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Equilibrium models accounting for uncertainty and information provision in transportation networksUnnikrishnan, Avinash, January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Texas at Austin, 2008. / Includes vita. Includes bibliographical references (p. 200-216). Also available online.
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The island image : a means of segmentationPhillips, Jennifer Jade January 2017 (has links)
The success of tourism, at a destination, is often accredited to the strength of its marketing; yet, the marketing environment is changing at a fast pace where developments in digital technology have had a profound effect on marketing strategies. Furthermore, the increased accessibility of long and short haul travel has resulted in greater competition for tourist visits among destinations. Such changes present a challenge for cold water island destinations with a seasonal tourism product and limited resources for destination marketing. The ability of such destinations to adopt target marketing strategies, using meaningful segmentation criterion, is of great importance for their future success. For cold water islands, it is vital that the promotional message resonates with the target audience, as such, an image segmentation is proposed. Although tourist segmentation is well practiced in tourism research, existing studies focus on socio-demographic or behavioural segmentation. Few studies have conducted image based segmentation, thus, this thesis explores the feasibility of image segmentation in cold water island destinations; using the Isles of Scilly as a case study. In this thesis image segmentation is used to develop a typology of visitors to the Isles of Scilly, and the intrinsic relationships between destination image, motivation, behaviour, evaluation and place attachment are also explored. Due to the difficulties in measuring image, a mixed method approach was adopted and a concurrent triangulation design employed. Quantitative data were collected from 500 ii respondents visiting the Isles of Scilly, by means of a face-to-face questionnaire, and a further 15 in-depth interviews formed the qualitative sample. Quantitative data were analysed using Exploratory Factor Analysis and K-means Cluster Analysis, while qualitative data were analysed using Thematic Content Analysis. The findings of this thesis revealed the feasibility of image segmentation, through the creation of a six-fold typology of visitors to the Isles of Scilly. Both theoretical and practical implications were derived from this study. The most significant theoretical contribution of this research is that offered to the understanding of image segmentation, as this is the first study conducted in the context of cold water islands. Theoretical contributions were also made with regard to the intrinsic relationships between destination image and motivation, behaviour, evaluation and place attachment. While findings of this study agreed with those of past research, valuable contributions are also offered. Notably, this study adds to a body of work relating to the relationships between complex image and motivation, on-site behaviour, evaluation and place attachment. Additionally, this study adds to tourism knowledge, where the role of on-site behaviour in the formation of positive image, and the influence of participation in special interest tourism, on the formation of destination image are identified. Furthermore, practical recommendations are provided in relation to marketing of the Isles of Scilly where lucrative image segments are identified. Finally, through the understanding of destination image, this thesis proposes seasonal marketing campaigns and the development of special interest tourism, with a focus on wildlife, in order to successfully promote and develop tourism in the Isles of Scilly.
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Small Business Participation in Sustainable Tourism Certification: Internal and External InfluencesJanuary 2017 (has links)
abstract: As the number of travelers around the world grows, the importance of managing tourism destinations in a sustainable manner becomes increasingly important. Sustainable tourism has long been discussed as necessary for managing tourism responsibly, yet adoption of sustainable strategies and operationalization has been slow. Initiatives and programs often focus on environmental components of sustainability and the role of large companies. Certification programs are one way in which destinations are operationalizing community-wide sustainable tourism and small businesses are engaging in sustainability initiatives and recognition.
Using social cognitive theory as the research framework, this study examined internal and external motives and their influence on small business participation in sustainable tourism certification and sustainability practices. Incentives for behavior, modeling of other businesses, company values, and self-efficacy were examined as motives and barriers. Regression analysis and independent samples t-tests were used to examine statistical relationships.
This study partnered with the Alaska Travel Industry Association (ATIA) to study businesses that hold Adventure Green Alaska sustainable tourism certification or are viewed as prospects for certification. From a list of 77, 44 Alaska tourism businesses responded to an online questionnaire to participate in this study. Businesses were categorized into those with certification (n = 31) and those without (n=13). Results indicated participation in sustainability practices to be higher among certified businesses than non-certified. Internal motives indicated to be more significant than external motives for participation in sustainable practices and certification. Company values were of high importance to both certified and non-certified businesses in implementing sustainable practices and certification. Consumer interest and marketing benefits were important incentives for participation in sustainability strategies. These findings have implications for tourism industry associations and organizations interested in the operationalization and development of sustainable tourism. This study is expected to aid in marketing and retention efforts for sustainable tourism certification programs, as well as future direction for development of sustainable tourism certification. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Community Resources and Development 2017
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Den attraktiva skiddestinationen : En studie om hur svenska skidorter arbetar för att utveckla dess besöksnäringGilliusson, Linnéa January 2018 (has links)
Downhill skiing in the Swedish mountain range is an activity that increases in number of visitors for each year. It attracts a large amount of tourist that visit the destinations for different reasons. In order to succeed amongst the amount of destinations, it ́s necessary to differentiate themselves from competitors, and work out a clear strategy of attracting visitors to their own destination. The aim of this study is to examine how Swedish destinations that offers downhill skiing to tourist works to create attractiveness. This is studied with factors such as competitive advantages between destinations, loyalty towards the tourists, how the organization in the destination works with segments and target groups, and at last, how accessibility affects the number of visitors. This has been done through semistructured informant interviews, with managers in the area at four different destinations in the Swedish mountain range, together with literature studies of previous studies in the field. The result of the study tells us about how the destinations work and their strategies to expand and attract more visitors. Many of the destinations consider loyalty as one of the most important factors for a successful destination in the long run. The result also shows how competitive advantages are a fundamental part of differentiating themselves from others, to have a clear vision of what they can offer, facilitates efforts to attract visitors.
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Från jord till bord : En uppsats om gårdsförsäljningens betydelse för matturismOhlsson, Cecilia, Jönsson, Moa January 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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An investigation of the role of food tourism in promoting Chinese regionsChen, Qian January 2016 (has links)
Food tourism is an activity that can be promoted by destination marketers. The aims of this research are to provide a holistic examination of domestic tourists’ food experience in China, and to evaluate the potential of food tourism in promoting Chinese regions from the demand side. It has four specific research objectives, including (1) examining the food experience of domestic tourists at three different travel stages in China, (2) assessing the relationships between the food experience of tourists and their demographic profiles, (3) developing a structural model addressing the potential relationships between tourists’ food experience and loyalty intentions toward Chinese destinations, and (4) providing recommendations for marketers to achieve successful destination promotion through food tourism. In order to achieve the research aims and objectives, with the development of a structural theoretical model, a quantitative research design was employed in the study. Data was specifically collected from a sample of 1702 domestic tourists at ten representative destinations in Mainland China. The findings of this study revealed that: firstly, food is, overall, of great significance to Chinese domestic tourists; however, it plays a varying role in domestic tourists’ experiences at different travel stages in China. Secondly, demographic factors such as gender and age have influences on the food experience of Chinese domestic tourists, while educational level has been revealed to be of little influence. Thirdly, tourists’ food satisfaction and food-related behavioural intentions were in direct and positive correlation to tourists’ destination loyalty intentions. The findings highlighted the contribution of local food at a destination level in the context of China, and signified the great potential for destinations to utilise food tourism to attract and retain tourists. Moreover, given the interrelationships shown between the underlying factors of tourists’ food experience and tourists’ destination loyalty intentions, it is noted that tourists’ food experience is a complex multi-phase model among which different phases interrelate with each other exerting an influence on tourists’ loyalty intentions to specific destinations in China. Lastly, based on these findings, both theoretical and practical implications were derived. In particular, practical recommendations have been provided to marketers on how to effectively utilise food tourism to achieve successful destination promotion in China.
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”Nära men ändå långt borta eller långt borta men ändå nära?” : En studie om tillgänglighet i Stockholms södra skärgårdHärling, Malin, Hultberg, Emelie January 2017 (has links)
Idag reser människor allt mer och besöksnäringen växer i en snabb takt, framför allt gäller detta Sveriges storstäder där Stockholm går i täten. Besöksnäringen är en viktig näring som spänner över flera politik- och intresseområden, aktörerna är oftast många och inte sällan förenas offentlig sektor och det privata näringslivet i olika typer av konstellationer. Utanför Stockholms stad ligger Stockholms skärgård vilket kan ses som en unik men svårtillgänglig plats. För att få fler besökare till skärgården handlar det om att minimera och överbrygga geografiska avstånd. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka tillgängligheten i Stockholms södra skärgård ur besöksnäringens perspektiv, vilka positiva effekter en tillgänglig skärgård skulle medföra samt vilka som har ansvaret för att göra den södra skärgården tillgänglig för besökare. Utifrån en hermeneutisk inriktning och ett induktivt förhållningssätt har kvalitativa intervjuer genomförts. Den insamlade empirin har tillsammans med teorier som behandlar en destinations komponenter och attraktionskraft; samverkan, utveckling och planering; turistisk tillgänglighet samt betydelse av en tillgänglig destination analyserats. De huvudsakliga slutsatserna i denna studie är att arbetet kring tillgänglighet i Stockholms södra skärgård sker utifrån olika nivåer. Här framgår det att både privata och offentliga aktörer arbetar med att öka tillgängligheten på ett fysiskt och ett kommunikativt sätt för att skapa en öppen och tillgänglig skärgård för alla. En tillgänglig skärgård skulle gynna besöksnäringen och stärka attraktiviteten för Stockholmsregionen som besöksmål. En tillgänglig skärgård skulle även möjliggöra för ett större antal besökare vilket kan ge positiva effekter för stödjande samhälls-service och faciliteter. För att göra den södra skärgården tillgänglig för besökare står det klart att ansvaret ligger hos samtliga aktörer. Dock ses det som en problematik i att ingen har det övergripande ansvaret.
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Predictors of intermediate-term survival with destination locoregional therapy of hepatocellular cancer in patients either ineligible or unwilling for liver transplantationRamanathan, Meera, Shroads, Michael, Choi, Myunghan, Wood, David, Seetharam, Anil 10 1900 (has links)
Intra-arterial or percutaneous locoregional therapies (LRT) are often employed to maintain potential liver transplant (LT) recipients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) within T2/Milan criteria. Predictors of survival when LRT is used as destination therapy in those who are either ineligible or unwilling for LT remain poorly defined. We evaluated predictors of 3-year survival with destination LRT in a population of cirrhotic patients diagnosed with HCC, presenting within T2 criteria, and either ineligible or unwilling for LT. The cohort surviving 3 years had a significantly lower model for end-stage liver disease (MELD) score at HCC diagnosis (9.7 vs. 11.4, P= 0.037) and MELD following initial locoregional therapy (10.7 vs. 13.3, P= 0.008) compared to those not surviving three years despite similar demographic, tumor, and treatment variables. LRT as destination therapy results in modest intermediate term survival, with liver function at presentation and immediately following initiation of LRT predicting intermediate survival with this approach.
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Návrh využití moderních forem Public Relations pro turistickou destinaci / Proposal for the Use of Modern Forms of Public Relations for Tourist DestinationHervířová, Hana January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to propose appropriate forms of Public Relations for chosen tourist destination in the region Jindřichohradecko. The theoretical part deals with the issue of tourism, Public Relations and the use of public relations in tourism. The findings contained in the theoretical part are serve as a basis for methodical and practical part. Analyses of the selected tourist destination are performed based on the methodical part. The outcome is a proposal of PR portfolio focusing on the modern forms of communication which would be also applicable in chosen tourist destination.
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Marketingová studie vybrané turistické destinace / Marketing study of Most regionMartínková, Alexandra January 2009 (has links)
The object of the diploma paper is marketing environment of Most region, analysis of its offer and current situation of tourism in the region. Based on learnt facts, the author aimed to recommend some concrete steps which can help to develop tourism in Most region.
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