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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Diskurzivní analýza mediální debaty "Sarrazin-Debatte": Analýza diskurzu o migraci v přesregionálních německých denících v roce 2010 / Discourse analysis of the "Sarrazin-Debatte": Analysis of the migration discourse in transregional daily newspaper in 2010

Schäffer, Adriana January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis "Discourse analysis of the "Sarrazin-Debatte": Analysis of the migration discourse in transregional daily newspaper in 2010"deals with the controversial "Sarrazin debate" and its impact on the migration discourse in 2010. After describing the process of the debate follows discourse analysis of four German transregional daily newspapers, which can be considered as representatives of a simple political spectrum from right to left wing. The goal of the analysis is to determine the thematic structure of the discourse and to define patterns of interpretation and statement of integration an immigrants.

Online-Debatten mit Künstlicher Intelligenz verbessern

Geißler, Holger 16 December 2019 (has links)
Die zugrundeliegende Kommunikationsform bei Online-Debatten wie Chats und Forendiskussionen ist die computervermittelte Kommunikation. Der Begriff bezeichnet vielfältige Kommunikationsformen, denen gemein ist, dass jeweils ein Computer als medialer Bedeutungsvermittler in die Kommunikation eingebunden ist. Die Informationsvermittlung durch computervermittelte Kommunikation ist damit im Vergleich zu anderen Kommunikationsformen wie der persönlichen Kommunikation stark eingeschränkt (Taddicken, 2008, 30ff.). Dies hat den Effekt, dass Online-Diskussionen im Vergleich zu persönlichen Diskussionen mit etlichen Schwierigkeiten zu kämpfen haben: Online-Diskussionen werden schnell unübersichtlich, sie drehen sich im Kreis, Argumente wiederholen sich, man redet aneinander vorbei, und gemeinsame Entscheidungen oder Kompromisse werden selten ausgehandelt. Soziale Normen rücken in den Hintergrund, Beleidigungen in den Vordergrund – vor allem bei Teilnehmern, die sich nicht persönlich kennen. Diese Schwierigkeiten und die vom Gesetzgeber auferlegte Haftung für Betreiber von Websites haben dazu geführt, dass viele Kommentarfunktionen auf Seiten wie z. B. der Tagesschau, der Deutsche Welle oder des Sterns ganz oder teilweise abgeschaltet wurden (u. a. Pohl, 2018). [... aus Punkt 1]


DeStefano, Michele, Schneider, Hendrik 20 November 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Iran, Russia, China

Haellmigk, Philip 20 November 2020 (has links)
Since the Trump election, the subject of extra-territorial application of national law – in particular U.S. law – has received considerable attention. This is so because the U.S. administration increasingly uses this legal tool to enforce its foreign policy interests. A legal area with a particularly strong reach of extra-territoriality is U.S. export controls as this allows the U.S. to control foreign states’ business. A very recent and vivid example is the Huawei trade ban by the U.S. The purpose of this article is to show the (harsh) legal and economic effects, which the extra-territorial application of U.S. export-related laws have on international trade. The article will focus on the approach taken by the U.S. to impose its export controls outside the U.S. It will analyze the legal framework of extra-territorial U.S. export controls and explore to which extent the U.S. laws apply to foreign business, i.e., business outside the U.S. The article will define the cases in which foreign companies are subject to U.S. export controls and therefore must comply with U.S. regulations. It will show that the applicability of U.S. export controls to foreign companies and their business is considerably broad. It rigorously controls the destiny of U.S. origin products and components once they have been exported from U.S. territory and also regulates the worldwide export of products that have been manufactured by using U.S. technology. In addition, U.S. export controls impose economic sanctions on countries (e.g., Iran) or companies (e.g., Huawei) and prohibit foreign companies from doing business with these sanctioned parties. Understanding U.S. export controls and its extra-territorial reach are a challenge for foreign companies. It is a rather complex legal system that requires deeper knowledge of the underlying concept. However, foreign companies are well advised to comply with U.S. export controls, as the penalties for violations can be severe, including millions of dollars in fines and even imprisonment. In addition, the U.S. may blacklist foreign companies with the effect that business with the U.S. or elsewhere is no longer possible. Therefore, understanding U.S. export controls and its extra-territorial reach is vital to foreign companies.

Compliance in times of Discriminiation

Pikó, Rita, Uhl, Laurenz 20 November 2020 (has links)
Coming to terms with discrimination in the workspace (including sexual harassment and racism) as an integral part of compliance in Germany and Switzerland in recent years, profit-oriented companies and non-profit organizations have increasingly had to deal with discrimination, especially sexual assault and racist behavior. This article deals with how these risks can be addressed in compliance management systems, which preventive measures are recommended and which special features should be taken into account when investigating and dealing with such incidents internally.

Compliance risks of Blockchain technology, decentralized cryptocurrencies, and stablecoins

Teichmann, Fabian, Falker, Marie-Christin 20 November 2020 (has links)
With the rise of digitalization, myriad new technologies are currently revolutionizing most, if not all, markets. One such technology that is receiving particular attention from businesses, private market participants, the financial sector, and governments alike is the blockchain. Despite its increasing popularity, most jurisdictions currently fail to adequately regulate it, meaning that businesses cannot exploit the full potential of blockchain technology and its various applications. This article explains how blockchains function and delineates their associated compliance risks. Here, particular attention will be paid to both decentralized cryptocurrencies and stablecoins. How decentralized cryptocurrencies could potentially be abused for money laundering, terrorism financing, and corruption purposes will be illustrated, and different legislation and international approaches to dealing with blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies will be highlighted. Lastly, the impact of blockchain technology and its implications for actors in the digitalized economy will be discussed.

Compliance Elliance Journal: Transnational Aspects of Compliance

DeStefano, Michele, Schneider, Hendrik 20 November 2020 (has links)
In this issue we focus on the transfer of problems and ideas from the USA in connection with compliance, in particular from a European perspective (German-speaking countries).

The criminal responsibility of associations under Austrian Law

Caspar-Bures, Bettina 20 November 2020 (has links)
The Austrian Act of Corporate Criminal Liability came into force on January 1, 2006. Since then, associations can be penalized for judicially criminal acts of their decisionmakers and / or employees. A criminal liability of the association presupposes that the offense was committed in favor of the association and, that the criminal offense violates the duties determined by the association (association duties). In the case of a violation against the VbVG, the court will impose an association fine, which depends on the annual yield of the association. In addition, an instruction can be issued for compensation for damage. In 2018 there were counted 341 preliminary investigations against associations, of which only 28 resulted in an indictment. Only in five cases, there was a conviction, and an association fine was imposed.

Old and New Objects in the Garden: Spatio-Temporal Strategies of Representation in Irish Landscape Gardens, 1700–1790

Kriedemann, Karen 19 June 2023 (has links)
Die englischsprachige Dissertationsschrift leistet einen grundlegenden Beitrag zur irischen Gartenkunstgeschichte des 18. Jahrhunderts. In ihr wird erstmals übergreifend die Argumentation raum-zeitlicher Inszenierungsstrategien in irischen Landschaftsgärten durch den visuellen und ästhetisch-stilistischen Bezug auf archäologische Überreste (wie Ganggräber, Ringforts und Hünengräber), Ruinen und historischen Stätten analysiert. Dafür werden 38 Gärten vor dem Hintergrund der Entwicklung vergleichbarer Anlagen in England und auf dem europäischen Kontinent untersucht (vier davon als Fallstudien). Es wird dargelegt, dass die Kompositionen irischer Gartenanlagen, die sich im Besitz sowohl etablierter als auch neu angesiedelter Grundbesitzer befanden, ein Ausdrucksmittel waren, um auf die sozial-politische Situation englischer Herrschaft zu reagieren. In den Gartenanlagen wurde irische Geschichte angeeignet bzw. instrumentalisiert. Die Wahrnehmung von archäologischen Überresten und historischen Stätten war eng mit der zeitgenössischen irischen antiquarischen Debatte verbunden. Gärten an oder in der Nähe von historischen Stätten sind grundsätzlich ein sehr geeignetes Medium um Geschichte erfahrbar zu machen. Denn während sich die Besucher durch den Gartenraum bewegen, können sie Raum und Zeit wahrnehmen. Durch die visuelle Verbindung von alten architektonischen Überresten und zeitgenössischen Gartenarchitekturen über Blickachsen werden darüber hinaus Vergangenheit und Gegenwart miteinander verknüpft. Für die Untersuchung wurde eine interdisziplinäre Methode gewählt, aus rezeptionsästhetischen und raumstrategischen Ansätzen, politischer Ikonographie und mit Verortung der Objekte in ihrem sozial-politischen Entstehungskontext. Die Arbeit enthält einen Katalogteil, der steckbriefartig 24 Gartenanlagen erfasst, die im Text ausführlicher analysiert werden. / This PhD thesis in English makes a fundamental contribution to the history of Irish gardens in the 18th century. For the first time, it analyses the staging of spatio-temporal strategies in Irish landscape gardens through visual and aesthetic-stylistic references to archaeological remains (such as passage tombs, ringforts and cromlechs), ruins and historical sites. For this purpose, 38 gardens are examined against the background of the development of comparable sites in England and on the European continent (four of them as case studies). It is argued that the compositions of Irish gardens, owned by both established and newly settled landowners, were a means of expression in response to the socio-political situation of English rule. Irish history was appropriated or instrumentalised in the gardens. The perception of archaeological remains and historic sites was closely linked to the contemporary Irish antiquarian debate. Gardens at or near historic sites are fundamentally a very appropriate medium for making history tangible. For as visitors move through the garden space, they can perceive space and time. Moreover, by visually linking ancient architectural remains and contemporary garden architecture via visual axes, past and present are interconnected. An interdisciplinary method was chosen for the study, consisting of approaches to reception aesthetics and spatial strategy, political iconography and locating the objects in their socio-political context of origin. The work contains a catalogue section that lists 24 garden sites, which are analysed in more detail in the text.

The Interplay of Personality, Situations, Affect, and Behavior

Horstmann, Kai Tobias 10 August 2018 (has links)
Teil 1 dieser Dissertationsschrift fasst die Person-Situation Debatte zusammen und definiert stabile Persönlichkeitsmerkmale (Traits) sowie deren temporäre Expressionen (States). Zentrales Element der sogenannten Person-Situation Debatte war unter anderem das Konsistenzproblem, welches in der ersten empirischen Studie weiter beleuchtet wurde. Hierzu unterschieden wir Person- und Situation-Effekte auf Verhalten. Um diese Effekte zu differenzieren schlugen wir die Konzepte simple Konsistenz und residuale Konsistenz vor und zeigten, wie Verhalten in funktional äquivalenten Situationen auch nach Kontrolle des Einflusses von Persönlichkeit konsistent ist. Teil 2 befasst sich dann mit der Definition und Erfassung von Situationen, da diese zentral sind um Konsistenz im Verhalten zu untersuchen. Im Rahmen von zwei Buchkapiteln beschrieben wir die bisherige Entwicklung der Situationsforschung und zeigten Herausforderungen auf, welche während der Entwicklung von Situationsmaßen zu meistern sind. Anschließend stellten wir sowohl eine neue Taxonomie zur Beschreibung von Situationen vor, die Situation Five, als auch ein Messinstrument zur Erfassung von Situationswahrnehmung vor. Teil 3 adressiert die Validierung bestehender Situationsmaße und im Besonderen die mögliche Überschneidung von Situationswahrnehmung und Affekt. In zwei Studien wurde untersucht, ob beide Phänomene überlappen und dennoch jeweils Verhalten vorhersagen können. Hierbei konnten wir zeigen, dass dies nicht nur der Fall ist, sondern dass spezifische Verbindungen zwischen Verhalten und Situationswahrnehmung erst nach Berücksichtigung von Affekt sichtbar waren. Teil 4 diskutiert die Implikationen der vorliegenden Arbeit und zeigt auf, wie insbesondere die Überlappung von Affekt und Situationswahrnehmung durch Einschätzungs-Theorien der Emotionsforschung erklärt werden können. Teil 5 schlussendlich gibt einen Ausblick auf zukünftige Forschung und zeigt die Bedeutung der vorliegen Arbeit auf. / Part 1 of the current work briefly reviews the person-situation debate and addresses the definition of personality traits and states. Central to the person situation debate was the definition of consistency. In the first empirical study presented here, we examined consistency in more detail. We introduced the concepts of simple and residual consistency, and showed how functionally equivalent situations may influence behavior, even after controlling for effects of personality. Part 2 is concerned with the definition and measurement of situations. In two book chapters, we reviewed the past development of situation research and specific challenges that can be faced during the construction of measures for situation dimensions. We then present a new taxonomy for the description of situations, the Situation Five, as well as a measurement tool to assess situation perception, a person’s interpretation and perception of situations. Part 3 addresses the validation of existing situation measures and, more specifically, the potential overlap of affect and situation perception. I the first empirical study, we examined this overlap, which turned out to be substantial. In the second study, we investigated if this overlap threatened the validity of situation measures: Would measures of situation perception predict behavior in daily life after controlling for affect? As it turned out, they did – and more importantly, controlling for affect unveiled specific, logically coherent links between situation perception and behavior. Part 4 then discusses implications of the current work. A special focus is placed on explaining why affect and situation perception were correlated and yet contributed uniquely to the explanation of variance in behavior. To summarize, appraisal theories of emotion may serve well as a general framework for understanding the processes involved in situation perception. Part 5 then briefly discusses implications of the current work for future research.

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