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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Desenvolvimento de um modelo não linear de três graus de liberdade para a análise da dinâmica lateral de um ônibus com suspensão a ar / Development of a nonlinear three degrees of freedom model for lateral dynamic analysis of a bus with air spring suspension system

Marcelo Prado 04 April 2003 (has links)
Os modelos simplificados de veículos são importantes em fases iniciais do projeto de um veículo, quando muitas características geométricas ainda não estão definidas. No caso de ônibus com sistema de suspensão a ar, os modelos encontrados na literatura não levam em conta efeitos da válvula niveladora de altura. Dois modelos de um ônibus foram desenvolvidos: um modelo não linear de veículo com três graus de liberdade e um modelo em sistema multicorpos com 109 graus de liberdade. Os dois modelos possuem sistema de suspensão a ar com a modelagem termodinâmica do bolsão com a válvula niveladora de altura. As equações do modelo não linear de três graus de liberdade foram construídas utilizando o conceito de derivativos de estabilidade. Para a validação dos modelos, foram realizados ensaios experimentais com o veículo e as seguintes grandezas foram medidas: aceleração lateral, velocidade em guinada, velocidade lateral, ângulo de escorregamento do veículo e ângulo de rolamento. Os resultados obtidos com os modelos foram validados experimentalmente. O comportamento do ângulo de rolamento do veículo devido ao sistema de suspensão a ar foi reproduzido nos dois modelos. Foi desenvolvida uma interface gráfica dentro do ambiente ADAMS para a geração automática de modelos simplificados. Os dados do veículo são inseridos através de uma interface gráfica com caixas de diálogo. Modelos simplificados de veículos são utilizados no controle da dinâmica do veículo. Neste tipo de aplicação, as equações do modelo não linear de três graus de liberdade são resolvidas em tempo real e podem servir como um modelo de referência para sistemas adaptativos de controle. / Simplified vehicle models are very important at the initial stages of vehicle development when all geometric data are not yet available. In the case of a bus with an air suspension system, the models you find in the literature does not taken into account the control leveling valve effects. Two bus models were developed: a nonlinear three degrees of freedom model and a multibody model with 109 degrees of freedom. Both models have thermodynamic air suspension system model with control leveling valve. The three degrees of freedom equations were built using the stability derivative concept. In order to validate the models, experimental tests were carried out and the following variables were measured: lateral acceleration, yaw velocity, sideslip angle and roll angle. The model results were validated against actual data. The roll angle behavior due to air suspension system was reproduced in both models. A graphic user interface for developing simplified vehicle model, based on the nonlinear three degrees of freedom model equations, was built using the ADAMS interface. All the data necessary for the model are introduced via dialog boxes. Simplified vehicle models can be used in vehicle dynamics control. In this kind of application, the three degrees of freedom equations can be solved in real time simulation and can be used as a reference model in adaptive control system, for instance.

Técnicas para estimativa de FRFS angulares em análise modal experimental com aplicações a estruturas do tipo viga / Techniques for the estimation of angular FRFs in modal testing with applications to beam type structures

Melina Lofrano 30 July 2003 (has links)
Este trabalho realiza uma investigação sobre técnicas experimentais para a determinação de Funções de Resposta em Freqüência (FRFs) angulares com aplicações em estruturas do tipo viga. Estas FRFs são definidas considerando-se como variável de saída o movimento angular (deslocamento, velocidade ou aceleração) exibido pela estrutura sob estudo quando a mesma é excitada por uma força linear ou um momento puro. Dada a grande dificuldade em se aplicar um momento puro à estrutura sob estudo, este trabalho utiliza como forma de excitação apenas esforços lineares que podem ser aplicados através de técnicas usuais de excitação em análise modal, tais como o excitador eletrodinâmico e o martelo impulsivo. Portanto as FRFs obtidas descrevem relações de saída e entrada do tipo Angular/Linear. Uma das técnicas utilizadas na determinação das FRFs angulares consiste na excitação de uma estrutura com um excitador eletrodinâmico e utilização de um corpo rígido na forma de um bloco T que é montado sobre a estrutura sob estudo. Dois acelerômetros lineares devem ser montados sobre o bloco T e a partir das duas acelerações lineares medidas buscam-se estimar um sinal proporcional à aceleração angular da estrutura no ponto de conexão. Outra técnica utiliza uma formulação via diferenças finitas, onde dois ou três acelerômetros (de acordo com a formulação de diferenças finitas utilizada) igualmente espaçados são montados diretamente sobre a estrutura sob estudo e são usados para se derivar à aceleração angular. Os resultados obtidos a partir destas técnicas são comparados com resultados obtidos a partir da utilização de um acelerômetro angular piezelétrico recentemente disponível no mercado. Também foram desenvolvidos modelos analíticos e computacionais via método dos elementos finitos a fim de se gerar subsídios adicionais para a análise dos resultados. Foram feitas várias constatações e dentre elas destacam-se resultados onde as FRFs angulares/lineares resultantes podem sofrer alterações significativas dependendo de como os dados experimentais são processados. / The present work aims to perform an investigation on experimental techniques for the determination of angular Frequency Response Functions (FRFs) in Modal Testing. Angular FRFs are those where the output variable is given by angular displacement, velocity or acceleration, whereas the input is given in terms of linear or angular quantities (a pure moment). Since the application of a pure moment as an excitation source still remains as a challenge, this work is focused in studying techniques to estimate angular/linear types of angular FRFs. One of these techniques consists of exciting the structure with a shaker and using a rigid T-block to measure the linear accelerations and then calculating the angular FRFs from these linear accelerations. Another technique employs finite differences formulations to get the angular motions. This technique uses the closely spaced accelerometers mounted directly to the structure under test, where at least two (according to the finite difference formula employed) accelerometers are used. The translational measurements are gathered and finite difference formulas are used to derive the necessary angular quantities. Additional tests are performed with an angular piezoelectric accelerometer recently available in the market in order to provide a comparison basis for the results obtained using the two techniques. The results are also compared whit theoretical models developed using analytical and Finite Element Formulations. Among all results obtained, it was understood that depending on the level of angular vibrations exhibited by the structure, and how the signals are processed, the resulting angular FRFs can suffer some significant changes

Um estudo de simulação para comparação entre métodos de cálculo do número aproximado de graus de liberdade da estatística F em dados desbalanceados / A simulation study to compare the approximate number calculation methods of degrees of freedom of the F statistic in unbalanced data

Andréia Pereira Maria Hilário 21 January 2015 (has links)
O desbalanceamento de dados em experimentos está muitas vezes presente em diversas pesquisas nas mais variadas áreas do conhecimento. Embora existam muitas maneiras de análise de tais dados, além de diversos recursos computacionais já implementados em diversos softwares estatísticos, ainda perdura dúvidas entre os pesquisadores a respeito da opção de análise mais eficiente. A literatura fornece ao pesquisador direção na escolha da metodologia de análise a obter maior eficácia nos resultados de sua pesquisa, mas o número elevado de opções pode tornar a escolha difícil. Em se tratando de testes estatísticos, algumas das opções para se trabalhar com dados desbalanceados são os testes t e Wald-F, mas ainda resta ao pesquisador decidir entre as várias opções disponíveis nos pacotes, pois nem sempre as opções padrões são as mais indicadas. No presente trabalho foram realizadas simulações com diferentes cenários experimentais, utilizando-se o delineamento casualizado em blocos com um fator de tratamento em uma situação e o esquema de tratamentos em parcelas subdividas em outra, sendo comparados quatro métodos de cálculo do número aproximado de graus de liberdade (Containment, Residual, Satterthwaite e Kenward-Roger). Verificou-se que o método de Kenward-Roger controla de maneira mais eficiente a taxa de erro tipo I e não é inferior aos outros métodos com respeito ao poder do teste Wald-F. / The data imbalance in experiments is often present in several researches in various fields of knowledge. While there are many ways to analyze these data in addition to various computer resources already implemented in many statistical software, doubt still lingers among researchers about the most efficient analysis option. The literature provides the researcher direction in choosing the analysis methodology to get better in your search results, but the large number of options can make the difficult choice. When it comes to statistical tests, some of the options for working with unbalanced data are the tests t and Wald-F, but there is still the researcher to decide between the various options available in the packages because the defaults are not always the most suitable. This experiment was carried out simulations with different experimental scenarios, using the randomized block design with one factor in a situation treatment and treatment regimen subdivided parcels in another, and compared four methods of calculating the approximate number of degrees of freedom (Containment, Residual, Satterthwaite and Kenward-Roger). It has been found that the method of Kenward-Roger controls more efficiently the type I error rate and is not inferior to other methods with respect to the power of the test Wald-F.

Návrh testovacího přípravku piezoelektrických vlastností PVDF vrstvy / Design of tester of piezoelectric PVDF layers

Sijková, Simona January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with a design of a tester device, a selection and verification of a suitable method for comparing the piezoelectric properties of tested PVDF samples. In the introduction, a basic overview of the theory is important to understand the issue and the various branches of use of PVDF in the field of energy harvesting. The tester device includes a unimorph piezoelectric cantilever beam with tip mass, whose properties are described by three models: a model with N degrees of freedom reduced to one degree of freedom (NDOF), a single degree of freedom model (SDOF), both created in Matlab and a model for verifying results in FEM ANSYS Workbench program. The voltage time response and the voltage frequency response of the models is compared with each other. For two different PVDF samples, the voltage response to harmonic excitation is measured using a tester device, and the piezoelectric properties of one of them are determined using the NDOF and SDOF models.

Laborationsinstruktionens funktion : Hur inverkar olika arbetssätt på lärare och mellanstadieelevers agerande under en laboration med en vindkraftverksmodell? / The function of the lab work instruction : How does different ways of working affect teacher and primary school student's actions during inquiry with a wind turbine-model?

Gummeson, David January 2022 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att prova olika laborativa arbetssätt, för att förstå de kvalitativa skillnaderna i hur instruktionerna inverkar på dels vad läraren gör, dels på vad eleverna gör vid undervisningstillfället. och. Målet med studien är att lyfta fram de möjligheter och begränsningar olika arbetssätt medför, och vad det innebär för användningen av laborationer i undervisningen. Studien har en kvalitativ ansats och omfattar en intervention, med en lärare (deltagande observatör), samt elever från årskurs 4 och årskurs 6 i grundskolan. Genom en metodkombination, med filmupptagning under laborationerna, samt semistrukturerade intervjuer före och efter laborationen, samlades empirin in.  Resultatet visar att begränsad frihetsgrad möjliggör att eleverna kan arbeta mer självständigt, medan ökad frihetsgrad öppnar upp för kritiskt resonerande om ämnesinnehållet. Lärarens roll i de olika arbetssätten tar olika form, där läraren är mer involverad vid frånvaron av en stegvis instruktion, vilket ställer högre krav på lärarens tillgänglighet. I den strukturerade laborationen var rollen av stöttande och korrigerande karaktär, som sågs begränsa lärarens fokus till ett följande av den stegvisa instruktionen. Lärare behöver fundera hur det vetenskapliga innehållet i laborationen synliggörs för eleverna. Slutsatser från studien är att arbetssättet i en laboration behöver anpassas efter dess syfte och elevernas kunskaper, där kritiska vetenskapliga samtal bör utgöra en del. / The purpose of the study is to try different ways of working with inquiry, to try and understand the qualitative differences how instructions affects what the teacher and the students do during the time of teaching. The goal of the study is to bring out the opportunities and limitations that the ways of working bring, and what it means for the use of inquiry in teaching. The study has a qualitative approach and embodies an intervention, with a teacher (participating observer), and students from grade 4 and grade 6 in Swedish primary school. Through a combination of methods, by means of film recording during inquiry, and semi structured interviews before and after inquiry, the data was gathered. The results show that a limited degree of freedom facilitate that the students can work more independently, while an increased degree of freedom open up for critical reasoning about the contents of the subject. The teacher’s role during the different ways of working takes varied shape, with the teacher being more involved when there’s no step-by-step instruction, and therefore demand more of the teacher’s accessibility. In the structured inquiry the role take on a supportive and corrective nature, which was seen limiting the teacher’s focus to a following of the step-by-step instruction. Teachers need to reflect how the scientific content of inquiry is made visible to the students. Conclusions from the study is that the ways of working in inquiry needs to be adapted after its purpose and the student’s knowledge, where critical scientific conversations need to be a part.

Approximating Probability Distributions Using Moments

Davis, Charles Shaw 04 1900 (has links)
<p> We study the problem of finding approximate significance points of random variables whose exact distributions are unknown or extremely complicated . We consider the case where at least the first three moments, and possibly the lower or upper endpoint of the distribution are known. </p> <p> The methods of approximation studied include the Johnson system of transformations, Pearson curves, Pearson curves with known lower terminal, Cornish-Fisher expansions and the approximation a+bW, where W is chi-squared with p degrees of freedom . A new three-moment approximation of the form (cW)^k, with W as defined above, is also considered. These methods of approximation are discussed, with special attention to fitting procedures and computer implementation. </p> <p> The methods of approximation are compared, with respect to ease of application and accuracy of approximation, over a wide variety of exact distributions. The accuracy of each approximation is discussed and guidelines are given for determining which of several approximations should be used in a particular case. </p> / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)

<b>Collaborative Human and Computer Controls of Smart Machines</b>

Hussein Bilal (17565258) 07 December 2023 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">A Human-Machine Interaction (HMI) refers to a mechanism to support the direct interactions of humans and machines with the objective for the synthesis of machine intelligence and autonomy. The demand to advance in this field of study for intelligence controls is continuously growing. Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) is one type of HMIs that utilizes a human brain to enable direct communication of the human subject with a machine. This technology is widely explored in different fields to control external devices using brain signals.</p><p dir="ltr">This thesis is driven by two key observations. The first one is the limited number of Degrees of Freedom (DoF) that existing BCI controls can control in an external device; it becomes necessary to assess the controllability when choosing a control instrument. The second one is the differences of decision spaces of human and machine when both of them try to control an external device. To fill the gaps in these two aspects, there is a need to design an additional functional module that is able to translate the commands issued by human into high-frequency control commands that can be understood by machines. These two aspects has not been investigated thoroughly in literatures.</p><p dir="ltr">This study focuses on training, detecting, and using humans’ intents to control intelligent machines. It uses brain signals which will be trained and detected in form of Electroencephalography (EEG), brain signals will be used to extract and classify human intents. A selected instrument, Emotiv Epoc X, is used for pattern training and recognition based on its controllability and features among other instruments. A functional module is then developed to bridge the gap of frequency differences between human intents and motion commands of machine. A selected robot, TinkerKit Braccio, is then used to illustrate the feasibility of the developed module through fully controlling the robotic arm using human’s intents solely.</p><p dir="ltr">Multiple experiments were done on the prototyped system to prove the feasibility of the proposed model. The accuracy to send each command, and hence the accuracy of the system to extract each intent, exceeded 75%. Then, the feasibility of the proposed model was also tested through controlling the robot to follow pre-defined paths, which was obtained through designing a Graphical-User Interface (GUI). The accuracy of each experiment exceeded 90%, which validated the feasibility of the proposed control model.</p>

MARK II - A Biologically-Inspired Walking Robot

Mamrak, Justin 29 December 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Optical eigenmodes for illumination & imaging

Kosmeier, Sebastian January 2013 (has links)
This thesis exploits so called “Optical Eigenmodes” (OEi) in the focal plane of an optical system. The concept of OEi is introduced and the OEi operator approach is outlined, for which quadratic measures of the light field are expressed as real eigenvalues of an Hermitian operator. As an example, the latter is employed to locally minimise the width of a focal spot. The limitations of implementing these spots with state of the art spatial beam shaping technique are explored and a selected spot with a by 40 % decreased core width is used to confocally scan an in focus pair of holes, delivering a two-point resolution enhanced by a factor of 1.3. As a second application, OEi are utilised for fullfield imaging. Therefore they are projected onto an object and for each mode a complex coupling coefficient describing the light-sample interaction is determined. The superposition of the OEi weighted with these coefficients delivers an image of the object. Compared to a point-by-point scan of the sample with the same number of probes, i.e. scanning points, the OEi image features higher spatial resolution and localisation of object features, rendering OEi imaging a compressive imaging modality. With respect to a raster scan a compression by a factor four is achieved. Compared to ghost imaging as another fullfield imaging method, 2-3 orders of magnitude less probes are required to obtain similar images. The application of OEi for imaging in transmission as well as for fluorescence and (surface enhanced) Raman spectroscopy is demonstrated. Finally, the applicability of the OEi concept for the coherent control of nanostructures is shown. For this, OEi are generated with respect to elements on a nanostructure, such as nanoantennas or nanopads. The OEi can be superimposed in order to generate an illumination of choice, for example to address one or multiple nanoelements with a defined intensity. It is shown that, compared to addressing such elements just with a focussed beam, the OEi concept reduces illumination crosstalk in addressing individual nanoelements by up to 70 %. Furthermore, a fullfield aberration correction is inherent to experimentally determined OEi, hence enabling addressing of nanoelements through turbid media.

Applications of Lattices over Wireless Channels

Najafi, Hossein January 2012 (has links)
In wireless networks, reliable communication is a challenging issue due to many attenuation factors such as receiver noise, channel fading, interference and asynchronous delays. Lattice coding and decoding provide efficient solutions to many problems in wireless communications and multiuser information theory. The capability in achieving the fundamental limits, together with simple and efficient transmitter and receiver structures, make the lattice strategy a promising approach. This work deals with problems of lattice detection over fading channels and time asynchronism over the lattice-based compute-and-forward protocol. In multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems, the use of lattice reduction significantly improves the performance of approximate detection techniques. In the first part of this thesis, by taking advantage of the temporal correlation of a Rayleigh fading channel, low complexity lattice reduction methods are investigated. We show that updating the reduced lattice basis adaptively with a careful use of previous channel realizations yields a significant saving in complexity with a minimal degradation in performance. Considering high data rate MIMO systems, we then investigate soft-output detection methods. Using the list sphere decoder (LSD) algorithm, an adaptive method is proposed to reduce the complexity of generating the list for evaluating the log-likelihood ratio (LLR) values. In the second part, by applying the lattice coding and decoding schemes over asynchronous networks, we study the impact of asynchronism on the compute-and-forward strategy. While the key idea in compute-and-forward is to decode a linear synchronous combination of transmitted codewords, the distributed relays receive random asynchronous versions of the combinations. Assuming different asynchronous models, we design the receiver structure prior to the decoder of compute-and-forward so that the achievable rates are maximized at any signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR). Finally, we consider symbol-asynchronous X networks with single antenna nodes over time-invariant channels. We exploit the asynchronism among the received signals in order to design the interference alignment scheme. It is shown that the asynchronism provides correlated channel variations which are proved to be sufficient to implement the vector interference alignment over the constant X network.

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