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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

How Key Account Management and Competitive Intelligence can Contribute to the Development of Corporate Strategy

Dean, Crispin 23 December 2013 (has links)
One of the proxies for the success of a corporate strategy is firm performance. This is because “performance is a surrogate for the alignment between an organization’s internal processes (strategy, structure, etc) and the external environment.”1 Business excellence therefore hangs together with the attainment of such an alignment. It is two of the processes that support such an alignment between customer and supplier that are the subject of this paper. The processes in question are so called “Key Account Management” (KAM) and competitive intelligence (CI). [... aus der Einleitung] 1 Subramanian R., IsHak S., Competitor Analysis Practices of US Companies, 1998, S.13

Ganzheitliches Time-to-Market Management: Planung und Umsetzung von Produktinnovationen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Wettbewerbsfaktors Zeit

Labriola, Fabio 27 January 2006 (has links)
Immer kürzer werdende Innovationszyklen lassen vor allem das strategische Zeitfenster für Innovationen schmaler werden. Ein ganzheitliches Time-to-Market Management (TtMM) gewinnt daher zunehmend an unternehmerischer Bedeutung. Das TtMM hat die zeitliche Optimierung des Innovationsprozesses zum Ziel. Sämtliche marktorientierten Innovationen eines Unternehmens sollen von der Idee bis hin zu ihrer Markteinführung zeitlich so geplant werden, dass sie innerhalb ihres strategischen Zeitfensters bzw. zu einem ökonomisch lohnenswerten Zeitpunkt am Markt eingeführt werden. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Dissertation ist die Darlegung einer ganzheitlichen, mit den Erfordernissen der Praxis korrespondierenden TtMM-Konzeption. Zur Erreichung dieses Ziels wird ein zweigeteilter Ansatz verfolgt. In einem ersten Schritt werden die in der Praxis auftretenden Problembereiche bzw. Anforderungen an ein ganzheitliches TtMM analysiert. In einem zweiten Schritt werden Methoden identifiziert, die den in der Praxis aufgedeckten Anforderungen gerecht werden.

The international expansion of mainland Chinese businesses in the context of culture: illustrated by the example of the market entrance of mainland Chinese businesses to the German market

Miroslawski, Gregor 09 June 2008 (has links)
Die wirtschaftliche Bedeutung Chinas hat in den vergangenen Jahren enorm zugenommen. Vorhandene Literatur beschäftigt sich jedoch bisher weitgehend nur mit den Markteintritten ausländischer Unternehmen in China. Doch findet nun der nächste Schritt statt. Chinesische Unternehmen betreten ihrerseits immer mehr ausländische Märkte. Diese Dissertation untersucht die internationale Expansion/ den Markteintritt chinesischer Unternehmen und die Rolle/Bedeutung von Kultur in diesem Zusammenhang am Beispiel des deutschen Marktes. Als Grundlage wurden Erkenntnisse über die Expansion von Übersee-Chinesen herangezogen. Zudem wurde eine Studie unter chinesischen Firmen, die in den deutschen Markt eintreten, durchgeführt. Es zeigte sich, dass bestimmte Merkmale der chinesischen Kultur das Expansionsverhalten der chinesischen Unternehmen beeinflussen und chinesische Unternehmen ihre internationale Expansion forcieren werden.

Rechnergestützte Auswahl von Participatory Design-Methoden

Bojko, Michael, Riedel, Ralph, Tawalbeh, Mandy, Chen, Xiaoli, Nendel, Nicola 05 December 2018 (has links)
Die Aktivitäten zur Einführung der Industrie 4.0 in die produzierenden Unternehmen bringen eine Vielzahl von neuen Systemen mit sich und verändern die bisher dort vorhandenen Arbeitsumgebungen und Aufgaben. Zur Beherrschung der zunehmenden Komplexität müssen die dort beschäftigten Produktionsmitarbeiter daher zu Wissensarbeitern weiterentwickelt werden. Hierfür bedarf es neuer Ansätze zur Arbeitsorganisation, Aus- und Weiterbildung sowie zur aktiven Einbeziehung der Beschäftigten bei der Ausgestaltung der zukünftigen Arbeitsplätze und Prozesse. Das durch die EU geförderte Projekt Factory2Fit entwickelt und erprobt Ansätze und Methoden zur kollaborativen Entwicklung von Arbeitsplätzen und Prozessen unter Einbeziehung der Mitarbeiter mittels Participatory Design. Aufgrund der Vielzahl an verfügbaren Methoden wird jedoch eine gezielte Unterstützung bei der zielgerichteten Methodenauswahl benötigt. Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden die Motivation des Projekts Factory2Fit zur Nutzung des Participatory Designs erläutert, der Ansatz zur Unterstützung bei der Methodenauswahl entwickelt sowie das daraus abgeleitete rechnergestützte Auswahlverfahren zur Befähigung der Verantwortlichen vorgestellt. In den nächsten Arbeitsschritten innerhalb des Projektes gilt es nun, die entwickelten Methoden sowie das Hilfsmittel zur Methodenauswahl einzusetzen, zu validieren und auf Basis der Ergebnisse weiterzuentwickeln.

Design Options for Supply Chain Visibility Services – Learnings from Three EPCIS Implementations

Tröger, Ralph, Alt, Rainer 06 December 2018 (has links)
Supply chains in many industries are experiencing an ever-growing complexity. They involve many actors and, similar to intra-organizational processes, visibility is an important enabler for managing supply chains in an inter-organizational setting. It is the backbone of advanced sup-ply chain (event) management solutions, which serve to detect critical incidents in time and to determine alternative actions. Due to the numerous parties involved, distributed supply chains call for a modular system architecture that aims at re-using visibility data from standardized sources. Following the wide variety of supply chain configurations in many industries there are also many options to design such services. This paper sheds light on these aspects by conduct-ing a case study on EPCIS, a global service specification for capturing and sharing visibility data. Based on three implementations, it shows the main design options for a supply chain vis-ibility service, generic operator models as well as major potentials.:1. Introduction and motivation 2. Research questions and methodology 3. Literature analysis 4. EPCIS case study 4.1. Deutsche Post DHL 4.2. ThyssenKrupp 4.3. GS1 Germany 5. Discussion and findinds 5.1.Design options 5.2. Operator models 5.3. Potentials 6. Conclusions

Incentives for risk reporting

Dobler, Michael 10 May 2022 (has links)
This paper adopts and reviews discretionary disclosure and cheap talk models to analyze risk reporting incentives and their relation to regulation. Given its inherent discretion, risk reporting depends on disclosure incentives. To assess these incentives the analytical models consider risk reporting as an endogenous feature, thereby providing a benchmark to discuss regulatory attempts. Particularly, discretionary disclosure models refer to verified disclosure, e.g., on risk factors or risk management, whereas cheap talk models refer to unverified disclosure, like managerial forecasts on the impact of risk factors. This provides an analytically-based framework for discussion. Unlike prior literature focusing on disclosure cost, I argue that uncertainty of information endowment and issues of credible communication can explain restricted risk reporting observed empirically. Linking regulatory attempts to these restrictions implies that regulation may mitigate the incentives-driven restrictions to some extent, but can have adverse effects on risk reporting. I particularly discuss the link between effective risk monitoring and precision of risk reporting; the ex post assessment and usefulness of managerial forecasts on impacts of risk factors; the claimed decreasing cost of capital by mandatory risk reporting; and the threat of self-fulfilling prophecies. While the discussion has implications for both specific risk reporting requirements and empirical research, overall results suggests not to overestimate the informativeness of risk reporting even in a regulated environment.

BIM Effect on the Quality of Communication in the Project Management of Smart Cities

Derakhshanfar, Khatereh 11 November 2020 (has links)
The concept of smart cities points out the future cities, which will incorporate IoT and digitalization for facilitating the communication among people, their devices, government services, and various facilities that can provide enough services for the enormous population in the future cities. To achieve the goal of having the ideal smart cities, it is necessary to go digital and plan for having virtual imagination for every component in the cities, including the construction facilities. BIM method as a means of having a virtual vision of each element of the construction project glows in mind as one sort of assistance to reach this target. This thesis investigates the impact of BIM on the quality of communication in the future smart cities based on the literature review of the three smartest cities including Singapore, London, and Manchester.:Table of Contents List of Figures IV List of Tables V List of Abbreviations VI 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Problem Statement 1 1.2 Aim of the Study 3 1.3 Research Question 4 1.4 Methodology 4 1.5 Structure of Work 5 2 Research Methodology 6 2.1 Introduction 6 2.2 Overview of Common Research Methods 6 2.2.1 Inductive Method 6 2.2.2 Deductive Method 7 2.2.3 Inductive vs. Deductive Method 8 2.2.4 Quantitative Research 8 2.2.5 Qualitative Research 9 2.2.6 Tools for Data Collection 10 2.3 Research Scheme of This Thesis 16 3 Literature Review and Historical Background 19 3.1 Introduction to BIM 19 3.2 BIM Definition 20 3.2.1 National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) 20 3.2.2 Autodesk 22 3.2.3 Associated General Contractors of America (AGC) 22 3.3 BIM Levels 24 3.4 Application of BIM 25 3.4.1 Advantages of BIM 27 3.4.2 Disadvantages of BIM 29 3.5 History of employing BIM in construction projects 30 3.5.1 Before the year 2000 30 3.5.2 After the year 2000 31 3.6 Communication in construction projects 32 3.6.1 Communication, Combination of Factors 32 3.6.2 Communication Disorders in Construction Projects 33 3.7 BIM and Project Management 35 3.7.1 BIM vs. PMBOK 36 3.8 Smart Cities 36 3.8.1 Communication in smart city projects 37 3.8.2 Project Management in Smart Cities 39 3.9 Literature Review or Relevant previous studies 40 4 Case- Study 44 4.1 Singapore 44 4.1.1 BIM Use in Singapore 45 4.1.2 ITS Projects in Singapore 49 4.1.3 Intelligent Productivity and Safety System (IPASS) 50 4.1.4 Addressing Communication Challenges by BIM in the projects in Singapore 50 4.2 London, United Kingdom (UK) 52 4.2.1 Smart Projects in London (UK) 53 4.2.2 BIM Use in UK 55 4.2.3 Addressing Communication Challenges by BIM in the projects in UK 56 5 Conclusion 61 5.1 Summary of results 61 5.1.1 Findings of the Questions 62 5.2 Further Research Recommendation 63 Bibliography VIII

Meta-analysis of the corporate planning–organizational performance relationship: A research note

Hamann, Peter Maik, Halw, Oliver, Guenther, Thomas W. 19 March 2024 (has links)
Research Summary Despite a plethora of studies, the moderating effects of contingency factors regarding the relationship between corporate planning (CP) and organizational performance (OP) remain open to discussion. Our meta-analysis analyzes 183 independent study samples, 84 of which are examined for the first time. We expand on previous meta-analyses by correcting for measurement error and dichotomization, and we use moderation analyses and meta-analytical regressions to explain heterogeneity in these studies. We find evidence for the moderating effects of task interdependence and uncertainty avoidance as contingency factors. Unexpectedly, we identify an interaction of the measurements of OP and CP with uncertainty avoidance. Our results provide new insights into the relationship between CP and OP. Management Summary Managers who may doubt whether planning is still fruitful in turbulent times obtain a clear answer from our study: Yes, it is. CP is definitely correlated with OP. The effect sizes are stable over time and for different types of planning. However, the effect of CP on performance depends on the organizational context. Manufacturing firms benefit more than nonmanufacturing firms, and larger firms benefit more than smaller firms. Organizations in countries with high uncertainty avoidance show larger effects in relation to those in countries with low uncertainty avoidance. Finally, organizations facing high environmental uncertainty show higher effects of CP than organizations in more stable environments. However, the identified effects are conditional on the type of measurement of performance and CP.

Broken Promises – The Probable Futurity of the Laboring Class (Re‑Assessed)

Aßländer, Michael S. 02 February 2024 (has links)
Over the past two decades, work relations have changed dramatically. New phenomena like “gig-economy” or “crowd work” not only constitute precarious working conditions but also contradict with our social esteem of work resulting from the social theories of the classical economy of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The central focus of classical economists on building an educated and disciplined workforce provided not only the base for the upcoming industrial society but also resulted in a work-based society where “being employed” became the precondition for social security and social participation. It is the aim of this contribution to show how our positive attitudes towards work, established by the political economic theories of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, are jeopardized by the social changes in post-industrialized societies, due to the effects of globalized economies, digitalization and changed industrial relations. This has also far-reaching consequences for managerial theories based on conceptions like meaningful work or discussions about social responsibilities vis-à-vis employees as primary stakeholder groups.

Kompetenzzellenbasierte Produktentwicklung

Steiner, Ralf 12 December 2006 (has links)
Die kompetenzzellenbasierte Vernetzung stellt für die kooperative Zusammenarbeit von elementaren Leistungseinheiten einen neuartigen wissenschaftlichen Ansatz zur Gewährleistung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit dar. Die Wertschöpfung in der Produktentwicklung, erfordert die vollständige wissenschaftliche Durchdringung und Systematisierung der Planung und Gestaltung kompetenzzellenbasierter Produktentwicklungsprozesse. Die Arbeit beschreibt den konzeptionellen Aufbau des Partialmodells der Produktentwicklung als Beschreibungs- und Suchalgorithmus für Fach- und Methodenkompetenzen und deren softwaretechnischen Umsetzung im Kompetenz-Agenten. Das Modell in Verbindung mit der Bewertung von Kompetenzpotenzialen, bildet somit die Grundlage für die Struktur von Produktentwicklungskompetenzzellen als Engineering-Dienstleister. Darauf basierend können kompetenzzellenbasierte Produktentwicklungsprozesse generiert werden. Die Verifikation der entwickelten Modelle, Methoden und Konzepte erfolgt an den Beispielen der mechatronischen Produkte Sonderschleifmaschine und Baugruppe Motorspindel.

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