Marx nesses artigos, selecionamos a crise de econômica de 1857-1858 e a Guerra Civil Americana de 1861-1865 como focos de nosso trabalho A escolha desses dois temas nos permite demonstrar a interação entre os estudos de economia desenvolvidos por Marx para elaboração de sua crítica da eco-nomia política e os estudos dos acontecimentos históricos particulares. Essa interação é fundamental para pensarmos o que Marx chamou em O Capital de método de pesqui-sa e método de apresentação. Ela é fundamental também para entendermos a especi-ficidade da apresentação ou da narrativa histórica desenvolvida por Marx nos artigos jornalísticos. Dos artigos sobre a crise destacamos como, a partir da análise detalhada do sistema financeiro, em especial do banco francês Crédit Mobilier, Marx aponta para a centralidade do sistema de crédito na expansão da economia capitalista e no estouro das crises. A partir dos artigos sobre a guerra civil americana, descrevemos como Marx procurou entender a guerra como um conflito entre dois sistemas sociais a escravi-dão e o trabalho assalariado tendo em vista a necessidade expansiva do escravismo. / This dissertation makes an analysis of journalistic articles of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels published in the American newspaper New York Daily Tribune between 1851 and 1862. During this period, Marx worked as European correspondent and was respon-sible for the newspapers military and financial matters. Engels, as a sort of ghostwriter, helped Marx in the task weekly dispatch the articles to New York. Among the many matters discussed by Marx in these articles, we selected the economic crisis of 1857-1858 and the American Civil War of 1861-1865 as the central focus of our analysis. The choice of these two topics allows us to demonstrate the interaction between the econom-ic studies developed by Marx to elaborate his critique of political economy and studies of particular historical events. This interaction is crucial to think what Marx called in The Capital research method and presentation method. It is also fundamental to understand the specificity of the presentation or the historical narrative developed by Marx in newspaper articles. Articles about the crisis highlight how, from the detailed analysis of the financial system, especially the French Crédit Mobilier, Marx points to the centrality of the credit system in the expansion of the capitalist economy and the bursting of the crisis. From the articles on the American Civil War, we described as Marx tried to understand the war as a conflict between two social systems the slav-ery and the free-labor having in mind the expansive necessity of slavery.

Associação entre o desempenho de Atividades Avançadas de Vida Diária e a incidência de declínio cognitivo: Estudo SABE / Association between the performance of Advanced Activities of Daily Living (AADL) and the incidence of cognitive impairment: SABE Study.

Dias, Eliane Golfieri 06 October 2014 (has links)
Introdução: O declínio cognitivo representa uma das principais causas de comprometimento funcional e da qualidade de vida do idoso. A busca por preditores de alterações cognitivas precoces ao diagnóstico de demência tem despertado cada vez mais o interesse dos pesquisadores. Tem-se como hipótese que menor desempenho de Atividades Avançadas de Vida Diária (AAVD) poderia ser marcador de declínio cognitivo futuro. As AAVD reúnem as atividades sociais, produtivas e de lazer, e estariam relacionadas ao topo da hierarquia da complexidade das atividades cotidianas, com melhores níveis funcionais e cognitivos. Objetivo: Analisar a associação entre o desempenho de atividades avançadas de vida diária por idosos paulistanos e a incidência de declínio cognitivo. Métodos: Estudo longitudinal com uma amostra de idosos não institucionalizados que participaram da segunda (2006) e terceira (2010) ondas do estudo de múltiplas coortes Saúde, Bem estar e Envelhecimento em São Paulo, Brasil. A amostra final contou com 819 idosos. O declínio cognitivo foi avaliado com o Miniexame do Estado mental abreviado. Foram consideradas 12 AAVD. Outras covariáveis abordaram as condições sociodemográficas, saúde, estilo de vida e incapacidade funcional dos participantes no início do seguimento. A análise estatística incluiu frequência, análises bivariadas e multivariadas, com o uso de Regressão Logística. O programa Stata 12.0 foi utilizado para a análise e a correção para os efeitos do desenho do estudo foi feita pelo comando survey para analisar os dados originados de uma amostra complexa. Resultados: Após quatro anos de seguimento a incidência de declínio cognitivo foi de 7.9 por cento . A análise múltipla evidenciou que os indivíduos com maior número de AAVD no início do estudo apresentavam menor risco de declínio cognitivo ao final do seguimento OR 0.83 [0.71; 0.96]. Outras características foram associadas à incidência de declínio cognitivo no modelo final: 75 anos e mais OR 4.54 [IC 2.52; 8.17], possuir dificuldades nas atividades instrumentais e básicas de vida diária OR 2.54 [1.32; 4.87]. Possuir 8 anos e mais de estudo mostrou-se como fator protetor ao declínio cognitivo OR 0.16 [IC 0.05; 0.52] Conclusões: O desempenho de maior número de AAVD mostrou-se como fator protetor à incidência de declínio cognitivo, independentemente de condições sociodemográficas, condições gerais de saúde, funcionalidade e estilo de vida. / Introduction: Cognitive decline is one of the major causes of impairment of function and quality of life of the elderly. The search for prevention and of early diagnosis of cognitive impairment has attracted increasing interest from researchers. It has been hypothesized that lower performance on Advanced Activities of Daily Living (AADL) could be a marker of future cognitive decline. The AADL cluster the social, productive and leisure activities, and are related to the top of the hierarchy of the daily activities complexity, with better functional and cognitive levels. Objective: Examine the association between the performance of advanced activities of daily living for elderly from São Paulo and the incidence of cognitive impairment. Methods: Longitudinal study with a sample of non-institutionalized elderly who attended the second (2006) and third (2010) waves of the SABE cohort study in São Paulo, Brazil. The final sample consisted of 819 elderly. Cognitive decline was assessed with the Mini-Mental State abridged. 12 AADL were considered. Other covariates have addressed the sociodemographic conditions, health, life style and functional disability of the participants at baseline. The statistical analysis included frequency, bivariate and multivariate analyzes, using logistic regression. Stata 12.0 software was used for the analysis and correction for the effects of study design was done by the \"survey\" command to analyze the data obtained from a complex sample. Results: After four years of follow-up the incidence of cognitive impairment was 7.9 per cent . Multiple regression analysis showed that individuals with the highest number of AADL at baseline had a lower risk of cognitive impairment at the end of follow-up OR 0.83 [0.71; 0.96]. Other variables were associated with incidence of cognitive impairment in the final model: 75 years and over OR 4:54 [2:52 IC; 8:17], difficulties in instrumental and basic activities of daily living OR 2:54 [1:32; 4.87]. To have 8 years and more of study OR 0.16 [IC 0.05; 0.52] was a protective factor of cognitive decline. Conclusions: The performance of a larger number of AADL appeared as a protective factor to the incidence of cognitive impairment, regardless of sociodemographic conditions, general health status and functionality.

Uso do espaço do marsupial Caluromys philander (Didelphimorphia, Didelphidae) no Parque Nacional da Serra dos Órgãos - Rio de Janeiro, Brasil / Space use by Woolly opossum Caluromys philander (Didelphimorphia; Didelphidae) in Serra dos Órgãos Nacional Park - Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Bernardo Silveira Papi 21 February 2011 (has links)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Uso do espaço é um padrão bem estudado em ecologia. Entretanto, formação de área de vida e posição relativa dos abrigos com área de uso são pouco estudados, principalmente para marsupiais didelfídeos. Dentre estes animais, podemos destacar Caluromys philander, devido ao seu baixo registro em armadilhas na Mata Atlântica e características peculiares dentro do grupo, como seu desenvolvimento, longevidade e hábito alimentar. Neste estudo foram investigadas as formações das áreas de uso destes animais através da comparação com seus movimentos diários, e a posição dos seus abrigos dentro das suas áreas de uso. Para isso foram monitorados seis indivíduos de C. philander através de colares rádio transmissores. Estes indivíduos se deslocaram em média 534 153 m por noite. Além disso, apresentaram área diária de 9548 3591 m e área de vida de 2,8 0,4 ha. Noventa e sete por cento das áreas diárias apresentaram sobreposição entre si, com média de 19,4% de sobreposição. Não houve diferença nos locais dos abrigos dos indivíduos monitorados, dentro dos seus Mínimos Polígonos Convexos. Entretanto, estes mesmos abrigos não estiveram localizados nas áreas de maior intensidade de uso. A média de abrigos utilizados por indivíduo foi de 6,3 (3-10) com utilização média de 2,9 (1-17) vezes em cada abrigo, sendo que 48% das vezes os animais só possuíram um registro em cada abrigo, demonstrando baixa fidelidade. Entretanto, dois indivíduos apresentaram diferença de utilização entre seus abrigos, com três destes sendo mais utilizados que os outros. O trabalho sugere que os indivíduos de C. philander monitorados apresentam área de vida propriamente dita (restrita), onde ocorrem as sobreposições entre suas áreas diárias. C. philander utilizam mais de um abrigo em suas vidas, trocando com frequência de abrigos, apesar de alguns destes abrigos poderem ser mais utilizados que outros. Além disso, os abrigos destes animais não são localizados nas suas áreas de maior intensidade de uso. / Use of space is a well studied topic in ecology. However, the structuring of the home range and shelters position, have not received enough attention, especially for didelphid marsupials. One of these, Caluromys philander, is an interesting species because of its low record in traps studies in the Atlantic Forest and its unique characteristics among marsupials related to development, longevity and feeding habits. The present study analyses how daily movements can contribute to the home range formation and how the shelters are positioned within the home range of these animals. Six individuals of C. philander were equipped with radio transmitters necklaces and followed during the night. These individuals moved 534 153 m in average per night. They also had daily ranges of 9548 3591 m and home ranges of 2.8 0.4 ha. There was a 97% overlap between days, with an average of 19.4%. There was no difference in shelters positions and Minimum Convex Polygon areas, although these same shelters were not located in the areas with the greatest use intensity. The average number of shelters used per individual was 6.3 (3-10), with an average of 2.9 (1-17) records per shelter, where shelters were used only one time in 47% of the cases, suggesting low shelter fidelity of these animals. However, two individuals showed difference of shelters use, with three of those being used more than the others. Therefore, I conclude that these individuals of C. philander have real home ranges, where they concentrate their daily movements. C. philander uses more than one shelter in its life, changing shelters frequently, although some shelters can be more used than others. Forthermore, shelters were not located in the areas with the greatest use intensity.

Os alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais nos diferentes espaços-tempos da escola : aspectos cotidianos e não cotidianos

Mendes, Katiuscia Aparecida Moreira de Oliveira 20 August 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-23T14:02:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 pretextuais - katiuscia.pdf: 309391 bytes, checksum: cd0977489cad0b916ac6491ab33c71b2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-08-20 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Taking into consideration the lack of specific studies in the area of scholastic Physical Education and the inclusion of students with special educational needs at regular schools, the research aims at analyzing the process of inclusion of students with special educational needs in different space-time of the school, emphasizing Physical Education. It was chosen a research in the historical-cultural perspective, with a qualitative approach, characterized with a study case with ethnographical inspiration. There were observations, totalizing 112 hours, in a sixth grade group of a municipal elementary school in the district of Vitória, state of Espírito Santo. The empirical data permitted to analyze two distinct cases: a) a boy with low sight who had some access to knowledge (scientific, art, among others) through school and the school experience enabled him to pass through barriers; b) a boy with Down syndrome who occupied his time with school activities only, and his academic success was endangered by the lack of pedagogical proposals / Considerando a escassez de estudos específicos na área de Educação Física escolar e a inclusão de alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais na escola regular, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar e analisar o processo de inclusão de alunos com NEEs nos diferentes espaços-tempos da escola, com ênfase na Educação Física. Optou-se por uma pesquisa na perspectiva histórico-cultural, com abordagem qualitativa, caracterizada como estudo de caso com inspiração etnográfica. Foram realizadas observações, num total de 112 horas, em uma turma de 6º ano de uma escola de ensino fundamental municipal em Vitória-ES. Os dados empíricos permitiram analisar dois casos distintos: a) o de um garoto com baixa visão, que tinha acesso ao conhecimento (científico, arte, entre outros) por meio da escola e a experiência escolar possibilitava-lhe transpor barreiras; b) o de um garoto com síndrome de Down, que tinha seu tempo apenas ocupado pela escola, e seu sucesso acadêmico era comprometido pela falta de propostas pedagógicas

The management of dyslipidemia in a private health care setting : a managed pharmaceutical care approach / Susan Mothekoa Bopape

Bopape, Susan Mothekoa January 2004 (has links)
The global anti-dyslipidemic market grew by 19% from 2000 to 2001, achieving sales of over $21 billion (Smith, 2004: 2). This market is currently well sewed by a number of effective and well-tolerated treatments. Lipid-lowering drugs are considered as the first choice drugs in control of dyslipidemias and they are well tolerated by most patients. As with many drug therapies, there should be a balance between the benefits of cholesterol lowering agents, increased medication cost and the overall risk of adverse drug reactions. According to Ballesteros (2001: 514), hypolipidemic drugs are consumed on a large scale and most consumers are elderly. This warrants a study of expenditure incurred because of inadequate prescribing of these agents. The general objective of this study was to determine the utilisation and cost of hypolipidemic drugs in the private health care environment in South Africa. A quantitative retrospective drug utilisation review was performed using a medicine claims database. Data for twenty-four consecutive months (May 1, 2001 to April 30, 2003) were used to determine and compare the utilisation patterns and cost of drugs associated with the management of dyslipidemia a year before (1st May 2001 to 30 April 2002) and a year after (1st May 2002 to 30 April 2003) the implementation of a medicine reference price system (MPL). Data analysis was done by calculating the average value, the standard deviation, effect size, and cost-prevalence indices. The results of this study revealed that hypolipidemic drugs constituted 2.70% (n = 21820911) and 2.78% (n =27277825) of the total number of all medicine items for the first and the second study years respectively. On the other hand, the total cost of all hypolipidemic drugs accounted for 6.33% (n= R3 097 604 602) and 6.23 % (n= R 4 053 280 295) of the total cost of all medicine items claimed during the first and the second study years respectively. The prevalence of generic hypolipidemic drugs accounted for 0.89% (n=589036) and 4.88% (n=759675) of the total number of hypolipidemic drugs claimed during the first and second study year respectively. Innovator drugs, on the other hand, constituted 99.1 1% (n=589036) and 95.11% (n=759675) of the total number of hypolipidemic drugs claimed during the first and second study years respectively. It was found that R23 694.5 and R603 277.36 could have been saved for generic bezafibrate and generic simvastatin respectively if they had been sold at ME'L prices. The total cost of generic hypolipidemic drugs accounted for 0.60% and 2.94%. The total cost of innovator hypolipidemic drugs accounted for 99.40% and 97.06% of the total cost of hypolipidemic drugs claimed during the first (n=R 196 076 050) and second (n=R 252 919 285) study year respectively. With respect to the prescribed daily dose, it was found that most prescriptions for individual hypolipidemic drugs did not conform to the defined daily dose. It was, however, found that most prescriptions whose prescribed daily dose was for one tablet once daily and whose strength was similar to the defined daily dose conformed to the defined daily dose. The conclusion is that there was an insignificant difference in both the prevalence and cost of hypolipidemic drugs a year before and after the implementation of MPL. It was further concluded that increased utilisation of generic hypolipidemic medicine items a year after the implementation of the MPL, could have been brought about by the introduction of generic simvastatin into the market as opposed to the implementation of the MPL. Recommendations for further studies will be formulated. / Thesis (M.Pharm. (Pharmacy Practice))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2005.

The management of dyslipidemia in a private health care setting : a managed pharmaceutical care approach / Susan Mothekoa Bopape

Bopape, Susan Mothekoa January 2004 (has links)
The global anti-dyslipidemic market grew by 19% from 2000 to 2001, achieving sales of over $21 billion (Smith, 2004: 2). This market is currently well sewed by a number of effective and well-tolerated treatments. Lipid-lowering drugs are considered as the first choice drugs in control of dyslipidemias and they are well tolerated by most patients. As with many drug therapies, there should be a balance between the benefits of cholesterol lowering agents, increased medication cost and the overall risk of adverse drug reactions. According to Ballesteros (2001: 514), hypolipidemic drugs are consumed on a large scale and most consumers are elderly. This warrants a study of expenditure incurred because of inadequate prescribing of these agents. The general objective of this study was to determine the utilisation and cost of hypolipidemic drugs in the private health care environment in South Africa. A quantitative retrospective drug utilisation review was performed using a medicine claims database. Data for twenty-four consecutive months (May 1, 2001 to April 30, 2003) were used to determine and compare the utilisation patterns and cost of drugs associated with the management of dyslipidemia a year before (1st May 2001 to 30 April 2002) and a year after (1st May 2002 to 30 April 2003) the implementation of a medicine reference price system (MPL). Data analysis was done by calculating the average value, the standard deviation, effect size, and cost-prevalence indices. The results of this study revealed that hypolipidemic drugs constituted 2.70% (n = 21820911) and 2.78% (n =27277825) of the total number of all medicine items for the first and the second study years respectively. On the other hand, the total cost of all hypolipidemic drugs accounted for 6.33% (n= R3 097 604 602) and 6.23 % (n= R 4 053 280 295) of the total cost of all medicine items claimed during the first and the second study years respectively. The prevalence of generic hypolipidemic drugs accounted for 0.89% (n=589036) and 4.88% (n=759675) of the total number of hypolipidemic drugs claimed during the first and second study year respectively. Innovator drugs, on the other hand, constituted 99.1 1% (n=589036) and 95.11% (n=759675) of the total number of hypolipidemic drugs claimed during the first and second study years respectively. It was found that R23 694.5 and R603 277.36 could have been saved for generic bezafibrate and generic simvastatin respectively if they had been sold at ME'L prices. The total cost of generic hypolipidemic drugs accounted for 0.60% and 2.94%. The total cost of innovator hypolipidemic drugs accounted for 99.40% and 97.06% of the total cost of hypolipidemic drugs claimed during the first (n=R 196 076 050) and second (n=R 252 919 285) study year respectively. With respect to the prescribed daily dose, it was found that most prescriptions for individual hypolipidemic drugs did not conform to the defined daily dose. It was, however, found that most prescriptions whose prescribed daily dose was for one tablet once daily and whose strength was similar to the defined daily dose conformed to the defined daily dose. The conclusion is that there was an insignificant difference in both the prevalence and cost of hypolipidemic drugs a year before and after the implementation of MPL. It was further concluded that increased utilisation of generic hypolipidemic medicine items a year after the implementation of the MPL, could have been brought about by the introduction of generic simvastatin into the market as opposed to the implementation of the MPL. Recommendations for further studies will be formulated. / Thesis (M.Pharm. (Pharmacy Practice))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2005.

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