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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Desarrollo de una aplicación de visualización de datos con realidad virtual / Development of an application for Data Visualization with Virtual Reality

De la Cruz Leyva, Junior Alberto, Pachas Baños, Andrea Gladis 23 September 2021 (has links)
En los últimos años, la realidad virtual, realidad aumentada y realidad mixta inmersiva en visualización de datos ha sido muy influenciada por empresas, analistas, científicos y desarrolladores de videojuegos. Estos buscan desvanecer los límites que existen entre el mundo real y un entorno irreal perceptivo con la finalidad de evaluar, analizar y tomar decisiones para el futuro. Los datos son muy relevantes en todos los campos. Sin embargo, cualquier tipo de dato no tiene importancia si no es representado, organizado y no presenta hallazgos importantes. La visualización de datos no es solo una manera de presentar los datos, sino una manera de explorar y comprenderlos. Por ello, el presente proyecto tiene como objetivo principal implementar una aplicación que demuestre el impacto de la realidad virtual sobre soluciones de visualización de datos en 3D usando HTC Vive a fin de maximizar la comprensión, presentación y manejo de datos, basados en las buenas prácticas de diseño aplicadas a soluciones referentes. Se presentarán los siguientes entregables: la documentación de los lineamientos de uso y diseño propuestos para la aplicación de visualización de datos con realidad virtual, una evaluación comparativa de los gráficos de visualización de datos 2D y 3D en realidad virtual, pruebas de concepto evidenciando los lineamientos aplicados y el desarrollo de la aplicación durante el año académico 2018 y 2019. / In recent years, virtual reality, augmented reality, and immersive mixed reality in data visualization has been heavily influenced by video game companies, analysts, scientists, and developers. These seek to blur the boundaries that exist between the real world and a perceptual unreal environment in order to evaluate, analyze and make decisions for the future. The data is very relevant in all fields. However, any type of data does not matter if it is not represented, organized and does not present important findings. Data visualization is not just a way to present data, but a way to explore and understand it. Therefore, the main objective of this project is to implement an application that demonstrates the impact of virtual reality on 3D data visualization solutions using HTC Vive in order to maximize the understanding, presentation and management of data, based on good practices. of design applied to referring solutions. The following documents will be presented: the documentation of the proposed usage and design guidelines for the virtual reality data visualization application, a comparative evaluation of the 2D data visualization graphics and 3D in virtual reality, proofs of concept showing the applied guidelines and the development of the application during the academic year 2018 and 2019. / Tesis

Matematické metody modelování morfologie jehličnanů / Mathematical methods of morphology modelling of coniferous trees

Janoutová, Růžena January 2012 (has links)
The thesis was focused on creation of a coniferous tree by nondestructive method allowing description of structure of adult spruce trees. After processing provided data we created a model of L-system which creates a tree branch. Thereafter, a Python script generated parameters which were required for the creation of the model of the tree in graphical software Blender. Model of coniferous tree was sucesfully generated. Its memory requirements are high but for our purposes this is not an essential problem.

Systém pro správu simulátorů / Simulator Management System

Ragulin, Ievgen January 2015 (has links)
The thesis discusses the basics of flight simulation, systems for flight data visualization and management of flight data. The aim of the work is designing a system for simulator management, providing a capability for displaying and controlling a current state of simulators, flight and navigation data.

Systém pro vizualizaci dat ze snímků buněk / Visualization of Cell Image Data

Černák, Michal January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with extraction of data from cell images and their visualisation. Cell images are processed by FISH method. It discusses theory of diagnosis evaluation automation and cell features visualization. That concerns image processing, cell nuclei segmentation, feature extraction and data visualization.

Vizualizace vícerozměrných dat pomocí webových technologií / Visualization of multidimensional data using web technologies

Burian, Vojtěch January 2016 (has links)
Scope of this work is the problematic of data visualization. Data visualization is a useful tool to present and gather new information and thus get to better decisions. In theoretical part, data analysis topics are dealt with. Then specific types of graphs are listed and explained, and in next part problems with graph creation are pinpointed. Basics of graphic and web design are also mentioned. Practical part is focused on visualization of data of processed results of speech analysis, gathered from patients with Parkinson disease. Because majority of people in medical industry do not have, or is not able to work with specialized software (such as Matlab), outputs in HTML table and SVG format were created based on Python programming language. Both these parts are accommodated into webpage, which can be easily opened in web browser installed in most of computers regardless of operation system used.

Implementing an Interactive Simulation Data Pipeline for Space Weather Visualization

Berg, Matthias, Grangien, Jonathan January 2018 (has links)
This thesis details work carried out by two students working as contractors at the Community Coordinated Modelling Center at Goddard Space Flight Center of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The thesis is made possible by and aims to contribute to the OpenSpace project. The first track of the work implemented is the handling of and putting together new data for a visualization of coronal mass ejections in OpenSpace. The new data allows for observation of coronal mass ejections at their origin by the surface of the Sun, whereas previous data visualized them from 30 solar radii out from the Sun and outwards. Previously implemented visualization techniques are used together to visualize different volume data and fieldlines, which together with a synoptic magnetogram of the Sun gives a multi-layered visualization. The second track is an experimental implementation of a generalized and less user involved process for getting new data into OpenSpace, with a priority on volume data as that was a subject of experience. The results show a space weather model visualization, and how one such model can be adapted to fit within the parameters of the OpenSpace project. Additionally, the results show how a GUI connected to a series of background events can form a data pipeline to make complicated space weather models more easily available.

Dashboard design and its relation to KPIs : A qualitative case study on a software company / Hur viktiga KPIer bör visualiseras på en digital instrumentpanel : En kvalitativ studie hos ett mjukvaruföretag

Berglund, Christopher, Tenic, Amar January 2020 (has links)
Monitoring key performance indicators (KPI) give practitioners immersive experience that is priceless when it comes to decision making and performance-enhancing in software companies. Used together with different tools that enable visualization of KPIs, users obtain big advantages that enable quick troubleshooting and detections of errors that could emerge in a product or a system. Many studies have been followed out in the field of data visualization using KPIs and digital dashboards. Still, the subject of KPIs providing valuable information to companies that are developing HR and payroll systems is relatively unexplored. The purpose of this thesis has been to investigate how essential KPIs should be visualized on a digital dashboard using a case company that focuses on developing HR and payroll systems. To investigate the phenomenon, five different interviews were conducted, and a digital dashboard was developed. The interviewees that participated in the empiric data collection were employees stationed in different teams with various authorities and experiences in the field of dashboards and KPIs. Previous works in the field of data visualization indicates that KPIs can be used and presented in various ways. When presenting KPIs on a dashboard, there are different factors that are of big influence of how successful the visualization gets. There are no complete templates on how KPIs should be visualized, however there are guidelines on how a dashboard could be shaped. Something that previous works and different interviewees in the present study agreed on was that a dashboard should consist of 4 to 8 KPIs. Too many KPIs can decrease the chance of obtaining the advantages that monitoring and visualizing KPIs on a digital dashboard can bring. Something that emerged from the study is the importance of first identify what to visualize and then implement how. Among the answers during the data collection, many interviewees found the number of users that were logged in on their products as something that would be useful to monitor. The reason for this was partly that the interviewees considered that by monitoring these numbers, it could increase the pride among the colleagues. The interviewees thought that it might boost morale among the employees if they visualized the many users of the products they are developing. / Genom att övervaka nyckeltal (KPIer) kan användare erhålla fördelar som är ovärderliga när det gäller beslutsfattande och prestandaförbättring hos mjukvaruföretag. Tillsammans med olika verktyg som möjliggör visualisering av KPIer får användare stora fördelar som gör det möjligt att snabbt upptäcka fel som kan uppstå i en produkt eller i ett system. Många studier berör ämnet datavisualisering och digitala instrumentpaneler. Trots det här är ämnet KPIer, specifikt de som ger värdefull information till företag som utvecklar HR- och lönesystem outforskat. Syftet med den här studien har varit att undersöka hur viktiga KPIer bör visualiseras på en digital instrumentpanel hos ett företag som fokuserar på att utveckla HR- och lönesystem. För att undersöka fenomenet genomfördes fem olika intervjuer. En digital instrumentpanel utvecklades även som ett komplement till att svara på forskningsfrågan utifrån tidigare forskning och de empiriska resultat som framkom under studiens gång. Informanterna som deltog i den empiriska datainsamlingen var anställda på ett fallföretag och stationerade i olika utvecklingsteam. Informanterna hade sedan tidigare olika erfarenheter av att använda instrumentpaneler och KPIer. Tidigare studier inom datavisualisering indikerar att KPIer kan användas och visualiseras på olika sätt. När KPIer presenteras på en instrumentpanel finns det olika faktorer som har stort inflytande på hur framgångsrik visualiseringen blir. Det finns inga kompletta mallar för hur KPIer ska visualiseras men det finns riktlinjer för hur en instrumentpanel kan utformas. Något som tidigare studier samt informanterna i den här studien enades om var att en instrumentpanel bör bestå av ett antal mellan fyra och åtta KPIer. Genom att använda för många KPIer så minskar chansen att få de fördelar som övervakning och visualisering av KPIer på en digital instrumentpanel kan ge. Något som den här studien belyser är vikten av att först identifiera vad som ska visualiseras för att sedan implementera hur. En av flera KPIer som ansågs värdefulla för informanterna var antalet användare som var inloggade i deras produkt. Anledningen till det här var delvis att informanterna ansåg att övervakning av användare skulle skapa ökad stolthet bland kollegorna på kontoret.

Never the Twain Shall Meet?: Arab and Muslim Immigration and Far-right Reactions to Race, Nation, and Culture

Edwards, Emily January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Integración del proceso de seguridad de la información con minería de procesos del bloque de cirugía / Security Model for Business Processes Using Process Mining and Data Visualization in the Healthcare Sector

Espinoza Vásquez, Miguel Angel, Park Cardenas, Ilche Aaron 13 November 2020 (has links)
En este trabajo se propone un modelo integrado de protección de eventos para resguardar la información del paciente utilizando minería de procesos y visualización de datos. Por ello, el estándar 27001 se utiliza como relación para detectar diversos tipos de ataques informáticos orientados a la evaluación de datos recolectados en procesos de negocio, con el propósito de mejorar la gestión de sus riesgos de seguridad de la información del establecimiento médico. El modelo propuesto se basa en la aplicación de un conjunto de herramientas de análisis de ataques informáticos para aumentar el nivel de seguridad de los procesos de la empresa. La propuesta está conformada por 6 fases. 1. Evaluar riesgos, 2. Implementar controles, 3. Definir un plan de tratamiento, 4. Minería de Procesos, 5. Visualización de Datos y 6. Evaluación de Resultados. La propuesta fue validada mediante un caso de un ciberataque a un establecimiento médico el cual no contaba con controles y planes de contingencia adecuados dentro de sus procesos de negocio. Los resultados preliminares muestran que ante al apoyo de los instrumentos de nuestro modelo el nivel de seguridad ha aumentado en un 25% con nuestra propuesta. / In this work, an integrated event protection model is proposed to protect patient information using process mining and data visualization. Therefore, standard 27001 is used as a relationship to detect various types of computer attacks aimed at evaluating data collected in business processes, to improve the management of its information security risks in the medical establishment. The proposed model is based on the application of a set of computer attack analysis tools to increase the level of security of the company's processes. The proposal is made up of 6 phases. 1. Assess risks, 2. Implement controls, 3. Define a treatment plan, 4. Process Mining, 5. Data visualization and 6. Results evaluation. The proposal was validated through a case of a cyber-attack on a medical establishment which did not have adequate controls and contingency plans within its business processes. Preliminary results show that with the support of the instruments of our model, the level of security has increased by 25% with our proposal. / Trabajo de investigación

Risking Data in Risk Contexts is Risky Business : Designing for Crisis Response in Relation to Surveillance, Transparency, and its Interaction Patterns

Xavier, Margarida January 2022 (has links)
As the world gets more exposed to natural hazards, new practices of response to crisis have become a topic that requires innovation. FindMe Tag is a device designed in partnership with Frog and Sony that provides rescue teams with information on victims’ locations and their medical conditions. This data is used to facilitate the stages of reconnaissance and triage by quickly hierarchizing tactical priorities and areas of intervention.  Through this design practice, we proposed to mitigate the impact of hurricanes and tropical storms in low-income countries by addressing issues that search and rescue missions undertake to locate and prioritize victims. The outcome of this project, apart from the FindMe Tag device, was a digital interface for rescuers and citizens to receive and communicate different information.  In this design research, I will present some consequences and opportunities of this technological development. The proposed interface designs centred on the usage of different communication patterns to balance aspects of transparency and surveillance that affect differently the stakeholders involved in crisis response. Rather than using technologies to surveil citizens and share this information with authorities, the outcome of this research focused on providing both users with awareness and agency over the information they are sharing and receiving.

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