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Errors In Delay Differentiation In Statistical MultiplexingMallesh, K 05 1900 (has links)
Different applications of communication networks have different requirements that depend on the type of application. We consider the problem of differentiating between delay-sensitive applications based on their average delay requirements, as may be of interest in signalling networks. We consider packets of different classes that are to be transmitted on the same link with different average delay requirements, to reside in separate queues with the arrival statistics for the queues being specified. This statistical multiplexer has to schedule packets from different queues in so that the average delays of the queues approach the specified target delays as quickly as possible.
For simplicity, we initially consider a discrete-time model with two queues and a single work-conserving server, with independent Bernoulli packet arrivals and unit packet service times. With arrival rates specified, achieving mean queue lengths in a ratio which corresponds to the ratio of target mean delays is a means of achieving individual target mean delays. We formulate the problem in the framework of Markov decision theory. We study two scheduling policies called Queue Length Balancing and Delay Balancing respectively, and show through numerical computation that the expectation of magnitude of relative error in θ (1/m) and θ (1/√m) respectively, and that the expectation of the magnitude of relative error in weighted average delays decays as θ (1/√m) and θ (1/m) respectively, where m is the averaging interval length.
We then consider the model for an arbitrary number of queues each with i.i.d. batch arrivals, and analyse the errors in the average delays of individual queues. We assume that the fifth moment of busy period is finite for this model. We show that the expectation of the absolute value of error in average queue length for at least one of the queues decays at least as slowly as θ (1/√m), and that the mean squared error in queue length for at least one of the queues decays at least as slowly as θ (1/m). We show that the expectation of the absolute value of error in approximating Little’s law for finite horizon is 0 (1/m). Hence, we show that the mean squared error in delay for at least one of the queues decays at least slowly as θ (1/m). We also show that if the variance of error in delay decays for each queue, then the expectation of the absolute value of error in delay for at least one of the queues decays at least as slowly as θ (1/√m).
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Applying Data Analytics to Freight Train Delays in Shunting YardsMinbashi, Niloofar January 2020 (has links)
The European Commission has foreseen a modal share of 30% by 2030 for rail freight transport. To achieve this increase in the modal share, enhanced reliability of rail freight services is required. Optimal functioning of shunting yards is one of the areas that can improve this reliability. Shunting yards are large areas allocated to reassemble freight trains for dispatching to new destinations. Their productivity has a direct impact on the overall performance of a rail freight network. Therefore, analysing and modelling of departure deviations from shunting yards are required to enhance the interactions between shunting yards and the network; this thesis contributes to this gap. Paper I investigates the probability and temporal distribution of departure deviations using a large data set comprising 250,000 departures over seven years from two main shunting yards (Malmö and Hallsberg) in Sweden. The probability distribution of departure deviations is found comparing four main distributions including the exponential, the log-normal, the gamma, and the Weibull according to the maximum likelihood estimates and the results of the Anderson-Darling goodness of fit test. The log-normal and the gamma are shown the best fits for departure deviations: the former on delays, and the latter on early departures. In the temporal delay distribution, the weekly and monthly, but not yearly delayed departures are positively correlated with the network usage. However, for hourly delayed departures, a shunting yard involved with international traffic does not show any correlation between delayed departures and the network usage, whereas a domestic shunting yard shows a significant negative correlation between these two parameters. The findings obtained from this thesis contribute to a better understanding of departure deviations from shunting yards, and can be applied in enhancing the operations and capacity utilization of shunting yards in future models. Papers II and III analyse the relationship between congestion in the arrival yard and departure delays using the same data set as paper I. According to previous research, congestion plays an important role in shunting yard delays. With defining congestion as the number of arriving trains before departure time, paper II analyses this relationship limiting the arrivals and departures between the two shunting yards considering varying time periods before departure,whereas Paper III elaborates the analysis by defining congestion level in a fixed period of time before departure time including all arrivals and departures. Considering the data set used in the analysis, the results show that there is no significant relationship between the congestion in the arrival yard and departure delays of trains. It is possible that congestion may not impact the departure delays of trains, but it may impact the departure delays of wagons due to missed wagon connection or increasing wagon idle time, which can be explored with the availability of wagon connection data. Additionally, future elaboration of congestion definition, covering congestion at the shunting yard level, may lead to further improved analyses. / Europeiska kommissionen har förutspått en markansandel på 30% framtill 2030 för järnvägstransporter av gods. För att uppnå denna ökning krävsökad tillförlitlighet hos järnvägstransporttjänster. Rangergodsbangårdars optimalafunktion är ett av de områden som kan förbättra denna tillförlitlighet.Rangergodsbangårdar stora områden som är avsedda för att koppla ihopgodståg för sändning till nya destinationer. Deras produktivitet har en direktinverkan på järnvägsnätets totala prestanda. Därför krävs analys och modelleringav avvikelser från dessa noder för att förbättra interaktionen mellanrangergodsbangårdar och järnvägsnätet. I papper I undersöks sannolikheten och den tidsmässiga fördelningen avavvikelser med hjälp av en stor datamängd som omfattar 250 000 avgångaröver sju år från två rangergodsbangårdar (Malmö och Hallsberg) i Sverige.Sannolikhetsdistributioner av avvikelser jämförs med fyra huvuddistributioner,exponentiell, log-normal, gamma och Weibull enligt de maximalasannolikhetsuppskattningarna och resultaten av Anderson-Darling godhetav passningstest. Log-normal och gamma visar sig passa bäst för avvikelser:den förstnämnda vid förseningar och den senare vid tidiga avgångar. I dentidsmässiga fördröjningsfördelningen är de veckovisa och månatliga men inteårliga försenade avgångarna positivt korrelerade med järnvägsnätets nyttjandegrad.För försenade avgångar per timme visar dock en rangergodsbangårdsom är inblandad i internationell trafik ingen korrelation mellan försenadeavgångar och järnvägsnätets nyttjandegrad, medan en inhemsk rangergodsbangårdvisaren signifikant negativ korrelation mellan dessa två parametrar.Resultaten från denna avhandling bidrar till en bättre förståelse av avvikelserfrån rangergodsbangårdar och kan användas för att förbättra drift och kapacitetsutnyttjandeav rangergodsbangårdar växelplatser i framtida modeller. Papper II och III analyserar förhållandet mellan trängsel i ankomstgårdenoch avgångsförseningar med hjälp av samma datamängd som i papperI. Enligt tidigare analyser spelar trängsel en viktig roll vid förseningar förrangergodsbangårdar. Trängsel definieras som antalet ankommande tåg föreavgångstid och papper II analyserar detta förhållande som begränsar ankomsteroch avgångar mellan de två rangergodsbangårdar med beaktande av olikatidsperioder före avgång, medan papper III utvecklar analysen genom attdefiniera trängselnivån under en fast tidsperiod före avgångstid inklusive allaankomster och avgångar. Med tanke på datamängden som användes i analysenvisar resultaten att det inte finns något signifikant samband mellan trängselni ankomstgården och tågens förseningar. Det är möjligt att trängsel kanskeinte påverkar tågens avgångsfördröjningar, men det kan påverka vagnarnasavgångsfördröjningar på grund av missad vagnanslutning eller öka vagnenstomgångstid, vilket kan undersökas med vid tillgång av vagnanslutningsdata.Dessutom kan framtida vidareutveckling av definitionen av trängsel som påen detaljerad nivå täcker rangergodsbangårdars alla delar, leda till ytterligareförbättrade analyser. / <p>QC 20201105</p> / Shift2Rail / FR8HUB
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Tropospheric Delay Modeling using GNSS Observations from Continuously Operating Reference Stations (CORS)alojaiman, shahad N M A A January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Identification of the Critical Delay Factors in the Subway Tunnel Construction in Stockholm : An explanatory Study Investigating the Project Delay and its Consequences on Property Developers / Identifiering av kritiska förseningsfaktorer i utbyggnaden av Stockholms tunnelbana : En explorativ studie inom förseningar i projekt och dess negativa konsekvenser på fastighetsutvecklareStaflund, Johan, Östblom, Rickard January 2021 (has links)
Stockholm is one of the fastest growing conurbations in Europe, to accommodate for the increased population and urban growth, the current subway system needs to be extended. Appropriately, a joint initiative regarding housing and infrastructure development was signed in January 2014 by the Swedish government, Stockholm County Council and the afflicted municipalities Stockholm, Solna, Nacka and Järfälla. The joint initiative, the 2013 Stockholm negotiation, presented an extension of the current subway system with a total length of 19,6 km and 11 new stations in Stockholm, Solna, Nacka and Järfälla. Large-scale infrastructure projects often suffer from cost and time overruns. The Stockholm subway construction is no exception and has since the project started collected a delay equivalent of five years for Järfälla and Nacka, and a cost overrun of SEK 9,3 billion. The aim of this thesis is to objectively identify the critical delay factors of the subway tunnel construction in Stockholm and unveil the delay implication on property developers with housing projects in the adjacent areas to the new stations. The thesis will be limited to mainly focus on the extension to Järfälla and Nacka. To investigate the research questions, a systematic integration of quantitative and qualitative data has been collected through literature reviews, 9 interviews with the client, designers, consultants and a survey with 13 property developers. This thesis has identified one critical delay factor, linked to the poor project performance regarding the time overruns. With support from the literature review, interviews and surveys, the observed delay can be described as a consequence of political-economic explanations. The cause for the delay is rooted in the inaccurate estimations and unrealistic expectations presented in the 2013 Stockholm negotiation. Thus, the project delay is to be categorized as non- acceptable, due to a five-year prolonged time plan. Additional delay factors have beenidentified but are not to be viewed as critical. This thesis has also identified a general frustrationamongst the developers in Järfälla and Nacka as they have perceived negative implications as a consequence of the delay of the subway extension. / Stockholm är en av de snabbast växande storstadsregionerna i Europa och för att tillgodose den ökade tillväxten behöver regionen utveckla sin infrastruktur och kollektivtrafik. I januari 2014 undertecknades en överenskommelse, avseende utveckling av bostäder och infrastruktur, mellan regeringen, Stockholm Läns Landsting, Stockholm- och Solna stad, Nacka samt Järfälla kommun. Avtalet benämns som 2013 års Stockholmsförhandling och omfattar en utbyggnad om 11 nya tunnelbanestationer i Stockholm, Solna, Nacka och Järfälla, med en total spårlängd om 19,6 km. Stora infrastrukturprojekt har historiskt sett blivit försenade och haft budgetöverskridande projektkostnader. Tunnelbaneutbyggnaden mot Järfälla och Nacka har båda blivit försenade med fem år samt överskridit budgeten med totalt 9,3 miljarder kronor. Syftet med denna masteruppsats är att objektivt identifiera de kritiska faktorer som orsakat förseningen av projektet samt redogöra för de konsekvenser som förseningen har orsakat för de bostadsutvecklare med projekt i områdena där de nya stationerna är planerade. Uppsatsen har avgränsats till att enbart skildra utbyggnaden mot Järfälla och Nacka. För att besvara studiens frågeställningar har kvalitativ och kvantitativ data integrerats genom litteraturstudier, intervjuer med 9 nyckelpersoner inom projektet, samt via en enkätundersökning med 13 fastighetsbolag, verksamma i Järfälla och Nacka. Uppsatsen har identifierat en faktor som ligger till grund för att projektet inte presterat enligt projektets tid- och kostnadsmål. Faktorn har sitt ursprung i de felaktiga och orealistiska beräkningar som presenterades i 2013 års Stockholmsförhandling. Ytterligare förseningsfaktorer har identifierats, men är inte att anses som kritiska eftersom de inte haft en betydande inverkan på projektet och dess färdigställande. Förseningen av projektet är att kategorisera som ej acceptabel med hänsyn till dess uppkomst och omfattning. Mot den bakgrundsdata som samlats in genom litteraturstudier, intervjuer och enkätundersökningar kan förseningen härledas som en konsekvens av politisk-ekonomiska orsakssamband. Uppsatsens resultat visar även på att förseningen orsakat flera negativa konsekvenser för de fastighetsbolag som är verksamma i Järfälla och Nacka, vilket har skapat ett generellt missnöje gentemot projektets beställarorganisation.
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International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 18-21, 2004 / Town & Country Resort, San Diego, California / This paper presents a method of detecting the Tier I modulation SOQPSK when it is used in a space-time coded (STC) system in which there is a non-negligible differential delay between the received signals. Space-time codes are useful to eliminate data dropouts which occur on aeronautical telemetry channels in which transmit diversity is employed. The proposed detection algorithm employs a trellis to detect the data while accounting for the offset between the in-phase and quadrature-phase components of the signals as well as the differential delay. The performance of the system is simulated and presented and it is shown that the STC eliminates the BER floor which results from the data dropouts.
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Novel Angle of Arrival Algorithm for Use in Acoustical Positioning Systems with Non Uniform Receiver ArraysUtley, Christopher 10 1900 (has links)
ITC/USA 2010 Conference Proceedings / The Forty-Sixth Annual International Telemetering Conference and Technical Exhibition / October 25-28, 2010 / Town and Country Resort & Convention Center, San Diego, California / Traditional angle of arrival algorithms operate with uniform receiver arrays. Non-uniform arrays typically introduce significant elevation of computation complexity. This paper utilizes the double-integration method for the accurate estimation of the angle of arrival with non-uniform receiver arrays, while maintaining high computation efficiency. Because of the simplicity, the double-integration method is not significantly affected by the increase of the number of receivers or the non-uniform configuration. This approach allows us to perform high-speed high-accuracy estimation of the two-dimensional bearing angle without the constraints of structured receiver arrays, which is important to the realization of real-time tracking of mobile acoustic sources.
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QoS-aware content oriented flow routing in optical computer networkAl-Momin, Mohammed M. Saeed Abdullah January 2013 (has links)
In this thesis, one of the most important issues in the field of networks communication is tackled and addressed. This issue is represented by QoS, where the increasing demand on highquality applications together with the fast increase in the rates of Internet users have led to massive traffic being transmitted on the Internet. This thesis proposes new ideas to manage the flow of this huge traffic in a manner that contributes in improving the communication QoS. This can be achieved by replacing the conventional application-insensitive routing schemes by others which take into account the type of applications when making the routing decision. As a first contribution, the effect on the potential development in the quality of experience on the loading of Basra optical network has been investigated. Furthermore, the traffic due to each application was dealt with in different ways according to their delay and loss sensitivities. Load rate distributions over the various links due to the different applications were deployed to investigate the places of possible congestions in the network and the dominant applications that cause such congestions. In addition, OpenFlow and Optica Burst Switching (OBS) techniques were used to provide a wider range of network controllability and management. A centralised routing protocol that takes into account the available bandwidth, delay, and security as three important QoS parameters, when forwarding traffics of different types, was proposed and implemented using OMNeT++ networks simulator. As a novel idea, security has been incorporated in our QoS requirements by incorporating Oyster Optics Technology (OOT) to secure some of the optical links aiming to supply the network with some secure paths for those applications that have high privacy requirements. A particular type of traffic is to be routed according to the importance of these three QoS parameters for such a traffic type. The link utilisation, end to end delays and securities due to the different applications were recorded to prove the feasibility of our proposed system. In order to decrease the amount of traffic overhead, the same QoS constraints were implemented on a distributed Ant colony based routing. The traditional Ant routing protocol was improved by adopting the idea of Red-Green-Blue (RGB) pheromones routing to incorporate these QoS constraints. Improvements of 11% load balancing, and 9% security for private data was achieved compared to the conventional Ant routing techniques. In addition, this Ant based routing was utilised to propose an improved solution for the routing and wavelength assignment problem in the WDM optical computer networks.
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International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 25-28, 1993 / Riviera Hotel and Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada / In order to reduce the measuring channels for the single-transient signals, the author
propose the time division multiplex technique and introduce the method of SAW delay
line in this paper.
That used method of SAW tap-delay line in this system is different from previous
methods consists in making traditional method, which is one-path signal input
different delayed multi- path signals output, alter new method, which is simultaneous
multi-path signal inputs that are respectively delayed and one-path signal serial output.
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International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 27-30, 1997 / Riviera Hotel and Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada / A parallel multi-channel receiver for binary phase shift keyed (BPSK) direct-sequence (DS) spread-spectrum (SS) is introduced in this paper. It adopts a Costas carrier frequency-tracking loop which maintains frequency lock rather than phase lock, and the delay-lock error can be noncoherently obtained to track the PN code. For airborne applications, this method will extend effectively the receiver’s tracking dynamics range for the carrier Doppler shift. A erasable programmable logic device (EPLD) is applied to get the advantage of smaller size and higher flexibility. A high speed microprocessor (TMS320C30) which acts as the processing unit of the receiver is used for acquiring and tracking of the carrier and PN code by digital signal processing algorithms. This receiver is more flexible and is easily improved by reconfiguring the EPLD and modifying the software algorithms. Its fundamental principle is described in the paper.
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Wavelengths switching and allocation algorithms in multicast technology using m-arity tree networks topologyAbbas, Rafed Sabbar January 2014 (has links)
In this thesis, the m-arity tree networks have been investigated to derive equations for their nodes, links and required wavelengths. The relationship among all parameters such as leaves nodes, destinations, paths and wavelengths has been found. Three situations have been explored, firstly when just one server and the leaves nodes are destinations, secondly when just one server and all other nodes are destinations, thirdly when all nodes are sources and destinations in the same time. The investigation has included binary, ternary, quaternary and finalized by general equations for all m-arity tree networks. Moreover, a multicast technology is analysed in this thesis to transmit data carried by specific wavelengths to several clients. Wavelengths multicast switching is well examined to propose split-convert-split-convert (S-C-S-C) multicast switch which consists of light splitters and wavelengths converters. It has reduced group delay by 13% and 29% compared with split-convert (S-C) and split-convert-split (S-C-S) multicast switches respectively. The proposed switch has also increased the received signal power by a significant value which reaches 28% and 26.92% compared with S-C-S and S-C respectively. In addition, wavelengths allocation algorithms in multicast technology are proposed in this thesis using tree networks topology. Distributed scheme is adopted by placing wavelength assignment controller in all parents’ nodes. Two distributed algorithms proposed shortest wavelength assignment (SWA) and highest number of destinations with shortest wavelength assignment (HND-SWA) algorithms to increase the received signal power, decrease group delay and reduce dispersion. The performance of the SWA algorithm was almost better or same as HND-SWA related to the power, dispersion and group delay but they are always better than other two algorithms. The required numbers of wavelengths and their utilised converters have been examined and calculated for the researched algorithms. The HND-SWA has recorded the superior performance compared with other algorithms. It has reduced number of utilised wavelengths up to about 19% and minimized number of the used wavelengths converters up to about 29%. Finally, the centralised scheme is discussed and researched and proposed a centralised highest number of destinations (CHND) algorithm with static and dynamic scenarios to reduce network capacity decreasing (Cd) after each wavelengths allocation. The CDHND has reduced (Cd) by about 16.7% compared with the other algorithms.
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