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Learning Git Through Serious Educational GameHamadeh, Awni January 2020 (has links)
Git is a distributed version control system that tracks changes to a project overtime and is used to save these changes. Today it is being used by millions of people and is becoming a demand on the job market. For this reason it has become important to learn the version control system. Learning Git however may be difficult for beginners and learning it through tutorials may not always be effective. Learning it through a serious educational game (SEG) may be more effective as a SEG can provide motivation and feedback which are two factors for successful learning. This study seeks to assess how effective a SEG is in teaching Git by looking at the amount of knowledge gained from playing a SEG. This study also seeks to assess how much participants learned Git using a tutorial compared to participants who used a serious educational game. From the results, the study found that the SEG expanded the understanding of Git. The study also found that there was no significant difference in the amount of understanding gained from the SEG and the tutorial.
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Augmented and Virtual Reality Systems Engineering: Konzeption und Implementierung von erweiterten und virtuellen ArbeitsweltenVogel, Jannis 12 January 2022 (has links)
Augmented Reality (dt.: erweiterte Realität) und Virtual Reality (dt.: virtuelle Realität) ermöglichen die Erweiterung der Realität durch das Einblenden von visuellen Informationen in das Sichtfeld des Nutzenden bzw. den Ausschluss der Realität und das Eintauchen des Nutzenden in computergenerierte Simulationen mithilfe von Datenbrillen. Bestehende Arbeitswelten können durch diese Technologien nutzenstiftend erweitert werden oder vollständig neue Arbeitswelten abbilden. Damit eröffnen diese Technologien eine Vielzahl an Anwendungsfällen und diverse Nutzenpotenziale. Verschiedenste Barrieren hindern jedoch die Einführung der Technologien im unternehmerischen Bereich. Zur Entfaltung der Nutzenpotenziale und zur Minimierung der Adoptions- und Diffusionsbarrieren verfolgt die Dissertation einen gestaltungsorientierten Forschungsansatz der Wirtschaftsinformatik. Dabei wurden folgende Ergebnisse erzielt: (1) die Konzeption und Implementierung eines modellgetriebenen Softwareentwicklungsansatzes für erweiterte Arbeitswelten, (2) die Herleitung von Gestaltungsempfehlungen für erweiterte Arbeitswelten, (3) die Gestaltung von multiuserfähigen virtuellen Arbeitswelten als Prototyping- und Kreativitätsmedium sowie (4) die Entwicklung eines wirtschaftlichen Ökosystemmodells erweiterter und virtueller Arbeitswelten. Die im Forschungsprozess entwickelten IT-Artefakte wie Modelle, Methoden und Prototypen sowie das hergeleitete Gestaltungswissen leisten einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Diffusion der Technologien, um nutzerseitig akzeptierte sowie im betrieblichen Umfeld nutzenstiftende erweiterte und virtuelle Arbeitswelten zu erzielen.
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Units of measurement in ecosystems : Design science research on how to communicate and handle unitsRoth, Anna January 2023 (has links)
Units of measurement are needed in many of today’s software programs and datasets for describing physical concepts. Despite this, there are many issues regarding units of measurement in both code and data, such as inconsistent unit annotations, unit types being difficult to annotate and missing built-in unit support in tools and programming languages. Not least, is there a lack of examples of how to implement safe usage of units of measurement within an entire ecosystem consisting of code programs and data resources. Therefore, this thesis takes a design science approach to explore how a simple ecosystem of interconnected software and data components can be refactored to support safe usage of units of measurement, and whether the given solution shows it is possible to mitigate the burden of having to annotate types within the ecosystem. This has resulted in the development of an artifact that offers read/create, refactor and formatting capabilities, that can be used to implement units of measurement and unit checking into an ecosystem. The findings are that the artifact demonstrates how it is possible to implement safer usage of units, and at the same time being able to avoid the annotation burden to some extent.
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Nutzerzentrierte Gestaltung und Evaluation der Mensch-Computer-Interaktion in soziotechnischen Systemen – eine multiperspektivische AnalyseMeier, Pascal 28 July 2021 (has links)
Durch den Fortschritt der Digitalisierung sind Computer zu einem wesentlichen Bestandteil des Alltags ihrer Nutzer geworden. Folglich wächst die Bedeutung der nutzerzentrierten Entwicklung von soziotechnischen Systemen, die neben dem technischen System auch die komplexen Anforderungen des sozialen Systems berücksichtigt. Die vorliegende Dissertation untersucht in diesem Zusammenhang die nutzerzentrierte Gestaltung der Mensch-Computer Interkation (MCI) in soziotechnischen Systemen, damit sie den Nutzer bestmöglich und intuitiv unterstützt. In diesem Zusammenhang werden (a) die Integration der interdisziplinären Zusammenarbeit, die für die nutzerzentrierte Entwicklung benötigt wird, in den Entwicklungsprozess, (b) die nutzerzentrierte Erhebung von Anforderungen an die MCI, (c) die Gestaltung der MCI in soziotechnischen Systemen basierend auf den identifizierten Anforderungen und (d) die Evaluation soziotechnischer Systeme hinsichtlich der Erfüllung der Nutzeranforderungen untersucht. Durch die Erhebung von Anforderungen und Entwicklung von Gestaltungsprinzipien, Vorgehensmodellen und Prototypen sowie die rigorose Evaluation der Ergebnisse trägt die Dissertation zur gestaltungsorientierten Wirtschaftsinformatik bei und bietet der Praxis wertvolle Erkenntnisse über Nutzeranforderungen, Nutzungsverhalten und Gestaltungsprinzipien, die zur Realisierung und Verbesserung der MCI beitragen.
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Designing Information Systems to Support Habit Formation : From Theories to Design PrinciplesChung, Alexander Quoc Huy 11 November 2022 (has links)
Sustaining behaviour change is fundamental for the effective uptake of policies and practices aimed at improving individual and collective health, yet it can be very difficult for individuals to adhere to new desired health-related behaviours. A prospective solution is to focus on instilling these behaviours as a habit. Once instilled as a habit, behaviours are performed automatically given specific cues, and they relieve the cognitive stress of having to make a volitional decision towards performing the behaviour - making it more resistant to relapse. Several information systems (IS) are being proposed to help individual users instil target behaviours as habits so that they can be performed even when intentions shift. However, these systems tend to be designed in an ad hoc manner and, as a result, their effectiveness can vary substantially.
To better guide the design of information systems that can support users in forming health-related behaviours as a habit, we define a subclass of systems called Habit Formation Support Systems (HFSS) and adopt the design science research approach to develop two artifacts: (1) a design-relevant theory explaining and predicting how IS-supported habit formation can be achieved called the Theory for the Formation of IS-Supported Habits (T-FISSH); and (2) a suite of design principles to guide the design of systems that can effectively support users in forming a desired health-related behaviour as a habit.
We contend that habit theory and IS continuance theory can be used to anchor the development of the two artifacts. The T-FISSH was refined and validated using exploratory and confirmatory focus groups with academics and health behaviour change practitioners respectively. The design principles were refined with systems design and development professionals and validated through a reusability check that involved a design activity and reusability questionnaire.
The theoretical contribution of the thesis lies in moving the habit formation knowledge base into the design realm through the development of a design-relevant explanatory/predictive theory. From a practical perspective, this research presents a suite of theory-anchored design principles that are intended to guide the design and development of systems that can support users in forming desired health-related behaviours as a habit.
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Análise, design e inovação de modelos de negócios para servitização / Analysis, design and innovation of business models for servitization.Costa, Renato Machado 13 June 2017 (has links)
Empresas de manufatura tradicionalmente concentram os seus esforços em concepção, desenvolvimento, fabricação e comercialização de produtos físicos. No entanto, alguns fabricantes têm alterado suas estratégias de negócio, complementando a venda de produtos com o fornecimento de serviços, incorporando conhecimentos e atividades associados ao seu uso, e gerando maior percepção de valor por parte dos seus clientes. Com isso, a competição estratégica por meio de serviços tem se tornado uma marca distintiva das empresas de manufatura inovadoras, proporcionando à empresa um meio robusto para proteger o seu mercado dos concorrentes. Assim, observa-se um interesse crescente em pesquisas sobre o papel dos serviços para sustentar a competitividade da indústria. Abordagens orientadas a serviço, que incorporam esta mudança de foco do negócio, da oferta de produtos isolados para soluções integradas, têm sido tratadas na comunidade acadêmica como servitização, e tipicamente acarretam inovações no modelo de negócios (MN) da empresa. O objetivo deste trabalho é investigar como as empresas podem promover inovações em seus MNs para suportar suas estratégias de servitização, e propor um conjunto de artefatos para apoiá-las na implantação destas estratégias, a partir do seguinte problema de pesquisa: \"Como inovar o MN de uma empresa que adota a estratégia de servitização?\", que se desdobra nas seguintes questões: (i) quais são os principais fatores motivadores para uma empresa adotar a estratégia de servitização?; (ii) como representar o MN de uma empresa incorporando a lógica dominante de serviço, mais adequada para servitização?; (iii) como inovar o MN de uma empresa para implantar sua estratégia de servitização?; e (iv) como aplicar os artefatos propostos para apoiar a implantação da estratégia de servitização em uma empresa? Realiza-se uma pesquisa de natureza exploratória e prescritiva, baseada no método design scienceresearche amparada por uma revisão sistemática da literatura sobre os temas correlatos, visando propor artefatos em resposta às questões colocadas. A demonstração de um dos artefatos propostos é feita com suporte de um estudo de caso em uma empresa multinacional, fabricante de equipamentos médicos, seguida por uma avaliação empírica desta demonstração, suportada pelo método thinkingaloud. A partir das quatro questões de pesquisa, são obtidos os seguintes resultados: (i) identificação, análise e categorização dos principais fatores motivadores para adoção da servitização; (ii) proposição de uma arquitetura de MN incorporando a lógica dominante de serviço, para facilitar o estudo da servitização; (iii) proposição de um processo de inovação do MN da empresa, para implantar a servitização. e (iv) demonstração e avaliação da arquitetura proposta de MN para servitização. A pesquisa oferece contribuições à literatura de MN e servitização, e aos gestores de empresas, propondo os artefatos canvas do modelo de negócios para servitização (CMNS) e o processo IPIDI para inovação do MN para servitização, além de contribuições metodológicas relativas a design scienceresearch e thinking aloud. / Manufacturing companies traditionally are focused on designing, developing, manufacturing and marketing physical products. However, some manufacturers are changing their business strategies, complementing the sale of products by providing services, adding knowledge and activities associated with their use, and creating a higher perception of value by their customers.Strategic competition through service delivery has become a hallmark of the innovative manufacturing companies, providing the companies with a robust means to protect their market from competitors. Thus, there is a growing interest in researching the role of services in sustaining the competitiveness of manufacturing industry.Service-oriented approaches, which incorporate this shift in business\' focus from offering isolated products, to proposing integrated solutions, have been addressed in the literature as servitization, and typically entail innovations in the company\'s business model (BM). The goal of this research is investigating how companies can promote transformations in their BMs to support their servitization strategies, and proposing a set of artifacts to support them in the implementation of these strategies, since the following research problem: \"How to innovate the BM of a company which adopts the servitization strategy? \", which unfolds in the following questions: (i) what are the main motivating factors for a company to adopt the servitization strategy?; (ii) how to represent the BM of a company incorporating the service-dominant logic, more suitable for servitization?; (iii) how to innovate a company\'s BM to implement its servitization strategy ?; and (iv) how to apply the proposed artifacts to support the implementation of the servitization strategy in a company? An exploratory and prescriptive research is carried out, based on the design science research methodology, and supported by a systematic literature review on the related subjects, aiming at proposing artifacts in response to the questions posed. The demonstration of the proposed artifacts is done by means of a case study in a multinational company, which manufactures medical devices, followed by an assessment of this demonstration, supported by the thinking aloud method. From the four research questions, the following results are obtained: (i) identification, analysis and categorization of the main motivating factors for servitization adoption; (ii) proposing a BM architecture according to the service-dominant logic, to help the servitization study; (iii) proposing an innovation process for the company\'s BM, to implement the servitization; and (iv) demonstration and assessment of the proposed BM architecture for servitization. The research offers contributions to the literature of BM and servitization, and to practitioners, proposing the artifacts business model canvas for servitization (BMCS) and the IPIDI process for innovation of BM for servitization, besides some methodological contributions related to design science research and thinking aloud.
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Diário Livre: co-criação de uma ferramenta para publicação de um diário oficial em formato aberto / Diário Livre: the co-creation of a tool for a municipal official gazette publication as open dataMartano, Andrés Mantecon Ribeiro 05 November 2015 (has links)
Muitos são os potenciais benefícios e obstáculos envolvendo a implantação de iniciativas de dados governamentais abertos (DGA). Dentro do universo de dados passíveis de serem abertos, os Diários Oficiais (DOs) constituem um exemplo ainda pouco estudado. Tendo em vista que os atos públicos se tornam válidos através da publicação em DOs, fica evidente a importância das informações contidas nesses documentos. Essas informações podem vir então a ser melhor reutilizadas uma vez que sejam publicadas seguindo os preceitos de DGA. Este trabalho teve como objetivos desenvolver uma ferramenta para a publicação de um DO em formato aberto, incluindo diversos grupos na definição de seus requisitos e documentando todo o processo. Utilizando uma metodologia inspirada na Design Science Research e na Pesquisa-Ação, foi firmada uma parceria com um órgão público, atuando no processo de abertura dos dados. O processo buscou permitir algum nível de participação através de eventos e questionários. O levantamento de requisitos considerou as necessidades dos gestores envolvidos, a literatura relacionada e as colocações feitas por participantes dos eventos e questionários, buscando assim uma aferição mais completa das necessidades relacionadas. O acompanhar do processo também permitiu algumas considerações sobre os interesses e desafios envolvidos no mesmo. A ferramenta desenvolvida tem recebido um número crescente de acessos e boas avaliações por parte de usuários tanto internos como externos à administração pública. Algumas tentativas de reúso automático dos dados publicados já vêm ocorrendo, mostrando os desafios e potencialidades dos mesmos / Many are the potential benefits and obstacles related to open government data (OGD) initiatives. Among all the data that could be opened, the Official Gazettes (OGs) are one example still demanding better studies. Noting that the public acts only become valid through publication in OGs, it is evident the importance of the information within these documents. This information can then be better reused if published following OGD principles. This work, adopting a methodology inspired by action research, and in partnership with a public body, acted in an OGD initiative and in the development of a tool complying with the requirements of its publication. The process sought to allow some level of participation through public events and questionnaires. The requirement analysis took into consideration the demands of the involved civil servants, related literature and the opinions of the participants of the events and questionnaires, seeking a more complete view about the related demands. Throughout the entire process the challenges and interests were explored, pursuing a better understanding of matter. The tool has received an increasing number of accesses and good reviews by users from the public administration and in general. Some attempts were made to automatically reuse the published data, demonstrating the potentialities and challenges of them
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Gestão de portfólio de produtos: proposição de um método financeiro para revisão do portfólio de produtosPeixoto, Jayme Diego Silva 26 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by JOSIANE SANTOS DE OLIVEIRA (josianeso) on 2018-04-26T16:40:35Z
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Previous issue date: 2018-02-26 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A Gestão de Portfólio de Produtos tem atraído de maneira crescente o interesse de empresas e pesquisadores. Os esforços de pesquisa, por meio de evidências empíricas, indicam a necessidade de ampliação da aplicação de métodos formais para a Gestão de Portfólio de Produtos nas empresas. No entanto, são escassos os estudos na literatura que tratam de métodos direcionados à Revisão do Portfólio de Produtos. Pode-se observar nas publicações atuais, que questões conceituais e terminológicas acerca da Gestão de Portfólio de Produtos requerem atenção de pesquisadores. Portanto, é necessário identificar nos métodos para a Gestão de Portfólio de Produtos oportunidades para melhorar os resultados nas empresas. Para o desenvolvimento desta pesquisa utilizou-se a Design Science Research como abordagem metodológica. Este trabalho propõe um método financeiro de Revisão do Portfólio de Produtos, denominado Financial Method for the Product Portfolio Review, FMPPR, como parte integrante da Gestão de Portfólio de Produtos. Na elaboração do método proposto, foram avaliadas as relações da revisão do Portfólio de Produtos com a operação da empresa, com mercado consumidor e com o Processo de Desenvolvimento de Produtos. Finalmente, o método proposto foi aplicado em um ambiente empresarial para verificação de sua funcionalidade. Os resultados foram submetidos à análise de um grupo focal, que validou os avanços realizados propondo ajustes para a geração do artefato final desta dissertação. / Product Portfolio Management has increasingly attracted the interest of companies and researchers. The research efforts, through empirical evidence, indicate the need to extend the application of formal methods for the Product Portfolio Management in companies. However, there are scarce studies in the literature about methods directed to Product Portfolio Review. It can be observed in current publications that conceptual and terminological questions about Product Portfolio Management require the attention of researchers. Therefore, it is necessary to identify in the methods for the Product Portfolio Management opportunities to improve the results of the companies. For the development of this research, Design Science Research was used as a methodological approach. This project proposes a Financial Method for the Product Portfolio Review, called FMPPR as an integral part of Product Portfolio Management. In the elaboration of the proposed method, the relations between the Product Portfolio Review, the operation of the company, the consumer market and the Product Development Process were evaluated. Finally, the proposed method was applied in an enterprise environment to verify its functionality. The results were submitted to the analysis of a focal group, which validated the advances made proposing adjustments for the generation of the final artifact of this dissertation.
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Proposta de modelo de gestão para instituição pública de ensino articulado por modelos de referência: estudo de caso no CEFET-RJXavier, José Francisco Penido 03 January 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Joana Azevedo (joanad@id.uff.br) on 2017-08-22T19:01:56Z
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Dissert José Francisco Penido Xavier.pdf: 2135252 bytes, checksum: cb7d34022557de01bf39c24cbf92c593 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Biblioteca da Escola de Engenharia (bee@ndc.uff.br) on 2017-09-04T16:20:18Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
Dissert José Francisco Penido Xavier.pdf: 2135252 bytes, checksum: cb7d34022557de01bf39c24cbf92c593 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-04T16:20:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Dissert José Francisco Penido Xavier.pdf: 2135252 bytes, checksum: cb7d34022557de01bf39c24cbf92c593 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017-01-03 / As Instituições Públicas de Ensino necessitam de métodos, técnicas e ferramentas gerenciais para auxiliar na gestão de seus processos. O Governo implementou um modelo de excelência em Gestão Pública para contribuir com a melhoria da capacidade de governança e governabilidade das estruturas executivas que deve ser modelado de acordo com as suas premissas. A partir da percepção da necessidade de mudanças na gestão do Cefet/RJ, Campus Maracanã, responsável pelo ensino e pesquisa nas áreas do ensino médio/técnico, tecnológico e superior, esta dissertação tem por objetivo propor um modelo de gestão organizacional baseado nos modelos de referência da qualidade e excelência e Gespública com a finalidade de investigar e caracterizar os elementos da atual gestão do Cefet-RJ através da abordagem do estudo de caso, com a utilização de entrevistas, análise de documentos e questionários realizados com a comunidade. Identificou-se que o modelo de gestão da instituição estudada caracteriza-se como misto, pois tanto o sistema de gestão burocrático quanto o colegiado são observados no estudo. A construção do Meta-Modelo ocorrerá com a integração de diferentes modelos de referência condicionado a uma abordagem sintética e compreensiva, especificando os componentes dos requisitos do Artefato. A escolha da abordagem pelo conceito de Design Science pretende desenvolver soluções que tragam melhorias para a gestão atual, resolvendo problemas que com a criação do artefato que está na interface entre o conceitual e o praticado. Acredita-se, portanto, que o artefato modelo é capaz de promover uma cultura de melhoria contínua do gerenciamento dos processos internos e a análise da aderência da gestão do Cefet-RJ ao artefato conceitual, que é um conjunto de proposições que expressam a relação entre os elementos, formando os requisitos. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida a partir do referencial teórico-conceitual adquirido com um estudo exploratório que posteriormente tornou-se a base para o desenvolvimento de um Meta-Modelo que promoveu o destaque da fragilidade do modelo de gestão atual praticado pela instituição de ensino analisada e as características principais que determinaram a aderência ou não aderência aos requisitos apresentados como solução para a melhoria do processo de gestão para a qualidade com excelência em um processo de ensino, bem como a apresentação de uma proposta sugestiva para a implantação e implementação do Artefato. Desta forma, obteve-se como conclusão que não existe aderência significativa do modelo de gestão praticado com o Meta-Modelo desenvolvido com base na pesquisa. A partir deste resultado, acredita-se que se aplicado, o modelo proposto trará benefícios para a gestão, pois, promoverá soluções quanto aos problemas gerados por procedimentos inadequados que não são os melhores para a execução das atividades que compõem o processo de gestão de uma instituição pública de ensino. Por fim, este trabalho apresenta o artefato modelo e também sugestões para pesquisas posteriores acerca do tema abordado. / The Public Educational Institutions need methods, techniques and management tools to assist in the management of their processes. The Government has implemented a model of excellence in Public Management to contribute to the improvement of the governance and governance capacity of executive structures that must be shaped according to its premises. Campus Maracanã, responsible for teaching and research in the areas of secondary / technical, technological and higher education, this dissertation aims to propose a model of organizational management based on the models of Reference of quality and excellence and Gespública with the purpose of investigating and characterizing the elements of the current management of Cefet-RJ through the approach of the case study, with the use of interviews, document analysis and questionnaires conducted with the community. It was identified that the management model of the studied institution is characterized as mixed, since both the bureaucratic and collegiate management system are observed in the study. The construction of the Meta-Model will occur with the integration of different reference models conditioned to a synthetic and comprehensive approach, specifying the components of the requirements of the Artifact. The choice of approach by the concept of Design Science aims to develop solutions that bring improvements to the current management, solving problems that with the creation of the artifact that is at the interface between the conceptual and the practiced. It is believed, therefore, that the model artifact is capable of promoting a culture of continuous improvement of the management of internal processes and the analysis of the adherence of the Cefet-RJ management to the conceptual artifact, which is a set of propositions that express the relation between The elements, forming the requirements. The research was developed from the theoretical-conceptual framework acquired with an exploratory study that later became the basis for the development of a Meta-Model that promoted the highlight of the fragility of the current management model practiced by the analyzed teaching institution and the Main characteristics that determined the adherence or non-adherence to the requirements presented as solution for the improvement of the management process for quality with excellence in a teaching process, as well as the presentation of a suggestive proposal for the implementation and implementation of the Artifact. Thus, it was concluded that there is no significant adherence of the management model practiced with the Meta-Model developed based on the research. The results obtained with the analysis of the data demonstrate that if applied, the proposed model will bring benefits to the management, including to define the procedures conditioning the operations to the appropriate requirements to the management model of a public educational institution that has its peculiarities. Finally, this paper presents the model artifact and also suggestions for further research on the subject. / The Public Educational Institutions need methods, techniques and management tools to assist in the management of their processes. The Government has implemented a model of excellence in Public Management to contribute to the improvement of the governance and governance capacity of executive structures that must be shaped according to its premises. Campus Maracanã, responsible for teaching and research in the areas of secondary / technical, technological and higher education, this dissertation aims to propose a model of organizational management based on the models of Reference of quality and excellence and Gespública with the purpose of investigating and characterizing the elements of the current management of Cefet-RJ through the approach of the case study, with the use of interviews, document analysis and questionnaires conducted with the community. It was identified that the management model of the studied institution is characterized as mixed, since both the bureaucratic and collegiate management system are observed in the study. The construction of the Meta-Model will occur with the integration of different reference models conditioned to a synthetic and comprehensive approach, specifying the components of the requirements of the Artifact. The choice of approach by the concept of Design Science aims to develop solutions that bring improvements to the current management, solving problems that with the creation of the artifact that is at the interface between the conceptual and the practiced. It is believed, therefore, that the model artifact is capable of promoting a culture of continuous improvement of the management of internal processes and the analysis of the adherence of the Cefet-RJ management to the conceptual artifact, which is a set of propositions that express the relation between The elements, forming the requirements. The research was developed from the theoretical-conceptual framework acquired with an exploratory study that later became the basis for the development of a Meta-Model that promoted the highlight of the fragility of the current management model practiced by the analyzed teaching institution and the Main characteristics that determined the adherence or non-adherence to the requirements presented as solution for the improvement of the management process for quality with excellence in a teaching process, as well as the presentation of a suggestive proposal for the implementation and implementation of the Artifact. Thus, it was concluded that there is no significant adherence of the management model practiced with the Meta-Model developed based on the research. The results obtained with the analysis of the data demonstrate that if applied, the proposed model will bring benefits to the management, including to define the procedures conditioning the operations to the appropriate requirements to the management model of a public educational institution that has its peculiarities. Finally, this paper presents the model artifact and also suggestions for further research on the subject.
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Diário Livre: co-criação de uma ferramenta para publicação de um diário oficial em formato aberto / Diário Livre: the co-creation of a tool for a municipal official gazette publication as open dataAndrés Mantecon Ribeiro Martano 05 November 2015 (has links)
Muitos são os potenciais benefícios e obstáculos envolvendo a implantação de iniciativas de dados governamentais abertos (DGA). Dentro do universo de dados passíveis de serem abertos, os Diários Oficiais (DOs) constituem um exemplo ainda pouco estudado. Tendo em vista que os atos públicos se tornam válidos através da publicação em DOs, fica evidente a importância das informações contidas nesses documentos. Essas informações podem vir então a ser melhor reutilizadas uma vez que sejam publicadas seguindo os preceitos de DGA. Este trabalho teve como objetivos desenvolver uma ferramenta para a publicação de um DO em formato aberto, incluindo diversos grupos na definição de seus requisitos e documentando todo o processo. Utilizando uma metodologia inspirada na Design Science Research e na Pesquisa-Ação, foi firmada uma parceria com um órgão público, atuando no processo de abertura dos dados. O processo buscou permitir algum nível de participação através de eventos e questionários. O levantamento de requisitos considerou as necessidades dos gestores envolvidos, a literatura relacionada e as colocações feitas por participantes dos eventos e questionários, buscando assim uma aferição mais completa das necessidades relacionadas. O acompanhar do processo também permitiu algumas considerações sobre os interesses e desafios envolvidos no mesmo. A ferramenta desenvolvida tem recebido um número crescente de acessos e boas avaliações por parte de usuários tanto internos como externos à administração pública. Algumas tentativas de reúso automático dos dados publicados já vêm ocorrendo, mostrando os desafios e potencialidades dos mesmos / Many are the potential benefits and obstacles related to open government data (OGD) initiatives. Among all the data that could be opened, the Official Gazettes (OGs) are one example still demanding better studies. Noting that the public acts only become valid through publication in OGs, it is evident the importance of the information within these documents. This information can then be better reused if published following OGD principles. This work, adopting a methodology inspired by action research, and in partnership with a public body, acted in an OGD initiative and in the development of a tool complying with the requirements of its publication. The process sought to allow some level of participation through public events and questionnaires. The requirement analysis took into consideration the demands of the involved civil servants, related literature and the opinions of the participants of the events and questionnaires, seeking a more complete view about the related demands. Throughout the entire process the challenges and interests were explored, pursuing a better understanding of matter. The tool has received an increasing number of accesses and good reviews by users from the public administration and in general. Some attempts were made to automatically reuse the published data, demonstrating the potentialities and challenges of them
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