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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mateřská škola / Kindergarten

Ciprys, Petr January 2019 (has links)
The focus of the diploma thesis is a new building of preschool in Velké Němčice. The structure is comprised of three classrooms, each for twenty children. The education of the children is secured by six teachers and a head teacher. There are three employees who attend to the food preparation and the maintenance and upkeeping. The meals are secured by a catering company. The structure is designed as double-storeyed without the cellars. The floor plan is in the shape of the reverse letter L. There is a flat one-deck roof. The building was designed as a brick panel structure with the external thermal insulation composite system. It is betted into a flat terrain.

Lightscape as a Design Tool for Thematic Daylighting Design

Thurnauer, Mark H. 11 October 2001 (has links)
No description available.

The impact of solar geometry on architectural strategies

Salazar Del Pozo, Andres 19 February 2018 (has links)
Designing architecture is related to producing vast amounts of information based on constraints, experience or common sense, and at the same time, those designs are assisted by specialized software, but, are the results of those processes giving you advantage or are they leading you in the wrong way? For example, should you include shading elements or less glazing? Should you change the shape of the building or improve envelope specifications? This research is a start to understand how to approach to design problems related to solar geometry, recognize which variables are worth modifying, reduce potential of error when iterating, and take truly advantage of the output delivered by modeling tools. / Master of Architecture

A daylit elementary school

Basist, Renee Fern January 1987 (has links)
This thesis investigates how architecture can go beyond basic programmatic requirements of a school to create a more pleasant environment for students and staff through the use of natural light and geometry. / Master of Architecture

Denní osvětlení prostor světlovody / Daylighting of spaces with light guides

Machová, Petra January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the illuminance space through light guide. It describes it's basic principles, technical features and ways of differentiation between the technologies. The thesis also includes latest methods for evaluation of illumination of space supported by various computer simulations.

Optical and thermal performance of complex fenestration systems in the context of building information modelling / Performances optiques et thermiques des systèmes de fenestration complexes dans le contexte du BIM

Boudhaim, Marouane 26 September 2018 (has links)
L'efficacité énergétique du bâtiment occupe une place importante dans les projets de construction. La façade, intermédiaire entre l'environnement et l'intérieur, joue un rôle clé pour déterminer les performances énergétiques du bâtiment. Les systèmes de fenestration complexes sont généralement utilisés pour améliorer son efficacité. L'étude des performances de la façade inclut généralement la consommation d'énergie, l'éclairage naturel et les aspects de confort visuel et thermique. Les efforts récents s'orientent vers l'utilisation de modèles intelligents tels que le Building Information Modeling. CFS pourraient être facilement comparées dans la phase de conception du bâtiment afin d'optimiser ses performances. Nous présentons une méthodologie pour transformer le modèle architectural du BIM en modèle énergétique ainsi que des modèles optique et thermique du CFS compatibles avec le BIM. Ces modèles sont validés par une comparaison avec des données expérimentales et les normes actuelles. / The energy efficiency of the building occupies an important place in construction projects. The facade plays a key role in determining the performance of the building. Complex fenestration systems (CFS) are therefore generally used to improve its efficiency. The facade's performance evaluation usually includes energy consumption, natural lighting, visual and thermal comfort aspects in order to choose the optimal CFS. Recent efforts have focused on using rich models such as Building Information Modeling (BIM). These models provide an opportunity for automation and cost savings. Several CFS models could easily be compared to optimize the building's performance. In this thesis, we present a methodology to transform the architectural model of the BIM into a Building Energy Model compatible with several simulation software. We also present optical and thermal models compatible with BIM. These models are validated by comparison with experimental data and current standards.

Contribuições para uma metodologia de avaliação da eficiência energética em iluminação de salas de aula

Fonseca, Suzana Damico 26 May 2009 (has links)
Pode-se afirmar que o resultado da degradação ambiental causada pelo homem, gerado pelo uso irracional dos recursos naturais, põe em risco sua própria espécie. Um dos fatores que contribuem para este programa é a crescente demanda mundial por energia elétrica. No Brasil, segundo dados do Programa Nacional de Conservação de Energia Elétrica (PROCEL), o consumo de energia se destina, aproximadamente, em 20% à iluminação, cujos sistemas, em sua maioria, fazem uso de tecnologias obsoletas e ineficientes. O Ministério de Minas e Energia estima que o país tenha um imenso potencial de eficiência energética a ser explorado. Apresentam-se neste estudo contribuições para uma metodologia que visa adequar o sistema de iluminação de uma edificação pública destinada ao ensino às exigências da Regulamentação de Etiquetagem Voluntária de Nível de Eficiência Energética de Edifícios Comerciais, de Serviços e Públicos, oriunda da Lei de Eficiência Energética Nº. 10.295/01. Para tanto, foram tomadas como amostra algumas salas de aula da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Campus Curitiba. Foi elaborado um levantamento sobre a situação do sistema de iluminação artificial existente e averiguado o potencial de uso da iluminação natural nos ambientes. A demanda de energia elétrica para iluminação artificial de cada sala de aula foi estimada para a situação atual e após uma adaptação do sistema de iluminação artificial aos requisitos da Regulamentação. Como resultados, foram encontrados um sistema de iluminação artificial deficiente; um grande potencial de uso da iluminação natural e uma promissora economia na demanda de energia se adaptado o sistema de iluminação atual à Regulamentação. Tendo em vista a utilização de tecnologias apropriadas para a conservação e eficiência energética, sugestões para um projeto luminotécnico foram propostas com o intuito de - caso implantado - diminuir os gastos com o uso da energia destinada à iluminação, proporcionar o conforto para os usuários do Campus e contribuir, ainda que de forma modesta, para a preservação de recursos naturais e do meio ambiente. / The several impacts from environmental degradations due to human activities and to the inadequate use of natural resources endanger our species. One of the factors contributing to this outcome is the growing worldwide demand for electric energy. In Brazil, according to the National Program of Conservation of Energy (Programa Nacional de Conservação de Energia Elétrica) - PROCEL, energy comsumption comprises, approximately, of 20% in artificial lighting, whose systems, in most cases, make use of obsolete and inefficient technologies. The Ministry of Mines and Energy (Ministério de Minas e Energia) estimates that the country has a huge potential for energy efficiency to be explored. In this paper, a methodology is presented to adjust the lighting system of a building aimed at public education to the requeriments of the Regulation of Voluntary Labeling of Higher Energy Efficiency for Commercial, Service and Public Buildings (Regulamentação de Etiquetagem Voluntária de Nível de Eficiência de Edifícios Comerciais, de Serviços e Públicos), according to the Law of Energy Efficiency (Lei de Eficiência Energética) Nº 10.295/01. For that purpose, classrooms of the Federal Technological University of Parana (Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná), Curitiba Campus were analyzed. An assessment was done about the situation of the existing artificial lighting system and the potential use of daylighting in rooms was evaluated. The demand of electric energy for artificial lighting in each classroom was estimated according to the current situation and after improvement of the artificial lighting system to the requirements of regulations. As a result, a deficient artificial lighting system was found, a great potential for using daylighting and a promising economy in demand for energy were found, provided that lighting system was adapted to the current regulations. Considering the use of appropriate technologies for conservation and energy efficiency, suggestions for a simplified lighting design were proposed in order to - if implemented - reduce spending with the use of energy for lighting, provide comfort for the campus users and contribute, even in a modest way, for the preservation of natural resources and the environment.

Análise do desempenho luminoso através de uma janela em sacada : estudo comparativo para os climas de Maceió, Brasil e Valparaíso, Chile.

Kähni, Amaya Glaría 23 April 2010 (has links)
This present dissertation focuses on the study of the daylight performance produced by the use of Bow Window in the residential sector. The system Bow Window is a simply designed window facing outward from the façade. Moreover this architectural element is influenced by a multitude of cultural trends and imported from various parts of the world. Nowadays in Chile the use of such windows has been largely used, regardless of the climatic aspects. Similarly, in Brazil, these architectural elements been used in the same way. The investigation has considered the Bow Window as a space in between more likely as a intermedium space, therefore the focus of this research project is to contribute to the daylight performance of the above named spaces. The methodology used involves the comparative study between Bow Window and simple window in dwellings in two cities; Maceió, Brazil and Valparaíso, Chile. In addition to this, the methodology includes the analysis of vertical and horizontal solar protection.The study was carried out using software as the main tool TropLux. The base case was a room model including Bow Window in its configuration. From the results can be concluded that the Bow Window contribute to the daylight uniformity within the model, due it can decrease the high iluminance in the closest areas near to the studied window when compared with a standard window. Furthermore, the horizontal and vertical sun protections applied to Bow Window have shown to be useful to decrease the high daylight levels, particularly in the areas with higher solar radiation according to the Bow Window orientation and hourly transition. / Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Alagoas / A presente pesquisa estuda a influência luminosa produzida no uso da Janela em Sacada em habitações. A "Janela em Sacada" é um tipo de janela saliente da fachada, de desenho sensível à influência dos movimentos culturais. Este espaço de vidro foi importado pelos diversos lugares no mundo. Na atualidade, no caso de Chile, seu uso tem sido intenso e indiscriminado, produzindo um elemento arquitetônico que desconsidera os aspectos climáticos. No entanto, no caso de Brasil, também vêm sendo utilizadas algumas configurações similares destes espaços de transição. O objetivo principal deste trabalho é contribuir para o estudo dos espaços de transição, por meio da análise do desempenho luminoso da Janela em Sacada . A metodologia utilizada consiste em um estudo comparativo do desempenho luminoso entre uma Janela em Sacada e janelas simples, para as cidades de Maceió, Brasil e Valparaíso, Chile; incluindo a utilização de protetores solares verticais e horizontais. As simulações realizam-se por meio de simulação computacional através do software TropLux, utilizando-se um modelo padrão de sala que inclui a Janela em Sacada em sua configuração. Dos resultados e análise, pode-se concluir que a Janela em Sacada contribui com um maior ganho da iluminação nos ambientes, esta janela diminui o desempenho luminoso comparado com uma janela simples, até um 18%, principalmente na área perto da abertura, o que poderia contribuir com uma maior uniformidade luminosa na sala. Em relação a uma janela simples com beiral, a Janela em Sacada aumentará os níveis de iluminâncias, em até um 13%; contribuição gerada pela influência do plano inferior desta janela, que atua como elemento refletor. E, o uso de protetores solares na configuração desta janela, ajuda a diminuir, em até 50%, os altos níveis de iluminação das áreas com maior radiação, segundo a orientação e hora do dia.

Trivsel och databaserad design : samspel eller konkurrens? / Computational design and well-being : compatibility or conflict?

Jensén, Nils, Ander, Elias January 2021 (has links)
I detta arbete undersöks de nya designverktyg som samlas under begreppet databaserad design, som bygger på kvantitativa värden, och huruvida dessa verktyg kan utvecklas för arbete med trivsel i centrum i byggd miljö, med särskild hänsyn tas till kvalitativa värden ‒ specifikt dagsljus. Arbetet börjar med att ta reda på vad databaserad design innebär, hur det används i Sverige idag, och om det kan hjälpa oss med att uppnå vad vi uppfattar som trivsamt dagsljus. Slutligen ska arbetet undersöka möjligheten till att uppnå ett resultat som uppfattas som trivsamt och att kvalitet sätts före kvantitet, med hjälp av datorns beräkningskapacitet. Trivsel som område stöds av ett brett forskningsunderlag, medan mycket av den forskning som görs inom datadriven design sker ‘in-house’, inom FoU-avdelningar på större företag.  Idag styrs dimensionering och utformning av ljusinsläpp i svensk arkitektur nästan uteslutande av rekommendationer i BBR. Dessa gränsvärden ‒ definierade som den lägsta accepterade nivån för det som byggs ‒ har blivit vedertagna riktlinjer, och det är upp till varje aktör att utöver dessa rekommendationer se till att god arkitektur skapas. Att arbeta med datadriven design ger vissa fördelar över traditionella designmetoder, men det för också med sig fallgropar. Beräkningskraften i dagens datorer, och möjligheterna för dess användningsområden är till synes oändliga, men att förlita sig på siffror utan att förstå vad de betyder för med sig risken att datan kan missuppfattas. Detta arbete genomfördes i flera skeden. Först hämtades kunskap och information om ämnet från litteratur och andra källor. Sedan kontaktades sakkunniga inom området. Utifrån samtal och möten med flera stora aktörer inom arkitektur och stadsutveckling i Sverige byggdes en tydligare bild av dagsläget upp. Här bekräftades också behovet av metodutveckling inom området för trivsel och dagsljus, och hur vi mäter dem. De rekommendationer som används för dagsljusets mängd och kvalitet i byggd miljö idag borde utvärderas och förnyas utifrån moderna förutsättningar. Baserat på den kunskap, utveckling och forskning som kartlagts och analyserats, genomfördes ett försök att tillämpa kunskapen i en praktisk situation. Detta mynnade ut i ett gestaltningsförslag med målsättningen att skapa trivsamt dagsljus med hjälp av databaserad design. Gestaltningen utgjordes av moduler som modifierar dagsljus, parametriskt utformade utifrån den insamlade datan ‒ väderstreck, geografiskt läge och behov utifrån specifik verksamhet eller miljö ‒ vare sig det är en bostad, ett kontor, ett bibliotek, en offentlig paviljong eller något annat. Genom att  kvantifiera kvalitativa parametrar är det möjligt att få in mjuka kvaliteter i databaserad design – med det sagt går det inte att förlita sig på data och förvänta sig ett resultat som innebär god arkitektur. Den kanske största utmaningen är att försöka kvantifiera värden som anses vara subjektiva. Metoderna ifråga funkar bäst med utgångspunkt i att de kan komplettera papper och penna, fysiska modeller och andra traditionella metoder i arkitektens verktygslåda. Databaserad design används idag sällan genomgående i hela designprocessen, och här finns stor potential för framtida utveckling. / This thesis explores a new field of design called computational design and the tools covered therein. Specifically, it focusses on quantitative values, and whether this method can be developed to center on well-being in relation to qualitative values in the built environment ‒ specifically daylight. The paper explores what computation design is, how it is implemented in Sweden today, and whether it can help us achieve what we perceive as comfortable daylight. This thesis aimed to investigate whether an alternative design method could be construed for this purpose: a method that is easy to incorporate, while ensuring high quality before quantity, using modern computational power. The subject of well-being has been thoroughly researched, while a majority of the research within computational design is conducted ‘in-house’ ‒ as part of R&D departments of large actors in the field. As of today, virtually all decision-making concerning daylight in Swedish architecture relies upon the Swedish building regulations, BBR. With time, these recommendations ‒ defined as the lowest accepted level for that which is built ‒ have become established guidelines for industry actors. Every actor has a responsibility to, while ensuring the recommendations are fulfilled, to also create good architecture. Working with computational design offers some benefits over traditional design methods, but it also carries with it some pitfalls. The technology is immensely powerful, with seemingly endless possibilities, but there is an integral risk in trusting digits without really knowing what their implications are: this leads to misguidance. The project was conducted in a series of phases. First of all, information and general knowledge about computational design and daylighting was gathered through reviewing literature and previous research. Then, key Swedish professionals in the fields of architecture and computational design were identified and contacted to get some insight and background on the topic. The interviews with these influential actors in architecture and urban design confirmed the need for a methodical development within the subject of well-being and daylighting. In particular, a need was identified for reassessing methods used for calculating the amount – and quality – of daylight, based on modern conditions. After mapping and analysing the empirical findings of the study, the conclusions were implemented in a practical design task. This culminated in a design proposal for adaptable modules that modify daylight using computational design. The modules were parametrically designed based on the assembled data ‒ the direction; the location and the specific needs depending on the type of function or environment ‒ be it a residence, an office, a library, a public pavilion or something else. By quantifying qualitative parameters, it’s possible to incorporate softer qualities in computational design ‒ keeping in mind that relying on these data won’t guarantee good architecture. The biggest challenge with the task at hand is to quantify values generally considered to be subjective. The methods in question are best applied when thought of as complements to traditional design methods ‒ pen and paper, physical models and other components in the architect's toolbox. Computational design is today rarely used throughout the whole design process, and this leaves potential for future development.

Segurança, eficiência energética e conforto visual em emboques de túneis rodoviários: soluções arquitetônicas / Safety, power efficiency and visual comfort at the access zone of highway tunnels: architectural solutions

Moura, Norberto Corrêa da Silva 28 August 2007 (has links)
Para atenuar o impacto visual, que acomete o motorista ao ingressar em túneis rodoviários durante o período diurno, utiliza-se a luz artificial, com alto nível inicial e gradual diminuição para o interior do túnel. Tal solução apresenta dois inconvenientes imediatos, relacionados ao consumo de energia e à segurança. Devido à radiação solar direta, as imediações da entrada do túnel tornam-se fontes de ofuscamento de elevada intensidade e a iluminação deve estar dimensionada para permitir, ao motorista que se aproxima da entrada do túnel, a visualização de seu interior, implicando em elevado consumo de energia para uma tarefa com pouco requisito visual. Quanto à segurança, na hipótese de falta de energia aumenta-se a probabilidade de acidentes, pois o reflexo do motorista pode ser frear. As soluções arquitetônicas, objeto da pesquisa, correspondem a um Sistema para Adaptação Visual (SAV), implantado no trecho de rodovia aberta anterior à entrada do túnel, que, por um lado, atua nos elementos causadores do problema e, por outro, fornece a iluminação necessária no interior do túnel através das fontes de luz natural (Sol e céu). Para sua concepção, são propostas cinco estratégias. O desempenho do SAV, assim constituído, foi testado em uma aplicação prática nos túneis do trecho Oeste do Rodoanel Mário Covas, sem apresentar os inconvenientes identificados na solução convencional (iluminação artificial). A segurança no ponto crítico ficou garantida por característica intrínseca do sistema. Além de reduzir o consumo, a energia para o período noturno pôde ser gerada pelo próprio SAV, se incorporados módulos fotovoltaicos, e a sazonalidade característica da luz natural é acompanhada pelo sistema, favorecendo o conforto visual por diminuir a faixa em que ocorre o processo de adaptação visual. / The usual adopted solution to defuse the drivers visual impact at the highway tunnel entrance during the daytime, has been the use of electric lighting, with high initial level and gradual reduction towards the internal side of the tunnel. This brings two immediate problems, concerning energy consumption and security. Direct sunlight causes high intensity glare sources around the tunnel entrance, and the lighting level should be enough to allow the interior visibility, when the driver approaches the tunnel, entailing high energy consumption to a low accurate task. Security-wise, in case of power supply failure, collisions possibility increases, due to the drivers instinctive reaction to brake suddenly. Architectural solutions, this research object, are related to a Visual Adaptation System (VAS) positioned on the open road before the tunnel entrance, which, on the one hand, acts into the problem causes, and, on the other, provides the necessary lighting inside the tunnel by natural light sources (Sun and sky). Five strategies are proposed designing the VAS. A practical application on Metropolitan Area Ring Road Mario Covas West segment tunnels checked the so-built VAS performance, not presenting the identified deficiencies in the conventional solution (artificial lighting). The intrinsic system feature assured the critical point security. Besides the consumption reduction, the energy supply for nighttime could be generated by the VAS, if photovoltaic modules are added, and the natural light seasonal feature is followed by the system, favoring the visual comfort by decreasing the visual adaptation process range.

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