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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Influence Of Thematic Instruction On The Motivation Of Upper-intermediate Preparatory School Students Of English For Academic Purposes (eap) At Metu

Olgun, Alison Alev 01 June 2004 (has links) (PDF)
This research inquires into whether the motivation of students learning English for Academic Purposes (EAP) at the upper-intermediate level improves when thematic instruction is employed in the classroom. This is the first time that a theme-based integrated skills approach was implemented at the Department of Basic English (DBE), METU at the intermediate and upper-intermediate levels. With the outcome of the needs analysis carried out by the administration, it was realized that students at the preparatory school needed to use integrated skills as reflected in &lsquo / real life&rsquo / . Moreover, thematic instruction was seen to be a requisite in the new curriculum since content is a key motivating principle. Hence, since one of the main concerns was the motivation of students attending courses at the preparatory school, there was a need to examine whether using this mode of instruction at the upper-intermediate level was able to ameliorate student motivation. For this research, firstly a pilot study and then qualitative analysis using in-depth interviews developed on the basis of the pilot study was employed. Therefore, using a triangulation of different kinds of data on related questions, interviews were carried out with 14 students on three separate occasions at the end of each span from the upper-intermediate group, two administrators and six upper-intermediate instructors. From the point of view of the students it appeared that generally content encouraged learning and improved English proficiency if the themes/topics were found to be of interest. However, the degree of impact of the themes and topics on student motivation largely depended on whether the student was intrinsically motivated or not. If the student was intrinsically motivated, content had a nominal affect on motivating them. The study showed that if the themes are linear and have a parochial focus on topics, too much time is spent on a theme, a redundancy of lexical items are taught, unnecessary details are included, and difficult and academic language used, these led to student demotivation in respect of content. Thus, indicating a greater variety of content was needed.
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Návrh změn motivačního systému ve vybrané společnosti. / Desing of Motivational System Change in a Selected company.

Genaeva, Evgeniya January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the proposal for changes of motivational system in the company JULI Motorenwerk, Ltd. The theoretical part deals with the processes of motivation and selected motivational theories. The analytical part is focused on the history of the selected company, its characteristics and company processes. After that the analysis and evaluation of the current motivational system of the company is presented. In practical part, based on theoretical knowledge and analysis, a more effective motivation system is proposed. The proposed changes should lead to increased employee satisfaction and consequently to better working results and higher business performance.

Motivating professional staff as a managerial task at a higher education institution

Chindanya, Andrew 31 May 2002 (has links)
The motivation of staff in higher education institutions, especially In Zimbabwe, has not received due attention over the years. This study investigated the factors affecting staff motivation at a Teachers' College in Zimbabwe. Staff perceptions of factors they found motivating and demotivating were established through the use of a qualitative methodology in which the semi-structured interview was used as the dominant method. Participant observation and the informal unstructured interview were employed in a complementary manner. The findings indicated that the factors respondents found motivating were those that tended to alleviate the needs for recognition, appreciation and self-actualisation. Demotivating factors included management policy and style, decision-making procedures and administration. The findings are discussed in the context of some dominant theories of motivation and recommendations are made regarding strategies to be used and what further research can be undertaken to address the problem.

Identifikace a srovnání motivačních faktorů u vedoucích sester a směnných sester. / Identification and comparison of motivational factors in senior nurses and nurses working in shifts.

FIALOVÁ, Lenka January 2010 (has links)
Motivation to work is understood as an individual´s approach to work, his/her willingness to work. People are motivated when they expect to achieve goals or get rewards satisfying their needs. Currently health care facilities are facing the shortage and turnover of nursing staff. Therefore, hospitals are commissioned to create such an environment in which nurses become motivated, because only motivated nurses can provide a quality nursing care, which is expressed in patients´ satisfaction and rewarding feelings in nurses. The aim of the thesis was to identify and compare motivational factors of senior nurses and nurses working in shifts. The aim was fulfilled. Three hypotheses were set. First hypothesis: The most important motivating factor in nurses in senior positions is professional development was not confirmed. Second hypothesis: The most important motivating factor in nurses working in shifts is a financial reward was not confirmed. Third hypothesis: Motivational factors in nurses vary depending on the job assignment was confirmed. Results of the survey will be provided to medical officers to give them an overview of the most important motivational factors in nurses and the outcomes could also be a source of information for the hospital management how to effectively motivate the personnel. Senior nurses may focus on non-financial forms of rewards such as acknowledgements, thanks, appreciations, and good interpersonal relationships in the workplace.
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La gestion de la diversité mise à l'épreuve : le cas du groupe Crédit Agricole SA / Diversity management in probation : the case study of Crédit Agricole S. A. group

Maizeray, Lidwine 21 November 2014 (has links)
La pression institutionnelle des lois et des associations ainsi que la recherche d’une performance économique, combinée à des attentes diverses engendrent un écart de perception entre l’idée d’une politique idéale et la réalité de la diversité éprouvée par les acteurs au sein de leur organisation. Cet écart conduit à des formes de démotivation propices à gêner et ralentir la mise en oeuvre d’une politique diversité. Comment, de fait, atténuer l’inévitable essoufflement du management de la diversité? Une fois analysées les raisons pour lesquelles les acteurs d’une organisation comme le groupe Crédit Agricole S.A. sont ralentis dans le déploiement d’une politique diversité de type inclusive, cette thèse apporte des solutions concrètes pour pratiquer une gestion de la diversité plus proche des attentes des acteurs. A partir d’une triangulation de données dans le cadre d’une méthodologie qualitative,l’inclusion n’est pas forcément apparue comme l’attente principale des acteurs. L’observation participante, l’étude de cas principale éclairée par 3 cas complémentaires, 55 entretiens (15 sur la diversité + 40 relatifs à la dimension handicap) permettent ainsi d’apporter des propositions managériales pour répondre à l’attente principale des acteurs qu’est le besoin de dialoguer, au sens de converser. La première étape consiste à identifier les acteurs susceptibles d’être démotivés pour ensuite les (re)mobiliser en leur (re)donnant la parole. Redonner la parole ne signifie pas forcément la mise en place de procédures formelles, mais plus précisément prendre le temps d’échanger, créer un temps partagé et ainsi instaurer une meilleure qualité de vie au travail. / The institutional pressure of laws and associations, as well as the search for economic performance, combined with various expectations, create a gap of perception between the idea of an ideal policy and the reality of diversity felt by the actors within their organisation.This gap leads to forms of demotivation and demobilisation, unfavourable to the development of a diversity policy which would claim to be efficient. How could we actually limit the unavoidable slowdown of the diversity management? Once the reasons why the actors of an organisation such as Crédit Agricole S.A. are restrained in developing an inclusive type of diversity management are analysed, this thesis brings tangible solutions to manage diversity in a way which is closer from the actors’ expectations.From a triangulation of data analysis within the framework of a qualitative methodology,inclusion has not necessarily appeared as the actors’ main expectation. Participative observation, the main case study highlighted with 3 complementary cases, 55 interviews (15 about diversity + 40 related to the handicap dimension), allow thus to bring managerial propositions to meet the main expectation of the actors which is the need to dialogue, in the sense of talk. The first step involves identifying the actors likely to be demotivated in order to mobilize them by allowing them to speak again afterwards. Allow them to speak does not necessarily involves setting up formal procedures, but more precisely taking time to exchange, creating a sharing time and thus establishing a better quality of life at the workplace.
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Motivace zaměstnanců ve vybrané obchodní společnosti a změny s tím související / Employee Motivation in a Selected Business Company and Changes Related with its Concept.

Blažek, Ondřej January 2019 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis is to propose changes to the current motivational program in a selected business corporation and other areas closely related to employee motivation. To achieve this goal, the relevant theoretical background has been studied. Subsequently, key terms such as motivation, stimulation and others were defined. Furthermore, an analysis of the current situation in the company was made. The research consists of a statistical test that examines the relationship of pre-specified qualitative factors. The calculations are based on data from the questionnaire survey. The results can, for example, indicate whether factors in the form of work environment, age or level of education affect employee preferences in motivation. Based on the acquired knowledge and data, specific changes in relation to employee motivation were proposed. For example, a proposal in the area of financial or non-financial bonuses, a program for young people, leisure activities, competition employee of the month and others.

Los factores motivadores y desmotivadores en chicos y chicas en sus estudios de ELE / The motivating and demotivating factors for boys and girls in their studies of Spanish as a foreign language

Lindqvist, Alice January 2020 (has links)
El estudio que se presentará investiga la relación entre la variable “género” y los diferentesfactores de motivación y desmotivación de los estudiantes suecos que aprenden español comolengua extranjera. Además, la investigación se centra en las diferencias entre los géneros y susactitudes hacia el español como lengua extranjera, junto con las posibles diferencias en el gradode motivación y cómo esto puede variar a medida que aumenta el aprendizaje. El objetivo del estudio es investigar si existen factores que aumenten odisminuyan la motivación para aprender español y revelar si haya diferencia estadísticamentesignificativa en el afecto de estos factores en los géneros. El estudio se basa en los resultados de cuestionarios respondidas por una muestrade 86 estudiantes suecos que aprenden español como lengua extranjera en Växjö y Eskilstuna.De estos, la muestra se redujo a 64 respuestas debido a aspectos éticos. Los participantes eranestudiantes en su primer año estudiando español como lengua extranjera (el sexto grado), en sucuarto año de español (noveno grado) o en su sexto año de español (tercer año de la secundaria).Los cuestionarios contenían 66 preguntas que cubrían los temas de las actitudes de losestudiantes hacia sus estudios de español, seguidas de declaraciones sobre el aumento odisminución de la motivación de los alumnos y una escala para que los estudiantes indicaran elefecto de los diferentes factores. Las respuestas se analizaron utilizando un documento de Excel y los promediosfueron calculados. Estos promedios se utilizaron para identificar tendencias con respecto a laspreguntas de la investigación. El Chi-Square Test se utilizó para calcular la significaciónestadística en la correlación de género y los diferentes factores de motivación y desmotivación.Los resultados indicaron una correlación estadísticamente significativa entre lavariable de “género” y la experiencia del fracaso. El estudio muestra que las estudiantesfemeninas de esta investigación se mostraron significativamente más desmotivadas por elmiedo al fracaso que los estudiantes masculinos. El estudio también demostró tendencias de unalto grado de motivación al comienzo de los estudios (el primer año), luego una disminuciónde la motivación (en el cuarto año) y un aumento después de pocos años de estudios más (sextoaño). El estudio no pudo concluir ninguna diferencia de género considerando las actitudes delo estudiantes con respecto a sus estudios del español como lengua extranjera. / The following study investigates the relation between the variable “gender” and differentmotivational and demotivational factors of Swedish students learning Spanish as a foreignlanguage. In addition to this the investigation also focuses on differences between the gendersand their attitudes towards the foreign language of Spanish, alongside with potentialdifferences in degree of motivation and how this may vary as the learning increases. The aim of the study is to investigate if there are any factors which increase ordecrease the motivation of learning Spanish and reveal if any of these affects the gendersdifferently to a statistically significant degree. The study is based on the results from questionnaires completed by a sample of 86Swedish students learning Spanish as a foreign language in Växjö and Eskilstuna. Of these,the sample was narrowed down to 64 answers due to ethical aspects. The participants werestudents in either their first year of Spanish (6th grade), their 4th year of Spanish (9th grade)or in their 6th year of Spanish (junior year of high school). The questionnaires contained 66questions covering the topics of the attitudes of the students towards their Spanish studies,followed by statements regarding the increase or decrease of the motivation of the studentsand a scale for the students to indicate the effect of the different factors. The answers were analysed using an-Excel document and calculated averages. Theseaverages were then used to identify tendencies in regard to the questions of the study. TheChi Square test was further used to calculate statistical significance in the correlation ofgender and the different motivational and demotivational factors. The results indicated a statistical significance in the correlation of the variable“gender” and the experience of failure. The study shows that the female students of this studybecame significantly more demotivated by the fear of failing than the male students. Thestudy also demonstrated tendencies of a high degree of motivation at the beginning of thestudies (the first year), then a decrease in motivation (in the 4th year) and an increase afterfurther learning (6th year). The study could not conclude any gender differences consideringthe attitudes of the students in regard to their studies of the foreign language Spanish.
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Demotivate the theft of bicycles : The development of a bicycle stand to promote cycling

Ahlström Sundgren, Oliver January 2023 (has links)
Cycling is a highly beneficial activity that can positively impact individuals, the planet, countries, and cities. It is, therefore, imperative to encourage more people to cycle while reducing obstacles that lead to the use of alternative modes of transportation, such as cars. One of the major challenges that cyclists face is the theft of their bicycles, which can cause significant discouragement and inconvenience. To address this issue, a Master's Thesis was undertaken to investigate ways of reducing bike theft in urban environments. The research question posed in the study was how to minimise bike theft in urban settings. The paper outlines the project's planning and context, identifying the bike stand as the most promising product category to address the issue. Behavioural and persuasive design strategies were implemented to enhance the stand's effectiveness. The research involved comprehensive interviews, ideation, modelling, and prototyping to find a solution that meets the requirements of the scenario. Potential users tested the designs to optimise the product to meet their needs and collective concern. The final concept incorporates most requirements and is discussed for its potential impact on society, sustainable development, and cyclists. By reducing bike theft, the solution can encourage more people to cycle, thus promoting sustainable transportation and reducing carbon emissions and diseases associated with inactivity. The study provides valuable insights into designing effective solutions to address social challenges and promote sustainable development in urban environments. / Cykling är en mycket fördelaktig aktivitet som kan påverka inte bara individer positivt utan även planeten, länderna och städerna. Det är därför absolut nödvändigt att uppmuntra fler människor att cykla samtidigt som man minskar hinder som leder till användning av alternativa transportsätt som bilar. En av de stora utmaningarna som cyklister står inför är stölden av sina cyklar, vilket kan orsaka betydande avskräckning och olägenheter. För att ta itu med denna fråga gjordes ett examensarbete för att undersöka sätt att minska cykelstölder i stadsmiljöer. Forskningsfrågan som ställdes i projektet var; hur man kan minimera cykelstölder i stadsmiljöer? Rapporten beskriver projektets planering och sammanhang, vilket identifierade cykelstället som den mest lovande produktkategorin för att ta itu med problemet. För att öka inverkan av cykelstället implementerade beteendemässiga och influerade designstrategier. Projektet innebar omfattande intervjuer, idéer, modellering och prototyper för att hitta en lösning som uppfyller kraven i scenariot. Potentiella användare testade koncepten för att optimera produkten för att möta deras behov och kollektiva angelägenheter. Det slutliga konceptet innehåller de flesta av kraven och diskuteras för dess potentiella påverkan på samhället, hållbar utveckling och cyklister. Genom att minska cykelstölder kan lösningen uppmuntra fler människor att cykla och på så sätt främja hållbara transporter och minska koldioxidutsläpp och sjukdomar associerade med inaktivitet. Sammantaget ger studien värdefulla insikter i att utforma effektiva lösningar för att möta sociala utmaningar och främja hållbar utveckling i stadsmiljöer.
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Motivace k učitelské profesi / Motivation in Teaching Profession

Závůrková, Eva January 2018 (has links)
1 Abstract This diploma thesis deals with motivation in teaching profession. It is devided into two parts. The teoratical part summarizes issues and motivation of teaching profession. The aim of the empirical part is research analysis focused on the view of the respondents' issues, their experiences and opinions. The results show that due to the respondents there are a lot of unsatisfactory factors, which are not long-term resolvable while these respondents speak about positive factors just sporadically. It is understood for them that some teachers were left the teaching profession.

Motivace pracovníků DDM z hlediska motivačních teorií / Motivation teachers DDM of motivation techniques

DUTKOVÁ, Pavlína January 2013 (has links)
The thesis deals with the motivation of teaching and external DDM personnel from the perspective of motivational theories. The theoretical part contains the definition of motivation and concepts related to it. It mainly deals with theories of motivation with an emphasis on Maslow's hierarchy of needs. The practical part deals with the motivation of workers and DDM search needs that motivate workers to work DDM. Motivation in terms of motivating teachers rated the theory of free time and outside workers. DDM Prachatice, DDM Vimperk, DDM Netolice and DDM Volary. Needs have been identified (in terms of Maslow's hierarchy of needs) that motivate employees to work free time teacher in the DDM. Among the major needs motivating to work in DDM include the need for certainty, the need for personal growth, the need for positive relations with DDM. For educators consider essential in responding to their needs fulfillment, ie, self-fulfillment, self-improvement, confidence and respect.

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