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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caracter?sticas que definem o Ser professor de dan?a de sal?o : uma rela??o de saberes

Dickow, Katiusca Marusa Cunha 21 January 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS (tede2@pucrs.br) on 2016-04-18T12:24:53Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_KATIUSCA_MARUSA_CUNHA_DICKOW_COMPLETO.pdf: 1128915 bytes, checksum: 3ea9bf573e79342d561e9f07e14bfb19 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-18T12:24:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_KATIUSCA_MARUSA_CUNHA_DICKOW_COMPLETO.pdf: 1128915 bytes, checksum: 3ea9bf573e79342d561e9f07e14bfb19 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-01-21 / The goal of the present qualitative-interpretative-comprehensive research is to discuss the formation of professors of Ballroom Dance, coming up reflections about the constitutive features of the professors of this area, and the relationship with their docent knowledge?s. The necessity of this reflection came up due to the lack and fragility of the formative and normative ways of the Ballroom Dance professional, mainly referred to specific and extensive training, and to the lack of supervision and structuration of this job field. The data of the present research were obtained through the use of the instruments ?Letters and Semi structured Interviews?, where the investigated participant was Jaime Ar?xa, a professor of Ballroom Dance, intentionally chosen because of his large acknowledgement, constitutive characteristics, and significant teaching practice in Ballroom Dance professor?s formation. The objective of the interview was to investigate which characteristics are emphasized and worked by this professional when choosing the methodological processes for his classes, and to which extent his life experiences, influenced his chooses and constitution of the professor that he actually is. The identification of the characteristics of the Being Professor was done through the letters written and directed to the interviewed by professionals formed directly by him, and that continue actuating with the Ballroom Dance. The interviews were structured in two themes: Histories of Life and Professor Action and Actuation. The Letters and Interviews were analyzed aiming to interlace the features reveled by the Letters with the professor knowledge?s: experiential, pedagogical, academicals, and spiritual, constructed and expressed in the Interviews, according to the theoretical referential of Tardif (2014) and Grillo (2006). The analysis of the variables of the investigation revealed that the constitutive characteristics of the Being professor of Ballroom Dance help the construction of his docent knowledge?s that, in turn, re-feed the permanent and systematic evaluation of what he is, resulting in a representative basis to the definition of the Being of a professor of Ballroom Dance. / A presente investiga??o qualitativa interpretativa ? compreensiva tem o intuito de discutir a forma??o de professores em Dan?a de Sal?o, trazendo reflex?es sobre as caracter?sticas constitutivas/identit?rias do Ser professor nessa ?rea e sua rela??o com seus saberes docentes. A necessidade dessas reflex?es surgiu da insufici?ncia e fragilidade dos meios formativos e normativos do profissional de Dan?a de Sal?o, no que se refere ? capacita??o espec?fica e abrangente e ? falta de fiscaliza??o e estrutura??o desse campo de trabalho. Para obten??o dos dados da pesquisa, foram utilizados os instrumentos Cartas e Entrevistas semiestruturadas. Teve como participante investigado, Jaime Ar?xa, professor de Dan?a de Sal?o, intencionalmente escolhido, pelo crit?rio de seu relevante reconhecimento, por suas caracter?sticas constitutivas/identit?rias e significativa pr?tica docente na forma??o de professores de Dan?a de Sal?o, no intuito de verificar: quais caracter?sticas s?o salientadas e trabalhadas por esse profissional em rela??o ? escolha dos processos metodol?gicos utilizados em suas aulas e de que forma suas experi?ncias de vida influenciaram em suas escolhas e constitui??o/identidade do Ser professor que ele ? hoje. A identifica??o das caracter?sticas do Ser professor, foi feita por meio das Cartas escritas e dirigidas ao entrevistado por profissionais formados diretamente por ele e que continuam atuando, no mercado de Dan?a de Sal?o. As entrevistas foram estruturadas em dois temas: Hist?rias de Vida e Atua??o Docente e A??o Docente. As Cartas e as Entrevistas foram analisadas, no intuito de entrela?ar a an?lise das caracter?sticas reveladas nas Cartas, com os saberes docentes: Experienciais, Pedag?gicos, Acad?micos e Espirituais, constru?dos e expressados nas Entrevistas, segundo o referencial te?rico de Tardif (2014) e Grillo (2006). A an?lise das vari?veis da investiga??o, revelaram que, as carater?sticas constitutivas/identit?rias do Ser professor de Dan?a de Sal?o, o que ele ?, auxiliam na constru??o de seus saberes docentes que, por sua vez, realimentam a permanente e sistem?tica avalia??o do que se ?, resultante em uma base representativa para a defini??o do Ser de um professor da Dan?a de Sal?o.

Mem?ria de um lugar: dan?as e festejos na produ??o do patrim?nio em Mussuca e Laranjeiras/SE / M?moire d'un lieu: danses et c?l?brations dans le patrimoine de la production dans Mussuca Et Laranjeiras/ SE

Barbosa, Rosane de Assis 27 June 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Sandra Pereira (srpereira@ufrrj.br) on 2017-04-04T17:01:27Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2014 - Rosane de Assis Barbosa.pdf: 4172790 bytes, checksum: 47c947feea7262e279a2cf6a0727cdd7 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-04T17:01:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2014 - Rosane de Assis Barbosa.pdf: 4172790 bytes, checksum: 47c947feea7262e279a2cf6a0727cdd7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-06-27 / Le but de cette ?tude est de penser aux strat?gies de production et de reproduction du patrimoine culturel ? Laranjeiras, dans l? ?tat de Sergipe, ?videntes dans les traditions vivantes presentes dans le quotidien local, en particulier, celles originaires du village de Mussuca, comme la Danse de S?o Gon?alo d'Amarante, la Samba de Coco et la Samba de Pareia. Ces danses servent d'?chantillon des vari?t?s des manifestations de la ville de Laranjeiras qui continuent vivantes en cet endroit. Nous avons l'intention d'?tudier la relation entre ces danses et les f?tes de la ville et leurs significations dans le contexte de la production du patrimoine et de la m?moire locale. La construction du processus politique de la danse comme le patrimoine et la m?moire collective participe ? la cr?ation des biens culturels sp?cifiques de cette ville et ils sont en constant dialogue avec ce qu'on appelle "biens patrimoniaux" d?j? institu?s par l'?tat de Sergipe et l?IPHAN. La Rencontre Culturelle, qui a lieu depuis ? trente-neuf ans durant la premi?re quinzaine de janvier, est un espace ? partir duquel les dirigeants du village de Mussuca, avec la pr?sentation des groupes de danse de S?o Gon?alo et de la Samba de Coco et la Samba de Pareia, sont entr?s en contact avec les pouvoirs publics de Sergipe, des chercheurs d'autres ?tats et d'autres groupes de culture populaire de Sergipe et d?autres parties du pays. Nous avons l'intention, ? partir de l'ethnographie de la Rencontre Culturelle de Laranjeiras et d'autres situations dans lesquelles ces manifestations des traditions vivantes ont lieu, de penser ? la forme ces danses de Laranjeiras / Mussuca sont utilis?es par les directeurs culturels du municipe. Comment les participants de ces manifestations vivent ces relations ? Et de quelle forme les traditions vivantes et la m?moire de participants peuvent venir ? contribuer pour ce processus ? / O prop?sito deste estudo ? pensar sobre as estrat?gias de produ??o e reprodu??o do patrim?nio cultural em Laranjeiras, no Estado de Sergipe, manifestas nas tradi??es vivas presentes no cotidiano local, em particular, as oriundas do povoado da Mussuca, como a Dan?a de S?o Gon?alo do Amarante, o Samba de Coco e o Samba de Pareia. Estas dan?as servem como uma amostra das variedades de manifesta??es da cidade de Laranjeiras que continuam vivas neste lugar. Pretendemos estudar a rela??o entre estas dan?as e os festejos da cidade e as suas significa??es no contexto da produ??o do patrim?nio e da mem?ria local. A constru??o do processo pol?tico da dan?a como patrim?nio e mem?ria coletiva participa da cria??o dos bens culturais espec?ficos desta cidade e est?o em constante dialogo com os chamados ?bens patrimoniais? j? institu?dos pelo estado de Sergipe e IPHAN. O Encontro Cultural, que ocorre h? trinta e nove anos na primeira quinzena de janeiro, tem sido um espa?o a partir do qual lideran?as do povoado de Mussuca, em apresenta??o dos grupos de dan?a de S?o Gon?alo e do Samba de Coco e Samba de Pareia, t?m entrado em contato com os poderes p?blicos de Sergipe, pesquisadores de outros estados e outros grupos de cultura popular de Sergipe e do restante do pa?s. Pretendemos, a partir da etnografia sobre o Encontro Cultural de Laranjeiras e outras situa??es nas quais estas manifesta??es das tradi??es vivas acontecem; pensar de que forma estas dan?as de Laranjeiras/ Mussuca s?o utilizadas pelos gestores culturais do munic?pio. Como os brincantes destas manifesta??es vivenciam estas rela??es? E de que forma as tradi??es vivas e a mem?ria dos brincantes podem vir a contribuir para este processo?

Senhora press??o arterial, me conceda essa dan??a? Os efeitos de uma sess??o aguda de dan??a de car??ter l??dica sobre a press??o arterial e frequ??ncia card??aca em idosas

Sousa, Francisco Eric Vale de 08 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Sara Ribeiro (sara.ribeiro@ucb.br) on 2017-04-05T17:20:44Z No. of bitstreams: 1 FranciscoEricValedeSousaDissertacao2017.pdf: 843554 bytes, checksum: 28da4913da460128349b6bdc7cf1994d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-05T17:20:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 FranciscoEricValedeSousaDissertacao2017.pdf: 843554 bytes, checksum: 28da4913da460128349b6bdc7cf1994d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-12-08 / Hypertension (AH) increases with the passage of years, affecting mainly people over 60 years. In face of this reality, daily dance practice is responsible for a number of benefits in everyday life, such as improved balance, motor coordination and blood pressure (BP) reduction. However, little is known about the acute effects of a playful dance session in the elderly. The objectives of the present study were to analyze the behavior of PA and HR during and after an acute ludic dance session in hypertensive elderly women; To verify the contribution of the dance of playful character as hypotensive agent of the Blood Pressure; Check the regulation of CF, through an acute dance session of a playful character; To demonstrate the dance of playful character as a propulsive tool to obtain the health of hypertensive elderly women. Ten elderly women (65 ?? 3, years) of a Group of Coexistence of Sector O, Ceil??ndia - DF were recruited. They performed a dance session of a playful character with an average duration of 60 minutes, which is divided into 5 ', 10', 40 'and 4' back. PA was measured at rest, at the end and post-exercise: 0 ', 5' and 10 'by the oscillometric method (BPA 100, Microlife, Switzerland). Repeated measures ANOVA was used for statistical analysis (Prism 6.0, USA). As a result, systolic blood pressure (SBP) increased immediately after the session (p <0.01). However, there was a significant reduction of SBP (p <0.05) in the recovery period at 5 'and 10' post-exercise, there was no change in diastolic BP (Table 1). This study demonstrated the cardiovascular safety of this modality of physical activity, and the potential benefit of dance in post-exercise hypotension in hypertensive elderly women. It is possible that this hypotensive effect may last for more than 10 'after the session. In the future the studies could analyze the cardiovascular parameters induced by the dance by a greater post-exercise period. / A hipertens??o arterial (HA) aumenta com o passar dos anos, acometendo principalmente as pessoas com mais de 60 anos. Diante dessa realidade, a pr??tica di??ria da dan??a ?? respons??vel por uma s??rie de benef??cios na vida cotidiana, como melhora do equil??brio, coordena????o motora e redu????o da press??o arterial (PA). No entanto, pouco se sabe dos efeitos agudos de uma sess??o de dan??a de car??ter l??dica em idosas. Para tanto os objetivos do presente estudo foi Analisar o comportamento da PA e FC durante e ap??s uma sess??o aguda de dan??a de car??ter l??dico em idosas hipertensas; Verificar a contribui????o da dan??a de car??ter l??dico como agente hipotensor da Press??o Arterial; Verificar a regula????o da FC, por meio de uma sess??o aguda da dan??a de car??ter l??dico; Demonstrar a dan??a de car??ter l??dico como uma ferramenta propulsora para obten????o de sa??de de idosas hipertensas. Foram recrutadas 10 mulheres idosas (65??3, anos) de um Grupo de Conviv??ncia do Setor O, Ceil??ndia ??? DF. Elas realizaram uma sess??o de dan??a de car??ter l??dica com dura????o m??dia de 60 minutos, sendo esta dividida em alongamento (5???), aquecimento (10???), parte principal (40???) e volta ?? calma (5???). A PA foi mensurada em repouso, final e p??s-exerc??cio: 0???, 5??? e 10???, pelo m??todo oscilom??trico (BPA 100, Microlife, Su????a). Foi usado ANOVA de medidas repetidas para an??lise estat??stica (Prism 6.0, USA). Como resultados a press??o arterial sist??lica (PAS) aumentou imediatamente ap??s a sess??o (p <0,01). No entanto, houve uma redu????o significativa da PAS (p <0,05) no per??odo de recupera????o aos 5??e 10??p??s- exerc??cio, n??o houve altera????o na PA diast??lica (Tabela 1). Este estudo demonstrou a seguran??a cardiovascular desta modalidade de atividade f??sica, e o potencial benef??cio da dan??a na hipotens??o p??s-exerc??cio em idosas hipertensas. ?? poss??vel que este efeito hipotensor possa perdurar por mais de 10??? ap??s a sess??o. No futuro os estudos poderiam analisar os par??metros cardiovasculares induzidos pela dan??a por um maior per??odo p??s-exerc??cio.

Homens que dan??am: um espet??culo para al??m dos palcos

Maciel, Demerson Godinho 17 April 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Sara Ribeiro (sara.ribeiro@ucb.br) on 2017-05-24T20:45:00Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DemersonGodinhoMacielDissertaccao2017.pdf: 1361214 bytes, checksum: 9dde9d309aba2d85cfad6259f8f5aa67 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Sara Ribeiro (sara.ribeiro@ucb.br) on 2017-05-24T20:46:07Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DemersonGodinhoMacielDissertaccao2017.pdf: 1361214 bytes, checksum: 9dde9d309aba2d85cfad6259f8f5aa67 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-24T20:46:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DemersonGodinhoMacielDissertaccao2017.pdf: 1361214 bytes, checksum: 9dde9d309aba2d85cfad6259f8f5aa67 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-04-17 / The curtains are opened exposing a huge show, in which several work spheres come together to make the presentation happen, and in which different perceptions and dynamics are established in each one of its ambient - public, stage, ayles and green room -. Although the exact moment when men started dancing isn???t known, by investigating the dance world in its different moments and spaces, it is possible to realise that their presence in this bodily practice is as old as the emergency of the practice in human history. Several are the affirmatives concerning men who dance, which opens a complex and almost unlimited field of research and analysis regarding the experiences lived by them. The prejudice, recognized as a an autonomous scientific field studied by the social psychology, is constant in the daily routine of these individuals, thus, a holistic view upon this subject must be built, therefore, the comprehension of the prejudice origins is necessary because only from there it will be possible to identify the propagation patterns on a social level, the contributing psychocognitive factors, and elaborate coherent and consistent interventions. With the objective of comprehending the social representations referring to the male participation in the dance universe, as well as identifying the stereotypes, prejudices, labels and discrimination reported by them, in order to amplify and solidify a holistic and informed view about the experience in this diverse artistic language under the perspective of the men who dance, this study - through a Quali quantitative Approach, of Applied Nature, Explanatory and Descriptive Features, based on Social Representation Research - investigates ballet male dancers working in Brasilia/DF and, by using content analysis and the IRAMUTEQ software, proposes reflections about the social dynamics lived by these dancers. It was concluded, under the perspective of ballet male dancers about the social representations surrounding this theme, the existence of representative words freely associated to them: ???Gay/Sensitive??? are negative stereotypes frequently attributed to them; in the other hand, ???Artist/Delivery??? even when not fully understood, present positive significance; and ???Brave/Strong??? can be classified as neutral stereotypes, however, in the dancers speech, these words are used to refer to behaviours of confrontation against the discrimination experienced by them. It was also noted that the main motivation to dance, described by the interviewed ballet male dancers, was the feeling of freedom that comes from the opportunity of detaching themselves from a reality often full of prejudices that invalidates the free movimentation and expression and that promotes behavioural patterns to several groups, turning any deviation in a motive for disapproval and, consequently, discrimination. / A cortina se abre expondo um grande espet??culo, no qual as diversas esferas de trabalho confluem para a realiza????o da apresenta????o, e no qual s??o estabelecidas percep????es e din??micas diferentes em cada um de seus ambientes - plateia, palco, coxias e bastidores -. Apesar de n??o se saber ao certo quando o homem come??ou a dan??ar, ao investigar o mundo da dan??a em diferentes momentos e espa??os, percebe-se que o seu aparecimento nessa pr??tica corporal ?? t??o antigo quanto o surgimento da pr??tica no in??cio da hist??ria da humanidade. Diversas s??o as afirmativas referentes aos homens que dan??am, sendo esse um assunto complexo e de propor????es quase ilimitadas por possibilitar diversos campos de an??lise acerca das experi??ncias por eles vivenciadas. O preconceito, reconhecido como conhecimento cient??fico aut??nomo estudado pela psicologia social, se faz uma constante no cotidiano desses indiv??duos, portanto, para que se tenha uma vis??o hol??stica sobre preconceito, ?? necess??rio que se compreenda sua origem, pois apenas a partir dela pode-se identificar os padr??es de propaga????o a n??vel social e os aspectos psico-cognitivos contribuintes, e ent??o elaborar interven????es coerentes e consistentes. Objetivando, ent??o, identificar os estere??tipos, preconceitos e discrimina????es referentes a participa????o masculina no universo da dan??a, sob a perspectiva dos bailarinos, no intuito de compreender as representa????es sociais de uma espec??fica companhia de dan??a profissional de Bras??lia/DF, esse estudo - atrav??s de uma abordagem qualiquantitativa, de natureza aplicada, car??ter explorat??ria e descritiva, pautada na pesquisa de representa????o Social, dentro de um estudo de caso - investiga bailarinos atuantes em Bras??lia/DF e, utilizando-se da an??lise de conte??dos e do software IRAMUTEQ, prop??e reflex??es acerca da din??mica social por eles vivenciada. Conclui-se, sob a perspectiva dos homens que dan??am acerca das representa????es sociais em torno desse tema, que pode-se constatar a exist??ncia de palavras associadas livremente aos bailarinos: ???Viado, Sens??vel??? s??o estere??tipos mais frequentemente associados negativamente a eles; por outro lado, ???Artista, Entrega???, mesmo que com entendimentos distorcidos, t??m car??ter mais positivo; e ???Corajoso, Forte??? podem ser classificadas como neutras, entretanto, no discurso dos bailarinos, serem implementadas como atitudes de enfrentamento ??s discrimina????es por eles vivenciadas. Notase, tamb??m, que o principal motivo para dan??ar, relatado pelos bailarinos pesquisados, ?? a sensa????o de liberdade de poder se desvencilhar de uma realidade muitas vezes marcada por preconceitos que inviabilizam a livre movimenta????o/express??o e que incitam padr??es de comportamentos para diversificados grupos, tornando quaisquer desvios motivo para desaprova????o e, consequentemente, discrimina????o.

Wyatt Rice and Dan Menzone: Out of the Blue

Olson, Ted 01 January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

An investigation of current problems facing the Science Teachers' Development and Training Centre in Indonesia.

Irianto, Bambang January 2001 (has links)
The Science Teachers' Development and Training Centre or STDTC (Pusat Pengembangan dan Penataran Guru Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam or PPPG IPA) is an official in-service science teacher training, which is in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. Between 1978 and 1997, an in-service science-teacher training project, which is known as the PKG IPA Project, was developed by the Directorate of General Secondary Education. The successful PKG IPA project implemented its own in-service science teacher training system within its own training network across Indonesia, without the involvement of the PPPG IPA as the existing official teacher-training agent. The existence of the project was discontinued when the World Bank loan ended. Unfortunately, the expensive infrastructures developed by the PKG IPA project could no longer be utilized because the PKG IPA project was excluded from the official structure of organization of the Ministry of Education and Culture (MOEC) which is now known as Ministry of National education (MNE). In addition, the ignorance of the staff of the PPPG IPA about the PKG IPA project is one indicator why that the PPPG IPA is facing some problems, which affect the implementation of its duties and functions.Based on this indicator, this study was implemented with two objectives, namely, to investigate and analyze current problems facing the PPPG IPA, and to make recommendations for formulating appropriate policies and strategies in order to rationalize the future roles of the PPPG IPA. The study involved seven research questions, which were grouped into three concerns, namely, the quality of the environment, a needs analysis, and analysis of the Directorate's policies. The seven research questions required different instruments to collect the data. Existing instruments, SLEQ (School Level Environment Questionnaire) and SLEI (Science Laboratory Environment Inventory), ++ / were translated into Indonesian. The researcher developed other instruments. The study involved both qualitative and quantitative research methods and types of data, included various sampling strategy classifications, such as purposeful sampling and opportunistic sampling. The data collecting strategy involved surveys, observations, interviews, and mining documents.The study concluded that the PPPG IPA is facing some current problems related to the aspects of working environment, science laboratory environment, human resources, facilities, policies, and in-service training networking. The study recommended that the Ministry of National Education (MNE) formulate appropriate policies and strategies in order to rationalize the roles of the PPPG IPA in order to strengthen the implementation, and improve the quality, effectiveness, and efficiency of the in-service training programs. A new ministerial regulation also is recommended to be released to replace the previous relevant regulations in order to accommodate the above concerns.

The social writings of Shaykh ʻUthmān b. Fūdī : a critical and analytical study

Tahir, Ahmad January 1989 (has links)
This Study shows that the Shehu's social writings are the reflection of his concept and method of implementation of tajdid. The basic goal of the tajdid was to recreate what he considered the ideal Sunni Islamic society. In order to achieve his objective he unfolded a plan of action which aimed at winning the support of the common people and the 'ulama'. For the people, he mounted a mass mobilization to boost religious learning, acquaint them with local beliefs adjudged as bad innovations, and exhort them about the impending End of Time. For the 'ulama', his plan was a reorientation of their attitudes toward moderation in theological and doctrinal matters, and accommodation of legal and religious views other than those of the Maliki School of Law. Further, he expected them to persuade the rulers of Gobir to change their un-Islamic ways and support the new movement. But when the 'ulama' chose not only to adopt a confrontational attitude but to prevail upon the rulers to take hostile measures against his followers, the Shehu took up arms against them and finally established a Caliphate.

The Ministry of Dan Kimball: A Model for Reaching Emerging Generations

Ring, Blake Thomas 14 December 2011 (has links)
THE MINISTRY OF DAN KIMBALL: A MODEL FOR REACHING EMERGING GENERATIONS Blake Thomas Ring, Ph.D. The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2011 Chair: Dr. Charles E. Lawless, Jr. This dissertation examines the ministry of Dan Kimball to determine if his ministry is a contributing model for effective ministry to emerging generations. Chapter 1 begins with an examination of the landscape of North American Christianity, seeking to demonstrate that the church is struggling to reach and retain emerging generations. It establishes the need for exploring effective ministry models and presents Kimball's ministry as a possible model for effective ministry to emerging generations. Chapter 2 provides a biographical account of Kimball's life. His adolescence, college years, conversion, pastoral ministry, and roles in the ECM and contemporary Christianity receive examination. Chapter 3 examines an evangelical theological taxonomy, or classification, of Kimball. Attention is given to his theological presuppositions and his doctrinal beliefs regarding Scripture, Christology, the gospel, and Ecclesiology. Chapter 4 explores Kimball's methodological framework. Attention is given to those presuppositions that guide his methodology. His approach to evangelism, discipleship, worship, and preaching are examined. Chapter 5 critiques Kimball's theology and methodology, ascertaining positive and negative contributions. Further consideration is given to the types of adjustments traditional churches might adopt as they engage emerging culture. Chapter 6 summarizes Kimball's involvement in the ECM and his contribution to emerging generational ministry, while also identifying areas of further study regarding Kimball's ministry.

Exploring functional asymptotic confidence intervals for a population mean

Tuzov, Ekaterina 10 April 2014 (has links)
We take a Student process that is based on independent copies of a random variable X and has trajectories in the function space D[0,1]. As a consequence of a functional central limit theorem for this process, with X in the domain of attraction of the normal law, we consider convergence in distribution of several functionals of this process and derive respective asymptotic confidence intervals for the mean of X. We explore the expected lengths and finite-sample coverage probabilities of these confidence intervals and the one obtained from the asymptotic normality of the Student t-statistic, thus concluding some alternatives to the latter confidence interval that are shorter and/or have at least as high coverage probabilities.

The snare drum as a solo concert instrument an in-depth study of works by Milton Babbitt, John Cage, Dan Senn and Stuart Saunders Smith : together with three recitals of selects works by Keiko Abe, Daniel Levitan, Askell Masson, Karlheinz Stockhausen and others /

Baker, Jason. January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (D.M.A.)--University of North Texas, 2004. / System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Accompanied by 4 recitals, recorded Mar. 25, 2002, Mar. 10, 2003, Oct. 6, 2003, and Oct. 18, 2004. Includes bibliographical references (p. 54-55).

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