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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Erfassung und Förderung metakognitiver und motivationaler Fähigkeiten : ein halbstandardisiertes Lerntagebuch für Schülerinnen und Schüler mit Migrationshintergrund / Assessing and fostering metacognitive and motivational skills : a semi-standardized learning diary for students with a migrational background

Ehmann, Tanja January 2009 (has links)
Das folgende Forschungsprojekt beschäftigt sich mit metakognitiven und motivationalen Fähigkeiten als Teilbereiche des selbstgesteuerten Lernens. Es untersucht den Nutzen und die Grenzen von Lerntagebüchern, die zugeschnitten wurden auf Grundschülerinnen und Grundschüler mit Migrationshintergrund. Das Ziel der Studie war es herauszufinden, ob und wie selbststeurungsbezogene Lernprozesse durch den Einsatz von Lerntagebüchern gemessen und verändert werden können. Hierzu führten 28 Grundschülerinnen und Grundschüler 14 Wochen lang während des Unterrichts ein halbstandardisiertes Lerntagebuch in Anlehnung an Wohland/Spinath (2004). Zur Messung von Veränderungen in metakognitiven und motivationalen Fähigkeiten füllten 43 Schülerinnen und Schüler zweier Experimentalgruppen und einer Kontrollgruppe vor und nach der Lerntagebuch-Intervention standardisierte Fragebögen aus. Weiterhin wurden die 28 Lerntagebücher der Experimentalgruppen inhalts- und prozessanalytisch ausgewertet. Außerdem wurden Interviews mit den Lehrkräften über ihre Unterrichtspraxis geführt und einige Schülerinnen und Schüler zu ihrer Wahrnehmung der Lerntagebucharbeit befragt. Die Ergebnisse der Analyse der Lerntagebuchdaten zeigen, dass die 28 Schülerinnen und Schüler mit Migrationshintergrund erfolgreich ihren Lernprozess bei der Bearbeitung einer Aufgabe verbalisierten. Sie haben weiterhin erfolgreich Vorhersagen über ihre Vorgehensweisen zur Lösung einer Aufgabe getroffen. Die Lerntagebücher unterstützten sie darin, ihre metakognitiven Erfahrungen (Efklides/Petkaki 2005) zu kalibrieren (Desoete/Roeyers 2006). Den Lernenden ist es gelungen, ihre Repräsentationen über das Lösen einer Aufgabe aufeinander (fein-) abzustimmen, während sie daran arbeiteten. Mit Hilfe von Zeitreihenanalysen konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Schülerinnen und Schüler die Fragen im Lerntagebuch gegen Ende der Intervention oberflächlicher beantworteten und die Lerntagebücher tendenziell weniger häufig ausgefüllt wurden (negative Trends). Eine Erklärung für die geringere Antworthäufigkeit, die zu negativen Verlaufskurven über die Zeit führten, könnte sein, dass die Instruktionsdichte durch den Mix an offenen und geschlossenen Fragen im Lerntagebuch zu hoch war. Die Lernenden haben sich möglicherweise so an die Fragen bzw. Antwortformate gewöhnt, dass die Motivation, in das Lerntagebuch zu schreiben, geringer wurde. / The following research project focuses on metacognitive and motivational skills as aspects of self-regulated learning. It studies the usability and the limitations of learning diaries that are designed to foster those skills for elementary school students with a migrational background. The goal of the study is to know whether and how self-regulated learning processes can be measured and changed through the use of learning diaries. Therefore 28 students of an elementary school in Berlin worked for 14 weeks with a semi-standardized learning diary which was designed in accordance to Wohland/Spinath (2004) and which was integrated in classroom teaching. To measure the changes in metacognitive and motivational skills 43 students in two experimental groups and one control group had to fill in self-report questionnaires before and after the diary-intervention. The 28 learning diaries of the two experimental groups were content and process analyzed. Furthermore interviews were conducted with teachers about their classroom teaching and with students about their perception of working with a diary. The questionnaire data showed that the learning diary could be useful for fostering metacognitive but not motivational skills. The results of the diary data showed that the 28 students with a migrational background were able to verbalize their learning process when working on a specific task. They were also able to make predictions about their own approach towards solving a task. The learning diaries supported the calibration (Desoete/Roeyers 2006) of their metacognitive experiences (Efklides/Petkaki 2005). Students were able to fine-tune their representations about solving a task as they went on with task processing. Time-series-analysis showed that towards the end of the intervention there was a tendency to answer with superficial and lower frequency responses (negative trends). One explanation for the lower frequency of responses, which led to negative curves over time, could be that too much instructional support was elicited through the learning diary's mix of open and closed questions. The learners may have adjusted to the prompts and answer formats leading to a decrease in motivation to write.

Factors in secondary prevention subsequent to distal radius fracture : Focus on physical function, co-morbidity, bone mineral density and health-related quality of life

Nordvall, Helena January 2009 (has links)
In Sweden approximately 25000 distal radius fractures occur annually, which is 37 % of all fractures related to osteoporosis. In this thesis, risk factors for osteoporosis, bone mineral density (BMD) and health-related quality of life (the SF-36) were compared in patients who suffered a distal radius fracture after low energy trauma with a control group matched on the basis of age, gender, and municipality of residence. The aim was also to analyse, among these patients, whether a risk factor questionnaire, tests on dynamic and static balance and a one-leg rise test could identify those, who have osteopenia or osteoporosis, and run a risk of new falls. Moreover, in a three-year follow-up, mortality, the need for in- and outpatient care, and health-related quality of life after radius fracture were investigated and compared between the patients and matched controls. Finally, the effect of a preventive intervention program including patient education and self-training was evaluated. Falls were reported in a risk factor questionnaire and in a fall diary. The patients aged 45-64 years showed lower, although not statistically significant, BMD, compared with the controls of the same age, but there was no difference concerning their history of falls. In contrast, the patients aged 64 years or older had a history of falling more often than the corresponding controls, but no difference in BMD was found. For all other risk factors, except falls, no differences were found between the patients and the controls. The results of the one-leg rise test were associated with those of dynamic and static balance, but none of the functional tests were associated with the number of falls. Decreased height and cigarette smoking were the only risk factors, which predicted osteopenia and osteoporosis. Five patients, although none of the controls, died during the study time. The patients needed statistically significantly more episodes as inpatients than the controls. The patients also had lower SF-36, Role Physical scores, than the controls at three months. This difference disappeared by the time of the follow-up. Both the patients, who participated in a four-week intervention program, “the osteoporosis school” followed by a one-year home-based exercise program, and the controls showed statistically significantly improved dynamic and static balance, ability to walk backwards and to stand on one leg with eyes open and closed at the end of the study. However, no significant differences were found between the patients and the controls in any of the tests, in BMD or in the number of the falls. The thesis shows that, except for the falls in patients aged over 64 years, there were no significant differences between patients and controls with respect to BMD and other risk factors related to osteoporosis. Consequently, in patients aged 45-64 years and older, the underlying cause of a distal radius fracture is more related to falls than to osteoporosis. Furthermore, the thesis shows that the functional tests and the risk factor questionnaire seem to be of limited value for identifying 8 people with a radius fracture, who are at risk of falling or have osteopenia or osteoporosis. If, in spite of this, functional tests on musculoskeletal function are considered for testing of functional ability in patients with a recent radius fracture, the one leg-rise test may be sufficient. There seems to be an increased mortality and morbidity necessitating inpatient care among patients with a recent radius fracture. The osteoporosis school had no significant effect on BMD, balance, muscle strength or falls in this thesis. Therefore, the lack of proven efficacy of the osteoporosis school for the secondary prevention of distal radius fractures highlights the need for more and long-term randomised controlled follow-up studies in this specific population.

Cystic Fibrosis and Physical Activity : Total Energy Expenditure and Physical Activity Levels in Children and Adolescents with Cystic Fibrosis

Dahné, Tova, Filonova, Tatyana January 2012 (has links)
Aim: The aim with the current study was to examine the physical activity levels (PAL) in a group of children and adolescents with cystic fibrosis (CF) and compare PAL-values between boys and girls. Further, the aim was to look at the total energy expenditure (TEE) estimated with an activity diary and measured with the accelerometer and compare values between these two measurement methods. Method: The sample consisted of 29 children and adolescents diagnosed with CF where PAL and TEE was measured during a three-day registration with activity diary and the ActiCal© accelerometer. The data was analyzed with the Mann-Whitney U-test. Results: The results indicated that the girls had a slightly higher median PAL-value than the boys. In addition, the range between the lowest and highest PAL-value was larger among the boys. The lowest PAL-value was lower among the boys than among the girls and the highest value was similar to the girls’ highest PAL-value. Overall, the subjective estimation of the PAL-values were slightly higher than what was objectively measured by the accelerometer. There was a slight difference between TEE estimated with the activity diary compared to the TEE measured by the accelerometer. There was no significant difference in PAL-values between boys and girls. Conclusion: There was no significant difference in PAL-value between boys and girls and that there was a slight difference in TEE estimated with the activity diary and measured with the accelerometer. Both methods of data collection are reliable enough when used together to produce a valid estimation of CF- children’s activity levels and TEE. The fact that both PAL and TEE values were higher in the activity diary may be because the participants perceived a higher level of physical activity then what was objectively measured with the accelerometer.

iTrak : a social mobile diary and web blogging utility for travelers

Dao, Tung Thanh, active 2013 18 December 2013 (has links)
iTrak is a combined mobile and web application that takes advantage of the GPS to allow travelers to share their experience while travelling. The application gathers GPS data and broadcasts it via a web interface or social networks such as Facebook to update user’s status during a trip. iTrak is also equipped with other features such as writing notes or recording video journals to offer a rich experience and provide an interactive diary, along with a real-time tracking ability, for travelers. / text

Everyday mining : Exploring sequences in event-based data / Utforskning av sekvenser i händelsebaserade data

Vrotsou, Katerina January 2010 (has links)
Event-based data are encountered daily in many disciplines and are used for various purposes. They are collections of ordered sequences of events where each event has a start time and a duration. Examples of such data include medical records, internet surfing records, transaction records, industrial process or system control records, and activity diary data. This thesis is concerned with the exploration of event-based data, and in particular the identification and analysis of sequences within them. Sequences are interesting in this context since they enable the understanding of the evolving character of event data records over time. They can reveal trends, relationships and similarities across the data, allow for comparisons to be made within and between the records, and can also help predict forthcoming events.The presented work has researched methods for identifying and exploring such event-sequences which are based on modern visualization, interaction and data mining techniques. An interactive visualization environment that facilitates analysis and exploration of event-based data has been designed and developed, which permits a user to freely explore different aspects of this data and visually identify interesting features and trends. Visual data mining methods have been developed within this environment, that facilitate the automatic identification and exploration of interesting sequences as patterns. The first method makes use of a sequence mining algorithm that identifies sequences of events as patterns, in an iterative fashion, according to certain user-defined constraints. The resulting patterns can then be displayed and interactively explored by the user.The second method has been inspired by web-mining algorithms and the use of graph similarity. A tree-inspired visual exploration environment has been developed that allows a user to systematically and interactively explore interesting event-sequences.Having identified interesting sequences as patterns it becomes interesting to further explore how these are incorporated across the data and classify the records based on the similarities in the way these sequences are manifested within them. In the final method developed in this work, a set of similarity metrics has been identified for characterizing event-sequences, which are then used within a clustering algorithm in order to find similarly behavinggroups. The resulting clusters, as well as attributes of the clusteringparameters and data records, are displayed in a set of linked views allowing the user to interactively explore relationships within these. The research has been focused on the exploration of activity diary data for the study of individuals' time-use and has resulted in a powerful research tool facilitating understanding and thorough analysis of the complexity of everyday life.

Ubi Cogito, Ibi Sum: Paranoid Epistemology in Russian Fiction 1833-1907

Marquette, Scarlet Jacquelyn January 2013 (has links)
This dissertation addresses two questions fundamental to Russian nineteenth-century intellectual history: 1) Why does literature about paranoid psychosis figure so centrally in the nineteenth-century canon? and 2) How did the absence of an epistemological tradition of reflexive self-consciousness influence the development of Russian ideas of subjectivity? I propose that the presence of paranoia in Russian fiction extends beyond the medical or psychoanalytic aspects of character traits or themes. I argue that literary representations of paranoia perform fundamental philosophical gestures and function as "epistemological speech acts." Russian narratives of paranoia (e.g., Pushkin, Gogol, Dostoevsky, Chekhov, Garshin, Sologub) constitute a means of exploring the operations of a self-reflexive consciousness, familiar in the West through the Cartesian Cogito. In other words, the theme of paranoia in nineteenth-century Russian fiction actively responds to the regnant philosophical discourse and functions as a praxis for the exploration of philosophical questions. However, this is done in an alternative discourse to the propositional language generally favored in philosophical texts; as a result, the philosophical function of the fictions of paranoia has gone unrecognized, and the genre has been "exiled" from philosophical discourse. I argue that Russian texts of paranoid psychosis should be reconceived as venues for the play of the transcendental ego outside social or communal axes. Paranoia emerges as the Jakobsonian “dominant” within these texts, in that it is paranoia that engages with other narrative components and transforms them. Further, as prose fiction, these texts had the discursive and social capacity to resonate and divagate in ways impossible to philosophical texts. Ultimately, these narratives of paranoia are meta-epistemologies that interrogate their own discursive function and status. They raise critical questions not only about the ways in which we represent truth but about the ontological status of truth itself. / Slavic Languages and Literatures

Hur skattar överviktiga barn och tonåringar sin aktivitetsnivå? : En jämförelse mellan aktivitetsdagbok och accelerometer

Hemlin, Karolina, Henriksson, Anna January 2010 (has links)
Objective: This study aimed to investigate the correlation between physical activity level (PAL), measured with activity diary and accelerometer, among overweight and obese children and adolescents. The aim was also to study differences in PAL between girls and boys. Design: 55 children and adolescents, whom been subjected to a physical activity registration with a physical activity diary and accelerometer during three or four days, were included in this study. From the data received from the children’s journal records PAL was calculated and compiled for statistic analysis. Results: The results of the study showed that the children underestimated their physical activity level when measured with activity diary, in comparison with the physical activity level measured with accelerometer. Differences between girl and boys PAL values were not statistically significant, although the girls PAL values from the accelerometer, but not from the activity diary, reached a moderate activity level according to Nordic nutrition recommendation. No correlation between the activity diary and accelerometer was found. Conclusions: The Activity diary can not be used as solitary instrument to mesure physical activity in obese or overweight children. There is no validated way to measure physical activity in overweight or obese children. Before studies can be conducted with reliable results, physical activity level scales and calculated BMR must be designed for overweight and obese children.

Pasakojanti moteris karo dienoraščiuose / Story-Telling Woman in War Diaries

Špakauskaitė, Rūta 27 June 2013 (has links)
Karo metais moterų rašytų dienoraščių lietuvių literatūroje nėra daug. Jau nuo seno įprasta, kad vyrų kūriniams skiriama daugiau dėmesio, tačiau moteriškoji karo patirtis atskleidžiama tokių rašytojų kaip: Gabrielė Petkevičaitė-Bitė, Ana Frank, Marta Hillers, Julija Maceinienė. Žanrinėmis ypatybėmis dienoraštis yra panašus į autobiografiją, tačiau jame fiksuojami praėjusios dienos įvykiai, nesiekiama gręžtis į praeitį. Dienoraštis – tai datuoti užrašai, fiksuojantys dienos, savaitės ar kitokio laikotarpio atsiminimus, atskleidžiantis pasakojančio žmogaus jausmus, emocijas, išgyvenimus. Šio darbo objektas –pasakojančios moterys Anonimės, Gabrielės Petkevičaitės-Bitės, Anos Frank ir Julijos Maceinienės karo metais rašytuose dienoraščiuose. Dienoraštį, kaip žanrą yra nagrinėję šie literatūrologai: Daujotytė, Kubilius ir Glinskis. Darbos tikslas – remiantis semantine-strukturine analize išnagrinėti moters ir adresato santykį, moterų patirtį karo metais, karo „aukų“ vaizdavimą ir santykius su jais Anos Frank, Martos Hillers, Julijos Maceinienės ir Gabrielės Petkevičaitės Bitės dienoraščiuose. Pagal Phillipe Lejeune išskirtas dienoraščio funkcijas Anos Frank, Martos Hillers, Julijos Maceinienės ir Gabrielės Petkevičaitės-Bitės dienoraščiai atlieka išsakymo, aprašymo ir atsiminimų funkcijas, kurios karo metų dienoraščiuose yra susipinusios tarpusavyje. Dienoraščiuose pasakojančios moterys taikliai ir šališkai vertina karo padarinius Svarbu, kaip jos objektyviai sugeba perteikti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Department of History and Theory of Literature. There are only few diaries in Lithuanian literature written by women during war times. From the old times it was usual that the main attention is paid to the literature written by men, though women’s experience in war was revealed by such writers as Gabrielė Petkevičaitė-Bitė, Ana Frank, Marta Hillers, Julija Maceinė. The features of the genre reveal that diary is very similar to the autobiography, however in the diary are fixed the events of the previous day, and the writer is not intended to look into the past. Diary is the dated sketchbook, which fixates the memories of a day, week or other period of time, and they reveal the narrator’s feelings, emotions, and experience. In the war time diaries the link of history and documentation is very important, as it is full of historical testimony, descriptions of what happened, and the secondary attention is paid to the personal experience. The object of the present research is the story-telling women such as Gabrielė Petkevičaitė-Bitė, Julija Maceinienė, Marta Hillers and Ana Frank in war time diaries. The scientists that discussed the diary as a genre are Daujotytė, Kubilius, Glinskis. The aim of this research is to analyze woman’s and addressee’s relation, women’s experience during war, war “victim’s” image and relation with them in Ana Frank, Marta Hiller, Julija Maceinienė and Gabrielė Petkevičaitė-Bitė diaries by using semantic-structural analysis. According to Phillipe Lejeune... [to full text]

Stoffwechseluntersuchungen bei klinisch gesunden Kühen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der wasser- und fettlöslichen Antioxidantien.

Gieseler, Jörn 28 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Zusammenfassung Jörn Gieseler Stoffwechseluntersuchungen bei klinisch gesunden Kühen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der wasserlöslichen und fettlöslichen Antioxidantien. Medizinische Tierklinik, Veterinärmedizinische Fakultät, Universität Leipzig. Eingereicht im Oktober 2010. 97 Seiten; 25 Abbildungen; 11 Tabellen; 351 Literaturangaben; Schlüsselwörter: Rind, Stoffwechsel, wasserlösliche Antioxidantien, lipidlösliche Antioxidantien. Die Gesundheit und Leistung von Milchkühen sind an einen stabilen Stoffwechsel gebunden. Abweichungen in der Nährstoffversorgung, im Intermediärstoffwechsel sowie seitens der Umweltbedingungen wirken sich belastend auf den Stoffwechsel und damit auf die Gesundheit des betroffenen Organismus aus. Mit gezielten Untersuchungen, z.B. Blutuntersuchungen, kann kontrolliert werden, ob der Stoffwechsel physiologisch oder durch Imbalancen belastet oder gar gestört ist. Ziel der Untersuchung war es, die Aktivität der Glutathionperoxidase sowie die Konzentrationen der wasser- und fettlöslichen Antioxidantien im Blut von klinisch gesunden Kühen zu ermitteln, in Stoffwechseluntersuchungen mit einzubeziehen sowie den Einfluss von Laktation und Jahreszeit auf die o.g. Parameter zu prüfen. Versuchsanordnung: Insgesamt wurden bei 85 SB/HF-Kühen (7990 kg fettkorrigierte Milch/Jahr) folgende zwei Gruppen analysiert: Gruppe 1: Zur Kontrolle des Laktationsverlaufes wurden 10 Kühe zum Zeitpunkt der 4. - 5. Woche ante partum (ap), 1. Woche ap, 1 - 2 Wochen post partum (pp), 4 Wochen pp und 8 - 12 Wochen pp untersucht. Gruppe 2: Im Verlaufe eines Jahres wurden im Abstand von 6 Wochen jeweils 10 gesunde Kühe, die sich alle in der 2. - 4. Woche post partum (pp) befanden, untersucht. Stall- und Außentemperaturen wurden dabei berücksichtigt. Die Tiere der beiden Gruppen wurden nach der klinischen Untersuchung weiter chemisch auf folgende Parameter getestet: Glutathionperoxidase (GPX), wasserlöslichen Antioxidantien (ACW), fettlösliche Antioxidantien (ACL), ß-Hydroxybutyrat (BHB), Cholesterol (Chol), Bilirubin (Bili), Glutamat-Dehydrogenase (GLDH), Aspartat Amino Transferase (AST), Creatinkinase (CK), Albumin (Alb), Harnstoff (Hast), Calcium (Ca), anorganisches Phosphat (Pi) und Chlorid (Cl). Durch eine Rationsberechnung wurde die Fütterung in die Untersuchung mit einbezogen. Ergebnisse: Die Ergebnisse der peripartalen Stoffwechseluntersuchungen zeigen einen Anstieg der wasserlöslichen Antioxidantien (ACW) bis zur 4. Woche pp (p < 0,05). Ab 8 Wochen pp sinken die Konzentrationen wieder ab. Im Gegensatz dazu zeigt die Glutathionperoxidase (GPX) ihre höchste Aktivität bei den Trockenstehern. Es folgt eine starke Abnahme der Aktivität bis zur 4. Woche pp (p < 0,05) und ein Anstieg ab der 8. Woche pp (p < 0,05). Die Korrelation zwischen der Konzentration der ACW und der Aktivität der GPX verhält sich signifikant negativ. Die höchsten Konzentrationen der ACL liegen im Zeitraum des Trockenstehens, die niedrigste Konzentration 1. Woche ap - 4. Woche pp (p < 0,05). Ab 8 - 12 Wochen pp steigen die Konzentrationen der ACL wieder an. Die Stoffwechselparameter Harnstoff, Bilirubin, Cholesterol und BHB unterliegen Schwankungen über den gesamten Laktationsverlauf. Die AST-Aktivität erreicht ihren Höchststand 1-2 Wochen pp und liegt nur in dieser Zeit außerhalb der Toleranzgrenze. Die Albumin- und Pi-Konzentrationen sowie die CK-Aktivitäten bleiben im Laktationsverlauf konstant. Die Cl-Konzentration liegt in der 1. - 12. Woche pp unterhalb der physiologischen Grenze. Die Ergebnisse der Stoffwechseluntersuchungen im Jahresverlauf zeigen einen kontinuierlichen Anstieg der ACW von Februar an, mit Höchstwerten im April und August (p < 0,05). Danach erfolgt ein kontinuierlicher Abfall der Werte bis zum Dezember. Die GPX zeigt eine generelle Verminderung ihrer Aktivität von Februar bis August (p < 0,05), um dann im Oktober wieder anzusteigen. Ihre Höchstwerte liegen im Januar und Dezember. Die Aktivität der GPX und die Konzentrationen der ACW korrelieren sowohl im Jahresverlauf als auch im Laktationsverlauf signifikant negativ. Die Konzentrationen der ACL unterliegen im Jahresverlauf Schwankungen. Dennoch korrelieren sie mit den Konzentrationen der GPX signifikant positiv. Die Harnstoff- und BHB-Konzentrationen sowie die Aktivität der CK liegen im gesamten Jahresverlauf innerhalb der physiologischen Grenzen. Die CK-Aktivität erreicht, zusammen mit der Albuminkonzentration, ihre Höchstwerte im Mai. Die Albuminkonzentrationen unterliegen mit dem Bilirubin im Jahresverlauf relativen Schwankungen. Das Bilirubin hat seine niedrigste Konzentration im Dezember und Januar bzw. seine höchsten Konzentrationen im Juli und August. Die Aktivität der AST zeigt einen gleichmäßigen Anstieg in den Sommermonaten. Ihre niedrigsten Aktivitäten liegen im Dezember und Januar. Die Cholesterolkonzentration sowie die Aktivität der AP sinken im Sommer ab. Cholesterol hat seine höchsten Konzentrationen im Dezember und Januar. Schlussfolgerung: Schwankungen von Stoffwechselparametern im Jahres- und Laktationsverlauf betreffen vor allem die Antioxidantien. Deshalb können sowohl die in dieser Arbeit untersuchten Antioxidantien, als auch die anderen Stoffwechselparameter zur Beobachtung und Diagnostik von Stoffwechselbelastungen rund um die Kalbung sowie im Jahresverlauf zur Herdenkontrolle herangezogen werden. Die Referenzbereiche betragen für die ACW 12 bis 142 µmol/l und für ACL 1 bis 45 µmol/l.

Between Convent Chores and Mystical Raptures: The Spiritual Diary of Ursula de Jesus (Lima, Seventeenth Century) / Entre quehaceres conventuales y arrebatos místicos: el Diario Espiritual de Úrsula de Jesús (Lima, siglo XVII)

Pignano Bravo, Giovanna 12 April 2018 (has links)
The present article studies the case of the black donada Ursula de Jesus (Lima, 1604-1666), whose exceptional religiosity was described by a Franciscan friar and nun, both anonymous. She spent the greater part of her life inside the convent of Santa Clara, which she entered as the slave of a nun of the black veil. Later she obtained her liberty and, supported by certain nuns, entered as a donada. She went on to write a Spiritual Diary in which she described her everyday life in the convent and the vicissitudes of her spirituality. While we know of other Afro-descendants who were recognized for their piety, we know them only through the dominant discourse that shaped their individual experiences to make them fit the models of Western sanctity. In this case, it is the opposite: the Spiritual Diary allows us to hear the voice of an Afro-descended woman. Through an analysis of the Spiritual Diary, written between 1650 and 1661 and published in Lima in 2004, this article studies the identity that Ursula de Jesus constructs in her text, which reinterprets the reigning Catholic dogma and constructs a Black mystical spirituality. / El presente artículo estudia el caso de la donada negra Úrsula de Jesús (Lima, 1604-1666), cuya excepcional religiosidad ha sido retratada por un franciscano y una clarisa anónimos. Ella vivió la mayor parte de su vida al interior del monasterio de Santa Clara, al cual ingresó como esclava de una monja de velo negro. Posteriormente, consiguió su libertad y, apoyada por algunas monjas, profesó como donada y, además, escribió un Diario Espiritual en el que contó su vida cotidiana en el monasterio y las vicisitudes de su espiritualidad. Si bien se tiene conocimiento de otros afrodescendientes que fueron reconocidos por su piedad católica, solo los conocemos a través del discurso dominante que moldeó sus particulares experiencias espirituales para hacerlas calzar con los modelos de santidad occidentales. En este caso, sucede lo contrario: el Diario Espiritual nos permite oír la voz de una mujer afrodescendiente. Por ello, por medio del análisis de su Diario Espiritual, escrito entre 1650 y 1661, y publicado en Lima en el 2004, este artículo estudiará la identidad que construye Úrsula de Jesús en su texto, la cual reinterpreta el dogma católico imperante y construye una espiritualidad mística negra.

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