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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Relationships between Agile Work Practices and Occupational Well-Being: The Role of Job Demands and Resources

Rietze, Sarah, Zacher, Hannes 02 June 2023 (has links)
Agile work practices have been adopted by most software development organizations and by many large organizations from other industries. The introduction of agile work practices is assumed to positively affect work characteristics and, in turn, well-being of employees. So far, there is only very little and methodologically limited empirical research on this topic. Based on job demands–resources theory, we developed and tested a model on the direct and indirect relationships between agile work practices, job demands and resources, and occupational well-being. Data were provided by 260 employees working in agile development teams who participated in two surveys that were approximately six weeks apart. Results of structural equation modeling provided support for the hypothesized model, suggesting that agile work practices have a negative indirect effect on emotional fatigue through lower job demands. At the same time, agile work practices also had a positive indirect effect on emotional engagement through higher job resources. Our research contributes to the literature by integrating agile work practices with job demands–resources theory, bridging an important gap between research and practice. Overall, the findings suggest that the implementation of agile work practices may have a positive impact on occupational well-being by improving employees’ perceptions of key work characteristics.

The role of demands and resources in the international work context : conceptual approach and empirical analysis

Rattrie, Lucy T. B. January 2013 (has links)
The Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) model (Bakker and colleagues) has received increasing attention in recent years, yet there is a distinct literature gap regarding its utility and value towards the international work context. In line with this, understanding how to design jobs representing enhanced climates of work engagement for internationally operating staff alludes practitioners. This thesis therefore aims to substantiate the claim that previous research applying the JD-R model has neglected the international work context and evaluate whether the model has potential to be used as a framework for managing burnout, work engagement and related outcomes beyond the use in solely national contexts. In order to do so, two review studies (systematic and meta-analytic) and two empirical studies (qualitative and quantitative) are conducted of the JD-R model in the international work context. Findings suggest: that existing JD-R literature does not consider the international work context, highlighting a distinct literature gap requiring attention, in order to achieve a holistic understanding of the model and its applicability; strong meta-analytic support for the JD-R model and the impact of variation in the international work context represented by dimensions of national culture; the JD-R model has potential for responding to the management of burnout and work engagement for international business travelers but may benefit from theoretical amendments that focus the models utility and direct scholarly research and practitioner approaches; that the model may not be as valuable as assumed for the international business traveler context, yet it is worth considering the findings in light of relevant literature and possible limitations. Overall, the findings suggest a distinct need for more research examining the JD-R model in the international work context. A number of potential theoretical amendments are suggested in a conceptual internationalized JD-R model that can be used as a foundation for future empirical work to establish the boundaries of the model and its utility. From a practitioner perspective, until more research is conducted, JD-R principles should be applied with caution. As a whole, this thesis encompasses theoretical, empirical and practical contributions relevant for scholarly and practitioner communities which can be built upon over time with regards to the proposed conceptual model.

An evaluation of job crafting as an intervention aimed at improving work engagement

Thomas, Emmarentia Carol January 2018 (has links)
Magister Commercii (Industrial Psychology) - MCom (IPS) / The construction industry plays a crucial role in the South African economy. In this high-risk industry, a lack of engagement by employees can have serious and costly health and safety consequences. Because construction companies work under conditions of tight deadlines and stringent requirements, executives and managers are often unable to reduce the demands on their employees. Hence, if employees are to increase their own levels of work engagement (and so improve health, promote safety, and guard against burnout), they need to exert personal agency by recrafting their own jobs. The term job crafting refers to proactive employee behaviours that seek to optimise the work environment, frequently by addressing the balance between job demands and job resource. Previous literature suggests that employees who use job crafting behaviours show higher work engagement, lower disengagement, more positive emotions, and better adaptive performance.

Anställdas upplevelser av att vara tillgänglig i arbetet : En kvalitativ intervjustudie

Persson, Jennylee January 2017 (has links)
Arbetsplatsen är en betydelsefull arena för människor då en stor del av livet spenderas i arbetslivet och det medför att det är viktigt med hälsofrämjande och förebyggande arbete. Arbetslivet har under de senaste åren förändrats mycket på grund av informations- och kommunikationsteknikens utveckling vilket möjliggjort ett flexiblare arbetssätt och att en stor del av arbetet bedrivs med hjälp av teknik. Förändringen inom hur och när anställda utför sitt arbete motiverar studier som vill öka förståelsen för anställdas upplevelser av tillgänglighet i arbetslivet. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur anställda upplever sin hälsa i relation till att vara tillgänglig i arbetet. En kvalitativ metod valdes med ett urval av fem personer verksamma inom konsult- och rådgivningsbranschen intervjuades. Intervjumaterialet analyserades med en manifest innehållsanalys. Resultatet visar att det upplevdes finnas både för- och nackdelar med att vara tillgänglig i arbetet. Tillgängligheten medför kontroll över anställdas arbete men det uppstår även en upplevelse av behov av att vara tillgänglig vilket medför en negativ påverkan på anställdas hälsa i form av stress. Det visar även på att arbetsgivaren har ett visst ansvar för att stötta sina anställda att hantera tillgängligheten för att arbeta mer hälsofrämjande med anställdas hälsa och en hälsofrämjande arbetsplats. / The workplace is an important arena for people since they spend a significant amount of their lifetime with work. This imposes that the workplace is an important arena for health promotion. The development of information and communication technology during the last decades has contributed to new ways of working in terms of flexibility and how work is performed. The change in how and when employees perform their work motivates further studies to increase the understanding of employees’ experience of the availability of work. The purpose of this study is to examine how employees perceive their health in relation to be available for work. A qualitative approach was selected in which five individuals working in consulting and advisory services industry were interviewed. The interviews were analyzed with a manifest content analysis. The result indicates that perceptions of availability for work comes with both advantages and disadvantages. Accessibility provides enhanced control over work tasks but there is also a perceived need to be available. Which can result in a negative impact on employees’ health in the form of stress. The study further indicates that the employer has a certain responsibility to support their employees to cope with the challenges that comes with availability to actively promote the health of employees.

Ganska mycket på vibb : En kvalitativ studie om organisatorisk och social arbetsmiljö inom idéburna organisationer och den personliga ideologins funktion däri

Nilzén Tomsby, Nike, Levén, Sofie January 2023 (has links)
Arbete inom den idéburna sektorn bedrivs utifrån andra mål än ekonomiska, mål som ofta delas av de anställda. Syftet med följande studie är att undersöka vilken roll dessa mål spelar för de anställdas motivation, och i synnerhet vilken kompenserande roll de kan utgöra för eventuella svagheter i den organisatoriska och sociala arbetsmiljön. Då avsikten är att undersöka olika aspekter av de anställdas egna upplevelser, lämpade sig en kvalitativ ansats. Det empiriska materialet utgörs av semistrukturerade intervjuer med ett urval bestående av sex personer jämt fördelade mellan två idéburna organisationer. De två valda organisationerna skiljer sig i viss mån åt gällande såväl organisationsstruktur som målgrupp, de har dock även gemensamma drag vilket synliggörs i det empiriska materialet. Det teoretiska ramverk som används ämnar undersöka relationen mellan de anställda och strukturen de verkar i, faktorer som leder till arbetstillfredsställelse samt hur krav och resurser påverkar upplevd motivation kontra belastning. Analysen visade på vikten av såväl struktur i arbetet som frihet i utförande, det egna engagemangets roll som drivkraft och betydelsen av ett utvecklande och stöttande socialt sammanhang. Slutsatsen som dras är att den personliga ideologin och engagemanget för organisationens sakfråga många gånger är avgörande för de anställda, och att brister främst i den sociala arbetsmiljön är den vanligast förekommande anledningen till bristande lojalitet mot organisationen. Även närvaron av en chef som leder och fördelar arbetet framstår som viktigt i båda organisationerna. / Work within the nonprofit sector is driven by goals other than economic ones, often shared bythe employees. The purpose of this study is to examine the role these goals play in employee motivation, particularly the compensatory role they may have for potential weaknesses in the organizational and social work environment. As the intention is to explore various aspects of employees' own experiences, a qualitative approach was deemed suitable. The empirical material consists of semi-structured interviews with six individuals, evenly distributed between two nonprofit organizations. While the two selected organizations differ to some extent in both organizational structure and target group, they also share common features, as evidenced in the empirical material. The theoretical framework used had the purpose of examining the relationship between employees and the structure they operate in, factors leading to job satisfaction, and how demands and resources affect perceived motivation versus strain. The analysis highlighted the importance of both structure in work and freedom in execution, the role of personal commitment as a driving force, and the significance of a supportive and developmental social context. The conclusion drawn is that personal ideology and commitment to the organization's cause are often crucial for employees, and deficiencies primarily in thesocial work environment are the most common reason for lacking organizational commitment. The presence of a leader guiding and allocating work is also deemed significant in both organizations.

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