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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Návrh na zlepšení firemní kultury / The Proposal for Improvement of the Corporate Culture

Horáčková, Lenka January 2010 (has links)
This diploma work interpret idea corporate culture who is associated with firm prosperity.It introdukce with substanciality this idea. Construed force of corporate culture and economic gain for copany. It includes analysis of culture in the selected object, directions, procedures and necessary informations to form corporate culture and that carry to enhance firm prosperity and better profession and personal growth of individual.

Increasing Teacher Awareness of Self-Determination

Michali, Yvonne E. 07 August 2014 (has links)
No description available.

School-Mathematics all over the world – some differences

Paditz, Ludwig 15 February 2012 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

School-Mathematics all over the world – some differences

Paditz, Ludwig 15 February 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Reflective practice and the learning of health care students

Jones, Indra January 2009 (has links)
Reflective practice, though ill-defined, has become an accepted educational concept within many health care disciplines particularly in nursing. Subsequently it has become benchmarked within Paramedic Sciences as a professional requirement for continuing education and clinical practice. However, despite the vast literature in nursing and the increasing growth of reflective practice in paramedic curricula it is unclear how it influences the students’ learning in preparation for graduate practice as future reflective practitioners. This research explored ‘to what extent does reflective practice in the paramedic curriculum influence the students’ academic and clinical learning leading to graduate practice’? A mixed methods approach with cohort samples of undergraduate health care students comprised four studies including surveys and non-participant observations of clinical simulation that were conducted in a university learning environment. The results showed overall that Paramedic students believed that they understood reflective practice and perceived it to be useful for their academic studies and clinical practice; although this is probably influenced more by formal teaching rather than the result of their own views. Students were able to describe reflective practice in ideal theoretical terms and were positive towards it regardless of their individual learning styles. However, in a clinical context, they applied it differently with significant emphasis on technical reflection. Evidence of the nature of reflective practice as it occurred during and after clinical simulation scenarios highlights a need for revised approaches to existing learning/teaching strategies with paramedic students. An extended understanding and refinement of reflective practice concepts including a new pedagogic framework to promote enhanced reflectivity are proposed. This theoretical framework is designed to accommodate reflective learning for both personal and collaborative learning related to curriculum outcomes. The use of clinical simulation for the development of reflective practice in the paramedic curriculum is supported with recommendations for further studies in academic and clinical settings.

L’urgence, la préméditation, la persévérance et la recherche de sensations suite à un traumatisme cranio-cérébral en lien avec les fonctions exécutives

Kocka, Andrea 04 1900 (has links)
L’impulsivité est une séquelle fréquente suite à un traumatisme cranio-cérébral (TCC) à laquelle sont associées de nombreuses conséquences néfastes et qui nécessite un investissement considérable de ressources. En ce sens, une évaluation adéquate de l’impulsivité est de mise dans un contexte de réadaptation. Par contre, malgré son importance, il n’existe pas de définition consensuelle de l’impulsivité post-TCC ni de mesure spécifique permettant de l’évaluer. Il est généralement admis, dans la littérature récente, que l’impulsivité est un construit multidimensionnel. Notamment, le modèle UPPS-P de l’impulsivité gagne un appui significatif et pourrait permettre une compréhension plus spécifique de l’impulsivité post-TCC. Selon ce modèle, il existe quatre dimensions à l’impulsivité soit l’urgence (tendance à agir ses impulsions dans un contexte d’émotions intenses), le manque de persévérance (difficulté au niveau du maintien de l’attention sur une tâche complexe et ennuyante et une susceptibilité à l’ennui), le manque de préméditation (difficulté de prévoir les conséquences d’un comportement avant de le poser) et la recherche de sensations (tendance à préconiser des activités jugées excitantes et l’ouverture à essayer de nouvelles expériences qui peuvent ou non, être dangereuses). Il a été proposé que l’urgence, le manque de persévérance et le manque de préméditation sont associés à des difficultés à inhiber la réponse automatique, à résister à l’interférence proactive et de la prise de décision, respectivement (Bechara et Van der Linden, 2005). Une telle conceptualisation offre une avenue prometteuse quant à l’évaluation de l’impulsivité post-TCC. Le présent projet vise à clarifier le construit de l’impulsivité post-TCC, à déterminer si les mêmes mécanismes cognitifs sont en lien avec les dimensions de l’impulsivité dans un contexte de réadaptation fonctionnelle intensive puis de déterminer quelles tâches de performance prédisent le mieux les comportements impulsifs dans ce milieu. D’abord, une recension des écrits portant sur l’impulsivité post-TCC donne un appui à la conceptualisation multidimensionnelle de l’impulsivité et fait ressortir les obstacles qui nuisent à l’étude de l’impulsivité post-TCC. Ensuite, l’utilisation de diverses tâches de performance permet d’évaluer le lien entre les dimensions de l’UPPS-P et les mécanismes cognitifs. Les résultats indiquent des atteintes sur les mécanismes liés à l’inhibition de la réponse automatique, à la résistance à l’interférence proactive ainsi qu’à la prise de décision. Toutefois, ils ne permettent pas de supporter les propositions de Bechara et Van der Linden quant aux mécanismes sous-jacents aux dimensions de l’impulsivité post-TCC chez les patients en réadaptation intensive. Finalement, les résultats permettent de faire ressortir la pertinence des tâches de performance écologiques dans la prédiction de comportements impulsifs dans la vie quotidienne. Les portées théoriques et cliniques des résultats sont discutées. / Impulsivity is a common sequela following traumatic brain injury (TBI) to which are associated many negative consequences and necessitates important resources. A thorough assessment of impulsivity is therefore necessary in a rehabilitation setting. However, there is no consensual definition of post TBI impulsivity nor is there a specific measure allowing its assessment. It is generally acknowledged, in recent literature, that impulsivity is a multidimensional construct. The UPPS-P model is gaining a significant amount of support and could allow a better understanding of post-TBI impulsivity. According to this model, there are four dimensions to impulsivity, namely urgency (tendency to experience and act on strong impulses frequently under conditions of strong affect), lack of perseverance (inability to remain focused on a task that may be boring or difficult), lack of premeditation (inability to think and reflect on the consequences of an act before engaging in that act) and sensation seeking (tendency to enjoy activities that are exciting and a willingness to try new experiences). It has been suggested that urgency, lack of perseverance and lack of premeditation are linked to impairments on prepotent response inhibition, on resistance to proactive interference and on decision making, respectively (Bechara and Van der Linden, 2005). This conceptualisation offers a promising avenue as to the assessment of post-TBI impulsivity. This project aims to clarify the construct of post-TBI impulsivity, to determine whether the same cognitive mechanisms come into play in the different dimensions of impulsivity in an intensive functional rehabilitation setting and to determine which performance tasks allow the prediction of impulsive behaviors in that setting. Firstly, a literature review among studies on post-TBI impulsivity gives support to a multidimensional conceptualisation of impulsivity and allows to bring out the obstacles which make the study of post-TBI impulsivity more complicated. Secondly, the use of different performance tasks is used to assess the links between UPPS-P dimensions and cognitive mechanisms. Results indicate impairments on the mechanisms linked to prepotent response inhibition, to resistance to proactive interference and to decision making. However, they do not support Bechara and Van der Linden’s (2005) propositions as to the underlying mechanisms to the dimensions of post-TBI impulsivity in an acute rehabilitation setting. Thirdly, the results show the relevance of ecological performance tasks as to the prediction of impulsive behaviors in everyday life. The theoretical and clinical implications of the results are discussed.

Função normativa do sistema financeiro nacional nos crimes econômicos

Giacomet Junior, Isalino Antonio 08 August 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:33:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Isalino Antonio Giacomet Junior.pdf: 1126819 bytes, checksum: 32838bbb6682054d64262f508220dd4e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-08-08 / Dealing effectively with economic crimes is a fundamental need for fair and balanced development of society today, given the collective nature of legal interests protected by them and the special features of economic criminality, consisting of one of the most obvious legal limit on the economic power. The success of combating such crimes within which include crimes against the financial system and crimes against the capital market - depends directly on the adoption of specific legislative techniques of criminal law. Constant innovations in the means of transmission of wealth, associated with the evolution of products and services offered to users of the financial market and the necessity to preserve the constitutional economic order, require that the economy criminal law is endowed with mechanisms that would allow flexibility and adaptation to the economic reality of any given time. Therefore, it is crucial that the expertise and the regulatory powers inherent to normative and supervisor agencies of the National Financial System emanating from within their respective regulatory administrative functions - are also translated to economic criminal law. Among the instruments of criminal regulation that allow this administrative influence, are in the characterization of blank criminal laws, the use of normative elements of the crime and objective conditions for punishment. Despite these legislative techniques cause, as a rule, the creation of open criminal types, it is emphasized that these mechanisms of penal norms do not offend the principle of legality. / O enfrentamento eficiente aos delitos econômicos representa uma necessidade fundamental para o desenvolvimento justo e equilibrado da sociedade nos dias atuais, em virtude dos bens jurídicos de índole coletiva por eles tutelados e das características especiais da criminalidade econômica, consistindo em uma das formas mais evidentes de limitação jurídica sobre o poder econômico. O sucesso do combate a tais delitos dentro dos quais se inserem os crimes contra o sistema financeiro e os crimes contra o mercado de capitais depende diretamente da adoção de técnicas legislativas diferenciadas dos tipos penais. As constantes inovações nos meios de transmissão de riquezas, aliadas à evolução dos serviços e produtos oferecidos aos usuários do mercado financeiro e à necessidade de preservação da ordem econômica constitucional, requerem que o direito penal econômico seja dotado de mecanismos que permitam sua maleabilidade e adaptação constante à realidade econômica de determinado momento. Torna-se fundamental, portanto, que os conhecimentos técnicos e os poderes normativos inerentes aos órgãos normativos e supervisores do Sistema Financeiro Nacional exarados no âmbito de suas respectivas atribuições administrativas regulatórias sejam transpostos também para a seara do direito penal econômico. Dentre os instrumentos de normatização penal que permitem essa influência administrativa, situam-se a tipificação de normas penais em branco, a utilização de elementos normativos do tipo e as condições objetivas de punibilidade. Em que pese tais técnicas legislativas ensejarem, em regra, a criação de tipos penais abertos, destaca-se que esses mecanismos de normatização penal não ofendem o princípio da legalidade.

Konst i omlopp : mening, medier och marknad i Stockholm under 1700-talets senare hälft / Art in Circulation : Meaning, Media, and Market in Eighteenth-Century Stockholm

Petersson, Sonya January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this doctoral thesis is to explore how art was mediated and given meaning in the environment of an urban media culture in Stockholm during the second part of the 18th century. It comprises studies of how art was distributed on the market, how it was discussed in the press and how it was exhibited in public. It also includes an analytical orientation toward mixing of concepts and values, rather than purifying them into categories such as elite and popular. Art is approached as an open concept of investigation. The thesis presents three studies. The first discusses art as concepts and subject matter in papers, pamphlets and encyclopaedias, with a critical stand against the historiography emphasizing the establishment of the 'fine arts'.  The second situates art in two parallel practises of showing art in public, exhibitions arranged by the Academy of Arts and the Auction Chamber's public sales. The third deals with prints on the market, a medium equally recognized as one of the fine arts and as a visual mass medium. All studies also consider notions of interaction, public, and social class. Two overarching arguments are developed. The first concerns media cultural functions as mechanisms of cultural transgression. This argument points to the mixing of international and local, regarding both themes in the press and prints on the market. It also stresses the mixing of art, commerce, and entertainment, in the dual character of both the academy's exhibitions and the auction's sales. The second argument consists in pointing to alternative cuts, by which I suggest discursive relations between art, luxury, entertainment, and knowledge. These are areas that, since the 18th century, have often been kept apart, but were nonetheless deeply interwoven. One overarchig pattern studied throughout the thesis is the 18th-century linking of the fine arts as well as luxury, entertainment, and knowledge to a perceptually defined subject.

信用狀統一慣例UCP 600相關問題之研究-以定義解釋及單據條款為中心 / Studies on issues related to UCP 600 - Focusing on the articles regarding the definitions, interpretations, and documents

馬翠吟 Unknown Date (has links)
國際貿易實務上,「信用狀」係往來銀行提供信用狀擔保付款之模式,確保跨國貿易之順利完成、加速貿易進行,為當今世界重要付款方式。「信用狀統一慣例(UCP)」係國際商會(ICC)制定之信用狀交易實務慣例,自1933年首次頒布以來,目前已成為全世界公認遵行之信用狀標準處理方針。2007年,國際商會公佈最新修訂版本之第600號出版物“UCP 600”,明定因應銀行及航運實務發展、檢討UCP 500之規範文字及語體、抑制銀行拒絕付款率等為主要修訂目標。 鑑於UCP 600對於未來國際貿易發展之影響力,實有全面且深入研究UCP 600條款內容及規範目的之必要。本文以UCP 600新增定義解釋條款、審查單據條款、及運送單據條款為研究主題,透過闡釋條文涵義、比較與UCP 500之差異、探究新條款影響、檢討修訂目標之成效等,俾使信用狀當事人及相關銀行正確理解及適用UCP 600條款內容。 本文首先介紹信用狀之特性、經濟功能及信用狀統一慣例之定位適用等基本概念;其次從文義解釋、法律性質及當事人間法律關係等觀點切入,闡釋UCP 600本次新增之定義及解釋條款;並研究銀行實務最常發生爭議之審查單據程序,詳盡分析UCP 600規定之審單標準、符合提示、拒付瑕疵單據等重要條款。此外,本文探討UCP 600所規定國際航運常見之提單、多式運送單據、不可轉讓海運單及傭船提單等運送單據條款。最後,本文針對UCP 600條款之重要修訂內容予以彙整,嘗試提出該等條款之修正趨勢及未來發展。 / In international trade practice, “letter of credit”which is the most important type of payment in the world is the means of settlement that an issuing bank independently undertake to honour a complying presentation , and that ensures international trade to successfully completed, and speeded up the transactions.“ICC Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credit(UCP)”is the rules of international letter of credit practice promulgated by the Commission on Banking Technique and Practice of the International Chamber of Commerce(ICC).The 2007 Revision, UCP 600, is the latest of a series of revisions of these ICC rules that date from 1933 and have in their evolution become the universal norm for commercial letter of credit. The introduction of UCP 600 expressly indicated the main revised objective was to address developments in banking and transport industries, to look at the language and style used in UCP 500, and to reduce the rejections of the documents presented under letter of credit. In consideration of the influence of UCP 600 for the development of international trade in the future, it was necessary to generally and deeply research the clauses and provisions of UCP 600 and the revised objective. This paper’s research subjects include the formal definitions and interpretations of UCP 600, the provision regarding examination of documents, and the provisions regarding transport documents. In order to make the parties of letter of credit and the relevant banks correctly understand and apply the UCP 600 clauses, this paper interprets the meaning of UCP 600 clauses, compares the differences between UCP 600 and UCP 500, analyses the influence of new provisions, and look at the achievements of this revision. This paper first introduces the fundamental concepts included the characteristic of letter of credit, the economic functions of letter of credit, and the position and application of UCP 600.The second part is to discuss the formal definitions and interpretations that UCP 600 new formulated from the perspectives of language interpretation, quality of law, and the law relationship of the parties. Then this paper discusses the rules for the examination of documents that most controversial in banking industries, and analyses the important provisions regarding standard for examination of documents, complying presentation, and rejection of discrepant documents. Moreover, this paper is referring to the general transport documents clauses stipulated in UCP 600, including bill of lading, multimodal transport document, non-negotiable sea waybill, and charter party bill of lading. Finally, this paper synthesizes the significant revised provisions, and recommends several suggestions about modifying the relevant provisions in UCP 600 and development in the future.

Metalinguistic information extraction from specialized texts to enrich computational lexicons

Rodríguez Penagos, Carlos 03 February 2005 (has links)
Este trabajo presenta un estudio empírico del uso y función del metalenguaje en el conocimiento científico experto y los lenguajes de especialidad en lengua inglesa, con especial atención al establecimiento, modificación y negociación de la terminología común del grupo de especialistas de cada área. Mediante enunciados discursivos llamados Operaciones Metalingüísticas Explícitas se formaliza y analiza el carácter dinámico de las estructuras conceptuales científicas y los sublenguajes que las vehiculan.Por otro lado, se presenta la implementación de un sistema automático de extracción de información metalingüística en textos de especialidad. El sistema MOP (Metalinguistic Operation Processor) extrae enunciados metalingüísticos y definiciones de documentos especializados, utilizando tanto autómatas de estados finitos como algoritmos de aprendizaje automático. El sistema crear bases semi-estructuradas de información terminológica llamadas Metalinguistic Information Databases (MID), de utilidad para la lexicografía especializada, el procesamiento del lenguaje natural y el estudio empírico de la evolución del conocimiento científico, entre otras aplicaciones. / This work presents an empirical study of the use and function of metalanguage in expert scientific knowledge and special-domain languages, with special focus on how each field's terminology is established, modified and negotiated within the group of experts. Through discourse statements called Explicit metalinguistic Operations the dynamic nature of conceptual structures and the sublanguages that embody them are formalized and analyzed.On the other hand, it presents a system implementation for the automatic extraction of metalinguistic information from specialized texts. The Metalinguistic Operation Processor (MOP) system extracts metalinguistic statements and definitions from special-domain documents, using finite-state machinery and machine-learning algorithms. The system creates semi-structured databases called Metalinguistic Information Databases (MID), useful for specialized lexicography, Natural Language Processing, and the empirical study of scientific knowledge, among other applications.

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