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Processo de identificação em comunidades da agricultura familiar : da linguagem verbal à visualPorto, Renata Gastal January 2012 (has links)
Esta pesquisa trata fundamentalmente das possibilidades do Design agir no processo de valorização e fortalecimento de comunidades, em específico no setor da agricultura familiar, por meio da representação gráfico-visual da identidade desses sujeitos. A hipótese é que o modo de distribuição dos agricultores nas terras desapropriadas pelo Incra, associada a problemática da fragmentação das identidades na contemporaneidade, podem ser causas para a falta de coesão entre os sujeitos, refletindo na questão da identidade coletiva. Assim, o objetivo é desenvolver um procedimento para a representação gráfico-visual da identificação das Mulheres da Terra por meio de um mosaico conceitual. Para a coleta de dados são adotadas duas técnicas, as histórias de vida, que têm como tema central a identidade, onde se busca compreender a trajetória biográfica de cada membro; e aplicação de questionário, que aborda questões sobre a individualidade dos sujeitos e as suas relações com o ambiente e o próximo. Na fase de interpretação dos dados se faz a síntese dos termos, conceitos e palavras similares ou sinônimas encontradas no conjunto do material. Aplica-se a técnica de análise linguística denotativa aos conceitos previamente definidos, reunindo-se os elementos necessários para construção o mosaico conceitual. A pesquisa indica que por essas mulheres serem constituídas de diversidades culturais, tradições, linguagens e de suas histórias particulares, as identidades são genuinamente híbridas. Acredita-se que o fato das mulheres serem originárias de diversas regiões, reforça a questão da problemática da fragmentação das identidades na contemporaneidade. Sobre o produto final, o mosaico visual, ainda que tenha se utilizado uma estrutura formal que remeta à composição de mosaico conhecida, a peça gráfica se relaciona com a concepção de quebra cabeça associada a de mosaico científico. Por fim, o Design por meio de práticas conjuntas, pode agir de modo a facilitar essas relações de encontrar os pontos em comum e distintivos que configuram cada uma das pessoas, de modo a mostrar graficamente no que se constitui essas identidades, ainda que estas não sejam finalizadas. / This research deals fundamentally with the possibilities of Design act in the process of recovery and strengthening communities, specifically in family farming sector, through graphic-visual representation of the identity of these individuals. The hypothesis is that the mode of distribution of farmers on the land expropriated by Incra associated to the problematic of fragmentation of identities in contemporaneity, can be causes for the lack of cohesion among the subjects, reflecting on the issue of collective identity. So, the objective is to develop a proceeding for representing graphic-visual identification of farmers group Women’s Earth through a conceptual mosaic. For data collection, two techniques are adopted: life stories, whose central theme is identity, where one seeks to understand the life histories of each member; and a questionnaire, which addresses questions about the individuality of the subjects and their relationships with the environment and the next. At the stage of data interpretation becomes the synthesis of terms, concepts and similar words or synonyms found throughout the material. Applies the technique of denoting linguistic analysis to the concepts previously defined, gathering the information necessary to construct the mosaic concept. The research indicates that these women are made of cultural diversity, traditions, languages and their particular histories, soon the identities are genuinely hybrid. It is believed that the fact that women are originating from different regions, reinforces the problematic question of fragmentation of identity in contemporary life. On the final product, the visual mosaic, although it has a formal structure used to refer to the composition mosaic known, the graphic part is related to the conception of a puzzle associated with mosaic scientific. Finally, the Design through joint practices may act to facilitate these relationships to find common points and badges that shape each person in order to show graphically what constitutes these identities, although these do not are finalized.
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A contribuição do designer no projeto de recursos de tecnologia assistiva : proposta de intervenção colaborativaBasso, Liliane January 2012 (has links)
Esta pesquisa apresenta uma proposta de intervenção colaborativa do designer no processo de desenvolvimento de produtos de Tecnologia Assistiva (TA). A intenção dessa proposta foi sugerir uma forma de atuação colaborativa e integrada do designer, que considere o usuário como protagonista de todo o processo e contribua para com os demais profissionais que hoje atuam no desenvolvimento de TA. A proposta objetivou favorecer ainda, o desenvolvimento de produtos mais adequados aos contextos reais e sociais do usuário e que assim potencializem a pessoa com deficiência nas tarefas das atividades diárias com vistas a inclusão social e escolar. Para atingir o objetivo principal da pesquisa, a estratégia adotada foi a realização de uma pesquisa de campo exploratória através da análise de um caso – criança com deficiência, com sete anos de idade, que estava no início da terapia no centro de reabilitação e que frequentava uma escola de ensino regular. Este estudo considerou que as demandas específicas de pessoas com deficiência, sobretudo as crianças, devem merecer a devida atenção para indicarem os atributos a serem considerados com vistas aos requisitos de projeto de produtos assistivos. / The development of the social inclusion process, which is built from policies, laws, projects and services, configures a new scenario that demands collective actions from society as a whole. Universities, companies, associations and professionals must think, research and act to create opportunities to effectively enable all individuals to use the built environment, and all products and services integrated within it, with safety and comfort. These collective actions require the participation of several professionals at the places attended by the users, where real demands can be identified and where strategies can be operationalized. The key to achieve this is an integrated and collaborative development process for Assistive technology (AT) products, reinforced through an interdisciplinary work in which the user - a disabled child - is the protagonist of the whole process. Therefore, this study presents a proposal for a collaborative designer's intervention in the Assistive Technology development process. The proposal intends to suggest a form of integrated and collaborative action, which considers the user as the protagonist of the whole process, and also to contribute with other professionals that currently work on the development of new AT products. Additionally, the proposal seeks to favor the creation of products that are more appropriate for the user's social and daily reality, and that because that, are able to potentiate the disabled people on their daily activities in order to accomplish social and educational inclusion. To fulfill this research's main objective, the chosen strategy was to do an exploratory field research through case analysis: disabled child, seven years old, who was starting his treatment at the rehabilitation center and that was at the same time going to regular school. This study considers that the specific demands of disabled people, especially children, deserve a fair amount of attention because they can indicate attributes that should be taken into consideration on the development of assistive technology products.
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Processo de identificação em comunidades da agricultura familiar : da linguagem verbal à visualPorto, Renata Gastal January 2012 (has links)
Esta pesquisa trata fundamentalmente das possibilidades do Design agir no processo de valorização e fortalecimento de comunidades, em específico no setor da agricultura familiar, por meio da representação gráfico-visual da identidade desses sujeitos. A hipótese é que o modo de distribuição dos agricultores nas terras desapropriadas pelo Incra, associada a problemática da fragmentação das identidades na contemporaneidade, podem ser causas para a falta de coesão entre os sujeitos, refletindo na questão da identidade coletiva. Assim, o objetivo é desenvolver um procedimento para a representação gráfico-visual da identificação das Mulheres da Terra por meio de um mosaico conceitual. Para a coleta de dados são adotadas duas técnicas, as histórias de vida, que têm como tema central a identidade, onde se busca compreender a trajetória biográfica de cada membro; e aplicação de questionário, que aborda questões sobre a individualidade dos sujeitos e as suas relações com o ambiente e o próximo. Na fase de interpretação dos dados se faz a síntese dos termos, conceitos e palavras similares ou sinônimas encontradas no conjunto do material. Aplica-se a técnica de análise linguística denotativa aos conceitos previamente definidos, reunindo-se os elementos necessários para construção o mosaico conceitual. A pesquisa indica que por essas mulheres serem constituídas de diversidades culturais, tradições, linguagens e de suas histórias particulares, as identidades são genuinamente híbridas. Acredita-se que o fato das mulheres serem originárias de diversas regiões, reforça a questão da problemática da fragmentação das identidades na contemporaneidade. Sobre o produto final, o mosaico visual, ainda que tenha se utilizado uma estrutura formal que remeta à composição de mosaico conhecida, a peça gráfica se relaciona com a concepção de quebra cabeça associada a de mosaico científico. Por fim, o Design por meio de práticas conjuntas, pode agir de modo a facilitar essas relações de encontrar os pontos em comum e distintivos que configuram cada uma das pessoas, de modo a mostrar graficamente no que se constitui essas identidades, ainda que estas não sejam finalizadas. / This research deals fundamentally with the possibilities of Design act in the process of recovery and strengthening communities, specifically in family farming sector, through graphic-visual representation of the identity of these individuals. The hypothesis is that the mode of distribution of farmers on the land expropriated by Incra associated to the problematic of fragmentation of identities in contemporaneity, can be causes for the lack of cohesion among the subjects, reflecting on the issue of collective identity. So, the objective is to develop a proceeding for representing graphic-visual identification of farmers group Women’s Earth through a conceptual mosaic. For data collection, two techniques are adopted: life stories, whose central theme is identity, where one seeks to understand the life histories of each member; and a questionnaire, which addresses questions about the individuality of the subjects and their relationships with the environment and the next. At the stage of data interpretation becomes the synthesis of terms, concepts and similar words or synonyms found throughout the material. Applies the technique of denoting linguistic analysis to the concepts previously defined, gathering the information necessary to construct the mosaic concept. The research indicates that these women are made of cultural diversity, traditions, languages and their particular histories, soon the identities are genuinely hybrid. It is believed that the fact that women are originating from different regions, reinforces the problematic question of fragmentation of identity in contemporary life. On the final product, the visual mosaic, although it has a formal structure used to refer to the composition mosaic known, the graphic part is related to the conception of a puzzle associated with mosaic scientific. Finally, the Design through joint practices may act to facilitate these relationships to find common points and badges that shape each person in order to show graphically what constitutes these identities, although these do not are finalized.
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Proposta de procedimento para desenvolvimento de produtos sustentáveis têxteis a partir de sobras dos materiais de Micro e Pequenas Confecções / The propoise procedures for develoment of sustainable textile products from leftover materials of micro and small manufacturingFernanda Marinho Pereira da Silva 26 August 2015 (has links)
Através da nova interpretação e compreensão dos aspectos em relação moda identidade, design social, e da maneira como se encontra o comportamento da sociedade consumista, tende-se a elevar a demanda do indivíduo contemporâneo, preocupado com o futuro ambiental. O surgimento de novos cenários e atores indica uma maior visibilidade à postura de responsabilidade socioambiental na área de moda e possibilita a consolidação da sociedade contemporânea. Devido a estas premissas, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo propor procedimentos, utilizando como referência a metodologia projetual de Löbach para desenvolvimento de produtos sustentáveis têxteis a partir de sobras dos materiais das micro e pequenas confecções. A Metodologia utilizada foi a pesquisa bibliográfica, que constitui o procedimento básico para os estudos monográficos, e a pesquisa exploratória, pois não requer a formulação de hipóteses para serem testadas. Ela se restringe por definir objetivos, buscar mais informações sobre determinado assunto de estudo e identificar qual o melhor método a ser utilizado. No caso deste projeto, a ideia foi adaptar a sintetização de Löbach no processo de design, relacionando-o com o processo de resolução de problemas e o processo criativo, em quatro iniciativas essenciais: definir claramente o problema (preparação); reunir informações sobre o problema, analisá-las e relacioná-las criativamente entre si (geração); criar alternativas de soluções para o problema, julgando-as segundo critérios estabelecidos (avaliação) e desenvolver a alternativa mais adequada, concretizando a (realização). Após a elaboração do projeto, comprovou-se que a metodologia utilizada se mostrou viável para o desenvolvimento de produtos sustentáveis, voltados para a sociedade e consumo / Through the new interpretation and understanding of the aspects about fashion-identity, social design, and how the behavior of the consumer society, tend to increase the demand of the contemporary individual, worried about the future. The emergence of new models and actors indicates a greater visibility to the posture of social and environmental responsibility in the area of fashion and enables consolidation of a contemporary society. Due to these premises, this research aimed to propose procedures, using as a reference the design methodology of Löbach for development of sustainable textile products from leftovers from materials of micro and small manufacturing. The methodology used was bibliographical research to which constitutes the basic procedure for the monographic studies and exploratory research because it does not require the formulation of hypotheses to be tested. She is restricted by set goals, get more information about a particular subject to study and identify the best method to be used, in the case of this project, the idea was to adapt the Löbach synthesis in the design process, linking it with the problem-solving process and the creative process, on four key initiatives to clearly define the problem (preparation); gather information about the problem, analyze them and relate them creatively with each other (generation); create alternative solutions to the problem, judging the second criteria (evaluation) and develop the most suitable alternative, establishing the (realization). After the elaboration of the project proved that the methodology used proved to be viable for the development of sustainable products, geared to society and consumption
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O design como instrumento social na área de educação em saúde: o caso do Dia Mundial do DiabetesBeatriz Chiavini Mendes de Carvalho Kelman 19 October 2012 (has links)
Com este projeto de pesquisa, que faz parte do Programa de Mestrado em Ciências da Comunicação, na Área de Concentração III - Interfaces Sociais da Comunicação da Linha de Pesquisa Políticas e Estratégias de Comunicação, buscou-se identificar e analisar os conteúdos verbais e imagéticos de campanhas na área de educação em saúde, em especial, sobre o diabetes, presentes em eventos do Dia Mundial do Diabetes ou relacionados a este, nos anos de 2010 e 2011. Essas campanhas foram realizadas por instituições de saúde públicas e privadas da cidade de São Paulo com materiais patrocinados e/ou veiculados por empresas farmacêuticas e de alimentos que utilizaram o design para organizar as mensagens sobre prevenção de enfermidades e/ou adoção de comportamentos saudáveis. A análise dos conteúdos das peças impressas das campanhas teve por base as teorias de comunicação social e linguagem visual. / With this research project, that participates in the Master Program in Communication Sciences, in the III Area of Concentration - Social Interfaces of Communication from the Main Line of Research Policy and Strategies of Communication, we sought to identify and analyze the content of verbal and pictorial campaigns in the health education area, particularly about diabetes, present in the World Diabetes Day events or related to this, occurred in 2010 and 2011. These campaigns were carried out by public and private health institutions of the city of São Paulo with materials sponsored and/or distributed by pharmaceutical and food companies that used the design to organize the messages about disease prevention and/or adoption of healthy behaviors. The analysis of the contents of the printed pieces of the campaigns was based on theories of social communication and visual language.
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Techniques of Carceral Reproduction: Architecture and the Prison System in the United States, 1799-1978Niedbala, Steven Alexander January 2020 (has links)
This dissertation describes the role of architects in the development of the prison system in the United States. In the late eighteenth century, penologists sought to standardize conditions in penal institutions and to develop reliable methods for the social conditioning of inmates. Architects designed prisons that embodied the standards of penal theory, arguing that the form of an institution could serve as a powerful means of assuring that prison routine adhered to the dictates of modern penology. While early prison architects focused upon the development of a standard institutional type, the growth of the penal bureaucracy in the twentieth century forced them to develop a structural vocabulary commensurate with the scale of the modern prison system. They broke the prison down into a series of flexible components, each of which could function effectively in diverse institutional contexts. As criminologists sought to address the ostensible urban crisis in the 1960s, moreover, architects envisioned the extension of the new carceral infrastructure to the city.
These techniques served the standardization of the prison system in the twentieth century. Like the early prison architects, modern designers sought to make each element of their structural vocabulary determinative of the activities of inmates and guards in penal institutions. By freeing these elements from the compositional order of early penal institutions, moreover, architects facilitated the rapid expansion of the prison system and the extension of carceral space into new contexts. By the 1970s, the refinement of advanced techniques for the construction of prisons meant that architects no longer played a pivotal role in shaping the prison system. As legal policymakers abandoned rehabilitative penology and emphasized the punitive function of confinement, the techniques of efficient prison construction developed by architects served a massive institutional building campaign whose sole justification was the incapacitation and segregation of the inmate population.
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Stylistic Variation and Social Perception in Second Dialect AcquisitionLin, Yuhan 09 October 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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A Systems Approach to the Development of Enhanced Learning for Engineering Systems Design AnalysisHenshall, Edwin, Campean, Felician, Rutter, B. 09 May 2017 (has links)
yes / This paper considers the importance of applying sound instructional systems design to the development of a learning intervention aimed at developing skills for the effective deployment of an enhanced methodology for engineering systems design analysis within a Product Development context. The leading features of the learning intervention are summarised including the content and design of a training course for senior engineering management which is central to the intervention. The importance of promoting behavioural change by fostering meaningful learning as a collaborative process is discussed. Comparison is made between the instructional design of the corporate learning intervention being developed and the systems engineering based product design process which is the subject of the intervention.
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Taking design’s impact for a walk A roving panel in the RoterwaldGaspar Mallol, Mònica, Meltzer, Burkhard 21 January 2025 (has links)
2 The forest as a speculative device
2.1 You at risk: Measuring the Measurement
2.2 Other paths
2.3 Design´s afterlife
2.4 Going astray
2.5 Measuring impact with blurred glasses
2.6 Critical junctions and shortcuts
2.7 What goes around comes around
References / Facing the complexity of conditions and relations where design performs, it has become increasingly challenging to measure and assess its desired impact. Termed a middle culture (van Winkel, 2009) between production and consumption, understandings of design often range between a heuristic drive to contribute to positive change in the world and a profile neurosis worried about finding a place in a world that may not recognise the profession’s relevance for maintaining existential infrastructures. A profession that – despite its high hopes for making the world a better place – is often being blamed for its complicity with economic-political systems that exploit resources and cause environmental damage. While an awareness of the wickedness of such problems has certainly been raised, alternatives to the impact paradigm are rarely explored. What effects does design aim for? Which assessment criteria and alternative evaluation methods could open alternative perspectives to notorious dichotomies of failure vs success, impact vs side-effect, optimisation vs obsolescence? [from the Introduction]:1 Introduction
2 The forest as a speculative device
2.1 You at risk: Measuring the Measurement
2.2 Other paths
2.3 Design´s afterlife
2.4 Going astray
2.5 Measuring impact with blurred glasses
2.6 Critical junctions and shortcuts
2.7 What goes around comes around
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Rhinonomics: a biodiversity center in the cradle of human kind in support of a legalised rhino horn tradeMcCormack, Duane Allan 07 October 2014 (has links)
A fading legacy
Through the intensive investigation of the rhino trade, the thesis proposes the development of a biodiversity center to serve as a research, education, training and enforcement facility which will support a legalized rhino horn trade. The relationship between architecture and nature. In so doing, it questions whether architecture can effectively facilitate the conservation of our spectacular wildlife through and ecological approach to brief, site and context. The thesis promotes and architecture that is respectful of its natural surroundings. An architecture that provides occupants with facilities that are conducive to the conservation of endangered species.
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