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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Conception d’environnement instrumenté pour la veille à la personne / Design of instrumented environment for human monitoring

Massein, Aurélien 22 November 2018 (has links)
L'instrumentation permet à notre environnement, maison ou bâtiment, de devenir intelligent en s'adaptant à nos modes de vie et en nous assistant au quotidien. Un environnement intelligent est sensible et réactif à nos activités, afin d'améliorer notre qualité de vie. La fiabilité d'identification des activités est ainsi essentielle pour cette intelligence ambiante : elle est directement dépendante du positionnement des capteurs au sein de l'environnement. Cette question essentielle du placement des capteurs est très peu considérée par les systèmes ambiants commercialisés ou même dans la littérature. Pourtant, elle est la source principale de leurs dysfonctionnements où une mauvaise reconnaissance des activités entraîne une mauvaise assistance fournie. Le placement de capteurs consiste à choisir et à positionner des capteurs pertinents pour une identification fiable des activités. Dans cette thèse, nous développons et détaillons une méthodologie de placement de capteurs axée sur l'identifiabilité des activités d'intérêt. Nous la qualifions en nous intéressant à deux évaluations différentes : la couverture des intérêts et l'incertitude de mesures. Dans un premier temps, nous proposons un modèle de l'activité où nous décomposons l'activité en actions caractérisées afin d'être indépendant de toute technologie ambiante (axée connaissances ou données). Nous représentons actions et capteurs par un modèle ensembliste unifiant, permettant de fusionner des informations homogènes de capteurs hétérogènes. Nous en évaluons l'identifiabilité des actions d'intérêt au regard des capteurs placés, par des notions de précision (performance d'identification) et de sensibilité (couverture des actions). Notre algorithme de placement des capteurs utilise la Pareto-optimalité pour proposer une large palette de placements-solutions pertinents et variés, pour ces multiples identifiabilités à maximiser. Nous illustrons notre méthodologie et notre évaluation en utilisant des capteurs de présence, et en choisissant optimalement la caractéristique à couvrir pour chaque action. Dans un deuxième temps, nous nous intéressons à la planification optimale des expériences où l'analyse de la matrice d'information permet de quantifier l'influence des sources d'incertitudes sur l'identification d'une caractéristique d'action. Nous représentons les capteurs continus et l'action caractérisée par un modèle analytique, et montrons que certaines incertitudes doivent être prises en compte et intégrées dans une nouvelle matrice d'information. Nous y appliquons les indices d'observabilité directement pour évaluer l'identifiabilité d'une action caractérisée (incertitude d'identification). Nous illustrons cette évaluation alternative en utilisant des capteurs d'angle, et nous la comparons à la matrice d'information classique. Nous discutons des deux évaluations abordées et de leur complémentarité pour la conception d’environnement instrumenté pour la veille à la personne. / Instrumentation enables our environment, house or building, to get smart through self-adjustment to our lifestyles and through assistance of our daily-life. A smart environment is sensitive and responsive to our activities, in order to improve our quality of life. Reliability of activities' identification is absolutely necessary to such ambient intelligence: it depends directly on sensors' positioning within the environment. This fundamental issue of sensor placement is hardly considered by marketed ambient systems or even into the literature. Yet, it is the main source of ambient systems' malfunctions and failures, because a bad activity recognition leads to a bad delivered assistance. Sensor placement is about choosing and positioning relevant sensors for a reliable identification of activities. In this thesis, we develop and detail a sensor placement methodology driven by identifiability of activities of interest. We quantify it by looking at two different evaluations: coverage of interests and uncertainty of measures. First, we present an activity model that decomposes each activity into characterised actions to be technology-free (either knowledge or data driven one). We depict actions and sensors by a set theoretic model, enabling to fuse homogeneous informations of heterogeneous sensors. We then evaluate each action of interest's identifiability regarding placed sensors, through notions of precision (identification's performance) and sensitivity (action's coverage). Our sensor placement algorithm use Pareto-optimality to offer a wide range of relevant solution-placements, for these multiple identifiabilities to maximise. We showcase our methodology and our evaluation through solving a problem featuring motion and binary sensors, by optimally choosing for each action the characteristic to cover. Finally, we look into optimal design of experiments by analysing the information matrix to quantify how sources of uncertainties influence the identification of an action's characteristic. We depict continuous sensors and the characterised action by an analytical model, and we show that some uncertainties should be considered and included in a new information matrix. We then apply directly observability indexes to evaluate identifiability of a characterised action (uncertainty of identification), and compare our new information matrix to the classical one. We showcase our alternate evaluation through solving a sensor placement problem featuring angular sensors. We discuss both covered evaluations and their complementarity towards the design of instrumented environment for human monitoring.

Entwicklung chromatographischer und spektroskopischer Screeningmethoden zur Bestimmung der Migration aus Lebensmittelverpackungen

Paul, Nadine 27 July 2010 (has links)
Neben der Sicherheit für Lebensmittel stehen auch immer mehr die Lebensmittelverpackungen im Fokus der Öffentlichkeit. Der Übergang von Stoffen aus der Verpackung in das Lebensmittel ist unerwünscht und gesetzlich reglementiert. Um den Verbraucherschutz zu gewährleisten, müssen Grenzwerte und gesetzliche Anforderungen eingehalten werden. Der Übergang von rechtlich geregelten und nicht geregelten Substanzen muss überprüft werden, was eine analytische Herausforderung darstellt. Die Untersuchung der migrierenden stickstoffhaltigen Substanzen aus Doseninnenbeschichtungen mittels eines Screenings aller migrierenden nicht-flüchtigen stickstoffhaltigen Substanzen mit einer molaren Masse kleiner 1000 Da wurde durchgeführt. Die Anwendbarkeit eines Stickstoff-selektiven Detektors für das Screening von Coating-Extrakten, welche stickstoffhaltige Verbindungen enthalten konnte gezeigt werden. Gegenstand der Untersuchung waren Vernetzersubstanzen, Flüssiglacke sowie Migrate der fertigen Beschichtung. Stickstoffhaltige potenziell migrierende Substanzen wurden zunächst in den Ausgangsmaterialien der Beschichtung identifiziert, um diese dann im Migrat der Beschichtung zu quantifizieren. Es sollte gezeigt werden, ob Substanzen, welche als Ausgangsstoffe im Lack eingesetzt werden, oder entstehende Reaktionsprodukte in ein Lebensmittelsimulanz migrieren. Um die Relevanz der migrierenden stickstoffhaltigen Verbindungen im Hinblick auf weitere nicht stickstoffhaltige migrierende Verbindungen zu zeigen, wurde das Gesamtmigrat der zur Verfügung stehenden Coatings bestimmt. Es zeigte sich, dass der Anteil von NCS an den insgesamt migrierenden Verbindungen zwischen 0,2 und 6,3 % liegt. Der Fokus des zweiten Teils der vorliegenden Arbeit liegt auf Lebensmittelverpackungen aus Kunststoff. Zunächst wurde eine HPLC-Methode mit Hilfe des Verdampfungslichtstreudetektors zur Bestimmung der Gesamtmigration mit dem Simulanz Sonnenblumenöl etabliert werden. Das Ziel dieser Untersuchungen ist, den Einfluss von Temperatur, Zeit und Schichtdicke auf das Migrationsverhalten von Siegelschichten für den Hochtemperaturbereich (> 70 °C) mit fetthaltigen Lebensmitteln mit Hilfe von statistischer Versuchsplanung vorherzusagen. Mit Hilfe einer statistischen Software konnte eine Regressionsgleichung zur Berechnung der Gesamtmigration auf der Grundlage eines Box-Behnken-Versuchsplans erstellt werden. Dabei hatte die Temperatur den größten Einfluss auf die Gesamtmigration. Die Einflüsse von Zeit und Schichtdicke waren im untersuchten Bereich des hier gezeigten Modells linear und stiegen mit Erhöhung der Temperatur. Weiterhin konnte je 10 °C Temperaturerhöhung eine Verdopplung des ermittelten Gesamtmigrationswertes beobachtet werden. Die Bestimmung der Additive aus den Ersatzsimulanzien 95 % Ethanol und Iso-Octan von Verpackungen sollte ebenfalls gezeigt werden. Ein Screening-Gradient zur Bestimmung von 25 Additiven in den Ersatzsimulanzien wurde etabliert. Die Identifizierung der migrierenden Additive erfolgte mittels der Detektoren UVD (DAD), FLD, ELSD und CLND. Mit Hilfe der verschiedenen Detektionsarten ist es möglich, die strukturelle Vielfalt der eingesetzten Additive abzudecken. Eine Absicherung der Ergebnisse konnte zudem über MS-Detektion erfolgen. Mit Hilfe der Untersuchungen wurden die gesamtmigrierenden Substanzen aus Verbundfolien zu 50 % (95 % Ethanol-Migrat) bzw. 10 % (Isooctan-Migrat) aufgeklärt. Die Konzentration der quantifizierten Additive zeigte im Verhältnis gesehen annähernd gleiche Werte. Der Unterschied in den ermittelten Gesamtmigraten (95 % Ethanol: 1,2 mg/dm2, Iso-Octan: 5,6 mg/dm2) konnte demnach nicht über die migrierenden Additive erklärt werden. Als weitere migrierende Substanzen wurden Ethylen-Oligomere identifiziert. Die Quantifizierung dieser erfolgte erstmals mit Hilfe der 1H-NMR-Spektroskopie. Die nahezu vollständige Aufklärung der Gesamtmigration einer Verbundfolie in den Ersatzsimulanzien konnte gezeigt werden. Die migrierenden Ethylen-Oligomere des Iso-Octan-Migrats wurden eingehender untersucht. Mit Hilfe von verschiedenen chromatographischen und spektroskopischen Methoden gelang eine Charakterisierung dieser im Migrat identifizierten Substanzen. / Besides the safety of food the focus on food packaging material increases in public. The migration of substances from the packaging into food is undesired and regulated by law. To ensure consumer protection legal limits and requirements have to be kept. The migration of regulated und not regulated substances has to be verified which means an analytical challenge. The determination of nitrogen containing substances (NCS) from food can coatings by screening of migrating, non-volatile substances with a molecular mass below 1000 Da from the coatings was carried out. The applicability of a nitrogen selective detector for the screening of coating extracts which contain nitrogen containing susbtances was shown. For the investigations crosslinking substances, liquid lacquers as well as migrates of the finished coatings have been available for determination. Nitrogen containing and potential migrating substances have been identified first in the raw marterial of the coating in order to quantify them in the migrates of the coating. It should be shown if substances from the raw materials or reaction products migrate into the food simulant. In order to show the relevance of the migrating nitrogen containing substances in respect to other non nitrogen containing compounds the overall migration of the available coatings was determined. It could be shown that the amount of NCS in the overall migrating substances was between 0.2 and 6.3 %. Focus of the second part of the work was on food packing made of plastic. First an HPLC-method with ELS detection for the determination of the overall migration in sunflower oil was developed. Purpose of this determination was to predict the influence of temperature, time and thickness of the layer on the migration behavior with fatty food of sealing layers in high temperature range (> 70 °C) by means of design of experiments. A statistical software computed a regression equation for the calculation the overall migration based on a Box-Behnken-Design. The highest influence could be shown for the temperature. The modell showed a duplication of the determined overall migration with 10 °C increase of temperature. The determination of plastic additives out of the 95 % ethanol and isooctane migrates of packaging material should also be conducted. An HPLC-screening method for the determination of 25 additives in the fat substitutes was established. The identification of the migrating additives was carried out with UV detection (DAD), FLD, ELSD and CLND. By means of the different detection systems it was possible to cover the structural diversity of the mainly used additives. To insure the results MS detection was used. By means of this investigations a clarification of the total migrating substances of a multilayer film was 50 % (95 % ethanol) and 10 % (isooctane), respectively. The concentration of the migrating substances on the scale of things is nearly identical. The difference in the overall migration (95 % ethanol: 1.2 mg/dm2, isooctane: 5.6 mg/dm2) can not be clarified by migration of additives. As other migrating substances ethylen oligomers can be identified. The quantification was carried out for the first time with 1H﷓NMR spectroscopy. An almost complete identification of migration substances of the overall migrate in food simulants can be shown. The migrating ethylen oligomers have been further investitgated. With the help of different chromatographic and spectroscopic methods a further characterisation of the migrating ethylen oligomers was successul.


Lundin, Emil, Bergelin, Johan January 2021 (has links)
The rise of batteries in the industry, especially Li-ion, is increasing rapidly. Li-ion battery systems are traditionally composed of a particular type of cell chemistry fit to the system needs. Due to the significant differences between chemistries, different cells have different attributes. The thesis explores the potential of a heterogeneous solution to include different cells to find a suitable compromise between different attributes. An electrified passenger train using a homogenous solution was evaluated against a heterogeneous solution consisting of two cell types, NMC and LTO, which have significant differences in attributes.  Simulation with models covering the train kinematics, track characteristics, and battery behaviour generates the thesis results. Validation of simulation results includes comparing previous simulations and the new effects of the heterogeneous solution, which indicate a good fit. Verification of the results encompasses a small-scale experiment with a custom-made physical circuit to observe the proposed solution's actual behaviour and verify model validity, which implies the correctness of models and implementation. The results indicate that a heterogeneous solution is possible within the scope of electrified trains. Furthermore, several trade-offs exist between NMC and LTO cells, especially regarding rate capability, safety and capacity, which confirms the potential of heterogeneous battery systems.

Metody pro určování charakteristických parametrů procesů spalování na bázi experimentů a modelování / Methods for Determination of Characteristic Parameters of Combustion Processes on the Basis of Experiments and Modeling

Bělohradský, Petr January 2010 (has links)
The present thesis is concerned with methods for determination and modeling of characteristic parameters of combustion of gaseous fuels. The focus is stressed on formation of nitrogen oxides and heat transfer from hot flue gases into combustion chamber’s walls. Experimental work, which is focused on testing of two burners with suppressed formation of nitrogen oxides, is an important part of the thesis. Its aim is to obtain data that is necessary for further processing and modeling. The work presents two methods that may be used in modeling of characteristic combustion parameters, namely the method based on statistical processing of data and the method based on computational fluid dynamics. The approaches are applied to two devices (burner with two-staged fuel supply, burner with two-staged air supply) with the objective to analyze their parameters. First approach covers detailed planning of burner test prior to its own carrying out (definition of the goal of experiment, choice of input factors and response, experimental plan) and subsequent statistical processing of experimental data. On the contrary, CFD approach offers simulations as an alternative option to traditional experimental methods. The simulation of combustion includes building of computational grid, setup of boundary conditions, turbulence model, heat transfer model and chemical kinetics. Results of simulations are compared with experimental measured data.

Viktreducering av monteringsfixtur genom simulering / Wieghtreduction of mounting fixture using simulation

Cronring, Sebastian, Olai, Jacob January 2023 (has links)
At Saab Training & Simulation, there are set strength requirements in the form of quality testing for its products through vibration testing. This is done to ensure the quality of the products, but the vibration machine can only test products up to a set weight limit. The purpose is to investigate the possibility of weight reduction for a fixture used in vibration testing through simulation, with the goal of testing heavier products. As part of this, the tools of topology optimization and design of experiments have been explored in an iterative process to develop design proposals. These design proposals have been evaluated through finite element analysis. The result is the development of three design proposals, out of which the proposal that advanced is presented with a weight reduction of 32,41%.

Data-Driven Process Optimization of Additive Manufacturing Systems

Aboutaleb, Amirmassoud 04 May 2018 (has links)
The goal of the present dissertation is to develop and apply novel and systematic data-driven optimization approaches that can efficiently optimize Additive Manufacturing (AM) systems with respect to targeted properties of final parts. The proposed approaches are capable of achieving sets of process parameters that result in the satisfactory level of part quality in an accelerated manner. First, an Accelerated Process Optimization (APO) methodology is developed to optimize an individual scalar property of parts. The APO leverages data from similar—but non-identical—prior studies to accelerate sequential experimentation for optimizing the AM system in the current study. Using Bayesian updating, the APO characterizes and updates the difference between prior and current experimental studies. The APO accounts for the differences in experimental conditions and utilizes prior data to facilitate the optimization procedure in the current study. The efficiency and robustness of the APO is tested against an extensive simulation studies and a real-world case study for optimizing relative density of stainless steel parts fabricated by a Selective Laser Melting (SLM) system. Then, we extend the idea behind the APO in order to handle multi-objective process optimization problems in which some of the characteristics of the AMabricated parts are uncorrelated. The proposed Multi-objective Process Optimization (m-APO) breaks down the master multi-objective optimization problem into a series of convex combinations of single-objective sub-problems. The m-APO maps and scales experimental data from previous sub-problems to guide remaining sub-problems that improve the solutions while reducing the number of experiments required. The robustness and efficiency of the m-APO is verified by conducting a series of challenging simulation studies and a real-world case study to minimize geometric inaccuracy of parts fabricated by a Fused Filament Fabrication () system. At the end, we apply the proposed m-APO to maximize the mechanical properties of AMabricated parts that show conflicting behavior in the optimal window, namely relative density and elongation-toailure. Numerical studies show that the m-APO can achieve the best trade-off among conflicting mechanical properties while significantly reducing the number of experimental runs compared with existing methods.

Behavior and Habitat Use of Roseate Terns (Sterna dougallii) Before and After Construction of an Erosion Control Revetment

Grinnell, Corey 01 January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
An erosion control revetment was constructed at the Falkner Island Unit of the Stewart B. McKinney National Wildlife Refuge, Connecticut during the winter of 2000–2001. At the time, Falkner Island was the fifth largest breeding colony site for the federally endangered Roseate Tern. This study measures and describes some baseline information regarding Roseate Tern nesting, behavior, and habitat use at Falkner Island during the three breeding seasons prior to revetment construction (1998–2000). This baseline information is then compared to similar information from the first breeding season following revetment construction (2001). For Roseate Tern adults, this study examined changes in pre-nesting habitat use, nest site distributions, and pre-nesting behavioral time allocation. Changes in habitat availability and habitat use by Roseate Terns are compared as a result of the revetment construction. Roseate Terns used rocky beach in a greater proportion than other habitats before revetment construction, and used revetment boulders in a greater proportion than all other habitats after revetment construction. Roseate Terns nested more often in artificial sites (nest boxes and tires) than in natural sites in all years of the study. The mean date for the first eggs in each nest did not differ between years. We observed more Roseate Terns prospecting artificial nest sites (n = 66 times) than natural sites (n = 21 times) for three years of this study. Prospecting behavior occurred later in the season in some subcolonies, but this difference did not appear to be related to the construction. For Roseate Tern chicks, this study investigated the use of crevices as hiding places from before (1999–2000) and after (2001) the construction of an erosion control revetment. In all years, Roseate Tern chicks used crevices found under artificial nest sites more frequently than expected by chance when compared to crevices found in other microhabitats. Chicks also used crevices formed in various microhabitat types at different stages of development. The erosion control revetment created crevices that had larger openings, steeper floors, and deeper lengths than those previously used by chicks before construction. In the year after revetment construction, the openings of crevices used by chicks that died were wider than crevices used by chicks that survived. We discuss our findings in the context of the potential consequences that the revetment construction had on Roseate Tern chick survival.

Streamlining the flow of material through buffer simulation and multi-objective optimization, with regards to sustainability : A case study at Volvo Construction Equipment

Nord, Daniel, Wernholm, Alex January 2023 (has links)
This thesis will provide knowledge on how to maintain a well developed flow of material while at the same time finding an optimal level of capacities for buffers. Simultaneously, aspects that allow for positive sustainability practices will be regarded.  Buffers have a considerable impact on the performance of a production system. However, the process of optimizing buffers remains a complex task, and is therefore in need of further research. Through a thorough data collection process, simulation modeling and Multi-objective Optimization, the authors will present evidence-based recommendations for managing buffers in an optimal manner. The case company currently has two buffer zones that are to be investigated if they could be improved by finding an optimal capacity level. The current flow of material consists of certain variations in the components that will be taken into consideration, some variations need further investigation in order to be representative and applicable to this study. By applying amongst other things, Lean concepts, Gemba walks, simulation modeling, interviews and knowledge within the specific field of buffer optimization, the authors were able to provide evidence-based recommendations. These recommendations both take into account optimal buffer capacities as well as brief sustainability and economical aspects. The authors have found that one buffer zone has the potential of being removed, which will contribute to positive environmental aspects. However, if this solution is to be applied, the need of planning and managing the distribution of components is required.  Another buffer zone has been investigated by applying the concept of Multi-objective Optimization, where the objectives are to maintain high throughput while minimizing the buffer capacities. The optimization procedure generated a decrease in buffer capacities in the zone by a total of 35%. This newly acquired space can either be used for other manufacturing processes, or be discontinued, which would decrease the energy consumption and positively affect the sustainability aspect.

Uncertainty Quantification and Optimization Under Uncertainty Using Surrogate Models

Boopathy, Komahan 05 June 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Nutrition, Childhood Development and Prevalence of Anemia in Ghanaian Children: Analysis of Health Survey

Ewusie, Joycelyne E. 04 1900 (has links)
<p>Malnutrition and Anemia in children continue to be major public health challenges in most developing countries, particularly in Africa. Malnutrition and Anemia pervade all aspects of their health, growth, cognitive and social development. They lead to irreversible and lifelong effects that prevent children from realising their full potential. This study was designed to examine the prevalence and determinants of malnutrition and anemia in children under 5 years of age in the Ghanaian population. This research is based on data from the Ghana Demographic and Health Survey (GDHS) 2008, obtained from the Ghana Statistical Service (GSS). The survey is an extensive survey conducted using a stratified, two-stage cluster sampling design. The GDHS data contains a wealth of information on health, demographic, as well as socio-economic factors but is underutilised due to the complexity of the survey data. This study therefore stands out as one of the few that use the GDHS to investigate aspects of child health in Ghana. In this study, we perform subgroup analysis by disaggregating the data by age and gender specific subgroups and then by place of residence and region. This was in order to identify sub level estimates as national estimates have a high tendency of concealing true values and deviations from general trends. Also, subgroup analysis is very significant especially for resource allocation so as to minimize the likelihood of missing the target populations. We investigated associations between the three measurements of malnutrition; stunting, underweight and wasting and anemia (assessed by haemoglobin concentration) and the various risk factors using chi-square test to examine bivariate associations and chi-square trend test to examine linear trends in association. We identified the following variables to be significantly associated with all forms of malnutrition and/or anemia: age of child, mother’s education, financial status and place of residence. Other factors that were identified to be associated with some form of malnutrition and/or anemia include duration of breastfeeding, source of drinking water, mother’s occupation and currently breastfeeding. In view of the high rate of malnutrition, approximately 36% (33.6−37.6) and the alarming prevalence of anemia, 78% (76.7 − 80.2) in children in Ghana, particularly among those less than 2 years old, and the grave consequences on their cognitive and behavioral development even in later years, there is an urgent need for effective and efficient public health interventions.</p> / Master of Science (MSc)

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