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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Categorias psicológicas ordinárias, comportamento e análise do comportamento / Ordinary psychological categories, behavior, and behavior analysis

Vieira, Filipe Lazzeri 19 March 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho diz respeito às três seguintes questões gerais (e que possuem certas inter-relações): (i) Qual seria o lugar do comportamento em uma análise plausível das categorias psicológicas ordinárias (tais como as emoções, os humores, as chamadas atitudes proposicionais, dentre outras)? (ii) O que é comportamento, isto é, quais são as condições que delimitam o que conta e o que não conta como tal? (iii) Seria ou não valiosa a adoção de conceitos psicológicos ordinários em análise do comportamento? Com respeito à questão (i), eu procuro: (i.1) clarificar o leque de categorias exatamente envolvidas nela, por meio da elaboração de uma taxonomia relativamente neutra dessas categorias; e (i.2) formular e apoiar uma forma de perspectiva comportamental como resposta, com base em algumas abordagens comportamentais anteriores, dentre outras. Com respeito à questão (ii), procuro: (ii.1) clarificar a noção de comportamento, elucidando suas diferentes acepções e, em especial, as fronteiras que delimitam o que conta como comportamento em uma acepção aqui relevante dela (a saber, comportamento como ocorrência de uma ação ou reação de um organismo), por meio de análise conceitual; e (ii.2) apontar dificuldades (conceituais) em várias definições de comportamento (naquela acepção específica) encontradas na literatura científica e filosófica. Com respeito à questão (iii), procuro: (iii.1) apresentar uma reconstituição semiformal de argumentos de Skinner (behaviorismo radical), Rachlin (behaviorismo teleológico) e Foxall (behaviorismo intencional) sobre ela, com base no modelo de solução de problemas de Laudan sobre a estrutura e a dinâmica de teorias; e (iii.2) oferecer um breve balanço crítico dessas três perspectivas nesse tocante, com base na abordagem que sugiro como resposta a (i). / This work deals with the following three (to some extent interrelated) questions: (i) What is the place of behavior in a plausible analysis of ordinary psychological categories (such as emotions, moods, so-called propositional attitudes, and so on)? (ii) What is behavior, that is, what are the conditions that distinguish behaviors from non-behaviors? (iii) Would it be useful enough to embrace ordinary psychological concepts in behavior analysis? Concerning question (i), I attempt (i.1) to clarify the range of categories pertaining thereto, by providing a relatively neutral taxonomy of these categories; and (i.2) to put forward and support a particular form of behavioral approach as an answer, by drawing upon some previous behavioral approaches, among others. Concerning question (ii), I attempt (ii.1) to clarify the concept of behavior, by distinguishing different senses thereof and elucidating, in particular, the boundaries of behavior qua occurrence of an organism\'s action or reaction; and (ii.2) to identify (conceptual) difficulties with some definitions of behavior (in that particular sense of the concept) found in the scientific and philosophical literature. Finally, concerning question (iii), I endeavor (iii.1) to present a semiformal reconstruction of arguments supported by Skinner (radical behaviorism), Rachlin (teleological behaviorism), and Foxall (intentional behaviorism), by taking advantage of Laudan\'s problem-solving model of the dynamic and structure of theories; and, based upon the approach outlined as an answer to (i), (iii.2) to provide a brief critical assessment of these three perspectives in this regard.

Μονόγλωσσα ελληνικά παιδαγωγικά λεξικά : ζητήματα σχεδιασμού και διδακτικής αξιοποίησης

Μάντζαρη, Ελένη 14 February 2012 (has links)
Η διατριβή επικεντρώνεται στη συζήτηση ζητημάτων σχεδιασμού και διδακτικής αξιοποίησης που αφορούν τους λεξικογραφικούς ορισμούς στα μονόγλωσσα ελληνικά παιδαγωγικά λεξικά. Κύριος σκοπός της είναι η διερεύνηση της αποτελεσματικότητας διαφορετικών λεξικογραφικών προσεγγίσεων στη διατύπωση των ορισμών από την πλευρά του χρήστη. Με βάση το θέμα της και τη μεθοδολογική της προσέγγιση εντάσσεται στο επίκαιρο και αναπτυσσόμενο πεδίο της λεξικογραφίας που αφορά τη χρήση του λεξικού. Η πρωτοτυπία της έγκειται στο ότι διερευνά ζητήματα σχετικά με τη χρήση του λεξικού από μια ηλικιακή ομάδα που ελάχιστα μέχρι σήμερα έχει αποτελέσει ομάδα-στόχο πειραματικών ερευνών στη διεθνή λεξικογραφική βιβλιογραφία, πολύ λιγότερο δε στην ελληνική γλώσσα, για την οποία οι ελάχιστες ερευνητικές μελέτες σε αυτό το πεδίο βασίζονται σε ερωτηματολόγια και όχι σε πειραματικά δεδομένα. Στο θεωρητικό σκέλος, παρουσιάζονται παραδοσιακές τεχνικές (αναλυτικοί ορισμοί, ορισμοί με συνώνυμα και μορφολογικοί ορισμοί) και σύγχρονες τεχνικές (ορισμοί με πλήρη πρόταση) που κρίθηκε ότι επηρεάζουν το περιεχόμενο και τη μορφή των ορισμών, και τελικά το βαθμό κατανόησής τους από τους τελικούς αναγνώστες. Στο εμπειρικό σκέλος, παρουσιάζεται η πειραματική έρευνα στην οποία συμμετέχουν 351 μαθητές των δύο τελευταίων τάξεων του δημοτικού. Στόχος της έρευνας είναι να αξιολογήσει την αποτελεσματικότητα παραδοσιακών και των πιο σύγχρονων προσεγγίσεων στη διατύπωση των λεξικογραφικών ορισμών, με βάση την επίδοση των μαθητών σε δύο τεστ (παραγωγή προτάσεων και κατανόηση σημασίας). Το ποσοστό των σωστών απαντήσεων για τους μαθητές που συμβουλεύτηκαν τους προτασιακούς ορισμούς ανέρχεται στο 72,4%, ενώ τα ποσοστά των σωστών απαντήσεων των μαθητών που συμβουλεύτηκαν τους παραδοσιακούς ορισμούς με δυσκολότερο και απλούστερο λεξιλόγιο ανήλθαν στο 22,9% και 26,6% αντίστοιχα. Ειδικότερα, παρατηρήθηκε ότι οι προτασιακοί ορισμοί βοήθησαν στην αποτελεσματικότερη κατανόηση της σημασίας μιας λέξης αλλά και στην ενεργοποίηση παραγωγικών μηχανισμών σύνδεσης της περιγραφόμενης σημασίας με τις πραγματολογικές καταστάσεις στις οποίες αυτή συνήθως χρησιμοποιείται. Η δήλωση των συμφραστικών επιλογών και των σημασιολογικών προτιμήσεων μιας λέξης μέσα στο κείμενο του ορισμού, σε ρέοντα φυσικό λόγο, βοηθά την ορθή χρήση και την ορθή αναγνώριση της σημασίας των λέξεων, ενώ ειδικότερα στην παραγωγή προτάσεων ενεργοποιεί συνδέσεις μεταξύ συστηματικών σημασιολογικών σχέσεων μέσω λογικών συναγωγών, που βοηθούν τους μαθητές να χρησιμοποιούν παραγωγικότερα τις λέξεις στα δικά τους κείμενα. Η δήλωση της συντακτικής συμπεριφοράς μέσα στο κείμενο του ορισμού βοηθά τους μαθητές να αναπαραγάγουν σε ικανοποιητικό βαθμό τη συντακτική δομή των λέξεων κατά τη δημιουργία δικών τους προτάσεων. Τέλος, με βάση και τα αποτελέσματα της έρευνας, διατυπώνονται προτάσεις και δραστηριότητες για την εκπαίδευση των μαθητών στην αποτελεσματικότερη χρήση και αξιοποίηση των λεξικογραφικών ορισμών. / In the present thesis, we discuss issues concerning the design of Greek pedagogical dictionaries and the teaching of dictionary use. More specifically, emphasis is given on issues concerning the design of definitions in these dictionaries as well as students’s training for more effective use of dictionary definitions. We discuss traditional and contemporary defining approaches and we conduct an experimental research in order to investigate the effectiveness of these approaches, as they are represented by three Greek pedagogical dictionaries. The research aims at revealing which defining approach contributes more effectively in the comprehension and production of word’s meaning by students of senior primary school. In the Part I, we present the contemporary framework of pedagogical lexicography and we discuss the need for research on dictionary use. In order to better illustrate the contemporary scene of pedagogical lexicography, we present the component parts of dictionaries, as well as the structure of the lexicographic entry in the monolingual pedagogical dictionaries, and we summarise how computer has influenced the form and the content of the contemporary dictionary. In the Part II, we summarise the different views in the relevant bibliography regarding the term “definition”, and we also present traditional and contemporary defining techniques that seem to influence the content and the form of definitions, and accordingly their accessibility by the dictionary users. In the framework of traditional techniques, we examine the conventional dictionary definition, which, as regards its content, focuses in the description of the essential characteristics of the word meaning and, as regards its form is characterised by elliptical phrases, the use of synonyms and derivatives, certain formulaic defining components, and normally difficult vocabulary. As an alternative to the traditional defining approach, we examine the example of full-sentence definitions, which instead of elliptical phrases they make use of the full sentence scheme, in order to explain not only the meaning of words but also the most typical instances of the words’s use. In the Part III, we make a review of the methodological considerations on the research of dictionary use, illustrating thus the general framework according to which our own research is viewed. Next, we discuss issues concerning teaching of the so-called reference skills of the dictionary users, aiming at a most effective use of the dictionary in general and in a more effective grasp and exploitation of the dictionary definitions in particular. The Part IV presents the experimental research with 351 Greek native speakers, students of senior primary school. The aim of the research is to evaluate the effectiveness of the traditional and the more contemporary defining approaches that was analysed in the theoretical part of the study, measuring students’s performance in two tasks. The subjects that took part in the experiment were accidentally separated in three different teams; the first team consulted traditional definitions without vocabulary restrictions, the second team consulted traditional definitions with easier vocabulary, and the third team consulted full-sentence definitions. In the first task, students were asked to produce their own sentences, after they have read the relevant definitions for six (6) words, and in the latter task they were asked to identify the right meaning of nine (9) words in multiple choice exercises. At the end of this part we summarise the conclusions of the experiment. In both production and identification tasks, the full-sentence definitions yielded 72,4% correct answers, while the traditional definitions with difficult and less difficult vocabulary yielded 22,9% and 26,6% respectively. More specifically, it was observed that the full-sentence definitions, focusing on the description of prototypical characteristics, were proved more effective in helping students understand word meaning and also more effective in activating productive mechanisms towards linking of the described meaning to its typical instances of use. Inclusion of semantic preferences and syntactic structure of a word in its definition helped students to use the described word more effectively in their own sentences. Moreover, the definition’s simple vocabulary and simple structure made meaning of a word more accessible. Finally, the use of a full-sentence instead of an elliptical phrase directs the attention of students to the whole phrasing of the definition, thus helping them avoid basing interpretation of the word’s meaning in one word or one phrase of the definition, a behaviour that was proved to be triggered by the traditional definitions. In the Part V, taking in account the experiment’s results, we present classroom activities for training students towards more effective consulting and use of dictionary definitions.

Le concept éthologique de culture : aux origines de l'influence sociale / The ethological concept of culture : origins of social influence

Viciana, Hugo 04 July 2014 (has links)
Comprise pendant longtemps comme une entité sui generis dont les origines ne pouvaient être expliquées que par rapport à elle-même («omnis cultura excultura»), la notion de culture n’est plus le maître-mot du «culturalisme». Le naturalisme n’a pourtant pas non plus fini de faire d’elle une catégorie complètement naturalisée. Dans cette thèse, je propose une approche analytique et synthétique du concept éthologique de culture. Je pars de ses racines historiques, notamment autour de la notion de cultures ou traditions animales, en examinant le paysage épistémologique des mots-clés des auteurs publiant dans ce domaine, ainsi qu’en évaluant les engagements théoriques et philosophiques associés à certaines définitions de la culture. L’adaptationnisme méthodologique est également mis en œuvre pour révéler dans ce travail l’ampleur des conflits stratégiques, au sens de la théorie des jeux, présents dans certaines formes de transmission culturelle. L’ensemble nous mène à faire le bilan de ce que l’on a appelé la révolution éthologique dans la notion de culture, en soulignant les dimensions écologiques qui sont maintenant mises en avant, mais aussi les limites d’un concept qui précède de plusieurs siècles la compréhension scientifique des phénomènes concernés. / Long time understood as a sui generis entity whose origins could only be explained in relation to itself ("omnis cultura ex cultura"), the notion of culture is no longer the watchword that "culturalism" made of it. Naturalism, however, has not ended up turning culture into a completely naturalized category either. In this dissertation, regarding the ethological concept of culture, I am advancing an approach that is both analytic and synthetic. The historical roots of the notion of animal cultures (or animal traditions) are my starting point. Then follows a scrutiny of the epistemological landscape of author keywords in the field of animal cultures. An assessment of certain theoretical commitments and different philosophical positions associated to several definitions of culture is also offered. In addition, methodological adaptationism is put to work to reveal the scope of certain strategic conflicts that arise in a game-theoretic fashion in certain forms of cultural transmission. The whole enterprise allows us to take stock of what has come to be called the ethological revolution regarding the notion of culture. This is accomplished by underlining the ecological dimensions but also the limitations of a concept that, after all, predates by several centuries the scientific understanding of the phenomena it is purported to cover.

An exploratory factor analysis on the measurement of psychological wellness

Gropp, Liezl 30 June 2006 (has links)
This research investigated the psychometric characteristics of self-actualisation, locus of control, sense of coherence and emotional intelligence as constructs of psychological wellness. Details of the intercorrelatedness of the various constructs will assist in understanding the nature of psychological wellness and its measurement. In the literature review a definition for psychological wellness was determined by studying various definitions and models of psychological wellness. During this investigation it was determined that the four constructs mentioned above were related to psychological wellness. An explorative factor analysis was conducted to address the empirical research questions. Three factors (psychological adjustment, self-actualisation and stress management) were extracted from the analysis. The descriptive statistics were analysed in terms of management responsibility, gender and race. The findings of the explorative factor analysis supported the theoretical definition of psychological wellness. It was found that self-actualisation played a key role in psychological wellness. Meaningfulness, although indicating a low loading on all three factors, must be present to provide meaning to day to day functioning. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / MCOM (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Teacher-parent interaction in junior high schools in Israel : negotiation and consent

Ashkenazi, Esther 31 August 2002 (has links)
This study examines patterns of negotiation between teachers and parents in junior high schools in Israel. These negotiations were examined on "parents' days" in three schools between four class teachers and 80 parents of students in their classes. Guided by interpretive approaches to the study of micro-social processes and their application in the models of Hargreaves (1972, 1991) and Strauss (1978, 1990), dealing with negotiations, strategies and working agreements, the study focused on observations of teacher-parent interactions and interviews with teachers and parents. It was found that teachers are guided on parents' day by both pedagogic and survival goals: they seek to advance the students in their studies and to care for their well-being through contact with the parents, but also to shift responsibility to the parents. The parents' goals on these days are to learn about their children's situation in the school, but also to win the teachers' support and sympathy for their children in order to help them advance. To achieve their goals each side uses resources to impress and convince the other side. The teachers emphasize their professional authority, their bureaucratic status and the knowledge they possess of the parents and their children. The parents use their status and rights as parents and the knowledge they possess of the school and the teachers. The findings also indicate that the teachers stress mainly the instructional aspect. This approach perpetuates the hierarchy existing in the education system and does not help to narrow the gaps between students from different socio-economic backgrounds. This indicates a direction for further study and investigation of the question as to how the school can be made to contribute to greater equality, among other things through changing the teachers' educational perception. Perhaps the main purpose of parents' day lies in its ritual functions, which are designed to serve the school organization and constitute a restatement of the common goals of teachers and parents, while supporting the ideology of parent participation and confirming the statuses and roles of teachers and parents. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Socio Education)

Using a cross-cultural conception of play to explore the play perspectives of children and parents of Somali heritage and primary school practitioners

Bishop, Elizabeth May January 2017 (has links)
This two phase study explored perspectives of play according to children and parents of Somali heritage and primary school practitioners, in a city in South West England. In an addition to the considerable research base concerning play, this study investigated the frequently overlooked cultural dimension of play and how this affects the education of Somali heritage children in England. The broader contentious concern of play’s role in Early Years and Primary education was also explored. A mixed methods pragmatic approach was employed in this study. In Phase One, a photograph sorting activity based on the Activity Apperception Story Procedure by Howard (2002), was used to enable the participation of young children and participants for whom English is not their first language. Established via this activity were definitions of play and work according to children and parents of Somali heritage and primary school practitioners. Exploratory Data Analysis was applied to examine this data. In Phase Two, a focus group design was used, with discussions drawing on cross-cultural conceptions of play (Gaskins, Haight & Lancy, 2007; Göncü, Tuermer, Jain & Johnson, 1999). This enabled the exploration of how parents of Somali heritage and primary school practitioners perceive play’s relationship to children’s development and learning, with consideration for their own experiences of childhood. Focus group data was analysed using thematic analysis, supported by the Cultural Historical Activity Theory framework. The findings of this study highlight shared and individual definitions of play, competing benefits of play and the cross-cultural importance of play being intrinsically motivated. Implications for practice centre on the need to recognise play as part of unique cultural milieus at a practitioner, school, educational psychology service and policy level.

Réflexions sur les concepts en droit de l'environnement / Toughts on concepts in environmental law

Meynier, Adeline 11 December 2017 (has links)
Le droit moderne de l’environnement apparaît, en France, dans les années 1960. Il émerge de manière empirique en réaction à de grandes catastrophes écologiques et intervient dans les domaines les plus divers pour mettre en place des garde-fous juridiques propres à limiter la dégradation de l’environnement. Le droit est alors fragmenté, technique et constitue la plupart du temps un simple placage des mécanismes et des concepts juridiques classiques sur un nouvel objet : l’environnement. Le manque de cohérence et de construction du droit est progressivement pallié par l’affirmation de principes, l’édiction d’un Code et la consécration de la Charte constitutionnelle de l’environnement. En outre, au gré des réformes, le droit se construit autour de nouveaux concepts. Les concepts écologiques, qualifiés auparavant d’insuffisants pour appréhender l’environnement sont complétés avec la prise en compte, par exemple, des concepts d’écosystème, de processus écologiques ou de solidarité écologique. Une dimension conceptuelle du droit de l’environnement émerge en droit positif avec les notions phares de patrimoine commun de l’humanité, de développement durable, de précaution, d’irréversibilité, susceptible d’en rassembler les morceaux épars et d’affirmer la maturité du droit de l’environnement. La conceptualisation récente du droit de l’environnement participe d’une construction plus aboutie et d’une simplification et généralisation de la matière. / Modern environmental law appeared in France in the 1960s. It emerged empirically in response to major ecological disasters and intervened in the most diverse fields to set up legal safeguards to limit the environmental degradation. The law was then fragmented, technical and usually constituted a mere plating of conventional legal mechanisms and concepts on a new object: the environment. The lack of coherence and the construction of the law was gradually mitigated by the assertion of principles, the enactment of a Code and the consecration of the Constitutional Charter of the Environment. In addition, as the reforms proceed, law is being built around new concepts. Ecological concepts, previously qualified as insufficient to understand the environment, are supplemented by taking into account, for instance, ecosystem concepts, ecological processes or ecological solidarity. A conceptual dimension of environmental law emerges in positive law with the flagship notions of the common heritage of humanity, sustainable development, precaution, irreversibility, capable of gathering scattered pieces and asserting the maturity of environmental law. The recent conceptualization of environmental law is part of a more complete construction and a simplification and generalization of the subject matter.

Categorias psicológicas ordinárias, comportamento e análise do comportamento / Ordinary psychological categories, behavior, and behavior analysis

Filipe Lazzeri Vieira 19 March 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho diz respeito às três seguintes questões gerais (e que possuem certas inter-relações): (i) Qual seria o lugar do comportamento em uma análise plausível das categorias psicológicas ordinárias (tais como as emoções, os humores, as chamadas atitudes proposicionais, dentre outras)? (ii) O que é comportamento, isto é, quais são as condições que delimitam o que conta e o que não conta como tal? (iii) Seria ou não valiosa a adoção de conceitos psicológicos ordinários em análise do comportamento? Com respeito à questão (i), eu procuro: (i.1) clarificar o leque de categorias exatamente envolvidas nela, por meio da elaboração de uma taxonomia relativamente neutra dessas categorias; e (i.2) formular e apoiar uma forma de perspectiva comportamental como resposta, com base em algumas abordagens comportamentais anteriores, dentre outras. Com respeito à questão (ii), procuro: (ii.1) clarificar a noção de comportamento, elucidando suas diferentes acepções e, em especial, as fronteiras que delimitam o que conta como comportamento em uma acepção aqui relevante dela (a saber, comportamento como ocorrência de uma ação ou reação de um organismo), por meio de análise conceitual; e (ii.2) apontar dificuldades (conceituais) em várias definições de comportamento (naquela acepção específica) encontradas na literatura científica e filosófica. Com respeito à questão (iii), procuro: (iii.1) apresentar uma reconstituição semiformal de argumentos de Skinner (behaviorismo radical), Rachlin (behaviorismo teleológico) e Foxall (behaviorismo intencional) sobre ela, com base no modelo de solução de problemas de Laudan sobre a estrutura e a dinâmica de teorias; e (iii.2) oferecer um breve balanço crítico dessas três perspectivas nesse tocante, com base na abordagem que sugiro como resposta a (i). / This work deals with the following three (to some extent interrelated) questions: (i) What is the place of behavior in a plausible analysis of ordinary psychological categories (such as emotions, moods, so-called propositional attitudes, and so on)? (ii) What is behavior, that is, what are the conditions that distinguish behaviors from non-behaviors? (iii) Would it be useful enough to embrace ordinary psychological concepts in behavior analysis? Concerning question (i), I attempt (i.1) to clarify the range of categories pertaining thereto, by providing a relatively neutral taxonomy of these categories; and (i.2) to put forward and support a particular form of behavioral approach as an answer, by drawing upon some previous behavioral approaches, among others. Concerning question (ii), I attempt (ii.1) to clarify the concept of behavior, by distinguishing different senses thereof and elucidating, in particular, the boundaries of behavior qua occurrence of an organism\'s action or reaction; and (ii.2) to identify (conceptual) difficulties with some definitions of behavior (in that particular sense of the concept) found in the scientific and philosophical literature. Finally, concerning question (iii), I endeavor (iii.1) to present a semiformal reconstruction of arguments supported by Skinner (radical behaviorism), Rachlin (teleological behaviorism), and Foxall (intentional behaviorism), by taking advantage of Laudan\'s problem-solving model of the dynamic and structure of theories; and, based upon the approach outlined as an answer to (i), (iii.2) to provide a brief critical assessment of these three perspectives in this regard.

Trial design and analysis of endpoints in HIV vaccine trials / Schéma d’étude et analyses des données des essais vaccinaux du VIH

Richert, Laura 28 October 2013 (has links)
Des données complexes sont fréquentes dans les essais cliniques récents et nécessitent des méthodes statistiques adaptées. La recherche vaccinale du VIH est un exemple d’un domaine avec des données complexes et une absence de critères de jugement validés dans les essais précoces. Cette thèse d’Université concerne des recherches méthodologiques sur la conception et les aspects statistiques des essais cliniques vaccinaux du VIH, en particulier sur les critères de jugement d’immunogénicité et les schémas d’essai de phase I-II. A l’aide des données cytokiniques multiplex, nous illustrons les aspects méthodologiques spécifiques à une technique de mesure. Nous proposons ensuite des définitions de critères de jugement et des méthodes statistiques adéquates pour l'analyse des données d'immunogénicité multidimensionnelles. En particulier, nous montrons l’intérêt des scores multivariés non-paramétriques, permettant de résumer l’information à travers différents marqueurs d’immunogénicité et de faire des comparaisons inter- et intra-groupe. Dans l’objectif de contribuer à la conception méthodologique des nouveaux essais vaccinaux, nous présentons la construction d’un schéma d’essai optimisé pour le développement clinique précoce. En imbriquant les phases I et II d’évaluation clinique, ce schéma permet d’accélerer le développement de plusieurs stratégies vaccinales en parallèle. L’intégration d’une règle d’arrêt est proposée dans des perspectives fréquentistes et Bayesiennes. Les méthodes mises en avant dans cette thèse sont transposables à d’autres domaines d’application avec des données complexes, telle que les données d’imagerie ou les essais d’autres immunothérapies. / Complex data are frequently recored in recent clinical trials and require the use of appropriate statistical methods. HIV vaccine research is an example of a domaine with complex data and a lack of validated endpoints for early-stage clinical trials. This thesis concerns methodological research with regards to the design and analysis aspects of HIV vaccine trials, in particular the definition of immunogenicity endpoints and phase I-II trial designs. Using cytokine multiplex data, we illustrate the methodological aspects specific to a given assay technique. We then propose endpoint definitions and statistical methods appropriate for the analysis of multidimensional immunogenicity data. We show in particular the value of non-parametric multivariate scores, which allow for summarizing information across different immunogenicity markers and for making statistical comparisons between and within groups. In the aim of contributing to the design of new vaccine trials, we present the construction of an optimized early-stage HIV vaccine design. Combining phase I and II assessments, the proposed design allows for accelerating the clinical development of several vaccine strategies in parallel. The integration of a stopping rule is proposed from both a frequentist and a Bayesian perspective. The methods advocated in this thesis are transposable to other research domains with complex data, such as imaging data or trials of other immune therapies.

Návrh na zlepšení firemní kultury / The Proposal for Improvement of the Corporate Culture

Horáčková, Lenka January 2010 (has links)
This diploma work interpret idea corporate culture who is associated with firm prosperity.It introdukce with substanciality this idea. Construed force of corporate culture and economic gain for copany. It includes analysis of culture in the selected object, directions, procedures and necessary informations to form corporate culture and that carry to enhance firm prosperity and better profession and personal growth of individual.

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