1071 |
TRIPS Agreement’s Impact on the Accessibility of Pharmaceuticals in the Developing Countries : Developed Game-Theoretic ModelZadworna, Magdalena, Musatov, Michail, Obrezkovs, Romans January 2008 (has links)
<p>Problem:</p><p>The problem under consideration is the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) agreement called Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) and its impact on equal access to essential drugs in the least developed countries. Especially the countries of sub-Saharan Africa lack such access. Moreover, these countries are the ones where severe diseases like AIDS/HIV, tuberculosis and malaria are widely spread over the population. The authors focus also on patents and their obligatory length imposed through the articles of TRIPS agreement.</p><p>Purpose:</p><p>The purpose of the thesis is to describe and analyse the impact of global trade regulations (TRIPS in particular) on the accessibility of essential drugs in developing countries, and to come up with a possible solution as the way of coping with the problem is concerned. The investigation includes detailed description of solutions accomplished by Brazil and India, and their importance for the least developed countries, in terms of importing generic pharmaceuticals from these.</p><p>Method:</p><p>Qualitative method was used in order to obtain data from interviews with citizens of Botswana, Ghana, Ethiopia and South Africa for better understanding of the situation in these countries. Furthermore, the theories included in the theoretical background of this paper were gathered through deep research in the field of studies regarding Intellectual Property protection and World Trade Organization’s agreements and other legal acts.</p><p>Results:</p><p>The result of the analysis is a model developed from the Game-Theoretic Model, and called Developed Game-Theoretic Model. It is a tool which the least developed countries can use while negotiating prices of medicines with pharmaceutical companies, having the possibility of importing the pharmaceuticals from other countries manufacturing the patented product under compulsory licensing.</p>
1072 |
Global climate policy in the perspective of South : An Analysis of IPCC’s Third Assessment Reportvon Post, Sofia January 2005 (has links)
<p>The objective of this thesis is to investigate how of the concepts of adaptation and vulnerability are defined in IPCC’s third assessment report (TAR) with specific focus on IPCC’s response to the critique from South. I have achieved this by doing a text analysis of the content in TAR. My point of departure was in the position of South and there critiques on the climate change policy. I have divided the objective into different research question where I focus on the definition of vulnerability, the determining factors of adaptive capacity, if there is a difference in vulnerability between and within regions and whether focus is on adaptation or mitigation in TAR. There are two definitions of vulnerability in TAR. One is by Brooks (2003) referred as biophysical and the other as social vulnerability. Which one the authors in the report refer to is not put out which cause confusion. In earlier assessments are the biophysical approach more common than the social. In TAR is the use of vulnerability in terms of social conditions more common than the biophysical. This is an improvement since this definition is necessary to get a greater focus on the need for immediate adaptation, in South particularly. It was somewhat problematic to determine whether the adaptive capacity only on the level of the system was considered in TAR or also exogenous factors, which affect the capacity of the system, was included in the definition. In some sense exogenous factors have been considered however it is not much reflection over this. In the report there is a consensus that the vulnerability differs between regions. However there is not much research conducted in developing countries. Also in the issue of concentration on adaptation or mitigation the problem is that there is not enough research from developing countries. Despite this, this assessment report has more focus on adaptation than the other ones. </p>
1073 |
Future GIS development strategies for the Swedish police / Val av framtida utvecklingsverktyg för GIS-applikationer inom PolisenRosenkvist, Helena, Wolgast, Magdalena January 2006 (has links)
<p>During the last years a great effort has taken place to create a common IT-strategy within the Swedish national police board. This to establish a foundation for decision making concerning strategy principles was formed on the activity. The principles describes how the technical architecture is going to be developed and shapes the major rule and direction that’s makes the decision possible. To investigate and use products that is used already within the organisation shall primary take in consideration. Also is the usage of established industrial standards important to create cooperation and exchange between application and platforms. The choose of programming language Java and the service oriented architecture is a direct cause of the IT-strategy and was adopted to make the organisation to be platforms independent</p><p>The purpose with this master thesis has been to draw up specifications of the demands for a developing tool for geographic information system (GIS) that are in line with the IT-strategy and in collaboration with affected personal on the Swedish national police board. A comparison study has been the procedure to examine the choice of GIS solution for similar organisations and it has been guiding in the work with specification of demands. In the first phase only the demands on Java have been significant on closed and open source software that has been investigated. Next the chosen developing tools has been verified against the specification of demands and resulted in a recommendation. Although the Swedish national police board doesn’t have an official policy for open source products the proposal of the software GeoTools is going to be feasible after up coming investigation about open source software is finished. Concerning the proposal for closed software has ended up in alternative solutions depending on short or long term solutions. MapXtreme Java and Oracle Spatial consider being equivalent alternitivs for a long term solution while MapObjects Java considers being appropriate choice for a short term solution.</p> / <p>De senaste åren har ett omfattande arbete lagts ner på att skapa en gemensam IT-strategi inom Rikspolisstyrelsen (RPS). För att få en stabil grund för att fatta beslut kring denna strategi har principer som grundas på verksamheten tagits fram. Dessa beskriver hur den tekniska arkitekturen ska byggas och formar de styrande regler och riktlinjer som möjliggör besluten. Att undersöka och använda produkter som redan finns inom organisationen ska komma i första hand. Likaså är användandet av etablerade industristandarder viktiga då de medför samverkan och utbyte av data mellan applikationer och plattformar. Valet av programspråket Java och en serviceorienterad arkitektur är en direkt följd av IT-strategin och gjordes för att organisationen ska vara plattformsoberoende.</p><p>Syftet med detta examensarbete har varit att utarbeta en kravspecifikation för ett utvecklingsverktyg inom geografiska informationssystem (GIS) som överensstämmer med IT-strategin och i samråd med berörd personal på RPS. En studie av tillvägagångssätt vid val av GIS-lösning för liknande organisationer har gett värdefull vägledning i arbetet med kravspecifikationen. I ett första skede har endast kravet på Java haft betydelse då både proprietära och öppna programvaror har studerats och jämförts. Därefter har utvalda utvecklingsverktyg ställts mot kravspecifikationen för att resultera i en rekommendation. Då RPS inte har någon uttalad policy för öppen programvara blir bedömningen av GeoTools som mest lämpade utvecklingsverktyg, aktuell först när kommande utredning om öppen programvara är avslutad. Angående bedömning av proprietär programvara har den lett till alternativa lösningar beroende på om inköpet av utvecklingsverktyg ska ha en kort- eller långvarig lösning. MapXtreme Java och Oracle Spatial bedöms vara likvärdiga alternativ för den långvariga lösningen medan MapObjects Java bedöms vara lämpligt val vid en kortvarig lösning.</p> / På grund av en olyckligt formulering har sista stycket på sidan 22 ändrats samt första stycket på sidan 23 tagits bort i den elektroniska versionen.
1074 |
Förändringar i Sveriges handelsmönster med u-länderna efter det svenska inträdet i EU. / Changes in Sweden’s trade patterns with developing countries after the Swedish EU-membershipLarsson, Ronnie January 2001 (has links)
<p>Background: A large part of the daily political and economic debate in Sweden concerns the EU. One question that has been debated since the beginning of European integration is whether trade is created as a consequence of integration and, ifso, how great are the gains related to the increased trade. An equally important but maybe less debated question is whether countries outside the union are affected by the increased European integration. Is increased European integration made at the cost of countries outside the EU? </p><p>Purpose: The purpose of this study is, by calculating trade creation and trade diversion, to evaluate if a number of developing countries’ trade with Sweden has decreased after Sweden’s membership in the European Union. </p><p>Limitations: The study is limited to the years 1990-1999, and not all developing countries are included in the study. All developed countries are also omitted from the study. </p><p>Method: The empirical material consists of calculations of consumption shares for Sweden, partner countries and third countries. The method is called residual imputation, meaning that the actual evolution of the trade is compared with a hypothetical, calculated one. These calculations where made for three groups of countries, divided after GDP/capita. </p><p>Conclusions: On the aggregated level, and for the two least poor groups of countries, there is no evidence that these countries have seen their shares decreased as a consequence of Sweden entering the EU. The poorest group of countries has, however, not been able to maintain the same level of exports to Sweden after the membership.</p>
1075 |
The smoking dragon : A study of how China frame their climate change policyWahrby, Johan January 2007 (has links)
<p>In the international climate change negotiations it has been hard to find a sustainable agreement about how to address the anthropogenic impacts on the climate. This is because the issue is very complicated and comprises many social and economic aspects. Because of the struggling in the international negotiations is it necessary to analyze how the climate change issue is understood in different regions and countries of the world. The purpose of this thesis is to analyse how actors within the climate policy sphere in China frame the climate change issue. In the near future, China will become the world’s largest emitter of carbon dioxide and with a population of 1.3 billion people; China is one of the key countries in the international climate negations. The thesis analyses how two key actor groups - decision makers and scientists connected to the Chinese climate change administration - frame the climate change issue in semi-structured interviews. The respondents frame the climate change issue as a large obstacle for a future Chinese development, both economically and socially. To address climate change in China the respondents think that technology innovations and transfer of technology from the developed countries will be very important. Therefore the respondents think it is vitally important to continue with the international climate negotiations in the future.</p>
1076 |
New Sustainable Tourism in theory and practice : The use of sustainability guidelines for a tourism venture in TanzaniaLidberg, Maria January 2007 (has links)
<p>The overall aim of this qualitative study is to investigate the area of new sustainable tourism in theory and practice. The theoretical part, which consisted of a literature study, was made to help find the essence of new sustainable tourism. To bring out tourisms impact on society and environment in practice, a case study was made during an excursion with Södertörn University College to Babati in Tanzania. Semi structured interviews were held with people in Babati. The excursion is being evaluated according to WTO’s sustainable tourism development guidelines and management practices, and finally, these guidelines are analysed. The result of the literature study showed that there is no absolute true core in new sustainable tourism. It is a highly subjective judgment if a tourism venture is sustainable or not, depending on personal values, ideology and personal interests. There is features commonly associated and used in new sustainable tourism, like the sustainability of the three pillars of sustainable development, and the focus on the local, educational and conservational effects, but the essence is subjective. The evaluation of the excursion showed that it is by two third a sustainable tourism venture. It is the economic part that fails, since the guidelines put much focus on stable employments and frequency; ingredients that the excursion lacks. The analysis of the WTO guidelines resulted in confusion. They could be both very useful, but also very poor, according to how they were interpreted and used. The results highly depend on the user. Positive is that the guidelines address all pillars of sustainable development equal, and that the interaction between host and guest gets highlighted. Shortages are that the guidelines lack a gender perspective, a historical and political sensibility, a place specific flexibility and a perspective of inter- and intra-generational equity.</p>
1077 |
Språkutvecklande arbetssätt i förskolan : En jämförelse av Utomhuspedagogik och Montessori / Language developing methods in preschool : A comparison of Outdoor education and MontessoriVagic, Jelena January 2010 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this study is to examine how educationalists work with bilingual children's language by looking at how and what approaches are used to encourage language development. I have chosen to compare two educational philosophies: Montessori and Outdoor Education, to see how big the differences / similarities are in working methods. The background to this study is that preschools uses various approaches and have different methods to stimulate the children. This means that the conditions for children's language development might look different depending on the preschool they go to. The information used has been gathered through interviews, where I have taken note of educationalists thoughts on their working methods, and through professional literature dealing with this topic. Results and analysis has been performed and presented in various areas that are common in preschool: Reading, gathering, singing and rhymes. The examination shows that there are some differences but that the preschools are working in a similar manner.</p>
1078 |
Regime Type and Trade Policy : Has Increased Democratization Contributed to Lower Trade Barriers Among Autocratic States?Olsson, David January 2009 (has links)
<p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p><h1>Abstract</h1><h2>C-Level Paper in Political Science, by David Olsson, Autumn 2008. Supervisor: Malin Stegman McCallion. “Regime Type and Trade Policy: Has Increased Democratization Contributed to Lower Trade Barriers Among Autocratic States?”</h2><p> </p><p>In this paper a new two-level game theory, based on previous research and deductive reasoning, is constructed and tested empirically. The purpose is to examine if developing new democracies, trading with developing autocracies, is an explanatory factor of trade liberalization among the latter. The research questions are: 1) Have tariff rates in developing autocratic countries followed the pattern of reduced tariffs among their developing new democratic trading partners? And; 2) If this is the case, is there a relative shift in trade flows that confirms this change to be an effect of the new democracies’ presumed influence?</p><p> In order to sufficiently carry out an empirical scrutiny, seven other determinants found to have effects on trade policies in previous research, are accounted for using a “most similar systems design”. For reasons of delimitation, six autocracies and their fifteen most important trading partners, observed 1980-1999, have been paired and analyzed. Each pair consists of one autocracy that trades with new democracies and one that does not; regarding the other determinants they are as similar as possible. The used material is the World Development Indicators, the Polity IV Dataset, the Yearbook of International Trade Statistics, the World Economic Outlook Database, the Database of Political Institutions, statistics from the World Trade Organization, the Dataset of Armed Conflicts, and the Unweighted Average Tariffs Measurement. </p><p> The conclusion is that there are no indicators that affirm the theory and research questions. However, the theory is not unambiguously falsified. Hence, studies on more countries and time spans are needed. </p><p> </p><p> </p></p><p> </p><p><p> </p></p><p> </p>
1079 |
Exploring a Swedish SME entering the Congolese Electricity Market : A Case Study of PPC Engineering ABGoldberg, Caroline, Jonsson, Gabriella January 2009 (has links)
<p><p>Internationalization research has for a long time been dominated by a strong focus on how large firms from large and developed economies expand into other developed countries. Until recently, little attention has been devoted towards understanding that part of the internationalization process in which small and medium sized firms from small and open economies, attempt to establish themselves in undeveloped countries. This research gap is the point of departure for this thesis.</p><p> </p><p>By using a recently published conceptual framework by Laanti et al. (2009) the authors study how five groups of factors have shaped the internationalization process of a small Swedish electricity company in the midst of starting up business in Congo Kinshasa. In this in-depth single-case study, data was collected through semi-structured interviews with representatives of PPC Engineering AB. The study finds that the importance of different factors vary throughout the process, but in this case, when seen as a whole, <em>host country factors</em> and <em>company specific factors </em>play the most prominent roles. Furthermore, Laanti et al.’s (2009) conceptual framework is redesigned to explain the dynamic process of internationalization. However, more research is needed to determine the extent to which this framework can be generalized.</p></p>
1080 |
Explaining divergence of service prices in developing countriesPakotiprapha, Sauwaluck 30 April 1993 (has links)
In explaining why service prices differ across countries
(both developed and developing countries), most studies have
paid attention to the role of structural variables such as
population, trade balance, resource abundance etc., by using
a full employment assumption. Due to the existence of high
urban unemployment in developing countries, the assumption of
full employment is not suitable.
The objective of this study is to build general equilibrium
models that can be used to explain the service price
differences across developing countries by incorporating
rural-urban migration and urban unemployment. Internal
migration from rural to urban areas is allowed because of
distortions in labor market. The current work includes
structural variables that are used in the literature, such as
agricultural land, mineral resources, labor endowment, trade
deficit, population, and tourism, along with 2 new variables,
manufacturing capital and services capital. This study also
considers the effects of macroeconomic policies (fiscal and
monetary policies) on service prices which are neglected in
the literature.
The theoretical models suggest that, ceteris paribus,
larger land area, mineral resources, higher trade deficits,
tourist receipts, and money supply increase service prices,
but larger populations reduce service prices. The effects of
services capital, labor force, the terms of trade, and
government spending are ambiguous from the theoretical models.
An empirical study is performed to test the theoretical
implications. The empirical results suggest that larger
endowments of land, mineral resources, manufacturing capital,
labor force, and services capital, as well as higher trade
deficits, tourist receipts, government spending, and money
supply increase the service prices. Conversely, larger
populations reduce service prices as predicted. / Graduation date: 1993
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