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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Distilling Multilingual Transformer Models for Efficient Document Retrieval : Distilling multi-Transformer models with distillation losses involving multi-Transformer interactions / Destillering av flerspråkiga transformatormodeller för effektiv dokumentsökning : Destillering av modeller med flera transformatorer med destilleringsförluster som involverar interaktioner mellan flera transformatorer

Liu, Xuecong January 2022 (has links)
Open Domain Question Answering (OpenQA) is a task concerning automatically finding answers to a query from a given set of documents. Language-agnostic OpenQA is an increasingly important research area in the globalised world, where the answers can be in a different language from the question. An OpenQA system generally consists of a document retriever to retrieve relevant passages and a reader to extract answers from the passages. Large Transformers, such as Dense Passage Retrieval (DPR) models, have achieved state-of-the-art performances in document retrievals, but they are computationally expensive in production. Knowledge Distillation (KD) is an effective way to reduce the size and increase the speed of Transformers while retaining their performances. However, most existing research focuses on distilling single Transformer models, instead of multi-Transformer models, as in the case of DPR. This thesis project uses MiniLM and DistilBERT distillation methods, two of the most successful methods to distil the BERT model, to individually distil the passage and query model of a fined-tuned DPR model comprised of two pretrained MPNet models. In addition, the project proposes and tests Embedding Similarity Loss (ESL), a distillation loss designed for the interaction between the passage and query models in DPR architecture. The results show that using ESL results in better students than using MiniLM or DistilBERT loss alone and that combining ESL with any of the other two losses increases their student models’ performances in most cases, especially when training on Information-Seeking Question Answering in Typologically Diverse Languages (TyDi QA) instead of The Stanford Question Answering Dataset 1.1 (SQuAD 1.1). The best resulting 6-layer student DPR model retained more than 90% of the recall and Mean Average Precision (MAP) in Cross-Lingual Transfer (XLT) tasks while reducing the inference time to 63.2%. In Generalised Cross-Lingual Transfer (G-XLT) tasks, it retained only around 42% of the recall and MAP using 53.8% of the inference time. / Domänlöst frågebesvarande är en uppgift som handlar om att automatiskt hitta svar på en fråga från en given uppsättning av dokument. Språkagnostiska domänlöst frågebesvarande är ett allt viktigare forskningsområde i den globaliserade världen, där svaren kan vara på ett annat språk än själva frågan. Ett domänlöst frågebesvarande-system består i allmänhet av en dokumenthämtare som plockar relevanta textavsnitt och en läsare som extraherar svaren från dessa textavsnitt. Stora transformatorer, såsom DPR-modeller (Dense Passage Retrieval), har uppnått toppresultat i dokumenthämtning, men de är beräkningsmässigt dyra i produktion. KD (Knowledge Distillation) är ett effektivt sätt att minska storleken och öka hastigheten hos transformatorer samtidigt som deras prestanda bibehålls. För det mesta är den existerande forskningen dock inriktad på att destillera enstaka transformatormodeller i stället för modeller med flera transformatorer, som i fallet med DPR. I det här examensarbetet används MiniLM- och DistilBERT-destilleringsmetoderna, två av de mest framgångsrika metoderna för att destillera BERT-modellen, för att individuellt destillera text- och frågemodellen i en finjusterad DPRmodell som består av två förinlärda MPNet-modeller. Dessutom föreslås och testas ESL (Embedding Similarity Loss), en destilleringsförlust som är utformad för interaktionen mellan text- och frågemodellerna i DPRarkitekturen. Resultaten visar att användning av ESL resulterar i bättre studenter än om man enbart använder MiniLM eller DistilBERT-förlusten och att kombinationen ESL med någon av de andra två förlusterna ökar deras studentmodellers prestanda i de flesta fall, särskilt när man tränar på TyDi QA (Typologically Diverse Languages) istället för SQuAD 1.1 (The Stanford Question Answering Dataset). Den bästa resulterande 6-lagriga student DPRmodellen behöll mer än 90% av återkallandet och MAP (Mean Average Precision) för XLT-uppgifterna (Cross-Lingual Transfer) samtidigt som tiden för inferens minskades till 63.2%. För G-XLT-uppgifterna (Generalised CrossLingual Transfer) bibehölls endast cirka 42% av återkallelsen och MAP med 53.8% av inferenstiden.

Trade-offs between Quality and Efficiency in Multilingual Dense Retrieval / Avvägningar mellan kvalitet och effektivitet i f lerspråkig tät informationssökning

Schüldt, Emma January 2022 (has links)
As the amount of content online grows, information retrieval becomes increasingly crucial. Traditional information retrieval does not take the text order into account and is also dependent on exact text matching between the query and the document. Therefore, a query consisting of synonyms to words in a document will not retrieve that document even if it could have been relevant to the user. An alternative approach is dense retrieval which solves these issues by representing the semantic meaning of the query or document using a vector representation. Semantically similar queries and documents are represented with vectors close to each other in a vector space. Vector similarity search can be used to find the most relevant documents for a query. Since the semantic meanings of the words are used, synonyms and paraphrases are handled implicitly. There are several ways to design these representation vectors, either by using one or several vectors to represent each query or document, by changing the dimensionality of the vectors, or by changing the span of values in the vectors. Each option brings its trade-offs in terms of quality of search results, query latency, and index memory footprint. This study experimented with each of the alternatives above. Since most previous research within the area has been done in a monolingual, mainly English context, this study used four different languages to investigate if the trade-offs differed. In this study, the quality, latency, and memory footprint moved in the same direction, i.e., when the quality increased, then the latency increased as well. This was the case for all the languages. For the version that used one vector each for the document and query, decreasing the dimensionality to 128 or 64 gave significant latency improvements but did not affect the quality. For the larger version, which used 32 vectors for the query and 64 for the document, converting the values of vectors to binary had no significant effect on quality but greatly reduced the storage size. / Mängden innehåll på internet växer, och med det behovet av välfungerande informationssökningssystem. Traditionella sökmotorer tar inte hänsyn till ordföljden och är beroende av exakt textmatchning mellan sökfrågan och dokumentet. På grund av detta kommer en sökfråga som innehåller synonymer till ord i ett dokument inte att hämta det dokumentet, även om det hade kunnat vara relevant för användaren. En annan metod är tät informationssökning (en: Dense Retrieval) som löser de här problemen implicit genom att representera den semantiska betydelsen av sökfrågan eller dokumentet med en vektorrepresentation. Semantiskt lika sökfrågor och dokument representeras av närliggande vektorer i ett vektorrum. Likhetssökning med vektorerna kan användas för att hitta de mest relevanta dokumenten för en sökfråga. Eftersom ordens semantiska betydelse används, hanteras synonymer och parafraser implicit. Det finns flera sätt att utforma vektorerna, antingen genom att använda en eller flera vektorer för att representera varje sökfråga eller dokument, genom att ändra vektorernas dimensionalitet, eller genom att ändra spannet för vektorernas värden. Varje alternativ har sina egna för- och nackdelar med avseende på sökresultatens kvalitet, sökningarnas tidsåtgång, och hur mycket minne indexet upptar. I den här studien har vi undersökt alla ovanstående aspekter. Eftersom den mesta tidigare forskningen enbart har gjorts i en engelsk kontext, använder den här studien fyra olika språk för att se om föroch nackdelarna skiljde sig åt mellan de olika språken. I den här studien rörde sig kvaliteten, söktiden och minnesavtrycket i samma riktning, det vill säga när kvaliteten ökade, ökade också söktiden. Detta gällde för alla olika språk. För versionen som använde en vektor vardera för sökfrågan och dokumentet, gav en minskning av dimensionaliteten till 128 eller 64 betydande minskningar av söktiden men förändrade inte kvaliteten. För den större version som använde 32 vektorer för sökfrågan och 64 för dokumentet, gjorde inte en omvandling av vektorernas värden till binära någon skillnad för kvaliteten, men minskade lagringsutrymmet betydligt.

Exploring the Three-Dimensional Regional Myocardial Function in Transgenic Mouse Models of Cardiac Diseases using Novel MR Tissue Tracking Techniques

Zhong, Jia January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil: Numerical and Mathematical Analysis of Laboratory Triaxial Compression Tests

Santacruz Reyes, Karla 03 February 2017 (has links)
Geosynthetic reinforced soil (GRS) is a soil improvement technology in which closely spaced horizontal layers of geosynthetic are embedded in a soil mass to provide lateral support and increase strength. GRS is popular due to a relatively new application for bridge support, as well as long-standing application in mechanically stabilized earth walls. Several different GRS design methods have been used, and some are application-specific and not based on fundamental principles of mechanics. Because consensus regarding fundamental behavior of GRS is lacking, numerical and mathematical analyses were performed for laboratory tests obtained from the published literature of GRS under triaxial compression in consolidated-drained conditions. A three-dimensional numerical model was developed using FLAC3D. An existing constitutive model for the soil component was modified to incorporate confining pressure dependency of friction angle and dilation parameters, while retaining the constitutive model's ability to represent nonlinear stress-strain response and plastic yield. Procedures to obtain the parameter values from drained triaxial compression tests on soil specimens were developed. A method to estimate the parameter values from particle size distribution and relative compaction was also developed. The geosynthetic reinforcement was represented by two-dimensional orthotropic elements with soil-geosynthetic interfaces on each side. Comparisons between the numerical analyses and laboratory tests exhibited good agreement for strains from zero to 3% for tests with 1 to 3 layers of reinforcement. As failure is approached at larger strains, agreement was good for specimens that had 1 or 2 layers of reinforcement and soil friction angle less than 40 degrees. For other conditions, the numerical model experienced convergence problems that could not be overcome by mesh refinement or reducing the applied loading rate; however, it appears that, if convergence problems can be solved, the numerical model may provide a mechanics-based representation of GRS behavior, at least for triaxial test conditions. Three mathematical theories of GRS failure available in published literature were applied to the laboratory triaxial tests. Comparisons between the theories and the tests results demonstrated that all three theories have important limitations. These numerical and mathematical evaluations of laboratory GRS tests provided a basis for recommending further research. / Ph. D.

Deep Learning Methods for Predicting Fluid Forces in Dense Particle Suspensions

Raj, Neil Ashwin 28 July 2021 (has links)
Modelling solid-fluid multiphase flows are crucial to many applications such as fluidized beds, pyrolysis and gasification, catalytic cracking etc. Accurate modelling of the fluid-particle forces is essential for lab-scale and industry-scale simulations. Fluid-particle system solutions can be obtained using various techniques including the macro-scale TFM (Two fluid model), the meso-scale CFD-DEM (CFD - Discrete Element Method) and the micro-scale PRS (Particle Resolved Simulation method). As the simulation scale decreases, accuracy increases but with an exponential increase in computational time. Since fluid forces have a large impact on the dynamics of the system, this study trains deep learning models using micro-scale PRS data to predict drag forces on ellipsoidal particle suspensions to be applied to meso-scale and macro-scale models. Two different deep learning methodologies are employed, multi-layer perceptrons (MLP) and 3D convolutional neural networks (CNNs). The former trains on the mean characteristics of the suspension including the Reynolds number of the mean flow, the solid fraction of the suspension, particle shape or aspect ratio and inclination to the mean flow direction, while the latter trains on the 3D spatial characterization of the immediate neighborhood of each particle in addition to the data provided to the MLP. The trained models are analyzed and compared on their ability to predict three different drag force values, the suspension mean drag which is the mean drag for all the particles in a given suspension, the mean orientation drag which is the mean drag of all particles at specific orientations to the mean flow, and finally the individual particle drag. Additionally, the trained models are also compared on their ability to test on data sets that are excluded/hidden during the training phase. For instance, the deep learning models are trained on drag force data at only a few values of Reynolds numbers and tested on an unseen value of Reynolds numbers. The ability of the trained models to perform extrapolations over Reynolds number, solid fraction, and particle shape to predict drag forces is presented. The results show that the CNN performs significantly better compared to the MLP in terms of predicting both suspensions mean drag force and also mean orientation drag force, except a particular case of extrapolation where the MLP does better. With regards to predicting drag force on individual particles in the suspension the CNN performs very well when extrapolated to unseen cases and experiments and performs reasonably well when extrapolating to unseen Reynolds numbers and solid fractions. / M.S. / Multiphase solid-fluid flows are ubiquitous in various industries like pharmaceuticals (tablet coating), agriculture (grain drying, grain conveying), mining (oar roasting, mineral conveying), energy (gasification). Accurate and time-efficient computational simulations are crucial in developing and designing systems dealing with multiphase flows. Particle drag force calculations are very important in modeling solid-fluid multiphase flows. Current simulation methods used in the industry such as two-fluid models (TFM) and CFD-Discrete Element Methods (CFD-DEM) suffer from uncertain drag force modeling because these simulations do not resolve the flow field around a particle. Particle Resolved Simulations (PRS) on the other hand completely resolve the fluid flow around a particle and predict very accurate drag force values. This requires a very fine mesh simulation, thus making PRS simulations many orders more computationally expensive compared to the CFD-DEM simulations. This work aims at using deep learning or artificial intelligence-based methods to improve the drag calculation accuracy of the CFD-DEM simulations by learning from the data generated by PRS simulations. Two different deep learning models have been used, the Multi-Layer Perceptrons(MLP) and Convolutional Neural Networks(CNN). The deep learning models are trained to predict the drag forces given a particle's aspect ratio, the solid fraction of the suspension it is present in, and the Reynolds number of the mean flow field in the suspension. Along with the former information the CNN, owing their ability to learn spatial data better is additionally provided with a 3D image of particles' immediate neighborhood. The trained models are analyzed on their ability to predict drag forces at three different fidelities, the suspension mean drag force, the orientation mean drag, and the individual particle drag. Additionally, the trained models are compared on their abilities to predict unseen datasets. For instance, the models would be trained on particles of an aspect ratio of 10 and 5 and tested on their ability to predict drags of particles of aspect ratio 2.5. The results show that the CNN performs significantly better compared to the MLP in terms of predicting both suspension mean drag force and also mean orientation drag force, except a particular case of extrapolation where the MLP does better. With regards to predicting drag force on individual particles in the suspension, the CNN performs very well when extrapolated to unseen cases and experiments and performs reasonably well when extrapolating to unseen Reynolds numbers and solid fractions.

Ultra Dense Networks Deployment for beyond 2020 Technologies

Giménez Colás, Sonia 01 September 2017 (has links)
A new communication paradigm is foreseen for beyond 2020 society, due to the emergence of new broadband services and the Internet of Things era. The set of requirements imposed by these new applications is large and diverse, aiming to provide a ubiquitous broadband connectivity. Research community has been working in the last decade towards the definition of the 5G mobile wireless networks that will provide the proper mechanisms to reach these challenging requirements. In this framework, three key research directions have been identified for the improvement of capacity in 5G: the increase of the spectral efficiency by means of, for example, the use of massive MIMO technology, the use of larger amounts of spectrum by utilizing the millimeter wave band, and the network densification by deploying more base stations per unit area. This dissertation addresses densification as the main enabler for the broadband and massive connectivity required in future 5G networks. To this aim, this Thesis focuses on the study of the UDN. In particular, a set of technology enablers that can lead UDN to achieve their maximum efficiency and performance are investigated, namely, the use of higher frequency bands for the benefit of larger bandwidths, the use of massive MIMO with distributed antenna systems, and the use of distributed radio resource management techniques for the inter-cell interference coordination. Firstly, this Thesis analyzes whether there exists a fundamental performance limit related with densification in cellular networks. To this end, the UDN performance is evaluated by means of an analytical model consisting of a 1-dimensional network deployment with equally spaced BS. The inter-BS distance is decreased until reaching the limit of densification when this distance approaches 0. The achievable rates in networks with different inter-BS distances are analyzed for several levels of transmission power availability, and for various types of cooperation among cells. Moreover, UDN performance is studied in conjunction with the use of a massive number of antennas and larger amounts of spectrum. In particular, the performance of hybrid beamforming and precoding MIMO schemes are assessed in both indoor and outdoor scenarios with multiple cells and users, working in the mmW frequency band. On the one hand, beamforming schemes using the full-connected hybrid architecture are analyzed in BS with limited number of RF chains, identifying the strengths and weaknesses of these schemes in a dense-urban scenario. On the other hand, the performance of different indoor deployment strategies using HP in the mmW band is evaluated, focusing on the use of DAS. More specifically, a DHP suitable for DAS is proposed, comparing its performance with that of HP in other indoor deployment strategies. Lastly, the presence of practical limitations and hardware impairments in the use of hybrid architectures is also investigated. Finally, the investigation of UDN is completed with the study of their main limitation, which is the increasing inter-cell interference in the network. In order to tackle this problem, an eICIC scheduling algorithm based on resource partitioning techniques is proposed. Its performance is evaluated and compared to other scheduling algorithms under several degrees of network densification. After the completion of this study, the potential of UDN to reach the capacity requirements of 5G networks is confirmed. Nevertheless, without the use of larger portions of spectrum, a proper interference management and the use of a massive number of antennas, densification could turn into a serious problem for mobile operators. Performance evaluation results show large system capacity gains with the use of massive MIMO techniques in UDN, and even greater when the antennas are distributed. Furthermore, the application of ICIC techniques reveals that, besides the increase in system capacity, it brings significant energy savings to UDNs. / A partir del año 2020 se prevé que un nuevo paradigma de comunicación surja en la sociedad, debido a la aparición de nuevos servicios y la era del Internet de las cosas. El conjunto de requisitos impuesto por estas nuevas aplicaciones es muy amplio y diverso, y tiene como principal objetivo proporcionar conectividad de banda ancha y universal. En las últimas décadas, la comunidad científica ha estado trabajando en la definición de la 5G de redes móviles que brindará los mecanismos necesarios para garantizar estos requisitos. En este marco, se han identificado tres mecanismos clave para conseguir el necesario incremento de capacidad de la red: el aumento de la eficiencia espectral a través de, por ejemplo, el uso de tecnologías MIMO masivas, la utilización de mayores porciones del espectro en frecuencia y la densificación de la red mediante el despliegue de más estaciones base por área. Esta Tesis doctoral aborda la densificación como el principal mecanismo que permitirá la conectividad de banda ancha y universal requerida en la 5G, centrándose en el estudio de las Redes Ultra Densas o UDNs. En concreto, se analiza el conjunto de tecnologías habilitantes que pueden llevar a las UDNs a obtener su máxima eficiencia y prestaciones, incluyendo el uso de altas frecuencias para el aprovechamiento de mayores anchos de banda, la utilización de MIMO masivo con sistemas de antenas distribuidas y el uso de técnicas de reparto de recursos distribuidas para la coordinación de interferencias. En primer lugar, se analiza si existe un límite fundamental en la mejora de las prestaciones en relación a la densificación. Con este fin, las prestaciones de las UDNs se evalúan utilizando un modelo analítico de red unidimensional con BSs equiespaciadas, en el que la distancia entre BSs se disminuye hasta alcanzar el límite de densificación cuando ésta se aproxima a 0. Las tasas alcanzables en redes con distintas distancias entre BSs son analizadas, considerando distintos niveles de potencia disponible en la red y varios grados de cooperación entre celdas. Además, el comportamiento de las UDNs se estudia junto al uso masivo de antenas y la utilización de anchos de banda mayores. Más concretamente, las prestaciones de ciertas técnicas híbridas MIMO de precodificación y beamforming se examinan en la banda milimétrica. Por una parte, se analizan esquemas de beamforming en BSs con arquitectura híbrida en función de la disponibilidad de cadenas de radiofrecuencia en escenarios exteriores. Por otra parte, se evalúan las prestaciones de ciertos esquemas de precodificación híbrida en escenarios interiores, utilizando distintos despliegues y centrando la atención en los sistemas de antenas distribuidos o DAS. Además, se propone un algoritmo de precodificación híbrida específico para DAS, y se evalúan y comparan sus prestaciones con las de otros algoritmos de precodificación utilizados. Por último, se investiga el impacto en las prestaciones de ciertas limitaciones prácticas y deficiencias introducidas por el uso de dispositivos no ideales. Finalmente, el estudio de las UDNs se completa con el análisis de su principal limitación, el nivel creciente de interferencia en la red. Para ello, se propone un algoritmo de control de interferencias basado en la partición de recursos. Sus prestaciones son evaluadas y comparadas con las de otras técnicas de asignación de recursos. Tras este estudio, se puede afirmar que las UDNs tienen gran potencial para la consecución de los requisitos de la 5G. Sin embargo, sin el uso conjunto de mayores porciones del espectro, adecuadas técnicas de control de la interferencia y el uso masivo de antenas, las UDNs pueden convertirse en serios obstáculos para los operadores móviles. Los resultados de la evaluación de prestaciones de estas tecnologías confirman el gran aumento de la capacidad de las redes mediante el uso masivo de antenas y la introducción de mecanismos de I / A partir de l'any 2020 es preveu un nou paradigma de comunicació en la societat, degut a l'aparició de nous serveis i la era de la Internet de les coses. El conjunt de requeriments imposat per aquestes noves aplicacions és ampli i divers, i té com a principal objectiu proporcionar connectivitat universal i de banda ampla. En les últimes dècades, la comunitat científica ha estat treballant en la definició de la 5G, que proveirà els mecanismes necessaris per a garantir aquests exigents requeriments. En aquest marc, s'han identificat tres mecanismes claus per a aconseguir l'increment necessari en la capacitat: l'augment de l'eficiència espectral a través de, per exemple, l'ús de tecnologies MIMO massives, la utilització de majors porcions de l'espectre i la densificació mitjançant el desplegament de més estacions base per àrea. Aquesta Tesi aborda la densificació com a principal mecanisme que permetrà la connectivitat de banda ampla i universal requerida en la 5G, centrant-se en l' estudi de les xarxes ultra denses (UDNs). Concretament, el conjunt de tecnologies que poden dur a les UDNs a la seua màxima eficiència i prestacions és analitzat, incloent l'ús d'altes freqüències per a l'aprofitament de majors amplàries de banda, la utilització de MIMO massiu amb sistemes d'antenes distribuïdes i l'ús de tècniques distribuïdes de repartiment de recursos per a la coordinació de la interferència. En primer lloc, aquesta Tesi analitza si existeix un límit fonamental en les prestacions en relació a la densificació. Per això, les prestacions de les UDNs s'avaluen utilitzant un model analític unidimensional amb estacions base equidistants, en les quals la distància entre estacions base es redueix fins assolir el límit de densificació quan aquesta distància s'aproxima a 0. Les taxes assolibles en xarxes amb diferents distàncies entre estacions base s'analitzen considerant diferents nivells de potència i varis graus de cooperació entre cel·les. A més, el comportament de les UDNs s'estudia conjuntament amb l'ús massiu d'antenes i la utilització de majors amplàries de banda. Més concretament, les prestacions de certes tècniques híbrides MIMO de precodificació i beamforming s'examinen en la banda mil·limètrica. D'una banda, els esquemes de beamforming aplicats a estacions base amb arquitectures híbrides és analitzat amb disponibilitat limitada de cadenes de radiofreqüència a un escenari urbà dens. D'altra banda, s'avaluen les prestacions de certs esquemes de precodificació híbrida en escenaris d'interior, utilitzant diferents estratègies de desplegament i centrant l'atenció en els sistemes d' antenes distribuïdes (DAS). A més, es proposa un algoritme de precodificació híbrida distribuïda per a DAS, i s'avaluen i comparen les seues prestacions amb les de altres algoritmes. Per últim, s'investiga l'impacte de les limitacions pràctiques i altres deficiències introduïdes per l'ús de dispositius no ideals en les prestacions de tots els esquemes anteriors. Finalment, l' estudi de les UDNs es completa amb l'anàlisi de la seua principal limitació, el nivell creixent d'interferència entre cel·les. Per tractar aquest problema, es proposa un algoritme de control d'interferències basat en la partició de recursos. Les prestacions de l'algoritme proposat s'avaluen i comparen amb les d'altres tècniques d'assignació de recursos. Una vegada completat aquest estudi, es pot afirmar que les UDNs tenen un gran potencial per aconseguir els ambiciosos requeriments plantejats per a la 5G. Tanmateix, sense l'ús conjunt de majors amplàries de banda, apropiades tècniques de control de la interferència i l'ús massiu d'antenes, les UDNs poden convertir-se en seriosos obstacles per als operadors mòbils. Els resultats de l'avaluació de prestacions d' aquestes tecnologies confirmen el gran augment de la capacitat de les xarxes obtingut mitjançant l'ús massiu d'antenes i la introducci / Giménez Colás, S. (2017). Ultra Dense Networks Deployment for beyond 2020 Technologies [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/86204


Kayli Lynn Henry (19180435) 20 July 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">The ability to predict and manipulate how a particulate material will flow in a process is challenging for industry and researchers alike. This dissertation presents the results of a model-directed, experimental approach using a concentric cylinder rheometer titled along an axis to enable continuous chute flow of granular media. Experiments were performed using draining flows for constant and oscillatory applied shear rates. Multiple flow and stress sensors were used to investigate the interaction of mass holdup, shear rate, specific torque, particle velocity, discharge mass flow rate, and wall pressure. Depending on the flow configuration, linear ranges were observed wherein the specific torque remained steady during draining. This finding enabled systematic testing of flow behavior as a function of dimensionless shear rates. Results suggest changes in the specific torque, wall slip, and outflow variance occur with the transition from the quasi-static to dense-inertial flow regimes. A pump-curve analogy was also identified for the relationship between the outlet mass flow rate and the specific power relationship for the constant shear rate experiments. Oscillatory shear rate experiments show a significant influence of the phase shift between the applied shear rate and the specific torque. Adding an asperity to the rotor revealed rate-dependent patterns in bulk flow and force chain dynamics. Overall, the study offers valuable insights into the effects of shear rate and boundary conditions on dense granular flows. The effects of particle characteristics (e.g., size and shape distributions, friction, cohesivity) and material properties (e.g., density, modulus) remain topics for future work. </p>

Attraktiv och hållbar stadskärna i Borlänge : Stadsanalys för Borlänge centrum och förslag till förbättringar för ett attraktivt centrum / Attractive and sustainable city center in Borlänge : Urban analysis for Borlänge center and proposals for improvements for an attractive center

Gorge, Abdalla, Saif, Oday January 2024 (has links)
The negative effects of external trade on urban life have long been a subject of discussion, especially regarding its impact on central urban environments. Studies indicate that urban life decreases when retail moves out of city centers, leading to less activity and fewer spontaneous encounters in the city center. At the same time, sustainability issues and the creation of vibrant urban environments are highly prioritized by municipalities. The purpose of this thesis is to identify factors that can improve urban life in Borlänge city center and propose concrete improvements. Through a combination of site analysis, visual analysis, and literature review, a comprehensive urban analysis has been conducted. The work includes various field studies to understand both the strengths and weaknesses that characterize Borlänge city center. The results of the analysis have formed the basis for recommendations aimed at increasing the attractiveness and functionality of the city center. Suggestions include strengthening routes with high potential for urban life, overcoming physical and social barriers, reducing the dominance of car traffic, and integrating more green areas and meeting places. Through these measures, we strive to create a more inviting and sustainable urban environment that promotes social interaction and activity in Borlänge city center. This work demonstrates how the physical environment can be transformed to revive urban life and enhance the attractiveness of the city center, with the goal of creating a sustainable and lively city where people enjoy spending time. / Externhandelns negativa effekter på stadslivet har länge varit ett ämne för diskussion, särskilt med avseende på hur den påverkar centrala stadsmiljöer. Studier visar att stadslivet minskar när detaljhandeln flyttar ut från stadskärnorna, vilket leder till mindre aktivitet och färre spontana möten i stadens centrum. Samtidigt är hållbarhetsfrågor och skapandet av levande stadsmiljöer högt prioriterade av kommunerna. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att identifiera faktorer som kan förbättra stadslivet i Borlänge centrum och föreslå konkreta förbättringar. Genom en kombination av platsanalyser, visuella analyser och litteraturstudier har en omfattande stadsanalys genomförts. Arbetet inkluderar olika fältstudier för att förstå både de styrkor och svagheter som karaktäriserar Borlänge centrum. Resultaten av analysen har legat till grund för rekommendationer som syftar till att öka attraktiviteten och funktionaliteten i stadskärnan. Förslagen inkluderar att stärka stråk med hög potential för stadslivet, övervinna fysiska och sociala barriärer, minska biltrafikens dominans, och integrera fler grönområden och mötesplatser. Genom dessa åtgärder strävar vi efter att skapa en mer inbjudande och hållbar stadsmiljö som främjar social interaktion och aktivitet i Borlänge centrum. Detta arbete visar hur den fysiska miljön kan omformas för att återuppliva stadslivet och stärka stadskärnans attraktivitet, med målet att skapa en hållbar och livfull stad där människor trivs och gärna vistas.

Dynamique structurelle ultra-rapide lors de la transition solide-plasma dense et tiède produite par laser / Ultrafast structural dynamics during the laser-driven solid-warm dense plasma transition

Leguay, Pierre-Marie 19 December 2013 (has links)
La matière dense et tiède (WDM pour Warm Dense Matter) est caractérisée par des températures proches de celle de Fermi et des densités proches du solide. Cette thèse présente des études expérimentales de la WDM éventuellement hors équilibre électron-ion, à l'aide de la spectroscopie d'absorption X près des seuils (XANES) résolue en temps. Nous avons développé un dispositif expérimental de XANES résolu en temps, basé sur un spectromètre à deux cristaux de Bragg, qui permet d'obtenir d'une part le signal émis par la source X utilisée, et d'autre part le signal transmis à travers un échantillon fin d'aluminium. La comparaison de ces deux grandeurs permet de mesurer l'absorption absolue de l'échantillon. L'échantillon est excité par un faisceau laser ultra-bref afin d'atteindre les conditions thermodynamiques attendues.Le dépôt laser étant réalisé sur les électrons de l'échantillon, les ions restent froids pendant l'interaction. L'équilibration thermique qui suit a une durée attendue de l'ordre de quelques picosecondes. Lors d'une première expérience, nous avons étudié la dynamique des transitions de phase subies par une feuille d'aluminium de 100 nm d'épaisseur, chauffée par un laser de 120 fs, avec un flux relativement élevé (6 J/cm²). La transition solide-liquide a lieu sur une échelle de temps plus faible que la résolution (environ 3 ps). La transition liquide-vapeur atomique a lieu après une vingtaine de picosecondes, en accord avec des simulations hydrodynamiques. Afin d'observer plus précisément la transition solide-liquide, nous avons réalisé une seconde expérience avec des flux plus faibles (< 1J/cm²). La feuille d'aluminium reste dans un état localement structuré aux temps longs. L'observation de la diminution progressive des modulations XANES, correspondant à une perte partielle d'ordre local, permet de déterminer la dynamique de l'augmentation de la température ionique. La comparaison des résultats expérimentaux avec des simulations hydrodynamiques, et de dynamique moléculaire quantique, a montré que le XANES est un diagnostic pertinent de la température ionique pendant et au delà de la fusion, permettant de suivre l'équilibration thermique électrons-ions. Nous avons constaté un temps caractéristique de l'équilibration significativement plus long qu'attendu, ce qui questionne la détermination du taux de collisions électrons-ions dans le régime dense et tiède. Ce même diagnostic a été exploité lors de deux expériences où nous avons étudié la silice comprimée par un choc laser jusqu'à des densités atteignant plus de deux fois celle du solide. Nous avons ainsi pu suivre l'évolution des structures électronique et ionique de la silice. Pour obtenir une meilleure résolution temporelle, nous avons réalisé deux autres expériences en utilisant une source X bêtatron et un laser X à électrons libres. La faisabilité d'expériences de XANES avec des résolutions femtosecondes a ainsi été démontrée. / Warm Dense Matter (WDM) is characterized by temperatures near the Fermi one and densities close to the solid. Experimental studies of WDM eventually out of electron-ion equilibrium are presented in this thesis with the help of time-resolved X-ray Absorption Near Edge Spectroscopy(XANES).We have developed a time-resolved XANES set-up, based on a two-Bragg-crystals spectrometer, allowing to record in one hand the X-ray source emitted signal, and in the other hand the transmitted one through a thin aluminum sample. The absolute absorption of the sample is measured comparing these two signals. The aluminum sample is heated by an ultrafast laser beam in order to reach the required thermodynamical conditions. Note that the energy is deposited on the electrons, whereas the ions keep cold during the interaction. The thermal equilibration follows with an expected picosecond time scale. We performed a first experiment with the aim of studying the phase transitions undergone by a 100 nm depth aluminum foil, heated with a 120fs laser with a high fluence (6 J/cm²). The solid-liquid transition occurs on a time-scale shorter than the experimental resolution (about 3 ps). Le liquid-vapor transition occurs after about 20 ps, consistent with hydrodynamical simulations. In order to study more precisely the solid-liquid transition, we performed a second experiment with the same set-up but lower laser fluences (< 1 J/cm²). The aluminum foil stays in a locally-structured state even after long delays. The dynamics of the ionic temperature increase can be followed watching the progressive lessening of XANES modulations, corresponding to a partial decrease of the local order. Then one can reach the thermal electron-ion equilibration dynamics. The comparison of experimental data with hydrodynamics and quantum molecular dynamics simulations have revealed the relevance of XANES measurements in order to follow the ionic temperature during and above melting. The precision of the measurements allow to notice a significantly longer equilibration time-scale than expected, questioning the electron-ion collision rate determination in the warm dense regime. The same diagnostic has been operated during two experiments in order to study laser-shock compressed silica up to densities doubling the solid one. We have been able to follow the evolution of the electronic and ionic structures of silica. In order to reach a shorter time resolution, we performed experiments with two other X-ray sources : betatron and a X-ray free electron laser. The feasibility of femtosecond time-resolved XANES experiments have been demonstrated.

Dense-core vesicle maturation at the Golgi-endosomal interface in Caenorhabditis elegans / Reifung von

Hannemann, Mandy 17 April 2012 (has links)
No description available.

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