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スピーチの延長としてのディベートの実践(国語科)(教科研究)持山, 育央 15 September 1994 (has links)
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企業人才之觀念定義與個案驗證簡婉筠 Unknown Date (has links)
接著,奠基在此三種分類上,尋找相對應之個案進行驗證,能力說之驗證個案為奇異電子(General Electronic,GE);能力說之驗證個案為日本工具機製造商天田株式會社(Amada);全員說之驗證個案則為搜尋引擎龍頭Google。除了分別驗證三種人才定義之可行性外,本研究發現企業採取不同人才定義有其營運情境,並且企業會隨發展階段不同而選擇不同的人才定義,同時設計相對應之人才管理作法。企業可運用本研究之結論,檢視自身營運情境及需求選擇合適的人才定義,並搭配適當之人才管理作法。
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圖靈測驗辯護李俊儒 Unknown Date (has links)
「圖靈測驗」是一個訴諸外部行為來檢驗「機器能否思考」的一個測驗方法。這個方法由A. M. Turing於1950年提出,並在此後的五十餘年在科學界與哲學界引發無數的爭論。本文並不試圖解決「機器能否思考」的問題,而將著眼於「圖靈測驗作為機器思考標準」一事的適切性;從哲學的面向出發,旁及一些相關的科學成果來進行文獻探討。
1. 關於圖靈測驗的形式:圖靈測驗以模仿遊戲為內容,但在模仿遊戲中獲得勝利這件事,本身的確有其詮釋上的侷限,但是第一,這不能否定模仿遊戲的確提供了某種程度的客觀性,第二,藉由模仿遊戲的持續進行,我們也能知道模仿遊戲有哪些不足之處,相關內容與規則的修訂是可能的。
2. 關於測驗的難度:「機器有無可能通過圖靈測驗?」這點將就技術面與原則面來討論。技術上,目前的確存在著一些模擬人類智慧的瓶頸,然而就哲學的討論來說,目前技術的不可能並不代表未來技術的不可能。原則上,許多人批評圖靈機器所進行的運作無論多麼複雜,都不會與自然界中被稱為「思考」的行為等同;然而,若要證明機器思考與人類思考的確不同,我們就會需要一套能夠作出區分的客觀測驗方式,而那就是圖靈測驗所嘗試去做的。
3. 關於測驗的目的:「通過圖靈測驗代表了什麼?」許多人認為圖靈測驗作為一個機器思考的操作定義,忽略了一些思考的本質,這使得即使機器通過圖靈測驗也不代表它能夠思考。我認為這種說法似乎預設了思考有一個固定的定義,但實際上我們將許多彼此之間沒有明顯關係的行為都稱為思考,而且隨著風俗、環境的改變,原本被當作是思考行為的或許不必再以「思考」來說明,而與思考行為無關的或許在未來會被當作有關,因此所謂「思考的本質」不見得有固定的內容;而我們用內容與規則不斷修正的測驗設計來掌握該內容,可能反而是更適當的。
4. 關於測驗主題:「我們能夠單純以行為來檢測心靈狀態嗎?」圖靈測驗欲透過語言行為的測驗來取代「機器能否思考」,此行為進路受到不少的批評。然而,圖靈測驗並不是分析的行為主義,它並不要求行為與心靈概念有形上學的等同;它只是方法論的行為主義,不必反對心靈內容的真實存在,僅將「通過圖靈測驗」作為一個可錯的認定方法。
5. 關於測驗的價值:當我們對「何謂思考」還未有深刻瞭解時,就樹立一個思考的標準來談通不通過,是否對於未來的發展有所妨礙?我同意一些批評者所說:就像許多高科技的發展過程一樣,在思考本質的研究尚未成熟之前,與其追求表面上的擬似,不如將精力與經費投注於相關的基礎科學。然而,就議題本身而言,圖靈測驗可以和上述基礎科學的研究相容,它也不會妨礙我們去尋找一個比圖靈測驗更適當的思考檢測機制。如果有一天,科學家真能做出像人一樣思考的機器,我們依然會在某程度上要求此機器通過圖靈測驗,來證明科學家沒有說謊。
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國民中學教師角色定義幅度對組織公民行為影響之研究-質量混合方法之應用 / The influence of Junior High School teachers’ role definition on organizational citizenship behavior –The application of mixed method高雅曼 Unknown Date (has links)
最後,根據研究結果,研究者提出若干建議以提供教育相關人員以及未來研究之參考。 / The object of this study is to explore the influence of junior high school teachers’ Role Definition on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB). First of all, through literature review to understand related research of Role Definition and OCB. And then, explore connotation of teacher’s Role Definition by qualitative interviews. In the end, use quantitative analysis to explore relationship between Role Definition and OCB of junior high school’s teacher, and prediction of Role Definition to OCB.
This study conducts a questionnaire survey on 700 junior high school’s teachers; the usable surveys were 554. The collected data were analyzed by using the descriptive statistic, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson Product-moment Correlation, structural equation modeling and other statistical methods.
According to the finding, the conclusions of this study are:
1. The OCB performance of junior high school teachers was moderate.
2. The Role Definition of junior high school teachers was moderate.
3. The gender, age and current position in the OCB have significant differences.
4. Role Definition of current position has significant differences.
5. School teachers’ Role Definition and OCB are highly positive correlation.
6. School teachers’ Role Definition can predict OCB
Finally, according to the result, the researchers bring up some suggestions as references for educational personnel and further studies.
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公務機關人事人員角色定義幅度對組織公民行為影響之研究 / A Study of the Effect of Personnel Officer’s Role Definition on Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Public Sector張芳琪 Unknown Date (has links)
最後,根據研究結果,提出建議供人事主管機關及人事人員管理實務上之參考。 / This study focuses on the topic of public personnel officers’ role definition and organizational citizen behavior in public sector. We use statistical methods to analyze the relationships between personnel staff’s role definitions and organizational citizenship behavior.
This study collects 413 samples from agencies of local government and central government: Executive Yuan. We use descriptive statistics, t test, oneway ANOVA and pearson correlation to analyze the raw data which this study collected. The main statistical results are below:
1.Public personnel staff could recognize and perform an extra role beyond traditional personnel management.
2. Those public personnel staffs who have more organizational citizenship behavior than the other ones in public sector committed highly to maintain interpersonal harmony.
3.There is significant difference among gender, age, years of service, marital status, current position, service agency on role definition.
4.There is significant difference among age, years of service, marital status, current position on organization citizenship behavior.
5.There is mid to highly correlationship between personnel officer’s role definition and organizational citizenship behavior in public sector.
6.The subconstruct strategic partnership of role definition does not predict significantly on those subconstructs of sportsmanship and interpersonal harmony .
7.The administrative expert has the greatest predictive ability on sportsmanship.
8.The employee advocate does significantly predict on sportsmanship , conscientiousnesss, loyalty and altruism.
9.The change agent has no obvious predictive ability on sportsmanship, loyalty, altruism, and has significantly negative effect on interpersonal harmony and conscientiousnesss.
Finally, the research conclusions will provide practical suggestions to personnel directors in public sector.
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SDN OpenFlow Switch上效能評測 / Performance Evaluation of SDN OpenFlow Switch蔡明志, Tsai, Ming Chih Unknown Date (has links)
近年來隨著寬頻上網,物聯網,雲端計算,移動裝置等新技術及新業務的快速發展,在愈來愈多各種型態連網裝置快速增加的情況下,同時也使人們對IP位址的需求日增。然而目前IPv4卻無法針對此需求,提供一個相對大量的位址,也因此對於IPv4到IPv6網路的升級有其迫切性與必要性。IPv4過渡到IPv6網路目前提出的方法有三種:Dual Stack、Tunneling以及Translation。Tunneling及Translation皆有其效能上的瓶頸,為過渡期間的應用技術。目前主要推動的技術為Dual Stack,在Dual Stack模式下,可以由IPv4網路逐步演進成IPv4與IPv6共存互通,最後再形成以IPv6為主的網路。現階段愈來愈多的IPv6設備與節點,為順利的連接舊的IPv4與新的IPv6網路,藉由具有Dual Stack能力的SDN交換機網路設備,將是個有效的解決方案,也將使得IPv6網路的管理及升級更具有彈性。SDN、IPv6為現今幾個熱門的研究議題,看似不同領域的電腦相關技術,然而若使上述幾種技術相互連結使用,將使得未來之網路環境更具備可擴充性、可管理性、靈活性與敏捷性。
為了解SDN交換機上的效能,本論文提出一個測試平台架構。利用Linux系統做為待測網路設備,並在待測網路設備上模擬Bridge、Router、Open vSwitch SDN交換機等不同環境。測試端為Linux系統,並使用Iperf測試軟體,透過對待測網路設備不同模擬環境下發送不同大小的封包做效能測試。實驗中同時也量測IPv4網路協定,以作為和傳統網路效能的比較。另外,也量測了SDN交換機同時在IPv4及IPv6雙協定的負載下,和單獨的IPv4協定或IPv6協定做效能上的差異比較。最後,也模擬同時在多主機下對待測網路設備進行封包的發送與接收,以測試SDN交換機在多主機下的負載狀況。
經由測量的數據分析,IPv6在Open vSwitch SDN交換機上運行效能幾乎等同於傳統的IPv4,也驗證IPv6在交換機上的可行性。此外,當SDN交換機同時運行在IPv4和IPv6雙協定環境下,在整體效能的表現上和單獨運行單協定相比幾近相同,也證明SDN交換機同時運行在雙協定下的可行性。由多主機負載的實驗數據分析,在以UDP協定做資料傳送時,愈多的主機因為資源的競爭問題愈大外,間接也會造成愈多packet loss。並且對較大的封包,packet loss的問題也愈嚴重,但相對來看,在以TCP協定做資料傳送時,total throughput的瓶頸則決定於網路卡的效能,即效能愈好的網路卡,愈能提升多主機環境下的total throughput。 / Software Defined Network (SDN) is a new software-based network architecture and technique. The main characteristic is to separate the control functions and the data forwarding functions of the traditional layer 2 or layer 3 network devices. Since the separated control functions can be centralized management with software design flexibility, thus network managers can control the underlying resource device easier, which greatly enhances the ability to automate network management as well as effectively resolves the problems confronted by conventional network system, such as lack of network topology flexibility, limited network scalability.
In recent decades, along with broadband Internet access, Internet of Things, cloud computing, the rapid development of new technologies and the rapid increase of network devices, it has increased the demand for IP address to a great extent. While IPv4 can not meet the current demand to offer a relatively large number of addresses and thus it is urgent and essential to upgrade IPv4 to IPv6 network. Transition from IPv4 to IPv6 network currently is proposed in these three ways which respectively named Dual Stack, Tunneling, and Translation. Tunneling and Translation have their performance bottlenecks and only Dual Stack mode can be gradually evolved from IPv4 to IPv4 and IPv6 coexistence network, eventually toward the IPv6-based network. There are increasing numbers of IPv6 devices and nodes with the aim to connect IPv4 network to IPv6 network, through SDN switch with Dual Stack network which would be an effective solution. It makes the IPv6 network management and maintenance more flexible. IPv6 and SDN are two hot researching issues currently. If they can be linked with each other, it will be more scalable and flexible for the network environment in the future.
In order to understand the effectiveness of the SDN switch, this paper presents a test platform architecture. Using Linux systems as a Device under Testing, we simulate Bridge, Router, Open vSwitch SDN switch network equipment on it. Test end is Linux system, and Iperf serves as a test software. Through simulation of the Device under Testing in different scenarios, we have performed many tests on different sizes of packets. The experiment also measures IPv4 network protocol and compares with traditional network. In order to compare with the performance of separate IPv4 or IPv6 protocol, the loading of SDN switch running both of IPv4 and IPv6 dual protocol is measured. Finally, simulation on multi-host is tested under Device under Testing in sending and receiving packet which is to test SDN switch under a multi-host loading conditions.
Through the analysis of the measured data, the performance of IPv6 running on the Open Switch SDN switch is equivalent to that of the traditional IPv4. It also proves the feasibility and efficiency of IPv6 on the switch. In addition, when SDN switch running in IPv4 and IPv6 Dual Stack mode simultaneously, the overall performance is almost exactly the same as single IPv4 or IPv6 protocol, which proves the feasibility of SDN switch in Dual Stack mode. Based on the analysis of multiple-host loading, UDP protocols were used during data transfer. Apart from multi-hosts with more competition for resourcing issue, a packet loss will be aroused indirectly. We observed that larger packets can cause more packet loss. However, with TCP protocols during data transfer, total throughput bottleneck is determined by the effectiveness of the network card. Therefore, the better the effectiveness of the network card is, the higher total throughput can be provided in multi-host environment.
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一般公認會計原則定義、結構與適用之研究謝世芳, XIE, SHI-FENG Unknown Date (has links)
第一節 研究動機與目的
第二節 研究的限制
第三節 研究的方法
第四節 論文的結構
第一節 美國會計原則發展概述
第二節 美國一般公認會計原則的定義與範圍
第三節 美國一般公認會計原則的文件結構
第四節 美國發展會計原則對我國的啟示
第一節 美國會計原則超載問題概述
第二節 美國AICPA 與FASB對超載問題所採取的行動
第三節 尋求解決會計原則超載問題的合理途徑
第四節 超載問題對我國發展會計原則的啟示
第一節 一般公認會計原則在番計學上的地位
第二節 審計準則報告書的揭露要求與一段公認會計原則
第三節 未經審計財務報告表所適用的一般公認會計原則
第一節 外部財務報導與內部管理報告適用GAAP之差異
第二節 管理會計人員在建立GAAP過程中所扮演的角色
第三節 管理會計與一般公認會計原則的相互影響
第四節 順應管理當局需求或外部使用人士需求的權衡
第一節 結論
第二節 建議
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企業組職輿策略配合之研究高維新, Gao, Wei-Xin Unknown Date (has links)
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專案管理與知識管理架構之研究宋麗惠 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以政府行政機關為例,挑選一知識密集之作業流程(資訊系統委外專案管理),採用IDEF0方法論分析其作業流程,了解作業之關聯性及所需花費的時間,並從中整理每一作業中所需要的知識、所產出的知識與誰需要這些知識。分類歸納這些知識的型態與管理現況,找出流程的關鍵步驟,以CMMI Level 2評估其流程並提出改進建議,進而導出知識管理與資訊系統委外專案管理作業流程之架構。
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設計與實作工作流程引擎之剖面導向擴充機制 / Enhancing Workflow Engines with Aspectual Processes鍾政憲, Chung,Cheng Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
根據應用系統的功能特性可將其劃分為功能性需求(Functional Requirements)及非功能性需求(Non-functional Requirements)。功能性需求定義了系統的核心功能,而非功能性需求為系統層面的需求,且為核心模組所共用,例如logging、 authorization。雖然物件導向程式設計是目前最常被用來管理核心功能的方法論,但其對於橫跨(crosscutting)的非功能性需求則缺乏適當的模組化機制。剖面導向程式設計(Aspect-Oriented Programming)是一種新興的程式語言方法論,能夠利用新的模組化單位—aspect—有效處理橫跨性需求的模組化問題,因此本研究將剖面導向程式設計的觀念與技術運用在工作流程(Workflow)的領域中,並且以JBoss jBPM(Java Business Process Management)為基礎,設計jPDL(jBPM Process Definition Language)的剖面導向擴充語言AO4JPDL(Aspect-Oriented for jPDL),並擴充jBPM工作流程引擎(jBPM Workflow Engine),使流程設計人員能利用AO4JPDL解決橫跨性需求的模組化問題。 / Software-system is composed of functional requirements and non-functional requirements. Functional requirements define core functions of software-system. Non-functional requirements are crosscutting concerns such as logging, authorization and other elements common to many of the core modules. While object-oriented programming (OOP) is the most common methodology employed today to manage core functions, it is not enough to manage crosscutting concerns. Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) is a relative new methodology that specifically targeted the management of crosscutting concerns by introducing a new unit of modularization—an aspect—that realizes the concept of Separation of Concerns. Our research is to apply Aspect-Oriented Programming in the field of workflow. We implement Aspect-Oriented for jBPM Process Definition Language (AO4JPDL) and extend jBPM workflow Engine to support Aspect-Oriented Programming. AO4JPDL is a aspect-oriented extension to the jBPM Process Definition Language(jPDL). With AO4JPDL process designer can implement crosscutting concerns in aspects instead of fusing them in the core modules, resulting in a system that is easier to design, implement, and maintain.
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