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Religionslärares didaktiska reflektioner : om livsfrågor och populärkultur i undervisningenHagman, Hampus, Kraft, Niklas January 2014 (has links)
This paper aims to describe how religion teachers in Swedish schools teach concerning questions about life issues and popular culture. To research the teachers' didactic approach to these issues, didactics has been defined with three educational questions: what, how and why. The essay focuses on teachers' effective implementation of teaching on life issues and popular culture, which we used a theory of offering meaningfulness describing what subject matter that may be imparted to the students. An offer of meaningfulness can be pursued and can be made visible in the context of what and how performs the teaching and also in the context where the teacher planned the teaching elements. The method that the paper has used is the interviews of four different active religious educators in Stockholm and Uppsala area. These interviews were conducted at every teacher’s workplace. The interviews were recorded and we used a semi- structured interview guide, which has been created to ensure that the important issues for the survey answered. The results show that religion teachers are experiencing a shortage of time, when planning the teaching elements of life issues teaching on life issues and popular culture. The results also show that when students receive instructions in the subjects concerning life issues and popular culture, it is usually in relation to the other world religions. In the discussion, our results were partially consistent with previous studies in the field of life issues and popular culture. The interviewed teachers created different offer of meaningfulness that the students could impart in their creation of answers to the questions of life.
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The development of George Eliot's ethical and social theories ...Euwema, Ben, January 1936 (has links)
Part of Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Chicago, 1934. / Photolithographed. "Private edition, distributed by the University of Chicago libraries."
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Der Exempelgebrauch in der Sangspruchdichtung vom späten 12. Jahrhundert bis zum Anfang des 14. JahrhundertsYao, Shao-Ji January 2006 (has links)
Zugl.: Tübingen, Univ., Diss., 2005
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The morality motive in contemporary English dramaBarley, Joseph Wayne. January 1912 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Pennsylvania.
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Horror ac divina voluptas études sur la poétique et la poésie de LucrèceSchrijvers, P. H. January 1970 (has links)
Thesis--Amsterdam. / Cover title: Lucrèce. Bibliography: p. 341-352.
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Horror ac divina voluptas études sur la poétique et la poésie de LucrèceSchrijvers, P. H. January 1970 (has links)
Thesis--Amsterdam. / Cover title: Lucrèce. Bibliography: p. 341-352.
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The sacra Idulia in Ovid's Fasti a study of Ovid's credibility in regard to the place and the victim of this sacrifice,Wright, Horace Wetherill, January 1917 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Pennsylvania, 1917. / "Selected bibliography": p. 7-8.
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The sacra Idulia in Ovid's Fasti a study of Ovid's credibility in regard to the place and the victim of this sacrifice,Wright, Horace Wetherill, January 1917 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Pennsylvania, 1917. / "Selected bibliography": p. 7-8.
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Barnet eller ämnet? : Lärarstudenters preferenser av didaktiska val vid naturvetenskaplig undervisning i förskolanKlaar, Susanne January 2007 (has links)
<p>Teaching in pre-school usually takes its starting-point in children’s reality and curiosity. Apart from that it has also been important to take contains of a special subject under consideration, for example development of language and communication or mathematics development. The purpose of this study was to investigate how natural science as a special subject in pre-school education is expressed by five trainee teachers when they teach children at the age of 2-7. Generally the study focuses on the students’ teaching actions as well as their line of argument about their teaching and the choices they have to make. More specific the study focuses on the goal and important perspectives in young children’s natural science education, from the students’ point of view. Observations and interviews were carried through during the students’ last period of practical training in five different pre-schools. Natural science as a subject was predetermined but the students were free to choose any contain within the subject. The study is inspired by hermeneutic research, mainly in the procedure of analyzing the students’ expressions and statements.</p><p>The results show that the trainee teachers have different goals with their science teaching. The purposes for individual learning focus on the subject, the individual child and/or the society in a more wide perspective. The students also have purposes for the pre-school activity which they express as taking the starting point in children’s experiences, interest, specific conditions and letting the children have fun during learning. The two perspectives “The Child or the Subject” became of special interest. The trainee teachers made their teaching choices from the child’s point of view and also from the natural science subject. These perspectives were used in a mix by the students, and even if their first focus was at the subject they immediately took the child’s interest under consideration.</p> / <p>Undervisning i förskolan utgår av tradition från barnens verklighet och nyfikenhet. Under de senare åren har undervisningen också kommit att fokusera på innehållet. Syftet med föreliggande kvalitativa studie var att undersöka hur naturvetenskap i ett didaktiskt perspektiv kommer till uttryck när fem lärarstudenter undervisar barn i åldrar 2-7 år, och efteråt resonerar kring undervisningen. Intressant var vilka mål de hade samt vilka perspektiv som blev viktiga att utgå ifrån i undervisningen. Observationer och intervjuer genomfördes under studenternas sista verksamhetsförlagda utbildning (termin 7), då de undervisade kring något eget valt naturvetenskapligt innehåll. Deltagarna har alla läst inriktningen ”lärande i tidiga åldrar” och får behörighet att undervisa barn i förskolan och grundskolans första år. Studien är inspirerad av den hermeneutiska forskningsansatsen, och genom ett analysförfarande som bygger på tolkning av deltagarnas uttryck och utsagor har skilda mål och perspektivval vuxit fram ur datamaterialet.</p><p>Resultatet visar att de val deltagarna gör kan vara riktade mot individuella lärandemål utifrån tre perspektiv. Målen kan vara ämnesfokuserade, individfokuserade eller samhällsfokuserade. Valen kan också vara riktade mot mål för verksamheten och då innebära att det måste vara roligt, undervisningen måste utgå från barnets intresse och förutsättningar samt från barns erfarenheter. Även om verksamhetsmålen verkar samstämmiga har de ibland skilda innebörder för studenterna. Det är tydligt att lärarstudenternas undervisning utgår både från barnet och från ämnet. Resultatet belyser hur lärarstudenterna förutom de naturvetenskapliga målen också har mål som är mer allmänna, till exempel tematiskt, ämnesövergripande och värdemål som att vänta på sin tur och att visa hänsyn. I studien kallas detta för ämnesdidaktisk respektive allmändidaktisk preferens. Resultatet visar inte på preferenser som kan knytas till personer. Det visar sig att även om ämnet ibland har första preferens så tas det direkt hänsyn till de individer som skall undervisas. Det förekommer inte vid något tillfälle att studenterna både planerat och genomfört utan att ta hänsyn till de barn eller den barngrupp de undervisar.</p><p>I diskussionen belyses bland annat resultatet ur ett styrdokumentsperspektiv samt vilka konsekvenser resultatet kan få för lärarutbildningen.</p>
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Digitalt skrivande i gymnasieskolans svenskundervisning : en ämnesdidaktisk studie av skrivprocessenNordmark, Marie January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to investigate the writing process in the teaching of the subject of Swedish at upper secondary school. This study analyses the relations between the pupils’ writing and the school environment in which the writing takes place and how the pupils position themselves and others in relation to their use of digital artefacts and norms in the classroom. The empirical material has been created in three classes at two different schools. The data consists of participant observations of 42 lessons, all of which were video recorded using two cameras, and audio recorded semi-structured interviews with 24 pupils and 3 teachers. Theoretically, the study is based on sociocultural perspectives on literacy and learning and a multimodal social semiotic understanding of meaning-making based on an interest in the use of resources that constitute meaning in the social environment. From an ecological perspective, writing is examined as discourses in which the participants and the environment interact. Analytic concepts are used by inspiration from Kress et al (2005) and Smidt (2002). The figure “Writing roles in fields of tension” has been constructed to illustrate the students’ writing roles and positioning's in the empirical material. The results show that the shift from paper and pen to computer and screen means more than a shift change in the use of artefacts. The teaching of digital writing has a point of departure as a project in communication. In multimodal environments, pupils are often left without access to a teacher due to the layout of the room. This leads to positioning in roles, such as help seeker and helper. The classrooms are characterised by the constant presence of social media and its demands on students’ attention. Earlier generations of writing processes emphasised the importance of prewriting, drafting and revision in stages. In the digital writing process these stages are lacking. In this context, the digital writing process can be understood as a “fourth generation process” consisting of writing, saving and sending. The fourth generation of writing process stresses on the writing at a micro- rather than macro level. The word processing functions of spelling and grammar offer clickable solutions to problems, but cannot be considered as tools for learning. In the digital classroom pupils are vulnerable, left to their own resources and have difficulties in handling complex assignments.
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