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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gramsci e o novo programa / Gramsci and the new program

Dillenburg, Fernando Frota 07 April 2011 (has links)
Orientador: Alcides Hector Benoit / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-18T15:35:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dillenburg_FernandoFrota_D.pdf: 1414516 bytes, checksum: a708a9fdc7eb3467195b766f139f2b23 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo: O objetivo deste trabalho é discutir os problemas relacionados com um programa socialista transitório para o proletariado na nossa época histórica. Existiria a necessidade, do ponto de vista marxista, de um novo programa? Seria necessário um novo programa em relação àquele proposto por Marx e Engels no século XIX e aplicado pelos bolcheviques na Revolução Russa de 1917? Este programa do século XIX e de 1917 estaria superado? Como sabemos, este programa originário se embasa na teoria da revolução permanente e na construção de uma dualidade de poder, expostas por Marx e Engels já na Mensagem do Comitê Central à Liga dos Comunistas (1850), experiência amplamente vivenciada durante as revoluções russas de 1905 e 1917. Mas, afinal, essas concepções seriam válidas ainda no decorrer do século XX e, sobretudo, nos países capitalistas ocidentais? Para aprofundar tal questionamento, escolhemos o dirigente marxista Antonio Gramsci como interlocutor por considerá-lo um expoente nessa tarefa de reformulação do programa clássico. É inegável o impacto mundial causado por sua obra, sobretudo aquela da maturidade, conhecida como os Cadernos do Cárcere, a ponto de ser considerado por muitos intérpretes como o fundador de uma nova teoria da política. Os Cadernos do Cárcere sofreram forte influência da derrota do proletariado italiano em sua tentativa de instalar uma dualidade de poder nas principais fábricas de seu país, por meio do movimento dos conselhos de fábrica. Esta derrota, associada às derrotas do proletariado de outros países, como na Alemanha e na Hungria, fez com que Gramsci passasse a repensar a estratégia revolucionária a ser aplicada nos países desenvolvidos do Ocidente. Neste trabalho, procuramos interrogar a proposta do novo programa gramsciano, à luz dos fundamentos do programa originário apresentado por Marx e Engels, além de comparar as posições do autor dos Cadernos a respeito das formas de organização partidária antes e depois de sua prisão / Abstract: The aim of this work is to discuss issues related to a transitional program of the proletariat of our time. From a Marxist standpoint, would a new program be necessary? Would a program that is new in relation to that proposed by Marx and Engels in the 19th century and put into practice by the Bolsheviks in the 1917 Russian Revolution be necessary? Would this 19th century and 1917 program have been overcome? As we know it, this original program is based on the Permanent Revolution theory and on the building of a duality of power, both previously exposed by Marx and Engels in the Address of the Central Committee to the Communist League (1850) and greatly experienced during the 1905 and 1917 Russian revolutions. However, would these conceptions still be valid after all throughout the 19th century and, mainly, in the western capitalist countries? In order to examine these questions carefully, we have chosen as our interlocutor the Marxist leader Antonio Gramsci for considering him a leading exponent in reformulating the classical program. One cannot deny the global impact that his works have produced, above all his maturity writings, known as the Prison Notebooks, to the point of Gramsci being considered by many critics the founder of a new theory of politics. The Prison Notebooks were deeply influenced by the Italian proletariat's defeat in its attempt to establish a duality of power in the country's main factories through factory councils. This defeat, along with the defeat of the proletariat in other countries, such as in Germany and Hungary, led Gramsci to start rethinking the revolutionary strategy to be applied in the developed countries of the West. In this research, we intend to interrogate the proposals of Gramsci's new program, in view of the grounds of the original program developed by Marx and Engels, as well as compare the positions of the Notebooks' author in regards to forms of party organization before and after his imprisonment / Doutorado / Filosofia / Mestre em Filosofia

O \'De libero arbitrio\' de Agostinho de Hipona / Augustine of Hippo\'s De libero arbitrio

Ricardo Reali Taurisano 22 June 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivos, além de apresentar uma tradução da primeira parte do De libero arbitrio libri tres, de Agostinho de Hipona, empreender um estudo, dos três livros, em seus diferentes aspectos, retóricos e filosóficos. O De libero arbitrio, apesar de seu sentido de unidade, tem características específicas em cada uma de suas três partes. O livro I, de forte influência estóica, apresenta-se um diálogo; o livro II, se mantém a mesma estrutura dialógica, apresenta, porém, evidentes características neoplatônicas. Se as duas primeiras partes podem dizer-se dialéticas, a terceira, no entanto, sofre grave transformação, tanto em sua dispositio, quando Agostinho abdica da forma dialogal para empreender um longo discurso contínuo, como em sua elocutio, ao lançar mão de uma linguagem que, de modo inequívoco, evidencia uma mudança não só de auditório como de pensamento. O De libero arbitrio, em seu livro III, torna-se, a certa altura, uma obra de teologia, em que a concepção platônicosocrática de mundo, do Agostinho dos primeiros dois livros, cede espaço a uma visão mais cristã, influenciada sobremodo pela teologia do apóstolo Paulo, uma visão menos otimista do ser humano como ser autônomo e capaz de soerguer-se, por sua livre iniciativa. Essa mudança conceitual considerável, em seus aspectos discursivo e filosófico, evidencia uma alteração muito mais profunda, uma espécie de turning point, não apenas na obra e na vida do próprio homem, então não mais o filósofo e sim o presbítero de Hipona; não mais o pensador neoplatônico, e sim o doutor eclesiástico; mas também um turning point para a época, demarcando, de certo modo, o fim de toda uma civilização, o fim do mundo antigo, com a derrocada da visão clássica do homem, e o conseqüente princípio da era medieval. / This work has as main objectives, besides offering a translation of the first part of the De libero arbitrio libri tres of Augustine of Hippo, undertake a study of the three books, in its different aspects, rhetorical and philosophical. The De libero arbitrio, in spite of its sense of unity, has specific characteristics in each of its three parts. Book I, predominantly influenced by Stoicism, shows itself a dialog; book II, although maintaining the same dialogical structure, shows, nevertheless, evident Neoplatonic characteristics. If the two first parts may be called dialectical, the third, however, is the object of a severe metamorphosis, as in its dispositio, when Augustine resigns the cross-examination form to undertake a long uninterrupted discourse; as in its elocutio, when he adopts a style that undoubtedly makes clear a change not only in his auditory, but in his thought as well. The De libero arbitrio, then, in its third book becomes at a certain point a theological work, in which the Platonic-Socratic comprehension of the world of the young Augustine (of the first two books) yields to a more Christianized view, much influenced by the theology of the apostle Paul, which sustains a less optimistic image of man as a autonomous being, capable of raising himself through his free choice of the will. This remarkable conceptual change, in its discursive and philosophical aspects, shows a still deeper mutation, a kind of \"turning point\", not only in the works and life of the man, no longer the philosopher, but the presbyter of Hippo; no longer the Neoplatonic thinker, but the Doctor of the Church; but also a \"turning point\" to the epoch, delimiting, to a certain extent, the end of a civilization, the end of Antiquity, with the overthrow of the classical view of man and the consequential beginning of the mediaeval era.

Kierkegaard and Bloch on Hope

Fata, Angelo V. 12 1900 (has links)
L’espoir, ce résidu du vase (πίθος) de Pandore, a été soumis aux jugements ambivalents de la philosophie. Bien que l’espoir puisse être considéré comme une forme de voeu pieux qui nous trompe ou comme une attitude qui contribue à l’action morale, le verdict concernant son affiliation avec les malheurs et les épreuves qui frappent l’humanité est toujours en attente. La question, au préalable de tout jugements, qui continue de faciliter ce procès ne peut être formulée de manière plus simple : qu’est-ce que l’espoir? Søren Kierkegaard et Ernst Bloch ont consacré une partie importante de leurs écrits pour aider à clarifier une telle question. Or, que peut apporter la comparaison entre un existentialiste chrétien et un matérialiste spéculatif sur le sujet de l’espoir? Loin de déboucher sur une plaisanterie, une comparaison de leurs concepts révèle comment l’espoir contribue à la critique, à l’action, et ultimement, à la rédemption. Malgré les différences substantielles entre ce qu’ils soutiennent comme l’objet de l’espoir, ils partagent certaines caractérisations de l’espoir qui sont philosophiquement saillantes. Contre l’affirmation selon laquelle l’espoir nous induit en erreur, ils soutiennent que l’espoir nous donne la chance de rompre avec les idées dominantes du statu quo. Cette distance nous offre une expérience nouvelle et critique des problèmes auxquels nous sommes confrontés, tout en pointant vers la possibilité de leur rectification. Contrairement aux émotions édifiantes ou aux humeurs comme la joie et l’optimisme naïf, Kierkegaard et Bloch soutiennent que l’espoir doit être décidé quant à ses attentes. L’espoir implique alors notre résolution d’anticiper et de contribuer à la possibilité de la rédemption. Enfin, l’espoir est considéré comme rédempteur en soi sous forme d’une lutte pour la possibilité - car sans possible, pour ainsi dire on ne respire pas. / Hope, that residue of Pandora’s jar (πίθος), has been the subject of ambivalent philosophical judgments. Pit against being considered a form of wishful thinking that is misleading or an attitude that contributes to moral action, the verdict concerning hope’s affiliation with the illnesses and hardships that befall humanity is still pending. The question, preceding any judgment, that continues to facilitate this trial can be formulated in no simpler way: what is hope? Søren Kierkegaard and Ernst Bloch dedicated a significant portion of their authorship to help clarify such a question. Yet, what can a comparison between a Christian existentialist and a speculative materialist deliver on the topic of hope? Far from leading to the butt of a joke, a comparison of their work reveals how hope may contribute to critique, action, and ultimately, redemption. Despite the substantial differences between their objects of hope, they share certain characterizations of hope that remain philosophically salient. Against the claim that hope is misguided, they argue that hope affords us the chance to break away from the dominant ideas of the status quo. The distance affords us a new and critical experience of the issues we face, while anticipatively pointing towards what may redeem them. Distinguished from uplifting emotions or moods like joy and naïve optimism, Kierkegaard and Bloch argue that hope must be resolute about its expectation. Hope then involves our decision to anticipate and contribute to the possibility of our redemption. Lastly, hope is argued to be redemptive in itself as a struggle for possibility–for without possibility, a person seems unable to breathe.

Torah-Observant Jewish Married Couples: The Influence of Mandated Abstinence of Physical Touch and Marital Maintenance

January 2020 (has links)
abstract: Maintaining sexual desire as the marriage endures is a challenge, especially as it involves the interplay of seemingly opposing tensions of novelty, autonomy, and closeness. Difficulties can arise when autonomy, which requires spousal distancing, is perceived as a martial threat and therefore suppressed. This dissertation investigates whether prosocial marital distancing can nurture autonomy and promote sexual desire. Torah-observant Jewish married couples practice family purity, a Jewish law forbidding sexual relations during menstruation and shortly thereafter. During this time couples often avoid sleeping in the same bed, physical touch, and behaviors that can instigate a sexual encounter. These distancing restrictions are lifted when the wife immerses in a ritual bath. The process repeats at the next menstruation. This research examined the effects of family purity’s marital distancing through two studies. The first involved qualitative interviews of family purity wives (N = 10) guided by relational dialectics theory (Baxter & Montgomery, 1996). Study one findings suggest that family purity wives navigate the three tensions of integration, expression, and certainty. Study one also revealed a new tension, the dialect of restraint. The dialectic of restraint appears to enhance marital communication, heighten the appreciation for the mundane, and help sustain sexual desire. Study two, the quantitative phase of the research, applied self-expansion theory (Aron & Aron, 1986) to investigate differences between family purity and non-family purity couples. A sample of 90 married Jewish dyads (N = 180) participated in a cross-sectional online questionnaire. Findings suggest that while non-practicing couples report greater self-expansion, family purity couples report greater sexual closeness. Family purity couples also report the same closeness and sexual closeness ideals, whereas non-practicing couples reported divergent ideals. Non-practicing family purity husbands had the greatest reported discrepancy between ideal and actual sexual closeness. The combined findings suggest that sanctioned prosocial distancing as practiced by family purity couples enables the integration of cognitive growth and mitigates the threat of autonomy. Prosocial distancing within the family purity marriage appears to provide the wife space for autonomy that in turn provokes novelty and sexual desire. Findings are discussed in relation to theoretical contributions, study limitations, and future directions. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Communication Studies 2020

Der 'Homo dialecticus' und Michel Foucault

Schneider, Ulrich Johannes 08 September 2014 (has links)
Michel Foucault ist als Marxismus-Kritiker und als Dissident des Strukturalismus nicht verdächtig, der Dialektik großen Raum in seinem Denken einzuräumen; er hat tatsächlich keine entsprechende Lehre entwickelt. Vielmehr werden die von ihm in seinen großen Werken exponierten Geschichtsbilder an den Rändern durch Brüche und Inkompatibilitäten wie im Innern durch systematische Einheit und epochale Ganzheit gekennzeichnet und so auf doppelte Weise gerade nicht dynamisch gedacht; Foucault entwickelt aus dem Widerspruch keine bewegende Kraft; er erweist den Gegensatz nicht als Bewußtseinsdilemma. So mag es erstaunen, wenn man bei Foucault von Anfang an und bis in die 1960er Jahre eine geläufige Verwendung des Begriffs der Dialektik antrifft. Die einschlägigen Stellen sind keine beiläufigen Bemerkungen, sondern stehen in Zusammenhang mit Hauptthesen und Hauptproblemen der Foucaultschen Analyse.

“If I am going to have to force you to talk about it with me, then I’m not going to”: Relational dialectics in transracial Asian adoptees’ conversations about race

Hornberger, Brooke 01 May 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Transracial adoptive families often encounter various struggles around race as they acknowledge the challenges of racial dissimilarity in their family structure. This thesis, grounded in the theoretical framework of Relational Dialectics Theory, explored the competing discourses around the conversation of race for adult Asian adoptees. The results from 35 semi-structured interviews and contrapuntal analysis revealed one dialectical tension highlighting the Asian adoptee’s role in maintaining conversations of race with their White adoptive parents. Some adoptees voiced the discourse of taking the opportunity to be the advocate, while others voiced the discourse of feeling frustrated with being the advocate. The results of this thesis provide the perspective of Asian adoptees in White families as they attempt to engage in conversations about race with their family members.

Writing Across the Curriculum Program Development as Ideological and Rhetorical Practice

Fulford, Carolyn J. 01 September 2009 (has links)
Few research studies have focused on WAC program development. Those that exist do not examine the ideological grounds for programmatic changes. This dissertation explores the dynamics of such changes through a four-year ethnographic study of WAC program development at a small, public, liberal arts college. The study employed extensive participant observation, interviewing, and document collection to trace how curricular and cultural changes around writing take shape and what ideologies and rhetorical practices come into play during that complex change process. The site for the study is of special interest because WAC there was in transition from an informal coalition focused on changing culture and pedagogy to a potentially institutional program equally invested in curricular reform. My study documents the interactions that characterize the change process, using Jenny Edbauer's conception of rhetorical ecology for its explanatory power in non-linear discursive environments. I analyze rhetorical encounters between a wide range of institutional constituents, including administrators and faculty from multiple disciplines. In these encounters, higher education's historic ideologies surface and interact in complex ways with WAC's ideologies. Using critical discourse analysis, I unpack these interactions and ideological multilectics, examining how language and values circulate among multiple users, texts, and sites within the rhetorical ecology of one college, influencing the shape of program developments. WAC scholars suggest that contemporary practitioners need to forge alliances with other cross-curricular initiatives in order for WAC to continue as a viable educational movement. My analysis of how WAC advocates at one college positioned their efforts in relation to other curricular changes reveals both benefits and costs resulting from such alliances. Although alliances can produce significant reforms, working with groups that have divergent ideological premises risks positioning WAC in subordination to others' ideological priorities. Two intertwined strategies appear to mitigate this problem: 1) ideological recentering on WAC's core theoretical commitments and 2) formation of recombinant multilectics by identifying the ideologies in play and considering how, or whether, core WAC ideological commitments align with them. Acts of recentering that incorporate deliberate multilectics may be key survival strategies for WAC programs as they interact with other cross-curricular initiatives.

Rationality in Adorno’s Aesthetics

Hadzipetros, John 08 1900 (has links)
Nous proposons d’examiner le concept adornien de la rationalité esthétique en vue de sa distinction entre une raison bourgeoise universalisante et une raison dialectique qui maintien la prédominance de l’objet par une opération d’autocritique intellectuelle selon qui les catégories sont évalués en vue des objets qu’elles décrivent pour identifier leurs insuffisances conceptuelles. Nous explorons la distinction qu’établit Adorno entre deux rationalités en traçant la genèse historique de la raison bourgeoise dans la philosophie occidentale. Nous démontrons comment les critiques lancées par Adorno contre Hegel et Lukács influencent sa lecture de la tradition marxiste de la critique de l’idéologie et de l’économie politique. Nous illustrons la différence entre la critique de la rationalité bourgeois et l’irrationalisme propre en démontrant qu’Adorno offre une critique rationnelle de la raison qui ne se positionne pas en dehors de la raison. Ayant construit cette fondation conceptuelle, nous tournons vers l’esthétique d’Adorno. Nous démontrons que la raison esthétique se déroule en parallèle avec la raison bourgeoise, et que la raison esthétique participe à la domination de la nature exercée par la raison par la médiation de la forme des œuvres d’art. Nous soulignons deux aspects de la raison esthétique, l’aspect constructif et l’aspect critique, et nous démontrons comment la raison esthétique utilisent ces deux aspects pour remplacer le concept de l’art déjà établie afin d’ouvrir des nouvelles possibilités pour l’art. En explorant les catégories de la beauté naturelle, la beauté de l’art, et du laid, nous démontrons comment la raison esthétique se constitue avant de se mettre en question soi-même par le moyen de la dissonance de l’art moderne. Finalement, nous démontros la manière dont l’art moderne risque de devenir neutralisé par la raison homogénéisante qu’il proteste, et nous conclurons en considérant la pertinence à la question de la normativité esthétique de la lecture adornienne de Samuel Beckett, dont le théâtre pose une challenge critique à la société de l’après-guerre en même temps qu’il met en question le concept de l’art existant. / I propose to examine Theodor Adorno’s concept of a developing aesthetic rationality in light of his distinction between a universalizing bourgeois rationality and a dialectical rationality that strives to maintain the preponderance of the object by challenging its categories with the experience of their object. I will first explore Adorno’s distinction between two rationalities, tracing the historical genesis and growth of bourgeois reason in Western philosophy. I will account for how Adorno’s criticisms of Hegel and Lukács influence his reading of the Marxist traditions of ideology critique and political economy. I will show how Adorno’s criticism of bourgeois rationality differs from irrationality in its attempt to offer an immanent critique of Enlightenment rather than in attempting to position itself outside of Enlightenment. I will then turn to Adorno’s aesthetics, showing how aesthetic rationality progresses in lockstep with Enlightened rationality and how artworks dominate experiential materials through the determining mediation of form. I will highlight two aspects of aesthetic rationality, a constructive aspect and a critical aspect, and I will show how aesthetic rationality uses both to overturn the existing concept of art in order to redefine what counts as art. By exploring the categories of natural beauty, art beauty, and ugliness, I will show how aesthetic rationality establishes itself only to put itself in question through the dissonance of modern art. I will then show how modern art itself falls victim to the very homogenizing rationality it protests, before concluding with a discussion of how Samuel Beckett’s theatre embodies Adorno’s call for an art that critically positions itself against society as well as the pre-existing concept of art.

What happens when a feminist falls in love? Romantic relationship ideals and feminist identity

Wilson, Elizabeth Ann 05 December 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Close Friendship Maintenance on Facebook: The Relationship between Dialectical Contradictions, Facebook Relational Maintenance Behaviors, and Relationship Satisfaction in the U.S. and Malaysia

Aisha, Tengku Siti 01 December 2014 (has links)
No description available.

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